Updated the Tribe and City details info posts, if you think I've missed something please say.
Unit Information
Each unit has four qualities - Attack, Defense, Movement & Leadership. The qualities give these bonuses/negatives:

Horrible (-15) - Bad (-10) - Decent (-5) - Good (+0) - Great (+5) - Excellent (+10) - Extreme (+15)

For example, a unit of Black Orcs would add +5 when making an attack roll, but receive no bonus to taking a return attack.

A unit with less than half their number has their qualities drop by one - only a fourth of their numbers drop it by two. So Black Orcs at 10 out of 20 would have Good (+0) Attack, while at 5 they would have Decent (-5). Horrible is the lowest possible level

Each individual unit gains experience when fighting, and can go up levels. A tier three unit can upgrade one quality by one level. A tier five unit has all their quality upgraded by one level, stacking with the previous increase.

Once a unit reaches a certain level, they can be upgraded (or side-graded) into a new unit type. Some units, such as Orc Boar Boyz, need resources to be available, in this case Boars. When a unit is upgraded, their level drops by one, with Level 0 being the lowest possible level. Any quality increase is removed.

Base Units

You can form these units from otherwise unaffiliated citizens. You can form units that have less than the specified numbers, just keep in mind the quality decreases.

100 Snotlings, scrap weapons
Bad Attack, Horrible Defense, Decent Mobility, Horrible Leadership
The lowest rung on the Green ladder

100 Goblins, scrap weapons
Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Bad Leadership
We'z speshul!
Upgrade To
Goblin Archers - Level 0

Goblin Archers
100 Goblins, makeshift bows
Decent Attack, Bad Defense, Good Mobility, Bad Leadership
Actually has some aim, unlike an orc
Upgrade To
Goblins - Level 0

Orc Boyz
60 Orcs, Choppas & Shields
Good Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Some good propra gits
Upgrade To
Orc Arrer Boyz - Level 0
Orc Boar Boyz - Level 1 (Need Boar Resource)
Orc Big 'Un - Level 3

Orc Arrer Boyz
50 Orcs, primitive bows
Good Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Quantity is quality
Upgrade To
Orc Boyz - Level 0

Black Orcs
20 Heavy Armored, Disciplined Orcs
Great Attack+, Good Defense, Decent Mobility, Great Leadership
Attack Bonus - Armour piercing
Bit unorcy, but great in a fight

Orc Boar Boyz
30 Boar riding Orcs, Choppas
Good Attack, Good Defense, Great Mobility, Good Leadership
More damage is done by trampling than choppas
Upgrades To
Boar Boy Big 'Uns - Level 3

Advanced Units

At the moment you can only get these units by upgrading existing ones.

Orc Big 'Uns
30 Orcs, Big Choppas & Shields
Great Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good+ Leadership
Leadership Bonus - Provides Leadership buff to nearby Greenskin units
Bunch of nob 'eads with better gear
Upgrades To
Boar Boy Big 'Big 'Uns - Level 1 (Need Boar Resource)

Boar Boy Big 'Uns
20 Boar Riding Orc Big 'Uns, Lancas
Great Attack, Good Defense, Great Mobility, Good+ Leadership
Leadership Bonus - Provides Leadership buff to nearby Greenskin units
The flower of, uh, "nob-ility"

Special Units

Units that cannot be conventionally recruited or upgraded, at least at the present time

Night Goblin Archers
80 Goblin Zealots, bows & poisoned arrows
Decent+ Attack, Bad Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Attack Bonus - Targets are poisoned, giving -5 debuff
Some nasty cave juice on these ones

Nasty Skulkers
60 Stealthy Goblins, sharp knives
Decent+ Attack, Bad Defense, Great+ Mobility, Decent Leadership
Attack Bonus - Armour Piercing
Mobility Bonus - Good at stealth & disengaging
Sneaky sneaky, stabby stabby

Rogue Idol
1 Giant pile of rock & dung
Extreme Attack, Excellent Defense, Good Mobility, Excellent++ Leadership
Leadership Bonus - Provides Leadership buff to nearby Greenskin units, cannot Break if surrounded by fighting Greenskins
Walking & smashing icon of Gork, if not also Mork

Future Units

These are units that you know of, but currently do not have access to.
Night Goblins
80 Goblin Zealots, daggers and shields
Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Hates sunlight & studies, loves caves & shrooms

Night Goblins Fanatics
10 Goblin Zealots, chain balls
Great+ Attack, Bad Defense, Good Mobility, Excellent+ Leadership
Spin to win!

