So how long before things get back to Weldon? Because as entertaining as these chapters are, it feels like the plot has been treading water since he spoke with alexandria and has finally started to sink due to lack of progress. There are at least 3 moderate to majorly important loose plot threads in existance right now that are immediately relevant to the plot, and instead of focusing on the things that are already happening, you are throwing more stuff at us for some reason in spite of the other stuff already being interesting to read.

I get that you have no obligation to write this, but with how sporadic your updating schedule is already, it wouldnt hurt to stay a bit closer to the main plot than you currently are.
On Schedules and Regularity
So how long before things get back to Weldon? Because as entertaining as these chapters are, it feels like the plot has been treading water since he spoke with alexandria and has finally started to sink due to lack of progress. There are at least 3 moderate to majorly important loose plot threads in existance right now that are immediately relevant to the plot, and instead of focusing on the things that are already happening, you are throwing more stuff at us for some reason in spite of the other stuff already being interesting to read.

I get that you have no obligation to write this, but with how sporadic your updating schedule is already, it wouldnt hurt to stay a bit closer to the main plot than you currently are.

Unless another interlude pops into my head, it should be the next chapter.

There are a lot more threads than that currently open. Way, way, way more.

As for what I'm releasing and my update schedule, they have the same answer. I have no schedule. I literally can't. My muse is an atemporal squirrel and allows me to write whatever she gives me, regardless of whether it's temporally progressive or not. The content or scene may be years down the timeline (in story) or the very next one, or a part of one, or just an outline, and that's just for one story. I have multiple, and the number of released ones is a fraction of my actual number of stories.

No consistency exists. I can't give my readers any kind of promise because I myself don't have one. If I try to force writing, I get nothing but writer's block for a week or more. I release chapters almost the moment they're finished. Sometimes before that, as my typos can attest.

The good news is that despite this I have never abandoned a story. If you go to my FFN account you'll see a fic for Frozen and one for Percy Jackson which appear to be on hiatus. That's because they have easily 20 chapters of content each with a chapter or two in between what's posted and that future content that continues to sit blank or incomplete in my GDrive.

In the unlikely event that I ever abandon a story or put it on hiatus, I will inform everyone.
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AL's Contessa is a massive Disney fan. Earth Bet Doesn't have some pretty influential science fiction, so of course she would be fascinated by it the moment she found it.

The things Bet is missing, unless gotten from Aleph:
  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Any Anime
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Wonder Woman
  • Iron Man
  • Thor
  • Fantastic Four
  • Spider-Man
  • Marvel
  • DC
Due to the interference of Scion and the Endbringers, these and more bastions of our cultural history either never took off or were snuffed out in their crib or before they were even a gleam in someone's eye. The number of advancements, both technological and societal, spurned on by these and more series and fictions are thus missing from Earth Bet.
I thought Earth Aleph and Bet diverged around 1981.
A lot of those got started long before Scion. IIRC Scion came in 1981. Battlestar Galactica was from the 1970's, with the short-lived sequel Galactica 1980 that aird in 1980.
The first Star Wars movie was in 1977, Empire Strikes Back was in 1980. Return of the Jedi wasn't until 1983, but it would have been in production when Scion arrived.
Star Trek's original series was in the 1960's.
D.C. comics and Superman were around during World War II. The campy Batman TV series was made in the 1960's, the one with the movie based on it with the infamous "Shark repellent Batspray". The same can be said about Wonder Woman as well.
Marvel was also around decades before Scion.
Now D.C. and Marvel might have gone out of business a few years after parahumans started showing up for real, but they were around.

Now it's quite believable that in the case of Star Trek that TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise were never made, but TOS and TAS should be around. TOS was still a major influence on Taylor's grandparent's generation.
I'm not sure I recall exactly how old Danny was, but with Taylor born in 1995 I get the feeling he was born in the 1970's, and would have been more influenced by TNG and DS9, but it's possible he saw the animated series and reruns of TOS. By the time Taylor came around without TNG Star Trek might have been old news from before her time like Laugh in.
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So Weldon's Shard took an Ascended Alteran to the face, that explains a lot really. The question now is; did they mean to do that, or did one of them trip over and accidentally an entire multiverse.
@TCGM, the assumption is born from the fact that Contessa, even as a memelord, is nowhere even close to the Inner Peace required to Ascend. That means someone needed to get her to that point. And you said she saw white, glittering lights. That ia the default form of an Ascended being.
@TCGM, the assumption is born from the fact that Contessa, even as a memelord, is nowhere even close to the Inner Peace required to Ascend. That means someone needed to get her to that point. And you said she saw white, glittering lights. That ia the default form of an Ascended being.
I wouldn't write off the possibility that a large amount of the 'person' who is Contessa actually being 'run' on her Shard brain rather than her meat brain combined with the metaphysical shockwave of an Ascended Alteran faceplanting into the Shard 'next door' might be enough to push Contessa to the brink of Ascension; as shown with certain individuals such as Daniel Jackson, it is possible to Ascend through external influences without first doing a Buddha and achieving True Enlightenment. Shards are designed to process and understand information, and I could see one like PtV figuring out Ascension from watching an Ascended being crash into a nearby Shard.

