Ankh-Mork-Gork (WHF Orc City Quest)
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Warhammer Fantasy CK2-style experience where you are a greenskin on a mission from God(s); build a proper greenskin city. How and where seems to be up to you, but failure will be harshly punished.
Character Creation #1 - Name, Tribe & Race
A Pit Of My Own Making
Youze had a dream last noight. Youze were lookin at a city, loike doese big places humies, stunties and dose other gits live in. But dis city; it was a orcy city. Cause it looked loike one, sounded loike one, zog it even smelt loike one! And dere was all dese orcs 'nd gobbos livin in it, craftin and makin, and dey wurnt even kumpin each uther! Well, not much.

Dis ere is my city, said a voice that was two. Standin over dah city was two giants... or maybe one with two 'eads? Dere big red eyes wuz starin at you, and you felt yuh legs turn to jelly. Dis ere is my city, they said again, and youz gunna build it fur me. Itz gonna be da best city any of your lot 'ave made on dis rock. And it better be, utherwise... I'LL KRUMP YOUZ SO HARD DEY CAN FEEL IT ON ULLANOR! Dey raised dere fist, big as a mountain, and dropped it towards you, going to crush you ta nuthin...

De'n then you woke up. And youz knew what to do.

Welcome to the Orcity Quest, a Warhammer Fantasy CK2-style experience where you are a greenskin on a mission from God(s); build a proper greenskin city. How and where seems to be up to you, but failure will be harshly punished. Speaking of which: Who are you? What tribe do you lead? And most importantly; what kind of git are you?

[ ] Name

[ ] Tribe Name

You are an:
[ ] Orc!
Strong, tough! But you'll need to fight to stay in control
-[ ] Orc Warboss
Brutal But Kunnin! Nothing special, but +3 Shines!
-[ ] Orc Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Big WAAAGH & possibly more
-[ ] Savage Orc Warboss
Savage, not simple!
-[ ] Savage Orc Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Big WAAAGH, & primal knowledge
-[ ] Black Orc Warboss
Really good at fighin, but struggles with other things
-[ ] Orc Kaptain
Nautical nonsense. Start with a boat

[ ] Goblin!
Smarter, less need for constant fighting. But orcs will be averse to following you
-[ ] Goblin Warboss
Kunnin But Brutal! Nothing special, but +3 Shines!
-[ ] Goblin Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Little WAAAGH & possibly more
-[ ] Night Goblin Warboss
Sneaky sneaky, stabby stabby!
-[ ] Night Goblin Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Little WAAAGH, & shrooms. Lots of shrooms
-[ ] Forest Goblin Warboss
Spiders? Spiders! Oh and forest living
-[ ] Forest Goblin Great Shaman
Access to Lore of Da Little WAAAGH, & yes, more spiders

Plan vote please!

This quest is going to be a makeshift cludge of different system, but it has mainly been inspired by Divided Loyalties, Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism, and other fantastic quests.

Quick aside: playing as a Goblin won't be "hard mode", like I originally thought it would be, but it'll still be more difficult. You'll have a harder time leading and ruling orcs, or any other big folk.
Character Sheet
Gorzha Fieryskin
Warboss of Da Black Rock Tribe

Race: Black Orc

Martial: 34
(Base 10 + 5 (Orc) + 3 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss) + 5 (Tac-ti-cal) + 3 (Yella) + 5 (Disciple of Gork & Mork))
Prowess: 24 (Base 10 + 5 (Orc) + 3 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss) + 3 (Big, Big' Un))
Diplomacy: 8 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Learning: 8 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss))
Stewardship: 13 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 6 (Warboss) + 2 (Yella))
Intrigue: 6 (Base 10 - 5 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss) + 5 (Disciple of Gork & Mork) - 5 (Heavy Footed))
Piety: 18 (Base 10 - 3 (Orc) - 2 (Black Orc) + 3 (Warboss) + 5 (God Dreamed) + 5 (God Touched))