Savage Orc Boyz
60 Orcs, Primitive Choppas
Good Attack, Decent Defense+, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Armour? Nah, warpaint!

Savage Big 'Uns
30 Orcs, Primitive Big Choppas
Great Attack, Decent Defense+, Good Mobility, Good+ Leadership
You can use a rock as a club right?

Savage Arrer Boyz
50 Orcs, Primitive Bows
Good Attack, Decent Defense+, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Hopefully they know the correct end of an arrow

Goblin Wolf Chariot
6 wolf-pulled Chariots, knives & bows
Good Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Decent Leadership
Mush mush!

Orc Boar Chariot
3 boar-pulled Orc Chariots, Choppas
Great Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Who is more pissed, the boars or the orc?

Goblin Wolf Riders
40 Wolf Riding Goblins, spears & bows
Good Attack+, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Decent Leadership
Brave nomads of the steppes

Forest Goblin Spider Riders
30 Spider Riding Goblins, poisoned spears & bows
Good Attack+, Decent Defense, Great+ Mobility, Decent Leadership
Off road extreme

Savage Boar Boyz
30 Boar riding Orcs, primitive choppas
Good Attack, Good Defense+, Great Mobility, Good Leadership
Bare back boyo!

Savage Boar Boy Big 'Uns
20 Boar riding Savage Orcs, big primitive choppas
Great Attack, Good Defense+, Great Mobility, Good+ Leadership
Be glad you don't procreate

Squig Hoppers
30 Squig Riding Goblins, Knives
Great Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Decent Leadership
Boing, boing, boing…BOING!

Snotling Pump Wagon
6 Snotling powered "chariots"
Great Attack, Decent Defense, Good Mobility, Bad Leadership
Just keep pumping, just keep pumping!

Squig Herd
50 squigs
Good Attack, Decent Defense, Great Mobility, Bad Leadership
Balls of teeth and hunger

8 trolls, clubs
Great Attack, Great Defense, Decent Mobility, Bad Leadership

Stone Trolls
8 Stone Trolls, clubs
Great Attack, Great Defense+, Decent- Mobility, Bad Leadership
Rock on!

River Trolls
8 River Trolls, clubs
Great+ Attack, Great Defense, Decent- Mobility, Bad Leadership
Slimy and stinky, what a combo

Arachnarok Spider
1 Giant Spider
Extreme Attack, Great Defense, Extreme Mobility, Good Leadership
Yep, that is a giant spider

Colossal Squig
1 Big Squig
Extreme Attack, Excellent Defense, Great Mobility, Great Leadership
Hill with a mouth

1 Giant
Extreme Attack, Good Defense, Good Mobility, Good Leadership
Big git, big appetite

War Machines
Doom Diver Catapult
1 Goblin Catapult
Excellent Attack, Bad Defense, Bad Mobility, Bad Leadership
I'z can fly! I'z can- SPLAT

Rock Lobber
1 rock catapult
Excellent Attack, Bad Defense, Bad Mobility, Bad Leadership
What goes up, must come…

Spear Chukka
1 javelin launcher
Excellent Attack, Bad Defense, Decent Mobility, Bad Leadership
Poke people from really, really long distances
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I would not be surprised if exploding squigs were created by complete accident by one orc creating bad stew and then disgusted, giving it to squigs which after one of the Boyz (or Nobz) try to eat it, it exploded in their face and possibly take a hand and a jaw.
Is somthing like Ruglugs Armored Crossbows Boyz possible?
It should be as a crossbow is a more complicated weapon which is difficult to make when your essentially a nomad unlike a bow but a settled city with constant access to iron?

Now that has potential...
What's worse than Wolves, Squigs
What's worse n Squig, Saurs (I can't imagine greenskins calling them cold blood)
To da point tho ya can't tell me goblins wouldn't be trying to ride anything they can climb on
Bad as Raptors would be they can't be worse than riding squigs
What would be much worse is the Squigasaur. It's a 40k unit but it would be about equivalent to the dread saurian
Also considering the neighborhood big stabbahs are absolutely gonna be needed
Turn 2 - Three Little Piggies...
It's been a year - maybe, you don't bother keeping track of unimportant things like that - since your tribe settled down. You don't think the gits miss having to pack up and walk every other day, but maybe they're getting bored looking at trees all the time. You know you are.

Unfortunately a bored orc is a fighty orc. In the camp you've got your Black Orcs keepin the peace, mostly by threatening to knock some heads together, but they can't be everywhere. For example, the situation you're currently dealing with.

