But if Ryoko was still around, she was willing to bet that Yosho was, too. Hidden somewhere, waiting, ready to uproot the Funaho and chase her if she ran. And Areru, despite what he claimed, seemed to be happy to tinker and create, to survive, quiet and unknown. He didn't seem like a warrior, didn't act like someone who would rip and tear his way through a battlefield.
Oh, girlie. You've never met anyone as good at tearing up the opposition as he is. Even if you'd emptied most of the known galaxy of sapient life, you'd only be starting to approach the amount of chaos and death that he's dealt in only a handful of spells.

Don't worry about him. Worry about anyone trying to mess with him.

[edit] Time to cast some Permanencied Daylight spells.
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Personally, I'm wondering
Oh no. Somebody got some logic in your magic. People talk about sunlight in terms of 'Watts per square meter". If the floorspace inside your greenhouse is 9 m^2 but outside of your greenhouse it is only 6 m^2 then you're only getting 2/3rd's the energy from sunlight inside it.

Congratulations on the world's first greenhouse that is objectively worse than nothing. ;)
I mean, maybe that just means it'll take it longer to rise to an appropriate temperature? Assuming it's sufficiently insulated that heat retention is still greater than loss. But if the difference is too small, even if positive, just opening the door could mean losing hours of daylight heat generation. Then there's the actual amount of sunlight hitting plants! Now, there are some types that don't want full sun, and in that regards getting 2/3's impact without worrying about shadows is nice, and others aren't as impacted by temperature. But I admit I don't rightly know much about agriculture for the purposes of food production, or if any of Alchemists staples would be fine with it. Not everything is a tropical plant that needs a specific climate or a regulated greenhouse after-all.
Food had tasted like nothing for her.

The one thing I'll never forgive Washu for. You made your daughter in a lab, and didn't give her tastebuds.

I hope she gets a sense of taste through magic here.

Even if he doesn't get entangled into all of the Juraian shenanigans, Ryoko has definitely fallen for Areru, and that means tons of future things are going to pull him into that vortex alone: Kagato, Dr. Clay, Zero, and so on.

Heck, Washu might decide to have her subspace workshop bridge both of Tenchi's and Areru's homes if she has her way.
9m^2 to 144m^2 that's 1/16th the light level. You could probably use magic to concentrate the light from a larger area, though.
Oh, girlie. You've never met anyone as good at tearing up the opposition as he is. Even if you'd emptied most of the known galaxy of sapient life, you'd only be starting to approach the amount of chaos and death that he's dealt in only a handful of spells.

Don't worry about him. Worry about anyone trying to mess with him.
To be fair, he is primarily a tinker and a crafter, with little interest and no real joy in combat and violence. He's gotten good at it sure, but thats not exactly the life he wants to live, and she'd be pulling him into it.

That he would willingly dive into the violence and life for her is however something she doesn't yet understand.
How often in "Ranma 1/2" are warning labels written in Chinese?

If Alchemist mastered [Tongues] and [Comprehend Languages], would the stress of being around Chinese-speaking martial artists cause Alchemist's polyglot/omnilingualism to manifest?

Bonus points if Elder Khu Lon enjoys being around someone who fluently speaks the Joketsuzoku dialect of Chinese. Cologne: "It's so nice to talk in a civilized language."
As an amusing aside:
Comprehend Languages enables you to understand what you read and hear.
Tongues allows others nearby to understand a language you speak, and everyone nearby to understand one other language others speak, too. So, everyone could basically understand Chinese and English, but nothing else.
Tongues can be changed from round to round, so you could understand everyone, and reply to them one by one with TOngues.
The Polyglot Feat allows you to learn any language in an hour. That basically supplants both spell effects given the time, since you can then read and speak the appropriate languages. Tongues, however, allows OTHER people who don't speak the same languages to understand one another, it's an area effect.
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Areru has never needed to do the violence thing though. Past life Alec did though.

He has memories of it, but seems rather happy to stick with crafting, gardening, and magic projects. I can't blame Ryoko for having doubts on his combat ability. He likely has doubts as well.

Being reborn like this with his memories shattered, I'd think that he is a rather new and different person. In many ways, its a good thing that he doesn't have all that metaknowledge. He'll need to interact with locals rather than troll them.

Areru shouldn't be speaking Chinese; he should be speaking Dragon. I'd love for those language spells to accidentally teach a few how to understand Dragon. I wonder if Herb can be understood, or if he only speaks Chinese. I vaguely recall him speaking Japanese rather easily though.
Oh, girlie. You've never met anyone as good at tearing up the opposition as he is. Even if you'd emptied most of the known galaxy of sapient life, you'd only be starting to approach the amount of chaos and death that he's dealt in only a handful of spells.

Don't worry about him. Worry about anyone trying to mess with him.

