Now I wanna eventually have one side be known as Ankh-Mork (or is it Gork) who are generally more cunningly brutal and the other as Ankh-Gork (or is it Mork) who are generally more brutally cunning. Maybe the whole city could eventually be known to some as Ankh-Ork? Idk I'm just spitballing right now.
Interesting idea given when city becomes big enough, we should expect some separation, especially between worshippers of different aspects of their gods.
What's our policy on our gobbos worshipping the Spider god / Feaster from Beyond? Nothing immediately jumps out to me as majorly conflicting with or getting in the way of Gork n' Mork's ideas/rules/orkyness, and the big spiders are generally useful as far as I remember.
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We don't have any forest goblins for now, so we don't need to worry about it, but when forest goblins show up, bah, a new sub-species/culture called jungle goblins, I can imagine talks about spider god will show up.
Work, Work
Organize a programme of tree chopping, to gather wood and clear space around the camp. It'll even burn off some rowdyness, although most plants don't fight back. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Wood, more space | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 94 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 113 | 2/1 Successes)
Small change to update, Work, Work now is shown to have two successes - just trying to be consistent.
Hello, I've made (probably) another mistake, and got a thread on the Wordsmith's Discord chat. I'll mostly use it for quest updates and WIP snippets. If you like that sort of thing, feel free to join me:

Chat removed due to inaction or something. Might ask for it to be put back up later
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Turn 1 Result - Part 2
"Ankh-Mork-Gork, yeh, dats wat dos city diz called.", you say, quite pleased with the name. Although some reason you now had a hunger for sosages inna bun… whatever a bun was.

"Oh… alright den. Dats a gud name." Hozzy nodded, still looking confused. And time spent confused was less time thinking, and thinking is meant to be his job, so-

"Now get back ta work, ya git!" You take the iron ore from the table and push it into the smith's chest, forcing him back. Thankfully for his own sake, Hozzy gets the message quickly and backs away, heading for the door. "Do mure thinkin 'bout plants 'nd 'tuff, ya hear me!"

"Uuh, shure boss, shure." Hozzy leaves, and you settle back. From your pouch you bring out the gold nugget, and hold it up again. It shines prettily in the light, and you figure you can see your reflection in the rough texture, it's eyes burning.

"Dis iz good", you mutter, "but we'ze gotta get moar."

Dis is your job now (Piety) - Zugzig Stick-Shaka
Really there was only one Greenskin that could organize all the Tribe's religious stuff - because if anyone did it wrong, he'd wack them over the head and yell at them till they got it right. Zugzig was dead pleased anyway, and did a gig 'till you told him to stop and go do something useful. Then he just looked offended and danced off to complete the first tasks you set him; building idols for the gods.

Zugzig Is Now Your Piety Advisor

Simple Icon of Gork
Make this place feel like home by putting up an effigy to Gork, the Brutally Kunnin. Some gits might be annoyed that it's not Mork, but zog'em. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Place to worship Gork | Chance of Success: 90%)
(DC 10 | Roll 11 + 25 (Zugzig's Piety) = 36 | 1/1 Successes)

First thing first, Zugzig goes for the tried and true method of Greenskin religious construction - stacking up rocks. Under his careful eye, boulders are dragged to the chosen location and haphazardly piled on top of each other. Perhaps too haphazard - despite stone after stone being added, the Shaman remains unsatisfied with the result and just orders his workers to find more.

After many hot, humid days of moving heavy stones, it's no wonder the Orcs start grumbling. When one git has to haul a heavy rock right to the top of the pile, standing on an unsteady stack, only to be told it "Still ain't lookin roight" - is it a surprise he gives the stack a hefty kick? Unfortunately he chose the wrong spot to hit, because the stack suddenly shifts and collapses, burying him inside.

Regarding the blood splattered pile of rocks, Zugzig gives a firm nod, and declares the Icon Of Gork complete. And it does indeed look like the Brutally Kunnin Git - if you squint a bit.

