An Extra Primarch

Should the Quest switch to a Narrative Base?

  • Yes, it will streamline things.

    Votes: 345 40.5%
  • No, I prefer the current system.

    Votes: 127 14.9%
  • Yes, but not until the Crusade begins/Prologue ends.

    Votes: 379 44.5%

  • Total voters
Turn 10 Results
[X] Plan Innovation
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Much bigger Replicators
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Anti-Gravity vehicles
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Teaching Devices that allow the effective download of skills and knowledge into a mortal's brain
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Continue Conceptual Crystal research and development
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Crystal 2
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Crystal 3
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Continue Conceptual Crystal weapon research and development
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Continue the work with developing the burgeoning runic system, aiming for more complex wards and the beginnings of a phonetic alphabet, something which might serve as building blocks for the much more complex future system
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Runes 2
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Runes 3
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 2
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 3
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 4
-[X][MAJOR] Ship Building (Cruisers)
-[X][MAJOR] Ship Building (Escorts)
-[X][SHIP] Ship Building (Dreadnaught)
-[X][MINOR] Train: Perception People
-[X][MINOR] Train: Perception People 2
-[X][MINOR] SL: ??? Cazanus
-[X][MINOR] SL: Meera Yerala
-[X][MINOR] SL: Percy Clements
-[X][MINOR] SL: Isker ???
-[X][MINOR] SL: Captain Matt of the Defenders
-[X][MINOR] SL: Gerald Newton
-[X][MINOR] SL: General Richards
-[X][MINOR] SL: Herman Jerun
-[X][MINOR] Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
-[X][MINOR] Doubled Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
-[X][CRYSTAL] Power
-[X][INVENTION] Defensive energy fields
-[X][INVENTION] Stable Plasma Weaponry- Orks are known to be tough and some wear armor or ride in machines, having a portable weapon to pierce their hide or armor will help our troops and vehicles.
-[X][INVENTION] Develop gear to help Psykers train and control their powers.
-[X][INVENTION] Works- Improved Arms and Armor, Invention: Necessity (boost PDF)
-[X][INVENTION] Exoskeletons for Ground Troops
-[X][INVENTION] Works-Production (Increase System Productivity) Invention: Practicality

This year, you decided to focus on inventing, in order to strengthen the system, and to have more to offer any potential allies.

Bigger Replicators: The nano-assemblers have three main issues. They can't turn one element into another, they are large power drains, and they can't make anything above a certain size. Seeing as that last flaw also affects how quickly they can process raw material into usable blocks, you decide to tackle that one first.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.

Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging: Gear: 105+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=1310. Required: 500-200= 300. 40 Checks Passed. Massive Improvement!

Gained one Level. Gained 1 Perk point. 330/410 to Level 32.

While the task was more difficult than one might expect, you were more than up to the challenge. While a certain amount of rewiring was required as you scaled up, it was nothing you couldn't handle. You went from replicators that took up an area approximately the same as a small side-table, and which could handle roughly as much matter as you'd expect at such a size, to truck-sized replicators, which could handle creating tanks from the relevant material.

While you'd expect productivity to explode, as tanks, for example, could be assembled wholesale, the power requirements made it inefficient to do that with all tanks. Productivity received a large boost, to be sure, but it wasn't quadrupled or anything. Similarly, larger amounts of raw materials could be sorted through at once now, but the usual methods of sifting through materials were used in most places, as it was slower, but cheaper. It would seem you'd need to either design better fusion reactors, or improve on the efficiency of the design, if you wanted to get the most out of this redesign.

Reward: Resized Replicators. 25% increase in production and raw material extraction. AN: In order to get the most out of this, you need to either make the atomic rearrangement less of a power draw, make better reactors, or both. Word of warning, the former would have a higher threshold than the latter. The trekkies have been working on it for a long time. Eventually they decided better reactors was a lot more efficient.

Anti-grav Vehicles: While a limited form of artificial gravity is employed on your spaceships, anti-gravity is not as well explored. Partially because it's easier to mimic something you're familiar with, and partially because there hasn't been as much interest in it. You require a working understanding of it in order to create hovering vehicles, which can ignore bad terrain as long as their engine is working, among other things.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.

Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging: Gear: 105+ Education: General+Advanced: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)=1475. Required: 500-200+500(Anti-gravity Inexperience)= 800. 27 Checks Passed. Success! Improved Vehicles.

Gained 1 Level. Currently have 2 Perk points. 220/420 to Level 33.

Not only did you succeed in making hover vehicles, drastically accelerating travel times across the planet's surface and advancing the understanding of anti-gravity and gravity by decades, you made sending resources to or from the surface of a planet with gravity similar to Thernus (within 10% of Earth-norm) if not trivial, then much less of a hassle. This makes asteroid mining and sending resources mined from the planet up to shipyards much easier, not to mention how much easier it makes moving personnel.

Reward: Anti-grav Vehicles: Improved. Additional incentive for many systems to join you. Especially valuable in systems with heavy asteroid numbers or poor resources on the planet itself. Accelerates shipbuilding by 10% due to reduced resource constraints. Allows for far more efficient mining and exploitation of space-bound bound resources. Much greater understanding of Anti-gravity. Malus from limited understanding removed.

Accelerated Learning Devices: While you learn absurdly quickly, by definition very few other people have this ability. You imagine that it would be very useful to literally everyone if they did. Unfortunately, you can't simply transmit relevant knowledge into people's heads on anything resembling a global scale in a timely fashion with your powers, and you don't trust every psyker with telepathy to use it responsibly if you make some tech to facilitate such an effort. Therefore, you need an ALD that uses purely mundane technology.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.

Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging : Gear: 105+ Education: General+Advanced: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)=1475. Required: 750-200=550. 37 Checks passed. Large improvement.

Gained 1 Level. Currently have 3 Perk points. 200/430 to Level 34.

You considered something that allowed outright download of information too risky. It could be hijacked or used by a spy/cultist without much trouble. You attempt to find another method instead.

You manage to create a bio-adapter that allows for the accelerated perusing of files loaded into a machine similar to a digital reader. It's a closed system other than the information loaded into it, which is done by a person checked by the Witch Hunters daily. It doesn't so much increase the speed of learning as increase the time that can be devoted to it. While this has an upper limit, as it does little to help with mental exhaustion, it lets students study for much longer periods of time. A five-minute real-world session translates to almost an hour inside. This leads to a significant improvement in terms of general knowledge.

Reward: ALD. +10 to background project rolls. Lack of study time no longer considered a valid reason to fail.

Innovation: Conceptual Crystal Research. While you have crystals for Order, Fire/heat, Ice/cold, Electricity, and Darkness(which you don't use) you don't have any other types, or advanced ones besides the boosters. You decide to remedy that.

Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200=550. 76 Checks passed. Multiple new crystals discovered!

Gained 2 Levels. Currently have 6 Perk points. 150/450 to Level 36.

You start by working to expand your list of options for making talismans. You create a crystal for Speed, Penetration, Preservation, Defense, Protection, Healing, Earth, Water, Air, Magnetism, Gravity, Metal, Light, Sound, Space and Time.

While the elemental crystals are pretty straight forward, the others have much more esoteric qualities. The Speed crystal does what you'd expect, but surprisingly, no issues arise from the body outperforming it's usual speed. Penetration will partially ignore armor, and even certain shields will be bypassed. Void shields, for example, are completely ignored, likely due to their function of venting the force of attacks into the Warp. Preservation crystals cause wear and tear to slow their effects. Rust and the like takes far longer to appear, while roads take about twice as long to need repaving. Defense crystals reduce the damage caused by attacks, while Protection crystals provide a 'damage threshold' which means that attacks with a certain level of force are required to harm those with the crystals in any way. Healing crystals accelerate regeneration, without any cellular aging or risk of cancer. The Gravity crystal can amplify or reduce gravity fields, or even nullify them temporarily to cause localized zero-gravity. Space crystals allow for localized teleportation (a 5 meter radius, roughly speaking) and warping of spacial dimensions. Time crystals allow for the slowing or hastening of time, and even time-stops in small areas that allow the user to affect the objects in the zone of stopped time.

Reward: Massively expanded number of options for creation of talismans.

Innovation: Conceptual Crystal Research: Continued. Seeing as you have a much larger number of options now, you work on increasing the number of talismans for people to use, as well as their overall quality.

Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Multiple new talismans discovered!

Gained 2 Levels. Currently have 8 Perks. 80/470 to Level 38.

With the sheer number of new options you have, you vastly expand the library of talismans, as well as their effectiveness, which in turn, boosts every aspect of society further. The more basic talismans have their production streamlined, making them downright trivial to make, while the new talismans slot into the original talismans' slot. This vastly accelerates the rate at which people are equipped with talismans of some kind.

Speaking of which, there are talismans which serve in roles in everything from reinforcing trench-works, to first-aid, to electricity-independent lights for when the PDF clears out the sewers, so having them be at all difficult to make would be a problem. Of course, all but the most minor are still not something that can be mass-produced on anything resembling a global scale.

Reward: Crystal Talismans has advanced to Improved Crystal Talismans. +25 to PDF rolls. +25% to production. +25 to morale rolls.

Crystal Research 3 and 4:

You continue to work on making higher grade crystals and talismans, both more powerful and more efficient, rather than trying to make new types, though you do make a few of those.

Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Higher tier crystals available! Second-tier crystals can now be mass-produced by regular psykers!

Gained 1 Level. Currently have 9 Perk points. 450/480 to Level 39.

While you mostly focus on making the second tier of crystals easily mass-produced, you do make a few more. One for Guidance, Purity, Accuracy, Detection, Organization and Balance. Guidance aids in navigation, both in the mundane world, and in the job of Navigators. It still requires that a person be working towards the goal of going somewhere, but it makes it a lot easier, and reduces the effectiveness of manipulation of space to confound the holder, or simple things like changing road signs. Purity crystals remove toxins, as well as the toxic residue from the presence of Warp Horrors, potentially allowing those least tainted by them to be restored, and reducing the number of PDF that require culling from the Witch Hunters' platoons. Accuracy crystals have effects similar to spacial-bending, moving the path of the projectile to be more likely to hit a vital area, or at least hit if the target is particularly agile, or the shot particularly bad. Detection crystals glow brightly if an ambush is imminent, or someone is trying to avoid notice/hide something. Needless to say, they are very useful in rooting out cultists, particularly those that follow the mollusk-like Warp Horrors. Organization crystals help make systems run more smoothly, from squads to computerized ones. The bureaucracy is helped less than one might expect, as each administrator does a lot of work mostly alone, but it is helped. The Balance crystals don't do much on their own, but they excel at making different crystals work together, which unlocks a lot of possibilities.

Reward: Moderate number of new crystals available. Large decrease in effort needed to create crystals, and therefore talismans.

Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Multiple new talismans discovered!

Gained 2 Levels. Currently 12 Perk points. 320/500 to Level 41.

With the creation of Balance crystals, creating talismans that combine different crystals is now possible, and you put your all into it. For instance, while Preservation and Healing are good on their own, together even minor talismans can slow degradation to the sort of crawl decades pass in. Another example is the use of Purity and Detection crystals in conjunction to detect corruption. While manually checking everyone with any regularity is impossible, suspects can be checked nigh-instantly. You've also managed to create a single talisman with three elements. A Ring of Balance, which reduces damage from flames, ice, and electricity by 10%, which while less impressive than any of the originals in their specialty, provides more protection overall, and more broadly. The only reason you were able to combine three was the experience you had with the original three types of crystals.

You suspect people will sell their limbs and/or firstborn children for these. Not even metaphorically. The Eldar will probably offer something resembling an even deal for the knowledge of how to create these.

Reward: More advanced talismans unlocked due to large library of crystals, and Balance crystals allowing for combinations. Large number of new trade goods from four Crystal research actions, which most planets without strong psyker traditions will have no hope of reproducing. Improved Crystal Talismans has advanced to Enhanced Crystal Talismans. +50 to PDF rolls. +50% to production. +50 to morale rolls.

Runes: While you have a single rune, you don't have much in the way of a language to use for them. Regular written language won't cut it. You've checked. The only thing that seems to work is a language specifically created for the purpose of expressing the concept behind the runes, such as Order for the Null rune. As such, you first work on expanding said language to encompass each of the types of crystals you've created thus far.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.

Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 13 Perk points. 150/510 to Level 42.

You succeed in creating enough of a language from the whispers of the Warp and the concepts involved to inscribe Runes with them. You keep the pentagram shape, to make corrupting the runes more difficult. Turning a pentagram into a symmetrical eight-pointed star is exceedingly difficult. Now that you have a language for them, the runes themselves shouldn't be too difficult.

Reward: Basic runic language created. New runes will automatically have proper runic inscriptions. Runes and Talismans of similar natures can be combined to reinforce each other at full effectiveness.

Runes 2 and 3: With the 'grammar' portion of the problem taken care of, you continued your work, attempting to create more runes to complement the talismans (or crystals if you're in a real bind and don't have time for something involving relative finesse) already in use.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.

Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 14 Perk points. 260/520 to Level 43.

With the amount of time you put in, even with 20 runes in need of creation, you succeed in crafting them all. Runes are far easier to make than talismans, though generally immobile. As such, buildings are covered in Healing, Defense, Protection, and Preservation Runes, along with Detection and Purity runes, mostly in public places and state-owned artifices. This will greatly restrict cult development, by all but actively stripping corruption from those who leave their homes. Of course, a fully manifested Warp Horror will be merely weakened by such runes unless in direct contact.

Hospitals are filled with Healing and Preservation Runes, as the walls and other military-minded buildings around the cities are covered in the same runes as the residential buildings, but to a far greater degree. They won't do anything insane like ignoring a city-killer bomb, but anyone who tries to take them by storm is going to have a very unpleasant time of it. Armor groups have Speed Runes added to compensate for their relative lack of mobility, etc.

Reward: Basic Rune Library. You possess a number of large number of low-level runes, which allows for a large number of applications. +50 to PDF rolls. +50% to industrial production. +50 to morale rolls. AN: Your buildings have a healing factor now. As do the roads. Pretty much all your infrastructure really. Cults in worlds under your control are going to have trouble taking root without basically having taken over the planet (or at least the city) anyway. Planets with severe cult problems will practically hand themselves over for access to this stuff.

Ship Building Dreadnaught, Cruisers, and Escorts: You decide to build the skeletons of this year's batch of Cruisers and Escorts at the beginning of the year, while setting up the skeleton of the Dreadnaught being begun next year, following the completion of this year's.

Dreadnaught Roll: 94 +20(Level Perks)= 114. Critical Success.

Critical Success Roll: 19+ 20(Level Perks)+ 14(Overflow)= 53. Success.

Cruiser Roll: 75 +20(Level Perks)= 95. Success.

Escort Roll: 38 +20(Level Perks)= 58. Success.

While the Cruisers and Escorts go pretty well, the Dreadnaught's building goes wonderfully. You manage to shave off a year of it's build-time, though you don't think it's going to be a regular thing, meaning that you'll have 2 Dreadnaughts by the end of next year, a ship considered respectable for any one system to have a single one of. Two are more than enough to defend a system from most threats.

Invention: Defensive energy fields: Seeing as the armor and weaponry used by the PDF have been improved, you decide to see about giving them something to further improve their survivability. While anything like the shield around a ship wouldn't be possible, something a lot weaker would be helpful. Simply stopping two or three shots would increase survival rates through the roof.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.

Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 105+Adavnced: 210+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1520. Required: 750: Passed. 1500-200=1300. Check Passed. Secondary Invention!

310/520 to Level 43.

Not only do you succeed in creating a personal shield capable of handling a round from conventional lasguns, but a version that can be used for vehicles, such as fighters and bombers. This massively improves their performance by dint of making them much, much harder to kill. The infantry shield is easily worn down, but it's not meant to turn them into tanks. Instead, the shield recharges quickly when not under direct fire, letting soldiers with broken shields simply duck into cover to recover. The vehicle shields function more like their larger brethren, taking significant amounts of time to recharge once depleted. However, the PDF and navy appreciate their vehicles having greater protection, and what little anti-air fire the native Orks can manage is now completely ineffective.

Reward: Ground forces gain Personal Shields. +25 to PDF rolls. Void forces gain Shielded Fightercraft. +25 to fightercraft (fighters, bombers, etc., both in space and in the atmosphere) rolls.

Invention: Stable Plasma Weaponry- Orks are known to be tough and some wear armor or ride in machines, having a portable weapon to pierce their hide or armor will help our troops and vehicles. While laser weapons are standard issue, they are less effective on the tough hide of the Orks than most foes, but then most things are. Orks will regenerate from wounds that would be fatal to a human, so anything short of killing them or removing a limb will do nothing permanent. However, flamethrowers will significantly slow their regeneration, as will several acids. The former quickly runs out of fuel, while the latter is dangerous to handle, and difficult to produce in large enough quantities to matter, and risks ecological damage.

So instead, you take inspiration from the plasma cell from the xenos lasgun, in hopes of making a plasma weapon to combine the anti-regeneration properties of flamethrowers, and the relative ease of use and production of lasguns.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.

Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 90+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1135. Required: 750: Passed. 750-200=550. Check Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. All lasgun types given equivalent plasma types.

360/520 to Level 43.

You succeed in making a plasma weapon, which possesses the wide settings of the relatively new lasgun, allowing for wide-spread fire as a pseudoe-flamethrower, or pinpoint fire for a welding torch or plasma cutter. Of course, the plasma weapon lacks the stun setting of the lasgun, so the policing sections of the armed forces still use them, as do medics and similar vocations. The burns from plasma are much less easily healed than purely physical trauma, not to mention the larger and more potent versions that are roughly equal to the las-rifle and blaster.

Reward: Plasma Guns. +25 to PDF rolls, in addition to bonus from Improved Lasers.

Invention: Develop gear to help Psykers train and control their powers. While the crystals are bringing people's control over their psyker powers up to a standard considered acceptable, they take a relatively long time, and have a hard limit, so you think something to help with controlling their powers would be very useful. Both as a stopgap while they wait until they can safely process crystals that boost control, and in the long-term to enhance their control past the hard limit the crystals possess.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.

Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 90+ Psyker: Esoteric+Seer: 210+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 2465. Required: 750: Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. 1500-200=1300. Check Passed. 2000-200= 1800. 2500-200= 2300. Gear developed.

410/520 to Level 43.

You create four pieces of gear. First, an Inhibitor Ring, which, contrary to the name, focuses the power the psyker is using rather than reducing it. It discourages large or uncontrolled bursts of power, while making delicate operations significantly easier. Of course, it's more of a hindrance in a fight, which is where the name cam from. The second type is called the Kill-Switch, which is a headband that knocks out a psyker's powers if they start losing control. The downside is that it also causes a debilitating migraine and temporary paralysis, and multiple uses in a short period risks permanent damage to the brain. Of course, low levels of brain damage can be treated with the medical technology you possess, but the more and older the damage it is, the more likely at least some of it will be permanent. Hence only a psyker of Beta level or higher takes it unless there's no alternative. You yourself keep a spare on your person, just in case. The third piece of equipment has come to be known as the Control Rod. It's a staff that requires a certain minimum level of control to use, but allows for much more delicate use of one's powers. It's essentially a version of the Inhibitor Ring that doesn't brute-force the increase in control, in terms of function. Finally, there's the Psy-blaster, which allows psykers without the powerset to fire concentrated blasts of Warp-energy to do so without overdrawing form the Warp, letting them defend themselves without the temptation to draw deeper than they should.

Reward: Pyshic Control Gear. +25 to allied Psyker Checks/rolls. AN: The psy-blaster is basically a proto-force weapon. A lot of psyker have powersets with little direct use in combat, Diviners(You can't punch someone with future visions, and you can't take advantage if you lack the ability to prevent the future you see.), Technomancer(More or less useless against Orks.), etc. They can fire off blasts by drawing deeper from the Warp, but that's like asking to be possessed.

Invention: Exoskeletons for Ground Troops: While your troops have been enhanced somewhat, with talismans and better technology at their disposal and better bodies from altered DNA, they could still be better. Hence your decision to provide exoskeletons, which will increase their apparent strength and speed, though the second is somewhat a product of the first. Of course, you have to make them supportive rather than added weight, and not too difficult to use or put on/take off.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.

Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging: Armor: 90+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1135. Required: 750: Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. 1250-200=1050. Check Passed. Light, Medium, and Heavy exoskeletons completed.

470/520 to Level 43.

You create three versions of the Mechanical Assistant Skeletal Systems. The Light version, which is the cheapest, is available to the public (not the design itself obviously) and provides the smallest boost. It's standard issue for scouts, medics, etc. because it is the quietest to move in. While you did your best, you can only make metal so quiet, and medics should avoid drawing the attention of enemies that won't differentiate between medics and regulars. Cough*Orks*Cough.

The Medium is standard issue for the military, and while more expensive than the Light version, provides a 50 kilogram boost the weight the soldier can lift, rather than 20. The harness crosses over vital areas such as the heart and lungs, providing protection by virtue of the fact that enemy fire will have to disable the system first, and is somewhat larger than it's lesser counterpart.

The Heavy version is the most expensive, and wanders at the edge of being powered armor. While it doesn't cover the person entirely by itself, it increases their lift capacity by 100 kilograms, and covers the majority of their body, helping to protect it. As such, a few people equipped with these can right an overturned vehicle, or accomplish similar feats. However, their expense means that only the Champions, those given a recommendation (Combat Hero units), the Defenders, and yourself use them. Although you get less out of it than most, as you can already lift over a hundred kilograms, without biomancy.

Reward: Exoskeletons. +25 to PDF rolls.

Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Invention: Works-Production (Increase System Productivity) Invention: Practicality

Seeing as you need to start gearing up for the incoming Waagh, you decide to begin improving the system's industry.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction= 200.

Invention: Practicality Check: 130+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)= 815. Required= -150. 38 Checks Passed. However, 130/5=26. 26 Checks passed per action with 5 actions. AN: Seeing as Serras isn't an idiot, I'll count the excess Practical Checks towards Necessity, which I expected you to work on next. 38*5=190. 190-130=60. 130 to Practical. 60 to Necessity.

4 Levels gained. Currently possess 19 Perk points. 380/560 to Level 47.

You make improvements at every stage. More efficient drills, more efficient smelters, better automation, more efficient power draws. Redesigning products to perform the same or better with less work and/or resources required. Every aspect of industry, from mining and processing, to building and transportation, has been more than doubled in efficiency. For now, however, you've hit your limit on making improvements to industry with a lot of small innovations.

Reward: Practical Industry. Productivity increased by 130%.

Invention: Works- Improved Arms and Armor, Invention: Necessity (boost PDF)

With the system's industry improved immensely improved, you turn your attention to the armed forces.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction= 200.

Invention: Necessity Check: 130+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)= 815. Required= -150. 38 Checks Passed.

One Level gained. Currently possess 20 Perk points. 230/570 to Level 48.

While you make fewer strides than you do with industry, you do manage to provide a large boost to the effectiveness of their arms, armor, and vehicles. They appreciate the tweaks you made to their MREs to improve the taste while still providing the necessary calories and nutrients, for instance.

Reward: Efficient Military. +98 to PDF rolls.

Power: 5 automatic successes, and +1 from Powerful Psyker. Power is now 51. Crystals cannot be used to further increase Power.

Power 50 Perk. Warp Lighthouse. Your overwhelming psychic might can be used as a lighthouse for allied forces, though it also attracts Warp Horrors. Luckily you can handle that. Allied ships will have a reroll to having a Warp disaster due to your 'landmark' provided they are within the same sector.

+85 to tagged Skills from Levels.

Perception: People: 70. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 50 meters away. Large boost to detection rolls. Moderate boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 80. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 100 meters away. Very large boost to detection rolls. Medium boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 90. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 150 meters away. Extremely large boost to detection rolls. Large boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 100. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 200 meters away. Huge boost to detection rolls. Very large boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 110. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 250 meters away. Enormous boost to detection rolls. Extremely large boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 120. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 500 meters away. Immense boost to detection rolls. Huge boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 130. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 750 meters away. Incredible boost to detection rolls. Enormous boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 140. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 1000 meters away. Ridiculous boost to detection rolls. Immense boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 155. You can read people better than even the best analysts. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Incredible boost to Speech Checks.

As you are planning on beginning diplomacy with other systems soon, you work on understanding people better, and recognizing not only that they're hiding things, but what they're hiding.

Perception: People: 165. You can all but fake reading people's minds. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ridiculous boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 175. You can fake reading people's minds with some reliabilty. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ludicrous boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 185. You can reliably fake reading people's minds. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ludicrous boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 195. You might as well be reading people's minds. You can do that too, but every little bit helps. Insane boost to detection rolls. Insane boost to Speech Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 90. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of incredible complexity. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 100. You have achieved conventional mastery of forging weapons. Enormous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 110. You are officially beyond conventional mastery of forging weapons. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 120. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity. Incredible decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 130. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity. Ridiculous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 140. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 150. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of incredible complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 160. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 175. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 90. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces much larger than your current size without losing any of their quality, or extremely complex in comparison to the body armor used by Captain Matt, though not both at once. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 100. You have achieved conventional mastery of armor forging. Enormous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 110. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces much larger than your current size without losing any of their quality, or extremely complex in comparison to the body armor used by Captain Matt, or even both at once. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 120. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly. Incredible decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 130. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly. Ridiculous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 140. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing most of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 150. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a lot of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 160. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing much of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 175. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 130. You can create gadgets significantly beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Huge reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 140. You can create gadgets pretty far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Immense reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 150. You can create gadgets far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Incredible reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 160. You can create gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ridiculous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 170. You can create rather impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 180. You can create pretty impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 190. You can create very impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 200. You can create extremely impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 130. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with incredibly poor materials. Huge reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 140. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with incredibly poor materials. Immense reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 150. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with garbage. Incredible reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 160. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with things worse than garbage. Ridiculous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 170. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something significantly better with materials worse than garbage. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 180. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something much better with materials worse than garbage. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 190. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something far better with materials worse than garbage. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Practicality: 200. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something immensely better with materials worse than garbage. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.

