D'awwww.The gigantic cephalopod in question slithers over in a hurry and gives you a quick once-over. You lower your head and scratch the back of it, grinning weakly.
"Sorry 'bout that; was struck by inspiration and didn't think things through."
I'm just glad you're okay. Your regeneration is unbelievable, but do you have to take it for granted like that?
"NOBODY can't get off Father Anderson's Wild Ride
"I wish could go back to a simpler, kinder time."
Won't Anderson actually like that? Killing vampires is his main hobby after all...Did Alfred honestly go '...no fuck this I'm going to paste the vampires'?
'I'd rather Cainhurst and pretend nothing else is happening'
That poor bastard.
??? why would there be a Waifu at Cainhurt?[X] Ask him about what he needs to do.