Ankh-Mork-Gork (WHF Orc City Quest)
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Warhammer Fantasy CK2-style experience where you are a greenskin on a mission from God(s); build a proper greenskin city. How and where seems to be up to you, but failure will be harshly punished.
Character Creation #1 - Name, Tribe & Race
A Pit Of My Own Making
Youze had a dream last noight. Youze were lookin at a city, loike doese big places humies, stunties and dose other gits live in. But dis city; it was a orcy city. Cause it looked loike one, sounded loike one, zog it even smelt loike one! And dere was all dese orcs 'nd gobbos livin in it, craftin and makin, and dey wurnt even kumpin each uther! Well, not much.

Dis ere is my city, said a voice that was two. Standin over dah city was two giants... or maybe one with two 'eads? Dere big red eyes wuz starin at you, and you felt yuh legs turn to jelly. Dis ere is my city, they said again, and youz gunna build it fur me. Itz gonna be da best city any of your lot 'ave made on dis rock. And it better be, utherwise... I'LL KRUMP YOUZ SO HARD DEY CAN FEEL IT ON ULLANOR! Dey raised dere fist, big as a mountain, and dropped it towards you, going to crush you ta nuthin...

De'n then you woke up. And youz knew what to do.

Welcome to the Orcity Quest, a Warhammer Fantasy CK2-style experience where you are a greenskin on a mission from God(s); build a proper greenskin city. How and where seems to be up to you, but failure will be harshly punished. Speaking of which: Who are you? What tribe do you lead? And most importantly; what kind of git are you?

[ ] Name

[ ] Tribe Name

You are an:
[ ] Orc!
Strong, tough! But you'll need to fight to stay in control
-[ ] Orc Warboss
Brutal But Kunnin! Nothing special, but +3 Shines!
-[ ] Orc Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Big WAAAGH & possibly more
-[ ] Savage Orc Warboss
Savage, not simple!
-[ ] Savage Orc Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Big WAAAGH, & primal knowledge
-[ ] Black Orc Warboss
Really good at fighin, but struggles with other things
-[ ] Orc Kaptain
Nautical nonsense. Start with a boat

[ ] Goblin!
Smarter, less need for constant fighting. But orcs will be averse to following you
-[ ] Goblin Warboss
Kunnin But Brutal! Nothing special, but +3 Shines!
-[ ] Goblin Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Little WAAAGH & possibly more
-[ ] Night Goblin Warboss
Sneaky sneaky, stabby stabby!
-[ ] Night Goblin Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Little WAAAGH, & shrooms. Lots of shrooms
-[ ] Forest Goblin Warboss
Spiders? Spiders! Oh and forest living
-[ ] Forest Goblin Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Little WAAAGH, & yes, more spiders

Plan vote please!

This quest is going to be a makeshift cludge of different system, but it has mainly been inspired by Divided Loyalties, Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism, and other fantastic quests.

Quick aside: playing as a Goblin won't be "hard mode", like I originally thought it would be, but it'll still be more difficult. You'll have a harder time leading and ruling orcs, or any other big folk.
Character Creation #2 - Traits
Youz is Gorzha Fieryskin, Black Orc 'und Warboss of da Black Rock Tribe! Youz a big git, even when youz were simple git, cause youz was made for Foightin!

Traits Gained
More Brutal than Kunnin
+5 martial, +5 Prowess -5 Intrigue, -3 all others

Black Orc
Youz were made for foightin!
+3 Martial, +3 Prowess, -2 all others

Youz da Boss, Boss!
+3 Martial, +3 Prowess, +6 Stewardship, +3 all others

God Dreamed
You had a vision from your gods, who gave you a divine task
+5 Piety

Starting Stats
21 (Base 10 + 3 (Orc) + 3 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Prowess: 21 (Base 10 + 3 (Orc) + 3 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Diplomacy: 8 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Learning: 8 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Stewardship: 10 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 6 (Warboss))
Intrigue: 6 (Base 10 - 5 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Piety: 13 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 6 (Warboss) + 5 (God Dreamed))

'Course, youz more den dat. Youz hada whole liafe even befur youz 'came a Warboss. Most of it wuz spent krumpin gits, but whut did ya do? What did ya learn?

Character Traits
You start with 4 shines. You have any number of "Goods" but a limit of five "Bads". Each trait has both mechanical and story effects. Leftover shines will carry over in the army building.

[ ] Favored Weapon(s) (Free)
-[ ]
Dis iz my choppa. Dere are many loike it, but dis one iz mine
Choose your main weapon/s. Examples include Choppas, Hammas, Daggahs, Bows. No gunpowder or any weapon an orc would have trouble learning to use

[ ] Tac-ti-cal (-2)
If your lot go rounda side, and my lot goes da other side, we can squash 'em in between!
+5 Martial

[ ] Devout (-2)
See dat rock? It's Gork. See dat cloud? Mork. Dat pile o' dung?... dat's dung.
+5 Piety

[ ] Yella (-2)
+3 Martial, +2 Stewardship

[ ] Organiser (-2)
You, do dat! You, do dis! You… go find summit ta do!
+5 Stewardship

[ ] Big Brain (-2)
I gots a headache… I's thinkin!
+5 Learning

[ ] Brave (-2)
Ha! Youz tink dat'll scare me! Think again!
Advantage against being frightened from both mundane and magical sources

[ ] Sneaky (-2)
You've mastered the stealthy art of standing… very… still…
+5 Intrigue

[ ] Crafter (-2)
Usez a hamma to make a bigga hamma!
Bonuses to Crafting & Building

[ ] Extra Underling (-2)
Youz dead friendly, you are
Additional starting advisor (3 to 4)

[ ] Pet (-2)
Ooz a good git? Ooz a good git? Is it you? It's you, ya git!
Pick One
-[ ] Favourite Goblin
-[ ] Squig Hound
-[ ] Favourite Snotling
-[ ] Feathered Squig
-[ ]

[ ] Favorite Enemy (-2)
Oh those gits? Yeah, I knows how to 'andle em good and propa!
You have a favourite enemy, giving bonuses against them. Pick One (Can suggest factions)
-[ ] Empire
-[ ] Bretonnia
-[ ] Kislev
-[ ] High Elves
-[ ] Dark Elves
-[ ] Wood Elves
-[ ] Dwarfs
-[ ] Chaos Dwarfs
-[ ] Lizardmen
-[ ] Skaven
-[ ] Chaos Warriors
-[ ] Vampires
-[ ] Tomb Kings
-[ ]

[ ] 'Orsey Git (-3)
+5 Martial for commanding calvary, +5 Prowess when mounted

[ ] Big, Big' Un (-3)
Youz a big one, ain't ya?
+3 Prowess, Grow quicker

[ ] Lucky (-3)
You lucky git…
One failed action rerolled each turn or one failed personal combat reroll each combat.

[ ] God Touched (-3)
This isn't the first time the gods have spoken to you, and it may not be the last
+5 Piety, chance for further visions

[ ] Sparkly Thing (-3)
Somehow, you've got your hands on a magic item
Next post will include vote for magic item

[ ] Maw Friend (-3)
Gotta gob loike a tyrant, this one!
+10 Diplomacy with Ogres, can start with Ogre Units

[ ] Dog of WAAAGHH! (-3)
You spent some time as a mercenary, fighting other people's battles for loot
+5 Diplomacy, reduced malus for talking with non-greenskins

[ ] Beast Handla (-3)
Look at da size of its teeth! I's gonna wrastle it!"
+10 to beast handling & taming

[ ] Slave Master (-3)
Where dere's a whip…
+10 to slavery actions

[ ] Seasquig (-3)
Yo ho ho, it's an orc life fuh me…
Bonus to Naval Actions

[ ] Soul Tough (-3)
Magic? Nah, zog dat!
+10 resistance to harmful magic

[ ] Drilla Git (-3)
No no noo, it's 'eft den roight! Not 'eft , 'eft, roight! Start again!
+10 to unit training actions

[ ] Disciple of Gork (-3)
Brutally Kunnin!
+4 Martial, +2 Intrigue, malus to interacting with followers of Mork

[ ] Disciple of Mork (-3)
Kunninly Brutal!
+4 Intrigue, +2 Martial, malus to interacting with followers of Gork

[ ] Your Gits (-3)
Alright ladz, letz get stuck in!
Start with one unit of trusted, skilled underlings to act as bodyguards

[ ] Ironmonger (-3)
I'z loikes hammain metal, cauze I gets to 'magine it a git's face
You know how to make & work simple iron, +3 Learning

[ ] Mount Up
Getta loada my ride! Snazzy, roight?
Choose one from below
-[ ] War Boar (-2)
-[ ] War Boar Chariot (-3)
-[ ] Hagranym (-3)
-[ ] Wyvern (-4)

[ ] Disciple of Gork & Mork (-4)

Brutally Brutal, & Kunninly Kunnin!
+5 Martial, +5 Intrigue

[ ] Friend? (-4)
Yeah, I knowz a git. 'Ell give uz an 'and
Somehow you have an ally, outside of your clan. Maybe they help you out (Next post will include vote, feel free to make suggestions)

[ ] Short git (+1)
What'cha gunna do, chew me ankle? YOUCH!
You are shorter than average. -5 Prowess , grow slower

[ ] Thic 'eaded (+1)
Errr… which end of da choppa do youz hold?
-5 Learning

[ ] Forgetful (+1)
Wait, what wus Iz doin?
-1 Personal Action per turn

[ ] Heavy Footed (+1)
Quiet down, I'm tryna BE SNEAKY!!
-5 to Intrigue

[ ] Rude (+1)
Zog off, you zoggin zoggy… zog.
-5 to Diplomacy

[ ] Owe some teef (+2)
Gonna pay, with someone else's teef or yours…
You have an outstanding monetary debt to someone. They'll come collect, eventually

