Because I forgot to say; Voting will close later today, with part 2 (traits) sometime tomorrow, once I tweak them to match the result.

After Traits, you'll choose Advisors, then your troops, then the big one; location.
[X] Plan: One for the Little Guys
-[X] Name: Jekik Keeneye
-[X] Tribe Name: Da Rascals
-[X] Goblin!
--[X] Goblin Warboss

[X]Plan: Black Ork Dwarf
-[x] Name: Gorzha Fieryskin.
-[x] Tribe Name: Black Rock Tribe!
-[x] Orc!
--[x] Black Orc Warboss
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Adhoc vote count started by Dragonofelder on Nov 4, 2023 at 4:30 AM, finished with 27 posts and 19 votes.

Nice, @Dragonofelder , you don't need to count manually.
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by Dragonofelder on Nov 4, 2023 at 4:52 PM, finished with 38 posts and 27 votes.

So we're going for a Black Orc then? Get ready for a lotta krumpin!
Character Creation #2 - Traits
Youz is Gorzha Fieryskin, Black Orc 'und Warboss of da Black Rock Tribe! Youz a big git, even when youz were simple git, cause youz was made for Foightin!

Traits Gained
More Brutal than Kunnin
+5 martial, +5 Prowess -5 Intrigue, -3 all others

Black Orc
Youz were made for foightin!
+3 Martial, +3 Prowess, -2 all others

Youz da Boss, Boss!
+3 Martial, +3 Prowess, +6 Stewardship, +3 all others

God Dreamed
You had a vision from your gods, who gave you a divine task
+5 Piety

Starting Stats
21 (Base 10 + 3 (Orc) + 3 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Prowess: 21 (Base 10 + 3 (Orc) + 3 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Diplomacy: 8 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Learning: 8 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Stewardship: 10 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 6 (Warboss))
Intrigue: 6 (Base 10 - 5 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Piety: 13 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 6 (Warboss) + 5 (God Dreamed))

'Course, youz more den dat. Youz hada whole liafe even befur youz 'came a Warboss. Most of it wuz spent krumpin gits, but whut did ya do? What did ya learn?

Character Traits
You start with 4 shines. You have any number of "Goods" but a limit of five "Bads". Each trait has both mechanical and story effects. Leftover shines will carry over in the army building.

[ ] Favored Weapon(s) (Free)
-[ ]
Dis iz my choppa. Dere are many loike it, but dis one iz mine
Choose your main weapon/s. Examples include Choppas, Hammas, Daggahs, Bows. No gunpowder or any weapon an orc would have trouble learning to use

[ ] Tac-ti-cal (-2)
If your lot go rounda side, and my lot goes da other side, we can squash 'em in between!
+5 Martial

[ ] Devout (-2)
See dat rock? It's Gork. See dat cloud? Mork. Dat pile o' dung?... dat's dung.
+5 Piety

[ ] Yella (-2)
+3 Martial, +2 Stewardship

[ ] Organiser (-2)
You, do dat! You, do dis! You… go find summit ta do!
+5 Stewardship

[ ] Big Brain (-2)
I gots a headache… I's thinkin!
+5 Learning

[ ] Brave (-2)
Ha! Youz tink dat'll scare me! Think again!
Advantage against being frightened from both mundane and magical sources

[ ] Sneaky (-2)
You've mastered the stealthy art of standing… very… still…
+5 Intrigue

[ ] Crafter (-2)
Usez a hamma to make a bigga hamma!
Bonuses to Crafting & Building

[ ] Extra Underling (-2)
Youz dead friendly, you are
Additional starting advisor (3 to 4)

[ ] Pet (-2)
Ooz a good git? Ooz a good git? Is it you? It's you, ya git!
Pick One
-[ ] Favourite Goblin
-[ ] Squig Hound
-[ ] Favourite Snotling
-[ ] Feathered Squig
-[ ]

[ ] Favorite Enemy (-2)
Oh those gits? Yeah, I knows how to 'andle em good and propa!
You have a favourite enemy, giving bonuses against them. Pick One (Can suggest factions)
-[ ] Empire
-[ ] Bretonnia
-[ ] Kislev
-[ ] High Elves
-[ ] Dark Elves
-[ ] Wood Elves
-[ ] Dwarfs
-[ ] Chaos Dwarfs
-[ ] Lizardmen
-[ ] Skaven
-[ ] Chaos Warriors
-[ ] Vampires
-[ ] Tomb Kings
-[ ]

[ ] 'Orsey Git (-3)
+5 Martial for commanding calvary, +5 Prowess when mounted

[ ] Big, Big' Un (-3)
Youz a big one, ain't ya?
+3 Prowess, Grow quicker

[ ] Lucky (-3)
You lucky git…
One failed action rerolled each turn or one failed personal combat reroll each combat.

