Arise o Youth, Destiny is Yours (No SV, Welcome to the MCU)

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A Journey to the West 6
A Journey to the West 6:

"No." You proclaimed as you stood up and faced this woman, even realizing you were out of your body, as a spirit that was without form and physicality. Another prison was used against you to prevent you from moving, to give yourself control. "You see, i made a promise to my comrade, and that means I am not going to break that promise."

That made the Ancient One look at you, before shaking her head. "So disappointing, in the future, you would be so much wiser, with the gifts you have been given. I thought your growth would come from imprisonment. It seems I have been wrong."

"The future is not now. Nor is it written." You said as you prepared yourself, looking back to your body.

"Don't do it." She stated. "I do not want to kill you."

"Well then, restrain yourself then." You replied as you jumped.

Sun Wukong: D100 => 99

You were in a black void, a void that took shape as a cave… and surrounding you, was monkeys?

"Ah ignore them, they are just friends that couldn't bear to leave me alone in prison," Sun replied as you saw him, a man-sized… monkey man with his tail swaying as he sat by the river, a chain on his collar. "Surprised?"

"Where are we?" You asked.

"Well, to answer your question, we are still in the Mountian." He replied. "But, in the metaphorical sense, we are in my prison cell."

"What's the chain?" you asked.

"Ah, well that chain is the earth itself. My entire body is being tethered to earth by way of this chain, and there is no way to break it, not without… well, that is why you are here."

"I'm not going to like this, aren't I?" You asked.

"Well…" There was a pause. "It's going to be painful, and the side effects are not entirely known to me, but yes. You won't like this."

"And what would that require of me?" You asked.

"Well, that's the thing. My spirit is bound to my body, and my body is forever trapped in this place. If I were to say… bond with another, allow my body to be destroyed, and reform elsewhere. And stay within another body for a bit… well you can see where this is going."

"You want to hijack my body?" You asked.

"Hijack no, I do not want to have a body-hopping experience where I am in control because by god, that would be terrible. Especially in a time and place where I would not belong. At least when I'm not prepared for it."

He sighed. "So what do you say, partner?"

Do you accept Sun Wukongs Offer for help and body hop?:
[]Yes: Alright, what do I do?

[]No: Sun, I can't trust you without assurances, and you aren't giving me any? Despite your words.

AN: Enjoy.
[X]Yes: Alright, what do I do?

Besides not really having much choice since our odds against the Ancient One are pretty terrible this actually seems like a good opportunity. Our super power is learning and if Sun is stuck in our body for a while it could give us a good opportunity to learn from Sun freaking Wukong himself. Besides he'd owe us big for this.
[X]Yes: Alright, what do I do?

We should really try to copy his ability to make clones of himself, even if to a minor degree. It will be broken as fuck.
I mean, we said we would help him out, and we are a man of our word.

besides, I'm a bit salty at the AO here. She really didn't make a very good impression; even more so given we are trying to save someone who needs help. I understand time shenanigans, but really, we have the DICE GODS on our side. Her Shadow Realm has no power here :V

Plus, you can't expect someone who has gone through a Nazi Camp to not try to help like this- it's pressing all sorts of buttons. She probably didn't want us taking over China in her backyard.

[x] Yes: Alright, what do I do?
I mean, we said we would help him out, and we are a man of our word.
besides, I'm a bit salty at the AO here. She really didn't make a very good impression; even more so given we are trying to save someone who needs help. I understand time shenanigans, but really, we have the DICE GODS on our side. Her Shadow Realm has no power here :V
The Problem here, at least in the AO's eyes. we've really done fucked up, and she's trying to make sure we not only stay alive for the convenience of the future, where we will inevitably become important to several world changing events, and will be needed for said events...

She also thinks we are wreckless, insane, and impulsive, getting involved in things we really should not have any right being involved in.

Even though, by that very definition, the time she seen proves its changing.

And oh boy.
Plus, you can't expect someone who has gone through a Nazi Camp to not try to help like this- it's pressing all sorts of buttons. She probably didn't want us taking over China in her backyard.
Actually, she understands us, but the problem is, she's a bit... frightened of the place where suffering and death power the building we're in and makes it stronger.

Plus the place is trying to fuck with her, as the Mountian cannot fuck with us, due to us having the willpower of all of humanity it seems like working for us.

Also China is not her backyard yet, that's India right now.
The Problem here, at least in the AO's eyes. we've really done fucked up, and she's trying to make sure we not only stay alive for the convenience of the future, where we will inevitably become important to several world changing events, and will be needed for said events...

She also thinks we are reckless, insane, and impulsive, getting involved in things we really should not have any right being involved in.
In her defense we are 14 and we've seen how teenagers, especially those with super powers, tend to make some really poor decisions. i mean just look at MCU Peter Parker.
In her defense we are 14 and we've seen how teenagers, especially those with super powers, tend to make some really poor decisions. i mean just look at MCU Peter Parker.
She's just trying to act like the mother we never had.

You know the one that murdered our siblings, sold us to the Nazis and escaped Justice.

She really is acting like she has the moral high ground, when in reality she does not.
She's just trying to act like the mother we never had.

You know the one that murdered our siblings, sold us to the Nazis and escaped Justice.

She really is acting like she has the moral high ground, when in reality she does not.
I mean that seems to be a pretty bad comparison considering that she is canonically someone who does mean well. Unlike our boys mother who sold her kids to nazis she is trying to rescue a young teenager from a prison camp. Like in canon people did give Tony and Aunt May shit for letting Peter go into dangerous situations.

something that needs to be said that just because someone doesn't agree with you or you them shouldn't make them on the level of people who sell their kids to Nazis. Yeah what she is doing is kind of a dick move but still understandable and nowhere near as bad as what our guys parents pulled.
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