Considering how the majority of known Ascended behaved, it's obvious that Ascension isn't actually all that difficult once you know the trick, especially given that the Alterans managed to get their entire species like 99% of the way there through SCIENCE! and genetic engineering rather than anything sensible. The hard part to Ascension seems to be figuring out the trick to it and that it is even possible in the first place.
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The woman on the phone clearly wasn't amused. "Contessa, this is serious. Your prequel memes are not needed. The Path is. What can you give me?"
Wouldn't this be Fortuna? Since she's off the clock? Or Alexandria's being a bitch and calling her out about it.

Then a searing heat that wasn't heat, some pain, and the rapid need to eject a part of herself in another reality washed over her, and she was able to ignore the strange and worried looks of the people, and store workers, in the Victoria's Secret she was browsing.
Did... Did PTV just get buzzed by an inter-dimensional Puddle Jumper?
Her limits were gone. Entirely, totally gone. The ones she was made with, the ones added on over time, and even the emergency patch job that Eden had done just before she shut the bitch down.

It promptly slipped right out of her reality and slammed straight into what was on the other side. Namely, the Shard that was her multiversal next door neighbor.

Weldon's Shard.

Weldon Kenfield, someone she hadn't even known existed, had something happen to him that was so rare it literally defied her understanding of the universe itself, and it changed everything.
Not a puddle jumper, but close... maybe an Ascended de-ascending? Or maybe his ascended self with some temporal shenanigans.

And tiny flickers of gaseous, nonexistent light very similar to that surrounding her next door realty neighbor was appearing around her bodies.
o_O And now Contessa, who apparently IS Contessa, and not just Fortuna and Victory Path but an amalgamation of the two, seems to be Ascending herself?
  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek
  • Stargate
  • Babylon 5
But do they have Muppets In SPACE?

The Ancient that Weldon got his memories from isn't OC. Well, at least not her existence... I have nothing on her actual personality or actions, so that part of her is OC.
I'd say Morgan Le Fay but Ganos Lal is a canon Stargate character, so probably not.
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Canon's Path to Victory was converted into Path to Pyrrhic Victory by Eden.
[CITATION REQUIRED], unless this is part of the AU.

In canon, all that happened was that PtV was restricted from viewing Entities (and possibly Endbringers, Eidolon, and Trigger Events, if those weren't already restricted).
[CITATION REQUIRED], unless this is part of the AU.

In canon, all that happened was that PtV was restricted from viewing Entities (and possibly Endbringers, Eidolon, and Trigger Events, if those weren't already restricted).
It might not have literally been turned into that, but even Eden's faceplant into a planet seems to imply that something is wrong with that shard.

Sure it gives you a path to your stated goal, but that path isn't necessarily the fastest, most efficient, or guaranteed to not cause other problems down the line.

Like your GPS it probably takes a lot of shortcuts to try and get the most easily calculated route, even when on closer inspection it really isn't very efficient to travel. (Example: my GPS loves major roads, sometimes taking me out of the way or adding multiple turns to get you on one for 100 feet when just going straight would work much easier)

Edit: also like a GPS if you take your eyes off the road to fiddle with it too long, you may end up crashing into something. Remember kids, don't PtV and attempt a planetary landing, keep your eyes (and other senses) on your travel path.
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2019 XMas Crossover Special
The Fourth Ancient Shipping XMas Special
Part 1
This Is Actually, Really The First One

"You gonna fight us?" I directly asked Armsmaster five seconds before he'd work up the nerve to ask me the same thing, grinning wide. "Because I don't think I can take the person whose logo is on my underwear seriously."




Armsmaster's jaw was totally dropped.

Assault looked like he was torn between cowering in terror and laughing his ass off. Even Miss Militia was having trouble keeping a straight face. Poor Dauntless looked like his brain had evacuated the premises. Velocity had his face in his hand.

And then the silence was interrupted by a sound I can only describe as the universe gaining a new hole. A wormhole the size of the Bay opened up in the sky above us, the fabric of spacetime almost boiling under the immense stress.

And then out of the opening something emerged, rapidly decelerating from the blur it was into a recognizable form.

A massive metal snowflake hung in the sky above me, and I immediately knew this wasn't a primary timeline anymore.