  • Orc - More Brutal than Kunnin (+5 martial, +5 Prowess -5 Intrigue, -3 all others)
  • Black Orc - Youz were made for foightin! (+3 Martial, +3 Prowess, -2 all others)
  • Warboss - Youz da Boss, Boss! (+3 Martial, +3 Prowess, +6 Stewardship, +3 all others)
  • God Dreamed - You had a vision from your gods, who gave you a divine task (+5 Piety)
  • Tac-ti-cal - If your lot go rounda side, and my lot goes da other side, we can squash 'em in between! (+5 Martial)
  • Yella - LISTEN UP GITS!!! (+3 Martial, +2 Stewardship)
  • Brave - Ha! Youz tink dat'll scare me! Guess again! (Advantage against being frightened from both mundane and magical sources)
  • Big, Big' Un - Youz a big one, ain't ya? (+3 Prowess, Grow quicker)
  • God Touched - This isn't the first time the gods have spoken to you, and it may not be the last (+5 Piety, chance for further visions)
  • Disciple of Gork & Mork - Brutally Brutal, & Kunninly Kunnin! (+5 Martial, +5 Intrigue)
  • Heavy Footed - Quiet down, I'm tryna BE SNEAKY!! (-5 to Intrigue)
  • Greedy - Dis is mine, 'nd so is dat, and so is dis… its all mine! (You take more than your fair share, and are loath to part with loot)
  • God Marked (Hashut) - I mean… dem spiky gits hava point. (The Bull God's eyes are on you)
  • Free Git (Chaos Dwarfs) - No mure chains fur me! (You are an escaped slave, and your former owners might want you back…)
  • Grod (Overseer Lord Kapric Neveroathed) - Iz a bit loike dat luv you humies go on about, but… bettah (You have a rival - fated by Destiny, the Gods, or your own natures. You will come into conflict, one way or another.)
  • Dawi Zharr Military Insight - 'Urst comes da slaves, den da bullets, den fire-gits (+10 Martial against Dawi Zharr, +15 against Grod)
  • Fighter of Fire - Dey mainly go for youz legs, case dats all dey can reach. (+10 Prowess against Dawi Zharr, +15 against Grod)
  • Bloodletta - A big, two 'anded choppa that you can wield in one. Unlike other choppas it's doubled headed, one side a bit blunter than the other. The hilt is wrapped in squig leather, with a bone crossguard. You took it off a Warboss you krumped. (No Bonus)
  • Crumper - A big, two 'anded hamma that you can wield in one. It's head is heavy 'n black, with a faded carving of a bull's head. The haft is wrapped in humie leather. You were given the hamma while you were a Dawi Zharr slave. (No Bonus)
  • Black Orc Warboss Armour - It's big, it's black, it's got a couple spikes on it; the perfect armour for a Black Ork. (No Bonus)
Notable Deeds
  • Slavery Escape - You were warrior-slave of the Dawi Zharr, serving under Overseer Lord Kapric Neveroathed. Driven to escape by godly visions and knoweldge of your incoming death, you resolved to escape. During a battle against an orc tribe, your led your fellow Black Orc Slaves in a charge against the front lines - only to turn right around and charge back the other way! In the ensuring melee you managed to wound Neveroathed, but was forced to flee when a Hobgoblin force arrived.
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Tribe Details
Da Black Rock Tribe


Learning: Hozzy Ironsmasher, Orc Smith
Stewardship: Morgog Pigfoot, Orc Boar Herda
Piety: Zugzig Stick-Shaka, Orc Shaman

Active Affects

  • Propa Trainin - +20 to commanding troops for four years
Zugzig Stick-Shaka, Orc Shaman
- As a young savage orc git, Zugzig fell in with the followers of Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet, eventually rising to the honorable position of the shaman's lackey. As part of his duties, Zugzig carried the shaman's second favorite staff - and holding such a powerful relic awoke his own magic. Wurrzag taught Zugzig some of what he knew, before wandering off one day and not coming back.
Race: Orc (Savage, Shaman)

Prowess: ???
Diplomacy: ???
Learning: ???
Stewardship: ???
Intrigue: ???
Piety: ???

  • Orc - More Brutal than Kunnin (+5 martial, +5 Prowess -5 Intrigue, -3 all others)
  • ???
  • Da Bone Stick - A long bone, carved with orcish symbols. Once the second favourite staff of Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet. (???)
  • Gaze of Mork - A destructive blast of seething magical energy shoots out of the shaman's bloodshot eyes. (Tricky Dicky)
Notable Deeds
Hozzy Ironsmasher, Orc Smith - Every clan needs a git to do da crafting and da smithin. Hozzy 'nows how to make pig iron - all a proper orc needs - and is crafty in other ways as well.
Race: Orc

Prowess: ???
Diplomacy: ???
Learning: ???
Stewardship: ???
Intrigue: ???
Piety: ???

