Arise o Youth, Destiny is Yours (No SV, Welcome to the MCU)

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Reward: Hans Oster has retired.

Johan has won and is now no longer wanted by Europe.

He is now considered an asset by Germany.
Excuse me?

I know extrajudicial killings are icky and whatever, but surely offing a nazi is a public service to humanity. Really, Erik wouldn't even mind lending a hand here, would he?
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Excuse me?

I know extrajudicial killings are icky and whatever, but surely offing a nazi is a public service to humanity. Really, Erik wouldn't even mind lending a hand here, would he?
Unfortunatly, much like in OTL, having a nazi on the payroll, unfortunately, means that you can get away with things.

Plus as much as Johan is a basterd, he is a useful and skilled one that the german government sees as an asset.

Now there shall be a simple delima coming up.

Germany or your own people.
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Unfortunatly, much like in OTL, having a nazi on the payroll, unfortunately, means that you can get away with things.

Plus as much as Johan is a basterd, he is a useful and skilled one that the german government sees as an asset.

Now there shall be a simple delima coming up.

Germany or your own people.

Sorry, but a Germany that tolerates Nazis is not a Germany worth swearing allegiance to. I'm not jewish or even from Europe, but Nazis are at least as bad as the Imperial Japanese and I know how I feel about the latter. That's to say, the only good one, is a dead one.

There's not a lot I like about Israel, but their whole 'hunt down escaped Nazis and give them the un-life-ning treatment' schtick during the Cold War is one of the very, very few things I think they were completely in the right in.
I'm not saying they are right, nor that they're doing the moral thing.

Unfortunately they are doing the thing that gives them the best short term benefit.

And despite our thing: we have no control over our government.

Since we never used our influence
The Rumor Mill (1950)

D100 + 10 => 99 #Germany

D500 => 462 #Future Corporations profits for 1949

It was a miracle, that was what all the international observers stated it was, as Germany, for the first time in years, roared to life at a pre-war level, with smart strategic investments and rebuilding projects…

The people are alive and no longer fear the potential for poverty, and for their futures. The men who survived are happy to be alive.

The soldiers, the men who now, above all, seek redemption, know one thing.

The Fatherland has returned to health, not through Hitler's Promises, but a refutation of his madness and ideals.

Perhaps in the end, it was the German people who were strong, not the Nazis and not Hitler.

And they would forever be free.

And among the most profitable corporations, is Future Corporations, a pharmaceutical company that invented a fertility drug and among the few remaining Jewish businesses that remained in Germany.

A fact not lost on anyone.

Reward: Germany has returned, and has had a miracle, mostly on the back of Future Corporation's insane profit margins.

See? I told everyone that Viagra was the ideal first project... Now besides being filthy rich, we are beloved by most men around the world, and also for many women who seem to be extremely happy with its effects on their sex life...
The German government wishes to thank you.

The Israeli government wishes to recruit you.
Well, that is a very logical thing to do for both governments... But I wonder what Israel wants from us (I mean besides the obvious...)
Soviet Union:D100 => 6

Gregory Zhukov has stepped down from his post as Head of the Soviet Union.

The Power struggle has begun, as all factions wish to have the ear, and blessing of the Hero Zhukov.

Who wins:D100 => 96

Nikita Khrushchev, an up-and-coming member of the presidium, has become head of the Soviet Union.
Dammit, dude, what has happened here?! What has forced Zhukov to step down?

Well, at least Khrushchev is a pretty reasonable politician...
Erik:D100 => 81
Magda:D100 => 26

It was a quiet night when she saw the spots.

And Erik Lansharr believed his wife was going to die.

It was not a truly interesting thing, but his wife was sick, and he feared that for the second time in his life, he would be left alone.

But she was not, for she smiled, and survived the Small Pox.

Reward: Magada Lansharr survived a case of smallpox.

She is okay and recovering.
It is so easy to forget that smallpox killed 300 million people in the 20th Century alone, even if 100 years of vaccination had already dramatically reduced the number of deaths caused by it.
Anya Lansharr: What are her powers?:D1000 => 979

No one knows this yet, but Anya Lansharr can see things.

Fabrics, lines…

Reality itself. All she needs to do, is pull them, and she can hear pretty songs.
Welcome Scarlet Witch... That of the female equivalent of Franklin Richards...