[ ] Zerker (+2)
The Green Mist descends
+5 Prowess, more prone to violence, roll to control in battle

[ ] Seasick (+2)
Lemme off! I lost me lunch
-10 to naval actions

[ ] Greedy (+2)
Dis is mine, 'nd so is dat, and so is dis… its all mine!
You take more than your fair share, and are loath to part with loot

[ ] Biased (+2)
Zog dat lot! 'O needs em?
Choose any number - you can't start with them in your clan, and have diplomacy/using maluses
-[ ] Night Goblins
-[ ] Forest Goblins
-[ ] Savage Orcs
-[ ] Black Orcs
-[ ] Trolls
-[ ] Ogres

[ ] Unpopular (+2)

I'm da best git! Me! Not youz lot!
You're disliked, even among your own clan

[ ] 'armless
Makes you look badass, for a price
Choose any, each counts as a single choice. Varying malus
-[ ] A Hand (+1)
-[ ] A Foot (+1)
-[ ] An Eye (+2)
-[ ] An Arm (+2)
-[ ] A Leg (+2)
-[ ] Nose (+2)
-[ ] Jaw (+3)

[ ] Coward (+3)

Get em lads! I'll uh, be right behind ya!
Malus to all orc interactions. Goblins like you more

[ ] Short Term Thinker (+3)
Why wait ta krump 'em… when I can krump dem now!
Impatient, -5 malus to all non-fighting stats

[ ] God Marked (+3)
I mean… dem spiky gits hava point.
The Dark Gods' eyes are on you. Pick one
-[ ] The Hound
-[ ] The Snake
-[ ] The Crow
-[ ] The Raven
-[ ]

[ ] Free Git (+3)
No mure chains fur me!
You are an escaped slave, and your former owners might want you back… (Pick One)
-[ ] Chaos Dwarfs
-[ ] Dark Elves
-[ ] Greenskins
-[ ] Norscans
-[ ] Kurgans
-[ ]

[ ] Grod (+3)
Iz a bit loike dat luv you humies go on about, but… bettah
You have a rival - fated by Destiny, the Gods, or your own natures. You will come into conflict, one way or another. (Next post will include vote, feel free to make suggestions)

Plan Vote, once again. Going to wait two hours before starting the vote, and will end it tomorrow

Options that are bolded and italics are to removed and replaced with a write in.

Some traits don't go with each other, be logical about them.
Character Creation #2.5 - Grod
When youz wuz a young orc, youz wuz nabbed by a… aaah…. ACHOOO!!!


While you were a fairly young orc, you were captured by a Dawi Zharr slaving expedition. Obviously you fought, brutally and kunningly, but soon you found yourself in chains. You were taken across the Dark Lands to the Tower of Gorgoth, the Dawi Zharr's greatest slave camp. By the laws of the Conclave, the ruling council of the Zhar Ankor, Black Orcs cannot be kept as slaves. Of course, there is always those willing to bend the rules, and you were given arms and armor to fight their wars as a warrior-slave.
You spent a number of years as a slave, and despite the distance most kept you at - fools they were not - you picked up some bits and pieces. In particular you were drawn to their Bull God, Hashut. He wasn't a proper orcy god, but he had some things you found interesting - like the piles of loot he demanded, the utter subservience his servants had to show. All the fire.

You also met your Grod-to-be during this time. Although you might not have thought much of them at first, you grew to see their worth - as an enemy. They were an important part of your life for those few years, but you only realized they were your Grod sometime after you broke your chains and escaped. It's been a long time since you last saw them, but you're sure they're alive. You still need to kill them after all!

[ ] Sorcerer-Prophet Drendelak Marrow-Grinder
You were bought by one of the priest lords of the Dawi Zharr - although he was not the commander of the tower of Gorgoth, Drendelak was sufficiently powerful to circumvent the laws around Black Ork ownership, as well as arrogant enough to think himself above them. A Deamonsmith focused on flesh crafting, known to other Dawi Zharr as a "Fleshist", Drendelak had great interest in questionably the greatest creation of any mortal fleshcrafter - the Black Orcs.

Although you were not the only Black Orc owned by Drendelak, your natural leadership over the rest and greater size made you more interesting to him, and eventually you became his bodyguard - albeit one bound in cursed chains. The Prophet would spend many hours telling you of his work - which you didn't understand - and musing on Dawi Zharr society, some of which managed to interest you. In particular, he spoke of Hashut - what the god demanded of his worshippers, and what glory he could give.

For a couple of years you acted as Drendelak's champion, fighting whoever he told you to fight, and leading slaves in battle. But overtime you become irked that you were following another git's orders - not even an orc! A stunty spellchuka! You also began having dreams, the rare times you rested, where twin voices spoke to you, telling you were meant for more than this. You saw visions of war unending, of mighty foes falling beneath your feet, mountains of loot that belong to you, only you. Finally the dreams told you that your use to Marrow-Grinder was ending, and soon he would kill you, cut you apart to discover the secret behind your unusual size. You decided to get 'im before he got you.

In an unknowing recreation of The Black Rebellion, where your newly created kind rose against their would-be masters, you broke your chains and freed your fellow slaves, leading them against Drendelak's dawi guard. You came close to breaking into the Prophet's chambers, yet were forced to retreat by the arrival of the elite Infernal Guard. Fleeing into the wastes, you swore an oath you would one day face Drendelak and claim all he had for yourself.

You Gain
- Sorcerer-Prophet Drendelak Marrow-Grinder
Dawi Zharr Military Insight - 'Urst comes da slaves, den da bullets, den fire-gits (+10 Martial against Dawi Zharr, +15 against Grod)
Hashut Worship Insights - Da Bull God loikes burning and lootin - Iz can get behind dat (+10 to Peity actions regarding Hashut)

Sorcerer-Prophet Drendelak Marrow-Grinder Gains
Burning Grudge
- Although the Dawi Zharr to do not formally hold Grudges, they can still feel the burning need for Vengeance...
Fieryskin Teacher - You know how your former property thinks; you taught him a great deal, after all... (+20 to predicting Fieryskin actions)

[ ] Overseer Lord Kapric Neveroathed
The most common use for Black Orcs in the Zharr Ankor is as warrior-slaves, and this was your fate. You came under the command of the Overseer Lord Kapric Neveroathed - a foul natured, mouthed and faced "la-dy", whatever that is. Despite her skill at arms and leadership, Neveroathed was an outcast among her kin - for reasons you never understood - and had been relegated to leading raids against skaven and greenskin tribes in the western Desolation of Azgorh. She would burn off her rage by launching punishing raids, capturing hundreds of slaves even as she fed her own into the meat grinder.

You attracted Neveroathed's attention for surviving so long - impressing her, yet also earning you her ire. Standing Dawi Zharr doctrine was to kill Black Orc slaves once their use was done, but Kapric choose to instead send you on suicidal tasks, such as standing against ogre tribes supported by mainly goblins, yet you persevered again and again. You became something of a favored slave, receiving better weapons and armour, although only ones looted from enemies. Kapric took to dueling against you between battles, using you as a grindstone to improve herself - yet bound and chained, you became stronger as well. Silently, you swore an oath you would kill her one day, simply because you hadn't managed it so far.

After a couple of years you began to receive visions from Gork & Mork, telling you, telling you that you were meant for more than this. You saw visions of war unending, of mighty foes falling beneath your feet, mountains of loot that belong to you, only you. Finally the voices told you that after one more campaign, Neveroathed would be summoned by the stunties leaders - and before going, she would have you killed, to tie up loose ends. You decided to get her before she got you, and started to plan.

The next battle against orcs, you lead your fellow Black Orcs right up the center, charging down the line of boyz. When you reached them though, instead of laying into them, you turned around and charged the way you came! Confused, but always willing to follow a big git into a fight, the tribe followed you - as did most of the greenskin slaves when they saw what you were doing. Like a hammer, you broke the surprised Dawi Zharr lines, and made it to Neveroathed herself, engaging her in battle. Yet she had foreseen your betrayal, if not the timing of it - and a horde of Hobgoblins attacked your rear. You made the choice to live, rather than sell your life to kill her. You got one good cut in on her face before leaving, although she got one in turn.

You Gain
- Overseer Lord Kapric Neveroathed
Dawi Zharr Military Insight - 'Urst comes da slaves, den da bullets, den fire-gits (+10 Martial against Dawi Zharr, +15 against Grod)
Fighter of Fire - Dey mainly go for youz legs, case dats all dey can reach. (+10 Prowess against Dawi Zharr, +15 against Grod)

Overseer Lord Kapric Neveroathed Gains
Burning Grudge
- Although the Dawi Zharr to do not formally hold Grudges, they can still feel the burning need for Vengeance...
Fieryskin Fighter - You have fought this one before - many, many times. One day you may fight them for the last time. (+15 Martial & Prowess against Fieryskin)

[ ] Questing Knight Gefrei de Turín
Among your fellow slaves held by the Dawi Zharr was a humie from the lands of Bretonnia - Gefrei de Turín. He hated your guts, because apparently his homeland came under constant attack from Greenskins, and you hated him because he was a poncy git that kept talking about honor and useless stuff like that. However under the whips of the Overseers, was forged not a friendship - never that - but a tenuous alliance. Both of you wanted out, and it was obvious that working together would give you a better chance of success. Gefrei had you swear an oath that you wouldn't kill him, or any humans, until you were all safe. You agreed, if only to get him to shut up about it.