"Great. XMas Special time."

Ziz turned to me and her eyes widened in terror.

"Ben, you better go find a tree."

Ben merely nodded at me and sank back into the Earth. His body quickly began accelerating through the crust towards Canada.

Guess when you need a tree, go to the source?

I sat in the command throne of Atlanta, reviewing the sensor logs of the transit.

The Wormhole Drive was supposed to jump us into the sky above the Bay. That part worked.

But that sky was noticeably missing my fleet of Auroras.

And the other 'fleet' of observers from all over the world. They weren't there either.

"Atlanta, what the hell happened?"

The avatar of my cityship, a young woman who looked suspiciously like my sister, wavered into existence next to my command throne.

"I don't know, Chancellor," she informed me, seeming puzzled. "We made the transit as we were supposed to. We are where we were supposed to end up. Right above the Bay. It's the same city, but… our escorts are no longer here.

I made to reply but found that alerts were going off in my mind.

I tuned in to what they were trying to tell me. Atlanta was apparently under attack.

From… Taylor Hebert? A much younger Taylor than the one who had become Queen of the rogue constructors, too.

One who was hovering under her own power outside the shield, and knocking on it hard enough to trigger defense alerts.

"Hi!" she cheerfully said, somehow knowing that she had my attention. "Would you mind getting this eyesore into the actual bay so we can talk and get on with this special?"

I blinked, trying very hard to parse what she'd just said.

"Eyesore?!" Atlanta repeated, extremely offended.

I sighed and shook my head. "Open the shield to her, let's see what she has to say. And I need to know what the hell she means by Special."

Atlanta grumbled, but did as I asked. The immensely powerful force matrix of her shield wavered just a little on the spot in front of Taylor, and she gave us a little wave as she entered through the open matrix gate.

And headed straight for the throne room.

"At least I don't have to give her directions," I lamented.

At the same time and place as one Taylor entered a flying city, another was doing yoga.

On top of the Medhall building.

Odyssey didn't have permission for that, by Taylor didn't really care. Served Kaiser right, and she desperately needed to work out the kinks in her hull before-

"Taylor, we've got a… a wormhole on sensors," Vala informed her from her bridge.

Taylor paused in the middle of stretching out her beam and froze. "I'm sorry, did you just say wormhole?" she asked over her internal comms.

"Yeah. It's right over the Bay," Vala confirmed. "Check your own sensors."

"But I'm trying to relax!" she whined. "The snake infested space geckos were just a week ago! And my hull got some kinks in it because of that repair bath."

Vala scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That bath restored your hull to perfect condition. You're just being a baby."

"Exactly!" Odyssey fired back. "Do you know how much time it'll take me to get those dents and repair welds and esoteric particle scorched back?!"

Vala rolled her eyes again. "Just look at the stupid wormhole you overgrown cruiser!"

Taylor manifested a tongue sticking out of her mouth in front of Vala, but did so anyways.

The results were… interesting.

"Quantum signature on the inside is different," she idly mused.

Vala's eyebrows rose. "Really?" she commented, then she broke put into a grin. "I'll get my jumpsuit on!"

As she spun around to go do just that, Taylor scowled. "Vala," she flatly stated.

"Taylor, I know we're going," she fired back, ignoring the ship's tone. "You'll protest for a few minutes, then get curious, and I want to be in my jumpsuit for when we rapidly transit a cross reality wormhole this time."

Taylor blushed all the way to her engines and toes. She hadn't exactly had the time to be gentle when they had to enter Babylon and end the Empire of the Rising Snake. Her first and so far only proper cross universal transit, other than the one that brought Screen to Taylor's universe and merged them anyways, had tossed her crew around like gumballs.

Nevertheless, she shook her head. "Vala, I'm not going. I told you I have to do yog-"

The former thief cut her off and started stripping down to get ready to put on the jumpsuit Cam had designed for her. "You're going. I know it, you know it, now stop protesting against your own self and just start towards the wormhole before it destabilizes."

Taylor tried to speak up, even though she knew deep down that Vala was right. "But-

Vala began to take off her shirt and glared at the ceiling. "Slowly. And no peeking."

Taylor frowned, but closed off the comes from Vala's room anyways.

Vala was the only one on board. The rest of SG1 were on a trip to Colorado Springs to talk to the Air Force about something she wasn't cleared to know about.

That something was her classification and whether they could draft her. Like she would let a little thing like clearance keep her from knowing how her crew were doing.

Needless to say, SG1 had things to say about those topics. Namely, Deep Space Carrier, and fuck no she is a person. Respectively. Though she doubted they would deliver either pieces of information with anything remotely approaching respect.

Even with that plan, it was important that Vala not come with them. The rest of SG1 were going to choose to not be respectful.

