Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[X] You've got your eye on the prize, now take it!
-[X] With but a touch, you can welcome new residents to your all inclusive covenant run community of Sleeveland. Time to give the other members a new neighbor.
--[X] Aim to steal Ludwigs blade!
---[X] Mother (Theresa) didn't raise a fool however, so you'll need a distraction.
----[X] Though it wasn't crippled by any means, your laser blast certainly caused Ludwig to flinch. Run up and give him a flying face full of irony, and grab the sword while you're still airborne.
-----[X] In the incredibly unlikely completely unforeseeable event this causes him to become a nigh unstoppable rage monster, retreat to stock up on more ammunition. After all, he's not getting his sword back anytime soon.
[X] You've got your eye on the prize, now take it!
-[X] With but a touch, you can welcome new residents to your all inclusive covenant run community of Sleeveland. Time to give the other members a new neighbor.
--[X] Aim to steal Ludwigs blade!
---[X] Mother (Theresa) didn't raise a fool however, so you'll need a distraction.
----[X] Though it wasn't crippled by any means, your laser blast certainly caused Ludwig to flinch. Run up and give him a flying face full of irony, and grab the sword while you're still airborne.
-----[X] In the incredibly unlikely completely unforeseeable event this causes him to become a nigh unstoppable rage monster, retreat to stock up on more ammunition. After all, he's not getting his sword back anytime soon.
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.
Either way, we should expend our ammunition first before trying to dogpile it in melee. This is where that ammo is going to be most needed, after all.

The more damage we can do to its limbs now, the less horrible the Holy Blade phase will be, assuming we have to fight that.
Either way, we should expend our ammunition first before trying to dogpile it in melee. This is where that ammo is going to be most needed, after all.

The more damage we can do to its limbs now, the less horrible the Holy Blade phase will be, assuming we have to fight that.
Vote my plan, then there won't be a holy blade for the holy blade phase!
[X] You've got your eye on the prize, now take it!
-[X] With but a touch, you can welcome new residents to your all inclusive covenant run community of Sleeveland. Time to give the other members a new neighbor.
--[X] Aim to steal Ludwigs blade!
---[X] Mother (Theresa) didn't raise a fool however, so you'll need a distraction.
----[X] Though it wasn't crippled by any means, your laser blast certainly caused Ludwig to flinch. Run up and give him a flying face full of irony, and grab the sword while you're still airborne.
-----[X] In the incredibly unlikely completely unforeseeable event this causes him to become a nigh unstoppable rage monster, retreat to stock up on more ammunition. After all, he's not getting his sword back anytime soon.
Either way, we should expend our ammunition first before trying to dogpile it in melee. This is where that ammo is going to be most needed, after all.

The more damage we can do to its limbs now, the less horrible the Holy Blade phase will be, assuming we have to fight that.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the ONLY person who feels like Ludwig's Accursed Phase is harder than his Holy Blade phase.

I've still DIED to his second phase but not nearly as much as I do to the Accursed. Plus I have an easier time dodging the Holy Blade's attacks.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm the ONLY person who feels like Ludwig's Accursed Phase is harder than his Holy Blade phase.

I've still DIED to his second phase but not nearly as much as I do to the Accursed. Plus I have an easier time dodging the Holy Blade's attacks.
You're not the only one. I've seen many people say Holy Blade is easier than the Accursed. In the Two Best Friends playthrough of The Old Hunters they died multiple times to Accursed but went through Holy Blade without much difficulty.

It's probably because Holy Blade is a lot more "humanlike" with his moves and has a long windup, whereas the Accursed is inhuman and wildly flails around so you don't have many tells to go on.
[X] "In the beginnin' was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Holy Word o' God flowed out of your sleeves in a great flood, sticking to all four walls of this hellish abbatoir. "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." God's Will itself is invoked to slow and hinder the inhuman monster. "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." You're done fooling around. Let's see how this thing liked the power o' the Lord. Because, after all, "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not!"
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[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.
[X] You've got your eye on the prize, now take it!
-[X] With but a touch, you can welcome new residents to your all inclusive covenant run community of Sleeveland. Time to give the other members a new neighbor.
--[X] Aim to steal Ludwigs blade!
---[X] Mother (Theresa) didn't raise a fool however, so you'll need a distraction.
----[X] Though it wasn't crippled by any means, your laser blast certainly caused Ludwig to flinch. Run up and give him a flying face full of irony, and grab the sword while you're still airborne.
-----[X] In the incredibly unlikely completely unforeseeable event this causes him to become a nigh unstoppable rage monster, retreat to stock up on more ammunition. After all, he's not getting his sword back anytime soon.
If the wards were able to contain Vicar Amelia, then does that mean it's strong enough to hold Ludwig too?

No, because Vicar Amelia was a whimpy ish vicar before she became a beast.. Ludwig was a bad-ass hunter. Probably under one of the top 5 hunters to ever EXIST before he became a beast.

His strength and speed far far far far surpass Vicar Amelia.
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.

And yes, I also found the Holy Blade easier. I mean, I still died but way less. I could understand him. I had more time to stagger him. The Accursed Phase had a lot less tells. Holy Blade, though...


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[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.

I'm more in favor of this plan because it's not trying to steal the Holy Moonlight Sword, which I somehow imagine would not work out very well.

That, and I kind of want Ludwig the Holy Blade to come out. : p
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.
[X] Call upon the Power of The Lord in the form of wards to bind the Beast and hopefully restrict it's movements.
-[X] Summon a storm of Bayonets and impale the beast while it's pinned.

C'mon, his music for that stage is brilliant!
Not that it really matters because of the way the votes going, but the Moonlight sword is very strongly implied to have a will of its own, and kidnapping it is very likely to result in it objecting quite strongly, and it speaks the language of "explosive magic fuckoff light."
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