"Summa Boggy's boys hadda go ata 'erd of dem lizards, and got 'et," Beanie explained, scratching at his big round nose. Of your three Boar Boy bosses, Beanie was the kunnin one, with lots of good ideas. He was also dead thin, and really tall - which as a big 'un was weird. Maybe not as weird as Bunke who was short enough to pass as a normal orc boy, and had a face like a goblin's, all leering and nosy. Compared to those two, Boggy was pretty normal - if a bit tubby, the git wouldn't stop eating. He was eating now, even, which was why he wasn't telling you this himself.

You, the three bosses, and your lackeys Zugzig and Morgog were in your Boss Hut. Zugzig was playing with his pet squig, quietly singing some song about snappin, but Morgog was paying attention. At least, he was glaring at the bosses. You think that counts.

"Jus' ta check", you begin, shifting uncomfortably on a log. You need a propa seat, on top of everything else. "You'se aint talkin about the scalie gits, are yah? The ones dat come at yah wiff da spiky choppas?" You'd fought them during your time as a spiky stunty slave, on a raid to their jungle islands. Pretty similar to where you are now, actually, so you don't think you'd be surprised if some turned up.

"Nah, da stoopid ones." From a side pouch the boss pulled a handful of scales, which he dismissively scattered on the wood floor. "Dey gotta way 'fore da the other boyz could 'ave a go, but weze reckon dey still abouts. If youz wanted, boss, weze be 'appy to go hunt'in?" the big 'un said eagerly. Too eagerly, in your opinion.

"No." You rise from your seat, pleased to see all three orks take a step back as you tower over them. "I told youze gits jus'ta patrol around, and dats all youze gunna do 'till I sayz utherwise." You step forward, onto the dropped scales, and smile when you hear them crack. "Youz get it?"

"Yes boss!"
"We'ze gotzs it boss!"
"No problem boss!"

"Good. Now, anyfing else before yah get back to it?"

There was a brief, silent scuffle among the bosses before Boggy was pushed forwards. "Um, wif summa me boys dead… weze ain't got any gitz to re-lace them? Cause we'd uzually grab da bigger of da smaller riderz, but dere ain't none round…"

One of your Boar Boy Big 'Un units is down to 27/30 members. Normally they'd be able to recruit from base Boar Boy units, but you currently lack any, so they'll replenish much slower

He trails off, wilting under your glare, before giving a fat-shaking sigh as you turn away. "I'll tink about it," you say - meaning, of course you'll get someone else to. "Now getz back to it, 'UND NO SLACKIN!" You wheel back to the three, roaring in their faces, then laugh as they all rush the door as one and fight over being the first to exit.

Over the next couple of days the boar patrols come in and out like… a stuntie's tickery thing. You're less pleased that the bosses keep trying to give you every little detail of what they saw - down to suspect looking rocks - so when Bunke tries to tell you that his boys almost caught someone spying on them, you express your appreciation for the report by throwing him into a tree. Instead of off the cliff, like you first wanted to, because you're a kind git sometimes. It's the next time Beanie comes to you, after shoving an unwilling sacrifice at you first, that you hear something actually interesting.

"Gobbos on spidahs?" you wonder, stretching your arm out, watching the unlucky orc pick himself up and stagger off. "But none of our gits?"

From where he's standing just of arms reach, Beanie shakes his head. "Dey said theyz was with da Rack-nose tribe, or summit loike dat." He shrugged. "Nevah 'eard of dem. Seems loike dey was suprised ta see us as weze were."

"Muss be lo-cal. Weze moight be sittin on dere turf, or close enouff." You pick up Bloodletta and inspect the blunt head, flicking off a bit of dirt. "'Und dey wanna talk?"

"To you, boss, yeah." The big 'un shifts warily. "So's uh… Weze gonna do dat?."

"Muybe." You flip Bloodletta around, and smile at the sharp head. "Or muybe weze can do summit more fun."

2 (+1 (Jungle))
Food: 0 (Not positive, not negative)
Boars: 2 (Growth = 0)

Fightyness: 0 (5^ (No Foights!) - 40* (Settled City) - 20* (Amped Speech) + 10 (Black Orc Fightyness) + 1 (Orcs Vs Gobbos) - 10* (Propa Trainin))
Discipline: 71 (40* (Settled City) + 30 (Proven Chief) + 10 (Black Orc Discipline) - 5^ (Idol Imbalance) - 4^ (Night Goblin Discontent) - 5^ (Lack Of Huts) )

Numbers With Arrows^ Will Grow Every Year If Not Addressed
Numbers With Stars* Drop Every Year, Some May Not Be Redone

Martial (1 Locked Action (Can Only Do With Personal Actions)
You've got your gits marching this way and that, shooting arrers and chopping with choppers. Its keeping them happy, but soon enough you'll need a proper foight.