Vala's only mode was disrespect.

So Taylor sighed. They didn't need her for the short amount of time it would take for her to scout the other side of the wormhole and drop a stabilization gate. And Vala was right… Curiosity burned within her.

She had her beam fabrication systems materialize two stabilization gates in her hangars and reached in to pull them out, allowing the circular wristguard like devices to fasten themselves to her wrists.

Then she took off towards the wormhole.

Vala left her room in her form fitting jumpsuit and marched straight back to the bridge. When she got there, she grinned wide and with victory.

"Knew you couldn't hold yourself back."

Taylor's sublight engines flared as she picked up speed. "Shut up."

Vala did keep her mouth shut, but the grin spoke more than enough.

Taylor approached the wormhole, a boiling tear in reality, and held up an arm. She sent the command to one of the stabilization gate for it to deploy.

The silver wristguard enlarged just enough to fly off her hand, then exited her sphere of influence.

And with a mind melting bend of reality, it was suddenly a ring with the inner radius of five city busses stacked end to end.

It settled in around the reality breach and began to rotate, several glyphs lighting up in blue along its surface.

Then the boiling ceased, and the wormhole was safe for transit.

"Brace for wormhole transit," Taylor called out as a matter of habit.

"Slowly!" Vala yelled at her.

"Yes. Slow wormhole transit."

Taylor fired her engines at five thousandth of a percent and punted herself through the wormhole.

Vala took a short trip to the back of the bridge by way of flipping over herself, her small translucent wings trying and failing to steady her.

She'd be fine.

The guy was insane.

Sorry, let me back up. After the sentient flying city opened up the shield capable of treating one of my knocks as a light bump so I could go through, I followed my Host tracking sensors towards this room.

Within which sat a guy in a pretty alien looking throne, calling to a hologram, and that hologram was the city ship's… self.

Not only was he not remotely human, the guy had an active and bidirectional connection with his Shard.

Which had expanded to coat its entire solar system, and even grown a Dyson Sphere!

"What the hell are you?" I blurted out, crossing my arms.

I was still flying. No way would I set foot on the city ship unless I got more information.

Another thing that was worrying me was that none of my sensors beyond the ones linked to myself and Shards could see inside the shield, but one big problem at a time.

I blinked in surprise, watching a younger and curvier Taylor Hebert in jeans hover above the floor as if much as offended her.

Or like she was Victoria. Either one.

I decided to start over.

"Hello… Taylor, I assume?" I began, getting up from my throne.

Her eyebrows furrowed and her suspicion rose. It was like a candle to my senses, but it was also very far away, for some reason. "You clearly know who I am," she discerned. "Now who are you?"

It was very demanding. Much like Victoria. What was it with flying bricks and being belligerent?

"I'm Weldon, though I'm known as Shipyard," I informed her. "And before you ask, yes, I know who you are. That's because I know another version of you." I looked her up and down, then decided to tease her a little. "A skinnier version."

"Sucks for her," she fired back. "So you're from another reality?"

I nodded and gestured to Atlanta's scowling avatar. "Atlanta's wormhole drive seems to have had a small malfunction."

Taylor raised her eyebrows. "A 'small' malfunction."

I nodded. "Yep."

"Hopping universes is what you consider small," she reiterated.


Taylor closed her eyes and shuddered. "And dare I ask what you consider a large one?"

Before I could respond, reality ripped open next to the command throne. A smaller wormhole, not unlike Atlanta's wormhole drive, made reality into its plaything and boiled the fabric of spacetime.

A feminine yell heralded the arrival of a young woman with brown hair, who planted herself into the deck plating.

And then with a horrifying screech of metal, kept going straight through it, with an effect not that dissimilar to Atlanta's massive shield wrapped around her body to protect it.

None of us said a word even as the view of the bay's small swells became clear past the falling girl.

I finally turned around to look at the open maw of the breach in reality and sighed, putting a hand on my forehead. "That is what I consider a large one."

"My hull!" Atlanta complained.

Taylor rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fucking Tinkers."

Merry XMas, everyone! In lieu of my further chapters which are still in the works, enjoy part one of a two or three parter XMas Interlude that crosses over three of my most popular stories. I was only able to write this much today as it was XMas, but I hope you enjoy!
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He was lucky. he could get WH40 Terra, instead. Althought...maybe he would survive as IoM sidekick ?
Chapter 12 - Libra

Ancient Legos
Chapter 12

Several long and detailed explanations later, Piggot had her head in her hands, Armsmaster had gone back to banging his helmet on the back of his halberd's axe head, and everyone else just seemed… done.

All except Dragon, who was grinning like a loon.