Invention: Extravagance: 130. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 2 times the cost, or quadruple them for 10 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 140. You can improve products with little extra investment with unbelievable efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.75 times the cost, or quadruple them for 9.5 times the cost.

Invention: Extravagance: 150. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.5 times the cost, or quadruple them for 9 times the cost.

Invention: Extravagance: 160. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.25 times the cost, or quadruple them for 8.5 times the cost.

Invention: Extravagance: 170. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 8.25 times the cost.

Invention: Extravagance: 180. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 8 times the cost.

Invention: Extravagance: 190. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.75 times the cost.

Invention: Extravagance: 200. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.5 times the cost.

Forging All 100 Perk. Master Smith. You have achieved the level of skill where you are considered qualified to teach students of your own. +100 to Forging Checks.

330/570 to Level 48.

Invention All 150 Perk. Industrial Revolutionary. You can create a gadget to solve the current problem in minutes. +150 to Invention Checks.

480/570 to Level 48.

Invention All 200 Perk. One-Woman Renaissance. You can create a gizmo to solve the current problem in seconds. +200 to Invention Checks.

Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 21 Perk points. 110/580 to Level 49.

+5 to tagged skills.

Perception: People: 195. You might as well be reading people's minds. You can do that too, but every little bit helps. Insane boost to detection rolls. Insane boost to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 200. While reading people's minds allows you to learn things that they know, reading their body language lets you predict what they'll do before they know, taking advantage of their instincts and emotions. +100 to detection rolls. Large boost to Speech Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 175. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 180. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 175. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 180. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a tiny bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Perception: People has advanced to Perception: Image.

Perception: Image: 0. People have 'images' they present to others, but you have started to see past them, to who they really are. You are also learning to guard against this yourself.

Invention: Necessity has advanced to Invention: Military.

Invention: Military: 0. You can make a weapon or defense against one from pretty much anything, and impressive ones at that.

Invention: Practicality has advanced to Invention: Industry.

Invention: Practicality: 0. You have a reputation for making them look like idiots among industrial leaders.

Invention: Extravagance has advanced to Invention: Luxury.

Invention: Luxury: 0. You can make a luxury item for cheap, which sort of makes it NOT a luxury item, you suppose.

60 points to be assigned to one or more tagged Skills.

AN: Don't expect another glut of Levels like this. Firstly because 50 is a soft-cap, and a 0 is added to the end of the required Exp from that point on, and partially because the Runes required 5 Checks per Rune unlocked, and both they and the talismans had a lot of ground work they needed done, which won't be needed in amounts to give Exp any more. Also, I'm changing the mechanic to work differently, as seen in the later Invention actions. A threshold for the invention itself, and a later threshold for a better version or related invention. This version is too generous with Exp, which will actually hurt in the long run. I would be willing to take suggestions for further crystal and rune types, but make sure it doesn't already have it's job being done. Also, they'll be their own projects which give maybe 50 Exp a piece.
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Perk Selection 9
You have 4 Tags to move, 60 points to put into them, and 21 Perk points available.

Combat: Melee: 20 Perk. Trained Fighter. You are an above-average fighter. +10 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Melee: 40 Perk. Brawler. You are always armed. Provided you can use your limbs at least. +20 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Melee: 60 Perk. Commanding Officer. You are a skilled fighter, and those under your command know it. +30 to Combat Checks. +10 to morale rolls for forces you command. Requires one of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 80 Perk. Crusher. You are a supremely skilled fighter. Your mere presence nearby is demoralizing to the enemy. +50 to Combat Checks. Malus of 10 to enemy morale rolls when arrayed against forces you command. Requires 2 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 100 Perk. Champion. You have achieved the limits of mortal combat when fighting in the close-range. You can embolden your forces and terrify the enemy by your mere presence, and the enemy champion is the only one that may do more than buy time with their lives should they get too close. +75 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 25 to morale rolls for forces under your command, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are present on the planet. Requires 3 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 120 Perk. Supreme Champion. You have exceeded the limits of mortal combat when fighting in melee. Your forces are emboldened by proximity to you, and enemies falter, as you are essentially death incarnate to any but a Warp Horror. +100 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 50 to morale rolls for your forces, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are in the same system. Requires 4 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 140 Perk. Ultimate Champion. You have vastly surpassed the limits of mortal combat in melee. Your forces are greatly emboldened by proximity, and enemies risk breaking simply from knowing you are present. Even Warp Horrors will feel unnerved if they are on the enemy's side. +150 to Combat Checks. +100 to Morale rolls for forces under your command. Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls. Applies to all forces in sub-sector. Requires 5 of preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 160 Perk. Hero. Simply achieving this level of melee combat makes people question whether you really are human. You forces will recover from total disorganization from the simple fact of your presence. Meanwhile, entire fleets and armies may flee or desert from your presence. Even Daemonic ones. +200 to Combat Checks. +150 to Morale rolls for forces under your command. Malus of the same to enemy Morale rolls. Applies to all forces in sector. Requires 6 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Melee: 180 Perk. Superhero. You can call yourself human all you want. Very few people believe you. Your mere presence on the battlefield rallies your troops, not the least because you actually do make your allies stronger when you are nearby, and your enemies weaker. Daemonic armies will run back to the Warp rather than fight you. Fleets and armies may simply give up and wait to be imprisoned or boarded. +250 to Combat Checks. +200 to Morale rolls for your forces. Malus of the same to enemy Morale rolls. Applies to all forces in nearby sectors. Requires 7 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Melee: 200 Perk. Goddess of War. You keep having to tell people you aren't a god of war. Even the ones that aren't part of the cults that keep popping up are doubtful of your claim. +500 to Combat Checks. +250 to Morale rolls for your forces. Malus of the same for the enemy. Applies to all forces within 5 sectors of you. Requires 8 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Ranged: 20 Perk. Dual-wielding. For most people, using two guns requires a sacrifice of accuracy, speed, or stability. Not so for you. May use two guns without one suffering a debuff.

Combat: Ranged: 40 Perk. Deflection. You can bounce bullets and laser shots off of many surfaces if you do it right. +20 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Ranged: 60 Perk. Ricochet. Not only can you bounce shots off of surfaces, you can do it over and over. +40 to Combat Checks. +10 Flanking bonus to Combat Checks. Must have 1 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Stealth: 20 Perk. Sniper. Rather than sneaking behind enemy lines, you can take out officers from a distance. +20 to Stealth Checks.

Combat: Stealth: 40 Perk. Assassin. Hey Earl, where'd you Gugh! +40 to Stealth Checks.

Combat: Stealth: 60 Perk. Silent. Being very quiet is an important part of stealth. +60 to Stealth Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 20 Perk. Waiting. Waiting is half of war. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 40 Perk. Trapping. Laying traps is very helpful in causing enemy casualties. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 60 Perk. Fortifications. Even the crudest of fortifications can save lives. +30 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 20 Perk. Clever. You might be too smart for your own good. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 40 Perk. I Meant To Do That! You take full advantage of your crafty reputation to fool enemies into dealing with imaginary plots. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 60 Perk. You've Fallen Into My Trap! You can pretend to do a big dramatic reveal that everything they did was part of your plan. While the best readers of body language can tell you're lying, it can sow confusion long enough to buy time for your actual operations. +30 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 20 Perk. Tricksy. You are surprisingly crafty. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 40 Perk. Prankster. You make a habit of tricking people in harmless ways, so that they're on guard against worse ways. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 60 Perk. Trickster. Of course, you also know a thing or two about riddles. +30 to Tactics Checks.

Evasion: Lying: 20 Perk. Dissimulation. Sometimes the best lies are half-truths. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 20 Perk. DOOOODGE! Your instincts for incoming attacks are finely honed, and you know exactly how one should react: Get the hell out of the way. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 20 Perk. Fooled You! There's just something satisfying about tricking someone into hitting their own allies. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 20 Perk. Persuasive. You are decent at convincing people to do as you want them to. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 40 Perk. A Favor? You can call in favors from those you've helped in the past to smooth things over in the present. Bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Persuasion: 60 Perk. Appeal To Morality. Your arguments are convincing from a purely pragmatic point of view, as well as an emotional one. Decreases difficulty of Persuasion Checks by 50 if your target lacks a strong reason to refuse you, such as a direct order from a superior. Provides half this bonus to Diplomacy Checks if you possess the moral highground.

Speech: Persuasion: 80 Perk. Inspiring Speech. You can convince an utterly broken soldier to fight again. +40 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 100 Perk. Source of Hope. You can bring hope back to those who have lost it. +50 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Diplomacy: 20 Perk. Charismatic. You possess strong charisma, which helps convince others to agree with your demands. +10 to Speech Checks.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Paragon. You always do the right thing, even when it's hard. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Renegade. You always get results, even if others hate your methods. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk: White-tongued. You are the positive equivalent of the charismatic leader of a cult. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Karma. Must have Paragon. Mutually exclusive with Black-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk. Black-tongued. There isn't all that much difference between you and that cult leader... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Infamy. Must have Renegade. Mutually exclusive with White-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I Still Believe. You know people can change, they just need to try. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Karma. Requires White-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Second Chance. Even the vilest person can become a good person, they just have to want to. Requires I Still Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I No Longer Believe. People are inherently selfish, so appeal to that. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Infamy. Requires Black-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Disbelief. If you couldn't trust them the first time, then why should it matter if they want to change? They'll just betray you again. Requires I No Longer Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 20 Perk. Intimidating. You are... impressive to look at, which makes people agree with what you say to make you go away quicker. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Intimidation: 40 Perk. Menacing. Your deeds precede you... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 60 Perk. S-Stay Back! You terrify everyone and everything capable of fear. Provides a bonus of 50 to Intimidation Checks if your counterpart lacks a strong reason to refuse you. Provides a bonus of 25 to Diplomacy Checks if you lack the moral high-ground.

Speech: Intimidation: 80 Perk. Horror Show. What do you mean you tortured him to death? That's an incredibly inefficient way of causing pain. You should go for maximum pain in minimal time. That way you can get to more people. Provides a bonus of 50 to Diplomacy Checks if you are proposing something horrible.

Speech: Intimidation: 100 Perk. Jack the Ripper. Huh, apparently having the entire police station turn up dead in one night without any sort of alarm being sounded makes people nervous enough to start killing each other to try and save their own hides. Good to know. +100 to Intimidation Checks.

Perception: Objects: 20 Perk. Good Eye! You have an excellent eye for detail. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to loot rolls.

Perception: People: 20 Perk. Twitches. So many people have little nervous twitches when they lie that they don't even think about. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 40 Perk. Tics. Similarly, they tend to have little habits they pick up over their life, which stick with them. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 60 Perk. You're Good... But Not That Good. A lot of people try to hide their emotions, but without being able to literally will micro-expressions to not be a thing, you couldn't ever completely do that. +30 to Perception Checks. +15 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 80 Perk. Your Next Line Is... People are surprisingly predictable if you know what to look for. +50 to Perception Checks. +25 to Speech Checks. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 100 Perk. Psuedo-Sherlock Scan. While you have achieved what most would consider mastery of reading others, you are still no match for a real master. +75 to Perception Checks. +50 to Speech Checks. +25 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 120 Perk. That Expression You're Wearing... Micro-expressions can tell you a lot about a person's thoughts, and about them in general. +100 to Perception Checks. +100 to Speech Checks. +50 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 140 Perk. Don't Worry, I'm Not A Mind-Reader. Maybe. While you can read minds, you find it more satisfying to convince people you aren't and they're simply that easy to read. Especially if that's what you're actually doing. +150 to Perception Checks. +150 to Speech Checks. +75 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 160 Perk. Don't Believe In Mind-Readers Huh? Some people don't believe in the Warp. While you won't force them to believe something, you have no problem taking advantage of their ignorance for a cheap laugh. Freaking them out by making them think you don't need telepathy to pick their mind clean is hilarious, and often makes them act less like Warp Horrors and cults aren't a thing. +200 to Perception Checks. +200 to Speech Checks. +100 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 5 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 180 Perk. Poker Champion. Anything less than a double-bluff has no hope of fooling you, so unless your opponent has no idea how to play, you can beat them without even cheating. +250 to Perception Checks. +250 to Speech Checks. +125 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 6 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 200 Perk. Proper Sherlock Scan. You are a true master of reading people, to the point of low-level pseudo-Divination, which works well with your actual Divination. +500 to Perception Checks. +500 to Speech Checks. +250 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 7 of preceding Perks.

Perception: Environment: 20 Perk. It's Too Quiet... When something's not right, the world around you practically starts shouting it if you're paying attention. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to detection rolls.

Medicine: Surgery: 20 Perk. Steady Hands. You are almost supernaturally calm during an operation, probably because a wrong move could kill or cripple the patient. Reduced chance and severity of injuries sustained during medical operations regardless of the situation.

Forging: Weapons: 20 Perk. Folded. While folding metal merely spreads the impurities around to prevent a single major weak point from forming, it has its uses, as most metals can only be purified so much before involving the Warp or highly specialized arrays specifically for this purpose. The latter is difficult to maintain, and the former risks introducing far more unpleasant impurities. +10 Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 40 Perk. Double-Edged. What use is a sword you can't use one side to kill people with? +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 60 Perk. Shot, Lock, Barrel... Or Shot, Lens, Barrel. Guns may be similar in shape, but different types are made in very different ways, especially slug-throwers and lasguns. +30 to Forging Checks. Requires one of the previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 80 Perk. Shocking. Metal conducts heat and electricity well, and, lo and behold, most living things don't react well to being super-heated or electrocuted. The problem is the difficulty of making melee weapons that can do this, or at least weapons that don't run out of ammo. +50 to Forging Checks. Requires two of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 100 Perk. Ammunition. While the making of ammunition is different from making the firing weapon itself, their synergy is one of the most important qualities they have. The ammunition needs to be able to withstand the force of launch provided by the firing mechanism, but the weapon also needs to be able to fire the ammo with enough velocity for a reasonable amount of accuracy in atmospheric conditions. +75 to Forging Checks. Requires 3 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 120 Perk. Knives, Daggers, Short Swords. While smaller weapons have less reach, they are much easier to hit specific points with, and to conceal. Unfair, but one could argue that's the entire idea behind using things besides your fists to fight. +100 to Forging Checks. Requires 4 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 140 Perk. Long Swords, Greatswords, Claymores. While longer weapons lack the stealth and accuracy advantage of their smaller counterparts, they aren't meant to hide. They are the weapons of those who want fair fights. Unfortunately, there isn't such a thing as a fair fight. +150 to Forging Checks. Requires 5 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 160 Perk. Axes, Maces, Hammers. These weapons aren't meant to hide, but the idea behind them is to smash through armor and defenses with sheer force, rather than any notion of fairness. +200 to Forging Checks. Requires 6 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 180 Perk. Pistols, Rifles, Rocket Launchers. Of course, if you really want to kill your opponent, why do it face to face? +250 to Forging Checks. Requires 7 of previous Perks.

Forging: Armor: 20 Perk. Alloyed. You can create alloys to take advantage of their properties in armor. +10 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 40 Perk. Sturdy. Your works are impressively durable. +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 60 Perk. Clang! That broken sword is going to make hurting me a problem, huh? +30 to Forging Checks. Requires one of the previous Perks.

Forging: Armor: 80 Perk. Durable. You make sure your works are extremely difficult to damage. +50 to Forging Checks, 10% increase to status of damaged items made by you upon receiving battle damage. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Forging: Armor: 100 Perk. Ablative Armor. While ablative armor works like ammunition, but for defending against attacks, it's effective as long as you don't run out. +75 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 120 Perk. Light Armor. The lightest forms of armor sacrifice most of the protection provided for minimal impact on speed or agility. Of course, if your opponent hits you anyway, you won't have much protection. +100 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 140 Perk. Medium Armor. This is the compromise form of armor, sacrificing some mobility for greater protection. As the most average of the options, it lacks the extremes of either of the other forms. +150 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 160 Perk. Heavy Armor. This is the strongest form of armor. While you'll definitely take more hits, you'll be able to take more hits. +200 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 180 Perk. Shields. Shields, physical or energy-based projections, act like extra armor, letting you act like you're wearing stronger armor as long as they're protecting you. +250 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Gear: 20 Perk. Repairsmith. While you can't forge the largest or more complex pieces, you can fix them just fine. You may repair items 30 Skill points beyond you to build, rather than 20.

Forging: Gear: 40 Perk. Accessories. You can make baubles for nobles and similarly high-ranking figures to enjoy. +25 to diplomacy with worlds with ruling classes.

[Taken] Forging: Gear: 60 Perk. Toolbots. They're not very smart, but they let you get more done. Invention actions count double. That is, one Invention action can be used to double-up on a Major Work, or for two slots of a Work or Minor Work.

Forging: Gear: 80 Perk. Garbage To Gold. You can create impressive gadgets from even the worst materials in seconds. Adds one half of Invention: Necessity to Combat Checks.

Forging: Gear: 100 Perk. Welding. You know how to perform patch-job repairs, though you much prefer full repairs. Should you lack the materials for full repairs, you can perform patch-job repairs, allowing damaged units to retreat or fight for a few more minutes. Thanks to current extent of psyker powers, this extends to ships as well.

Electronics: Security: 20 Perk. Anti-Virus Software. Designing your own anti-viral procedures makes them less vulnerable to common viruses. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 20 Perk. Circuitry. Circuits work pretty much the same no matter what kind of computer you use. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 40 Perk. Circuit Boards. Circuit boards let you 'mix-and-match' functions from different computers, though there comes a point where it's more efficient to make your own OS than use the original. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Programming: 20 Perk. Code Monkey. Hey, just because a monkey could do it doesn't mean it doesn't need doing. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Education: General: 20 Perk. Knowledgeable. You know a thing or two about... everything. Provides a +10 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

Education: General: 40 Perk. Intriguing... Your knowledge opens doors that might otherwise be closed. Provides a +10 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 60 Perk. I Know Lots of Things! Your knowledge base allows you to make connections most people can't. Provides a +10 bonus to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks.

[Taken] Education: General: 80 Perk. Scholar. You have an extensive knowledge base on every subject, allowing you to make connections even other scientists usually miss. +25 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

[Taken] Education: General: 100 Perk. Expert. You have the deepest knowledge of anyone on the planet. You can make connections no one else would even think to look for. +25 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 120 Perk. Genius. You are quite simply, the mental superior of most people. You can figure things out no one else would ever guess the solution for. +25 to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks. Must have 4 of preceding Perks.

Education: General: 140 Perk. Genius Among Geniuses. Even among other geniuses, you are a mental giant. Problems that would stump a genius for weeks, you can solve in minutes. +25 to all Skill Checks. Must have Genius.

Education: General: 160 Perk. Supergenius. Even among geniuses, you are a prodigy, a one in a billion intellect. Problems that have stumped scientists for years, you solve in a week. +50 to all Skill Checks. Must have GAG.

Education: General: 180 Perk. Mega-Genius. You are a one in ten billion intellect. You solve problems that have left scientists sobbing in despair in weeks. +100 to all Skill Checks. Must have Supergenius.

Education: General: 200 Perk. Ultra-Genius. ...You have this strange urge to chant for some reason. +150 to all Checks. Must have M-G.

Education: Culture: 20 Perk. Basic Etiquette. You know the manners expected from many different hosts and can determine which set is appropriate unless taken by total surprise. Malus from 'snobbery' or supposedly looking down on those present (depending on the group) removed when dealing with humans.

Education: Culture: 40 Perk. Diplomatic Training. By emulating the great diplomats in (uncensored) vids, you can deflect minor insults and are more difficult to draw a reaction from. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 60 Perk. Cultural Diffusion. From what you've seen of the diplomatic corps, they tend to pick up a few mannerisms and ideas from the cultures they interact with, but not to the point of identifying with said culture. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. Considered Major when resisting attempts at indoctrination. Gain +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 80 Perk. Cultural Significance. There are many historical examples of diplomacy failing, not because of malice or stupidity, but of ignorance of the cultural significance of some item or person. You are determined to avoid such mistakes. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, no chance of accidentally causing an incident by doing the equivalent of burning down the Statue of Liberty (somehow) or similar levels of cultural insult.

Education: Culture: 100 Perk. Cultural Analysis. In a similar vein, you believe that one should know as much as possible about cultures you are interacting with, as a number of small insults can pile up. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, you quickly compile a simple database of their mannerisms and avoid causing insult.

Education: Culture: 120 Perk. Cultural Compiler. Not only can you quickly compile a database on a culture, but you can make it simple enough to form some general guidelines for your diplomats, so you don't have to do the negotiation personally every time. Allows for additional integration actions to be done at one time.

Education: Culture: 140 Perk. Cultural Dissection. You can take advantage of a culture's foibles to safely accelerate their assimilation. Greatly accelerates integration of cultures under or near your domain.

Education: Culture: 160 Perk. Deep Analysis. You quickly discover the underlying nature of the culture you are dealing with, which lets you make great strides in understanding it. Remove all Maluses from unfamiliar cultures. Must have CA.

Education: Culture: 180 Perk. Cultural Assembly. You can make detailed reports on cultures you interact with, aiding your diplomats. Doubles the number of integration actions that can be taken per turn. Must have CC

Education: Culture: 200 Perk. Cultural Disassembly. You can take advantage of an existing culture to vastly accelerate the assimilation of said culture. Immensely accelerates cultures within your sphere of influence being integrated. Must have CD.

Education: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Warp Student. You've learned quite a bit about the Warp, though you have much more to learn. +10 to Psyker Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Arcane Knowledge. The Warp has some logic to it, but there is a certain amount of mysticism as well. You suspect it's because most people attribute said mysticism to the psychically-reactive dimension. +10 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Patterns In The Soul. You will have to investigate further, but you believe you may have discovered something to do with why some people are psykers and some are not. +20 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Found The Pattern. Interesting, being a psyker does have something to do with one's DNA, but it also has to do with the makeup of one's soul. Of course, you have no idea how to go about making someone into a psyker, or the reverse, but identifying one is trivial. +40 to Psyker Checks. Additional +20 to Esoteric Checks. Either 40 or 60 Education: Esoteric Perk must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Force The Door. You think you've figured out how to widen the 'doorway' or close it a bit. You can't make someone who wasn't a psyker in the first place into one, but you can provide a small permanent boost to those with the control to remain uncorrupted, or the reverse to those who are at risk or corrupted. Huh, is this how Warp Horrors strengthen corrupted psykers? + 80 to Psyker Checks, and +10 to allied Psyker Checks. 2 of Education: Esoteric Perks 40, 60 or 80 must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 120 Perk. Smash It Open. You've done it! You figured out how to turn non-psykers into minor psykers (not even Zeta-level) or the reverse! Admittedly, this doesn't sound so impressive, but it's a major step. +100 to Psyker Checks. +25 to allied Psyker Checks. 3 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 140 Perk. Widen It. You've had a breakthrough again! Zeta-level and back is possible now! +150 to Psyker Checks. +50 to allied Psyker Checks. 4 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 160 Perk. Make It Bigger. Once again, you've had a breakthrough. Epsilon-level is possible now! +200 to Psyker Checks. +100 to allied Psyker Checks. 5 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 180 Perk. Jump the Gap. Even Delta-level psykers are possible for you to create or destroy at this point. +250 to Psyker Checks. +200 to allied Psyker Checks. 6 of preceding Perks must be taken.

Education: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Bridge the Gap. You can create or destroy Beta-level psykers now, but you doubt you'll accomplish anything more in this field. Any greater of a connection would risk simply destroying a soul which did not originally possess it. Besides, Beta-levels are already one in a million, for people that have the willpower to stay uncorrupted, so it's not like you'd be able to make a whole lot of Alpha-levels if you could.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Technomany. Technology can be controlled with psychic might directly, surprisingly enough. The more advanced the technology, the closer it is to possessing a mind like a sentient being, which in turn makes it vulnerable to mental domination. This is distinct from telekinesis. +10 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Elementalist. Controlling the elements can be a potent weapon. Lightning, water, air, earth, fire, ice, light, and darkness all have their uses. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk: Biomancer. Manipulating your and others biology is a powerful force multiplier... or reducer. +5 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of 5 to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Tech User. You possess a deep understanding of technology, gleaned from your control over it, which in turn allows you to control it more efficiently. +25 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technomancy.

Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Element User. Simply waving a hand and sending a similar wave of earth or fire at an enemy has a certain visceral satisfaction, but finer control, for small, delicate operations such as setting off explosives without destroying a ship, has it's uses. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elementalist.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Fleshcrafter. You have immense power over flesh, allowing your flesh and that of your allies to go far beyond it's limits, and causing the flesh of your enemies to rebel against them. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Technological Manipulation. You have a great understanding of technology, and an even greater control over it. You can steal control over nearby vessels and defenses, turning them against their former masters. +50 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Tech-user.

Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Elemental Manipulation. You have a very strong control over the elements, enough to take control from other psykers. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Element User.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Fleshchanger. Your powers over flesh have grown to allow you to restore lost limbs or cause cancerous growths, and similarly boost or weaken the flesh itself. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Technological Control. You have control over any and all technology that gets into range. +100 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must Technological Manipulation.

Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Elemental Control. You can reliably control elements under hostile control, even if there's an entire ritual or some of the strongest Warp Horrors backing it. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Manipulation.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Flesh Manipulator. You can change people wholesale, if you wish. Even the brain, the most delicate organ, can be modified without too much difficulty. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks. Must have Fleshchanger.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Technological Mastery. You can take control of multi-kilometer vessels in seconds, including all their defense turrets, weapons, and fighter/bomber complement. Not only that, but you can enhance their performance. The idea came to you not long after you realized that controlling technology was like dominating a mind. Maybe you could enhance them, like you could a person's biology. Of course, you haven't been able to do it until now. +250 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Control.

Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Elemental Mastery. You have control of the elements strong enough to cloak a continent in day or night, cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, create tsunamis, alter the weather from pleasant to a hurricane and reverse all of the above. +250 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Control.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Flesh Mastery. You can alter dozens of people in any way you wish in an instant. You want to turn them into a monkey? You can do that. You want to cure their cancer? You can do that, and make it so none of their descendants get cancer, barring Warp Horror-intervention. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Manipulator.

Psyker: Willpower: 20. Strong-willed. Your will is like iron to the common man's bronze. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +5 to Psyker: Willpower Checks.

Psyker: Willpower: 40 Perk. Will of Steel. Your will is like steel. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 60 Perk. Will of Titanium. You will is like titanium. Gain Moderate Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

Psyker: Willpower: 80 Perk. Will of Adamantium. Your will is beyond titanium. Gain Major Mental Resistance. +25 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have Will of Titanium.

Psyker: Willpower: 100 Perk. Unbreakable Will. Your will is in the realm of heroes. Gain Extreme Mental Resistance. +50 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have WoT and WoA.

Psyker: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Diviner. You possess greater talents than normal in seeing the near-future, and can see both more accurately and further than most human diviners. +5 to Combat and Psyker Checks.

Psyker: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Rift Welder. You can force rifts any smaller than the planetary scale closed with some time and effort. Checks for closing rifts moderately reduced in difficulty.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Warp Whispers. You can hear whispers of things to come, or things long past. Gain Galactic Rumor Mill. Add visions of the distant past and future to RER table.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Warp Messages. You can project messages across the Warp if you are willing to risk it, and overhear messages from others. Adds Warp Messages action to Minor Actions options. This allows you to send messages across the galaxy similar to an astropath. (Currently you have no one to direct the message to.) Must have taken WW.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Warp Chats. You can hold conversations with any psyker within a few sectors of you, though the greater the distance, the more likely someone will overhear. Changes Warp Messages action to allow for real-time conversations with nearby (by galactic standards) systems. Must have taken WM.

Psyker: All: 100 Perk. Murphy's Enforcer. Through use of divination, elemental manipulation, technomancy, and telekinesis/telepathy, you can foresee chains of events that lead to catastrophe befalling your enemy and set them into motion. -250 to enemy Checks. -100 to enemy rolls. Must have all other Psyker: 100 Perks. Unlocks further Pysker Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 20 Perk. Where Did You...? Pockets! You always have Crude Tools on hand, even if you don't have pockets. Don't think about it too hard. +5 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 40 Perk. Found It. You always have tools stashed nearby, or can make some of your own. You are always considered to have a Crude workshop, which provides a +10 bonus to Forging, Electronics, Explosives, and Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 60 Perk. Toolkit. You can quickly assemble a toolkit for yourself, if not a great one. You are always considered to have a set of Simple Tools. +10 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks. Must have one of the preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 80 Perk. Improvised Workshop. You can quickly set up a workshop, using your psyker powers to hash something together from your surrounding, or improve upon them. Workshop always considered one grade above it's actual level.

Invention: Necessity: 100 Perk. Hidden Pockets. Having a trick up your sleeve is rather literal in your case. +25 to all Checks from hidden weapons and tools. Additional 'slots' for accessory-type equipment.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 120 Perk. Assistant VIs. You have to check them over regularly, and you're not going to attempt anything more advanced until you can figure out the scrap-code problem, but you get more time out of the day with them, and you kind of need it. +2 Free Inventing actions.

Invention: Necessity: 140 Perk. Efficient Space. You can use space very efficiently, cramming more into the same area without sacrificing performance. +200 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 160 Perk. Brainstorm. You can quickly come up with ideas for improvements that are at least somewhat feasible. +3 Free Invention actions. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 180 Perk. Compact. You can modify the parts of your devices to take up less space. +250 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 200 Perk. Inspiration. You receive the flashes of genius that most people only obtain very rarely with startling regularity. +500 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. +4 Free Invention actions. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practicality: 20 Perk. Close Enough. Sometimes you have to make do with 'good enough' and you are decent at doing so. Crude materials are considered Simple for the purposes of crafting items.

Invention: Practicality: 40 Perk. Just As Good. You are fully capable of making do with terrible materials, but you prefer to substitute for ones that perform similarly to what the blueprints ask for. Invention Check difficulty reduced by 20.

Invention: Practicality: 60 Perk. Maybe Better. You can sometimes provide materials even better than what was asked for. Simple Materials are considered Normal for crafting purposes.

Invention: Practical: 80 Perk. Definitely better. You can almost always provide better materials than what was asked for, or make them. All materials below Complex are considered one grade higher than they actually are.

Invention: Practical: 100 Perk. Much Better. You can always provide better materials than what was asked for, or make them. All materials below are considered one grade higher than they actually are.

Invention: Practical: 120 Perk. Economical. You can make things both well, and cheaply, not one or the other. All Invention/Forging actions cost 10% less.

Invention: Practical: 140 Perk. Mass Production. You can make inventions that can be mass-produced without sacrificing performance. Reduces resources required to mass-produce inventions. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 160 Perk. Eyeballing. You can create a stopgap to solve problems in the factories or mining facilities while you work on a more permanent one. 10% boost to productivity for the world you are on. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 180 Perk. Rapid Assembly. Not only can you make good products cheaply, but you can do it fast. 10% boost to productivity for worlds under your control. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 200 Perk. Practical Inventing. You focus on what you can do with what you have to solve long-term problems, rather than what you absolutely need. +5 Free Invention actions. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 20 Perk. That Must Have Been Expensive. While investing more into a project makes it better, that doesn't mean you should be wasteful. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by 10%, or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.

Invention: Extravagance: 40 Perk. How Much Did You Pay!? Not as much as you'd expect. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by an additional 10% or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.

Invention: Extravagance: 60 Perk. That Should Have Been Destroyed! Not with how much I spent on it! Durability of Extravagant items is doubled, after extravagant bonus is applied.

Invention: Extravagance: 80 Perk. Over-Engineered. Extravagant items perform even better if you put more effort into them, rather than just more resources. 25% increase in boost to specs provided by Extravagance.

Invention: Extravagance: 100 Perk. Castle... On Top Of Your Castle. If it weren't so effective, you'd think it was stupid too. 50% increase in boost to specs provided by Extravagance.

Invention: Extravagance: 120 Perk. Not that Expensive. You wonder if making Extravagant items practical is against some sort of rule... Nah. Additional 10% reduction of Extravagant build costs.

Invention: Extravagance: 140 Perk. Worth It's Weight In Gold. While using actual gold would be stupid, painting it gold is fine, and helps denote how insanely expensive it was. +10% to Extravagant builds. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 160 Perk. Totally Worth It! Despite how incredibly expensive it was, the product is proving it's worth. +10% to Extravagant builds. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 180 Perk. Worth More Than Gold. This thing makes gold seem downright cheap. Let's hope it was worth it. +25% to Extravagant builds. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 200 Perk. Extravagant. While Extravagant items are expensive, they are also worth it for exceptional people, such as the Champions or yourself. +50% to Extravagant bonus. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

[Taken 3/3] Level 5 Perk. Talented. You are a talented individual. This is reflected in the growth of your Skills. May tag an additional Skill. This Perk may be selected up to three times.

[Taken] Level 10 Perk. Experienced. While young, you have a surprisingly wide set of experiences to draw on. +25 to all Checks. +10 to all of your rolls.

[Taken] Level 15 Perk. Time Management. By virtue of judicious use of your time, you can get more done in less time. +3 Minor Actions.

[Taken] Level 20 Perk. Sleep Is No Longer Required. You've noticed that you seem to need less sleep as you age. Based on your analysis of your DNA, you suspect your body is adjusting to the all-nighters you pull with some regularity, as your growth has not slowed. +2 Major Actions.

[Taken] Level 25 Perk. Difficult... But I've Done It Before. You've accomplished things most would write-off as impossible. All Checks have their difficulty reduced by 50.

[Taken] Level 30 Perk. Seen It All. *As undead cucumbers assault your compound.* This reminds me of the time... +50 to all Checks. +10 to all rolls.

Level 35 Perk. Timing Is Everything. By strict regimenting of your time, you can accomplish far more. +4 Minor Actions.

Level 40 Perk. Sleep? Oh Yeah That Thing... Apparently you only need 4 hours of sleep per night to function at 100% now. More time for other things! +3 Major Actions.

Level 45 Perk (Karma). Judge. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul. TIME TO PAY YOUR DEBT. Adds enemy Infamy to Checks.

Level 45 Perk (Infamy). Karma Houdini. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul... but you won't be paying anyone anything. Adds enemy Karma to Checks.

AN: After thinking it over, I altered the Combat Perks. You have until noon tomorrow to vote.
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Ripples (+10 to roll of your choice)(Semicanon)
@ilbgar123 More Omake
Ripples Pt. 2
The warp is a fickle thing.​

A great sea of emotions, thoughts, and souls, the waves of the Imaterium offer power and madness in equal measure to the mortal beings of the galaxy. By the whims and wishes of the currents, ships are tossed through time and space, worlds are sucked into daemonic hellscapes, and civilizations turn on each themselves in bloody rage for no reason beyond the fickle desires of the sentient-warp-storms known as the Chaos Gods.

But the Warp can offer aid as well, to those wise and cautious enough to avoid diving too deeply into the currents. Healing light to mend the flesh of a child struck by a runaway car, a blast of Flame to fend off monsters, the hints of Futures yet to be guiding refugees out of harm's way.

And every use of Power within the warp, whether it is for the smallest or largest thing, creates Ripples that wash through the Sea of Souls.

And in a system of the Segmentum Solar, an aberration of the Great Game was making waves, and more than that:

Now, her Soul shone like a Beacon in the Warp for all to see.


He was different.

This was not some great secret: since he was a child, he'd know he was different from the people around him on some fundamental level, beyond even the obvious, angelic wings that sprouted from his shoulders and let him soar above the blasted, radioactive wastes that made up his homeworld.

As he grew, his size, intelligence, and superhuman strength added to the effect of his Wings, enhancing the feeling of isolation from the humans around him, though he would never allow his family and his followers to know of it.

The feeling did not make him envious or bitter of the men and women around him: indeed, his differences only drove him even harder to protect them from the mutants and monsters that wandered his home.

But still...he longed for someone who was like him, so he wouldn't feel quite so alone.

However, at the end of one day, after the conclusion of a bitter battle with the Mutant Tribes, as he sat on the roof of one of the ruined skyscrapers of Baal, the Angel looked up from honing his blade as a sudden burst of warmth rolled over him.

He looked up to the starry sky, eyes guided by a sixth sense he didn't yet know he possessed, and locked on one tiny speck of light, that for a moment, shone like a supernova to his Soul-Sight.

And Sanguinius smiled. For now he knew, deep in his heart: He Was Not Alone.

And now, he just had to figure out how to get to that star...


Far to the east of Sol, in a meticulously organized study, the son of a General looked up from his work as a strange feeling pricked the edge of his perception, at the same time irritating and...soothing, strangely.

The troubled look was still on his face when the door to his study opened, revealing a woman carrying a tray of food. "Boy, you've missed dinner again, you really should take a..."

She stopped, seeing the look on his face, and a look of concern came over her face. "Rouboute, is something wrong?" She asked.

Rouboute Guilliman blinked and focused on his father's Seneschal and the woman he considered to be his mother. "No, Tarasha, it's nothing, just a...feeling."

"Oh? What kind of feeling?" She said, walking up to his desk and placing the tray on it. "It certainly put a sour look on your face."

Guilliman shook his head. "I'm not sure how to describe it, but...I think that something major has changed somewhere." He looked back at the papers on his desk, not really seeing them. "And I don't know if it is a change for better or worse.

Tarasha Euten gave the Primarch an unimpressed look, then pushed the tray closer to him. "Interesting. Now eat."

Rouboute sighed, before picking up his knife and doing as his mother said.

He was...shocked. There was no other way to frame it.

In all his studies, all his observation of the Great Sea, never before had he come across such a phenomenon.

Of course, he had sensed the Great Light, the pillar of Order in a sea of Chaos, shining far to the west (but not actually that far, on a Galactic Scale) but this was something else entirely.

It was like...a Beacon, a Lighthouse; far dimmer than even the faint Light, but different in its own unique way. Form what he could tell, this was not just an inadvertent effect of some being of great power, a sign of their existence like the Light, but a concentrated effect that someone, somewhere was actively focusing on, likely to act as a 'point of reference' for others using the Sea, maybe for Space-Travel like his teachers had told him Mankind was once capable of.

It was absolutely fascinating.

And Magnus couldn't wait to find out who or what it was that was causing it.​
Turn 10 SLs
- [X] Level 35 Perk. Timing Is Everything. By strict regimenting of your time, you can accomplish far more. +4 Minor Actions.
- [X] Level 40 Perk. Sleep? Oh Yeah That Thing... Apparently you only need 4 hours of sleep per night to function at 100% now. More time for other things! +3 Major Actions.
- [X] Level 45 Perk (Karma). Judge. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul. TIME TO PAY YOUR DEBT. Adds enemy Infamy to Checks.
- [X] Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk: White-tongued. You are the positive equivalent of the charismatic leader of a cult. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Karma. Must have Paragon. Mutually exclusive with Black-tongued.
- [X] Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I Still Believe. You know people can change, they just need to try. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Karma. Requires White-tongued.
- [X] Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Second Chance. Even the vilest person can become a good person, they just have to want to. Requires I Still Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Karma.
- [X] Education: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Bridge the Gap. You can create or destroy Beta-level psykers now, but you doubt you'll accomplish anything more in this field. Any greater of a connection would risk simply destroying a soul which did not originally possess it. Besides, Beta-levels are already one in a million, for people that have the willpower to stay uncorrupted, so it's not like you'd be able to make a whole lot of Alpha-levels if you could.
- [X] Education: Culture: 100 Perk. Cultural Analysis. In a similar vein, you believe that one should know as much as possible about cultures you are interacting with, as a number of small insults can pile up. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, you quickly compile a simple database of their mannerisms and avoid causing insult.
- [X] Education: Culture: 120 Perk. Cultural Compiler. Not only can you quickly compile a database on a culture, but you can make it simple enough to form some general guidelines for your diplomats, so you don't have to do the negotiation personally every time. Allows for additional integration actions to be done at one time.
- [X] Education: Culture: 140 Perk. Cultural Dissection. You can take advantage of a culture's foibles to safely accelerate their assimilation. Greatly accelerates integration of cultures under or near your domain.
- [X] Education: Culture: 160 Perk. Deep Analysis. You quickly discover the underlying nature of the culture you are dealing with, which lets you make great strides in understanding it. Remove all Maluses from unfamiliar cultures. Must have CA.
- [X] Education: Culture: 200 Perk. Cultural Disassembly. You can take advantage of an existing culture to vastly accelerate the assimilation of said culture. Immensely accelerates cultures within your sphere of influence being integrated. Must have CD.
- [X] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Element User. Simply waving a hand and sending a similar wave of earth or fire at an enemy has a certain visceral satisfaction, but finer control, for small, delicate operations such as setting off explosives without destroying a ship, has it's uses. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elementalist.
- [X] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Elemental Manipulation. You have a very strong control over the elements, enough to take control from other psykers. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Element User.
- [X] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Elemental Control. You can reliably control elements under hostile control, even if there's an entire ritual or some of the strongest Warp Horrors backing it. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Manipulation.
- [X] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Elemental Mastery. You have control of the elements strong enough to cloak a continent in day or night, cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, create tsunamis, alter the weather from pleasant to a hurricane and reverse all of the above. +250 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Control.
- [X] Psyker: Willpower: 80 Perk. Will of Adamantium. Your will is beyond titanium. Gain Major Mental Resistance. +25 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have Will of Titanium.
- [X] Psyker: Willpower: 100 Perk. Unbreakable Will. Your will is in the realm of heroes. Gain Extreme Mental Resistance. +50 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have WoT and WoA.
- [X] Psyker: All: 100 Perk. Murphy's Enforcer. Through use of divination, elemental manipulation, technomancy, and telekinesis/telepathy, you can foresee chains of events that lead to catastrophe befalling your enemy and set them into motion. -250 to enemy Checks. -100 to enemy rolls. Must have all other Psyker: 100 Perks. Unlocks further Pysker Perks.
- [X] Invention: Necessity: 140 Perk. Efficient Space. You can use space very efficiently, cramming more into the same area without sacrificing performance. +200 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.
- [X] Invention: Necessity: 160 Perk. Brainstorm. You can quickly come up with ideas for improvements that are at least somewhat feasible. +3 Free Invention actions. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

You have your final breakthrough in terms of creating psykers, putting Betas in your purview, though considering how few possess the potential to use even that much power without becoming corrupted, you doubt the effort to figure out how to create more powerful psykers would be worth it. This is due to your focus on improving your elemental manipulation, both in skill, and in sheer scale. You can accomplish things as large as forming a hurricane or breaking one up without essentially setting off a nuclear bomb over the spot all of the energy is released at, or as minor but difficult as magnetizing a piece of non- ferro-magnetic metal, such as aluminum. With the major disciplines of psyker powers brought up to the level of a master, you combine them to create a power that is likely either very rare, or unique to you. You use Divination to foresee different versions of the future, then nudge them towards the worst future for your enemies with your other powers.

In addition, you work heavily on improving your speaking and cultural knowledge in preparation for diplomacy with nearby polities. Much of this actually consists of meditation on your philosophy, so you can put it into words. While many people do terrible things, the vast majority are brainwashed or manipulated into it. As such, it is logical to assume that people are basically good, since society on Thernus couldn't possibly function if that weren't true. So, you'd like to believe that a person could go back to being good no matter how far they'd fallen, as long as they were willing to try.

You resolve to work on improving your Tactics further, and work on every aspect of your Forging, rather than merely the battle-related ones. You start by getting your accessory-related smithing close to the same level of skill as the others.

- [X] Tag Tactics: Preparation
- [X] Tag Tactics: Cleverness
- [X] Tag Tactics: Trickery
- [X] Tag Forging: Gear:
- [X] All 60 points to Forging: Gear.

Gear: 105. You can now craft incredibly complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look really nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Gear: 115. You can now craft incredibly complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look very nice. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Gear: 125. You can now craft ridiculously complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look very nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Gear: 135. You can now craft ridiculously complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look immpressively nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Gear: 145. You can now craft ludicrously complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look impressively nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Gear: 155. You can now craft ludicrously complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look incredibly nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Gear: 165. You can now craft ludicrously complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look incredibly nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

SL: ??? Cazanus 3->5.

This time, you joined in on a much more important investigation. Your Runes and crystals have been putting pressure on the cults, which is causing them to act out instead of taking root, as they seem aware conditions will only deteriorate for them. While any attempts to corrupt the Runes fails, there have been numerous attempts to corrupt crystals, or the psykers who make them, and the crystals are a lot more vulnerable to corruption due to being rather unrefined in comparison.

Intrigue Check: 1 Check passed. Combined with Perks, reduced difficulty of Check by 75.

Evasion: Trickery Check: 30+110(Education bonus)+185(Education Perks)+75(Level Perks)= 400. Required: 75. Pass.

400. Required: 100. Pass.

400. Required: 125. Pass.

400. Required: 150. Pass.

160/580 to Level 49.

You personally discover and destroy two cult cells, as the gradual purging of cultists continues, and assist in a dozen other investigations. While your intrigue is merely okay compared to everything else (Which is still better than the average cultist, but the dumb ones are already gone at this point.), your knowledge and enhanced senses more than make up for it. It's to the point Cazanus is obviously impressed. To the point he tells you something important.

"Roger." he says. "It's my first name." he explains, clearing up your confusion. Odd, you expected his first name to be more... unusual. It's not 'John' but it's not exactly rare.

"My parents named me after my uncle. He taught me the family business." He waved a folder.

"What was he like?" You ask.

"He was stern... unless puns were involved, in which case he made horrible jokes at least twice a day. I was his second in command for a few years, then he ate a Horror Blade, managing to kill it's wielder in the process. I took command shortly afterward, and I've been doing this ever since." he explained. "He died the way he wanted to, taking out a threat to the world, rather than wasting away as his body failed on him, so I wasn't too broken up about it after the first few years." he added as you attempted to get a word in.

You consider this. On the one hand, you don't really see the appeal of dying in a specific way, rather than simply avoiding a lack of achievements or other marks to show that you'd existed. On the other hand...

Karma Check: 480. Required: 150. Karma now 510.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks Passed. -150 to difficulty total.

Speech: Diplomacy: 115+ 110(Education bonus)+210(Education Perks)+75(Level Perks)= 510. Required: 0. Pass.

510. Required: 25. Pass.

510. Required: 50. Pass.

510. Required: 75. Pass.

220/580 to Level 49.

"I'm... happy he got what he wanted, I suppose? I'm not going to pretend that I really understand why he'd want to die in a specific way besides avoiding a particularly horrible death, but I'm not the type to deny someone something they want when it won't hurt other people, or at least not any more than they would have been hurt regardless. So... good on him?" You say. For all your professional diplomacy, you are much less eloquent when speaking with people you know personally. Part of it is a certain reluctance to lie, both from a general lack of ability compared to your other skills, and from an understanding of psychology and relationships that lets you understand that people dislike being lied to. Well, technically they dislike discovering they've been lied to, but it's functionally the same. Another part of it is that acting like a foreign diplomat simply doesn't feel right with people who you know.

While his uncle's death had hurt Cazanus, you doubt watching him die of old age wouldn't have. So, they got about as good a deal as could be expected considering their line of work. As Cazanus seems to enjoy himself as the head of the Witch Hunters, you doubt he harbors some sort of resentment towards his current lifestyle.

"Most people just pretend they're not a little freaked out by his apparent lack of self-preservation. Then again, most people on Thernus are either killed by Orks, or die of old age, so they don't really understand wanting to die in a specific way, instead of simply running from death until it inevitably catches up." He seems pleased with your honesty.

Reward: Karma now 510. SL has advanced to 5 with Roger Cazanus. +15 to Evasion categories.

Roger Cazanus SL 5 Perk. Disguises, Surprises, Hidden Knives... Roger has taught you some tricks that aren't part of the standard package for infiltrators and covert operations. +25 to Combat, Evasion and Perception Checks.

Evasion: Lying: 30. You can tell lies with some ability to make anyone who isn't an idiot fall for it. Similarly, you are better at discerning the lies of others, as you know what to look for. Slight bonus to Intrigue actions.

Evasion: Lying: 45. You can tell lies with the ability to make anyone who isn't a master themselves fall for it. Similarly, you are better at discerning the lies of others, as you know what to look for. Small bonus to Intrigue actions.

Evasion: Dodging: 30. You can dodge projectiles and/or strikes, and it's more planned than instinctive. This can be a bad thing if you don't have time to consciously react, but it makes planning a fight less difficult since you can more or less guarantee your own position. Slight bonus to Combat Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 45. You can dodge projectiles and/or strikes, and it's more planned than instinctive. You're even starting to combine your conscious actions and reflexes into a seamless whole. Small bonus to Combat Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 30. You can manipulate most people into harming themselves or their causes without them realizing, as well as hide relatively small objects on your person, though someone who's really looking will see through your efforts. Similarly, your disguises are downright mundane compared to the experts in the Witch Hunters. Slight bonus to attempts to hide small objects and disguising your intentions.

Evasion: Trickery: 45. You can manipulate the vast majority of people into harming themselves or their causes without them realizing, as well as hide small objects on your person, though someone who's really looking will see through your efforts. Similarly, your disguises are somewhat inferior compared to the experts in the Witch Hunters. Small bonus to attempts to hide small objects and disguising your intentions.

SL: Meera Yerala 1->3.

Meera is a short woman with purple hair. The genetic abnormality that led to her hair being such an odd color was what got her interested in medicine in the first place, specifically genetics. While most mutants with obvious mutations are victims or cultists of the blue Warp Horrors, more minor mutations such as this are, as best as you can tell, simply the natural results of trying to copy billions of proteins over and over. As she's also 10 IQ points higher than either of her parents and grand parents, you were tempted to look for some link between hair color genes and intelligence, but found little to nothing. You were forced to conclude she was just lucky. That being said, she was in the middle of a project to make plants grow in colder climates, improving farming on planets with winters, or planets that were trapped in permanent Ice Ages.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -150 to difficulty total.

Medicine Narcotics Check: 15+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 1060(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=1470. Required: -100. Passed.

1470. Required: -75. Passed.

1470. Required: -50. Passed.

1470. Required: -25. Passed.

290/580 to Level 49.

Karma Check: 510. Required: 50. Karma now 520.

You help her with her project, however, you don't use your psyker powers for a lot of it, as this is meant to be her project. You feel a little frustrated to be in the assistant role, but you realize that you don't have the time to devote to making it a full project, reproducible by regular humans. As such, reducing the busywork she has to deal with as she works is roughly the limit of the assistance you can give without making a full project out of it. You can tell she appreciates it though.

Reward: Karma now 520. SL has advanced to 3. +15 to Medicine categories. Progress towards hardier crops.

Medicine: Surgery: 30. You can now perform most surgeries (removing small organs such as the appendix, implanting replacement organs) on your fellow man. Malus to extrication and/or implantation of pre-existing organs removed. Less likely to cause damage in the process.

Medicine: Surgery: 45. You can now perform most surgeries (removing medium-sized organs such as the kidney, implanting replacement organs) on your fellow man. Slight bonus to extrication and/or implantation of pre-existing organs removed. Unlikely to cause damage in the process.

Medicine: Narcotics: 15. You know most of the common poisons on the planet, and the best ways to deal with them. Chance of misdiagnosing a poison or drug and harming your subject reduced. Increased effectiveness of attempts to cure common poisons.

Medicine: Narcotics: 20. You know most of the common poisons in the sector, and the best ways to deal with them. Chance of misdiagnosing a poison or drug and harming your subject removed for common examples. Increased effectiveness of attempts to cure common poisons.