Gefrei - or Gefi, as you started calling him - had left his home to prove himself a proper warrior - at least thats how you understood it. He'd been searching for some bird in a pond, but got caught by Dawi Zharr slavers while trying to protect "innocents" from them. Stripped of his armor and weapons he wasn't much to look at, but he was unwilling to give up. He also proved surprisingly sneaky, hiding away tools to use as weapons while you provided distractions. While you bullied the greenskin slaves into following your lead, Gefi was able to convince the humie slaves less violently.

The spiky stunties managed to notice the two of you didn't hate each other too much, missing all the plotting, so the two of you ended up chained together a lot. When not working or planning, Gefi would talk about his home - Savoie. He was big on the horses used in Bretonnia, was always telling tales about this gallant charge, that heroic last stand. Because it was about fighting, you listened - and found it fun to say what a proper orc - i.e. you - would do in those situations, pissing him off no end.

When you finally launched the rebellion - while a load of slaves were being marched to a mining camp - you ended up fighting back to back with Gefi, cutting down stunties as you fought your way to freedom. You were left with about an equal number of greenskins and humans, and things were tense but you and Gefi managed to keep things together as you travvled through the Dark Land, surviving on stolen supplies and what few things you could hunt. It took many, many days, but finally you managed to get far enough way you thought you'd be safe from the stunties coming after you. So you promptly turned on Gefii.

He was very angry with you - calling an oathbreaker, and worse - but still fought back. You would have got him, if a bunch of stunties - not the spikey ones, the others - popped out of nowhere and started firing bolts at you. You legged it, because you hadn't escaped a bunch of stunties to get killed by different stunties, Gefi's howls and promises of retribution following you.

You Gain
Grod - Questing Knight Gefrei de Turín
Bretonnia Military Insight - 'orses, 'orses 'nd more 'orses (+10 Martial against Bretonnian Knights, +15 against Grod)
Honor Is For Krumping - Wait till dey start yabbering 'bout honor and dat crap, 'den smack 'em. (+10 Prowess against Bretonnian Knights, +15 against Grod)

Questing Knight Gefrei de Turín Gains
- You have sworn an oath, on the blood you split together, that you shall rid the world of their evil.
Fieryskin Fighter - You have fought both along side and against this one. One day you may fight them for the last time. (+15 Martial & Prowess against Fieryskin)

Pick one. Vote will start in a bit, will end tomorrow

Going to turn down the orc-speak, although it'll still have it's place.

I wanted a fourth Grod, and had written part of a Asrai Waywatcher's story, but it didn't fit right. Maybe another time. So you have a choice of three instead; two Chaos Dawi, and one Bretonnian wild card.
Tribe Creation #1 - Advisors/Hero Units
So wez knows all 'bout you, 'nd what youz used ta do - but wat bout now? Youz a proper Warboss, witha tribe 'nd evrathink. Lotts of gits to follow your orders and stuff - but shoutin at dem all ain't afficshent. Luckly, youz got some help with dat.

These are your advisors, your hero units, and if you mess it up: your replacement(s). You can pick 3, and each comes with their own bonuses and focuses.

A Focus means they are best skilled in it. Keep in mind you don't
need to assign them to what they're best at.

Any unfilled spots can be filled later.

[ ] Magdub 'ead-Butta, Orc Big Boss
Aside from his habit of 'eadbutting any unruly boyz, Magdub iz a simple git: he wants a propa fight, plenty o' loot, and him doin all the bossin around…
Skilled at keeping greenskin units in-line, skilled combatant
Martial Focused

[ ] Robba Treechucka, Arrer Boyz Big Boss
Normally Arrer Boyz couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, so compared to his fellows, Robba Treechucka might as well be a Wood Elf. To be sure, he still misses his target most of the time, but he always at least hits the git standing next to them.
Improves Arrer Boys & other ranged units, unlocks ranged research
Martial Focused

[ ] Lamork Da Tough, Mounted Orc Big Boss
Originating from the humie lands of Bee-ton-ia, Lamork iz a bit… obsessed with dem knights and honor and all dat rubbish. Still, he and his flesh-eating 'orse are dead affective at breaking lines and chasin down runners.
Comes with Hagranym. Skilled combatant, calvary leader
Martial Focused

[ ] Smasha Hamma-er, Black Orc Big Boss
Nuthin dis Black Orc loike den ta krump sum gits, and Smasha takes it to da next level. 'ell smasda da enemy, 'ell smash your gits if dey don't foight good enough, and 'ell smash a rock if it looks at 'im funny.
Skilled combatant & trainer
Martial Focused

[ ] Zugzig Stick-Shaka, Orc Shaman
As a young savage orc git, Zugzig fell in with the followers of Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet, eventually rising to the honorable position of the shaman's lackey. As part of his duties, Zugzig carried the shaman's second favorite staff - and holding such a powerful relic awoke his own magic. Wurrzag taught Zugzig some of what he knew, before wandering off one day and not coming back.
Lore of Da Big WAAAGH!!!, mysticism research
Piety/Magic Focused

[ ] Morgog Pigfoot, Orc Boar Herda
Morgog was once a Boar Boy, but a humie knight took 'is arm off and meant he couldn't ride as well. Nowadays he tends the boards and piggies, breeding de'm for meat or savagery.
Comes with breeding stock for both eating and riding purposes, unlocks related research
Stewardship Focused

[ ] Hozzy Ironsmasher, Orc Smith
Every clan needs a git to do da crafting and da smithin. Hozzy 'nows how to make pig iron - all a proper orc needs - and is crafty in other ways as well.
Can work metal and craft "high" quality armaments, unlocks crafting research
Stewardship/Learning Focused

[ ] Cutter, Orc Doc
Dis one just turned up one day, bag of stuff on 'is back, 'und started putin gits back together. 'Is tent iz fulla dead bits. Quiet, most of da time. Kinda unorcy…
Tends to wounded reducing casualties, unlocks healing/medical research
Learning Focused

[ ] Kaptain Bugg Arrgh, Orc Pirate
'Aving stolen a ship from humie traders, Bugg Arrgh became the terror of the Black Gulf for… about a year, until a stuntie ironship sunk it. Da Kaptain survived, missing a leg and his crew, but with a dream of gettin back to da sea.
Competent commander, unlocks naval related research
Martial/Navy Focused

[ ] Seazie Longstick, Orc Mercenary
In Etalia 'nd Tila, dey pay ya to foight! Yeah, yos gotta listun to sume poncy gits. But da best bit is, some other git will pay yah to stab em too! Seazie as spent 'ears bein a Dog of WAAAGH, and 'e picked up sume tricks. Lika big long stick. And howda talk all fancy loike.
Skilled combatant, actual diplomatic ability
Martial/Diplomacy Focused

[ ] Little Scrapa, Goblin Big Boss
For a "Big Boss", diss one iz pretty small. But he's viscous, and kunnin, and can keep even orcs in line. Probably helped by da fact he 'as a chopper bigger den he is, and sneaks up on ya if youz talk crap.
Skilled combatant & leader, is quite sneaky
Martial/Intrigue Focused

[ ] Jafi Da Visor, Goblin Shaman
Jafi iz a kunnin gobbo. When da orcs fights, he always knows which ta back. When da squigs stampede, his enemies are always in da way. And when da fightin starts, he's nowhere to be seen.
Lore of Da Little WAAAGH!!!, some very kunnin plans and schemes
Intrigue/Magic Focused

[ ] Shadow Claw, Goblin Wolf Herda
Dey say dat Shadow Claw was raised by a wolfie with dere pups, and dat he den killed dem and wears dere skin, and dat he runs with wolves and 'owls at da moon, and… wait, 'es da only git sayin all dis!
Comes with breeding stock, unlocks wolf-based research
Stewardship Focused

[ ] Vici Da Smartypants, Goblin Engineer
Gobbos are crafty as well as kunnin, but Vici takes it a whole nother level. His reva-loot-inary Doom Diver wingsuit makes the gobbos go fasta and hit harder, whatever dat means, and he's got loads more ideas! As long as dey don't fall apart…
War machines research and bonuses, including potentially brand new ones
Learning Focused

[ ] Shobby McStabba, Night Goblin Big Boss
Dis git 'ere is a propa sneaky one. Dey can creep upon on a stuntie in the middle of a foight, stab him in da guts, den be gone before 'is mates realize he's dead. Oses some fancy poison too, makes sure dere dead.
Battlefield assassin instead of champion, still skilled combatant
Intrigue/Martial Focused

[ ] Blackstalk Mushbrewer, Night Goblin Shaman
'Side from being a sneaky shadowy git, Blackstalk makes some real powerful brews. Dey can make a gobbo into a raving maniac, or get a git that's been properly krumped up 'nd foightin again. Tastes nice, too.
Lore of Da Little WAAAGH!!!+, unlocks potion/brewing research
Learning/Magic Focused

[ ] Icky No-Nose, Night Goblin Squig Herda
Icky 'nows his way around squigs, when ta poke em and when ta prod. 'E's got no nose cause a squig bit it off, see? But den he bit it roight back, and dat cowed dem.
Comes with "breeding" stock, unlocks squig-based research & resources
Stewardship/Learning Focused

[ ] Frasizz Tallgit, Night Goblin Troll Herda
Trolls are so stupid, dey make gobbos look loike genouses. Frasizz leads dem around from his "mount", a big troll 'e calls Troggy. Wears troll leather clothes, says it keeps 'im safe from dere spit. Seems ta know what 'es talkin 'bout, better den some gits.
Comes with breeding stock, unlocks troll-based research & resources
Stewardship/Learning Focused