I was really happy to see that the autonomic and subconscious emotional display directives I'd tossed into her new body were still working. She was technically inhabiting the Mark I version of her particular variant of Asuran. I'd designed everything to be self repairing and error, if not proof, at least correcting, but… well, I was glad it was working out!

"Should we even bother trying to draw up Master/Stranger protocols for you?" Piggot drawled, groaning.

I grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head. "Honestly?" I asked.

Piggot moved her fingers so that she could glare at me from between them. "Yes."

I shook my head, grimacing slightly. "With my technology and the abilities at my disposal… it's probably a worthless endeavor," was my, as asked, honest reply. "My telepathy can't be blocked, nor can my telekinesis, and the Hyperion can scan computer systems from orbit no matter how secure or air gapped they are, sooo…"

Piggot slid her fingers back over her eyes and groaned even louder. "That's what I was afraid of."

Not that what I was saying was entirely accurate. Yes, my telepathy couldn't be blocked. That much was certainly true. However, there were ways to turn it off at the source; namely, bombarding me with certain infrasonic frequencies to shut down the parts of my brain that allowed me to have Alteran abilities in the first place.

Not that they'd be very effective on someone at 80% of the way to Ascension, like I was. Then again, when effectiveness drops, 'just throw more power at it' was a viable solution to these kinds of things.

Even so… there was absolutely no way I'd ever tell anyone that. My biggest weakness? Contained in anything but my own head? Yeah no thanks, I'll pass.

For the same reason I'd never spill the beans on Dragon's own particular weakness, now that she had her new body.

And even though Alteran technology was insane by my world's standards… well, it could protect against itself, so it was at least possible to stop.

And it's not that I didn't trust my team, the Protectorate, or the Director. I trusted them a long, long way despite how short a time I'd spent in their presence.

It was hard not to trust them when they were effectively an open book you couldn't stop seeing glimpses of even as you tried your hardest to ignore the flashing neon of the pages.

How a book gets the ability to change colors and flash brightly is up to you, it's an analogy.

No, I trusted my team nearly implicitly now. They weren't the problem. Neither was Dragon.

I eyed a certain woman with a black tower on her chest out of the corner of my eye.

I didn't trust her.

Trust, but verify, and unfortunately for Alexandria, she'd attacked me without cause. Possibly under the influence of the disease that had infected Director Piggot, but still.

The disease's former presence told me that even if I trusted the person explicitly and without fail, they weren't always the only ones in command of their decisions.

That meant I had to do a frakton of verification before I'd trust anyone with important secrets, or decisions.

And those points were to say nothing of the stray thoughts I kept picking up despite what must've been her powers making mind reading more difficult. Even though I was focusing as hard as I could, and pointedly ignoring the actually recognizable content in whatever went through her head, her emotions had no such protection from me. I had to focus on one, and I figured with Dean present nobody would care if I slipped up and read their emotions because he was already doing it.

Alexandria was constantly scared and duplicitous. She had a very obvious agenda and something that terrified her to her core. It wasn't exactly imminent fear; no, whatever it was she was afraid of was far off, a sort of looming thing that weighed on every single action and bit of reasoning she went through.

That wasn't the disease which may or may not have compromised her. It was something bigger. I'd ask her to spill the beans eventually, but tensions were high at that moment. Discretion was the better way.

Plus, zealots have been built on less than what she was constantly feeling. The fact that she still held noble intentions only made her more dangerous, not less, because it meant that her cause was just. Well, at least to her, I was going to have to decide that for myself when I got her to tell me what the hell it was.

Lisa's words came back to me again. I was the gorilla. Not Alexandria, not anymore. Me. And so far, it seemed I was the only one of such power that couldn't be compromised.

Which really said a lot about how much my Earth sucked.

Thus, I needed to throw that weight around in order to help my team, my Director, and even possibly Alexandria. I had to be the backstop for them for when they failed, not if.

And I was the one suited to the task, after all.


"Can you read my mind?" Alexandria asked, frowning. Her question snapped me out of my internal musing.

I looked at her and contemplated my response for a moment. Well, I didn't exactly need to trust her to tell her the truth here, did I? Whether she knew or not, she would be unable to stop me if I chose to exercise that ability of mine beyond the emotional sensing.

"Yes," I finally nodded.

Her eyes grew hard, expression becoming menacing. "Have you."

It wasn't a question.

While her sudden anger was surprising, I also understood it. Someone in her position couldn't afford to have their mind read. The same was true for me.

"No," I answered honestly. "While there is an aspect I can't turn off at the moment, that being empathy, like Gallant," I gestured to my teammate without a care, "I am intentionally reigning my telepathy in as hard as I can right now because I'd rather not do unspeakable things to the Unwritten Rules, thanks."

Alexandria frowned harder. "But you said-" she began again.

