The Alteran inability to give a fuck strikes again! One of the most amoral bastards on the planet shows up outside your door to turn himself in? Alteran is tired, come back later. *Dismissive Hand Wave*
Good to see Weldon be recognized for his achievement, I wonder when he'll get a chance to talk to Ziz. Coil's surrender was also very amusing, and Contessa got some characterization by trolling people. Can't wait to see which villain will give up rather than risk Weldon's wrath, and which monsters will get his attention next!

had his power fail - had experienced his power fail
migraine inducing - migraine-inducing
more liquid coping - more of the liquid coping
non threatening - non-threatening
peaked out - peeked out
cracking up teammate - highly amused teammate
myself into you - myself in to you
this prank the new Ward day - this 'Prank the New Ward' day
half seriously. - half-seriously.
I just found this fic. Super sad there isnt more chapters:cry:.

10/10 would consume this crack again.

Now back to chapter 1 and start liking the chapters.

That is a good question, isn't it. Why did he call the shuttles puddle jumpers?

A possible explanation, to be sure.

The moment one of my readers joked about it I knew it had to be done. The entire interlude was rewritten to accommodate the chicken. And it was worth it.


Oohhh. Hey, a fellow author! Nice to meet you! Thanks, I do try to keep my stories from breaking despite the general level of ludicrous firepower involved.

sneaks off to go read 160k+ words

holyshit that asian dude has talent i watched the whole thing cause it was done so well and made me laugh and smile thanks dude
The Alteran inability to give a fuck strikes again! One of the most amoral bastards on the planet shows up outside your door to turn himself in? Alteran is tired, come back later. *Dismissive Hand Wave*

Weldon doesn't exactly know that about Coil. The most he would know is whatever the PRT has on him (vague due to his own actions and moles covering it up) and BB hearsay. That said, the Alteran thing is absolutely kicking in here.

Good to see Weldon be recognized for his achievement, I wonder when he'll get a chance to talk to Ziz. Coil's surrender was also very amusing, and Contessa got some characterization by trolling people. Can't wait to see which villain will give up rather than risk Weldon's wrath, and which monsters will get his attention next!

peaked out - peeked out

Peaked -> peeked is indeed a typo thank you for that. The rest I won't be changing as they are my style of writing, but thanks for taking the time to pick them out! ^_^

I just found this fic. Super sad there isnt more chapters:cry:.

10/10 would consume this crack again.

Now back to chapter 1 and start liking the chapters.

Welcome to an outpost of my little corner of the Kardashev L1 Communications Network. Glad you enjoyed, be warned my muse is an atemporal squirrel and she is random at the best of times.

holyshit that asian dude has talent i watched the whole thing cause it was done so well and made me laugh and smile thanks dude

I know right?! You're welcome!

Also to explain the chicken thing further, as I've already spilled the beans on QQ:

It's a reader joke turned into a Back to the Future reference. Contessa made three references to three different movies in this chapter. All of them are important.
Weldon doesn't exactly know that about Coil. The most he would know is whatever the PRT has on him (vague due to his own actions and moles covering it up) and BB hearsay. That said, the Alteran thing is absolutely kicking in here.
It's a serious problem inherent to the entire species; outside of their science projects Alterans just do not give a fuck. If it wasn't for the occasional outlier like Ganos and Merlin I'd say that they are outright incapable of giving a fuck, but even then the outliers weren't very good at giving a fuck.

Just about the best thing you can say about Ganos is that she tried to give a fuck, and the first time she tried she believed a Goa'uld System Lord and helped Anubis ascend, which really isn't a great track record there. Merlin did slightly better, in that his attempt to give a fuck resulted in the construction of the Ark of Truth, a frighteningly powerful mind-control device that brainwashed anyone who looked into it to believe the truth it was programmed with. Fortunately, in a rare moment of common sense, Merlin designed the Ark so that it could only function with an actual truth, which is a remarkably good safety feature by Alteran standards and the absolute bare minimum by anyone else's standards.

