Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[X]"I'll give you the first one. Otherwise, I'll deal with this myself."
[X]Place the bust in a sack. You can throw it at the next Old One you have to kill.

Later we will bring this to Gehrman
[X]"I'll give you the first one. Otherwise, I'll deal with this myself."
[X]Place the bust in a sack. You can throw it at the next Mediocre One you have to kill.
[X]"I'll give you the first one. Otherwise, I'll deal with this myself."
[X]Place the bust in a sack. You can throw it at the next Old One you have to kill.
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[X] Take the deal, go back to the chapel
-[X] Bring the bust to Gehrman. If SOMEONE can weaponize the accursed thing, it's him.

Let's break reality
Gehrman: "Oh my god. Why did you bring that thing here?!"
Anderson: "Whit the feck are yeh tookin' aboo-"
Gehrman: "Thats an automatic 'divide by zero'! We're fucked!"

Anderson looks at the bust. The bust grins back at him.

Anderson: "Ah feck."

And then the Dream Imploded.
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Gehrman: "Oh my god. Why did you bring that thing here?!"
Anderson: "Whit the fuck are yeh tookin' aboo-"
Gehrman: "Thats an automatic 'divide by zero'! We're fucked!"

Anderson looks at the bust. The bust is grinning.

Anderson: "Ah fuck."

And then the Dream Imploded.

But imagine if we could weaponise it!
Message For You, Sir
You frown. "I'll give ye the first one. Otherwise, I'll deal with this myself."

"Next two," he replies.


"One, plus the next bow. Come on, you don't even use them," he continues as your frown deepens.

"Ahh, fine," you say, tossing him the start of the Ws. He catches the books with a grin and takes your place at the foot of the bookshelf.

"Expected ye ta make a tougher offer," you say as you make your way towards the door.

"I was bored anyway," he replies. "Everything those two are talking about goes over my head. Don't want to throw them off by asking for clarification."

"Don't like not bein' the smartest person in the room?" you grin.

"Get out of here and make sure Djura hasn't bitten through his bed."

You take a slight detour towards that most accursed of art pieces, only to stop cold when an arrow nearly pins your hand to the wall.

"You've lost your bust privileges," Simon calls. There is no levity in his statement.

You rip the arrow out and toss it back to him, aborting a middle finger on the grounds that you deserve this, and stroll into the crisp lakeside air. The ladies are hunched over some doodad or another near the moon's overlarge reflection and you take a moment to wave.

"Simon said he'd take over, so I'm headin' back ta the Chapel ta check on everyone. Either o' ye need anythin'?"

No, thank you!

"I'd love some food, if you can spare it. I've eaten enough potatoes for one lifetime."

You nod and walk the grounds for a moment in search of a lantern, figuring that their historical convenience means one must be nearby. You're proven right in short order and, after stomping the weird eye monster that tried to jump you into the dirt, take a knee and vanish.

Hope is once again asleep, heedless of the various crating noises emanating from Gehrman's workshop. You still tread lightly on the way to the grave, where a handful of half-dozing Messengers welcome you with a tired wave. You dissolve right as what sounds like the unholy-but-awesome spawn of a chainsaw and a blowtorch revs up from inside.

A handful of Churchmen are out of bed when you arrive, helped along in their shuffling by Iosefka, her assistants, and a conscripted Liam. Somehow, his hugeness doesn't prevent him from being rather gentle with his charges. He holds Alexandria steady as she waves hello.

"Everythin' still fine here?"

"As far as I can tell," Iosefka replies after telling her patient his heart rate. "Djura's calmed down enough for us to take off the straps and Steffon's promised to hit him with his crutch if he tries anything."

"How's Steffon takin' the whole leg thing?"

"Fairly well, actually. He's an upbeat man to begin with and he says he was planning to put down his weapons after tonight anyway. There is something I need to show you, though." She passes her charge, whom you think is Andrew, to Emma before leading you outside.

Right next to the entryway that faces the Grand Cathedral lies the smoking corpse of a thin, gargoyle-like creature. You nudge it a few times with your foot to no effect.

"So where'd he come from?"

"Ellis spotted it flying in from somewhere past the Cathedral, but couldn't get a bead on it before it tried to land on the roof and wound up frying itself on your ward. "

Huh. You'll have to remember to take it down once this is over so you don't hurt Yharnam's less-awful birds.

"It also," Iosefka continues, "had an envelope in its hand. Addressed to you."

She reaches into the depths of her robes and produces said envelope, somewhat yellowed and adorned with your name in stylish writing. You're pretty sure it's not ink.

"Loved the delivery on that line, by the way," you say with a smile.

She smiles as well, tinged with a slight blush. "Thought I'd try being dramatic. You seem to enjoy it."

You pop a bayonet from your sleeves and carefully break the red wax seal holding it closed. The letter within crinkles audibly as you pull it free.

Father Alexander Anderson,

On behalf of Her Highness, Queen Annalise, you are cordially invited to Castle Cainhurst.

The Queen wishes to speak with you immediately on the topic of your actions this night.

Do not hesitate; the stagecoach leaves from Hemwick crossing.

There's no name at the bottom, not even a "with regards" or other fancy thing. The least they could have done is include a few of your titles; nothing spices up a letter like three paragraphs of noms de guerre, in your experience.

"Huh. I need ta find Alfred again so I can wave this in his face. Teach him ta fuckin' ditch the team."

[] Go back to Byrgenwerth
-[] Go to Hemwick

-[] Go straight to Hemwick

[] Talk to
-[] Steffon
-[] Djura
-[] Who?

[] Write in...
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Also, I meant to include Anderson, Ebrietas, and Simon catching sight of the gargoyle bug-zapping itself on the flight to Byrgenwerth but totally forgot until after the next update. My bad.
You know, how did Annalise even get a letter past the doorman?
Considering how everything in "proper" Yharnam was fucked up after Father Alex got in, who can say where Logarius right now?

The fact that the fuck up actually a major improvement was... well, it was something. Yharnam be crazy yo.
-[X] Go straight to Hemwick

Between the cargo-cult eyeball harvesters, the Inquisitorial lich, and a vampire queen wanting to shake his hand, Anderson's going to have a time of things, won't he?
Awesome! I mentioned this thing before

The Japanese script never refers to the Vilebloods as such; they are just called the Cainhurst ketsuzoku (blood relatives or kin)—joining the Vilebloods basically means that you are joining the Cainhurst family. The term "Vileblood" comes from the fact that the Cainhurst bloodline is steeped in kegare, due to them using spiritually unclean blood in their blood ministration. This brings the modus operandi of Logarius' Executioners to a new light: they slaughtered the Cainhurst nobility not because they were a physical threat to the Healing Church, but because their blood was so spiritually unclean that it was considered a source of spiritual uncleanliness.

Don't know if anything is actually going to be done with this, but I'm interested to see the inevitable twist that's coming
Well I guess that problem is settled. I believe the apropriate course of action would be letting Ebrietas with Yurie to figure out if Rom can be communicated with, while Anderson and Simon go to Hemwick and (hopefully) find Alfred to bring him along for the ride.
[X] Go back to Byrgenwerth
-[x] Go to Hemwick

Vampires? Vampires.
Totally expecting TFS Alucard to do something. Don't know what or how, but he will.