Icon of Gork Constructed
Type - Bit Shoddy (No Bonuses)

Simple Icon of Mork
Make this place feel like home by putting up an effigy to Mork, the Kunninly Brutal. Some gits might be annoyed that it's not Gork, but zog'em. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Place to worship Mork | Chance of Success: 90%)
(DC 10 | Roll 74 + 25 (Zugzig's Piety) = 99 | 1/1 Successes)

For Gork's twin Mork, Zugzig decides to go for a different material. He "borrows"' some of the wood destined for Morgog's efforts, which is certainly in the style of the Kunninly Brutal Git. The largest available tree trunk is stood upright opposite Gork's Icon, then a number of smaller logs are buried in the ground at an angle to hold it upright.

Then Zugzig goes at it with a makeshift chisel, cutting bark and wood away. You're not sure if he's got a design in mind, or just going at it like a Goblin onna downed stuntie, but something takes shape; a rough image of an Orc's face, tusked mouth set in a smug grin, daring the watcher to "try it". The nose is oddly long and pointed, but that's mostly ignored because the rest is so good.

Some gits - mostly Orcs - ain't happy Mork's Icon is fancier than Gork's. You think they should shove it, but you also grab the Shaman one day and ask if he's trying to be funny. He says he's not, and the difference is just "da will of da Godz." If it annoys you too much though, he offers to try and improve Gork's Icon. Or he could just go straight to making more impressive Icons for both Gods, although that'd take more time and resources.

Icon of Gork Constructed
Type - Good Quality (+1 to Mork Religious Actions)
Actions Unlocked - Improve Gork Icon or Build New, Bigger Ones

Rock That Walks Like An Orc
Your tribe's Rogue Idol… is just hanging around. But they're only supposed to animate when a fight is on? You should probably work this out. (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Knowledge about the Rogue Idol, ??? | Chance of Success: 70%)
(DC 30 | Roll 81 + 25 (Zugzig's Piety) = 106 | 2/2 Successes)

Your Rogue Idol - it ain't got a name, but you feel like it should - has spent most of the year just wandering around the edge of the camp. It's been knocking down trees as it goes, which helped out Morgog's work, but not much else. Zugzig spent time following it around, or even getting it to pick him up and carry him around.

(Keeping It Together - Roll 44 + 30 (Amped Speech) - 20 (No Propa Foightin) + 20 (Excellent Training) = 74)

Eventually the Shaman is able to tell that the Idol has enough "juice" - whatever that is - to keep moving, but it's dependent on God's attention to keep going. The boys haven't had a good scrap for a while, but your big speech to amp up the lads, paired with the training you were putting them through, was enough. Give it a year or two though, and you'd just have a big pile of rocks. Zugzig recommends some propa foightin.

Rogue Idol requires an active WAAAGH field to stay animate
Currently stable, will degrade over the years

March, March, MARCH!
Greenskins are naturally adverse to following orders, and often you need to beat it into them. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Burns some Fightiness, command bonus for a year | Chance of Success: 65%)
(DC 35 | Roll 68 + 34 (Gorzha's Martial) = 102 | 1/1 Successes)

On a cold, foggy morning you gather your Black Orcs by dint of yelling at those close by to go yell at the others, until all of them are congregated on a clearish field at the bottom of the hill. Gathered into their blocks by their Bosses, they stand in straight-ish ranks, a display of martial professionalism that stirs your heart. With weapons and armor shining thanks to an application of pig fat, you inspect the troops, giving grunts when you see something that pleases you and narrow stare for something that doesn't. You leave one newish looking git, with some scrappy armor, quivering in his boots as you climb up onto a boulder you had moved for this exact purpose. One day you'll be big enough to see all your boys at once, but that is not this day.

"Roight den", you start, "I knowz dat we'ze da tuffest, da roughest, da killlest Orcs in da jungle, but Iz reckon we'ze can be evun betta den dat!" Other Orcs would be cheering and yelling - but Black Orcs are better than that, and just pay close attention. "Iz gunna put ya frough sum toff stuff, den da rest of da boys! You'ze gonna be stampin back 'nd fouth till Iz 'appy with it, den youz doin sume more! So start marchin! ROOOOIGHT, FOOT!.... DIS FOOT YA GITS!!! YOUZ, NAWT MINE!!!"

So back and forth go the Black Orcs, under the careful eye of their Bosses. Anyone slacking got thumped, and if you spotted a slacker before their Boss they both got thumped. Simple but easy. You had them going all day, and a bit of night as well, then you let stop and go sleep. Some of the weaker gits were so tried they fell asleep standing up - but that's a useful, so you left them standing upright while you went for a nap. Once you woke up, of course, you went and pushed them into the dirt, but that's a lesson about paying attention.