The Alterans just have this massive instinctual blind-spot when it comes to other people, much like young children they simply cannot grasp the concept that other people might not think the same way that they do and know the same things that they know. The idea just doesn't click with them, the closest they can come is the thought that if they just explained things better then everyone else would see that they were right all along and agree with how right they are. And then when that doesn't happen they get angry and confused, leave their balls lying around on the ground for anyone to fuck with and go home to shun reality from a higher plane of existence.

Because, ultimately, at the end of the day, they just do not give a fuck.

Turning himself biologically into an Alteran has many upsides for Weldon; Alterans hit the evolutionary jackpot before they started tweaking their genome for better things, but unfortunately it also comes with the downside of running out of non-science related fucks to give.
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The Alterans just have this massive instinctual blind-spot when it comes to other people, much like young children they simply cannot grasp the concept that other people might not think the same way that they do and know the same things that they know.
I think a more apt comparison would be to those fancy S-J-W ladies that believe that people of best Korea should "peacefully rally in opposition to a tyrannical government", and totally disregard people trying to explain to them what that would actually entail for them, their families, friends, pets, or whole neighborhoods.
I think a more apt comparison would be to those fancy S-J-W ladies that believe that people of best Korea should "peacefully rally in opposition to a tyrannical government", and totally disregard people trying to explain to them what that would actually entail for them, their families, friends, pets, or whole neighborhoods.
Eh, the reason why Alteran tech has basically no safety features is because it literally never occurred to them that anyone would ever misuse it, because they couldn't imagine themselves misusing the technology they couldn't imagine anyone else misusing it because obviously everyone is as smart and knowledgeable as they are. This 'I assume that everyone else thinks the way I do and knows what I know, and anyone who thinks differently is wrong' thing is a common affliction of children and teenagers, and one of the major steps to becoming an adult (that not everyone ever takes) is the realization that different people are different and that two people, given exactly the same information and starting point, can in fact end up with entirely different results with neither being objectively wrong to do so.

Take the Stargates for example; they are incredibly robust devices and basically constructed entirely out of redundancies to the point that you can literally operate the damn things manually by hand and still get them to work, and they can be powered by pretty much anything you can manage to get to generate any kind of energy from thermal to electric to radiation to exotic and more, as long as you can tape it to the side of the gate somehow. But anything entering the wormhole going the wrong way is disintegrated and destroyed utterly, meaning that if the first dude through the wormhole stops to gape in awe and the second dude bumps into him and falls backwards, oops! This problem simply never occurred to the Alterans, because why would you stop while exiting an active wormhole? That's just stupid.

And OHAS officials all across the galaxy threw off their high visibility hard-hats and screamed in apoplectic fury.

For all their power and genius, the Alterans are incredibly childish, I suspect because of that power and genius as reality never presented them with much in the way of real challenges that they actually had to deal with rather than just ignore, science or run away from, and thus they were never forced to grow up.
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Turning himself biologically into an Alteran has many upsides for Weldon; Alterans hit the evolutionary jackpot before they started tweaking their genome for better things, but unfortunately it also comes with the downside of running out of non-science related fucks to give.
At least he's aware of it, which is good?

Wait, does this make him the only Alteran with any semblance of common sense in history?
And OHAS officials all across the galaxy threw off their high visibility hard-hats and screamed in apoplectic fury.

This reminded me of a great little oneshot fic about an Atlantian engineer creating the Stargate system, and running into many of those safety issues.
It's titled Stargate Physics 101 by DRMacIver over on AO3. (Not sure about the policy on linking to AO3 since it certainly contains the same things that make QQ unlinkable, though this story is completely SFW.)
I think the tags have gotten even more fitting. Who the hell even DOES that with a rubber chicken?! And how do you even discover that it's possible?! Admittedly, that's not the story itself, but the chapter was pretty crazy too.

Lisa's hysterical laughter was probably the best part, and she didn't even need a speaking role!