Medicine: Narcotics: 30. You know most of the uncommon poisons on the planet, and the best ways to deal with them. Chance of misdiagnosing an obscure poison or drug reduced. Greatly increased effectiveness of attempts to cure common poisons.

Medicine: First-Aid: 15. You know the common practices for halting loss of blood, binding wounds, tourniquets, and the use of rubbing alcohol to prevent infection. Chance of those with injuries dying under your watch reduced.

Medicine: First-Aid: 20. You know the common practices for halting loss of blood, binding wounds, tourniquets, and the use of rubbing alcohol to prevent infection, and can use different versions for different circumstances. Chance of those with injuries dying under your watch removed.

Medicine: First-Aid: 30. You know the official medical practices for those with injuries, both external and internal. Can stabilize those with injuries both internal and external, barring extreme maiming, such as loss of entire limbs or total failure of organs.

SL: Percy Clements 3->5.

Mister Percy has hit a bit of a roadblock in his personal projects, due to electronics in general hitting a bit of a roadblock. Transistors need to be significantly better or to be in significantly greater numbers for a better computer to be possible with current resources. He's not willing to wait for the technology to develop on it's own, as that would take years. However, he's one of the people who would be working on 'the technology developing on it's own' so he's forced to enlist your help.

Karma Check: 520. Required: 150. Karma now 550.

You agree immediately. It's not like you haven't considered the problem, and doing for a friend isn't exactly a reason not to do it.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -175 to Check difficulty in total.

Electronics: Wiring Check: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 900. Required: -25. Pass.

900. Required: 0. Pass.

900. Required: 25. Pass.

900. Required: 50. Pass.

360/580 to Level 49.

You succeed in making a transistor 10 years ahead of the projected schedule of tech-development, which is more than enough to cause an explosion in computer development. While your transistor is only about 50% faster than the current generation, it needs half as much space, and generates half as much waster heat, making it nearly 6 times as efficient overall. This leads to a drastic overhaul of existing computers as they abruptly need half as much space to get more performance than the previous generation, and computers as bulky as the former cutting-edge for private use suddenly achieves the sort of processing power seen in university supercomputers.

Needless to say, Percy is ecstatic, though he needs to redo the personalized mish-mash you helped make. It's just average now that all the other computers have had their performance boosted. He's seen and been a part of the biggest leap in computing since their rediscovery, which makes him feel like he's living up to his father's legacy.

Apparently Robert Clements was the one to figure out how to make computers, with some help from his future wife later on in the project. While this is impressive, it also put Percy and his brother in Robert's shadow. How do you surpass 'changed society as we know it' without being a genius? His brother was crushed under the weight, and ended up in a cult that promised to give him the flashes of insight he wanted. Of course, he ended up dying to the Witch Hunters, so Percy was left alone with the twin stigmas of not being as good as his father, and having a brother who joined a cult.

While he admits he wasn't the main contributor, he definitely had an impact, and that's good enough for him.

Reward: Karma is now 550. SL has advanced to 5. +15 to Electronics categories. Improved Transistors. With the advent of vastly improved transistors, computers are far more efficient, both in space and power, allowing for much more advanced designs. +10% to efficiency of industry. +10 to rolls for point defenses and missile launches due to improved targeting.

Percy Clements SL 5 Perk. Electrical Engineering. While you lack the experience Percy has, you are starting to catch up. +25 to Invention, Forging and Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Security: 30. You have learned how to defend against hacking attempts by any besides rank amateurs, and can even attempt it yourself, though only an amateur defender will fall to you. Slight reduction of difficulty of hacking, both offensively and defensively.

Electronics: Security: 45. You have learned how to defend against hacking attempts by any besides masters, and can even attempt it yourself, though only a somewhat below-average defender will fall to you. Slight reduction of difficulty of hacking, both offensively and defensively.

Electronics: Wiring: 45. You can identify the vast majority of problems, aren't stumped if fixing the primary and secondary problems doesn't work, and you know their weak points. Small decrease in difficulty of Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 50. You have the level of expertise expected of an electrician when wiring is involved. Moderate decrease in difficulty of Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 60. You can identify the almost any problem, aren't stumped if fixing the primary, secondary, and tertiary problems doesn't work, and you know their weak points inside and out. Medium decrease in difficulty of Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Programming: 30. You lack the sheer skill of your teacher, but you are certainly beyond the level of the layman. Slight reduction in difficulty of building or destroying digital infrastructure.

Electronics: Programming: 45. You are approaching the level of the average degree holder, but you are certainly not at your teacher's level. Small reduction in difficulty of building or destroying digital infrastructure.

SL: Isker ??? 1-> 3.

Mister Isker is a bald, somewhat pale man. He suffered severe burns in his youth from an Orkish grenade, which led him to learn more about them while he was in the hospital. Recent advances in medical technology have allowed his burns to be treated, letting him take off his bandages, though he suffers from a lack of defense against sunburn due to years of little exposure.

Anyway, he enlists your help in making an explosive that requires two people, but the assistant doesn't actually need to know much about the bomb's inner workings. It just requires more than two pairs of hands to make without serious risk of a premature explosion.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Check difficulty reduced by 125 in total.

Explosives Preparation Check: 15+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)= 385. Required: -75. Pass.

385. Required: -50. Pass.

385. Required: -25. Pass.

385. Required: 0. Pass.

430/580 to Level 49.

While he builds the bomb, he teaches you how to make it, then how to defuse the completed version, and how to un-defuse the bomb to use it elsewhere.

Karma Check: 580. Required: 50. Karma now 590.

While he seems fine with staying indoors most of the time, you'd like him to have the option, so you work on ultra-strong sunblock on the side.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -150 to difficulty total.

Medicine Narcotics Check: 30+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 1060(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=1485. Required: -100. Passed.

1485. Required: -75. Passed.

1485. Required: -50. Passed.

1485. Required: -25. Passed.

500/580 to Level 49.

You succeed in developing a far superior version of sunblock, which provides much stronger protection against radiation, both ultraviolet and higher frequency. Isker appreciates the gesture, but he's fine with his current state. He has the option of going out in regular clothes, which is good enough for him. You suppose you can't force him to go outside, as that would sort of defeat the purpose. On the bright side, the super-sunblock is actually pretty useful for people going into places with heavy radiation or risk of it.

Reward: Isker SL has advanced to 3. +15 to Explosives categories. Rad-block. Improves survival rates in radiation-heavy zones by 10%. Radiation-blasted planets, breached reactors, etc.

Explosives: General: 15. You know the basics of using explosives, such as the pin on the grenade generally requiring pulling before you throw it. Unless it's on fire, in which case, run like hell if you can't put it out. Malus to use of explosives and prevention of their going off when you don't want them to reduced.

Explosives: General: 20. You know the basics of using explosives, such as the pin on the grenade generally requiring pulling before you throw it, and hitting it really hard being a bad idea, but not making it explode as often as you'd expect. Unless it's on fire, in which case, run like hell if you can't put it out. Malus to use of explosives and prevention of their going off when you don't want them to removed.

Explosives: General: 30. You know more about using explosives than most career soldiers. Of course, you cheat a little bit with your psyker powers, but who wouldn't use their powers to prevent premature detonations? Slight bonus to use of explosives and prevention of their going off when you don't want them to.

Explosives: Extravagant: 15. You have learned the basics of using Void munitions, which are actually a lot like regular munitions other than their effects and the extra safety precautions taken by sane human beings (you know, pretty much everybody who isn't possessed or corrupted) when using them. Malus to use and dealing with Void munitions, landmines, explosives on a timer, etc, reduced.

Explosives: Extravagant: 20. You have learned the basics of using Void munitions, which are actually a lot like regular munitions other than their effects and the extra safety precautions taken by sane human beings (you know, pretty much everybody who isn't possessed or corrupted) when using them. There's a lot of safety precautions, but you know them all. Malus to use and dealing with Void munitions, landmines, explosives on a timer, etc, removed.

Explosives: Extravagant: 30. You know more than the average person about dealing with pressure plates, timers, and explosives which open vortexes to the Immaterium. Slight bonus to use and dealing with Void munitions, landmines, explosives on a timer, etc.

Explosives: Preparation: 15. You know how to safely make grenades, provided you have the proper materials, or somewhat less safely create a makeshift one if you have no other option. Malus to creation of small explosives removed. Malus to creation of large or complicated explosives reduced. Makeshift small explosives probably won't explode as you make them.

Explosives: Preparation: 20. You know how to safely make grenades, provided you have the proper materials, or slightly less safely create a makeshift one if you have no other options. Slight bonus to creation of small explosives. Malus to creation of large or complicated explosives removed. Makeshift small explosives almost certainly won't explode as you make them.

Explosives: Preparation: 30. You know how to safely make grenades, provided you have the proper materials, or safely create a makeshift one if you have no other option. Small bonus to creation of small explosives removed. Slight bonus to creation of large or complicated explosives. Makeshift small explosives won't explode as you make them.

SL: Captain Matt of the Defenders 4->5.

"Okay, you can recognize people at absurd distances, with or without your eyes, well enough to basically read their minds, but your ability to recognize objects and changes in your environment leaves a lot to be desired, so we'll be focusing on that." Captain Matt says, holding up two nearly identical cubes. It takes you a few seconds to figure out one is a slightly different shade of grey than the other.

"I've got 20 objects shaded like these scattered across the training area, but only 10 are paired. Your job is to find the paired ones and bring them to me," He held up a hand. "without using your powers to disassemble the course, pick out the objects, then reassemble the course, because that would be cheating. You need to do this over half an hour, starting now.

Karma Check: 590. Required: 200. Karma now 630.

While the first few failures are upsetting, you persevere without using your powers, and manage to complete the exercise by the end of the day.

Intrigue Check: 1 Check passed. Check difficulty reduced by 100 total.

Perception Object and Environment Combined Check: 60+ 110(Education bonus)+185(Education Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)= 430. Required: 100. Pass.

430. Required: 125. Pass.

430. Required: 150. Pass.

430. Required: 175. Pass.

550/580 to Level 49.

You struggle to locate the last pair, until you realize that Matt never said that the pair he had wasn't one of them. Once you figured that out, you manage to complete the exercise in 28 minutes.

"Good job." The captain grins. "Now try doing it in less than 20 minutes."

You had the sudden and incredible urge to blow something up.

Reward: Karma now 630. SL has advanced to 5. +30 to Objects and Environment.

Captain Matt SL 5 Perk. Soldier. As a trained soldier, you excel at combat, and discerning details. +25 to Combat, Perception, and Evasion.

Perception: Objects: 30. You can tell the difference between objects that are of the same type, but with minor differences, from a considerable distance, even when in a panic. Different types of guns or brands of a food, for example. Slight boost to logistics and loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 40. You can tell the difference between objects that are of the same type, but with minor differences, from a considerable distance, even when in a panic. Different types of guns or brands of a food, for example. Small boost to logistics and loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 50. You have the same level of perception as most people ever achieve when objects are involved. Moderate boost to logistics and loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 60. You can tell the difference between objects that are of the same type, but with extremely minor differences, from a considerable distance, even when in a panic. Different guns of the same model but different makers or types of a food from different suppliers, for example. Medium boost to logistics and loot rolls.

Perception: Environment: 30. You are now more perceptive than the average soldier when it comes to the world around you, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Slight boost to detection rolls. Slight boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

Perception: Environment: 40. You are now significantly more perceptive than the average soldier when it comes to the world around you, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Small boost to detection rolls. Small boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

Perception: Environment: 50. You are as in tune with the world around you as most people ever become. Moderate boost to detection rolls. Moderate boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

Perception: Environment: 60. You are now far more perceptive than the average soldier when it comes to the world around you, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Medium boost to detection rolls. Medium boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

Perception All 50 Perk. Perceptive. You are a very perceptive person, which synergizes well with many other skills. +25 to Perception Checks. Assassination and Scouting rolls against you receive a malus of 25.

Gained 1 Level. Currently have 1 Perk point. 20/590 to Level 50.

SL: Gerald Newton 5->6.

"Should I even ask why you made cookie robots?" You ask against your better judgement as you watch the little robots flit around with surprisingly similar exteriors to cookies. If you couldn't sense their metallic interiors, you'd have trouble telling that they weren't actual cookies when in their dormant states.

"I think they're supposed to be infiltrators." Gerald responds, looking like he was trying to remember something he'd forgotten. He didn't forget anything from his episodes, but the details were hazy. He knew them, he just needed to think for a few seconds before he could say them.

"The logic being 'Everybody loves cookies' or something?" you ask, exasperated. There were so many flaws in this logic you didn't even know where to begin. For one thing, people were generally not stupid enough to simply ignore something appearing when they didn't know where it came from.

"I don't suppose you could help me make them into something more... sane?" he asked.

"I'll do my best." You assured.

A closer examination of the robots revealed a good base to build off of, though maybe something a little less goofy would work better.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -250 to Check difficulty.

Invention Practical Check: 200. Required: 0. Pass.

200. Required: 25. Pass.

200. Required: 50. Pass.

200. Required: 75. Pass.

90/590 to Level 50.

You and Gerald work on the robots, redesigning them into spider robots. A close examination will reveal their mechanical nature, but they'll generally seem like somewhat large spiders. This includes the ability to climb walls and ceilings. As they lack weapons due to most of their internals being a recording device or the CPU for their movement, speed and mobility are their main defenses. Of course, a lot of people will try and destroy them because they dislike spiders, but most spiders won't actively avoid their blows.

"Say, I think it's time I told you about my episodes." Gerald announces, as you test the completed redesigns.

You nearly fumble one of the tests, but otherwise don't react. If he wants to tell you, that's his decision. You've done your best not to influence it.

"My family was part of an expedition from Mars." he begins.

Mars had apparently sent huge numbers of people out over the millennia since the Age of Strife began. While the Warp Storms made it so more than half of them suffered losses or were outright wiped out, through dint of sheer number, they'd reached a number of worlds throughout the galaxy, setting up colonies of tech-worshiping people. Considering you could confirm the existence of Machine Spirits, they probably weren't crazy.

"A number of people had been experiencing the symptoms I've shown. It was suspected that the 'Omnissiah' was having an influence on them that they couldn't handle, and the episodes were a way of purging the buildup. The best way of preventing those who showed the symptoms from dying of starvation or dehydration in the middle of a haze of half-crazed inventing was to get them away from the source, which was believed to be somewhere on Mars. Hence those who showed the symptoms were sent out on the expeditions. We were scattered across the sector over time and, well, here we are." he explained.

Intrigue Check: 1 Check passed. Check difficulty reduced by 150 total.

Perception: People: 200+110(Education bonus)+185(Education Perks)+ 50(Perception Perk)+75(Level Perks)=620. Required: 100. Pass.

620. Required: 125. Pass.

620. Required: 150. Pass.

620. Required: 175. Pass.

140/590 to Level 50.

Karma Check: 630. Required: 250. Karma now 680.

"Even if I had any idea how, you wouldn't want me to fix it, would you?" You ask, somewhat surprised.

"No. It's one of the few connections I have to my family. There aren't a whole lot of us left. Besides, if Mars ever manages to get out this far, it might be useful. Not to mention I can usually get something out of these episodes." He gestures at the few desiccated remnants of the cookie robots, stripped for parts to use in their new selves. "So I'd prefer to keep it. I appreciate the thought though."

Reward: Karma now 680. SL has advanced to 6. +10 Advanced Invention Skills. Spider Robots. Small scout and espionage units, able to scale walls and climb ceilings. +10 to scout and espionage rolls.

Invention: Military: 10. You can make a weapon or defense against one for almost any situation, providing massive force multipliers. -55 to difficulty of Invention Checks.

Industry: 10. You have a reputation for making them look like idiots among industrial leaders. It's deserved. -55 to difficulty of Invention Checks.

Luxury: 10. You can make all kinds of exotic but expensive items. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.25 times the cost.

SL: General Richards 5->6.

"Okay, since you've rewritten the book on tactics for the ground, I think it's time you gave combat in space a whack." General Richards said. You'd been watching the war-games the fleet's been doing to sharpen it's skills and make sure the recruits manning the new ships aren't completely green, but you know that doesn't really compare to real combat with spaceships. You'll need at least three years for new tactics on the level of a fleet to really sink in.

Martial Check: 2 Checks passed. -100 to difficulty from modifiers.

Tactics Combined Check: 225+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 875(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Tactician) +25(SL Perk)+75(Level Perks)= 1545. Required: 200-150+50=100. 57 Checks passed.

1 Level gained. Currently possess 3 Perk points. 140/6000 to next level.

"Well, you rewrote more than half the book, so I suppose that counts." He makes a show of being disappointed.

"Hey, I think I did pretty well, all things considered." You retort with mock-anger.

Reward: SL has advanced to 6. +50 Karma, now 730. +20 to Tactics Checks. Gained Improved Naval Tactics. +57 to fleet rolls.

Tactics: Preparation: 75. You've vastly exceeded conventional mastery of preparation, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Much greater chance of traps being successful. Even very competent commanders will fall for them with some regularity.

Tactics: Preparation: 85. You've utterly exceeded conventional mastery of preparation, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. High chance of traps being successful. Even very competent commanders will fall for them with great regularity.

Tactics: Preparation: 95. You've near the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Very high chance of traps being successful. Even very competent commanders will fall for them almost certainly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 75. You've learned to come up with excellent plans with no preparation. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 85. You've learned to come up with amazing plans with no preparation. Difficulty of Tactics Checks greatly reduced from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 95. You've learned to come up with incredible plans with no preparation. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced very much from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Trickery: 75. You've gone far beyond conventional mastery of manipulating your opponent, and even enemies who go in knowing you're manipulative will fall for your tricks in many cases. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 85. You've gone far beyond conventional mastery of manipulating your opponent, and even enemies who go in knowing you're manipulative will fall for your tricks in most cases. Difficulty of Tactics Checks moderately reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 95. You've gone far beyond conventional mastery of manipulating your opponent, and even enemies who go in knowing you're manipulative will fall for your tricks in almost all cases. Difficulty of Tactics Checks largely reduced.

SL: Herman Jerun 5->6.

Master Jerun has taught you all he knows, so this time you're helping him teach his new students.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to difficulty.

Forging Combined Check: 525+110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks) +50(SL Perks)+ 150(Forging Perks)+75(Level Perks)=1120. Required: 550. Pass.

1120. Required: 575. Pass.

1120. Required: 600. Pass.

1120. Required: 625. Pass.

210/6000 to Level 51.

Karma Check: 730. Required: 250. Pass. Karma is now 780.

As you expect, you can teach the students without any trouble, and though their relative slowness annoys you, you bear with and don't let it show outwardly, unless you feel it would help the student improve in the long-run.

After the day's classes are over, you have a talk with Master Jerun about what sort of exam he needs to have his students pass before he considers them good enough to pass on their knowledge in turn. With the way you've been super-charging the planet's industry, you had no need to prove your worth to him. The same cannot be said for his students.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks passed. -175 to difficulty.

Speech: Diplomacy Check: 115+ 110(Education bonus)=225. Required: 75. Pass.

225. Required: 100. Pass.

225. Required: 125. Pass.

225. Required: 150. Pass.

270/6000 to Level 51.

You talk him down to a standard you think is reasonable for them to be able to teach students themselves at, rather than something he'd be hard-pressed to accomplish. He takes his craft very seriously, but he doesn't have a lot of experience teaching normal people.

Reward: Karma is now 780. SL has advanced to 6. +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 180. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 190. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of insane complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 200. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and of such complexity most people would simply fail to comprehend the design. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 180. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, though you can't do so quickly without losing a tiny bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 190. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing any quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Armor: 200. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, or even star ships and the walls for entire cities. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Gear: 165. You can now craft ludicrously complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look incredibly nice. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Gear: 175. You can now craft insanely complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look absolutely beautiful. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Gear: 185. You can now craft insanely complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look gorgeous. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging All 150 Perk. Grandmaster Smith. You aren't a legend among the smithing community, but you're beyond a mere master. +150 to Forging Checks.

Forging Weapons and Forging Armor have advanced.

Forging: Arms: 0. While personal weapons are great, ones for defending cities and ships are better.
Forging: Protection: 0. Armor for cities and ships is just as important as arms for them.

420/6000 to Level 51.

RER: 35+10(FBTW)+20(Level Perks)=65.

You manage to combine the Space Rune with the Accuracy Rune to allow teleportation grids. They only work in a 100 meter radius, and require a second Teleportation Rune present at the other end, but they vastly accelerate transition of soldiers from one end of a battle to another. It's almost impossible to flank or successfully ambush your troops.

Crude Teleporter Network. +10 to PDF rolls due to improved tactical mobility. Flanking and Surprise bonuses negated unless on a campaign-level scale, or lone units such as scouts and assassins.

Galactic Rumor Mill: While the Ork Waagh heads towards Thernus, the other worlds in the sector that lie in it's path prepare themselves for it. However, the nearest world that is likely to be attacked lacks advanced technology, and will not be unable to fight the Orks off.

AN: Should I assume you guys want to grab those Perks now, or bank them?

+10 to tagged Skills from Levels.

Tactics: Preparation: 95. You've near the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Very high chance of traps being successful. Even very competent commanders will fall for them almost certainly.

Tactics: Preparation: 105. You've reached the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Extremely high chance of traps being successful. Even very competent commanders will fall for them.

Tactics: Cleverness: 95. You've learned to come up with incredible plans with no preparation. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced very much from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 105. You've achieved the peak of 'winging it' among most humans. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced very, very much from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Trickery: 95. You've gone far beyond conventional mastery of manipulating your opponent, and even enemies who go in knowing you're manipulative will fall for your tricks in almost all cases. Difficulty of Tactics Checks largely reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 105. You can outsmart 90% of the population with ease. Difficulty of Tactics Checks very largely reduced.

Tactics All 100 Perk. Master Tactician. You've literally written your own strategy book. +50 to Tactics Checks. Malus of 50 to enemy Tactics Checks.

520/6000 to Level 51.

Forging: Gear: 185. You can now craft insanely complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look gorgeous. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Gear: 195. You can now craft insanely complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look like useless baubles, while fully retaining their functionality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
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Perk Selection 10
Karma 500 Perk. Karmic Backlash. While doing evil things can seem like the easy way out, you've never really understood that. How is hurting people easy? Well, you suppose you'll have to teach people who think that a lesson... Adds half of Karma to Combat Checks.

You have 2 Tags to move, 20 points to put into them, and 3 Perk points available.

Combat: Melee: 20 Perk. Trained Fighter. You are an above-average fighter. +10 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Melee: 40 Perk. Brawler. You are always armed. Provided you can use your limbs at least. +20 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Melee: 60 Perk. Commanding Officer. You are a skilled fighter, and those under your command know it. +30 to Combat Checks. +10 to morale rolls for forces you command. Requires one of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 80 Perk. Crusher. You are a supremely skilled fighter. Your mere presence nearby is demoralizing to the enemy. +50 to Combat Checks. Malus of 10 to enemy morale rolls when arrayed against forces you command. Requires 2 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 100 Perk. Champion. You have achieved the limits of mortal combat when fighting in the close-range. You can embolden your forces and terrify the enemy by your mere presence, and the enemy champion is the only one that may do more than buy time with their lives should they get too close. +75 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 25 to morale rolls for forces under your command, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are present on the planet. Requires 3 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 120 Perk. Supreme Champion. You have exceeded the limits of mortal combat when fighting in melee. Your forces are emboldened by proximity to you, and enemies falter, as you are essentially death incarnate to any but a Warp Horror. +100 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 50 to morale rolls for your forces, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are in the same system. Requires 4 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 140 Perk. Ultimate Champion. You have vastly surpassed the limits of mortal combat in melee. Your forces are greatly emboldened by proximity, and enemies risk breaking simply from knowing you are present. Even Warp Horrors will feel unnerved if they are on the enemy's side. +150 to Combat Checks. +100 to Morale rolls for forces under your command. Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls. Applies to all forces in sub-sector. Requires 5 of preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 160 Perk. Hero. Simply achieving this level of melee combat makes people question whether you really are human. You forces will recover from total disorganization from the simple fact of your presence. Meanwhile, entire fleets and armies may flee or desert from your presence. Even Daemonic ones. +200 to Combat Checks. +150 to Morale rolls for forces under your command. Malus of the same to enemy Morale rolls. Applies to all forces in sector. Requires 6 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Melee: 180 Perk. Superhero. You can call yourself human all you want. Very few people believe you. Your mere presence on the battlefield rallies your troops, not the least because you actually do make your allies stronger when you are nearby, and your enemies weaker. Daemonic armies will run back to the Warp rather than fight you. Fleets and armies may simply give up and wait to be imprisoned or boarded. +250 to Combat Checks. +200 to Morale rolls for your forces. Malus of the same to enemy Morale rolls. Applies to all forces in nearby sectors. Requires 7 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Melee: 200 Perk. Goddess of War. You keep having to tell people you aren't a god of war. Even the ones that aren't part of the cults that keep popping up are doubtful of your claim. +500 to Combat Checks. +250 to Morale rolls for your forces. Malus of the same for the enemy. Applies to all forces within 5 sectors of you. Requires 8 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Ranged: 20 Perk. Dual-wielding. For most people, using two guns requires a sacrifice of accuracy, speed, or stability. Not so for you. May use two guns without one suffering a debuff.

Combat: Ranged: 40 Perk. Deflection. You can bounce bullets and laser shots off of many surfaces if you do it right. +20 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Ranged: 60 Perk. Ricochet. Not only can you bounce shots off of surfaces, you can do it over and over. +40 to Combat Checks. +10 Flanking bonus to Combat Checks. Must have 1 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Stealth: 20 Perk. Sniper. Rather than sneaking behind enemy lines, you can take out officers from a distance. +20 to Stealth Checks.

Combat: Stealth: 40 Perk. Assassin. Hey Earl, where'd you Gugh! +40 to Stealth Checks.