[ ] Targan Spidahclaw, Forest Goblin Big Boss
Evera bin chased down bya bunch of spidas? Dead creepy. Targan's a ex-pert at spida ridin, at launchin attacks from odd angels. Loike from above ya. Watch for da trees, cause dey got fangs.
Asymmetrical & mounted combat specialist, skilled combatant
Martial/Intrigue Focused

[ ] Luft Da Web Prophet, Forest Goblin Shaman
Forest Gobbos says dere iz a notha god, under Gork 'nd Mork: da Feaster From Beyond. Sounds silly, 'und unorky, but gits loike Luft says dey see it when dey let da spidas bit em. Can do some weird magic, makin webs appear 'nd stuff.
Lore of Da Little WAAAGH!!!+, worship of the Feaster From Beyond
Piety/Magic Focused

[ ] Parka, Forest Goblin Spider Herda
Dem Forest Gobbos really loike spidas. Dey worship dem, dey ride em, dey eat em, er… dey wear dere silk? Dere iz a ton more useful tings you get from spidas, and Parka knows all of dem. Da smarty git.
Comes with breeding stock, unlocks spider-based research & resources
Learning Focused

[ ] Granny Grobb-boa, River Troll Hag
Trolls ain't smart, but dis one is. Spooky too, has some weird magics. Ozes a sack of eels to slap gits, and as a quick snack. 'Ow dooze she keep findin dem anyway?
Lore of Death, unlocks related & troll research
Learning/Magic Focused

[ ] Lunk Widearse, Ogre Maneater
Ogres are funny gits; dey loike ta foight, but loike eatin more. Dey loike gettin paid to foight as well, and Lunk 'as spent a long time foighin in humie wars. 'Cept 'e's eaten one boss too many, now 'is gang can't get 'ired. Can't go back to da Mourny Mountains nither, summit 'bout debts. So dere with your lot now.
Long mercenary experience combined with ogre muscle. Will expect some kind of continued payment
Martial/Diplomacy Focused

[ ] Monga Da Shanker, Hobgoblin Boss
Hobgobs are Greenskins, 'cept they ain't! Cause they did summit, long ago, dat made dem pa… pari… outcasts. But Monga, he's alroight. Spends alotta time talking 'bout da stairs, and 'is wolf. And 'is big, curved knoife. 'Parently 'e stabbed 'is old boss, but dey survived, so 'e hadda find new job.
Expert raider and nomad. Disliked by Greenskins.
Martial/Intrigue Focused

[ ] Snotty Snott, Snotling
Snotty Snott iz a… snottlin. But e's a speshul snottlin. 'E can get all da other snottlins to follow 'im, can make dem build bigga and fight betta. Snottilns don't talk great, but Snotty is good at gettin 'is point across, witha stick if 'e has to.
???? Focused

Vote opening sooooon, closes tomorrow.

If you get some good roles when finding new advisors, some of these lot might appear. They might also just wander into town, or show up elsewhere...
Tribe Creation #2 - Army
Soz you gots a Shaman dat can thruw magic at gits, a "sm-uth" dat can make sum good metal, and a pig git. And 'is piggies. Dem piggies iz mean.

But youz can't take on da world with only four gits and sum piggies, no matah 'ow tough dey are. Youz need a tribe; 'und youz haz one, Da Black Rock Tribe! But uh… who dey?

You have 100 points to build an army. You can have any number or combination of units.

Keep in mind these are not just your fighting units, but your civilians and your workforce. Some will provide bonuses, some will require upkeep.

[ ] Snotlings (1)
100 Snotlings, scrap weapons
Bad Attack, Horrible Defense, Decent Mobility, Horrible Leadership
The lowest rung on the Green ladder

[ ] Goblins (2)
100 Goblins, scrap weapons
Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Bad Leadership
We'z speshul!

[ ] Goblin Archers (2)
100 Goblins, makeshift bows
Decent Attack, Bad Defense, Good Mobility, Bad Leadership
Actually has some aim, unlike an orc

[ ] Night Goblins (3)
80 Goblin Zealots, daggers and shields
Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Hates sunlight & studies, loves caves & shrooms

[ ] Night Goblins Fanatics(5)
10 Goblin Zealots, chain balls
Great+ Attack, Bad Defense, Good Mobility, Excellent Leadership
Spin to win!

[ ] Night Goblin Archers (3)
80 Goblin Zealots, bows & poisoned arrows
Decent+ Attack, Bad Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Some nasty cave juice on these ones

[ ] Nasty Skulkers (3)
60 Stealthy Goblins
Decent+ Attack, Bad Defense, Great+ Mobility, Decent Leadership
Sneaky sneaky, stabby stabby

[ ] Orc Boyz (5)
60 Orcs, Choppas & Shields
Good Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Some good propra gits

[ ] Orc Big 'Uns (6)
30 Orcs, Big Choppas & Shields
Great Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good+ Leadership
Bunch of nob 'eads with better gear

[ ] Orc Arrer Boyz (4)
50 Orcs, primitive bows
Good Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Quantity is quality

[ ] Savage Orc Boyz (5)
60 Orcs, Primitive Choppas
Good Attack, Decent Defense+, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Armour? Nah, warpaint!

[ ] Savage Big 'Uns (6)
30 Orcs, Big Primitive Choppas
Great Attack, Decent+ Defense, Good Mobility, Good+ Leadership
You can use a rock as a club right?

[ ] Savage Arrer Boyz (4)
50 Orcs, Primitive Bows
Good+ Attack, Decent Defense+, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Hopefully they know the correct end of an arrow

[ ] Black Orcs (8)
20 Heavy Armored, Disciplined Orcs
Great+ Attack, Good Defense, Decent Mobility, Great Leadership
Bit unorcy, but great in a fight

[ ] Goblin Wolf Chariot (6)
6 wolf-pulled Chariots, knives & bow
Good+ Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Decent Leadership
Mush mush!

[ ] Orc Boar Chariot (8)
3 boar-pulled Orc Chariots, Choppas
Great Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Who is more pissed, the boars or the orc?

[ ] Goblin Wolf Riders (6)
40 Wolf Riding Goblins, spears & bows
Good+ Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Decent Leadership
Brave nomads of the steppes

[ ] Forest Goblin Spider Riders (8)
30 Spider Riding Goblins, poisoned spears & bows
Good++ Attack, Decent Defense, Great+ Mobility, Decent Leadership
Off road extreme

[ ] Orc Boar Boyz (8)
30 Boar riding Orcs, Choppas
Good Attack, Good Defense, Great Mobility, Good Leadership
More damage is done by trampling than choppas

[ ] Boar Boy Big 'Uns (10)
20 Boar Riding Orc Big 'Uns, Lancas
Great Attack, Good Defense, Great Mobility, Good+ Leadership
The flower of, uh, "nob-ility"

[ ] Savage Boar Boyz (8)
30 Boar riding Orcs, primitive choppas
Good Attack, Good+ Defense, Great Mobility, Good Leadership
Bare back boyo!

[ ] Savage Boar Boy Big 'Uns (10)
20 Boar riding Savage Orcs, big primitive choppas
Great Attack, Good+ Defense, Great Mobility, Good+ Leadership
Be glad you don't procreate

[ ] Squig Hoppers (6)
30 Squig Riding Goblins, Knives
Great Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Decent Leadership
Boing, boing, boing…BOING!

[ ] Snotling Pump Wagon (6)
6 Snotling powered "chariots"
Great Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Bad Leadership
Just keep pumping, just keep pumping!

[ ] Squig Herd (6)
50 squigs
Good Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Bad Leadership
Balls of teeth and hunger

[ ] Trolls (8)
8 Trolls, clubs
Great Attack, Great Defense, Decent Mobility, Bad Leadership

[ ] Stone Trolls (10)
8 Stone Trolls, clubs
Great Attack, Great+ Defense, Decent- Mobility, Bad Leadership
Rock on!

[ ] River Trolls (10)
8 River Trolls, clubs
Great+ Attack, Great Defense, Decent- Mobility, Bad Leadership
Slimy and stinky, what a combo

[ ] Arachnarok Spider (15)
1 Giant Spider
Extreme Attack, Great Defense, Extreme Mobility, Good Leadership
Yep, that is a giant spider.

[ ] Colossal Squig (15)
1 Big Squig
Extreme Attack, Excellent Defense, Great Mobility, Great Leadership
Hill with a mouth

[ ] Giant (15)
1 Giant
Extreme Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Big git, big appetite

[ ] Rogue Idol (20)
1 Giant pile of rock & dung
Extreme Attack, Excellent Defense, Good Mobility, Excellent+ Leadership
Walking & smashing icon of Gork, if not also Mork

War Machines
[ ] Doom Diver Catapult (12)
1 Goblin Catapult
Excellent Attack, Bad Defense, Bad Mobility, Bad Leadership
I'z can fly! I'z can- SPLAT

[ ] Rock Lobber (12)
1 rock catapult
Excellent Attack, Bad Defense, Bad Mobility, Bad Leadership
What goes up, must come…

[ ] Spear Chukka (12)
1 javelin launcher
Excellent Attack, Bad Defense, Decent Mobility, Bad Leadership
Poke people from really, really long distances

Vote opens in about two hours, end tomorrow, yadayada.

I'll answer any questions you have about units.

You'll be able to increase the size of your army, and hire more units - including some new ones.