Once you were happy… enough, with your Black Orcs, you told them to bugger off and go do some marching while patrolling. Meanwhile you went and rounded up the Arrer Boyz. You weren't very sure how to train up someone using a bow, but you reckoned you couldn't go wrong with endless repetition. You had them shoot a tree, until they ran out of arrows, then you made them go collect them. Then you yelled at them for walking in front of the arrow line, pulled out the bloody arrows, and told them to keep at it.

Surprisingly the boys had some fun, firing more and more arrows into a tree, competing who could launch the fastest. You bullied the Night Goblins out from under their shadow bush and got them doing the same, except on the other side of the camp. Every now and again you'd go back to the two groups, yell at them for being shit, then got them to stand further away from the tree.

When the Skulkers shulk back from hanging around the Pilla, you get them to practice as well. Pretty soon the little gits are sneaking all over the place, trying to creep on their mates or other greenskins without getting caught. Those that do receive a beating, which incentivizes them to do better next time. You all get the Boar Boyz - those not patrolling - to do some charging around, swinging their choppas at passing trees or each. Your pretty sure some of them soon wish they'd drawn the short straw to go patrolling.

By the end of the year, you've put all of your troops through their paces over and over. Whatever time spend not working on other projects have been spent drilling, and by now you reckon they know what they're doing. So do you - you have a better idea of what you're lads can and can't do. You've got some new ideas as well, but you think you'll need a hand for some of them.

+20 to command troops during battle for four years
Lowered Fightyness
New actions unlocked

What 'dey sayin?
Listen in on what the boyz are saying when they think their bosses aren't listening. Might learn something useful, or what they grumble about. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Learn what your troops are thinking | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 17 + 6 (Gorzha's Intrigue) = 23 | 1/1 Successes)

You've been doing more than yelling at the boyz - you've been listening to them as well. All sneaky like though, because you know full well you don't complain about the Overseer while he's standing above you. You try standing around, hoping you can eavesdrop on some gits, but you quickly find out that a massive Black Orc is hard to ignore. You decide to change track, and start "falling asleep" while watching the training. It's a bit off, but if pressed you can just say the lads were so unimpressive you got bored.

You only manage to catch a couple conversations. Most gits were yabbering on about the new place, wonderin when they'd get a fancy new hut. Some of them were talking about all the things to fight in the jungle, and wondering if they made good eating. Others were talking about your godly idols - the orks were miffed Gork's was a bit naff, while the gobbos thought Mork's was well wicked.

Mostly though, you heard a lot of the standard whining, boasting and other crap. You've heard it all before, and it starts to bore you. Combined with the warm sun, you find yourself drifting off…

Whats ina city?
Ruminate on your divine task, and attempt to understand what the gods actually want you to do. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Understanding, direction | Chance of Success: 60%)
(DC 40 | Roll 6 + 13 (Gorzha's Piety) + 8 (Gorzha's Learning) = 27 | 0/1 Successes)

You see squares, made of wood, metal, flesh and more you can't identify. Two little chubby green gits are piling them up, making wobbly towers.

"Me's city gonna be big 'un strung", squeals one.

"Wel, me's city gonna be sneaky 'un stabby", mumbles the other.

"Sayz you!" "Sayz me!"

The two start chucking blocks at each other, bouncing them off skin and knocking down towers. Suddenly a new git is there - red skinned, with stubby horns.

"My city will have all the stuff!", they declare, before throwing their own blocks. The two green gits throw them back, while still throwing them at each other. You watch, slightly amused, but mostly very confused.

Part 2, and the city finally has a name! I've been thinking about renaming the quest to "Ankh-Mork-Gork (WHF Orc City Quest)", it's a bit dull as it is now.

I'm hoping to do an update on one of my other quests before starting turn 2, but hopefully I can knuckle down and get on with it.
I find it hilarious that Hashut joins in the battle between Gork & Mork. Like...I love our decision for our Orc to have an eye of Hashut on him.
This is great. Well done on everything, it all made me laugh. Especially Hashut and the twins throwing toy blocks at one another, perfectly Orcy behavior!