I wonder how long util Apocalypse try to recruit her...
Hans Oster:D100 => 14
Johan Liebert:D100 => 42

"You know, when I expected you to be a fool, and hire me to rescue your son, I wasn't expecting him to be so… idiotic?"

"It matters little now, I'm no longer head of intelligence. And that means there is no point in continuing to play this game." He replied.

"Yes, but the game must be played. Now tell me this… my name is stricken from the record, as we agreed, and I am a free man. No longer bound by the stigma of nazism?"

"It will take more to clean the blackness of your soul."

"Perhaps, but God is the one who will judge me, not you."

Reward: Hans Oster has retired.

Johan has won and is now no longer wanted by Europe.

He is now considered an asset by Germany.
Dammit, Dad... Don't give our Arch Enemy a head start!!!
Charles Xavier:D100 => 65

Charles continues his schooling and his research.

Nothing really happened.
Well, seeing some of the shit that Xavier and the X-Men will have to deal with in the near future, I am pretty sure that soon he is going to remember these uneventful and boring years with lots of nostalgia...
Raven Darkholme: D100 => 100

You smiled again, and this time allowed yourself to feel true joy. In less than a year you had become a sex symbol. And there were Hollywood producers that were waging a law war on getting your contract.

But beneath all that, you had taken up a lot of… extracurricular activities. There was this one dojo that was helping you learn how to fight with your hands and body, and there was this one friend from Canada, some ex Howling Commando who was teaching you how to be some kind of… well special operator.

They didn't know it was actually you, but details.

But in the end, you were learning and learning well.

Reward: Raven is beginning to become highly skilled in acting, linguistics, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat.
Well, it is great to see Raven rich, famous, and beloved... And on her way to becoming the best secret agent in the world...

By the way, how long until she starts making films in which she is the whole cast, alongside the make-up, and costume departments?

Kind of like this, but without the cringe...
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Sorry, but a Germany that tolerates Nazis is not a Germany worth swearing allegiance to. I'm not jewish or even from Europe, but Nazis are at least as bad as the Imperial Japanese and I know how I feel about the latter. That's to say, the only good one, is a dead one.

There's not a lot I like about Israel, but their whole 'hunt down escaped Nazis and give them the un-life-ning treatment' schtick during the Cold War is one of the very, very few things I think they were completely in the right in.
Ah, but those were fugitive nazi criminals that were escaping from justice.
This is a case like Werner Von Braun, a designer of nazi weapons of mass destruction that was tolerated, rehabilitated and protected by the USA because he was useful.
Ah, but those were fugitive nazi criminals that were escaping from justice.
This is a case like Werner Von Braun, a designer of nazi weapons of mass destruction that was tolerated, rehabilitated and protected by the USA because he was useful.
No, this is less von Braun and more Skorzeny. Both deserved a hangman's noose. Neither received it.

And I completely understand the rationale behind the decision. It's just that I don't think there's a single Holocaust survivor that'll go "oh yeah letting that nazi off scot-free is a-okay with me". At the very least, we're yeeting money to all the nazi hunters.
No, this is less von Braun and more Skorzeny. Both deserved a hangman's noose. Neither received it.

And I completely understand the rationale behind the decision. It's just that I don't think there's a single Holocaust survivor that'll go "oh yeah letting that nazi off scot-free is a-okay with me". At the very least, we're yeeting money to all the nazi hunters.
I don't particularly like to defend a Nazi, but Skorzeny was judged and declared innocent of all charges for a pretty good reason...

I mean if he would have been hanged for the war crimes he was formally accused (using American uniforms to infiltrate behind the allied lines) that would have set up a precedent which could have given a lot of trouble to many American and British commandos which committed the exactly same crime he was accused of...

The same thing happened with quite a few German and Japanese generals, admirals, and commanders which were tried after the War... If you execute them for warcrimes that you have also committed, that would have been quite problematic in the long run for the Allies.

No we send Erik...much cheaper.

And MUCH more managable.
To be honest, we already have more money that we would be able to spend in our extremely long lifetime... And that will exponentially increase once we create the female viagra, the cure for alopecia, and the combination of viagra with oral contraceptives...

So if the Israeli Government needs some money (building a country is expensive) or the Mossad needs some untraceable funds for their operations, I think we should give them the money.

And as awesome as Erik is, he can only be in one place at once...
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But Magneto...Nazi Hunter, that's like the best scene in First Class.
Yeah, but we cannot have him go full time Nazi Hunter...

