You produce a bayonet and toss it up and down as you process her words, less as a power move and more to give yourself something to do with your hands. It's definitely a solid pitch, as is to be expected from someone with decades to plan it out, and that little bit at the end has the showman in you nodding appreciatively. That said, she's clearly not giving you the whole story and like fuck you'll take the time to read everything downstairs. Being judge, jury, and executioner is always fun, but sometimes it's better to leave the first two to a higher authority.
"Ye paint a pretty picture, but ultimately, I'm not the one who'll decide your fate."
"Oh?" she says. "And who is?"
"The Man Upstairs." You replace the bayonet with a cross and toss it at her underhand. "Catch."
The cross bounces off her helmet with a ting and slips neatly through her hands on its way to the floor.
"Nice reflexes, Yer Highness."
"We can barely see in this thing," she snaps.
"Fine, fine," you say as you walk over and pick the thing back up. "Okay, count o' three this time. Gonna put it right in yer lap, so be ready."
"Very well," she grits out, cupping her hands at the indicated spot.
"Alright then. One, two, two-and-a-half-"
"Get on with it."
You lob it directly into her hands, which immediately crackle and belch smoke. She gives an incredibly un-queenly yelp and flings it away, flapping her stricken palms in the still air as your grin grows ever wider.
"That was the test, Annalise. Looks like ye failed."
"You're making a mistake," she hisses.
"No," you reply, scraping your bayonets together and raising them in your favorite pose, "I don't think I am."
"You can't even scratch the surface of Cainhurst's knowledge without my help. I know more of this wretched world than any ten of your 'disciples' put together."
"Maybe, maybe not. Don't make a damn bit o' difference." You let fly and pin her to her seat, blood as viscous as Logarius's oozing out of the wounds. She tries desperately to stagger to her feet, but neither her arms nor her legs can support the weight.
"How blessed is anyone who rejects the advice o' the wicked and does not take a stand in the path that sinners tread, nor a seat in company with cynics, but who delights in the law of Yahweh and murmurs His law day and night." You stalk slowly forward, footfalls echoing to and fro among the observing statues. "Such a one is like a tree planted near streams; it bears fruit in season and its leaves never wither and every project succeeds."
She struggles to remove the offending bayonets, only for you to add four more to the bargain. The throne buckles and rumbles with her thrashings.
"How different the wicked, how different! Just like chaff blown around by the wind, the wicked will not stand firm at the Judgement nor sinners in the gatherin' o' the upright. For Yahweh watches over the path of the upright, but the path o' the wicked is doomed."
You strike her head from her neck with a single blow. Her body slumps as the ironclad noggin fights the ground and wins, leaving a medium-sized crater and a lingering crunch. You nearly tip over on your first attempt to lift it; Logarius's Cone of Shame suddenly makes a lot more sense.
"Are you quite done?" the head suddenly huffs. You're sufficiently used to vampire bullshit that you don't start, but you do take a few moments to hold it over your head and look for where the air is coming from.
"I don't suppose ye could tell me Steps Two through Ten?"
[] Take her with you
-[] Where?
[] Try to kill her harder
-[] How?
[] Ask her about things
-[] What?
[] Write in...