Combat: Stealth: 60 Perk. Silent. Being very quiet is an important part of stealth. +60 to Stealth Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 20 Perk. Waiting. Waiting is half of war. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 40 Perk. Trapping. Laying traps is very helpful in causing enemy casualties. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 60 Perk. Fortifications. Even the crudest of fortifications can save lives. +30 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 80 Perk. Ambush. Lying in wait for the opportune moment to attack requires patience, good judgement, and some measure of blind luck. While your options for the last are more limited, you have the first two in spades. +50 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 100 Perk. Trench Training. While having crude fortifications is good, being able to make them and use them well is, if anything, more important. +75 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 20 Perk. Clever. You might be too smart for your own good. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 40 Perk. I Meant To Do That! You take full advantage of your crafty reputation to fool enemies into dealing with imaginary plots. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 60 Perk. You've Fallen Into My Trap! You can pretend to do a big dramatic reveal that everything they did was part of your plan. While the best readers of body language can tell you're lying, it can sow confusion long enough to buy time for your actual operations. +30 to Tactics Checks. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 80 Perk. Time For Plan B! While you are an excellent strategist, making adjustments to take changes into account is paramount. +50 to Tactics Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 100 Perk. Er, Plan C? Of course, enemy commanders will often do the same, so fighting a competent commander can become like a chess game, but with lives in the balance. +75 to Tactics Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Trickery: 20 Perk. Tricksy. You are surprisingly crafty. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 40 Perk. Prankster. You make a habit of tricking people in harmless ways, so that they're on guard against worse ways. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 60 Perk. Trickster. Of course, you also know a thing or two about riddles. +30 to Tactics Checks. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Trickery: 80 Perk. Bluff. You won't always hold all the cards, but having the enemy think you do can be almost as good. +50 to Tactics Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Trickery: 100 Perk. Double Bluff. The enemy might figure out you aren't holding all the cards... or so they think. You actually just let the 'find out' about your 'weaknesses.' +75 to Tactics Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Evasion: Lying: 20 Perk. Dissimulation. Sometimes the best lies are half-truths. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Lying: 40 Perk. Easy Smile. People trust seemingly genuine smiles. +20 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 20 Perk. DOOOODGE! Your instincts for incoming attacks are finely honed, and you know exactly how one should react: Get the hell out of the way. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 40 Perk. Turning With The Blow. While you can't always completely avoid an attack, you can make sure you don't take it full force. +20 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 20 Perk. Fooled You! There's just something satisfying about tricking someone into hitting their own allies. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 40 Perk. Deceit. You never actually lied, you just left out a few things about what was going on.

Speech: Persuasion: 20 Perk. Persuasive. You are decent at convincing people to do as you want them to. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 40 Perk. A Favor? You can call in favors from those you've helped in the past to smooth things over in the present. Bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Persuasion: 60 Perk. Appeal To Morality. Your arguments are convincing from a purely pragmatic point of view, as well as an emotional one. Decreases difficulty of Persuasion Checks by 50 if your target lacks a strong reason to refuse you, such as a direct order from a superior. Provides half this bonus to Diplomacy Checks if you possess the moral highground.

Speech: Persuasion: 80 Perk. Inspiring Speech. You can convince an utterly broken soldier to fight again. +40 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 100 Perk. Source of Hope. You can bring hope back to those who have lost it. +50 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Diplomacy: 20 Perk. Charismatic. You possess strong charisma, which helps convince others to agree with your demands. +10 to Speech Checks.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Paragon. You always do the right thing, even when it's hard. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Renegade. You always get results, even if others hate your methods. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk: White-tongued. You are the positive equivalent of the charismatic leader of a cult. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Karma. Must have Paragon. Mutually exclusive with Black-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk. Black-tongued. There isn't all that much difference between you and that cult leader... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Infamy. Must have Renegade. Mutually exclusive with White-tongued.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I Still Believe. You know people can change, they just need to try. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Karma. Requires White-tongued.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Second Chance. Even the vilest person can become a good person, they just have to want to. Requires I Still Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I No Longer Believe. People are inherently selfish, so appeal to that. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Infamy. Requires Black-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Disbelief. If you couldn't trust them the first time, then why should it matter if they want to change? They'll just betray you again. Requires I No Longer Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 20 Perk. Intimidating. You are... impressive to look at, which makes people agree with what you say to make you go away quicker. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Intimidation: 40 Perk. Menacing. Your deeds precede you... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 60 Perk. S-Stay Back! You terrify everyone and everything capable of fear. Provides a bonus of 50 to Intimidation Checks if your counterpart lacks a strong reason to refuse you. Provides a bonus of 25 to Diplomacy Checks if you lack the moral high-ground.

Speech: Intimidation: 80 Perk. Horror Show. What do you mean you tortured him to death? That's an incredibly inefficient way of causing pain. You should go for maximum pain in minimal time. That way you can get to more people. Provides a bonus of 50 to Diplomacy Checks if you are proposing something horrible.

Speech: Intimidation: 100 Perk. Jack the Ripper. Huh, apparently having the entire police station turn up dead in one night without any sort of alarm being sounded makes people nervous enough to start killing each other to try and save their own hides. Good to know. +100 to Intimidation Checks.

Perception: Objects: 20 Perk. Good Eye! You have an excellent eye for detail. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 40 Perk. Great Eye! You have an amazing eye for detail. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 60 Perk. Amazing Eye! Many wonder if your eyes are human. +40 to Perception Checks. +15 to Loot rolls. Requires one of the preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 20 Perk. Twitches. So many people have little nervous twitches when they lie that they don't even think about. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 40 Perk. Tics. Similarly, they tend to have little habits they pick up over their life, which stick with them. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 60 Perk. You're Good... But Not That Good. A lot of people try to hide their emotions, but without being able to literally will micro-expressions to not be a thing, you couldn't ever completely do that. +30 to Perception Checks. +15 to Speech Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 80 Perk. Your Next Line Is... People are surprisingly predictable if you know what to look for. +50 to Perception Checks. +25 to Speech Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 100 Perk. Psuedo-Sherlock Scan. While you have achieved what most would consider mastery of reading others, you are still no match for a real master. +75 to Perception Checks. +50 to Speech Checks. +25 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 120 Perk. That Expression You're Wearing... Micro-expressions can tell you a lot about a person's thoughts, and about them in general. +100 to Perception Checks. +100 to Speech Checks. +50 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 140 Perk. Don't Worry, I'm Not A Mind-Reader. Maybe. While you can read minds, you find it more satisfying to convince people you aren't and they're simply that easy to read. Especially if that's what you're actually doing. +150 to Perception Checks. +150 to Speech Checks. +75 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 5 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 160 Perk. Don't Believe In Mind-Readers Huh? Some people don't believe in the Warp. While you won't force them to believe something, you have no problem taking advantage of their ignorance for a cheap laugh. Freaking them out by making them think you don't need telepathy to pick their mind clean is hilarious, and often makes them act less like Warp Horrors and cults aren't a thing. +200 to Perception Checks. +200 to Speech Checks. +100 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 6 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 180 Perk. Poker Champion. Anything less than a double-bluff has no hope of fooling you, so unless your opponent has no idea how to play, you can beat them without even cheating. +250 to Perception Checks. +250 to Speech Checks. +125 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 7 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 200 Perk. Proper Sherlock Scan. You are a true master of reading people, to the point of low-level pseudo-Divination, which works well with your actual Divination. +500 to Perception Checks. +500 to Speech Checks. +250 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 8 of preceding Perks.

Perception: Environment: 20 Perk. It's Too Quiet... When something's not right, the world around you practically starts shouting it if you're paying attention. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to detection rolls.

Perception: Environment: 40 Perk. Something's Wrong... Even if it's not happening nearby, you can tell when something's wrong. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to detection rolls.

Perception: Environment: 60 Perk. You Feel Something... Even if it's happening far away, you can tell if something's not right. +30 to Perception Checks. +15 to detection rolls. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Medicine: Surgery: 20 Perk. Steady Hands. You are almost supernaturally calm during an operation, probably because a wrong move could kill or cripple the patient. Reduced chance and severity of injuries sustained during medical operations regardless of the situation. +10 to Medicine Checks.

Medicine: Surgery: 40 Perk. Ultra-sterilized Equipment. Sterilization is standard practice, but it is more difficult to keep things microbe free. You just use your powers to heat the equipment as much as you can without warping it, then cool it down to room temperature. The two relative extremes are beyond what the bacteria that can survive in one can handle. Chance of infection from surgery effectively nil. +20 to Medicine Checks.

Medicine: Narcotics: 20 Perk. Expunging Toxins. Most poisons are considered toxins by the body, so things that help the body remove toxins tend to help it deal with the poison on it's own. All but the most deadly poisons have a much higher chance of being fought off with your help. +10 to Medicine Checks.

Medicine: First-Aid: 20 Perk. Thick Bandages. While internal bleeding is harder to deal with, you can stop external bleeding just fine. External blood loss is no longer a problem, which lets you focus your efforts on the internals. +10 to Medicine Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 20 Perk. Folded. While folding metal merely spreads the impurities around to prevent a single major weak point from forming, it has its uses, as most metals can only be purified so much before involving the Warp or highly specialized arrays specifically for this purpose. The latter is difficult to maintain, and the former risks introducing far more unpleasant impurities. +10 Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 40 Perk. Double-Edged. What use is a sword you can't use one side to kill people with? +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 60 Perk. Shot, Lock, Barrel... Or Shot, Lens, Barrel. Guns may be similar in shape, but different types are made in very different ways, especially slug-throwers and lasguns. +30 to Forging Checks. Requires one of the previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 80 Perk. Shocking. Metal conducts heat and electricity well, and, lo and behold, most living things don't react well to being super-heated or electrocuted. The problem is the difficulty of making melee weapons that can do this, or at least weapons that don't run out of ammo. +50 to Forging Checks. Requires two of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 100 Perk. Ammunition. While the making of ammunition is different from making the firing weapon itself, their synergy is one of the most important qualities they have. The ammunition needs to be able to withstand the force of launch provided by the firing mechanism, but the weapon also needs to be able to fire the ammo with enough velocity for a reasonable amount of accuracy in atmospheric conditions. +75 to Forging Checks. Requires 3 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 120 Perk. Knives, Daggers, Short Swords. While smaller weapons have less reach, they are much easier to hit specific points with, and to conceal. Unfair, but one could argue that's the entire idea behind using things besides your fists to fight. +100 to Forging Checks. Requires 4 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 140 Perk. Long Swords, Greatswords, Claymores. While longer weapons lack the stealth and accuracy advantage of their smaller counterparts, they aren't meant to hide. They are the weapons of those who want fair fights. Unfortunately, there isn't such a thing as a fair fight. +150 to Forging Checks. Requires 5 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 160 Perk. Axes, Maces, Hammers. These weapons aren't meant to hide, but the idea behind them is to smash through armor and defenses with sheer force, rather than any notion of fairness. +200 to Forging Checks. Requires 6 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 180 Perk. Pistols, Rifles, Rocket Launchers. Of course, if you really want to kill your opponent, why do it face to face? +250 to Forging Checks. Requires 7 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 200 Perk. Cannons, Artillery, Missile Batteries. If you're going to kill someone, you might as well start from as far as possible away. +500 to Forging Checks. Requires 8 of previous Perks.

Forging: Armor: 20 Perk. Alloyed. You can create alloys to take advantage of their properties in armor. +10 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 40 Perk. Sturdy. Your works are impressively durable. +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 60 Perk. Clang! That broken sword is going to make hurting me a problem, huh? +30 to Forging Checks. Requires one of the previous Perks.

Forging: Armor: 80 Perk. Durable. You make sure your works are extremely difficult to damage. +50 to Forging Checks, 10% increase to status of damaged items made by you upon receiving battle damage. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Forging: Armor: 100 Perk. Ablative Armor. While ablative armor works like ammunition, but for defending against attacks, it's effective as long as you don't run out. +75 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 120 Perk. Light Armor. The lightest forms of armor sacrifice most of the protection provided for minimal impact on speed or agility. Of course, if your opponent hits you anyway, you won't have much protection. +100 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 140 Perk. Medium Armor. This is the compromise form of armor, sacrificing some mobility for greater protection. As the most average of the options, it lacks the extremes of either of the other forms. +150 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 160 Perk. Heavy Armor. This is the strongest form of armor. While you'll definitely take more hits, you'll be able to take more hits. +200 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 180 Perk. Shields. Shields, physical or energy-based projections, act like extra armor, letting you act like you're wearing stronger armor as long as they're protecting you. +250 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 200 Perk. Turrets. While technically a weapon, turrets are defensive in nature, and can help with setting up a perimeter a lot. +500 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Gear: 20 Perk. Repairsmith. While you can't forge the largest or more complex pieces, you can fix them just fine. You may repair items 30 Skill points beyond you to build, rather than 20.

Forging: Gear: 40 Perk. Accessories. You can make baubles for nobles and similarly high-ranking figures to enjoy. +25 to diplomacy with worlds with ruling classes.

[Taken] Forging: Gear: 60 Perk. Toolbots. They're not very smart, but they let you get more done. Invention actions count double. That is, one Invention action can be used to double-up on a Major Work, or for two slots of a Work or Minor Work.

Forging: Gear: 80 Perk. Garbage To Gold. You can create impressive gadgets from even the worst materials in seconds. Adds one half of Invention: Necessity to Combat Checks.

Forging: Gear: 100 Perk. Welding. You know how to perform patch-job repairs, though you much prefer full repairs. Should you lack the materials for full repairs, you can perform patch-job repairs, allowing damaged units to retreat or fight for a few more minutes. Thanks to current extent of psyker powers, this extends to ships as well.

Forging: Gear: 120 Perk. Repairwoman. While you can't create impossibly complex items, you can take a whack at repairing them. Items 50 Skill points beyond you to craft can be repaired. Requires Repairsmith.

Forging: Gear: 140 Perk. Baubles. Not only are they pretty, but they function as weapons and armor as well. +50 to diplomacy with worlds with ruling classes. Said worlds become less vulnerable to decapitation.

Forging: Gear: 160 Perk. Mechanic-Bots. They're definitely inferior to a human, but they can help out a lot better than the Toolbots. +4 Free Invention actions.

Forging: Gear: 180 Perk. Garbage to Platinum. You can create amazing gadgets from even absolutely terrible materials in moments. Adds Invention: Necessity to Combat Checks.

Electronics: Security: 20 Perk. Anti-Virus Software. Designing your own anti-viral procedures makes them less vulnerable to common viruses. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Security: 40 Perk. Firewalls. General purpose protections can be bypassed, but having early warning of assaults is useful in it's own way. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 20 Perk. Circuitry. Circuits work pretty much the same no matter what kind of computer you use. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 40 Perk. Circuit Boards. Circuit boards let you 'mix-and-match' functions from different computers, though there comes a point where it's more efficient to make your own OS than use the original. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 60 Perk. Better Wiring. Better wiring in general is always helpful, as the best programming in the world won't help you if the computer can't get power or catches fire. +30 to Electronics Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Electronics: Programming: 20 Perk. Code Monkey. Hey, just because a monkey could do it doesn't mean it doesn't need doing. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Programming: 40 Perk. Code Jokearo. Apparently there are some very smart monkeys out there. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Explosives: General: 20 Perk. Molokov Cocktail. Making a simple, low-power bomb is actually pretty simple. +10 to Explosives Checks.

Explosives: Extravagant: 20 Perk. Vortex Grenade. The shortest lived and smallest AoE Void weapon. Still very dangerous. +10 to Explosives Checks.

Explosives: Preparation: 20 Perk. Fuse. It's difficult to set off your bombs by accident, which reduces accidents. +10 to Explosives Checks.

Education: General: 20 Perk. Knowledgeable. You know a thing or two about... everything. Provides a +10 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

Education: General: 40 Perk. Intriguing... Your knowledge opens doors that might otherwise be closed. Provides a +10 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 60 Perk. I Know Lots of Things! Your knowledge base allows you to make connections most people can't. Provides a +10 bonus to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks.

[Taken] Education: General: 80 Perk. Scholar. You have an extensive knowledge base on every subject, allowing you to make connections even other scientists usually miss. +25 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

[Taken] Education: General: 100 Perk. Expert. You have the deepest knowledge of anyone on the planet. You can make connections no one else would even think to look for. +25 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 120 Perk. Genius. You are quite simply, the mental superior of most people. You can figure things out no one else would ever guess the solution for. +25 to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks. Must have 4 of preceding Perks.

Education: General: 140 Perk. Genius Among Geniuses. Even among other geniuses, you are a mental giant. Problems that would stump a genius for weeks, you can solve in minutes. +25 to all Skill Checks. Must have Genius.

Education: General: 160 Perk. Supergenius. Even among geniuses, you are a prodigy, a one in a billion intellect. Problems that have stumped scientists for years, you solve in a week. +50 to all Skill Checks. Must have GAG.

Education: General: 180 Perk. Mega-Genius. You are a one in ten billion intellect. You solve problems that have left scientists sobbing in despair in weeks. +100 to all Skill Checks. Must have Supergenius.

Education: General: 200 Perk. Ultra-Genius. ...You have this strange urge to chant for some reason. +150 to all Checks. Must have M-G.

Education: Culture: 20 Perk. Basic Etiquette. You know the manners expected from many different hosts and can determine which set is appropriate unless taken by total surprise. Malus from 'snobbery' or supposedly looking down on those present (depending on the group) removed when dealing with humans.

Education: Culture: 40 Perk. Diplomatic Training. By emulating the great diplomats in (uncensored) vids, you can deflect minor insults and are more difficult to draw a reaction from. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 60 Perk. Cultural Diffusion. From what you've seen of the diplomatic corps, they tend to pick up a few mannerisms and ideas from the cultures they interact with, but not to the point of identifying with said culture. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. Considered Major when resisting attempts at indoctrination. Gain +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 80 Perk. Cultural Significance. There are many historical examples of diplomacy failing, not because of malice or stupidity, but of ignorance of the cultural significance of some item or person. You are determined to avoid such mistakes. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, no chance of accidentally causing an incident by doing the equivalent of burning down the Statue of Liberty (somehow) or similar levels of cultural insult.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 100 Perk. Cultural Analysis. In a similar vein, you believe that one should know as much as possible about cultures you are interacting with, as a number of small insults can pile up. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, you quickly compile a simple database of their mannerisms and avoid causing insult.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 120 Perk. Cultural Compiler. Not only can you quickly compile a database on a culture, but you can make it simple enough to form some general guidelines for your diplomats, so you don't have to do the negotiation personally every time. Allows for additional integration actions to be done at one time.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 140 Perk. Cultural Dissection. You can take advantage of a culture's foibles to safely accelerate their assimilation. Greatly accelerates integration of cultures under or near your domain.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 160 Perk. Deep Analysis. You quickly discover the underlying nature of the culture you are dealing with, which lets you make great strides in understanding it. Remove all Maluses from unfamiliar cultures. Must have CA.

Education: Culture: 180 Perk. Cultural Assembly. You can make detailed reports on cultures you interact with, aiding your diplomats. Doubles the number of integration actions that can be taken per turn. Must have CC

[Taken] Education: Culture: 200 Perk. Cultural Disassembly. You can take advantage of an existing culture to vastly accelerate the assimilation of said culture. Immensely accelerates cultures within your sphere of influence being integrated. Must have CD.

Education: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Warp Student. You've learned quite a bit about the Warp, though you have much more to learn. +10 to Psyker Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Arcane Knowledge. The Warp has some logic to it, but there is a certain amount of mysticism as well. You suspect it's because most people attribute said mysticism to the psychically-reactive dimension. +10 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Patterns In The Soul. You will have to investigate further, but you believe you may have discovered something to do with why some people are psykers and some are not. +20 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Found The Pattern. Interesting, being a psyker does have something to do with one's DNA, but it also has to do with the makeup of one's soul. Of course, you have no idea how to go about making someone into a psyker, or the reverse, but identifying one is trivial. +40 to Psyker Checks. Additional +20 to Esoteric Checks. Either 40 or 60 Education: Esoteric Perk must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Force The Door. You think you've figured out how to widen the 'doorway' or close it a bit. You can't make someone who wasn't a psyker in the first place into one, but you can provide a small permanent boost to those with the control to remain uncorrupted, or the reverse to those who are at risk or corrupted. Huh, is this how Warp Horrors strengthen corrupted psykers? + 80 to Psyker Checks, and +10 to allied Psyker Checks. 2 of Education: Esoteric Perks 40, 60 or 80 must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 120 Perk. Smash It Open. You've done it! You figured out how to turn non-psykers into minor psykers (not even Zeta-level) or the reverse! Admittedly, this doesn't sound so impressive, but it's a major step. +100 to Psyker Checks. +25 to allied Psyker Checks. 3 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 140 Perk. Widen It. You've had a breakthrough again! Zeta-level and back is possible now! +150 to Psyker Checks. +50 to allied Psyker Checks. 4 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 160 Perk. Make It Bigger. Once again, you've had a breakthrough. Epsilon-level is possible now! +200 to Psyker Checks. +100 to allied Psyker Checks. 5 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 180 Perk. Jump the Gap. Even Delta-level psykers are possible for you to create or destroy at this point. +250 to Psyker Checks. +200 to allied Psyker Checks. 6 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Bridge the Gap. You can create or destroy Beta-level psykers now, but you doubt you'll accomplish anything more in this field. Any greater of a connection would risk simply destroying a soul which did not originally possess it. Besides, Beta-levels are already one in a million, for people that have the willpower to stay uncorrupted, so it's not like you'd be able to make a whole lot of Alpha-levels if you could.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Technomany. Technology can be controlled with psychic might directly, surprisingly enough. The more advanced the technology, the closer it is to possessing a mind like a sentient being, which in turn makes it vulnerable to mental domination. This is distinct from telekinesis. +10 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Elementalist. Controlling the elements can be a potent weapon. Lightning, water, air, earth, fire, ice, light, and darkness all have their uses. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk: Biomancer. Manipulating your and others biology is a powerful force multiplier... or reducer. +5 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of 5 to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Tech User. You possess a deep understanding of technology, gleaned from your control over it, which in turn allows you to control it more efficiently. +25 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technomancy.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Element User. Simply waving a hand and sending a similar wave of earth or fire at an enemy has a certain visceral satisfaction, but finer control, for small, delicate operations such as setting off explosives without destroying a ship, has it's uses. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elementalist.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Fleshcrafter. You have immense power over flesh, allowing your flesh and that of your allies to go far beyond it's limits, and causing the flesh of your enemies to rebel against them. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Technological Manipulation. You have a great understanding of technology, and an even greater control over it. You can steal control over nearby vessels and defenses, turning them against their former masters. +50 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Tech-user.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Elemental Manipulation. You have a very strong control over the elements, enough to take control from other psykers. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Element User.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Fleshchanger. Your powers over flesh have grown to allow you to restore lost limbs or cause cancerous growths, and similarly boost or weaken the flesh itself. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Technological Control. You have control over any and all technology that gets into range. +100 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must Technological Manipulation.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Elemental Control. You can reliably control elements under hostile control, even if there's an entire ritual or some of the strongest Warp Horrors backing it. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Manipulation.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Flesh Manipulator. You can change people wholesale, if you wish. Even the brain, the most delicate organ, can be modified without too much difficulty. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks. Must have Fleshchanger.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Technological Mastery. You can take control of multi-kilometer vessels in seconds, including all their defense turrets, weapons, and fighter/bomber complement. Not only that, but you can enhance their performance. The idea came to you not long after you realized that controlling technology was like dominating a mind. Maybe you could enhance them, like you could a person's biology. Of course, you haven't been able to do it until now. +250 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Control.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Elemental Mastery. You have control of the elements strong enough to cloak a continent in day or night, cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, create tsunamis, alter the weather from pleasant to a hurricane and reverse all of the above. +250 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Control.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Flesh Mastery. You can alter dozens of people in any way you wish in an instant. You want to turn them into a monkey? You can do that. You want to cure their cancer? You can do that, and make it so none of their descendants get cancer, barring Warp Horror-intervention. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Manipulator.

Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Technological Skill. You are very skilled in manipulating technology, both in assuming control, and in enhancing the tech. +300 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Mastery.

Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Elemental Skill. You are very skilled in manipulating the elements, from changing electrical charges, to changing the shape of a star ship's worth of metal. +300 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Mastery.

Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Flesh Skill. You are very skilled in manipulating flesh, from individual cells, to changing entire organisms. +150 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Mastery.

Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Technological Dexterity. Rather than attempting to increase the extremes at which you can manipulate pieces of technology, you instead work on the breadth you can affect them, altering their behavior and abilities. +350 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Skill.

Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Elemental Dexterity. Rather than attempting to increase the extremes at which you can manipulate the elements, you instead boost how finely you can affect them. Changing what isotope an element is, for example. +350 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Skill.

Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Flesh Dexterity. Rather than attempting to boost your limits, you instead make more and more fine alterations. Minor alterations such as different shades of hair color, or other slight tweaks to the subject's DNA. +200 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Skill.

Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Technological Familiarity. With more and more knowledge of the inner workings of various forms of technology, you can manipulate them with greater ease and dexterity over greater distances. +400 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Dexterity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Elemental Familiarity. The more you learn about the interactions between various materials and forms of energy, the greater your ability to manipulate the elements. +400 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Dexterity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Flesh Familiarity. As you discover more about genetics and biochemistry, your manipulation of such grows more fine. +300 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Dexterity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Technological Proficiency. You have power, but it means little without control. So you solve that problem where technology is involved. +450 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Familiarity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Elemental Proficiency. You have power, but that doesn't mean much without skill. You solve that problem when the elements are involved. +450 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Familiarity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Flesh Proficiency. You possess power, but it means little without control. You rid yourself of that weakness. +350 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Familiarity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Technological Comprehension. You understand the inner workings of technology better than anyone in the sector, which aids you in manipulating it. +500 to Electronics, Invention, and Medicine Checks. Must have Technological Proficiency.

Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Elemental Comprehension. You understand the elements well enough to make them do things most would consider impossible. You laugh at the word. +500 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Proficiency.

Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Flesh Comprehension. You understand genetics and biochemistry well enough to utterly rewrite most organisms. +400 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Proficiency.

Psyker: Willpower: 20. Strong-willed. Your will is like iron to the common man's bronze. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +5 to Psyker: Willpower Checks.

Psyker: Willpower: 40 Perk. Will of Steel. Your will is like steel. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 60 Perk. Will of Titanium. You will is like titanium. Gain Moderate Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 80 Perk. Will of Adamantium. Your will is beyond titanium. Gain Major Mental Resistance. +25 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have Will of Titanium.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 100 Perk. Unbreakable Will. Your will is in the realm of heroes. Gain Extreme Mental Resistance. +50 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have WoT and WoA.

Psyker: Willpower: 120 Perk. Solid Soul. While you aren't completely infallible where corruption is involved, you're pretty close. +100 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have ME.

Psyker: Willpower: 140 Perk. Presence. Your presence pushes back corrupting energies and Warp entities hostile to you. Nothing they can't get past, but it's not pleasant. +150 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have SS.

Psyker: Willpower: 160 Perk. Powerful Presence. Your presence forces corruption away. +200 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have Presence.

Psyker: Willpower: 180 Perk. Fortifying Presence. Your mere presence reduces corruption in your environs as your soul rejects the Warp's influence. +250 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have PP.

Psyker: Willpower: 200 Perk. Purifying Presence. Your presence fortifies those around you, as you yourself are a bastion against Warp Horrors. +500 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have FP.

Psyker: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Diviner. You possess greater talents than normal in seeing the near-future, and can see both more accurately and further than most human diviners. +5 to Combat and Psyker Checks.

Psyker: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Rift Welder. You can force rifts any smaller than the planetary scale closed with some time and effort. Checks for closing rifts moderately reduced in difficulty.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Warp Whispers. You can hear whispers of things to come, or things long past. Gain Galactic Rumor Mill. Add visions of the distant past and future to RER table.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Warp Messages. You can project messages across the Warp if you are willing to risk it, and overhear messages from others. Adds Warp Messages action to Minor Actions options. This allows you to send messages across the galaxy similar to an astropath. (Currently you have no one to direct the message to.) Must have taken WW.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Warp Chats. You can hold conversations with any psyker within a few sectors of you, though the greater the distance, the more likely someone will overhear. Changes Warp Messages action to allow for real-time conversations with nearby (by galactic standards) systems. Must have taken WM.

Psyker: Esoteric: 120 Perk. Rift Sealer. When you close a rift, you work to keep it closed. When a rift is sealed, +50 to difficulty of opening more, and +25 to closing more. Requires ME.

Psyker: Esoteric: 140 Perk. Rift Healer. When you close a rift, it stays closed. +200 to Checks to close Rifts.

Psyker: Esoteric: 160 Perk. Storm Calmer Warp Storms can be calmed if you have the power and know what you're doing. Warp storms around singular systems can be calmed. Requires RH.

Psyker: Esoteric: 180 Perk. Storm Queller. Warp Storms can be calmed if you have the power and know what you're doing. Warp storms around sub-sectors can be calmed. Requires SC.

Psyker: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Storm Ender. Warp Storms can be calmed if you have the power and know what you're doing. Warp storms around singular sectors can be calmed. Requires SQ.

[Taken] Psyker: All: 100 Perk. Murphy's Enforcer. Through use of divination, elemental manipulation, technomancy, and telekinesis/telepathy, you can foresee chains of events that lead to catastrophe befalling your enemy and set them into motion. -250 to enemy Checks. -100 to enemy rolls. Must have all other Psyker: 100 Perks. Unlocks further Pysker Perks.

Psyker All 200 Perk. Murphy's Biased Enforcer. Not only can you cause virtually impossible disasters to befall your enemies, unnatural 'good luck' occurs to your own force, for much the same reason. +250 to allied Checks. +100 to allied rolls. Requires Psyker 200 Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 20 Perk. Where Did You...? Pockets! You always have Crude Tools on hand, even if you don't have pockets. Don't think about it too hard. +5 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 40 Perk. Found It. You always have tools stashed nearby, or can make some of your own. You are always considered to have a Crude workshop, which provides a +10 bonus to Forging, Electronics, Explosives, and Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 60 Perk. Toolkit. You can quickly assemble a toolkit for yourself, if not a great one. You are always considered to have a set of Simple Tools. +10 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks. Must have one of the preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 80 Perk. Improvised Workshop. You can quickly set up a workshop, using your psyker powers to hash something together from your surrounding, or improve upon them. Workshop always considered one grade above it's actual level.

Invention: Necessity: 100 Perk. Hidden Pockets. Having a trick up your sleeve is rather literal in your case. +25 to all Checks from hidden weapons and tools. Additional 'slots' for accessory-type equipment.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 120 Perk. Assistant VIs. You have to check them over regularly, and you're not going to attempt anything more advanced until you can figure out the scrap-code problem, but you get more time out of the day with them, and you kind of need it. +2 Free Inventing actions.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 140 Perk. Efficient Space. You can use space very efficiently, cramming more into the same area without sacrificing performance. +200 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 160 Perk. Brainstorm. You can quickly come up with ideas for improvements that are at least somewhat feasible. +3 Free Invention actions. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 180 Perk. Compact. You can modify the parts of your devices to take up less space. +250 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 200 Perk. Inspiration. You receive the flashes of genius that most people only obtain very rarely with startling regularity. +500 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. +4 Free Invention actions. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practicality: 20 Perk. Close Enough. Sometimes you have to make do with 'good enough' and you are decent at doing so. Crude materials are considered Simple for the purposes of crafting items.

Invention: Practicality: 40 Perk. Just As Good. You are fully capable of making do with terrible materials, but you prefer to substitute for ones that perform similarly to what the blueprints ask for. Invention Check difficulty reduced by 20.

Invention: Practicality: 60 Perk. Maybe Better. You can sometimes provide materials even better than what was asked for. Simple Materials are considered Normal for crafting purposes.

Invention: Practical: 80 Perk. Definitely better. You can almost always provide better materials than what was asked for, or make them. All materials below Complex are considered one grade higher than they actually are.

Invention: Practical: 100 Perk. Much Better. You can always provide better materials than what was asked for, or make them. All materials below are considered one grade higher than they actually are.

Invention: Practical: 120 Perk. Economical. You can make things both well, and cheaply, not one or the other. All Invention/Forging actions cost 10% less.

Invention: Practical: 140 Perk. Mass Production. You can make inventions that can be mass-produced without sacrificing performance. Reduces resources required to mass-produce inventions. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 160 Perk. Eyeballing. You can create a stopgap to solve problems in the factories or mining facilities while you work on a more permanent one. 10% boost to productivity for the world you are on. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 180 Perk. Rapid Assembly. Not only can you make good products cheaply, but you can do it fast. 10% boost to productivity for worlds under your control. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 200 Perk. Practical Inventing. You focus on what you can do with what you have to solve long-term problems, rather than what you absolutely need. +5 Free Invention actions. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 20 Perk. That Must Have Been Expensive. While investing more into a project makes it better, that doesn't mean you should be wasteful. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by 10%, or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.

Invention: Extravagance: 40 Perk. How Much Did You Pay!? Not as much as you'd expect. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by an additional 10% or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.

Invention: Extravagance: 60 Perk. That Should Have Been Destroyed! Not with how much I spent on it! Durability of Extravagant items is doubled, after extravagant bonus is applied.

Invention: Extravagance: 80 Perk. Over-Engineered. Extravagant items perform even better if you put more effort into them, rather than just more resources. 25% increase in boost to specs provided by Extravagance.

Invention: Extravagance: 100 Perk. Castle... On Top Of Your Castle. If it weren't so effective, you'd think it was stupid too. 50% increase in boost to specs provided by Extravagance.

Invention: Extravagance: 120 Perk. Not that Expensive. You wonder if making Extravagant items practical is against some sort of rule... Nah. Additional 10% reduction of Extravagant build costs.

Invention: Extravagance: 140 Perk. Worth It's Weight In Gold. While using actual gold would be stupid, painting it gold is fine, and helps denote how insanely expensive it was. +10% to Extravagant builds. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 160 Perk. Totally Worth It! Despite how incredibly expensive it was, the product is proving it's worth. +10% to Extravagant builds. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 180 Perk. Worth More Than Gold. This thing makes gold seem downright cheap. Let's hope it was worth it. +25% to Extravagant builds. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 200 Perk. Extravagant. While Extravagant items are expensive, they are also worth it for exceptional people, such as the Champions or yourself. +50% to Extravagant bonus. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

[Taken 3/3] Level 5 Perk. Talented. You are a talented individual. This is reflected in the growth of your Skills. May tag an additional Skill. This Perk may be selected up to three times.

[Taken] Level 10 Perk. Experienced. While young, you have a surprisingly wide set of experiences to draw on. +25 to all Checks. +10 to all of your rolls.

[Taken] Level 15 Perk. Time Management. By virtue of judicious use of your time, you can get more done in less time. +3 Minor Actions.

[Taken] Level 20 Perk. Sleep Is No Longer Required. You've noticed that you seem to need less sleep as you age. Based on your analysis of your DNA, you suspect your body is adjusting to the all-nighters you pull with some regularity, as your growth has not slowed. +2 Major Actions.

[Taken] Level 25 Perk. Difficult... But I've Done It Before. You've accomplished things most would write-off as impossible. All Checks have their difficulty reduced by 50.

[Taken] Level 30 Perk. Seen It All. *As undead cucumbers assault your compound.* This reminds me of the time... +50 to all Checks. +10 to all rolls.

[Taken] Level 35 Perk. Timing Is Everything. By strict regimenting of your time, you can accomplish far more. +4 Minor Actions.

[Taken] Level 40 Perk. Sleep? Oh Yeah That Thing... Apparently you only need 4 hours of sleep per night to function at 100% now. More time for other things! +3 Major Actions.

[Taken] Level 45 Perk (Karma). Judge. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul. TIME TO PAY YOUR DEBT. Adds enemy Infamy to Checks.

Level 45 Perk (Infamy). Karma Houdini. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul... but you won't be paying anyone anything. Adds enemy Karma to Checks.

Level 50 Perk. Is That All? I've literally done that in my sleep. -100 to difficulty of all Checks.

AN: Let me know if I should give you until 10:30 to vote, or until noon tomorrow.
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Turn 11 Options
[X] Invention: Necessity: 180 Perk. Compact.

[X] Invention: Necessity: 200 Perk. Inspiration.

[X] Forging: Gear: 160 Perk. Mechanic-Bots.

[X] Tag: Perception: Objects

[X] Tag: Perception: Environment

[X] 20 points to Perception: Environment

Perception: Environment: 60. You are now far more perceptive than the average soldier when it comes to the world around you, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Medium boost to detection rolls. Medium boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

Perception: Environment: 70. You are extremely perceptive towards your environs and changes in them, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Major boost to detection rolls. Major boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

Perception: Environment: 80. You are incredibly perceptive towards the surrounding environment, which is especially helpful with your superior senses. Large boost to detection rolls. Large boost to Combat and Tactics Checks.

You have 14 Major Actions available.​

[ ] Ship Building. After your feat of all but building the Dreadnought and Cruisers yourself, and with the knowledge that the Orkish Waagh is coming straight for you, you think it best to fill out the ranks of the fleet a bit. Of course, you have to use the asteroid belt that makes up the ring around the system's sole gas giant, and there's a limit to how much material is there, but there's enough for a fairly large fleet. Chance of Success: 100%. This action may be taken up to 15 times. Will build one Battleship, 5 Cruisers, or 10 Escorts almost fully. The former takes 2 years to complete after the action is taken. Currently 4/15 have been used. One will be taken for free due to Mining Ships. Dreadnought construction finishes this Turn. Cruiser and Escort berths currently empty.

[ ] Diplomacy. Just because the Waagh is headed for you doesn't mean it won't make stops along the way, and letting the Orks build up resources by stealing from humans is a no-win situation. Spending some time talking with the other human-held systems in the sector should let you learn about the Orks' movements, and possibly begin building your coalition if you manage to win them over well enough. Combined Score Speech Check. Averages: 50 for information. 500 for defense pact. 1000 for alliance. Reward: Dependent on Check passed. Each use of this action is directed at one system with a significant human presence. 10 systems within range. 1 Feral World in imminent danger of assault.

[ ] Trade. As you now possess a much greater ability to find people and places and make contact in the Warp, you've tracked down the Craftworld where the Eldar you met on the Space Hulk returned to. You suspect they possess a great deal of knowledge of psychic arts, and they might be willing to trade for the crystals you can produce. Chance of Success: 100% (Base 10+10 from Experienced+10 from Seen It All+ 20 from Diplomacy+ 50 Goods) Reward: Trade options.

You have 16 Minor Actions available.​
You have 28 Free Invention Actions available.​

AN: I think noon should be plenty of time to vote.​
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Turn 11 Results.
[X][Major] Project: Diplomacy x5
[X][Major] Project: Ship Building: Cruisers
[X][Major] Project: Trade
[X][Major] Train: Combat x4
[X][Major] Train: Intrigue x3
[X][Ship] Ship Building: Escort
[X][Crystal] Combat
[X][Minor] Train: Intrigue x4
[X][Minor] Train: Diplomacy x5
[X][Minor] SL: Albert Salnus (Speech / Stat Tutor)
[X][Minor] SL: General Richards (Tactics Tutor)
[X][Minor] SL: Roger Cazanus (Evasion tutor)
[X][Minor] SL: Isker ??? (Explosives Tutor)
[X][Minor] SL: Meera Yerala (Medicine Tutor)
[X][Minor] SL: Percy Clements (Electronics Tutor)
[X][Minor] Invention: Major Work: Improve upon the Crude Teleporter Network.
[X][Invention] Major Work: High efficiency modular fusion cells x6
-[X] Reactors are the basis behind every technology. Smaller, more powerful reactors would help our industry in every regard as well as open up more application of replicator technology. However, having modular and scaleable reactors would help their implementation and leave room for improvement in the future. The core idea is to make modular pentagonal fusion cells that can be stacked and combined in any number.
--[X] First focus on the core design. Make pentagonal cells of the smallest possible size without sacrificing efficiency. If necessary, make multiple size tiers for industrial/vehicular/personal applications (or whatever split works best).
--[X] Next focus on increasing the efficiency of the cells. Make them as powerful as possible, well beyond the limits of what our current technology is capable of. The more powerful they are, the more we can do with them..
--[X] If possible, make them reproducible with replicators, so that they can be manufactured anywhere with ease.
[X][Invention] Major Work: Better Gellar Fields.
[X][Invention] Major Work: Better Warp Navigation Equipment & Systems x2
[X][Invention] Minor Work: Necessity x4
[X][Invention] Major Work: Expand Runic Library
-[X] Primary focus being concepts relating to Navigation and Communication.
[X][Invention] Minor Work: Extravagance x4
[X] Innovation: Capital size void-shields x3
- [X] We've made fightercraft size void shields, but now we need to redesign them for our capital ships. Use our newly implemented reactors to power massive void shields for our ships.
[X] Innovation: Void-shield emitter arrays x3
- [X] Design arrays of void shield emitters that interlock and overlap. If any one emitter fails, it can be covered by other emitters while it is repaired. The lattice will also prevent strikes from breaking the entire shield if it breaks one area. In addition, one could then divert power to certain sectors to make the shields stronger against directional attacks. This application would improve redundancy and make it easier to repair/bring back online void shields for capital ships. Depending on the success, it could either supplement or replace capital size void shields. In addition, it would open up planetary shield arrays in the future.
[X] Invention- These plasma weapons pack quite a punch on the ground, let's see if we can't figure them out for use in space x2 (one action for ship grade and the second for fighter grade)
[X] Invention- Lasers are our primary ship weapon we improved them for our ground forces now let's boost them on our ships.

[X] Diplomacy. Just because the Waagh is headed for you doesn't mean it won't make stops along the way, and letting the Orks build up resources by stealing from humans is a no-win situation. Spending some time talking with the other human-held systems in the sector should let you learn about the Orks' movements, and possibly begin building your coalition if you manage to win them over well enough. Combined Score Speech Check. Averages: 50 for information. 500 for defense pact. 1000 for alliance. Reward: Dependent on Check passed. Each use of this action is directed at one system with a significant human presence. 10 systems within range. 1 Feral World in imminent danger of assault.

You began the year by beginning diplomacy with nearby worlds, in hopes of forming a united coalition to take on the Orks, and then use that as a springboard to begin surveying planets further out.

Diplomatic Assessment Rolls: 80+20(Level Perks)=100. Critical Success! +10 to following rolls. AN: These are for how willing the planet is to join your polity.

The planet of Ored has been working to organize it's neighbors into a coalition like you had planned, and you were happy to add your skills to their efforts. Gained Diplomatic Overtures bonus for following rolls for diplomacy actions across sub-sector.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks passed. -225 to Check difficulty total.

Speech: Diplomacy Check: 115+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 2750(Speech Perks)+75 (Level Perks)+100(Goods)= 3360. Information, Non-Aggression Pact, Full Alliance, and Allegiance Checks passed (50, 100, 250, and 500 in this case).

580/6000 to Level 51.

Ored is an agriculturally focused world, which means it lacks much in the way of technology that isn't farm-based or a powerful military. As such, it is neither equipped to handle an Orkish Waagh, nor likely to be able to put down an infestation. They therefore turned to diplomacy to weld together the surrounding polities to fight a common enemy. As they are the breadbasket of local space (the 4-8 nearest systems depending on the conditions of the Warp) they have been listened to more closely than one might expect of a world with virtually no military. You, however, are a better diplomat, and you Homeworld has everything they lack. As such, convincing them to let you take the reins wasn't very difficult. They have superior crop yields despite your efforts to improve your planet's crops, as millennia of selective breeding might be expected to do, and in return for upgrades to their PDF (minus the Runes as you both want to keep an edge for your Homeworld just in case, and you lack the psychic resources to equip them regardless) they're given you samples of their best crops. They've also agreed to help you wrangle local space into a permanent alliance.

Gained Improved Crops. Millennia of selective breeding on Ored has produced crops that are incredibly efficient, growing in much poorer soil than they normally would, and resisting disease far better. +25% to sustainable population of worlds with these crops, due to strong disease resistance and improved yields.

Roll 2: 40+20(Level Perks)+10(Diplomatic Overtures)=70. Receptive.

The Forge-World of Pyris, is less enthusiastic about joining than Ored, but that's kind of a high bar.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks passed. -225 to Check difficulty total.

Speech: Diplomacy Check: 115+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 2750(Speech Perks)+75 (Level Perks)+400(Goods)= 3660. Information, Non-Aggression Pact, Full Alliance, and Allegiance Checks passed (75, 150, 400, and 800 in this case).

640/6000 to Level 51.

If Ored is the breadbasket of the sub-sector, then Pyris is the arms dealer. They're the ones who built Escort-class vessels for worlds that lack the capability to replace their losses in a timely manner or outright can't build starships, and who built a lot of the PDF gear and orbital defenses. They're practically drooling over your replicators, even with the power issue, and your personal shields, which are pure technology, no pysker power required, are similarly of interest. Such shields are not uncommon, but not ones that can be given to literally the entire infantry branch of the military. The whole 'casually builds ship hulls if given the materials' thing doesn't exactly hurt, and the tech-priests are ecstatic about the advanced tech that you 'recovered' from the Space Hulk. What? You're not going to tell them 'I got it from xenos from another universe.' You were there and you aren't sure you entirely believe it.

As such, you have little trouble getting them to join up, though you aren't sure about their religion, your main experience with such things being deranged cultists. As long as they don't act too nutty, you're content to leave them alone, as removing a relatively harmless but deeply-rooted facet of their culture is more trouble than it's worth. You'll put your foot down on any aggressive attempts to spread their dedication to the 'Omnissiah' but you doubt they'd try it any time soon, if at all.

Roll 3: 83+20(Level Perks)+10(Diplomatic Overtures)=113. Critical Success! Practically throws themselves on you, something to offer.

Not only does the world of Hernul practically agree before you finish your pitch, but they certainly have something to offer in return.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks passed. -225 to Check difficulty total.

Speech: Diplomacy Check: 115+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 2750(Speech Perks)+75 (Level Perks)+400(Goods)= 3660. Information, Non-Aggression Pact, Full Alliance, and Allegiance Checks passed (50, 100, 250, and 500 in this case).

700/6000 to Level 51.

Hernul has somewhat poor living conditions compared to Thernus, but packs 5 times as many people into the same space through use of mega-structure cities called Hives. Pyris recruits most of it's tech-priests and workers from here, and Ored was working on having them man the troop transports, as their army of 1 billion, while only 5% of the population, is titanic by most standards, and they are more than capable of regenerating anything short of total loss of the force in a few years. Your innovations which increase both the efficiency of factories and the general quality of life for the common man are of great interest to them, as are the improvements to the PDF you've made. The poorer quality of life resulting from the population density and pollution from the factories leads to a distinctly greater susceptibility to cults, as they seem like much less of a bad idea compared to the alternative, and it is hoped your improvements can do something about that. Having installed them in one of the smaller Hives as a test subject, you hope so.

The universal personal shields are of great interest, as while they have a huge army, they're somewhat poorly trained compared to less populated worlds due to their sheer number letting some poorer ones slip through the cracks. Similarly, the plasma weapons are of great interest, as sheer weight of numbers makes survival of the individual soldier less important to the the 'nobles' and Governor than making sure they can deal damage to harder targets, such as Orks or armored units. As well, your anti-grav vehicles will help immensely in ferrying materials in from the asteroid belt, and goods and troops off-world, making their main export both less resource-intensive and faster. They feel rather silly for not implementing the Champions policy themselves, as they have the numbers to form Champion's Regiments if they really wanted to.

Reward: Gained a relatively large military for such a small polity. Will provide bonuses for ground battles where you can bring their numbers to bear.

Roll 4: 55+ 20(Level Perks)+10(Diplomatic Overtures)=85. Receptive.

The sub-sector's Fortress-World, Corvinia, is the main source of elite troops. It's a Deathworld, whose inhabitants have clung to life through sheer stubbornness, resulting in a world of a single billion, but who trades regiments worth of troops for disproportionate resources. They also trade a number of very rare luxuries harvested from the native wildlife, though they have a lot more of their skilled troops by comparison, and can send them out more regularly by comparison.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks passed. -225 to Check difficulty total.

Speech: Diplomacy Check: 115+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 2750(Speech Perks)+75 (Level Perks)+100(Goods)= 3360. Information, Non-Aggression Pact, Full Alliance, and Allegiance Checks passed (75, 150, 400, and 800 in this case).

760/6000 to Level 51.

Your innovations in military technology are something they very much want, and with their main suppliers of food and guns already in your pocket, they weren't exactly eager to offend you. Not to mention, the Runes of Protection and Defense you personally inscribed on their walls (as you doubt most cultists, with their poor judgement and general lack of common sense form corruption, would last very long outside the walls) which have noticeably reduced casualties from their usual numbers.

Roll 5: 60+20(Level Perks)+10(Diplomatic Overtures)=90. Receptive, have something to offer.

Diplomacy Check: 2 Checks passed. -225 to Check difficulty total.

Speech: Diplomacy Check: 115+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 2750(Speech Perks)+75 (Level Perks)+200(Goods)= 3460. Information, Non-Aggression Pact, Full Alliance, and Allegiance Checks passed (75, 150, 400, and 800 in this case).

820/6000 to Level 51.

The last world you open talks with this year is another Forge World. While Pyris specializes in providing gear for the common soldier, Aris specializes in larger craft, such as tanks, aircraft, fighters, and even a smaller example of the Superheavy units apparently common in olden times, a Titan. It's only a Knight-Titan that they build for use by the Knight-World in the system they neighbor, but, while smaller than it's counterparts, it lets you see the principles of building such machines, which should prove helpful in designing your own.

In return for their allegiance, they receive many of the same things you gave to Pyris. Improvements to their factories and the quality of life for their menials, as well as the shields for their voidcraft, which triggered quite a bit of celebration among their tech-priests., as was something they'd apparently been having trouble with. Their Knight-Titans had Ion shields, but they just couldn't seem to get voidcraft shielded without throwing the whole thing off. Due to the differences in Void shields and Ion shields, a lot of the designing process for one was incompatible for the other, so the experience with Ion shields helped less than one would expect.

Inexperienced Malus to designing Titans units removed.

Total Reward: 5 planets added to budding polity. Vote for a Write-In Name after Turn Results, which will retroactively become the name of the polity.

Available Fleet for deployment to Therog (Feral World Orks are headed for) has been increased by 1 Dreadnought, 10 Cruisers and 30 Escorts.

[X] Ship Building. After your feat of all but building the Dreadnought and Cruisers yourself, and with the knowledge that the Orkish Waagh is coming straight for you, you think it best to fill out the ranks of the fleet a bit. Of course, you have to use the asteroid belt that makes up the ring around the system's sole gas giant, and there's a limit to how much material is there, but there's enough for a fairly large fleet. Chance of Success: 100%. This action may be taken up to 15 times. Will build one Battleship, 5 Cruisers, or 10 Escorts almost fully. The former takes 2 years to complete after the action is taken. Currently 4/15 have been used. One will be taken for free due to Mining Ships. Dreadnought construction finishes this Turn. Cruiser and Escort berths currently empty.

As the Dreadnought berth is currently full, you instead work to fill the Cruiser and Escort berths.

Roll: 75+20(Level Perks)=95. Success.

Roll: 72+20(Level Perks)=92. Success.

They both go very well, though you don't manage to complete either of the sets of ships independently. As you've gained a number of ships that you can deploy without leaving worlds under your control defenseless, this is less urgent than it was before, though at the same time, you plan on assaulting, or at least harrying the Orks much earlier than when they're due to arrive in the system.

