Even in canon, iirc, don't the endbringers become reasonable after the one mastering them dies? I think tattletale talks them into joining the human side during the final battle? Also after a endbringer dies in canon, before the master is killed, don't two more "wake up"? The author has set up plenty of ways to not go this route if they don't want to, other than the entirely justified "that doesn't happen in this universe/timeline". Ziz is still alive which could prevent the trigger, Contessa is no longer constrained and can potentially interfere with the master now(he needs therapy), plus if need be Ziz can just tattle on her former boss and Weldon has the ability to remove powers or sick his giant doggy on the other doggies to make them behave.

Also speaking of removing powers how are Missy and Lisa doing? Did their powers reconnect after leaving the ship? Or are they mundies now?
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"Reasonable" isn't exactly what Ziz goes after Eidolon dies. Helpful? Yes, but only because (according to Ward) she wants to become an Entity herself and try out her own ideas for a cycle. Scion was in the way of that. Here she got her butt handed to her so hard that such a plan would be impossible, better to get on Weldon's good side.
I just binged through the whole story, and have laughed myself silly. My wife has made noises like "Have you lost what little mind you have?" Several times today. Fun Crack fix!
I was hoping to see a return. Maybe 2024 will finally be a good year! :D
Some woman in a fedora, who'd just walked in through a hole in space just outside my field's silence bubble but inside the reality separation, stared at me.

Hey wait a minute, I know her! And she probably wasn't a threat, because neither of the other women in the room had reacted to her.
Well. To you she's not a threat.
"Okay then, the big deep dark secret I found is that you two are alternate universe versions of each other."
...I don't know what I was expecting but this was not it.
"The best part about this is that you're not even doing it on purpose," Contessa grinned, shaking her head. "Just like you didn't do on purpose what happened to me either."
I know!
Alexandria turned to her alternate version and asked for something I knew wasn't a good idea. "Please hit me, because I think this is a drug induced fever dream."

President Brown immediately cradled her hand and leaned away from her. "Absolutely not! I value my fingers, thanks!"
It feels rather out of character at times, but also not, if that makes sense?
The leader of the PRR froze.
"That's a huge breach of security, you know!" I called out after her.

"I know!~" she singsonged, twirling on her heel. "But someone's got to keep you on your toes!"

"I'll find a way to block it!"

"I know that too!" she repeated herself. "Good luck~"
It's really just two friends trying to improve each others' security measures. Or something.
And… hold on, why is he designing technological Legos with some pretty important pieces flat out missing? I mean, circuits just don't connect like that!
"Hey, Chris. Your specialty is modules. Also I can reverse-engineer tinker stuff now."
had some very detailed doodles of the inside of a fusion reactor and packed it up too.

Given what I'd written in it, I'd very likely have to start hiding it from everyone else as well.

I did send a query to my little Shardling, but it replied with a vague feeling of shrugging. It wasn't responsible but it had some ideas.
Wait, so he's doing tinker doodles and neither he nor his Shard know how?!
They held no sympathies for me in their eyes.

I rolled my own and sighed. Guess this was my life now. Gods, it was gonna be hard enough to ignore being talked about out loud, much less what I saw in their heads due to my not exactly well controlled and actively burgeoning telepathy.
Yeah, that could be an issue
Despite being a victim of one of my creations… and her own recklessness, well, that didn't seem to deter her at all.

Nor did Dean's status as her boyfriend.

Sitting right next to her.
Well isn't that interesting.
There has to be something about that family. It's probably Carol.
the rest of her battered soul needed deeper hugs and therapy than anyone but I could provide
From most people that would be a sign of narcissism. In Weldon's case it is also true.
and a Shardling derived power that would've been terrifying in its scope and power to the old me.

New, fully Alteran me? I could build something that did what she did, only better, in a day or so with nothing but mundane science, two microwaves, a toaster, five flashlights, a few double A batteries and a banana, to say nothing of if I leveraged the matter printing abilities of my Shardling. I wasn't that impressed.
Please, tell someone this fact. I want to see what happens. :evil:
I rolled my eyes and grinned to myself. Chris really wasn't masked. We cape geeks just thrilled in the hunt, not the capture.
This is absolutely my headcanon but it's sad how it's so rarely actually explored.
I smirked. "Right. At the cape geeks table. I'm one of them, Dennis," I informed him.
Cue the "the murderer was in the room the whole time" meme.
Lewis got the best reaction. He told Dennis he wanted to bring up several loopholes with the PRT… but only after he was done exploiting them as an example.

If Carlos, Dean, or Missy had been at that table, they would've probably been able to talk him down, and then overcome the complaints of the rest of us when we called them party poopers.

Carlos, Dean, and Missy were not at that table.
I see no problem with this. :D
No, to stop the onslaught of what in retrospect were bad, but incredibly fun ideas, we had Dennis, Chris, and I.

Chris folded when Dennis and I teamed up.
Okay, we might be doomed, but it will be worth it.
But noooooo, Armsy had to give me a responsibility lecture. No overhauling the scientific fields Weldon, no rewriting the history books Weldon, don't use your telekinesis to write anything on the whiteboard, Weldon.
I know I would absolutely do that, so the lecture was probably a good idea. Sadly.