[ ] Dis Is Your Job Now
-[ ] Advisor

Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions.

[ ] March, March, MARCH!
Greenskins are naturally adverse to following orders, and often you need to beat it into them. Course, you had them all doing it last year, so they might get a bit grumpy about it, but zog 'em. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Burns some Fightiness, command bonus for a year | Chance of Success: 50%)

[X] Patrol Da Land (Already In Progress - 1 Year Remaining)
Organize patrols around your camp, mainly with your faster cavalry, giving you advanced warning of anyone approaching and getting some scouting done as well. (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Continual patrols of local area | Chance of Success: 95%)

[ ] Go Look Over Dere
-[ ] Location
Have your scouts check out a nearby location. If they find something interesting and/or dangerous, they'll hopefully be able to run back for help (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Knowledge of location | Chance of Success: ???%)
Odd Pilla
Humie Ruin

[ ] Ere, Put Dis Collar On
Need some workers? Go round up some of the stragglers that follow the tribe around, wack them over the head and make them slaves. Bit rude, but why not? (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Greenskin Slaves | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Train 'Em Up
- [ ] Unit (Create)
- [ ] Unit into Unit
Greenskins always know how to fight, but they can fight better organized into bands. Train up - or beat - unassigned citizens into brand new units, or upgrade existing units into higher-tier ones. (See Units Information post)

[ ] Ere we go, Ere we go!
-[ ] Who Goes?

Gather some gits together and go fight someone! (List the units & characters you'll be taking. Taking an Advisor or the Chief consumes 1 of their actions.) (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: A foight! Maybe loot! | Chance of Success: ???%)
Herd Of Cold Ones
"Rock-Nose" Goblins (Can't be taken with Alright Fine! Let's Talk)

Stewardship - Morgog Pigfoot (3 Actions)
Morgog is still going on about his piggies, but he's also interested in the shiny stuff Hozzy found - the iron and the GOLD! Really, e's got his hands full. Hand.

[ ] Diggy Diggy 'Ole!
Get some gobbos to start a digging pit. From it you can pull rocks to build with, or maybe even some metal if you get lucky. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Rough stone, maybe ore | Chance of Success: 75%)

[ ] Gobbo Hole
Night Goblins get antsy if they're exposed to the sun too much. Better get somewhere they can hide from "Ol Frizzle Face". (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Night Goblin Cave, Night Goblin Actions | Chance of Success: 90%)

[ ] Huts For Da Boys
Orcs and Gobbos gotta have a place to live, yanno? Will take a while to build enough for everyone though. (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Huts for all, New Actions | Chance of Success: 90%)

[ ] Pens For Da Pigs
Build a fence - or at least a ditch - to corral your piggies. You'll be able to do some proper work with them afterwards. (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Pig Pen, Pig Growth, Boar Actions | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Iron Time
After a chat with Hozzy, Morgog reckons you'll need to do some digging to get a proper flow of ore. To be more specific, you need access to the cliff face - which the 'Erder has some ideas about. (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Access to iron ore | Chance of Success: 70%)

[ ] GOLD In Dat 'Dere River!
You don't know where the gold nuggets are coming from - and thats all you've found so far, small nuggets - but collecting them will be as easy as getting some gobbos to go down to the river and search. The real hard part will be stopping them from stealing it all. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Small gold income | Chance of Success: 60%)

Intrigue (1 Action)
You still ain't got a git to manage this stuff for you, but you're making it work so far.

[ ] Dis Is Your Job Now
-[ ] Advisor

Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions

[ ] Sneaky Look Round
-[ ] Location

Have some more sneaky gits scout an area. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Knowledge of location | Chance of Success: ???%)
Humie Ruin

[ ] What 'Dey Sayin?
Listen in on what the boyz are saying when they think their bosses aren't listening. Might learn something useful, or what they grumble about (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Learn what your troops are thinking | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] A Closer Look
Last year you sent the Nasty Skulkers to nosy around the Odd Pillar, but maybe they can take a closer look instead? They could find something interesting, or even useful. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: More information on the Odd Pilla | Chance of Success: 50%)

[ ] Spy On The Spiders
Send your sneaky gits to watch what the "Rock-Nose" goblins are up to. Maybe you can learn what they're doing in this area, where they came from, or something else that can aid you with… "talking" to them. (Will take place before other actions related to "Rock-Nose" goblins (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Information | Chance of Success: 60%)

Diplomacy (1 Action)
Aside from the gobbos wandering around, there isn't anyone you can talk to. Maybe you can focus more on swelling your ranks?

