Home at Last
SV's Questing Fanatic
- Location
- California USA
- Pronouns
- He
Home at Last:
Erik was perplexed by the tail "You know that has got to be the dumbest story I've ever heard, and this is coming from you."
Sun snickered as he pointed at him. "You need to fire him, he is totally not fun to be around."
"And that is Sun Wukong?" He said, pointing to the floating monkey king, who was… not so quietly hacking at one of the walls like it was a punching bag.
"Yes." You said as the tail waved. "I really, really don't want to talk about it right now. I'm just very tired after all that's happened."
"Yes, well you're lucky, I searched for you for three months trying to find you, and damn near had my powers revealed when I ran into some man with a metal arm, trying to kill me." He replied. "He wasn't very hard to stop, but the point remains. You got yourself into trouble, and I wasn't there."
"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but even then, your company has made a boatload of money, and we have to deal with the elephant in the room."
"The fact I don't look fully… human anymore?" You asked.
"No, we can explain that away with you doing experiments on yourself, everyone will believe that. No, the problem is, our homeland is begging us to… move headquarters to Israel."
"Why? No offense to them, they do not have the infrastructure that we require for having our industry move there, plus we're not exactly in the business of making enemies with everyone in the world right now."
"But it would be a good idea." He stated.
"We'll worry about it later." You said.
Future Corporations:
Owner/Proprietor: Henrich Oster.
Head of Security: Erik Lanshnerr.
Main Focus/Products: Pharmaceuticals.
Current Funds: 962 Million Deutsche Marks (Annually, this number can possibly go up even more.)
1,000,000 Deutsche Mark (Eriks Payment)
Morale in Company:
100: We have so much money that you don't even know what to do with it all.
Business Actions:
(Choose 4)
[]Expand Production (Efficiency): You have a problem. You are overworked and insanely exhausted, and you can never build a stockpile as you need to ship out every drug you make every week or you will not meet your own insane quotas. You need to find a way to make things better by doing less work.
[]Make Friends in Government: You have a monopoly. That is fine, due to the laws on the book not saying it's illegal, but you also know that donating to… various political groups can make things very… well for you.
[]Mossad Ops: So Israeli Intelligence needs money and promise to kill nazis… it's probably worth the money spent.
[]Investments At home: You want to give back to the community and Germany, after you've made so much money from the rest of the world.
[]Investments Abroad: There are places that need your investments, perhaps they can see the wealth. (Write in where to invest)
[]Expand into Other Fields: There are many things Future Corporations can expand into, perhaps you have an idea? (Write in what you like to do.)
[]Advertising for dummies: You need to get your name out onto the street. (Cost 100,000 Marks, will increase profit roll when you finally unleash a drug, a vaccine, or paper. Due to Wealth, will turn your d500 profit, into a d1000 profit. Although, please note, you will lose a significant sum to taxes)
[]Hire Employees: You need more hands-on-deck, preferably people who are loyal and not Nazis. (Cost 1,000,000 Marks. Due to Skills, and wealth, you will have high-quality staff.)
[]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 500,000 Marks. Lowers Threshold for more drugs. Gains a +30 to the roll. Increased Development, fun times ahead)
[]Contracts Galore: Your company is a startup, without any reputation. Perhaps it would be best to gain some contacts by being a middle man for a while.
[]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000,000 Marks) (Write in what vague idea you wish to start developing, like say, a flu vaccine, a malaria treatment, or something like that)
What do you do?:
(Choose 6)
[]The Sun of the Monkey King: You need to get ahead of the eventual media storm… so… you need a plan, preferably a good one that can not be used against you.
[]Learn to Fly: Wait, you can fly now? Or is it some sort of joke… what do you need to capture a cloud of something?
[]To Be or… Shut up Sun: Living with the Monkey King is… very stressful, but rewarding in its own way. Now if only he could stop snoring while you sleep.
[]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful (Write in Skill you wish to learn and line tail below)
[]Take a Day Off?: What's the worst thing that can happen on your day off?
[]Regrets and Remorse: Your Father has something to tell you?
[]Writing a Story: You feel the need to write, to create something beautiful.
[]Wander Berlin: You want to see the City, see the people, the places…Feel Something?
[]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.
[]Take up a Hobby: You wish to have something to spend some leisure time. (Write in the Hobby you wish to learn and line tail below)
[]Look for your Family: You are going to find your parents. And you will bring them to justice.
[]Leave Berlin: You are going to leave this place, go someplace else? Have fun, perhaps? (Linetail Where you wish to go for a vacation)
[]The Life and Times of Logan: So there is this… strange man that is camping in the Canadian Wilderness. A man by the name of Logan, who is like you… a mutant.
AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format!
Erik was perplexed by the tail "You know that has got to be the dumbest story I've ever heard, and this is coming from you."
Sun snickered as he pointed at him. "You need to fire him, he is totally not fun to be around."
"And that is Sun Wukong?" He said, pointing to the floating monkey king, who was… not so quietly hacking at one of the walls like it was a punching bag.
"Yes." You said as the tail waved. "I really, really don't want to talk about it right now. I'm just very tired after all that's happened."
"Yes, well you're lucky, I searched for you for three months trying to find you, and damn near had my powers revealed when I ran into some man with a metal arm, trying to kill me." He replied. "He wasn't very hard to stop, but the point remains. You got yourself into trouble, and I wasn't there."
"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but even then, your company has made a boatload of money, and we have to deal with the elephant in the room."
"The fact I don't look fully… human anymore?" You asked.
"No, we can explain that away with you doing experiments on yourself, everyone will believe that. No, the problem is, our homeland is begging us to… move headquarters to Israel."
"Why? No offense to them, they do not have the infrastructure that we require for having our industry move there, plus we're not exactly in the business of making enemies with everyone in the world right now."
"But it would be a good idea." He stated.
"We'll worry about it later." You said.
Future Corporations:
Owner/Proprietor: Henrich Oster.
Head of Security: Erik Lanshnerr.
Main Focus/Products: Pharmaceuticals.
Current Funds: 962 Million Deutsche Marks (Annually, this number can possibly go up even more.)
1,000,000 Deutsche Mark (Eriks Payment)
Morale in Company:
100: We have so much money that you don't even know what to do with it all.
Business Actions:
(Choose 4)
[]Expand Production (Efficiency): You have a problem. You are overworked and insanely exhausted, and you can never build a stockpile as you need to ship out every drug you make every week or you will not meet your own insane quotas. You need to find a way to make things better by doing less work.
[]Make Friends in Government: You have a monopoly. That is fine, due to the laws on the book not saying it's illegal, but you also know that donating to… various political groups can make things very… well for you.
[]Mossad Ops: So Israeli Intelligence needs money and promise to kill nazis… it's probably worth the money spent.
[]Investments At home: You want to give back to the community and Germany, after you've made so much money from the rest of the world.
[]Investments Abroad: There are places that need your investments, perhaps they can see the wealth. (Write in where to invest)
[]Expand into Other Fields: There are many things Future Corporations can expand into, perhaps you have an idea? (Write in what you like to do.)
[]Advertising for dummies: You need to get your name out onto the street. (Cost 100,000 Marks, will increase profit roll when you finally unleash a drug, a vaccine, or paper. Due to Wealth, will turn your d500 profit, into a d1000 profit. Although, please note, you will lose a significant sum to taxes)
[]Hire Employees: You need more hands-on-deck, preferably people who are loyal and not Nazis. (Cost 1,000,000 Marks. Due to Skills, and wealth, you will have high-quality staff.)
[]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 500,000 Marks. Lowers Threshold for more drugs. Gains a +30 to the roll. Increased Development, fun times ahead)
[]Contracts Galore: Your company is a startup, without any reputation. Perhaps it would be best to gain some contacts by being a middle man for a while.
[]Develop Medicine: You are going to need to start experimenting with something (Cost 5,000,000 Marks) (Write in what vague idea you wish to start developing, like say, a flu vaccine, a malaria treatment, or something like that)
What do you do?:
(Choose 6)
[]The Sun of the Monkey King: You need to get ahead of the eventual media storm… so… you need a plan, preferably a good one that can not be used against you.
[]Learn to Fly: Wait, you can fly now? Or is it some sort of joke… what do you need to capture a cloud of something?
[]To Be or… Shut up Sun: Living with the Monkey King is… very stressful, but rewarding in its own way. Now if only he could stop snoring while you sleep.
[]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something useful (Write in Skill you wish to learn and line tail below)
[]Take a Day Off?: What's the worst thing that can happen on your day off?
[]Regrets and Remorse: Your Father has something to tell you?
[]Writing a Story: You feel the need to write, to create something beautiful.
[]Wander Berlin: You want to see the City, see the people, the places…Feel Something?
[]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.
[]Take up a Hobby: You wish to have something to spend some leisure time. (Write in the Hobby you wish to learn and line tail below)
[]Look for your Family: You are going to find your parents. And you will bring them to justice.
[]Leave Berlin: You are going to leave this place, go someplace else? Have fun, perhaps? (Linetail Where you wish to go for a vacation)
[]The Life and Times of Logan: So there is this… strange man that is camping in the Canadian Wilderness. A man by the name of Logan, who is like you… a mutant.
AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format!
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