I really wonder if anyone can truly reform Coil, since I doubt he actually repents from any of his actions, merely that he is now not able to act as he did previously. For that matter, his precog ability promptly takes a crap with either Weldon or his ship around, and he can't predict anything really important. Even if he's allegedly on the side of good now, who'd trust a guy doing anything in the other timeline, or trying to subtly off people?
Wait this is a self insert right? So why doesn't he know who coil is?
It's been implied that someone - or something - tampered with Weldon's mind, preventing him from recalling the details of his prior existence. He vaguely recalled that the word 'Worm' was somehow important, but neither he nor the various supercomputers connected to his brain could figure it out.

In what is surely a coincidence, characters in Stargate who both undergo Ascension and then return to a conventional mortal existence exhibit memory problems.
It's a serious problem inherent to the entire species; outside of their science projects Alterans just do not give a fuck. If it wasn't for the occasional outlier like Ganos and Merlin I'd say that they are outright incapable of giving a fuck, but even then the outliers weren't very good at giving a fuck.

Just about the best thing you can say about Ganos is that she tried to give a fuck, and the first time she tried she believed a Goa'uld System Lord and helped Anubis ascend, which really isn't a great track record there. Merlin did slightly better, in that his attempt to give a fuck resulted in the construction of the Ark of Truth, a frighteningly powerful mind-control device that brainwashed anyone who looked into it to believe the truth it was programmed with. Fortunately, in a rare moment of common sense, Merlin designed the Ark so that it could only function with an actual truth, which is a remarkably good safety feature by Alteran standards and the absolute bare minimum by anyone else's standards.

The Alterans just have this massive instinctual blind-spot when it comes to other people, much like young children they simply cannot grasp the concept that other people might not think the same way that they do and know the same things that they know. The idea just doesn't click with them, the closest they can come is the thought that if they just explained things better then everyone else would see that they were right all along and agree with how right they are. And then when that doesn't happen they get angry and confused, leave their balls lying around on the ground for anyone to fuck with and go home to shun reality from a higher plane of existence.

Because, ultimately, at the end of the day, they just do not give a fuck.

Turning himself biologically into an Alteran has many upsides for Weldon; Alterans hit the evolutionary jackpot before they started tweaking their genome for better things, but unfortunately it also comes with the downside of running out of non-science related fucks to give.

Not just that they think other people aren't dumb enough, they also believe their technology and biology impregnable. No matter how many times they are shown otherwise. Repeatedly. Painfully. Over their entire history.

...Yeah okay they're an entire race of dead end morons.

At least he's aware of it, which is good?

Wait, does this make him the only Alteran with any semblance of common sense in history?

Yep. And it's entirely from his human side.

He's only aware of it when he's paying attention, though. Which, well... yeah... hoo boy.

This reminded me of a great little oneshot fic about an Atlantian engineer creating the Stargate system, and running into many of those safety issues.
It's titled Stargate Physics 101 by DRMacIver over on AO3. (Not sure about the policy on linking to AO3 since it certainly contains the same things that make QQ unlinkable, though this story is completely SFW.)

I loved that oneshot. I wish it was continued.

It first story,in which i honestly pity Coil.Author,you are GENIUS!!!!!!

Thank you random reader, that was the plan! ^_^

It's been implied that someone - or something - tampered with Weldon's mind, preventing him from recalling the details of his prior existence. He vaguely recalled that the word 'Worm' was somehow important, but neither he nor the various supercomputers connected to his brain could figure it out.

In what is surely a coincidence, characters in Stargate who both undergo Ascension and then return to a conventional mortal existence exhibit memory problems.


Iiiinteresting.Yes. Very interesting. Maybe there's some merit in looking at the story and some irregularities with this in mind... like why Weldon calls them Puddle Jumpers.

Perusing this song's lyrics may also help.

It's a serious problem inherent to the entire species; outside of their science projects Alterans just do not give a fuck. If it wasn't for the occasional outlier like Ganos and Merlin I'd say that they are outright incapable of giving a fuck, but even then the outliers weren't very good at giving a fuck.