  • Orc - More Brutal than Kunnin (+5 martial, +5 Prowess -5 Intrigue, -3 all others)
  • Iron Forga - Burn wood, burn shiny rocks, den boom - iron! (+5 to Stewardship & Learning)
Notable Deeds
Morgog Pigfoot, Orc Boar Herda - Morgog was once a Boar Boy, but a humie knight took 'is arm off and meant he couldn't ride as well. Nowadays he tends the boards and piggies, breeding de'm for meat or savagery.
Race: Orc

Prowess: ???
Diplomacy: ???
Learning: ???
Stewardship: ???
Intrigue: ???
Piety: ???

  • Orc - More Brutal than Kunnin (+5 martial, +5 Prowess -5 Intrigue, -3 all others)
  • ???

Notable Deeds

Military Units
Nasty Skulkers - Level 1
Orc Arrer Boyz - Level 1
Night Goblin Archers - Level 1
Black Orcs - Level 1
Black Orcs - Level 1
Black Orcs - Level 1
Black Orcs - Level 1
Black Orcs - Level 1

Beanie's Boyz (Boar Boy Big 'Uns) - Level 1
Bunke's Boyz (Boar Boy Big 'Uns) - Level 1
Boggy's Boyz (Boar Boy Big 'Uns) - Level 1 - 27/30

Rogue Idol - Level 1

Unassigned Citizens
  • Black Orcs - 4
  • Orcs - 11
  • Goblins - 12
  • Snotlings - 30
  • Da Bone Stick - A long bone, carved with orcish symbols. Once the second favourite staff of Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet. (???) (Equipped by: Zugzig Stick-Shaka)
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City Details
Settled Camp
River-side Cliff
Kingdom of Beasts
East of The Great Mountains

- 441
  • Orcs - 259
    • "Common" Orcs - 153
      • Nobz - 90
    • Black Orcs - 105
    • Savage Orcs - 1
  • Goblins - 152
    • "Common" Goblins - 72
    • Night Goblins - 80
  • Snotlings - 30
Unclear number of stragglers & followers - Orcs, Goblins, Snotlings

Boss Hut (Basic)
- Itz da Boss's hut, ya know? (No Bonus)
Black Orc Barrack (Basic) - Off limits to anyone that isn't big, tough, and mean. (No Bonus)
Icon of Gork (Bit Shoddy) - Da blud is men-ta be dere (No Bonus)
Icon of Mork (Good) - Has a big nose (+1 to Mork Religious Actions)

  • Wood - Youz gettit frum trezs
    • Stored: 1
    • Income: +1
Untapped Resouces
  • Boars - Rid em, eat em, foight em
  • Iron Ore - Propa metal (In River-cliff)
  • Gold - Shiny! (In River)
Nearby Locations
Odd Pilla (Curiosity)
- An angular stone pillar, conspicuously lacking any kind of overgrowth. Around it are a couple of ruined buildings, and the remains of a low stone wall, which are overgrown
Humie Ruin (Curiosity) - A low humie building, long overgrown and fallen into ruin. Three layed, stairs up the side to a flat top. Boyz searched the top two floors, which are empty, but the bottom level's entrances are sealed up tight.
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[X]Plan: Black Ork Dwarf
-[x] Name: Gorzha Fieryskin.
-[x] Tribe Name: Black Rock Tribe!
-[x] Orc!
--[x] Black Orc Warboss

I imagine titles will come with time.
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[X] Plan: One for the Little Guys
-[X] Name: Jekik Keeneye
-[X] Tribe Name: Da Rascals
-[X] Goblin!
--[X] Goblin Warboss
[X] Plan: Where da wyld fings are!
-[X] Orc!
--[X] Savage Orc Great Shaman
-[Z] Shingitz Wyldeye
-[X] Bloodtoofs

Because even goblins get more attention than Savage Orcs.

[X]Plan: Black Ork Dwarf
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