For frak's sake. Take a hint, lady! I'm trying not to and you want to distract me from that?! You're supposed to be a Thinker!

Of course, I said exactly none of that out loud. Tensions were already pretty high. I was dense, not an idiot, and the way people were looking at me, I knew I was on pretty shaky ground with all the adults.

Well, except Dragon. I'm pretty sure she'd be on my side.

And Assault. He found all of this very amusing.

However, the fact that Dragon and I could defeat everyone in the room didn't change things. I was a member of the Protectorate, even if just a Ward. It was my duty to uphold the law and protect people. Not attack them.

So I attempted a somewhat natural feeling deescalation. Emphasis on attempt.

"I know what I said!" I snapped, rounding on Alexandria. Almost immediately after she flinched -since when does Alexandria flinch? What was her Thinker power reading off me?!- I forced my face to look tired, not mad, and brought a hand up to massage my eyebrows. "Look, it is very hard to do this, so if you would please stop distracting me from keeping myself from reading you all like an open book, that would be great."

Alexandria closed her mouth. She didn't look happy, but nodded.

The almost physical tension in the room began to subside, and I knew I'd made the right call.

I'm totally claiming that was the outcome I planned and you can't prove otherwise!

Whether Alexandria and Dragon, the two Thinkers besides me in the room, picked up on my totally not abrupt plan, I didn't know. I suspected I never would.

Not because Dragon at the least wouldn't tell me, but because of a series of synthetic tones that started going off.


Alexandria froze, her eyes widening behind her mask.

Pretty much everyone turned to look at her.

I raised my eyebrows as she pulled a phone out of a hidden pocket. It was black to fit her color scheme, but it was also one of those extremely secure burner phones that the PRT Manual had said we could get for off-duty Wards communication.

She flipped the screen open, looked at the caller, and froze again.

The ringtone kept going as nobody moved.

"Well?" Assault spoke up. "You gonna answer that?"

Alexandria audibly gulped and nodded. "I need to use a secure room," she told Piggot.

A secure room? To talk on a secure phone? There wasn't a more secure room in the world than where we were standing! Who the hell was calling?!

Hyperion's sensors painted me a picture of her phone's screen, and I suddenly knew why she was worried.

The President was calling.

I carefully schooled my expression while on the inside I allowed my freakout to continue full force.


I mean, yeah, it was Alexandria… it kinda made sense that she was someone who received calls from the President of the United States.

Still, that was the closest I'd ever been to someone that famous, and I was struggling not to hyperventilate.

...It took me a couple of seconds to realize I was in the same room as Alexandria and Dragon, two women arguably more famous than the most powerful head of state on the planet, and I totally didn't internally fangirl and you can't prove I did.

The Director nodded, gesturing to the door out of the conference room. "Three down to your left."

"Thanks." And with that, the black clad superheroine and Triumvirate member swept out of the room, leaving us all to wonder.

Including me, because even though I had Hyperion record the call, I sure as hell wasn't going to listen.


I did make sure to help Alexandria leave the phasing field as she stormed out, though, because I didn't want to see what happened when someone whose body was hyper spatially compressed crystal crossed a phase gradient like what I'd created.

My Alteran memories informed me it wouldn't have been pretty… on their scale.

They considered moons detonating a mild inconvenience.

Like I said… not pretty.

Alexandria went to her area, picked up her phone, and when I returned my attention to my body I found I was once more the target of all the attention.

"Heh, so," I tried to nonchalantly state, running the back of my head, "what now?"

The answer turned out to be many, many questions and a lecture from pretty much everyone in the room on many different things.

Also they made me beam down Missy so she could be checked out by PRT doctors.

They didn't really believe me when I told them I was probably the most qualified person in the city to monitor her, but at least they had the consideration to look like they did.

Piggot didn't even tell me she was calling in Panacea! Of course, I heard it from her brain yelling it at me anyways, but still. It's the thought that counts.

I was starting to get worried about said Dallon when Alexandria slammed the door open and stormed back in.

I only quirked an eyebrow at her.

"What happened?" Director Piggot asked.

"Shipyard and I have a meeting with the President and Director Costa-Brown in DC in an hour," she declared.

The room went silent.

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

"...Come again?"

"Why the hell does the President want to talk to me?" I asked, totally not internally freaking out at all.

My state didn't prevent my ability to fly the Jumper with Alexandria, Dragon, and I up to the Hyperion, but that was only because of my new species.

My previously human brain wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Alexandria grunted from her chair. "Are you actually this dense or are you just acting, like my powers seem to think?" she shot back as a counter to my question. "I'd usually trust them but you yourself admitted to not being human anymore."

