Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

Anderson likely would kill it anyway, "just to be safe"

"Can't be too sure wit dem unholy abominations, dontcha know. And it ain't like I ain't here to kill it anyway, and it ain't like I have a reason to let tha ugly bastards go free either !

"Ahahaha, Lord I do love my job."

And then Rom dies
You're still not understanding the subtleties involved.

When something looks harmless (a person, a duck, an apple) but is throwing up a lot of weird signs, that a good indication that it is actually something dangerous in disguise.

When something looks dangerous, but is throwing up a lot of weird signs, that is a good indication that it is actually something harmless in disguise. Either as a voluntary effort to trick stupid predators into leaving it alone, or as an illusion placed created by someone else who wants someone to kill it.

I figure Anderson has had at least ONE unfortunate experience with a sadistic vampire or ghost or witch making an innocent victim look like a monster so that they could laugh at him after he's murdered the victim. Or a vampire needed some holy vessel destroyed but couldn't approach it, so they tricked the Scourge of God into doing the devil's work for them.

So, no. I really do think that when Anderson finds a spider-monster acting so thoroughly unlike a spider OR a monster, he's going to find it weird enough to ask questions BEFORE stabbing stuff.

Especially if he remembers the notes about "the Bergenwyrth spider" and how it's hiding rituals from the heathens in the Church of Healing.
He kills a bunch of protestants who were in the process of killing a bunch of dangerous ghouls because he doesn't like Protestants, Whats he going to do to a giant spider?
Let's just see how we get to Rom. We're going after the Church right now, we might find out valuable information from them, their notes and such.

You're arguing meta shit.

I'm pointing out characterization.

It all comes down to which you think is more important once we cross that particular bridge, really.
There's been arguments presented that makes it reasonable to assume that Anderson will not kill Rom so characterization does not need to be sacrificed.

I just want to know if you have a plan for what to do should the kids go insane.
Maybe use our bible to help soothe their minds, is that a use of the holy power? It should be.
There's been arguments presented that makes it reasonable to assume that Anderson will not kill Rom so characterization does not need to be sacrificed.

I just want to know if you have a plan for what to do should the kids go insane.
Anderson isn't a reasonable man, though

He's a zealot, insane, and self-contradictory.

Even moreso with the Abridged version. Making him purely reasonable is by definition sacrificing characterization.
Well... no actually. That's one of the weird things about the abridged series. It actually made Anderson, and the rest of Iscariot, far more reasonable and less fanatical. As unlikely as that may sound if you've only seen the abridged series.
It's the irreverence that got highlighted. The core actions themselves remain the same, they're just spouting fewer bible verses and shouting more Boondocks Saint quotes instead.

Which is, honestly even if it's played for laughs, more insane
Except for the part where, for example, the were supporting the Nazi's because hey anyone that's going to kill protestants amirite?

They still helped them escape though in abridged they were killing everyone who was working with Millenium and Maxwell didn't brag about helping them to Integra. He actually looked ashamed when it was brought up by the Major.
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Except for the part where, for example, the were supporting the Nazi's because hey anyone that's going to kill protestants amirite?
You're implying that it didn't happen?

Because that particular OVA has yet to have an abridged episode posted for it. We're still on "And then Anderson was so turned on by Integra being a badass that he saved her for literally shits and giggles" in terms of the abridged timeline.

Anderson is still just as crazy, and bloodthirsty, against unholy monstrosities.

Edited: Unless you're saying Anderson helped to ferry the Nazi's to South America after WWII? Which is...not something I've heard before, but if that's what you're saying I'm willing to let you elaborate before trying to tear your head off or something.

I may have missed something, given the whole "Immortal Regenerator" thing and how the series plays fast and loose with apparent ages anyway.
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Edited: Unless you're saying Anderson helped to ferry the Nazi's to South America after WWII? Which is...not something I've heard before, but if that's what you're saying I'm willing to let you elaborate before trying to tear your head off or something.
Not just Anderson, Iscariot in general. In the war council scene Maxwell admits that Iscariot help the Nazi's flee to Brazil, points out that that was the previous administration and that they've purged those people. As opposed to the canon series where he's quite proud that they helped Millennium and openly hopes that the invasion will wipe out England.
Not just Anderson, Iscariot in general. In the war council scene Maxwell admits that Iscariot help the Nazi's flee to Brazil, points out that that was the previous administration and that they've purged those people. As opposed to the canon series where he's quite proud that they helped Millennium and openly hopes that the invasion will wipe out England.
Yes, but that's Maxwell being more reasonable

Like how the coffee scene played out as well.

Not Anderson.
Look, do you have a plan or not?
PREFORM AN EXORCISM! Priests can do that right? Failing it would depend on how crazy they get. If its old lady and paranoid guy crazy there isnt much to be done. If its random townsperson crazy probably have to tie them up or something.
Not just Anderson, Iscariot in general. In the war council scene Maxwell admits that Iscariot help the Nazi's flee to Brazil, points out that that was the previous administration and that they've purged those people. As opposed to the canon series where he's quite proud that they helped Millennium and openly hopes that the invasion will wipe out England.
In fairness most people so far have treated the Nazis as a bit of a joke and seem to be a bit embarrassed to be actually fighting Nazis.