Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

No, I'm pretty sure she's protecting the denizens of the Fishing Hamlet as well, including the Orphan of Kos. This is further backed up by the fact that she says, "A corpse...should be left well enough alone." She's referring to Kos' corpse. Which the Orphan is buried under.

That's what I said. She's under the impression that the Hunter is there to continue the work that was done to them.
When you think about it, the trick weapons really seem like something an unscrupulous car mechanic would come up with.

Weapons maintenance guys must have made a fortune fixing all these complex mechanisms and devices before everything went all pear shaped.
So. Anderson's got some freaky healing shenanigans. People are turning into monsters because of the blood in them. Transfusions maybe help?

Also, what areas have yet to feel the joy of having Anderson around? We want to 100% this baby.
Also, what areas have yet to feel the joy of having Anderson around? We want to 100% this baby.
Well the party cave for one, or as Ilike to call it the fuckbox, but we're probably heading there right now, there's also Cainhurst, Yahar'gul(hope I spelled that right) and also that place you need the Amygdala to take you to, and probably others. We've sort of gone backwards leftwards diagonalwards and basically every other way that isn't straight forwards when it comes to progressing through bloodborne
We haven't visited anywhere on the way to Brygenworth, where we could fight the Shadows of Yharnam, say hello to Rom and be ignored, slaughter the two Witches of Hemwick and somehow hitch a ride on the ghost of a carriage to Cainhurst Castle where we'll fight Martyr Logarious and meet the closest thing to a proper vampire strapped to a throne in an invisible castle.

We haven't set foot into Yahar'gul, the Unseen Village, where there are many Lesser Amygdala on the rooftops acting as laser artillery, and Cultists who will gladly summon 'The One Reborn' in yet another zombie-corpse amalgamation boss, and even a giant electric skeleton beast in captivity. It's name is Paarl.

We haven't entered the nightmare realms, where we could meet Spider-Patches, fight the actual Amygdala in the Nightmare Frontier who will gladly beat us to death with his own severed arm, or go to the Nightmare of Mensis where we would find Micolash Cage, his Magic Twin, and his pet Shoggoth/Insanty Beacon and the source of the Nightmare afflicting Yharnam, Mergo. And it's Wet Nurse.

In the Hunter's Nightmare specifically, we haven't found the Party Cave, we haven't crossed the Holy Blade nor awoken the First Vicar. We haven't even reached the Research Hall, slaughtered the Living Failures, or attempted to converse with Maria. We haven't seen a sign of the Fishing Hamlet yet, nor met Kos. Or rather his corpse. And his child. Which crawls out of his parent's dead womb like he was Guts from Berserk.

And that's not even getting into what we'll do when we see the Hunter's Dream is on fire, or if we decide to see what the Chalice Dungeons are. If we can.

It's going to be a long road.
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Notably, both the Micolash Cage and Amygadalan entrances to the Nightmare Realms lead into the Lecture Building. In the game proper, the door to the Frontier is on floor one, and you are barred from floor two which has the door to the Nightmare of Mensis until you enter the 2nd floor from the Micolash Cage entrance.

However, it bars the player by simply locking the doors to the stairs. Even worse, someone like Anderson could easily jump floors in the main hall.
Either entrance into the Nightmare would allow Anderson full access to both Nightmare realms. So we could potentially skip the Unseen Village entirely.

Although I wouldn't advise it while the cultist sect in the Unseen Village can still freely operate.
Notably, both the Micolash Cage and Amygadalan entrances to the Nightmare Realms lead into the Lecture Building. In the game proper, the door to the Frontier is on floor one, and you are barred from floor two which has the door to the Nightmare of Mensis until you enter the 2nd floor from the Micolash Cage entrance.

However, it bars the player by simply locking the doors to the stairs. Even worse, someone like Anderson could easily jump floors in the main hall.
Either entrance into the Nightmare would allow Anderson full access to both Nightmare realms. So we could potentially skip the Unseen Village entirely.

Although I wouldn't advise it while the cultist sect in the Unseen Village can still freely operate.
I reckon we'll get to the Unseen Village before we get to the Nightmare. Getting into the Nightmare involves getting picked up by an Amygdala after all and I doubt Anderson would let that happen. Eileen and co are currently investigating the entrance to the Unseen Village however and doors aren't indestructible in this world.
Cave Story
You can make out a sizable cave mouth above the scuttling horde, ripe with the promise of great adventure, kickass loot, and possibly a metric fuckton of very fat, very happy bats.

"That looks promisin'. Mind backtrackin' a bit?"

"We're following your lead," Steffon answers.

Whether due to general apathy or being bloated to Hindenburgian proportions, the blood-drinking beasts give you no trouble as you pass. One of them does have a go when you stray too close, but a quick elbow sends it wobbling back to safety. As you reach the cave and step deeper into its narrow entrance, you hear and feel sporadic thunder within that sends visible ripples through the backed-up blood.