Dragon got an upset look on her face and rose to defend me, but I waved her down. Alexandria clearly took that little interaction into her legendary memory, and if I'd cared I would've probably talked to Dragon about the way she seemed to practically obey me, but I didn't and it definitely wasn't caused by any last minute surprises from her chains, I made quadruple sure of that, so I wouldn't begrudge her feeling grateful.

"Fine, you want to be fully clear?" I directed at the knockoff Kryptonian of the group.

Alexandria looked at me, straight in the eyes, and nodded. Once.

I sighed, long and drawn out. "I am aware, kinda, of what kind of weight I can throw around," I began to answer her, shaking my head. "But I don't want to. Just because I have the most advanced technology on the planet, probably the biggest guns, and beat an Endbringer doesn't mean I enjoy the results." I frowned and crossed my arms. This left the Jumper to autopilot its way the remaining distance to the Hyperion's now opening hangar bay. "Tattletale said I was the new gorilla. I don't want to be that gorilla. I will if I have to, but I'd rather not."

Alexandria searched my face, no doubt looking for deception, then her frown abated somewhat. "That's a decent stance to take," were her words in reply.

"Stop it, Alexandria," Dragon spoke up, "we both know that's a much more level headed outlook than half the Protectorate and most of the Wards-"

Before she could finish, the Jumper crossed the Hyperion's shield.

Alexandria, on the cusp of interrupting Dragon, collapsed like a puppet without any strings.

Dragon and I sat there in stunned silence for far longer than I'm willing to admit.

"SHIT!" I shouted, springing from my chair.

Damn damn damn! I should've guessed this would happen! The woman had a body practically made of the Shardling biocrystal! Of course she'd be unable to run it without that connection!

"Shipyard, what just happened?!" Dragon exclaimed.

"Uh-" I stammered, eyes darting around the cabin. I didn't have any Legos on me! How stupid was I, to not have my power's main ammo source on my body? I could just print any I wanted from the Beaming system on the Hyperion, I could've made a backpack to hold them and a modification of an Alteran uniform to hold tha-

Dragon grasped both my shoulders and brought her face into range of my vision, a stern look directed my way. I only barely noticed that she'd exited her armor in order to do so. "Weldon, snap out of it," she ordered. "What happened to Alexandria, and how do we fix it?"

"I- I don't know!" I gasped out. I was barely cognizant of what I was saying, my mind whirling along at a speed likely only Dragon could match now. "She's- her body is a construct but her mind should be running on it, not from somewhere else!!" I began babbling, putting my hands on my face and dragging them down.

"Weldon! If I turn this ship around, will that fix her?"

"I DON'T KNOW! Crystalline constructs controlled from biological supercomputers in other realities is not what I signed up for and I have no idea!"

I was about to go off the deep end… but then my Shardling poked me.


My babbling cut off and I stared, stunned, into the distance.

"Weldon? Shipyard!" Dragon called my name, trying to get my attention.

My Shardling had just told me what it guessed was Alexandria's situation. It couldn't give me a confirmation because apparently her own Shardling wasn't responding, but my own had grown to an incredible size due to my influence, according to it, and so it was… smarter was a bad term for the thing's new state, but close enough.

It told me what it guessed Alexandria's body mind relationship was.

And I was amazed.

"That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, and I'm an Alteran," I deadpanned.

Dragon stopped trying to shake me, instead staring into my eyes with her own worried ones. "What?"

I signed and put a palm to my forehead. "Dragon, imagine how dumb something would have to be to seem incredibly stupid to a civilization which holds the record for having no wisdom and making idiotic mistakes."

Dragon blinked in bewilderment at me. "Again, what?"

I growled and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Nevermind, I'll explain it later when I don't feel like training myself on the nearest bulkhead." A sigh and o directed the powerful beaming arrays on the Hyperion to toss me a few Lego pieces. "I know how to fix her, and how to prevent this from happening again."

The white light and chime of the transport rang out above my outstretched hand as Dragon stared at me, even more confused.

I grunted and began assembling the pieces into what my Shardling said it could turn into a timeline isolation unit. "Long story and science lecture short, Alexandria's body is a crystalline construct not unlike the Endbringers which her mind pilots from her Shardling in another reality." I clicked the last two pieces together, ending up with a weird plus shaped arrangement of plastic. "The Hyperion's shield blocks the connection unless it's specifically white listed, which hers is not. Neither was Glory Girl's. Glory Girl fell out of the sky." I turned around and gestured back toward the slumped form of one of the most well known heroes on the planet. "She stops driving."

I tossed the Lego over my shoulder. It only made a tiny puff of displaced air as it realized, clunking onto the floor of the Jumper at the end of its arc.

Dragon took an impressively short amount of time to understand what I'd just said. "Wait, you know where powers come from?" aaand that was definitely not the question I expected.