[ ] Dis is your job now
-[ ] Advisor

Free action. Assign an advisor to this role. Will apply before other actions, and adds +2 actions

[ ] Alright Fine! Let's Talk
-[ ] Who Goes?

Go and see what the "Rock-Nose" gobbos want to gabble about. It might even be interesting. And if not? You can still krump them. (Must be taken as a Personal Action. Can't be taken with Ere we go, Ere we go! targeting the Goblins. List the units & characters you'll be taking. Taking an Advisor consumes 1 of their Actions.) (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Open Diplomacy with the "Rock-Nose" Goblins, if you like | Chance of Success: ???)

[ ] Join The Tribe, It'z A Boyz Life!
Seems like the hangers on are getting the idea, and trying to make themselves useful so they can join up. Maybe you should knock some heads together, make sure they know what's what. What? (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: New joiners every year | Chance of Success: 100%)

[ ] Youz A Black Rock Git Now!
Need more citizens ina hurry? There are a couple stragglers pokin around, wack em round the head and induct them into the tribe (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: More citizens | Chance of Success: 80%)

Learning - Hozzy Ironsmasher (2 Action, 1 Locked)
While still checking out the plant stuff - eating it, mostly - Hozzy is also wanting to start making iron. To do that, he'll need two things; the ore, burnt wood, and someplace to do the heating. Wait, that's three…

[X] Green Is Always Good (Already In Progress - 1 Year Remaining)
There are a lot of plants around. Maybe you can find something useful? (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Useful resources | Chance of Success: ???%)

[ ] Pile On The Fire
Hozzy says for a propa char-coal maker he needs stone, but for now dirt will do. Once he has a supply, he can start work on melting down the iron ore. (Resources: Wood | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Limited charcoal production, progress to iron production | Chance of Success: 80%)

[ ] Scalie Scales
Hozzy thinks these might have some use. You ain't so sure - weak little things - but he says he remembers something. (Bonus to success to Cold Ones hunted) (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: 75%)

[ ] Why Thou?
-[ ] Topic

Study something of interest, hopefully you'll find something useful. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)

Piety - Zugzig Stick-Shaka (3 Actions)
Now the Icons are up, you can do some proper prayin! Although there is some stuff Zugzig wants to look into.

[ ] Bigga! Bettah! Mure Brutal!
The Icon of Gork is a bit naff compared to Mork's, but Zugzig reckons he can do better. That might mean stacking up more rocks, but it's not you doing it so that's fine. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Improved Icon Of Gork | Chance of Success: 95%)

[ ] Poke Da Pilla
That pillar… is odd. But how is it odd, and how can you use it to krump better? (Resources: n/a | Time: 3 Years | Reward: Knowledge about the Pilla, ??? | Chance of Success: 50%)

[ ] Wats Inna Name Anywayz?
One way Zugzig says you can keep your Rogue Idol up and kumpin is by giving it a propah name. It'd act as a "...me-ta pisial ancor for da Idol's animatin spirit". Buncha nonsense words. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Rogue Idol stays together longer, ??? | Chance of Success: 100%)

[ ] Sayit LOUDA!
- [ ] Gork
- [ ] Mork

- [ ] Gork & Mork
Do some chanting and praying to the gods, or a god. Maybe they'll take notice. At least it'll get the boys goin. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Potential rewards, ??? | Chance of Success: 100%)

Personal (Choose 3)
You have your own hut, which is nice, although you'll admit it could be nicer. Still, got stuff ta do. Like getting more of dat gold…

[ ] I'll Show Ya How It's Dun!
-[ ] Action

Aid an advisor with an action, adding your score to theirs. They might not appreciate your help however, depending on the task.

