You ever see a tetsubo? Not exactly designed for blade locking.
Fuck huge katana strikes in between the protrusions, twist the club a bit, and it's gonna get stuck.
Five motions.Not to mention there are many, many different styles of sword and gun fighting already without factoring in the fact that we are in an alternate dimension.
He positions his hand over the holster.
He draws the pistol out from the holster.
He tilts the barrel towards the target.
He pulls the trigger once.
He pulls it a second time.
And are we going to be playing the Peak Human argument about Anderson's skill with bayonets again? Because I'm pretty sure I took that stance earlier in the Quest and then proceeded to lose that argument. Anderson is blatantly superhuman. Unless you have some evidence of The Bloody Crow quickdrawing at such a speed that Anderson can't keep up then...
You posted a cool video, sure. But you didn't really prove anything.
Considering we apparently strain to hold the club in one hand its safe to assume he can swing a katana faster.
"Go on. Take a swing," he offers. You do so, appreciating the balance and heft of the alien bludgeon. The weight is pushing the limit of what you can comfortably use one-handed, though there's enough room on the grip for you to two-hand it if you need to uncork some major league biffing.
Please stop. It's pushing the limit of "what [Anderson] can comfortably use one-handed"
The implication being that he can, indeed, still use it comfortably one-handed. Can we just move on, please?
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