[ ] God Touched (-3)
This isn't the first time the gods have spoken to you, and it may not be the last
+5 Piety, chance for further visions

[ ] Sparkly Thing (-3)
Somehow, you've got your hands on a magic item
Next post will include vote for magic item

[ ] Maw Friend (-3)
Gotta gob loike a tyrant, this one!
+10 Diplomacy with Ogres, can start with Ogre Units

[ ] Dog of WAAAGHH! (-3)
You spent some time as a mercenary, fighting other people's battles for loot
+5 Diplomacy, reduced malus for talking with non-greenskins

[ ] Beast Handla (-3)
Look at da size of its teeth! I's gonna wrastle it!"
+10 to beast handling & taming

[ ] Slave Master (-3)
Where dere's a whip…
+10 to slavery actions

[ ] Seasquig (-3)
Yo ho ho, it's an orc life fuh me…
Bonus to Naval Actions

[ ] Soul Tough (-3)
Magic? Nah, zog dat!
+10 resistance to harmful magic

[ ] Drilla Git (-3)
No no noo, it's 'eft den roight! Not 'eft , 'eft, roight! Start again!
+10 to unit training actions

[ ] Disciple of Gork (-3)
Brutally Kunnin!
+4 Martial, +2 Intrigue, malus to interacting with followers of Mork

[ ] Disciple of Mork (-3)
Kunninly Brutal!
+4 Intrigue, +2 Martial, malus to interacting with followers of Gork

[ ] Your Gits (-3)
Alright ladz, letz get stuck in!
Start with one unit of trusted, skilled underlings to act as bodyguards

[ ] Ironmonger (-3)
I'z loikes hammain metal, cauze I gets to 'magine it a git's face
You know how to make & work simple iron, +3 Learning

[ ] Mount Up
Getta loada my ride! Snazzy, roight?
Choose one from below
-[ ] War Boar (-2)
-[ ] War Boar Chariot (-3)
-[ ] Hagranym (-3)
-[ ] Wyvern (-4)

[ ] Disciple of Gork & Mork (-4)

Brutally Brutal, & Kunninly Kunnin!
+5 Martial, +5 Intrigue

[ ] Friend? (-4)
Yeah, I knowz a git. 'Ell give uz an 'and
Somehow you have an ally, outside of your clan. Maybe they help you out (Next post will include vote, feel free to make suggestions)

[ ] Short git (+1)
What'cha gunna do, chew me ankle? YOUCH!
You are shorter than average. -5 Prowess , grow slower

[ ] Thic 'eaded (+1)
Errr… which end of da choppa do youz hold?
-5 Learning

[ ] Forgetful (+1)
Wait, what wus Iz doin?
-1 Personal Action per turn

[ ] Heavy Footed (+1)
Quiet down, I'm tryna BE SNEAKY!!
-5 to Intrigue

[ ] Rude (+1)
Zog off, you zoggin zoggy… zog.
-5 to Diplomacy

[ ] Owe some teef (+2)
Gonna pay, with someone else's teef or yours…
You have an outstanding monetary debt to someone. They'll come collect, eventually

[ ] Zerker (+2)
The Green Mist descends
+5 Prowess, more prone to violence, roll to control in battle

[ ] Seasick (+2)
Lemme off! I lost me lunch
-10 to naval actions

[ ] Greedy (+2)
Dis is mine, 'nd so is dat, and so is dis… its all mine!
You take more than your fair share, and are loath to part with loot

[ ] Biased (+2)
Zog dat lot! 'O needs em?
Choose any number - you can't start with them in your clan, and have diplomacy/using maluses
-[ ] Night Goblins
-[ ] Forest Goblins
-[ ] Savage Orcs
-[ ] Black Orcs
-[ ] Trolls
-[ ] Ogres

[ ] Unpopular (+2)