It's is an occupation which requires too much traveling, and I think he would want to be involved in raising her adorable and terrifyingly powerful daughter

And that without mentioning that he almost lost the love of his life quite recently, I am pretty sure that Erik would not want to leave Magda and Anya side in months...
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And I completely understand the rationale behind the decision. It's just that I don't think there's a single Holocaust survivor that'll go "oh yeah letting that nazi off scot-free is a-okay with me". At the very least, we're yeeting money to all the nazi hunters.

My point is more like, for cases like these, the nazi hunters CANNOT abduct they target and take them to Israel or a neutral country to put them on trial, because they have already been legally cleared and no country would accept the diplomatic fallout from that.
Arranging for them to deniably have a tragic accident or dying in a random mugging is a whole other story though.
I mean, does luck manipulation fall in Sun's abilities? At the very least some bad luck curse that annoys someone to death.
To be honest, we already have more money that we would be able to spend in our extremely long lifetime... And that will exponentially increase once we create the female viagra, the cure for alopecia, and the combination of viagra with oral contraceptives...

So if the Israeli Government needs some money (building a country is expensive) or the Mossad needs some untraceable funds for their operations, I think we should give them the money.

And as awesome as Erik is, he can only be in one place at once...
Feels like it should be pointed out that we don't IC know about the Johan thing and based on out of character reactions Levi's dad would be pretty justified in not telling him to avoid doing anything rash. Yeah to be sure Nazi's are bad but assassinating people outside the law is really not something we should be getting involved in for numerous reasons including political ones. Even Isrel is unlikely to start bumping off former Nazis that are outright working for government agencies because they'd rather avoid that shit storm.
Feels like it should be pointed out that we don't IC know about the Johan thing and based on out of character reactions Levi's dad would be pretty justified in not telling him to avoid doing anything rash. Yeah to be sure Nazi's are bad but assassinating people outside the law is really not something we should be getting involved in for numerous reasons including political ones. Even Isrel is unlikely to start bumping off former Nazis that are outright working for government agencies because they'd rather avoid that shit storm.
I agree with you... But I was not arguing about that here, and I have not mentioned Johan here either.

I was only saying that if Israel or the Mossad want to recruit us for the most obvious reason (they need resources and we are one of the richest men on Earth, besides being Jewish and a holocaust survivor gives us a great motivation to work with them)... Then we should give them the money... I mean we have earned almost a billion marks in just a couple of years, and that income is only going to grow as we develop new drugs... And these are 1950s marks, adjusted to the inflation of the present we have earned 5-6 billion marks in a couple of years...
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See? I told everyone that Viagra was the ideal first project... Now besides being filthy rich, we are beloved by most men around the world, and also for many women who seem to be extremely happy with its effects on their sex life...
Well I will say this: Try and diversify, as those profits, while remaining steady will not survive what may come.

Esspecially with the place getting good.
Well, that is a very logical thing to do for both governments... But I wonder what Israel wants from us (I mean besides the obvious...)
Well, Israel has a problem.

That problem being, lots of... well lets be honest, they want all that money and sweet sweet income.
Dammit, dude, what has happened here?! What has forced Zhukov to step down?
Comrade Zhukov either had to step down and fight another brutal civil war.

He decided that stepping down would be preferable, to the cabal ruling the union right now.
It is so easy to forget that smallpox killed 300 million people in the 20th Century alone, even if 100 years of vaccination had already dramatically reduced the number of deaths caused by it.
I didn't.

And I wanted to remind you of that.
Welcome Scarlet Witch... That of the female equivalent of Franklin Richards...

I wonder how long util Apocalypse try to recruit her...
Remember when I said strings of music.

Give that girl a guitar, or musical instrument, and then the world will see what she can do.
Dammit, Dad... Don't give our Arch Enemy a head start!!!
Dad did the best he could, and considering what he promised... Johan getting pardoned is perhaps the least damaging thing he could have done.
Well, seeing some of the shit that Xavier and the X-Men will have to deal with in the near future, I am pretty sure that soon he is going to remember these uneventful and boring years with lots of nostalgia...
Well, it is great to see Raven rich, famous, and beloved... And on her way to becoming the best secret agent in the world...

By the way, how long until she starts making films in which she is the whole cast, alongside the make-up, and costume departments?

Kind of like this, but without the cringe...
Soon. Perhaps very soon. As she might decide that doing modeling photos are not exciting enough.