Still, get yourself an anonymous account on ArXiv, start posting some papers...
Well, I'd left her core on the Hyperion. All night. And then I had to come to school, which meant I couldn't even check up on her.
Uhm, Weldon... I have a feeling you may have forgotten something important...
The door opened, and in walked a girl. Nice figure, blonde hair, white skin. She seemed to be fond of white, given how much of it she was wearing, and when she arrived at the front of the class and waved, I found that her irises were also a pearly kind of white.
Too late.
I couldn't help myself, gulping hard. Those eyes, her love for white… feather white. And her smirk.

I'd seen them before.
And the penny drops.
She leveled an incredulous gaze my way. "Weldon, you left me, the world's best Tinker, in the science lab of a starship. Overnight. And all day," she stressed.

I stared at her for several long, heavy moments while it occurred to me just how badly I fucked up.

Only Alteran for one day and he's already made a quite frankly impressive screwup. He's doing his legacy proud.
"No, save it. You're going to need to. Because as the highest ranking Ward here, I'm deciding to roll with helping you get an Endbringer into the Wards."
I love the idea, but also I can't help but envision this with the original 15' version and have to cry at what could have been.
Granted, I doubt Armsmaster mentally included 'ferrying the Endbringer you want to recruit' in his list of allowances, but if he started complaining I'd just have to toss him another piece of Alteran technology.

Their coffee makers were amazing. Especially for making hot chocolate.
This is not going to help his neuroses if he has to get this dang detailed with his lists.

Also, please do not give the man Alteran coffee. We'll have a second Agatha situation.
"You expect me to believe all those people went crazy and evil after a horrible... traumatic..."

"Yeah. Why would I bother doing something like that? Humans are way worse than anything I could come up with."

"But it didn't happen after the other fights... as much."

"Confirmation bias. Also, I actually killed a lot less than the others in general. Lots of mayhem, very little clean sweeps. I would also point out that blaming me for all the worlds ills is pretty convenient for some people."
...That noise was the sound of an entire worldview shifting. I love it!
He's gonna get them all as his Pals at minimum.
"Finally, I have an intellectual equal who's likely as long-lived as me! Oh, and he happens to have all the scientific info we've been searching in the dark for. Was there ever any other option?"

"Well it makes sense from that angle."

"Also, he messes with people just by existing."

"...I knew it."
"Reasonable" isn't exactly what Ziz goes after Eidolon dies. Helpful? Yes, but only because (according to Ward) she wants to become an Entity herself and try out her own ideas for a cycle. Scion was in the way of that. Here she got her butt handed to her so hard that such a plan would be impossible, better to get on Weldon's good side.
Its not that Ziz wants to try its own ideas for the cycle: Ziz is the backup plan.

In the event that the Cycle is completely and totally fucked beyond repair, Ziz takes over and basically tries to extend the cycle out for as long as possible, multiple billions of years, because that's how long it calculates it will take for another Entity to pass by near enough to pick up Ziz's transmissions. That Entity will then arrive and take all the remaining shards into itself, thus ensuring that their data is not lost.

And while Zis is doing that it will keep running tests on the local population to try and get some useful data out of this whole mess, it won't be as 'good' as more 'natural' data but its better than nothing.

Ziz thus masterminds the death of The Warrior because it calculates that the Warrior will go nuts and destroy everything, which violates Ziz's 'extend the Cycle out for billions of years to ensure the data isn't lost' protocol and thus means he needs to go.

And yes, the entire plot of Worm is a Ziz plot.
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Now caught up again. The last two chapters had the alarm bells ringing and the "Kill it with Fire!" Reaction is incredibly strong.
You never worked in quality control. Your average is a lot higher than mine.
Are you talking about those stupid little warnings written on the plastic bags labeling them as choking hazards or 'caution: contents are hot' on coffee cups? If so those are not meant for the average person the average person does not need those warnings no it's for the stupidest 0.1%.
Otherwise please elaborate what kind of quality control you speak of that has some bearing on the average human?
Are you talking about those stupid little warnings written on the plastic bags labeling them as choking hazards or 'caution: contents are hot' on coffee cups? If so those are not meant for the average person the average person does not need those warnings no it's for the stupidest 0.1%.
Otherwise please elaborate what kind of quality control you speak of that has some bearing on the average human?
No. I was talking about working in quality control. Four years ago.
Well your post or one near it was recently thread marked come to think of it I think it was one a handful of posts before yours if I recall correctly and seeing yours I'm trying to figure out what quality control has to do with dealing with average people
Work in quality control involves looking carefully at stuff, searching for mistakes. He's saying that doing this has given him a very low opinion of the intelligence of the average human, because many of the mistakes he's found could only have been done by a real moron.
Quality Control does not equal Warning Labels.

Warning Labels are for the dual purpose of dodging liability claims about a product's nature causing unintended harm, and warning the individuals who tend to use Wisdom AND Intelligence as a combined dumpstat that using a product in a way not recommended by the producer of said product can cause unintended harm.

Quality Control is ensuring the INTENDED use of the product does not cause harm to the best standard of the manufacturer.

Alfred pouring Bruce Wayne a hot thermos of coffee that Batman spills all across his lap because he had it between his thighs in the Batmobile? Warning Label.

Alfred smashing a graphene cowl to show Bruce Wayne that there was a manufacturer's error in the batch? Quality Control.

Or, to be more pedantically attached to the subject matter....

WARNING LABEL - 'Do Not Stand In Front of Opening Stargate - Danger of Molecular Disassociation'.

QUALITY CONTROL - 'Hey, Captain? Does this Naquadriah look a funny color to you?'
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