Edit: Upped points to 100
Last edited:
Location Selection #1
So itz and your ladz, 'und a 'ouple or so 'angers on can't get rid of. Dat was nice when youz was wandrin round, kumpin gits 'und stealin loot, but now youz had your misshin from da gods! Youz gotta build a city! And youz gotta build it good und propra. You ah, youz don't know what dat means though. You saw da city, but youz don't member it so good.

Youz could do what Greenskins do when dey wanna settle down, 'und claim some other git's place. Maybe a stuntie 'ole they left, or a humie fort dat's pre-trashed. But youz could also find some place new, build it up inna orcy way.

Zugzig sayz you shoud take over some gitz place, 'nd itd be better if youz can kick out whos dere now. 'E also went on 'bout "sites o' powah" 'nd "da greats rivahs", but hez mad so youz shouldz probs just ignore dat.

Hozzy sayz you needz a place with metals orz - iron would beh bestest. 'Nd buney rocks too, or lotta trees to make it. Wood woold be gud for buildin too.

Morgog wantz plenty o' felds for 'is piggies to run, cause dey need gras ta eat, 'und dey get fighty penned up,. Dats a good thing to youz, but 'e knows boars so you'll con-sid-er it.

And youz? Youz just want sum place with gitz near to foight 'nd loot, and a big 'hrone to sit on witha pile of shinies. Dat's tha most impurtunt thing, and youz da Boss so whut you sayz goez!

I'm going to make what is probably a mistake, and allow you to suggest where the settlement will be, instead of giving a series of locations. But I am providing a series of caveats and rules:
  • Your forces are small, so no locations that are already occupied by major forces.
    • The closer you are to large settlements the sooner you'll have to deal with them
    • If a location already has occupiers, you'd need to fight them.
  • Places we don't have a lot of canon for (Ind, Khuresh, basically anywhere east of the Mountains of Mourn)
  • Places you're unlikely to last (Chaos Wastes, Ulthuan, Cathay)
  • Places you can't reach easily/at all (Albion)
  • Can be vague, as long as I can plot it on a map
Discussion for a day before voting starts, which will also last a day; make your vote as brief but as detailed as possible. Afterwards I'll sort the highest voted and give pros and cons for a final vote.

Just some examples:
[ ] Stonemine Tower, Badlands/Black Gulf Coast
[ ] Massif Orcal, Bretonnia
[ ] Kingdom of Beasts, Southlands
[ ] a secluded valley, Mountains of Mourne
[ ] The Vaults

Keep in mind once you have a location for your city, you will not be moving.
Location Selection #2
[ ] Mousillon, Cursed Dukedom of Bretonnia
The land of Mousillon was once the fairest of all the Dukedoms, but time and tragedy has sapped it's grace, and the rot of undeath has laid its mark heavily. Currently there isn't even a recognised Duke, with the capital of Mousillon City ruled by shadowy creatures. It's populace are inbred mutants, living short and miserable lives. In death they found little rest, raised by passing necromancers or even random dark magic.

Who Wants To Live Here?
- Most of the "better" parts of Mousillon was claimed by it's neighbor Lyonesse, and the rest left to rot. Few have interest in it now. (Less likely to gain attention from outside of Mousillon)
Sunken Treasure - Much has sunk beneath the dirty waters of Mousillon, trapped forever in it's murky embrace. If you can find a way to pull them from the depths, they will be yours. (Can search/dredge for useful things e.g. scrap, treasure)
Terrified Populace - So many petty tyrants and dark lords have claimed the accursed Dukedom as their own, the human populace have become used to living under oppression's boot (Actions against locals less likely to cause negative responses)

- Mousillon is a land of bogs and marshes. Dry, high ground is rare and sometimes shifts. The swamps themselves are often called haunted - which is completely true, by a number of monstrosities. (Lots of wet land, often occupied)
Restless Dead - Undead of all kinds lurk within Mousillon - and not all hide away. Some hold land, lording over the living and dead both. Some still hold to their honor, as twisted as it might have become. (Undead and Necomancers everywhere)
Watched Borders - Built in response to the Red Pox, the Cordon Sanitaire has been built up over centuries. It is a loose ring of fortress and watch towers, manned by a few unlucky troops and naive knights, that stop anyone from trying to leave Mousillon (Any parties leaving Mousillon are likely to be spotted)

[ ] The Kingdom of Beasts, Southlands Jungle
The jungles of the Southlands are vast, primal places where the law of the beast rule supreme. Tribes of men, beastmen and greenskins survive under it's canopies, while the coasts are home to rough colonies and hidden coves. The Kingdom of Beasts is well known for it's monstrous denizens of all types and sizes, ranging from the simple hippopotamus to rare creatures like the savage Carnosaur.

Wood A Plenty
- Timber is in abundance here, as well as other floral bounties. You just have to avoid the poisons ones (Large amounts of Wood, and other plant-based resources)
Savage Land - Greenskins of the Savage variety are common within the Southlands, with tribes regularly migrating in search of a foight. (Tribal greenskins are easy to find, for better recruitment and fighting)
Hidden Wonders - The Southlands are a place of mystery, with many lost ruins and hidden temples containing wondrous treasures. You'll need to avoid the deadly trap and unsleeping guardians, but tomb raiding is very profitable. (Chances to go dungeon crawling)

This Jungle Hates You
- Flies the size of your eye, snakes that could swallow a grot hole, rampaging dinosaurs that crush everything in their path - and that's just the start. (Lots of danger and chances to die)
Aint No Map - Navigating the jungle is difficult even for those that spend their lives there. The undergrowth can change overnight, damaged by passing beasts or fed by heavy rainfalls. (Traveling is difficult, even over short distances)
Languid Lizards - The Lizardmen of the Southlands might be split off from the majority of their race and the guidance of their eldest, but they are still mighty. More importantly, their copy of the Great Plan is more complete (Possibility of attracting Lizardmen attention)

This is the last "character" creation vote, after which... you'll do another vote to choose a specific location. But, then it'll be turn 1 time!
Turn (Minus) 1 - Locashun, Locashun, Locashun
You are Gorzha Fieryskin, Black Ork and Warboss of the Black Rock Tribe. Once you were a slave to the Dawi Zharr, forced to serve under the hot-tempered Kapric Neveroathed, but you broke your chains and left for greater things. Over the past few years you've fought across the Badlands, rising from a simple Boss to Big Boss before krumping the last Warboss of the Black Rocks when he was doing a bad job.

All your life you've had dreams and visions, and it took a while to realise it was da Gods talkin to you. Useful stuff mostly - tellin ya where to find the best foights, what to say to unruly gits to stop yappin and follow yah. But then they started tellin ya to head sotuh - away from the Badlands with all it's little tribes. Away from the humies, and the stunites, and other fun gits to foight. You wen't too sure about it, but the Gods never led ya wrong before, so you went sotuh. Took a long long time, but you finally got to a big wet forest - what Zugzig called a jungle. You stopped havin the dreams then. You didn't like that, not one bit, and all your gits could tell wurn't sure what to do now. Dey were happy enough foightin the humies and other orks that lived here, but they were startin to grumble.

But last night, sleepin in your boss tent, you had The Dream. And you saw The City. And the Gods told you what you had to do - build a City, a propra City, for Greenskins. You had a job to do now, and ain't nuttin gonna stop yah!

Crawlin out your Boss Tent you were met with the bustle of a Greenskin camp, but more muted then you were used to. Your Black Orc followers weren't showin it, but the ordinary Orcs were spendin more time in huddles mutterin than yellin. And da Gobbos were moving about more carefully, heads swivlin as they tried to keep an eye on all the threats. Dey needed summit to get their minds on track.

By your tent are two Black Orks, standin guard. Not cause you worry bout getting stabbed in the night - you wear your armor while sleepin, like any proper orc does, and you reckon you would wake up and krump any git that tried. But dat would interrupt your beu-ty sleep, and dat makes you cranky. More cranky.

"Oy, you gits," you grunt out, "get all da tribe togetha. Gotta talk ta em' all." They nod and walk off - but you grab one's shoulder before he can. "And dat includes da Noight Gobbos und Sneaky Gits, too."

"But boss," the git whines, "dere a bunch of wussy…" he pauses, as his clearly underdeveloped noggin catches up with the fact 'es talkin back at the chief. Alotta other Warbosses would krump'em on prin-ci-pal, and so would you normally, but you're in a good mood and decide to take some pity on him.

"Idiut," you say, armoured hand slapping him round the head. Once 'is head stopps shakin, you decide to share some Warboss wisdom with 'im.

[ ][Goblins] "Gobbos ain't worth a lot, but dey cun foight. Well, more loike stand in da way uf gits, so uz orks cun get stuck inta them."
You have a poor opinion of Gobbos, and will mostly ignore them

[ ][Goblins] "Gobbos ure Greenskins too, ya know. Dere scrawny, und cowurds, und uh… but dey ure propa Kunnin, and dat makes up fur it. Mostly."
You have a low opinion of Gobbos, but not enough to discount them

A while later you were sitting on ya throne lookin at all yah gits. Or you would be, if you had a throne. You had to settle for standing on a fallen tree instead, which ain't as fancy, but it means all da gits are looking up at you as is propra. Currently most of them are chatting and talking among themselves, apart from the Black Orcs - front and center - that were all standing at attention. And the Rogue Idol as well, looming over all of yah. Hmm, you could've climbed the Idol to give your speech. Maybe next time.

Standing by the Idol, and carefully doing his usual shuffling dance was Zugzig Stick-Shaka, your tribal Shaman. Odd git, but all Shamans were. Spent a lot of time talkin nonsense, but had a lot to say about the Gods. Plus he could do some wicked magic with dat bone staff.