[edit] Time to cast some Permanencied Daylight spells.
The Daylight spells of D&D are just bright, not sunlight. I don't think they'd be nourishing to a plant. (i.e. they don't do anything to vampires/undead).
Is there a high-level spell that duplicates sunlight, and can it be Permanencied?
ALSO... BECMI rules! Permanency there can be applied to almost any spell, but only two to a living being at one time! Much more flexible than 1,2, or 3e, but I dunno how relevant that is.
-- and yeah, Alec does have to be awesome at combat. He's so good at magic in general and powerful that he doesn't have to have a combat focus to dominate. She hasn't seen any of his real power is the issue here. If she did, she'd jump at telling him about her problem, which he has no clue about. he can't even tell she's an Astral Form, not a ghost or spirit.
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I pity anyone trying to make his life go up in flames.

Alec does have a lot of 'don't make me come over there' energy.

Most of his prep and power collecting was a direct result of preparing for threats he knew were coming. Other than that, he likes to make shit, and if you leave him alone he'll stay put. It's poking the dragon that causes trouble.
Honestly, I'm wondering what the reaction would be to Areru pulling his plantling of Yggdrasil and the Serpent-familiar wrapped around it here.

Like, that's some MAJOR mojo, and in such a portable form. I can only imagine the number of people who might try to bother him about only to learn that the little lizard curled up on the plant is a God-eater formed from a magical demi-god (Alchemist's Juggernaut).
If nothing else, wasabi loves cool soil in shaded areas. Throw in a pump, build a little stream, you're basically set.
Entry 031
Project: Gamer Ver. Error, File Not Found
Anime Adjacent Entry: 031
Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Solve one problem just to find another. I finally got the expanded greenhouse figured out-


-but there's an issue with, well, a number of things. Specifically in how it interacts with the rest of the world. The internal dimensions are significantly larger than its external dimensions and this reality at least gives lip service to the notion of the conservation of mass and energy. The way these facts meet means that forces acting on the outside of the greenhouse are diluted across the internal dimensions.

So, sunlight is significantly weaker inside. It also means that the greenhouse itself acts like a sort of thermal battery. It took a lot of time for it to heat up with the door closed throughout the day and, at the same time, it's taking a long time for it to lose heat during the night.

Which is honestly fascinating but its an entire direction of pros and cons I hadn't even considered possible.

The temperature is an easy enough thing for me to handle. One of the most basic spells I know allows for the manipulation of temperatures and a bit of work allows for fine control. I've got the floor in my other greenhouses treated with that spell and there's this trick where you kind of twist it and warp it and it can be made permanent but you really need to be familiar with the spell to do that. So, the temperature in all of my greenhouses has a bottom range of eighteen point three degrees Celsius.

It's a little cooler than some plants like but most are comfortable there and it's right in the range for the optimal night time 'resting' temperature.

With that part taken care of, I need to figure out the light situation. Magical lights would be the most obvious solution but the problem there is that most magical lights are either illusions, which won't work, or the ones that I actually know are attack spells.

Which definitely won't work.

I use incandescent over in the normal greenhouses but those are good as supplements, not core resources. They let me extend the daytime hours during winter and actually produce a lot of heat, bringing the temperature up to the twenty, twenty-two range.

With the size of the new greenhouse interior, I'd need a lot of lights to achieve a good 'daytime' brightness but remember the part where I said they were good supplements and not replacements? That's got to do with light wavelength. Incandescent are really strong in red light but weak in the blue range and that imbalance can really stress the plants out. They'll grow long and thin to the point they sort of collapse under their own weight.

Blue light causes the opposite problem. And at high enough intensities it gives me headaches. Plants grown under lights that have a heavy mix of blue in them tend to be smaller and denser, which is its own mix of problems.

Now, there are some expensive options I could pick up for home growers. I saw a specialty store for that over near Furinkan while I was digging around for magical trash. But that's expensive and you would not believe how much money I had to spend on materials to get the space expansion enchantment figured out.

Wizardry. Nobody ever talks about how expensive magical research is.

I think I'm going to have to use a mix of incandescent and fluorescent for now since LEDs can't be manufactured in white yet. That's a simple enough solution, honestly, and the fixtures I'll need to pick up aren't that expensive.

The issue after that is going to be electricity.

I've got options for that, though. I can just manually charge a battery bank with a weak electricity attack spell. That's a simple and direct one. Alternatively, I can figure up some kind of generator.

Hur dur, turn da crank.

I've made something like that before, actually. In my last life. But I don't have access to my workshop at the moment and there were a lot of parts to it that had to be made with some very exacting specifications.

But Fabricate!

Look. That spell is incredibly broken. It is. But it quickly runs into issues when it comes to taking the place of an entire factory or workshop of specialized tools.

Use it to bake a cake? Sure, fine.

Swords? Knives? Armor? Also fine. Those are all things that can be manufactured from raw materials by a single person. They take specialized training, and I learned a lot by failing, struggling and then spending an afternoon with a forge-god.

Cool guy. Hope he's doing alright.

But if I don't know how to do something with the materials I've got, if there's some step where I'm just not educated in how to make something, Fabricate fails. And in the modern world, that's actually covering a pretty significant list of things people would want to make. Like semi-conductors? I don't know how to make semi-conductors.