Just about the best thing you can say about Ganos is that she tried to give a fuck, and the first time she tried she believed a Goa'uld System Lord and helped Anubis ascend, which really isn't a great track record there. Merlin did slightly better, in that his attempt to give a fuck resulted in the construction of the Ark of Truth, a frighteningly powerful mind-control device that brainwashed anyone who looked into it to believe the truth it was programmed with. Fortunately, in a rare moment of common sense, Merlin designed the Ark so that it could only function with an actual truth, which is a remarkably good safety feature by Alteran standards and the absolute bare minimum by anyone else's standards.

The Alterans just have this massive instinctual blind-spot when it comes to other people, much like young children they simply cannot grasp the concept that other people might not think the same way that they do and know the same things that they know. The idea just doesn't click with them, the closest they can come is the thought that if they just explained things better then everyone else would see that they were right all along and agree with how right they are. And then when that doesn't happen they get angry and confused, leave their balls lying around on the ground for anyone to fuck with and go home to shun reality from a higher plane of existence.

Because, ultimately, at the end of the day, they just do not give a fuck.

Turning himself biologically into an Alteran has many upsides for Weldon; Alterans hit the evolutionary jackpot before they started tweaking their genome for better things, but unfortunately it also comes with the downside of running out of non-science related fucks to give.
@Neruz Ganos Lal didn't help Anubis at his Ascension. That was Oma Desala. And the Ark of Truth wasn't created by Merlin, but by Amelius before the Alterans left the Ori Galaxy. Merlin created the Sangreal wich can kill Ascended Beings.
@Neruz Ganos Lal didn't help Anubis at his Ascension. That was Oma Desala. And the Ark of Truth wasn't created by Merlin, but by Amelius before the Alterans left the Ori Galaxy. Merlin created the Sangreal wich can kill Ascended Beings.
Woops, got my Alterans mixed up. Forgot that the Ark of Truth was like the one single piece of Alteran tech that Merlin didn't invent.
Dear TCGM,
Once again I am happy to find another chapter to this story. I like the chicken bagpipe musician video and I just finished listening to the lyrical video you posted as well. Still waiting on the Alteran from Chicago to show up and the chaos that it will bring. Though, after listening to the music video, I wonder if he might not be Alteran after all as I think I remember part of the lyrics saying "the oncoming story", but I might be reading to much into this.
We could be looking at an universal overwrite here as well. Someone in the Stargate universe either pushed the universal reset button by accident or intentionally and the main character was lucky enough to be mid descending when the universe sneezed into something new. If that happens, my money would be on the Mage from Chicago being the one who pushed the button to reset everything...
Meaning he is going to be really happy to see another of his kind or really mad that his purge of the universe didn't stick and will try to kill the main character in some convoluted idea of erasing his species mistakes from the universe... The last one is a classing pit fall as those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. (See BSG 2.0, Zero Dawn, Ray Bradbury Miniseries in the 80s, etc, etc...)
On a side note, if this is going into Doctor Who territory, the main character could be the mythical Hybrid the Time Lords were so worried about back when they tortured him for 4 billion years.
Sorry, its late and my mind is rambling.
Thank you for letting us read your work and I can't wait to read more of it.

PS For those who might get offended about the Ray Bradbury Miniseries I mention, watch the last episode. It has a family escaping World War 3 to mars and the father burning all their history books, before telling his family their the martians now. Its like they never read Fahrenheit 451.
Not just that they think other people aren't dumb enough, they also believe their technology and biology impregnable. No matter how many times they are shown otherwise. Repeatedly. Painfully. Over their entire history.

...Yeah okay they're an entire race of dead end morons.

Yep. And it's entirely from his human side.

He's only aware of it when he's paying attention, though. Which, well... yeah... hoo boy.

I loved that oneshot. I wish it was continued.

Thank you random reader, that was the plan! ^_^


Iiiinteresting.Yes. Very interesting. Maybe there's some merit in looking at the story and some irregularities with this in mind... like why Weldon calls them Puddle Jumpers.

