A Journey to the West 6:
"No." You proclaimed as you stood up and faced this woman, even realizing you were out of your body, as a spirit that was without form and physicality. Another prison was used against you to prevent you from moving, to give yourself control. "You see, i made a promise to my comrade, and that means I am not going to break that promise."
That made the Ancient One look at you, before shaking her head. "So disappointing, in the future, you would be so much wiser, with the gifts you have been given. I thought your growth would come from imprisonment. It seems I have been wrong."
"The future is not now. Nor is it written." You said as you prepared yourself, looking back to your body.
"Don't do it." She stated. "I do not want to kill you."
"Well then, restrain yourself then." You replied as you jumped.
Sun Wukong:
D100 => 99
You were in a black void, a void that took shape as a cave… and surrounding you, was monkeys?
"Ah ignore them, they are just friends that couldn't bear to leave me alone in prison," Sun replied as you saw him, a man-sized… monkey man with his tail swaying as he sat by the river, a chain on his collar. "Surprised?"
"Where are we?" You asked.
"Well, to answer your question, we are still in the Mountian." He replied. "But, in the metaphorical sense, we are in my prison cell."
"What's the chain?" you asked.
"Ah, well that chain is the earth itself. My entire body is being tethered to earth by way of this chain, and there is no way to break it, not without… well, that is why you are here."
"I'm not going to like this, aren't I?" You asked.
"Well…" There was a pause. "It's going to be painful, and the side effects are not entirely known to me, but yes. You won't like this."
"And what would that require of me?" You asked.
"Well, that's the thing. My spirit is bound to my body, and my body is forever trapped in this place. If I were to say… bond with another, allow my body to be destroyed, and reform elsewhere. And stay within another body for a bit… well you can see where this is going."
"You want to hijack my body?" You asked.
"Hijack no, I do not want to have a body-hopping experience where I am in control because by god, that would be terrible. Especially in a time and place where I would not belong. At least when I'm not prepared for it."
He sighed. "So what do you say, partner?"
Do you accept Sun Wukongs Offer for help and body hop?:
[]Yes: Alright, what do I do?
[]No: Sun, I can't trust you without assurances, and you aren't giving me any? Despite your words.
AN: Enjoy.