Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[X] Talk to Simon
-[X] Ask if he knows anyone named Maria, some of the patients were muttering about someone by that name.

Need to save her.
One rather gets the impression that Maria doesn't want to be saved, and she strikes me as the sort who is absurdly stubborn.
I was thinking about how Anderson could "level up" and expand his capabilities for future opponents. Previous entries have ruled out Blood Echoes and Blood Gems, due to it all being Heathen Blood Magic. Spell-casting slugs and Carryl Runes are similarly right out...

...but could Anderson potentially learn the Art of Quickening, as practiced by Maria, Gehrman, and the other first generation hunters? It's presented as an esoteric martial art technique, and doesn't seem to derive from runes or the Old Blood....
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Didn't we skip the patients?
They were wailing loud enough that he heard anyways.

[X] Keep going
-[X] "I sure hope that what's through this next set of massive double-doors is less disappointin' than that bunch o' livin' failures."
-[X] Notice that the only thing in the huge room is a corpse in a chair
-[X] "...goddamn it. I feel like Ludwig just plain spoiled me."
Speak With Dead
"Slightly changin' topics," you say, "ye know anyone by the name o' Maria? One o' the patients outside seemed keen on 'er."

"Brador mentioned the name as well. I've only ever encountered two Marias of note: one a founding vicar, the other a Byrgenwerth student. I think we can discount the first one, considering she had both the shape and constitution of a raw egg. Fainted at the sight of blood."

"Bit of a handicap in her line o' work."

"We kept her on the public relations side of the operation. The other Maria was a Byrgenwerth student descended from Cainhurst royalty. I never saw her personally and neither did any of my sources, so she most likely stayed with Willem during the schism. Either that or she, well, 'mysteriously disappeared' before my time."

You raise an eyebrow. "Cainhurst, huh? She ever bite someone's neck and drink their blood?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"But she could have."

"I suppose."

She might not have been a vampire; unless the rules here are really, really different, two vampires fucking doesn't make more vampires. Your job would be both much more difficult and much more entertaining were that the case. Still, it's worth keeping in mind.

You twirl your newly-acquired key in your fingers as you step towards the heavy doors. The lock's distinctive enough that you quickly find it despite the considerable real estate and, with a grunt, force them open. A short flight of stairs opens into a wide, barren room, sunlight filtering in through a gargantuan set of clockwork at the far end that reminds you of the time you sneaked into Big Ben and made it an hour slow.

Because fuck the English. You don't even care that you're playing into nationalistic stereotypes.

The wooden floor is in an extensive state of disrepair, strewn with loose boards and sagging dangerously. Rows of candles line the side walls, still lit in standard Yharnam fashion, and massive black bells hang from the ceiling in the sort of ponderous fashion that tempts you to cut one loose and see how many floors it breaks through on the way down.

The corpse on a chair is a slightly more pressing concern, however. Especially since the blood trail at its feet is still wet.

"That," you say with an imperious point, "is a trap. I know a jump scare when I see one. Ye mind coverin' me while I go poke it with a stick?"

"I can do that," Simon replies. "Lethal or nonlethal?"

"Nonlethal if whatever pops out looks like it can answer questions."

"We do still have a lot of those."

You take a handful of cautious steps towards the lolling body, taking note of its well-tailored garb. A hat not unlike Djura's rests atop its white hair, a high collar covers its neck, and an honest-to-goodness cape sits bunched against the back of the chair. Something nags at you as you lean down to better examine its terribly pale face. Her terribly pale face.

Her eyes lock onto yours.

Heedless of her clearly-slit throat, she grabs onto your shoulder. There's a hiss from behind you and a blur of motion in your peripheral vision; you break eye contact just long enough to see that she's caught Simon's shot with her free hand. Without a word, she closes her fist and cracks the shaft into pieces, the wooden sound just audible over Simon's whisper of "no fucking way."

"A corpse," she breathes, "should be left well alone."

You numbly backpedal, following her eyes as she rises. And then keeps rising. And then a little more.

Fuck, she's tall.


[] Write in...
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At long last!

[X] "Not where I'm from, they shouldn't. You're lucky, a corpse here is a corpse, a corpse back home's just another potential enemy."
-[X] "But you're not a corpse now, are yeh lassie."
-[X] "I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10 on badass intro lines. You've certainly got the implied threat down, but you really need to work on avoiding logical fallacies."
--[X] "By the way, any chance you know a fellow named Gherman or his friend who's a doll?"
---[X] "She goes by the name Hope now, and you look just like her."
-[X] You're not one to back down from a fight, but...this is different. If negotiations ain't a possibility, you're getting yourself and Simon out of here. There are questions you need answered from Hope and Gherman, among others, about this.
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So...comment on her similar appearance to The Doll? Mention that said Doll hangs around Gehrman alot? I really have no solid ideas here.


Maria has to live through this fight. Comedy and Drama demands it.
[X] Not where I'm from, they don't.

Lady, have you even heard of a grave, of cremation, or anything really?
So...comment on her similar appearance to The Doll? Mention that said Doll hangs around Gehrman alot? I really have no solid ideas here.


Maria has to live through this fight. Comedy and Drama demands it.
My first thought is to IC figure out what the hell is going second thought is to leave and get answers from Hope and Gherman if she ain't up to talking this out.

My third thought is to grab a hold of her with Simon and bring us all out of the Nightmare.
[X] "Not where I'm from, they shouldn't. You're lucky, a corpse here is a corpse, a corpse back home's just another potential enemy."
-[X] You're not one to back down from a fight, but...this is different. If negotiations ain't a possibility, you're getting yourself and Simon out of here. There are questions you need answered from Hope and Gherman, among others, about this.
[X] "Not where I'm from, they shouldn't. You're lucky, a corpse here is a corpse, a corpse back home's just another potential enemy."
-[X] You're not one to back down from a fight, but...this is different. If negotiations ain't a possibility, you're getting yourself and Simon out of here. There are questions you need answered from Hope and Gherman, among others, about this.
[X] "What the fuck. What are you doing here? How are you here... and why are you dressin' like a Hunter all of a sudden? What's going on? Is Gehrman here too?"
-[X] You're not one to back down from a fight, but... this is different. If negotiations ain't a possibility, you're getting yourself and Simon out of here. There are questions you need answered from Hope and Gehrman, among others, about this.
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