I'm da best git! Me! Not youz lot!
You're disliked, even among your own clan

[ ] 'armless
Makes you look badass, for a price
Choose any, each counts as a single choice. Varying malus
-[ ] A Hand (+1)
-[ ] A Foot (+1)
-[ ] An Eye (+2)
-[ ] An Arm (+2)
-[ ] A Leg (+2)
-[ ] Nose (+2)
-[ ] Jaw (+3)

[ ] Coward (+3)

Get em lads! I'll uh, be right behind ya!
Malus to all orc interactions. Goblins like you more

[ ] Short Term Thinker (+3)
Why wait ta krump 'em… when I can krump dem now!
Impatient, -5 malus to all non-fighting stats

[ ] God Marked (+3)
I mean… dem spiky gits hava point.
The Dark Gods' eyes are on you. Pick one
-[ ] The Hound
-[ ] The Snake
-[ ] The Crow
-[ ] The Raven
-[ ]

[ ] Free Git (+3)
No mure chains fur me!
You are an escaped slave, and your former owners might want you back… (Pick One)
-[ ] Chaos Dwarfs
-[ ] Dark Elves
-[ ] Greenskins
-[ ] Norscans
-[ ] Kurgans
-[ ]

[ ] Grod (+3)
Iz a bit loike dat luv you humies go on about, but… bettah
You have a rival - fated by Destiny, the Gods, or your own natures. You will come into conflict, one way or another. (Next post will include vote, feel free to make suggestions)

Plan Vote, once again. Going to wait two hours before starting the vote, and will end it tomorrow

Options that are bolded and italics are to removed and replaced with a write in.

Some traits don't go with each other, be logical about them.
don't know if its too meta or out of character but i feel like an orc city should just be the most ostentatious and undefended place in the world just to bait more fights

these seem like a mix of fun and useful
[ ] Zerker (+2)
[ ] Grod (+3)
[ ] Extra Underling (-2)
[ ] Brave (-2)
[ ] Crafter (-2)
[ ] Big, Big' Un (-3)
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[X] Plan: Mistake of the Maker
-[x] Favored Weapon(s) (Free)
--[x] Pickaxe and hammer (maybe blacksmith, maybe normal wun)
-[x] Organiser (-2)
-[x] Big Brain (-2)
-[x] Crafter (-2)
-[x] Soul Tough (-3)
-[x] Ironmonger (-3)
-[x] Your Gits (-3)
-[x] Short git (+1)
-[x] Zerker (+2)
-[x] 'armless
--[x] An Eye (+2)
-[x] God Marked (+3)
-[x] Free Git (+3)
--[x] Chaos Dwarfs

Yeah, I spend every shiny to create this plan. I hope my math was right. And if you get the reference in the name of the plan, good for you.

Edit: Accidentally left that X there. Btw, is God Marked is good or...
EDit the 2: I meant like did I wrote the God Marked right.
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I always play Grimgor in Total War when I play Orks.

[] Plan Grimgor Ironhide
-[ ] Favored Weapon(s) (Free)
--[ ] Two-handed axe-choppa
-[ ] Yella (-2)
-[ ] Big, Big' Un (-3)
-[ ] Soul Tough (-3)

-[ ] Heavy Footed (+1)
-[ ] Zerker (+2)
-[ ] Seasick (+2)
-[ ] God Marked (+3)
--[] The Hound
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[] Plan Iskandork da Konquerer
-[ ] Favored Weapon(s) (Free)
-[ ] War Boar (-2)

-[ ] 'Orsey Git (-3)
-[ ] Big, Big' Un (-3)
-[ ] Yella (-2)
-[ ] Disciple of Gork & Mork (-4)
-[ ] Tac-ti-cal (-2)
-[ ] Free Git (+3)

--[ ] Greenskins
-[ ] Grod (+3)
-[ ] Biased (+2)

—[] Ogres
-[ ] Zerker (+2)
-[ ] Owe some teef (+2)

The idea is simple. Make ourselves the best fucking general and warrior we can be, and leverage sheer krumpin' power into a resource.

I don't care too much about the choppa, if people want something else that's fine.

I just wanna go freaking hog wild (no pun intended) on being a warrior and general and leverage that into getting shit done.

Magic items? We'll krump some gitz and tags theirs.

Resources for building? We'll take it by force.

Favors and alliances? We'll krump their enemies in exchange.
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