And if there's some part where I know I'll need to personally examine every single piece for deformations or warps that could cause the whole unit to self-destruct? I won't be using Fabricate.

So no Fabricate for Tesla Turbines for me.

Honestly, it's a bit much considering I'm just looking at running, like, two-dozen rows of lights and a few water pumps. I can just use the same basic premise, an everfull flask of water on top of a platform running a water wheel with gravity, out of... an everfull flask of water and the electric motor salvaged from a washing machine.

I can find one of those pretty easily. And there are a lot of old, broken car batteries sitting in abandoned vehicles from the last world war. Not as good as modern batteries but, really, they don't need to be.

There we go. I'll just keep an eye out for an old washing machine and see about salvaging some of the scrap that I've seen buried in some of the abandoned parts of Japan. It'll probably take me a few weeks but it's not like I need to get everything done -tomorrow-.


Areru put his pen down and stretched as, elsewhere, his other half handled a rather curious order.


"You know this isn't going to work," Areru said as he stepped into the Nekohanten, bags in his hands, directly into a circle made of salt.

"Feh!" the tiny woman said from her perch on the counter. She reached into the sleeve of her robe and tossed something at the teen.

Tiny white grains sparkled in the fading light of dusk as the salt she'd thrown at him did... nothing.

"Well..." Elder Ke Lun said with a small shrug. "I tried."

"Can I ask what brought this on?" Areru, well, asked as he stepped out of the circle and began to place the bags he'd brought on the counter.

"Oh, the Tendos are throwing a bit of a fit," the old woman explained as she rummaged through the bags to check her order. "The middle child bribed old Happosai and the fool went around stealing those advertisements you were handing out a while back. She was quite upset to see even more of those."

Which explained a little... and didn't explain a lot.

Areru had no idea who 'Old Happosai' was.

"And then someone gave the Saotome elder quite the beating," the elder continued with a quiet, wheezing cackle. "It's even worse than the Ultimate Weakness Moxibustion. Years of training, conditioning and knowledge all... broken. It's like no technique I've ever seen."

Areru waited quietly, humming agreeably as the woman talked.

Was he supposed to be bragging?

"Not many in this part of Japan that practice magic," the woman said, her bulbous eyes rolling to stare into Areru's. "No 'Delivery Ghost' today?"

"She found out that one of her soaps is running reruns on a different channel," Areru explained. "So it's just me for today."

"...Sono toki Hātowa nusumareta?" Ke Lun asked, her lips spreading in a toothless grin.

"Tokyo Love Story, actually," Areru admitted with an amused shake of his head.

"Xian Pu loves that one," Ke Lun told him as she finished checking her order with a satisfied nod. The old woman shuffled over to the till and opened it, swiftly counting out the total owed in small bills. Areru accepted the money with a quiet thank-you but the old woman held onto Areru's hand. She looked up, her beady gaze locked with his own. When she spoke, her voice was quiet and serious. "What was done to the old panda... can it be undone?"

It took a brief moment for Areru to understand that she was talking about the elder Saotome but the man had carried a curse upon him. One that the dragon had been too busy to examine when they'd met.

"...No," Areru said, finality in his tone. "It cannot."

With a deep sigh, Ke Lun released her grip and allowed him to leave. He didn't turn around to look at the old woman as he did so but, even as he closed the door and walked away from her teahouse...

He could feel her eyes, watching his back. And he could smell the subtle, sour stench of her fear.
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Wait, isn't that a lie though?

As stuff like wish or other high level bullshit should be able to if not return what was stolen, give back a copy of the lost stuff.

Or was this more of a case of Areru not knowing he could fix what he did?
I think it was more a matter of implication ie, 'is it possible to convince you to undo it' then 'can you undo it'.

Though considering what happened and how it's NOT a curse or enchantment or what not...yeah I'm drawing a blank as to how Alchemist could feasibly undo the damage of soul-sucking besides maybe Wish. And even then, I'm not sure it could cover the skill/knowledge damage even if the physical conditioning loss is probably close enough to other debilitations for Greater Restoration (or a loosey goosey Wish implementation of it) to probably work.

NGL, half thinking he would respond with 'Can Gemma Saotome undo what he did to his son and those cats?', but uh... that'd be giving up plausible deniability for a cool moment (which Al doesn't care about), and I don't think he actually knows Genma's name.
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Wait, isn't that a lie though?

As stuff like wish or other high level bullshit should be able to if not return what was stolen, give back a copy of the lost stuff.

Or was this more of a case of Areru not knowing he could fix what he did?

It's about like saying that death is permanent... unless you use these really specific means of counteracting it.

It's not some generic curse or poison. What was done to Genma can't be arbitrarily cured or treated.

If they go and track down the Wishing Sword, could they undo what Areru did? Sure. Good luck actually making that wish, but it is an option.

When something is permanent 'Except for being undone by a Wish'? Then it's still as good as permanent.
Well, I guess that's the end of the Nerima arc? Not sure what else could feasibly draw in Areru, now that 'vengeance' is complete. I guess there's Ranma's spirit trauma, but I bet the nekomata cared more about the avenging.