The source becomes apparent when a stumpy beast tries to round a bend at a dead sprint, runs into a wall, and gets effectively vaporized by a torrent of bullets. The damp cave air brims with the smell of cordite, preceding a mountainous, scarred figure seemingly held together by countless ammunition belts.

He has to be at least a hundred and fifty kilos, lugging a Gatling gun one-handed with apparent ease. His own serrated spear dwarfs Steffon's to a comical, cold-day-in-the-locker-room degree, and he flicks the heavy weapon between configurations in impatient fashion. Djura and Steffon gently nudge you behind them before approaching him slowly.

"Kurt," says Djura, hands up but legs tensed, "let's go home. There's no need for this."

"You gonna run?" the big man rumbles.

"No, of course not."

"You should."

The gun's many barrels whine into motion and the Powder Kegs each leap in a different direction as the weapon roars. Kurt's strength is ridiculous; he's not only withstanding the recoil with one hand, he's tracking his targets with impossible stability.

If he could just pick one and stick with it, you'd be worried. As is, he's constantly switching between them whenever one gains ground. While they're struggling to close the gap, Kurt can't land a clean shot.

You can, though.

Your first bayonet broadside sends him down to a knee, but you can't ready another volley or the club before you're also dodging heavy fire. He may not have the sense to fight at his best, but he does have enough to back into a narrow, rocky section of the cave, preventing any sort of flanking maneuvers and protecting him from Djura and Steffon's return fire.

Unfortunately for him, he's still a big fuckin' target. Djura lunges forward, drawing the stream of fire away from you long enough to bring the club to bear. You plant the beam in the middle of his chest and hear bad things happen to his skeleton beneath the boom. This time, he goes all the way down, and you rush forward to polish him off.

Before you can get there, you see him jab something into his thigh and his left arm lurches back into action, bringing the Gatling gun around to ventilate your torso.

"Blood vials are bullshit," you gurgle as you hit the ground. You really need to ask Djura what those bullets are made of one of these days. Luckily, he's too preoccupied with you to notice that Djura's reached melee range, and even Kurt's monstrous durability can't stand up to the old man's Stake Driver.

You swear the earth shakes when his corpse hits the ground. Though he vanishes like the others, his weapon conveniently stays behind along with his ammunition.

What a generous guy.

"You alright?" asks Steffon as he approaches. You attempt to give him a thumbs-up, but are thwarted by the necessary muscle groups still having holes in them.

"I'm fine; just gimme a minute." You manage to sit up and prop yourself against a nearby wall. "Thing had some kick."

Steffon's reply, no doubt pithy and wise, gets cut off by a very familiar screech. You attempt to scoot back into the more open section of the cave and Steffon helpfully drags you along.

Djura, however, stays put, and by the time the big bastard's massive neck flaps round the corner, he's got the barrels up to speed.

You only get to see the oddly-human face for a split second before Djura buries it in bullets. It stumbles back around the corner and the old man follows.

You can't see the rest, but he keeps shooting for what's probably an unnecessary amount of time. The gun is bright red by the time he comes back into view and barks for Steffon to follow him.

"Sit tight," says the younger Keg with a pat on the shoulder. You consider utilizing the fact that you've recovered enough to raise a middle finger, but figure he wasn't trying to be condescending.

By the time they come back, you're more-or-less ready to roll. Djura walks past you without a word, while Steffon stops to hand you a bizarre club not unlike your own.

"Found it in the back. Thought you might be interested," he says before hurrying after his elder.

Rather than the elegant craftsmanship of Gehrman's work, this thing looks like someone ripped off a small Amygdala's arm and folded several joints into a single striking surface. The weapon's "head" twitches unsettlingly, and when you twist the handle like this, it lashes out at you.

You catch it before it can stab you in your chest and glare at it as it wriggles. "None o' that," you say, and it droops apologetically before you send it off to sleeveland.

You resolve to discuss proper boundaries with it once you have time. For now, you should probably catch up with Djura.

[] You think you saw another path back to the chapel; might as well check it out

[] Go deeper into the city

[] Write in...
[X] You think you saw another path back to the chapel; might as well check it out

While it was disappointing about Kurt, it was to be expected. The man ended up in the Nightmare for a reason.
[X] You think you saw another path back to the chapel; might as well check it out
Heeeyyy Simon.
[X] You think you saw another path back to the chapel; might as well check it out

That minigun guy was actually kind of badass. Also, as a person that haven't played the dlc, what in the world is an Amygdala Arm? Some kinda fleshy weapon gadget the old god made from one of their own or something?
[X] You think you saw another path back to the chapel; might as well check it out

That minigun guy was actually kind of badass. Also, as a person that haven't played the dlc, what in the world is an Amygdala Arm? Some kinda fleshy weapon gadget the old god made from one of their own or something?

The Amygdala arm is a club in its untransformed that you mainly whack thing with. In its transformed state the arm functions like a fleshy flail with utterly wild attacks using the ligaments of long claws attached it to fight stuff at range.