Plus, Henrich in character has a crush on her. and he's going through puberty... with the Monkey king deciding to chime in...

You can see where this is going.
Sounds like a Jim Jaspers or Jamie Braddock package. That can be very good or very bad...
Try more music...
Ah, but those were fugitive nazi criminals that were escaping from justice.
This is a case like Werner Von Braun, a designer of nazi weapons of mass destruction that was tolerated, rehabilitated and protected by the USA because he was useful.
I would argue this case is less like Von Braun, and more a case of...

I don't particularly like to defend a Nazi, but Skorzeny was judged and declared innocent of all charges for a pretty good reason...

I mean if he would have been hanged for the war crimes he was formally accused (using American uniforms to infiltrate behind the allied lines) that would have set up a precedent which could have given a lot of trouble to many American and British commandos which committed the exactly same crime he was accused of...

The same thing happened with quite a few German and Japanese generals, admirals, and commanders which were tried after the War... If you execute them for warcrimes that you have also committed, that would have been quite problematic in the long run for the Allies.
But there is one problem with that argument.

Johan wasn't tried in a court of law, he was pardoned by his Government, knowing full well he was a Nazi, and committed War crimes because it is convenient for them to have an asset like that.
To be honest, we already have more money that we would be able to spend in our extremely long lifetime... And that will exponentially increase once we create the female viagra, the cure for alopecia, and the combination of viagra with oral contraceptives...

So if the Israeli Government needs some money (building a country is expensive) or the Mossad needs some untraceable funds for their operations, I think we should give them the money.
They want lots of money.
It's is an occupation which requires too much traveling, and I think he would want to be involved in raising her adorable and terrifyingly powerful daughter

And that without mentioning that he almost lost the love of his life quite recently, I am pretty sure that Erok would not want to leave Magda and Anya side in months...
Magneto will not be going nazi hunting for a while.

If he was, something horrible might have gone wrong.
My point is more like, for cases like these, the nazi hunters CANNOT abduct they target and take them to Israel or a neutral country to put them on trial, because they have already been legally cleared and no country would accept the diplomatic fallout from that.
Arranging for them to deniably have a tragic accident or dying in a random mugging is a whole other story though.
Not yet at least.

Israel is not really in the mood to ruin their already bad reputation with extrajudicial bullshit yet. Not until Jews are threatened that is.
Feels like it should be pointed out that we don't IC know about the Johan thing and based on out of character reactions Levi's dad would be pretty justified in not telling him to avoid doing anything rash. Yeah to be sure Nazi's are bad but assassinating people outside the law is really not something we should be getting involved in for numerous reasons including political ones. Even Isrel is unlikely to start bumping off former Nazis that are outright working for government agencies because they'd rather avoid that shit storm.

As If I'm possibly planning an emotional moment where we confront our adoptive father for his betrayal, not only of our trust, but of everything he stood for.
I was only saying that if Israel or the Mossad want to recruit us for the most obvious reason (they need resources and we are one of the richest men on Earth, besides being Jewish and a holocaust survivor gives us a great motivation to work with them)... Then we should give them the money... I mean we have earned almost a billion marks in just a couple of years, and that income is only going to grow as we develop new drugs... And these are 1950s marks, adjusted to the inflation of the present we have earned 5-6 billion marks in a year...

We're in for good times ahead.
They would excommunicate him, call him a demon and never allow him into Israel.

Because they would not think he is human… as In not made in gods image.
Well if Israel in this universe tries to force us we have a card to play to stop it if we are inclined to. Though likely may not be worth it at this point since the stigma of being a mutant would hamper our long term goals.

Hypothetically if we invested heavily into Isral and had a major hand in building it up for years if not decades what would happen if they learned about it then? Especially if we became an Avenger level hero by then?
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Well if Israel in this universe tries to force us we have a card to play to stop it if we are inclined to. Though likely may not be worst it at this point since the stigma of being a mutant would hamper our long term goals
Let's just say being a public mutant would not help you at all.

At least until after the 80s.
Hypothetically if we invested heavily into Isral and had a major hand in building it up for years if not decades what would happen if they learned about it then?
They would… interpret things differently…

After all, they would not say no money.
Especially if we became an Avenger level hero by then?
They would offer a lot of things.

Remember this is the 50s not the 2000s we have plenty of time to change hearts and minds.
Voting is open