Perusing this song's lyrics may also help.

Well, whatever force did this did a far better job than most ROBs. Most just send them with the new power and maybe the clothes on their back, this one decided "Nah, let's give them a stable support system in case things go sideways" and inserted a family too.
Woops, got my Alterans mixed up. Forgot that the Ark of Truth was like the one single piece of Alteran tech that Merlin didn't invent.

It's easy to do. Myrddin and Janus kind of dominated the end of their lower plane technical development, the former due to descending and the latter because he fucked around with Time.

Dear TCGM,
Once again I am happy to find another chapter to this story. I like the chicken bagpipe musician video and I just finished listening to the lyrical video you posted as well. Still waiting on the Alteran from Chicago to show up and the chaos that it will bring. Though, after listening to the music video, I wonder if he might not be Alteran after all as I think I remember part of the lyrics saying "the oncoming story", but I might be reading to much into this.
We could be looking at an universal overwrite here as well. Someone in the Stargate universe either pushed the universal reset button by accident or intentionally and the main character was lucky enough to be mid descending when the universe sneezed into something new. If that happens, my money would be on the Mage from Chicago being the one who pushed the button to reset everything...
Meaning he is going to be really happy to see another of his kind or really mad that his purge of the universe didn't stick and will try to kill the main character in some convoluted idea of erasing his species mistakes from the universe... The last one is a classing pit fall as those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. (See BSG 2.0, Zero Dawn, Ray Bradbury Miniseries in the 80s, etc, etc...)
On a side note, if this is going into Doctor Who territory, the main character could be the mythical Hybrid the Time Lords were so worried about back when they tortured him for 4 billion years.
Sorry, its late and my mind is rambling.
Thank you for letting us read your work and I can't wait to read more of it.

PS For those who might get offended about the Ray Bradbury Miniseries I mention, watch the last episode. It has a family escaping World War 3 to mars and the father burning all their history books, before telling his family their the martians now. Its like they never read Fahrenheit 451.

Wow that's a big post. Okay lemme see if I can unpack this.


Is Myrddin from Chicago an Alteran, though? ;)

An interesting take on the song. Keep in mind while trying to use that song as a clue, I am a very literal person.

It's not a universal reset... of any Stargateverse. Technically it's not a universal, or indeed a reset, at all, but you're on the right path. Just gotta broaden your horizons a little.

Doctor Who doesn't yet have a place in my multiverse, but maybe later if I get inspired.


Well, whatever force did this did a far better job than most ROBs. Most just send them with the new power and maybe the clothes on their back, this one decided "Nah, let's give them a stable support system in case things go sideways" and inserted a family too.

That's one way to look at it. Another is the possibility that Weldon and his family were already there. Which brings to light many more questions and is absolutely something to be investigated.

Somehow ,ensuring mental stability and adjustment of people to "unlimited power" is not high on most ROB's agendas.

It's the easy mode version of omnipotent entertainment. Unnecessary conflict is very easy to setup and pays dividends, but it isn't wholesome. Wholesome experiences are worth far more in entertainment value. Unfortunately most ROBs are very young and not yet mature enough to see this.

Yes Q, I mean you.

That's because this wasn't the result of some ROB pissing about. It was caused by a mindless, unthinking random event with no guiding intelligence behind it.

Right and wrong at the same time. In AL, you are correct... but keep in mind that all my stories share a multiverse and common universal engine ;)
I always thought Myrddin from Chicago was actually a displaced Daniel Jackson. Yes, THAT Daniel Jackson.
Pretty much everyone else thinks him to be Earth Bet's counterpart of Harry Dresden, post-series Dresden dropped there by fanon!Zelretch, Nasuverse!Merlin under a glamour, or some combination of the aforementioned.

For this story, though? An exiled/forcibly de-Ascended councilor Moros? Perhaps too obvious, but it'd tie a LOT of loose ends together.
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