[X] Trade. As you now possess a much greater ability to find people and places and make contact in the Warp, you've tracked down the Craftworld where the Eldar you met on the Space Hulk returned to. You suspect they possess a great deal of knowledge of psychic arts, and they might be willing to trade for the crystals you can produce. Chance of Success: 100% (Base 10+10 from Experienced+10 from Seen It All+ 20 from Diplomacy+ 50 Goods) Reward: Trade options.

Roll: 6+10(FBTW applies due to nature of event from table)=16. Success.

While you have much the Eldar would be willing to trade, a Warp Storm has erupted in the surrounding systems, leaving only a narrow corridor of safe space, and the Navigators very nervous when traveling there. However, you arrive without incident, in part due to your mastery of the same energies which threaten your passage, and in part due to apparent luck, with the Warp calming somewhat as you near.

Trade Options: Increased due to interesting goods available, goodwill from mutual enemy slaughtered, and respect for a psyker of your power and intellect. That is, as a Primarch, they don't consider you inferior, or at least not as much so as a regular human.

Eldar Offers​

Unless otherwise stated, each option is worth 1 point. It's best to have equal points on each side. Diplomacy roll is required if the points are imbalanced in your favor, with a larger malus the larger the imbalance is.

[ ] Adviser. While you are a powerful psyker, and have done quite a bit of research on your own, even a much-reduced Eldar has a lot more psychic knowledge to draw upon. +1000 modifier to Psyker+Invention Combined Checks.

[ ] Non-Aggression Pact. While you aren't currently hostile, this makes it official.

[ ] Wraithbone. While Wraithbone itself is probably not something you could make, as it is tuned to the Eldar psyche and soul, something similar might be possible. Costs 2 points.

[ ] Alliance. A full alliance isn't usually something the Eldar do with other races, but these Eldar are all but refugees from their empire's destruction. You've pieced it together from bits and pieces overheard from different Eldar due to them underestimating your hearing. Apparently rampant debauchery among their core worlds over the course of millennia led to the formation of a powerful Warp Horror. This entity is what most would refer to as a God, and 'ate' their existing pantheon. This led directly to their current state of vulnerability. As such, they're willing to at least entertain the idea. Bonus, you know your Chaos theory was right on. Costs 2 points. Requires you take Non-Aggression Pact.

Eldar Requests​

[ ] Conceptual Crystals. While they have experience with creating substances from Warp energy, the crystals are a new one.

[ ] Advanced Crystals. They're especially interested in the crystals which affect a psyker's control over their powers.

[ ] Talismans. The talismans are also new, which makes sense considering their origins.

[ ] Psychic Equipment. Your research into psyker gear is also of great interest for the Eldar, as they've grown complacent in the safety of their powers over millions of years, so they've still been working on creating the gear. Worth 2 points, as they need some of it badly.

[ ] Runic Collaboration. They are also very interested in your research into using the crystals to imbue script with effects related to crystals that match the specific set of the runic language you've developed. One the one hand, you'd need to share what you've already learned, on the other, you'd gain a team of psyker researchers who can at least keep up with you. Gain chance for more types and advances (or progress at least) of runes as part of RER table.

AN: As it will take some time for the exchange to be hammered out, your choices will have no bearing on this Turn Results.

You work on boosting your inherent abilities, independent of your talents. You have particular success with your Intrigue-related efforts.

5 Combat Rolls automatically passed. Combat now 25.

Combat 25 Perk.

Intrigue Roll: 87+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)-18(Intrigue)= 119. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 54+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 19(Intrigue)+19(Overflow)=104. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 93+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 20(Intrigue)+4(Overflow)= 128. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 56+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 21(Intrigue)+ 28(Overflow)= 113. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 84+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 22(Intrigue)+ 13(Overflow)= 125. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 6+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 23(Intrigue)+ 25(Overflow)= 58. Success. +1 Intrigue.

Intrigue Roll: 51+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 24(Intrigue)= 77. Success. +1 Intrigue.

Intrigue Roll: 43+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 25(Intrigue)= 68. Success. +1 Intrigue.

Intrigue Roll: 79+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 26(Intrigue)= 103. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 94+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 27(Intrigue)+3(Overflow)= 120. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 100+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 28(Intrigue)+ 20(Overflow)= 142. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 61+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 29(Intrigue)+ 42(Overflow)= 124. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 85+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 30(Intrigue)+ 24(Overflow)= 129. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 86+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 31(Intrigue)+ 29(Overflow)= 134. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Success Roll: 73+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 32(Intrigue)+ 34(Overflow)= 125. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Success Roll: 66+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 33(Intrigue)+ 25(Overflow)= 108. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Success Roll: 97+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 34(Intrigue)+ 8(Overflow)= 121. Critical Success. +1 Intrigue.

Critical Intrigue Roll: 5+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 35(Intrigue)+ 21(Overflow)= 41. Failure.

Intrigue Roll: 65+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 35(Intrigue)=80. Success. +1 Intrigue.

Intrigue Roll: 13+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 36(Intrigue)=27. Failure.

Intrigue Roll: 50+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 36(Intrigue)=64. Success. +1 Intrigue. Intrigue now 37.

Intrigue 25 Perk. Informant. While you would hesitate to call yourself a full-fledged spy, you are certainly a very good gatherer of information. +50 to Evasion and Perception Checks.

Diplomacy Roll: 98+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 20(Diplomacy)= 128. Critical Success. +1 Diplomacy.

Critical Diplomacy Roll: 14+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 21(Diplomacy)+28(Overflow)= 71. Success. +1 Diplomacy

Diplomacy Roll: 88+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 22(Diplomacy)= 116. Critical Success. +1 Diplomacy.

Critical Diplomacy Roll: 53+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 23(Diplomacy)+16(Overflow)= 97. Success. +1 Diplomacy.

Diplomacy Roll: 32+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 24(Diplomacy)= 58. Success. +1 Diplomacy.

Diplomacy Roll: 98+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 25(Diplomacy)= 123. Critical Success. +1 Diplomacy.

Critical Diplomacy Roll: 25+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 26(Diplomacy)= 49. Failure.

Diplomacy Roll: 62+ 30(Mentors bonus)+ 20(Level Perks)- 26(Diplomacy)= 86. Success. +1 Diplomacy.

Diplomacy is now 27.

Diplomacy 25 Perk. Diplomat. Your inherent charisma is well beyond most people, but not incredible. It's still very helpful in convincing others to listen to you. +10 to Diplomacy rolls, and +50 to Diplomacy Checks.

All 25 Stat Perk. Well-Rounded. While you are not epicly talented in any one area, your wide range of talents shore up your weaknesses in any one field with the others. +1 Perk per Level. +1 bankable reroll. +3 Skill tags.

+150 Exp from Perks. 970/6000 to Level 51. Currently possess 50 Perk points.

Crude Teleporter Network: While you currently possess a very short-range teleportation network, which, due to it's nature, currently requires little in the way of warding or enhancement to it's accuracy. A longer-range version would require Runes of Accuracy and Purity at minimum, and a Rune of Balance to keep it all stable. You've never combined 4 Runes successfully, never mind 5. Not to mention you'll have to test each version with drones or personally to make sure it doesn't either 'forget' part of it's transfer or let Warp Horrors mess with them. Drones to get the first part down, yourself for the second half. Getting yourself killed by having half of your brain teleported away from the other half or something would be... unfortunate.

Power Check: 5 Checks passed.

Control Check: 2 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -400 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Necessity+Military: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200 +Forging: Gear: 195+ 220(Education bonus)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 745(Psyker Perks)+ 1080(Education Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 4330. Required: 2100. 1st Check passed. Range for teleportation safely increased to 100 meter radius. 4330/4600 to safe 250 meter radius teleportation. AN: Technically, you have 10 kilometer teleportation, but 100 meters is the longest it can be done safely.

1080/6000 to Level 51. Currently possess 50 Perk points.

Fusion Reactors X6: As power is a major bottleneck for both industry, use of units any heavier than your Heavy Exoskeletons, and for ships, you place especially heavy emphasis on it.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Practicality+Industry: 210+ Forging: Gear: 195+ Electronics: Wiring: 60+ 110(Education bonus)+210(Education Perks)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)+50 for plan= 2510 X 6= 15060. Requirement for Reactor Improvement: 2300. Passed. Requirement for Efficient Vehicular Reactors: 4800. Passed. Requirement for Efficient Personal Reactors: 7300. Passed. Reactor improvements now apply to all areas of society. Requirement for Further Reactor Improvement: 9800. Passed. Requirement for Greatly Improved Reactors: 14800. 15060/20000 for Hugely Improved Reactors.

1160/6000 to Level 51. Currently possess 50 Perk points.

You have repeated massive breakthroughs. Not only do you manage to vastly improve the efficiency of individual reactors, increasing their output by 100% for their size, while retaining adequate shielding for their new level of output, and being redesigned as pentagons to help prevent Warp Horrors from screwing a town or ship over by causing an overload, you also manage to make reactors for use in vehicles as small as cars, which lets fighters use them just fine. Not to mention incorporating them into guns, both lasguns and plasma guns, giving the PDF effectively unlimited shots. Plus the MASS suits now have backup reactors, letting them recharge just about anything, or provide their plasma guns with enough power to use their flamethrower setting for long periods.

Then there's the ships, whose reactors you personally replace. Ships can always use more power. Either they can shunt it to their shield emitters, use it to charge their weapons batteries more quickly, or ensure artificial gravity and life support remain functioning despite half the ship being out of commission. As such you can expect Void Shields to come back online with relative speed.

Not to mention this solves the power issues the nano-assemblers have been held back by, letting them achieve their full potential. Speaking of which, fully functioning reactors can be built with replicators, though most of the replicators lack access or at least are usually locked out of making these as it's absurdly easy to make a reactor into a bomb. This makes rolling them out to the PDF and civilians (with the password being given to those among the worlds that have agreed to follow you that you feel you can trust) relatively easy.

While Odern has relatively little in the way of power problems, every other planet you're in contact with is ecstatic at the advance. The Forge Worlds can always use more power to accelerate their production, and Hernul has had to ration power for decades to avoid rolling blackouts. Now, they can finally rescind that edict, causing a massive drop in dissatisfaction among their citizens.

Gained Miniaturized Reactors. +10% to industry from improved transports. +50 to PDF rolls from effectively unlimited ammunition.

Gained Greatly Improved Reactors. +50% to industry from massive increase to available power. +100 to PDF rolls due to improved vehicles, fighters, etc. +50 to fleet rolls from effective elimination of power issues.

Malus to Replicator bonii removed.

Replicators. +50% to production for worlds under your control.

Resized Replicators. 100% increase in production and raw material extraction.

Gained +100 to Goods modifier with most worlds.

Improved Gellar Fields: While better reactors certainly help in enforcing a bubble of reality around the ship, better Gellar Fields would also be very nice. Gellar fields work in a manner similar to the Null Runes, though with more technology involved and less manipulation of the Warp with symbols.

Power Check: 5 Checks passed.

Control Check: 2 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -400 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Necessity+Military: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200 +Forging: Gear: 195+ 220(Education bonus)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 745(Psyker Perks)+ 1080(Education Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 4330. 4330/4600 to Improved Gellar Field.

1260/6000 to Level 51. Currently possess 50 Perk points.

While you feel close to a major breakthrough, you aren't quite there yet. Though you do manage to improve on the Gellar Field generators very slightly.

Gained Slightly Improved Gellar Field Generators. 0.5% less likely to suffer a Warp Disaster. (9 or lower).

Better Warp Navigation Gear/Systems. As you've had little luck in improving the Gellar Fields themselves, you work on improving the systems the ship uses, and the equipment the Navigators use, in hopes of a cumulative

Power Check: 5 Checks passed.

Control Check: 2 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -400 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Necessity+Military: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200 +Forging: Gear: 195+ 220(Education bonus)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 745(Psyker Perks)+ 1080(Education Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 4330 X 2= 8660. Required for Navigation Gear: 600 Passed. Required for Warp Beacons: 2100. Passed. Required for Improved Navigation Gear: 4600. Required for Improved Warp Beacons: 7100. Required for Greatly Improved Navigation Gear: 8660/9600.

1400/6000 to Level 51.

First you work on getting the Navigators some better gear, which is harder than it sounds. First, because the Navigator House which services the sector has been working on this problem for more or less their entire existence. If they weren't originally from Thernus, you'd also have much more significant roadblocks in the form of personal pride in their Houses abilities, but the Navigator House both respects your capabilities, and listens to Cazanus when he tells them something is a good idea. As such you don't manage to provide them the massive improvement you were hoping for, though you take comfort in the fact that it's more because the Navigator House's equipment is just that good, than any personal failing.

Of course, the fact that you were able to completely outdo centuries of work in a single year, and make it something that can be made regularly rather than something that has to be specially made for each person makes them feel both impressed and somewhat annoyed. Nothing comes of it though.

Meanwhile, you also work on creating something to act as a guide for the ships that travel the Warp. If you can't make the barriers significantly stronger, then you'll do your best to reduce their workload. Your own efforts to serve as a beacon for nearby (in galactic terms) Navigators are the basis of your work. You craft what is best described as a combination of a Gellar device and the space equivalent of an ocean buoy. It serves to slightly calm the local Warp, and demarcate the safest path through it. The worlds under your control begin placing these on the routes between neighboring worlds and each other immediately, one per half-light year.

While the buoys provide some support, a Warp Storm springing up will rapidly overwhelm them, and by rapidly you mean a matter of days in the best-case scenario. As such, they are treated more like lampposts for the routes to different planets than anything else. However, they help the Navigators well enough to matter.

Gained Improved Navigation Gear. Navigator bonus improved from 5 to 15.

Gained Improved Warp Buoy. Your buoys drastically reduce the chance for Warp Disasters. Gain a reroll for Warp Disasters in areas with the buoys. Should a ship be caught in transit when a Warp Storm rises up while in areas demarcated by the buoys, automatic Warp Disaster is rerolled.

You then put some effort into improving your runic language. Adding a new Rune, and improving an old one.

Power Check: 5 Checks passed.

Control Check: 2 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -400 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Practical+Industry: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200 +Forging: Gear: 195+ 220(Education bonus)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 745(Psyker Perks)+ 1080(Education Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 4330. Focus on Communication and Navigation. Communication Rune Requirement: 600. Communication and Navigation Second-tier Runes: 2100. 4330/4600 to Third-tier Runes.

1520/6000 to Level 51.

Not only do you create Communication crystals and equivalent Runes, but you advance both Communication and Navigation to their second-tiers. The former currently allows the rough equivalent of a phone call from anywhere within the same star system in real-time, but has a range of less than a single light-year. The latter is far superior to it's more basic counterpart, providing glimmers of insight for which direction to go to reach one's destination, and you've already incorporated it into the arsenal of scouts and Navigators.

Gained Second-tier Navigation and Communication Runes. +10 to Warp Disaster Rolls. Barring Warp Storms or Daemonic interference, will not lose communications with forces in the same system.

Void Shields: Considering the advances in reactors and your knowledge of the workings of the Warp, you want to see if you can improve Void Shield generators for your largest ships. You are somewhat doubtful that the smaller ships will have significant amounts of efficiency that can be squeezed out of them.

Power Check: 5 Checks passed.

Control Check: 2 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -400 to Check difficulty. Additional -250 from Improved Reactors (multiple in capitol ships, would be smaller for other ships)

Invention: Necessity+Military: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200 +Forging: Gear: 195+ 220(Education bonus)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 745(Psyker Perks)+ 1080(Education Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 4350 X 3= 13050. Requirement for Improved Void Shields: 4350. Passed. Requirement for Faster Shield Re-raise: 6850. Passed. Requirement for Greatly Improved Void Shields: 9350. 13050/14350 for Much Faster Shield Re-raise.

1650/6000 to Level 51. Currently possess 50 Perk points.

You manage to make a great deal of improvement, cutting the time for raising the shield again after by about 10%, and increasing the strength of Void shields by 10%, making them harder to bring down in the first place. While it's not the massive leap you might have wished for, Void Shields and Gellar Fields are pieces of technology that haven't seen much in the way of advancement for millennia. Even before the Age of Strife, they were made by a genius in the field, and few people in history even understood their workings properly.

Gained Improved Void Shields. +10% to strength of Void Shields and speed of re-raising them. +25 to fleet rolls where capitol ships are involved.

Void Shield Emitters: While improving the shields themselves is well and good, the emitters are the most common point of failure when the shields need to be raised again, or when sabotage is involved. As such increasing their ability to handle more energy, and how hard to damage they are, are the main points you need to work on. However, you also hope to create overlapping Void Shields.

Power Check: 5 Checks passed.

Control Check: 2 Checks passed.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -400 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Necessity+Military: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200 +Forging: Gear: 195+ 220(Education bonus)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 745(Psyker Perks)+ 1080(Education Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 4350 X 3= 13050. Requirement for Improved Emitters: 4600. Passed. Requirement for Greatly Improved Emitters: 7100. Passed. Requirement for Overlapping Void Shields: 9600. Passed. Requirement for Hugely Improved Emitters: 13050/14600.

1780/6000 to Level 51.

On the one hand, you do manage to improve the Emitters' output, but on the other hand, the interference from layering the Void Shields so that they overlap and power can be drawn from one to support one at risk of failing weakens them enough to cancel out the improvements you made. On the other hand, the improved resilience and tactical boost from being able to shunt power to the parts of the shields that really need it more than makes up for having a Void Shield otherwise the same.

The level of interference it can deal with also makes it possible to create Theater shields, which serve to prevent orbital bombardment from reaching the ground in a wide area, or similar attacks from getting through. This allows for the protection of cities and armies, and makes orbital superiority less of an issue.

With your shields and their emitters having both been upgraded, you work to install them in pre-existing capital ships.

Gained Overlapping Void Shields. +50 to fleet rolls involving capital ships.

With the extra punch plasma weapons are giving ground-pounder guns, you want to see if ships and fighters can benefit.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Practicality+Industry: 210+ Forging: Weapons: 200+ Electronics: Wiring: 60+ 110(Education bonus)+210(Education Perks)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 2465. Requires 800 for Viability: Passed. Requires 2300 for Improved Plasma Weapons. 2465/4800 for Greatly Improved Plasma Weapons.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Practicality+Industry: 210+ Forging: Weapons: 200+ Electronics: Wiring: 60+ 110(Education bonus)+210(Education Perks)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 2465. Requires 800 for Viability: Passed. Requires 2300 for Improved Plasma Weapons. 2465/4800 for Greatly Improved Plasma Weapons.

1860/6000 to Level 51.

Good news, they do indeed provide benefits. The bad news is that they are much harder to use and make than lasers. This is because light is easier to direct than gas, though it seems to be worth it. As you've basically replaced everything else, you wonder if you should try your hand at redesigning the hulls of the ships. Fighters, on the other hand, are much deadlier to their brethren now, as plasma tends to badly affect the internals of whatever it hits. Full ships have the armor to resist to some degree, but the priority of maneuverability over armor hurts voidcraft here.

Gained Naval Improved Plasma Weapons +10 to fleet and fighter rolls.

While you're at it, you give their laser weaponry an overhaul, though they're mostly using it for point-defenses at this point, as accuracy is more important than damage where point-defenses are involved, and lasers are far better at hitting a specific target than plasma.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Combined Check: Invention: Practicality+Industry: 210+ Forging: Weapons: 200+ Electronics: Wiring: 60+ 110(Education bonus)+210(Education Perks)+ 1250(Invention Perks)+ 300(Forging Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 2465. Requires 800 for Improved Laser Weapons: Passed. Requires 2300 for Greatly Improved Plasma Weapons. 2465/4800 for Hugely Improved Plasma Weapons.

1860/6000 to Level 51.

While lasers see less use on your ships now, point defenses are still very important. More than one battle has been made or broken by how well one side can shoot down their opponents' munitions. As such, you are more than happy with the improvements you make.

Gained Improved Point Defenses. +20(25 total) to interception rolls.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Seeing as you plan on launching a military campaign, you decide to improve the military with a large number of small projects again.

Invention: Necessity+Military X 4: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks) +1450(Invention Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 2105+200=2305 X 4=9220+/25= 368. However, bonus can only increase to 210.

5540/6000 to Level 51.

As you expect, you manage a major boost to the previous efficiency of the military, despite the minor nature of each individual bonus.

Reward: Efficient Military bonus has increased from 98 to 210.

Meanwhile, you also work to deal with the morale problems several of the worlds (Looking at you Thernul) under your control are suffering from.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Invention: Extravagance+Luxury X 4: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks) +1450(Invention Perks) +75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)= 2105+200=2305 X 4=9220+/25= 368. However, bonus can only increase to 210.

Gained 1 Level. 3220/6000 to Level 52. Currently possess 52 Perk points.

You succeed with flying colors, as while the nobles and similarly rich individuals are the only ones who can afford most of it, you can make a lot of the luxuries cheap enough for even the poorly paid people of Thernul to afford some treats of their own. The slight uptick in popularity the government received following the reforms initiated from your innovations, copied from the first city you placed them in, transforms into a massive upswing. Rising from 56% percent to 84% approval ratings. A job well done you'd say.

Gained Extravagant Lifestyle. +210 to Morale rolls.

AN: I'll have the Perk Selection up some time tomorrow.
Perk Selection 11
Alliance Name: Bastion

[X] Trade Plan: Fly before you can crawl

Eldar Offers​

[X] Adviser. While you are a powerful psyker, and have done quite a bit of research on your own, even a much-reduced Eldar has a lot more psychic knowledge to draw upon. +1000 modifier to Psyker+Invention Combined Checks.

[X] Non-Aggression Pact. While you aren't currently hostile, this makes it official.

[X] Wraithbone. While Wraithbone itself is probably not something you could make, as it is tuned to the Eldar psyche and soul, something similar might be possible. Costs 2 points.

[X] Alliance. A full alliance isn't usually something the Eldar do with other races, but these Eldar are all but refugees from their empire's destruction. You've pieced it together from bits and pieces overheard from different Eldar due to them underestimating your hearing. Apparently rampant debauchery among their core worlds over the course of millennia led to the formation of a powerful Warp Horror. This entity is what most would refer to as a God, and 'ate' their existing pantheon. This led directly to their current state of vulnerability. As such, they're willing to at least entertain the idea. Bonus, you know your Chaos theory was right on. Costs 2 points. Requires you take Non-Aggression Pact.

Eldar Requests​

[X] Conceptual Crystals. While they have experience with creating substances from Warp energy, the crystals are a new one.

[X] Advanced Crystals. They're especially interested in the crystals which affect a psyker's control over their powers.

[X] Talismans. The talismans are also new, which makes sense considering their origins.

[X] Psychic Equipment. Your research into psyker gear is also of great interest for the Eldar, as they've grown complacent in the safety of their powers over millions of years, so they've still been working on creating the gear. Worth 2 points, as they need some of it badly.

[X] Runic Collaboration. They are also very interested in your research into using the crystals to imbue script with effects related to crystals that match the specific set of the runic language you've developed. One the one hand, you'd need to share what you've already learned, on the other, you'd gain a team of psyker researchers who can at least keep up with you. Gain chance for more types and advances (or progress at least) of runes as part of RER table.

You know for a fact that these people would normally all but laugh at the thought of a formal alliance with a power that didn't at least rival their race in might, but things have been decidedly abnormal ever since the birth of the 'god' created by their empire's excesses. They cannot use their psychic might to it's fullest extent without risking their very souls suffering the same fate as their brethren on their core worlds, which curtails the majority of their power.

In addition, they currently lack the ability to communicate with their fellows, which leaves them very vulnerable, as while the massive Wraithbone construct that is their Craftworld has immense psychic power, it is also their home. As cold as it sounds, they need ablative armor of some kind, or else each major battle risks millions dead as their world-ship fails to hold. That's where you and your forces some in. While they don't trust you quite so much as to allow large human garrisons onto their world, they are willing to let them on-board. While a space-bound garrison will have to wait until the nearby Waagh is broken, you have no trouble turning some nearby asteroids into mineral slag, and then making basic weapons platforms out of said slag. It will barely slow down a determined assault, but it should keep them a little safer until you have the forces to spare to guard them more thoroughly.

The talismans and gear are also of use, though the more advanced ones will take some time to have any real impact. It does mean that they'll have much less trouble training their psykers without dealing with the same problems (sort of) that humans have to deal with. As they haven't had to deal with this in millions of years, if ever, they had virtually no idea what they were doing trying to create gear of their own for the purpose of controlling their powers, as they'd never needed it in any significant quantities before. You handily solve that problem with your psy-gear.

Meanwhile, your Runes of Purity and Null Runes are of special interest to them, as that's where they've been having the most trouble since IT was born. However, your Preservation, Healing, Protection, Defense Runes are also of interest, as they're having trouble simply maintaining their psychic technology with their powers stunted, and the obvious benefits of the synergy between the natural healing of Wraithbone and the accelerated healing provided by Healing Runes, not to mention Defense and Protection Runes drastically lowering the damage taken in the first place. Of course, the 3 Rune limit you're working on is something of a disappointment to them, but even the combinations available to them from what you have so far are of great use, and the promise of further research leading to stronger individual runes and larger numbers which can be combined is a subject of hope for them.

Speaking of Runes, the crystals you discovered on the Space Hulk, necessary for their creation, are made in a process remarkably similar to Wraithbone, which lets the Eldar make them fairly easily once you explain the process to them. You have to admit, having people actually follow you without having to simplify what you say to the point you might as well not be using jargon is nice. This leads to the Runes being relatively simple to make, though you struggle a bit with Wraithbone.