Hozzy Ironsmasher was stood near the front, drinkin sumit from a grogskin. Not a Big Boss, but he knew summit speshul - how to smelt down scrap to forge into new stuff, and more importantly how to turn shiny rocks into new metal. Black Orcs can mend their gear, or reshape stuff to fit, but a git that knows how to work metal was worth his weight in grog.

And then there was Morgog Pigfoot, who was moping of to the side. You weren't really sure about Morgog; he was big enough to be a Boss, even a Big Boss, but spent more time herdin his boars than bullyin gits, as was propa. Maybe it was because he'd lost his right arm to some humie knight. Still, he knew how to get the most of piggies, so you'd let 'im be so far.

Thinking that the boyz had been chatting for long enough, you decided to draw their attention like any boss should; by yelling at them. "ALL RIGHT YA GITS, LISHUN UP!" All the Orcs and Gobbos put their full attention on you - if you were a puny humie, you'd be crappin yourself about now. But you aint a humie; your' a proper Orcy git! And you look the part too.

You are big - big even for the Warboss of a small tribe. Your dark green skin and bulging muscles are covered by blackened plates of steel, some attached with leather straps and some simply bolted into place. You made this armor yourself, from scrap taken from other Black Orcs that thought they could take you, and found out they were wrong. Your helmet, little more than a heavy bucket with a perforated visor and boar-tusk horns is currently on a hook at your belt, leaving your bald head visible. Dark green skin is marred by thick scars, many that retain an angry red hue, from where you draw your name. Your face is typical of any Orc - mean and evil, with thick tusks and a flat nose. Your eyes are hidden under thick brows, yet seem to glow with an inner flame.

"Iz knowz it semmsz loike we'ze been wandrin in circles for da last few days, und muybe we have bin a bit," You get a few gwaffs, which is good - can't be serious all the time. "But dats over now! Cause last night… da Gods come ta me." All the gitz leaned forwards, much more interested. You had'nt been shy about tellin everyone that the Gods spoke to you, und you only had ta krump a few gits before the rest believed you. "Da Gods showed me a city - but nota humie or stuntie city, a PROPA one! With Greenskins innit, und livinin in it, und doing uh… city stuff. Und da Gods tol' me I waz gonna be da one ta build it for dem. Iz gonna build da gretast Greenskin, no, da gretast city EVA! Und youz gits are gonna 'elp me do it! Wez gonna build da gretast city, und we'ze gonna RULE it, und we'ze gonna be betta den all dose other gits! Und if dey hava prolem with dat, dey can cume to OUR CITY, und we'ze GONNA KRUMP EM! Now… WADDA YA SAY?"

[Inspiring The Tribe: Roll 96 + 13 (Stewardship Bonus) + 10 (Devine Mishun) - 20 (City? Wassat?) = 99]

The tribe yelled back, letting loose a primal howl. Most of the gits you reckon had no idea what you was talking about, or what a city was, that didn't matter; all you had to do was amp them up, and they'd follow you to Zog and back. The Idol got into it too, raising its rough face to the sky and letting out a rumbling roar. Zugzig was dancin even harder, giggling as green sparks began to fly from his head. Morgog had perked up, and was shaking his pokin-stick and letting out a hoarse cheer. And Hozzy… was still drinkin his grog. Odd git.

Once things got settled a bit, you got the Boar Boy Bosses together and told them to take their bunch and go out lookin for someplace interesting. They grumbled a bit, saying scouting was gobbo work, but you carefully and concisely explained that lacking Wolf Riders, they were the best next thing. By which you mean, you punched all three and told them not to come back until they found something interesting.

They were gone for a couple of days while you had the camp packed up and what meager supplies you had tied to Morgog's boars, or any unwise gobbo that wandered too close. Soon the Boar Boys started coming back; each had found something they thought was best, and hadda short brawl about tellin you first. Took some more thumpin, but you got the details out of them, and learned that there were about three promising places, each fairly close by.

[ ][Location] Odd Pilla
An angular stone pillar, conspicuously lacking any kind of overgrowth. The Boar Boys says it's "odd", but they can't quite explain why. Around it are a couple of ruined buildings, and the remains of a low stone wall.

[ ][Location] River Cliff
A raised cliff with a fairly large flat top, above a fast running river. Defensible, if you can avoid falling over the edge, like on of the Boyz did. He survived though, and came back talking about "shiny rocks" in the river.

[ ][Location] Humie Ruin
Some kind of low humie building, long overgrown and fallen into ruin. It's pretty fancy - three layers, stairs goin up the side to a flat top. Boyz searched the top two floors, they're empty, but the bottom level's entrances are sealed up tight.

Vote starts now, ends in two days.

The goblin vote is more character-building than mechanic based. If you started with no goblins at all, you would have had an option to totally disdain them. As in, your default stance is ignoring them, or punching them if they try to talk to you.

Unlike previous votes, these locations will still exist if they aren't chosen, but their status might change between now and coming back to them.
Turn 1 - Startin Uff
You peer over the cliff, studying the drop to the churning, rapid river below. It's a sizable fall - not enough to kill a Big 'Un, but another weaker git might break a few bones. Beside you stands Hozzy - yet again - drinking from a grogskin. "Dat's a long drop. Not gonna be seein lotta gits comin from dis side," he notes, "unless de're good at climbin, or muybe spidas?"

You grunt, noncommittal, then swipe the grogskin. To your disgust you find it empty, and without a moment's thought toss it over the edge. Hozzy watches it fall, annoyingly calm, nodding as it hits the water with a splash. "Long drop," he says again.

Turning away from the cliff and your… lieutenant? advisor? lackey, and walk off. The jungle is still thick here, lots of trees and dense vegetation, but some of your troops are already having a go at clearing it. Black Orcs are using helpless trees as target practice, chopping away at them until the pieces get too small to be fun, and move on. Gobbos swarm in then, throwing the logs into rough piles in vain attempts to be seen as helpful. The exception to this are the Night Gobbos - they're huddling under shadowy thicket, warily eyeing the light shining through the trees and waving small kniofes at any git with an axe that gets close.

You find Morgog watching over his charges, sixty big boars all rooting around in the undergrowth. A couple gobbos with rough stickas move around the edge of the herd, jabbing at any that stray too far. As you watch, one jabs a bit too hard - the boar squeals and springs forwards onto the gobbos. Morgog chuckles as the stupid git gets stomped on, his fellows staying as far away as they could without seeming to abandon their duties. "Buncha idiuts" he says, clearly having heard you approach. "Ain't propa herdas, no mattah 'ow big da sticka." He side-eyes you, one hand flexing on his own much larger pokin-stick. "Dis da spot den Boss?"

"Yeah, dis is it." You jerk a head at the boars, who were now congregating around the trampled gobbos, tearing away at his flesh. "How'll da boars loike it?"

"Not gud, not bad. Needa propa pen ta herd em in" - probas enoughs space up 'ere." The Herda points at a boar that was… trying to ride another? On'ce dat's up, Iz cans start sum propa work with dem. Want me ta start on dat?"

"Not yet. If we'ze doin dis propa-lee, 'nd we are," you insist, "Iz gotta have me boss 'ut. Can't be a propa city withut me boss hut."

"Dats da gods hunest tuth!" Sighing, you turn to see Zugzig making his way over, doing some kind of shuffling that roughly resembled dancing. As you watched, he trips over a root, yet catches himself on his white staff. Weird charms and talismans jangling as he continues to jig, peering up at you. "Boss gotta hava hut, orz a cave, or even justa spot ta stand 'nd shout! Dats da Way of da Gods!"

"Roight, sure," you say, already walking off. Zugzig doesn't annoy you - beyond the stupid dancing - but you're the Boss. The Gods speak to you too, and you don't need a Shaman to tell you what they're saying.

Build A City

Get Some Loot.

1 (+1 (Jungle))
Stone: 0
Food: 0 (Not positive, not negative)
Scrap: 0
Boars: 2 (Growth = 0)

Fightyness: 0 (0^ (No Foights!) - 50* (Settled City) - 30* (Amped Speech) + 10 (Black Orc Fightyness) + 1 (Orcs Vs Gobbos))
Discipline: 77 (50* (Settled City) + 30 (Proven Chief) + 10 (Black Orc Discipline) - 1^ (No Black Barracks) - 5^ (No Idol Of Mork) - 5^ (No Idol Of Gork) - 2^ (Night Goblin Discontent))

Numbers With Arrows^ Will Grow Every Year If Not Addressed
Numbers With Stars* Drop Every Year, Some May Not Be Redone

Martial (1 Action)
Right now you arn't actively fighting anyone. Which means you need to go out and find someone to fight!

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ]
Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions.

[ ] March, March, MARCH!
Greenskins are naturally adverse to following orders, and often you need to beat it into them. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Burns some Fightiness, command bonus for a year | Chance of Success: 65%)

[ ] Patrol Da Land
Organize patrols around your camp, mainly with your faster cavalry., giving you advanced warning of anyone approaching and getting some scouting done as well. (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Continual patrols of local area | Chance of Success: 95%)

[ ] Go look over dere
-[ ]
Have your scouts check out a nearby location. If they find something interesting and/or dangerous, they'll hopefully be able to run back for help (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Knowledge of location | Chance of Success: ???%)
Odd Pilla
Humie Ruin

[ ] Ere, Put Dis Collar On
Need some workers? Go round up some of the stragglers that follow the tribe around, wack them over the head and make them slaves. Bit rude, but why not?
(Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Greenskin Slaves | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Ere we go, Ere we go!
-[ ]
Units & Heroes
Gather some gits together and go fight someone! (List the units & characters you'll be taking. Taking an Advisor or the Chief consumes 2 of their actions. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: A foight! | Chance of Success: ???%)

Stewardship (1 Action)
If the tribe is gonna spend a lot of time here - and they will - stuff needs to get sorted. Removing all these trees, for a start.