[ ] Gotta Do Evrathin Me Self
-[ ] Action

Spend your own time to complete an action

[ ] Finda Git
-[ ] Category

Search your best and… "brightest" for someone to fill empty roles. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Advisor candidates | Chance of Success: 100%)

[ ] Whatz Ina City?
Ruminate on your divine task, and attempt to understand what the gods actually want you to do. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Understanding, direction | Chance of Success: 60%)

[ ] Whats Ina God?
- [ ] Gork
- [ ] Mork

- [ ] Hashut
Ruminate on your deities, and what they want from you - Brutal Gork, Kunning Mork, or… the other one. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Understanding, direction | Chance of Success: 60/40%)

[ ] Talkin
- [ ] A Git

Go have a chat with one of your gitz. Maybe you'll learn something about them. (First is free) (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Knowledge About Characters | Chance of Success: Varies)

[ ] Gimme Gimme Gimmie!
Go claim your fair share of the gold. Which is most of it, because you're the Boss! (Bonus to success if GOLD In Dat 'Dere River! is also taken) (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Gold! | Chance of Success: 100%)

So yeah, back at it. Vote will start in a day, will end after two days.

The Units post has been updated with new info, including about unit levelling! Hope it all makes sense. Questions always appreciated!
couse i'd rather have some sneaky gits to boss around, those Spidah's be damn Brutal even if they aint big enuff for a propah ork ta ride
[] Plan: Da Next Step
-[] Martial



-[] Stewardship
--[] Diggy Diggy 'Ole!
--[] Iron Time
--[] GOLD In Dat 'Dere River!

We don't have enough Wood income to support our building, so we need to start getting some stone. Let's get da iron, an' da gold for our Warboss, an' then we'll have enough to build the Huts and Hole (or Pigpen) for the boys next turn.

-[] Intrigue
--[] Spy On The Spiders

Be cunnin' and learn more about the Rock-Noses before we crump 'em and make 'em part of the city.

-[] Diplomacy
--[] Youz a Black Rock Git Now!

Stragglers hanging around but daring to not join up? Unacceptable!

-[] Learning
--[] Pile On The Fire
--[] Scalie Scales

See what we can do with dese scales, and get dat iron!

-[] Piety
--[] Bigga! Bettah! Mure Brutal!
--[] Poke Da Pilla
--[] Whatz Inna Name Anywayz?

Gork gotta get as good an Idol as Mork, then we can start praying. We want our Rogue Idol to stick along as long as possible. An' it's time for FUN with Da Pilla.

-[] Personal
--[] Finda Git
---[] Martial
--[] Whatz Ina City?
--[] Gimme Gimme Gimme!

Need more advisor gits. Need to know what the Gods want for Ankh-Mork-Gork. An' dats our gold!
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Cobbled this plan together, still figuring out what units to take to the different events.
Just to check, could I use the same unit for both the Cold One Herd Hunt & the Rock Nose Goblin Diplomacy?
[ ] Plan
-[ ] [Martial] Locked
-[ ] [Stewardship] Huts For Da Boys
-[ ] [Stewardship] Pens For Da Pigs
-[ ] [Stewardship] GOLD In Dat 'Dere River!
-[ ] [Intrigue] Sneaky Look Round
--[ ] Humie Ruin
-[ ] [Diplomacy] Alright Fine! Let's Talk
--[ ] Who Goes?
-[ ] [Learning] Scalie Scales
-[ ] [Piety] Bigga! Bettah! Mure Brutal!
-[ ] [Piety] Wats Inna Name Anywayz?
-[ ] [Piety] Sayit LOUDA!
--[ ] Gork & Mork
-[ ] [Personal] Gimme Gimme Gimmie!
-[ ] [Personal] Gotta Do Evrathin Me Self
--[ ] [Martial] Ere we go, Ere we go!
---[ ] Herd Of Cold Ones
---[ ] Who Goes?
-[ ] [Personal] [Diplomacy] Alright Fine! Let's Talk
What would be a good amount of units to bring to the meeting with the Rock Nose Goblins?
I figure that bringing too many could cause a fight before we've heard them out but it'd also be a good idea to bring enough in case it's a trap.
A general idea for unit distribution I have at the moment is to send the archers, cavalry, & skulkers on the hunt while taking the black orcs with Gorzha to the meeting. Or maybe take the skulkers to the meeting in case the Rock Noses try to be sneaky.
What would be a good amount of units to bring to the meeting with the Rock Nose Goblins?
I figure that bringing too many could cause a fight before we've heard them out but it'd also be a good idea to bring enough in case it's a trap.
A general idea for unit distribution I have at the moment is to send the archers, cavalry, & skulkers on the hunt while taking the black orcs with Gorzha to the meeting. Or maybe take the skulkers to the meeting in case the Rock Noses try to be sneaky.
Why do you think about talking? We should go with cunning brutal tactics.