I huffed, yanking the newly materialized piece of tech into my hand telekinetically. "Yeah, I do, and mine is really talkative. But I don't trust Alexandria entirely. You I do, since, well," I coughed into my hand awkwardly and looked anywhere but at Dragon, "I may or may not know you inside and out due to having to rewrite you to rip out all the control systems."

My blush was legendary, Hyperion's sensors informed me.

I sent back a scathing remark.

I swear my flagship giggled.

Dragon was blushing fairly heavily as well, but she was much better at discussing adult topics than I. "But you didn't see the inside of her head, so you can't trust her with this information," she deduced.

I nodded, not trusting my mouth.

"Why? She's one of the Triumvirate."

That wasn't scandalized, which meant Dragon was testing me. She didn't ask as if offended, more… curiously.

"Well, I can actually read her emotions and she's major grade conflicted and dead set on… something. Something overwhelming, that she feels she has to fight, but has little hope of actually winning. I don't know what that something is, but I can recognize desperation when I feel it."

Dragon watched me for a few more moments, then seemingly made up her mind. "Okay, we'll talk about the source of powers without her, when we can." She glanced behind me, out the Jumper window, and found what the Hyperion's sensors were already showing me; we were arriving. "Will that thing you made let her wake up?"

I nodded and started moving forward to put it on her. "Yeah. It'll open the connection for a moment, just enough to yank her mind through, then monitor her and run her body for her. Even if she doesn't have it on her, her mind will be safe inside."

Dragon smiled at me. "Good. Although, maybe… don't put it on her just yet?"

I hesitated, just about to drop the device onto Alexandria's costumed chest. I turned back to look at my AI superior and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why not?"

Dragon looked hesitant to answer, but sighed and shook her head. "She isn't exactly the most calm person, and she's probably panicking right now, wherever she is. That device will give her the powers of her body, right?"

I nodded along, still not following very well.

"Do you have a containment system that can hold her? At least while she comes back to her senses? I can probably survive her hits, but you're organic."

"...Oh." I hastily jumped back from Alexandria's slumped form and shivered at the idea Dragon had put in my head. "Yeah, that's a really solid point, and thank you for having the good idea I missed entirely."

"You're welcome!"

The door to the primary brig slammed closed and locked with a rather annoying sound just after I tossed the device in my hand onto Alexandria's body.

"I go unconscious for two hours and you kidnap Alexandria," Tattletale deadpanned from next to me.

The BOOM as my boss I'd just temporarily imprisoned woke up, panicked, and slammed into the shield of the cell shook the air in the hallway.

"You don't really do subtle, do you?"

"I swear, this is not as bad as it looks. Right, Dragon?"

Another BOOM rocked the ship.

"We did not kidnap her. She just needs to calm down from being disembodied for a few minutes," the heroine supplied in my defense.

"...Honestly, I have no idea what to say to that," Lisa replied.

I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.


"She's going to stop that eventually, right?"

Head, meet palms. Now shake on it. "She'd better, because we're supposed to meet the President in like half an hour."

Lisa turned to me, shocked. "Say what?"

I directed the Hyperion to lift away from Brockton Bay and head towards Washington DC as Alexandria decided to wail on another equally tough shielded wall. "Long story, but we're going to DC. I hope you packed your toothbrush."

"You're taking me to see the President of the United States?!" She held a hand up to my forehead and affected concern. "Are you sick?"

I batted her hand away and threw her an unimpressed scowl. "I'm not sick. and yes, you're coming. You can use the transporters to make some clothes or whatever it is girls do. Who knows, but my memories say that you'll want that." I turned to Dragon and rolled my eyes. "You can too. The design programs are pretty good. You both have quarters on the ship, Alexandria is cooling off, and I need a session in my Throne to stave off this headache."

I turned around and headed back towards the bridge, waving behind me. "Just don't go into any of the Science Labs, and don't blow the ship or anything outside the ship up. Other than that, have fun."

I only barely heard the "Does he know what he just offered us?" from Lisa, but my mind was already elsewhere.

Namely, a comfy chair.

I wasn't going to meet the leader of my country on anything less than a full night's sleep even if I had to use temporal dilation around the Throne to achieve it.

I could go without sleep. As an Alteran I was capable of running my biology on zero point energy.

But it wasn't a great idea. Mental maintenance occurred while asleep, and with all the stuff that'd been happening, I needed to be fully alert and at my best for my upcoming meeting.

She deserved nothing less.

A/N: Alongside this chapter I have replaced Chapters 1 and 2 with their new, updated, revised versions, both to remove some cringe and bring them up to my current writing standards. All good things, new threads, but nothing important is gone. Enjoy!
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