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ]
Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions.

[ ] Work, Work
Organize a programme of tree chopping, to gather wood and clear space around the camp. It'll even burn off some rowdyness, although most plants don't fight back. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Wood, more space| Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Diggy Diggy 'ole!
Get some gobbos to start digging pit. From it you can pull rocks to build with, or maybe even some metal if you get lucky. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Rough stone, maybe ore | Chance of Success: 75%)

[ ] Boss Hut First!
Of course the boss needs the biggest and bestest hut around, and he needs it now! (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Boss Hut | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Bas-ic Barracks
Blacks like being nice and proper, and having some place to store their weapons away from grubby thiving things. MUST BE TAKEN WITH OR AFTER Boss Hut First (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Black Ork Barracks | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Gobbo Hole
Night Goblins get antsy if they're exposed to the sun too much. Better get somewhere they can hide from "Ol Frizzle Face". MUST BE TAKEN WITH OR AFTER Boss Hut First (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Night Goblin Cave | Chance of Success: 90%)

[ ] Huts For Da Boys
Orcs and Gobbos gotta have a place to live, yanno? Will take a while to build enough for everyone though. MUST BE TAKEN WITH OR AFTER Boss Hut First (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Huts | Chance of Success: 90%)

[ ] Pens For Pigs
Build a fence - or at least a ditch - to corral your piggies. You'll be able to do some proper work with them afterwards. MUST BE TAKEN WITH OR AFTER Boss Hut First (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Pig Pen, New Actions | Chance of Success: 80%)

Intrigue (1 Action)
You ain't against sneaking, when it's needed, you're just not good at it. Maybe you could find someone better to do it for you?

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ]
Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions

[ ] Sneaky look round
-[ ]
Have some more sneaky gits scout an area. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Knowledge of location | Chance of Success: ???%)

[ ] What 'dey sayin?
Listen in on what the boyz are saying when they think their bosses aren't listening. Might learn something useful, or what they grumble about. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Learn what your troops are thinking | Chance of Success: 80%)

Diplomacy (1 Action)
Not a lot of people to talk to right now… and even if there was someone, the best way greenskins talk is with violence.

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ]
Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions

[ ] Go talk ta dem gits
-[ ]
-[ ] Approach
Although you'd prefer to introduce yourself by gutting them, maybe a… softer approach might have it's benefits. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Open Diplomacy With Group (On Success) | Chance of Success: Depends On Group)

[ ] Youz A Black Rock Git Now!
Need more citizens? There are a couple stragglers pokin around, wack em round the head and induct them into the tribe (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: More citizens | Chance of Success: 100%)

Learning (1 Action)
Greenskins don't know a lot, but what they do know is all they need! But… maybe a bit more can help/

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ]
Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions

[ ] Shiny Rocks Rock!
Apparently there are some shiny rocks in the river. Probably should find out what they are, and how they can be used. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)

[ ] Green Is Always Good
There are a lot of plants around. Maybe you can find something useful? (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Useful resources | Chance of Success: ???%)

[ ] Why though?
-[ ]
Study something of interest, hopefully you'll find something useful. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)

Piety (1 Action)
The Gods, Gork and Mork, are always there. They appreciate a good fight, or a good bit of kunning, but they still like big statues of themselves. Anyone would.

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ]
Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions

[ ] Simple Icon of Gork
Make this place feel like home by putting up an effigy to Gork, the Brutally Kunnin. Some gits might be annoyed that it's not Mork, but zog'em. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Place to worship Gork | Chance of Success: 90%)

[ ] Simple Icon of Mork
Make this place feel like home by putting up an effigy to Mork, the Kunninly Brutal. Some gits might be annoyed that it's not Gork, but zog'em. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Place to worship Mork | Chance of Success: 90%)

[ ] Simple Icon of Da Gods
Make this place feel like home, without pissing gits off, by putting up an effigy of both Gork and Mork (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Place to worship both gods | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Poke Da Pilla
That pillar… is odd. But how is it odd, and how can you use it to krump better? (Resources: n/a | Time: 3 Years | Reward: Knowledge about the Pilla, ??? | Chance of Success: 50%)

[ ] Rock That Walks Like An Orc
Your tribe's Rogue Idol… is just hanging around. But they're only supposed to animate when a fight is on? You should probably work this out. (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Knowledge about the Rogue Idol, ??? | Chance of Success: 70%)

Personal (Choose 3)
You're a busy boss, but you still have time to do your own stuff.

[ ] I'll show ya how it's dun!
-[ ]
Aid an advisor with an action, adding your score to theirs. They might not appreciate your help however, depending on the task.

[ ] Gotta Do Evrathin Me Self
-[ ]
Spend your own time to complete an action

[ ] Finda Git
-[ ]
Search your best and… "brightest" for someone to fill empty roles. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Advisor candidates | Chance of Success: 100%)

[ ] Whats ina city?
Ruminate on your divine task, and attempt to understand what the gods actually want you to do. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Understanding, direction | Chance of Success: 60%)

[ ] Whats ina God?
- [ ] Gork
- [ ] Mork
- [ ] Hashut

Ruminate on your Gods, and what they want from you(Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Understanding, Direction | Chance of Success: 60/40%)

[ ] Talkin
- [ ]
Go have a chat with another character. Maybe you'll learn something about them. FIRST IS FREE (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Knowledge About Characters| Chance of Success: 100%)

Discussion for a day, voting for a day.
Only Plan Votes!!!

If a bolded thing is italicized, replace it with your choice

Reminder, your hero units/advisors are;
Zugzig Stick-Shaka, Orc Shaman
Hozzy Ironsmasher, Orc Smith
Morgog Pigfoot, Orc Boar Herda

Fightiness is a measure of how much your boyz want a fight. Too low, and they'll start grumblin about how if they were boss, or simply leave to find entertainment somewhere else. High Fightiness is good in the short term - granting battle & recruitment bonuses - but if it stays high for too long you'll start getting fights.

Discipline is similar, but it's more about public order, and how much control the chief has.

Some options are locked behind applying an advisor to the role - probably should've let you say who does what before now, but meh.
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Turn 1 Result - Part 1
Dis is your job now (Stewardship) - Morgog Pigfoot
When you tell Morgog to not focus on the piggies yet, he huffs a bit, but accepts your orders. Knowing when to talk back - almost never - is a good thing for an Greenskin. Leaving his dear boars with his "helper" Goblins, most of whom will get ate, the Herda starts herdin gits, directing them to start work.

Morgog Is Now Your Stewardship Advisor

Work, Work
Organize a programme of tree chopping, to gather wood and clear space around the camp. It'll even burn off some rowdyness, although most plants don't fight back. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Wood, more space | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 94 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 113 | 2/1 Successes)

The Orcs have been chopping down trees just to have something to fight, but under Morgog's keen eyes they go at it like they're fighting puny humies. In days the top of the hill is free of trees - in a few months, there is a wide clearing down to where the land starts leveling off.

To further clear the ground Morgog has Gobbos pull up every small plant they can. The little gits delight in throwing the weeds into camp fires, dancing around and cheering at the destruction. Meanwhile the Black Orcs challenge themselves by pulling up stumps barehanded. By the end of the first few months you have a savaged hill and a big stack of felled trees, slowly being added to as the tribe continues the tree slaughter.

Gained +2 Wood Resource
City Site Cleared Of Trees
+1 Wood Per Year
Morgog Pigfoot Gained Experience - ???

Boss Hut First!
Of course the boss needs the biggest and bestest hut around, and he needs it now! (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Boss Hut | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 33 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 52 | 1/1 Successes)

The lumber doesn't stay still for long. Morgog's first attempt to create your Boss Hut involves burying a large tree trunk upright, then balancing smaller trunks on it to make a structure like the pointy top of a humie tower. But Morgog quickly decides this isn't good enough, and has his gits pull it apart. Next he sets down two rows of trunks, leaning on each other, forming a sort of tunnel. But it quickly gets confusing which end is the "front", so Morgog pulls it down again.

Finally, Morgog finds something that works. Getting the Black Orcs to do some "tac-tical" chops, he has them cut notches into the end of the logs, allowing them to lock together like wooden teef. Using this method Morgog makes a box, further cutting in a rough door and even a window. Logs chopped in half form the floor, and going back to the previous design he adds a triangle roof.

The resulting hut is crude, even to an Orc, and there isn't enough room to swing a Gobbo. But it's yours, so it went up first, and that makes it special. In between your own tasks you take the time to give the Herda a gruff "Gud Job". Morgog response with a nod, and notes he could do better with better stuff to build with.

Boss Hunt Constructed
Type - Basic (No Bonuses)
-1 Wood Resource

Bas-ic Barracks
Blacks like being nice and proper, and having some place to store their weapons away from grubby thiving things. MUST BE TAKEN WITH OR AFTER Boss Hut First (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Black Ork Barracks | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 13 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 32 | 1/1 Successes)

Deciding to not remake the choppa Morgog just makes the same kind of hut he made for you for your gits. It's longer but narrower, and the Black Orcs don't waste time in choosing a seemingly random spot as theirs, dropping their weapons and other knick knacks to mark their territory. It only gets properly marked when a thieving Gobbo gets caught and impaled on a stick outside - a good warning to any git that wants a go.

Black Orc Barrack Constructed
Type - Basic (No Bonuses)
-1 Wood Resource

Patrol Da Land
Organize patrols around your camp, mainly with your faster cavalry, giving you advanced warning of anyone approaching and getting some scouting done as well. (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Continual patrols of local area | Chance of Success: 95%)
(DC 5 | Roll 83 - 20 (Jungle Environment) = 63 | 1/2 Successes)

You yell at the Boar Boys to go scouting again, but then leave them to organize themselves. Before a fight can start over who has to go, the smarter Big 'Un Boss - Beanie - had the idea of drawing lots. Three twigs later, and a fight breaks out over "Ose 'tick iz shorta" before one of the bands gets ganged up on and forced out. A couple of weeks later they wander back in, apparently having got bored and hungry, and another band is forced out. This repeats - so far you're yet to hear any results.

Scouting System In The Works
Big 'Uns Annoyed At Having to Do It
One Year Of Work Remaining

Sneaky look round - Odd Pilla
Have some more sneaky gits scout an area. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Knowledge of location | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 73 - 10 (Time) = 63 | 1/1 Successes)

You also yell at the Nasty Skulkers, telling them to go check up on the Odd Pilla you almost settled at. Off they shulk, and you don't see any of them around for quite a while. Finally one creeps up to ya, and once you slap him a bit for sneaking around he tells you that the Gobbos have seen a whole lot of nothing. One git thought he found a footprint, but it turned out to be his own.

No Evidence Of Other Groups At Odd Pilla

Youz A Black Rock Git Now!
Need more citizens? There are a couple stragglers pokin around, wack em round the head and induct them into the tribe (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: More citizens | Chance of Success: 100%)
(DC 25/50/75/100 | Roll 89 + 10 (Jungle Environment) = 99 | 1/1 Successes)

Well, it's slim pickins for sure. In dribs and drabs Greenskins that lurk at the edge of the camp are nabbed, dragged to someplace central, then given a good kickin till they get the message. Mostly it's Gobbos and Snotlings - and you didn't properly have any of those before, so that's a bit nice. You get a bare handful of Orcs, but some prove themselves Black Orcs by instinctively lashing out when gits come for them. These ones are seized by their established brethren, and dragged to the Barracks to be inducted in the Proper Way of being a Black Orc.

More Citizens
Black Orcs - 3d2 = 4
Orcs - 3d4 = 11
Goblins - 3d10 = 12
Snotlings - 3d25 = 30

Dis is your job now (Learning) - Hozzy Ironsmasher
It's a wet day when Hozzy comes to find you in your Boss Hut. It gets quite damp in the jungle, and you've had to pay close attention to your gear to stop it rusting. When the Smith enters, carrying a leather sack, you've got Crumper on the log you're using as a rough table, using a leather rag to rub it down. Bloodletta is next to you, already done.

Hozzy stands and watches for a while - you're happy to make him wait, focused on your task - before speaking "Youz gots some pig fat for day?" You pause, looking up at your lacky, and he keeps going, "Rubbin pig on metal fat keaps it 'rom rustin for longa. Gives a noice shine too."

Hozzy Is Now Your Learning Advisor

Talkin - Hozzy Ironsmasher
Go have a chat with another character. Maybe you'll learn something about them. FIRST IS FREE (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Knowledge About Characters | Chance of Success: 100%)
(Gorzha's Roll 39 + 8 (Gorzha's Diplomacy) = 47)
(Hozzy's Roll 10 + 7 (Hozzy's Diplomacy) = 17)

"Yeah? Dat some smithin kunnin?" You turned Crumper over, and started attacking a stubborn stain from a Stormrat's brains, while keeping your focus on Hozzy. He shrugged, scratching at his rough chin.

"Supose so. I knows a 'ew otha tricks. Loike usin sand n'd grit ta make it shiny, n'd usin pig-bristles ta get in da cracks. It ain't 'bout kunnin 'eally, just knowin"

"And youz knows a lot, youz do. W'ere did ya learn it?"

Hozzy paused, an uncertain look on his face, before nodding. "Frum sum gits. Back up in da 'Umpire."

"The humie lands? Youz come from dere den?" You stopped rubbing, putting aside the cloth, and lifted up Crumper from the middle to check the balance.

"Yeh. Ozlund, dey call it. Lotta dark foests, lotta creepy tings about. Humies get so scared of it all dey drink a lotta grog. Nut bad, summa it."

"Roight." You're starting to get bored of this talking. Putting Crumper down beside you, you clap your hands, causing the hut to shake slightly. "I told ya ta go off do cleva stuff, so whot ya got for me?"

Green Is Always Good
There are a lot of plants around. Maybe you can find something useful? (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Useful resources | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 43 + 17 (Hozzy's Learning) = 60 | 1/2 Successes)

From the sack Hozzy pulled a handful of plant stuff, then dumped them on the table. "Pants aint my spec-al-ty, soz Iz bin winging it mustly. Grabbed one'a that Night Gobbos, had'em point out sum tuff dey knew. Dis one," he points to a violently red flower, "when ya get inna gits blud, burns real bad. Dis," a odd yellow fruit "iz pretty tasty - grows in sum trees. And dis, " pointing now to a dirty brown root "issa pain-stoppa. Iz pretty gud too - I rubb dit onna boy 'fter wackin Im wif me hamma, 'nd 'e said it didn 'urt so much." Hozzy scratched his chin thoughtfully, "'Though Iz did wack 'im in da 'ead, so he mighta jus' bin nocked silly."

You pick up the fruit, give it a sniff, then bite into it. The inside proves to be somewhat soft and creamy, with some black bits adding a bit of crunch. "Iz alroight, I supose. Wez gunna be aba ta farm dis 'tuff?"

"Iz still lernin how dey grow 'un tuff, but muybe. Might needa find sume Gobbos dat know 'bout furmin."

Selection Of Plants Discovered
Red Flower That Causes Non-Lethal Burning Sensation
Yellow Fruit That Tastes Niceish
Brown Root That Dulls Pain
One Year Of Work Remaining

"Youz do dat." You threw what was left of the fruit out in the window - where it hit a passing Orc in the face - and pointed at Hozzy's sack. "Wut else ya got fur me?"

Why though? - Local Wildlife
Study something of interest, hopefully you'll find something useful. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 48 + 17 (Hozzy's Learning) = 65 | 1/1 Successes)

First comes small, brightly coloured bird with a snapped arrow still sticking into it. "Tweety git didn shut up. And dey was talkin back ta me!

Hozzy pours a handful of green scales onto the table. As you pick on up, he explains; "Buncha big liz-ards, runnin on t'o legs. Wez was spottin dem as we waz travlin 'ere, but deres sume sniffin round da camp - duh, city. Arrow Boy managed to wing one, but dere pretty tougf and jus' ran ouf."

You consider the scales, pinching one between your fingers to test the toughness. "Got any idas for wut we canz use dem for?"

"' I dunno whot liz-ard tastes loike, but Iz gues we coulds hunt dem. Sum gits moight loike dere teef fur trinkits. Alough Iz gots sums tings I wanna test."

Large, Two Legged Lizards Are About

"Tellz mez 'bout it later. Iz wanna know whot ya found in da riva."

Shiny Rocks Rock!
Apparently there are some shiny rocks in the river. Probably should find out what they are, and how they can be used. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 87 + 17 (Hozzy's Learning) = 104 | 2/1 Successes)

With probably undue care, Hozzy takes out a red-ish rock out and plonks it down. "Dis? Dis iz irun. Propa gud 'tuff to, youz can tell cause itz red loike blud. I tink. Anywayz, Iz can start buildin a smelta 'nd start makin bars of da good 'tuff inna year or too. Itll taka lotta charcoal, soz I'd needa set dat up az well, but afta dat we'ze be rollin." You reach for the ore, but Hozzy is already reaching back into the sack. "But dats not all Iz found. Lookie at dis."

Something in you starts to burn as Hozzy brings out a small, glinting rock. It's no bigger than a Snotling's fist, but you snatch it up before the smith can place it down, and hold it up to your eye. It glistens merrily.

"Gold," you mutter, before raising the nugget up high. Without looking away from it, you ask "Is dere mure of it?"

"Uuuuh, sure, lots. I dink da iruns from da cliff - moight needa set up sum minin - but I dunno were da gold comes from-"

"WELL FIND OUT!" The wooden cracks as you slam a fist down, glaring at Hozzy. Your other hand is stealthy dropping the gold into an armor pouch. "Dis tuff - da gold, an da irun - iz gonna be da foun-da-tion of dis city! We'ze gonna be rich, and we'ze gonna be armed to da teef! Dis is gonna put da city on da map!"

Iron Ore & Gold Discovered In River
Iron Likely From Cliff, Requires Mining
Unknown Amount & Source Of Gold Nuggets

"Er, yeah, but er… whotz it gonna be called?"

You pause, brain stuttering to a stop. "Wut?"

"Well, boss," Hozzy shuffles uncomfortably, "I dun tink you - er, uz, got round ta namin dis place? We'ze aint got a propa name, loike Red Eye Mou-tain, or Black Crag, an'it kinda feelz off…" he trails off, watching you.

"...Iz did name dis place," you say confidently, hiding the fact you're desperately searching for ideas, "I jus aint got round ta tell you gits yet. Dis place… dis city… iz gonna be called-"

[ ] Name

Come up with a name, it can be as long, complicated, or stupid as you want. Just make it orcy!
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