The Eldar suspect that since their minds and souls are different from a human's, Wraithbone simply isn't something most humans will be able to make. You can do it, but you aren't a normal human by any standard. The crystals are linked to concepts, which makes them a lot easier to make than Wraithbone, which is 'designed' for Eldar (Basically, you don't have to be a genius to comprehend Fire, but a whole alien mindset is another matter.) which means that while you can use Wraithbone as a base, it would likely be easier to make a human-equivalent.​

Reward: The Quenya-Bastion Alliance has been formalized. While the Eldar will not provide soldiers, as they lack numbers or the ability to replace their numbers with anything resembling speed, they are willing to provide expertise in materials science and psychic knowledge, as they cannot currently use either to their fullest, and will receive military aid in return. Gained Eldar Adviser SL. Switches between Education and Psyker skills for training. Provides bonus to each added to bonus from existing SLs. Wraithbone samples obtained. Not compatible with humans, but can be used to create a human-equivalent from crystals. Quenya and Bastion researchers will collaborate on runic research.

Tactics: Preparation: 105. You've reached the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Extremely high chance of traps being successful. Even very competent commanders will fall for them.

Tactics: Preparation: 110. You've exceeded the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Huge chance of traps being successful. Even extremely competent commanders will fall for them.

Tactics: Cleverness: 105. You've achieved the peak of 'winging it' among most humans. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced very, very much from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 110. You've surpassed the peak of 'winging it' among most humans. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced hugely from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Trickery: 105. You can outsmart 90% of the population with ease. Difficulty of Tactics Checks very largely reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 110. You can outsmart 95% of the population with ease. It doesn't sound like much of an improvement, but it really is. Difficulty of Tactics Checks hugely reduced.

Forging: Gear: 195. You can now craft insanely complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look like useless baubles, while fully retaining their functionality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Gear: 200. You can now craft impossibly complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they actually look like useless baubles, while fully retaining their very impressive functionality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.

Forging: Gear has advanced to Forging: Machinery.

Forging: Machinery: 0. Gadgets are one thing, but full on machinery is a whole different animal.

Forging All 200. Forgemaster. You are the stuff of legends among smiths, rejecting what most would consider master works as junk by your standards. +200 to Forging Checks. +1 Free Invention Action.

3420/6000 to Level 52.

You have 4 Tags to move, and 52 Perk points available. AN: Messed up on the Technomancy Perks. They're supposed to give bonuses to Explosives, not Medicine.

Combat: Melee: 20 Perk. Trained Fighter. You are an above-average fighter. +10 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Melee: 40 Perk. Brawler. You are always armed. Provided you can use your limbs at least. +20 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Melee: 60 Perk. Commanding Officer. You are a skilled fighter, and those under your command know it. +30 to Combat Checks. +10 to morale rolls for forces you command. Requires one of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 80 Perk. Crusher. You are a supremely skilled fighter. Your mere presence nearby is demoralizing to the enemy. +50 to Combat Checks. Malus of 10 to enemy morale rolls when arrayed against forces you command. Requires 2 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 100 Perk. Champion. You have achieved the limits of mortal combat when fighting in the close-range. You can embolden your forces and terrify the enemy by your mere presence, and the enemy champion is the only one that may do more than buy time with their lives should they get too close. +75 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 25 to morale rolls for forces under your command, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are present on the planet. Requires 3 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 120 Perk. Supreme Champion. You have exceeded the limits of mortal combat when fighting in melee. Your forces are emboldened by proximity to you, and enemies falter, as you are essentially death incarnate to any but a Warp Horror. +100 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 50 to morale rolls for your forces, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are in the same system. Requires 4 of the preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 140 Perk. Ultimate Champion. You have vastly surpassed the limits of mortal combat in melee. Your forces are greatly emboldened by proximity, and enemies risk breaking simply from knowing you are present. Even Warp Horrors will feel unnerved if they are on the enemy's side. +150 to Combat Checks. +100 to Morale rolls for forces under your command. Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls. Applies to all forces in sub-sector. Requires 5 of preceding Melee Perks.

Combat: Melee: 160 Perk. Hero. Simply achieving this level of melee combat makes people question whether you really are human. You forces will recover from total disorganization from the simple fact of your presence. Meanwhile, entire fleets and armies may flee or desert from your presence. Even Daemonic ones. +200 to Combat Checks. +150 to Morale rolls for forces under your command. Malus of the same to enemy Morale rolls. Applies to all forces in sector. Requires 6 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Melee: 180 Perk. Superhero. You can call yourself human all you want. Very few people believe you. Your mere presence on the battlefield rallies your troops, not the least because you actually do make your allies stronger when you are nearby, and your enemies weaker. Daemonic armies will run back to the Warp rather than fight you. Fleets and armies may simply give up and wait to be imprisoned or boarded. +250 to Combat Checks. +200 to Morale rolls for your forces. Malus of the same to enemy Morale rolls. Applies to all forces in nearby sectors. Requires 7 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Melee: 200 Perk. Goddess of War. You keep having to tell people you aren't a god of war. Even the ones that aren't part of the cults that keep popping up are doubtful of your claim. +500 to Combat Checks. +250 to Morale rolls for your forces. Malus of the same for the enemy. Applies to all forces within 5 sectors of you. Requires 8 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Ranged: 20 Perk. Dual-wielding. For most people, using two guns requires a sacrifice of accuracy, speed, or stability. Not so for you. May use two guns without one suffering a debuff.

Combat: Ranged: 40 Perk. Deflection. You can bounce bullets and laser shots off of many surfaces if you do it right. +20 to Combat Checks.

Combat: Ranged: 60 Perk. Ricochet. Not only can you bounce shots off of surfaces, you can do it over and over. +40 to Combat Checks. +10 Flanking bonus to Combat Checks. Must have 1 of preceding Perks.

Combat: Stealth: 20 Perk. Sniper. Rather than sneaking behind enemy lines, you can take out officers from a distance. +20 to Stealth Checks.

Combat: Stealth: 40 Perk. Assassin. Hey Earl, where'd you Gugh! +40 to Stealth Checks.

Combat: Stealth: 60 Perk. Silent. Being very quiet is an important part of stealth. +60 to Stealth Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 20 Perk. Waiting. Waiting is half of war. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 40 Perk. Trapping. Laying traps is very helpful in causing enemy casualties. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 60 Perk. Fortifications. Even the crudest of fortifications can save lives. +30 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 80 Perk. Ambush. Lying in wait for the opportune moment to attack requires patience, good judgement, and some measure of blind luck. While your options for the last are more limited, you have the first two in spades. +50 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Preparation: 100 Perk. Trench Training. While having crude fortifications is good, being able to make them and use them well is, if anything, more important. +75 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 20 Perk. Clever. You might be too smart for your own good. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 40 Perk. I Meant To Do That! You take full advantage of your crafty reputation to fool enemies into dealing with imaginary plots. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 60 Perk. You've Fallen Into My Trap! You can pretend to do a big dramatic reveal that everything they did was part of your plan. While the best readers of body language can tell you're lying, it can sow confusion long enough to buy time for your actual operations. +30 to Tactics Checks. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 80 Perk. Time For Plan B! While you are an excellent strategist, making adjustments to take changes into account is paramount. +50 to Tactics Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Cleverness: 100 Perk. Er, Plan C? Of course, enemy commanders will often do the same, so fighting a competent commander can become like a chess game, but with lives in the balance. +75 to Tactics Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Trickery: 20 Perk. Tricksy. You are surprisingly crafty. +10 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 40 Perk. Prankster. You make a habit of tricking people in harmless ways, so that they're on guard against worse ways. +20 to Tactics Checks.

Tactics: Trickery: 60 Perk. Trickster. Of course, you also know a thing or two about riddles. +30 to Tactics Checks. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Trickery: 80 Perk. Bluff. You won't always hold all the cards, but having the enemy think you do can be almost as good. +50 to Tactics Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Tactics: Trickery: 100 Perk. Double Bluff. The enemy might figure out you aren't holding all the cards... or so they think. You actually just let the 'find out' about your 'weaknesses.' +75 to Tactics Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Evasion: Lying: 20 Perk. Dissimulation. Sometimes the best lies are half-truths. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Lying: 40 Perk. Easy Smile. People trust seemingly genuine smiles. +20 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 20 Perk. DOOOODGE! Your instincts for incoming attacks are finely honed, and you know exactly how one should react: Get the hell out of the way. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 40 Perk. Turning With The Blow. While you can't always completely avoid an attack, you can make sure you don't take it full force. +20 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 20 Perk. Fooled You! There's just something satisfying about tricking someone into hitting their own allies. +10 to Evasion Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 40 Perk. Deceit. You never actually lied, you just left out a few things about what was going on.

Speech: Persuasion: 20 Perk. Persuasive. You are decent at convincing people to do as you want them to. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 40 Perk. A Favor? You can call in favors from those you've helped in the past to smooth things over in the present. Bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Persuasion: 60 Perk. Appeal To Morality. Your arguments are convincing from a purely pragmatic point of view, as well as an emotional one. Decreases difficulty of Persuasion Checks by 50 if your target lacks a strong reason to refuse you, such as a direct order from a superior. Provides half this bonus to Diplomacy Checks if you possess the moral highground.

Speech: Persuasion: 80 Perk. Inspiring Speech. You can convince an utterly broken soldier to fight again. +40 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Persuasion: 100 Perk. Source of Hope. You can bring hope back to those who have lost it. +50 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Diplomacy: 20 Perk. Charismatic. You possess strong charisma, which helps convince others to agree with your demands. +10 to Speech Checks.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Paragon. You always do the right thing, even when it's hard. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Renegade. You always get results, even if others hate your methods. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk: White-tongued. You are the positive equivalent of the charismatic leader of a cult. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Karma. Must have Paragon. Mutually exclusive with Black-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk. Black-tongued. There isn't all that much difference between you and that cult leader... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Infamy. Must have Renegade. Mutually exclusive with White-tongued.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I Still Believe. You know people can change, they just need to try. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Karma. Requires White-tongued.

[Taken] Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Second Chance. Even the vilest person can become a good person, they just have to want to. Requires I Still Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Karma.

Speech: Diplomacy: 80 Perk. I No Longer Believe. People are inherently selfish, so appeal to that. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks twice that of Infamy. Requires Black-tongued.

Speech: Diplomacy: 100 Perk. Disbelief. If you couldn't trust them the first time, then why should it matter if they want to change? They'll just betray you again. Requires I No Longer Believe. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks thrice that of Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 20 Perk. Intimidating. You are... impressive to look at, which makes people agree with what you say to make you go away quicker. +10 to Speech Checks.

Speech: Intimidation: 40 Perk. Menacing. Your deeds precede you... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.

Speech: Intimidation: 60 Perk. S-Stay Back! You terrify everyone and everything capable of fear. Provides a bonus of 50 to Intimidation Checks if your counterpart lacks a strong reason to refuse you. Provides a bonus of 25 to Diplomacy Checks if you lack the moral high-ground.

Speech: Intimidation: 80 Perk. Horror Show. What do you mean you tortured him to death? That's an incredibly inefficient way of causing pain. You should go for maximum pain in minimal time. That way you can get to more people. Provides a bonus of 50 to Diplomacy Checks if you are proposing something horrible.

Speech: Intimidation: 100 Perk. Jack the Ripper. Huh, apparently having the entire police station turn up dead in one night without any sort of alarm being sounded makes people nervous enough to start killing each other to try and save their own hides. Good to know. +100 to Intimidation Checks.

Perception: Objects: 20 Perk. Good Eye! You have an excellent eye for detail. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 40 Perk. Great Eye! You have an amazing eye for detail. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to loot rolls.

Perception: Objects: 60 Perk. Amazing Eye! Many wonder if your eyes are human. +40 to Perception Checks. +15 to Loot rolls. Requires one of the preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 20 Perk. Twitches. So many people have little nervous twitches when they lie that they don't even think about. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 40 Perk. Tics. Similarly, they tend to have little habits they pick up over their life, which stick with them. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to Speech Checks.

Perception: People: 60 Perk. You're Good... But Not That Good. A lot of people try to hide their emotions, but without being able to literally will micro-expressions to not be a thing, you couldn't ever completely do that. +30 to Perception Checks. +15 to Speech Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 80 Perk. Your Next Line Is... People are surprisingly predictable if you know what to look for. +50 to Perception Checks. +25 to Speech Checks. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 100 Perk. Psuedo-Sherlock Scan. While you have achieved what most would consider mastery of reading others, you are still no match for a real master. +75 to Perception Checks. +50 to Speech Checks. +25 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 120 Perk. That Expression You're Wearing... Micro-expressions can tell you a lot about a person's thoughts, and about them in general. +100 to Perception Checks. +100 to Speech Checks. +50 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 140 Perk. Don't Worry, I'm Not A Mind-Reader. Maybe. While you can read minds, you find it more satisfying to convince people you aren't and they're simply that easy to read. Especially if that's what you're actually doing. +150 to Perception Checks. +150 to Speech Checks. +75 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 5 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 160 Perk. Don't Believe In Mind-Readers Huh? Some people don't believe in the Warp. While you won't force them to believe something, you have no problem taking advantage of their ignorance for a cheap laugh. Freaking them out by making them think you don't need telepathy to pick their mind clean is hilarious, and often makes them act less like Warp Horrors and cults aren't a thing. +200 to Perception Checks. +200 to Speech Checks. +100 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 6 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 180 Perk. Poker Champion. Anything less than a double-bluff has no hope of fooling you, so unless your opponent has no idea how to play, you can beat them without even cheating. +250 to Perception Checks. +250 to Speech Checks. +125 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 7 of preceding Perks.

Perception: People: 200 Perk. Proper Sherlock Scan. You are a true master of reading people, to the point of low-level pseudo-Divination, which works well with your actual Divination. +500 to Perception Checks. +500 to Speech Checks. +250 to Combat and Medicine Checks. Requires 8 of preceding Perks.

Perception: Environment: 20 Perk. It's Too Quiet... When something's not right, the world around you practically starts shouting it if you're paying attention. +10 to Perception Checks. +5 to detection rolls.

Perception: Environment: 40 Perk. Something's Wrong... Even if it's not happening nearby, you can tell when something's wrong. +20 to Perception Checks. +10 to detection rolls.

Perception: Environment: 60 Perk. You Feel Something... Even if it's happening far away, you can tell if something's not right. +30 to Perception Checks. +15 to detection rolls. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Medicine: Surgery: 20 Perk. Steady Hands. You are almost supernaturally calm during an operation, probably because a wrong move could kill or cripple the patient. Reduced chance and severity of injuries sustained during medical operations regardless of the situation. +10 to Medicine Checks.

Medicine: Surgery: 40 Perk. Ultra-sterilized Equipment. Sterilization is standard practice, but it is more difficult to keep things microbe free. You just use your powers to heat the equipment as much as you can without warping it, then cool it down to room temperature. The two relative extremes are beyond what the bacteria that can survive in one can handle. Chance of infection from surgery effectively nil. +20 to Medicine Checks.

Medicine: Narcotics: 20 Perk. Expunging Toxins. Most poisons are considered toxins by the body, so things that help the body remove toxins tend to help it deal with the poison on it's own. All but the most deadly poisons have a much higher chance of being fought off with your help. +10 to Medicine Checks.

Medicine: First-Aid: 20 Perk. Thick Bandages. While internal bleeding is harder to deal with, you can stop external bleeding just fine. External blood loss is no longer a problem, which lets you focus your efforts on the internals. +10 to Medicine Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 20 Perk. Folded. While folding metal merely spreads the impurities around to prevent a single major weak point from forming, it has its uses, as most metals can only be purified so much before involving the Warp or highly specialized arrays specifically for this purpose. The latter is difficult to maintain, and the former risks introducing far more unpleasant impurities. +10 Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 40 Perk. Double-Edged. What use is a sword you can't use one side to kill people with? +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Weapons: 60 Perk. Shot, Lock, Barrel... Or Shot, Lens, Barrel. Guns may be similar in shape, but different types are made in very different ways, especially slug-throwers and lasguns. +30 to Forging Checks. Requires one of the previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 80 Perk. Shocking. Metal conducts heat and electricity well, and, lo and behold, most living things don't react well to being super-heated or electrocuted. The problem is the difficulty of making melee weapons that can do this, or at least weapons that don't run out of ammo. +50 to Forging Checks. Requires two of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 100 Perk. Ammunition. While the making of ammunition is different from making the firing weapon itself, their synergy is one of the most important qualities they have. The ammunition needs to be able to withstand the force of launch provided by the firing mechanism, but the weapon also needs to be able to fire the ammo with enough velocity for a reasonable amount of accuracy in atmospheric conditions. +75 to Forging Checks. Requires 3 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 120 Perk. Knives, Daggers, Short Swords. While smaller weapons have less reach, they are much easier to hit specific points with, and to conceal. Unfair, but one could argue that's the entire idea behind using things besides your fists to fight. +100 to Forging Checks. Requires 4 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 140 Perk. Long Swords, Greatswords, Claymores. While longer weapons lack the stealth and accuracy advantage of their smaller counterparts, they aren't meant to hide. They are the weapons of those who want fair fights. Unfortunately, there isn't such a thing as a fair fight. +150 to Forging Checks. Requires 5 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 160 Perk. Axes, Maces, Hammers. These weapons aren't meant to hide, but the idea behind them is to smash through armor and defenses with sheer force, rather than any notion of fairness. +200 to Forging Checks. Requires 6 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 180 Perk. Pistols, Rifles, Rocket Launchers. Of course, if you really want to kill your opponent, why do it face to face? +250 to Forging Checks. Requires 7 of previous Perks.

Forging: Weapons: 200 Perk. Cannons, Artillery, Missile Batteries. If you're going to kill someone, you might as well start from as far as possible away. +500 to Forging Checks. Requires 8 of previous Perks.

Forging: Armor: 20 Perk. Alloyed. You can create alloys to take advantage of their properties in armor. +10 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 40 Perk. Sturdy. Your works are impressively durable. +20 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 60 Perk. Clang! That broken sword is going to make hurting me a problem, huh? +30 to Forging Checks. Requires one of the previous Perks.

Forging: Armor: 80 Perk. Durable. You make sure your works are extremely difficult to damage. +50 to Forging Checks, 10% increase to status of damaged items made by you upon receiving battle damage. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Forging: Armor: 100 Perk. Ablative Armor. While ablative armor works like ammunition, but for defending against attacks, it's effective as long as you don't run out. +75 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 120 Perk. Light Armor. The lightest forms of armor sacrifice most of the protection provided for minimal impact on speed or agility. Of course, if your opponent hits you anyway, you won't have much protection. +100 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 140 Perk. Medium Armor. This is the compromise form of armor, sacrificing some mobility for greater protection. As the most average of the options, it lacks the extremes of either of the other forms. +150 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 160 Perk. Heavy Armor. This is the strongest form of armor. While you'll definitely take more hits, you'll be able to take more hits. +200 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 180 Perk. Shields. Shields, physical or energy-based projections, act like extra armor, letting you act like you're wearing stronger armor as long as they're protecting you. +250 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Armor: 200 Perk. Turrets. While technically a weapon, turrets are defensive in nature, and can help with setting up a perimeter a lot. +500 to Forging Checks.

Forging: Gear: 20 Perk. Repairsmith. While you can't forge the largest or more complex pieces, you can fix them just fine. You may repair items 30 Skill points beyond you to build, rather than 20.

Forging: Gear: 40 Perk. Accessories. You can make baubles for nobles and similarly high-ranking figures to enjoy. +25 to diplomacy with worlds with ruling classes.

[Taken] Forging: Gear: 60 Perk. Toolbots. They're not very smart, but they let you get more done. Invention actions count double. That is, one Invention action can be used to double-up on a Major Work, or for two slots of a Work or Minor Work.

Forging: Gear: 80 Perk. Garbage To Gold. You can create impressive gadgets from even the worst materials in seconds. Adds one half of Invention: Necessity to Combat Checks.

Forging: Gear: 100 Perk. Welding. You know how to perform patch-job repairs, though you much prefer full repairs. Should you lack the materials for full repairs, you can perform patch-job repairs, allowing damaged units to retreat or fight for a few more minutes. Thanks to current extent of psyker powers, this extends to ships as well.

Forging: Gear: 120 Perk. Repairwoman. While you can't create impossibly complex items, you can take a whack at repairing them. Items 50 Skill points beyond you to craft can be repaired. Requires Repairsmith.

Forging: Gear: 140 Perk. Baubles. Not only are they pretty, but they function as weapons and armor as well. +50 to diplomacy with worlds with ruling classes. Said worlds become less vulnerable to decapitation.

[Taken] Forging: Gear: 160 Perk. Mechanic-Bots. They're definitely inferior to a human, but they can help out a lot better than the Toolbots. +4 Free Invention actions.

Forging: Gear: 180 Perk. Garbage to Platinum. You can create amazing gadgets from even absolutely terrible materials in moments. Adds Invention: Necessity to Combat Checks.

Forging: Gear: 200 Perk. Equipment Genius. You can create a gizmo for every occasion, even the incredibly improbable ones, while also doing so quickly. +5 Free Invention actions. +500 to Forging Checks.

Electronics: Security: 20 Perk. Anti-Virus Software. Designing your own anti-viral procedures makes them less vulnerable to common viruses. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Security: 40 Perk. Firewalls. General purpose protections can be bypassed, but having early warning of assaults is useful in it's own way. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 20 Perk. Circuitry. Circuits work pretty much the same no matter what kind of computer you use. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 40 Perk. Circuit Boards. Circuit boards let you 'mix-and-match' functions from different computers, though there comes a point where it's more efficient to make your own OS than use the original. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 60 Perk. Better Wiring. Better wiring in general is always helpful, as the best programming in the world won't help you if the computer can't get power or catches fire. +30 to Electronics Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Electronics: Programming: 20 Perk. Code Monkey. Hey, just because a monkey could do it doesn't mean it doesn't need doing. +10 to Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Programming: 40 Perk. Code Jokearo. Apparently there are some very smart monkeys out there. +20 to Electronics Checks.

Explosives: General: 20 Perk. Molokov Cocktail. Making a simple, low-power bomb is actually pretty simple. +10 to Explosives Checks.

Explosives: Extravagant: 20 Perk. Vortex Grenade. The shortest lived and smallest AoE Void weapon. Still very dangerous. +10 to Explosives Checks.

Explosives: Preparation: 20 Perk. Fuse. It's difficult to set off your bombs by accident, which reduces accidents. +10 to Explosives Checks.

Education: General: 20 Perk. Knowledgeable. You know a thing or two about... everything. Provides a +10 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

Education: General: 40 Perk. Intriguing... Your knowledge opens doors that might otherwise be closed. Provides a +10 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 60 Perk. I Know Lots of Things! Your knowledge base allows you to make connections most people can't. Provides a +10 bonus to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks.

[Taken] Education: General: 80 Perk. Scholar. You have an extensive knowledge base on every subject, allowing you to make connections even other scientists usually miss. +25 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.

[Taken] Education: General: 100 Perk. Expert. You have the deepest knowledge of anyone on the planet. You can make connections no one else would even think to look for. +25 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.

Education: General: 120 Perk. Genius. You are quite simply, the mental superior of most people. You can figure things out no one else would ever guess the solution for. +25 to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks. Must have 4 of preceding Perks.

Education: General: 140 Perk. Genius Among Geniuses. Even among other geniuses, you are a mental giant. Problems that would stump a genius for weeks, you can solve in minutes. +25 to all Skill Checks. Must have Genius.

Education: General: 160 Perk. Supergenius. Even among geniuses, you are a prodigy, a one in a billion intellect. Problems that have stumped scientists for years, you solve in a week. +50 to all Skill Checks. Must have GAG.

Education: General: 180 Perk. Mega-Genius. You are a one in ten billion intellect. You solve problems that have left scientists sobbing in despair in weeks. +100 to all Skill Checks. Must have Supergenius.

Education: General: 200 Perk. Ultra-Genius. ...You have this strange urge to chant for some reason. +150 to all Checks. Must have M-G.

Education: Culture: 20 Perk. Basic Etiquette. You know the manners expected from many different hosts and can determine which set is appropriate unless taken by total surprise. Malus from 'snobbery' or supposedly looking down on those present (depending on the group) removed when dealing with humans.

Education: Culture: 40 Perk. Diplomatic Training. By emulating the great diplomats in (uncensored) vids, you can deflect minor insults and are more difficult to draw a reaction from. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 60 Perk. Cultural Diffusion. From what you've seen of the diplomatic corps, they tend to pick up a few mannerisms and ideas from the cultures they interact with, but not to the point of identifying with said culture. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. Considered Major when resisting attempts at indoctrination. Gain +10 to Speech Checks.

Education: Culture: 80 Perk. Cultural Significance. There are many historical examples of diplomacy failing, not because of malice or stupidity, but of ignorance of the cultural significance of some item or person. You are determined to avoid such mistakes. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, no chance of accidentally causing an incident by doing the equivalent of burning down the Statue of Liberty (somehow) or similar levels of cultural insult.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 100 Perk. Cultural Analysis. In a similar vein, you believe that one should know as much as possible about cultures you are interacting with, as a number of small insults can pile up. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, you quickly compile a simple database of their mannerisms and avoid causing insult.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 120 Perk. Cultural Compiler. Not only can you quickly compile a database on a culture, but you can make it simple enough to form some general guidelines for your diplomats, so you don't have to do the negotiation personally every time. Allows for additional integration actions to be done at one time.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 140 Perk. Cultural Dissection. You can take advantage of a culture's foibles to safely accelerate their assimilation. Greatly accelerates integration of cultures under or near your domain.

[Taken] Education: Culture: 160 Perk. Deep Analysis. You quickly discover the underlying nature of the culture you are dealing with, which lets you make great strides in understanding it. Remove all Maluses from unfamiliar cultures. Must have CA.

Education: Culture: 180 Perk. Cultural Assembly. You can make detailed reports on cultures you interact with, aiding your diplomats. Doubles the number of integration actions that can be taken per turn. Must have CC

[Taken] Education: Culture: 200 Perk. Cultural Disassembly. You can take advantage of an existing culture to vastly accelerate the assimilation of said culture. Immensely accelerates cultures within your sphere of influence being integrated. Must have CD.

Education: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Warp Student. You've learned quite a bit about the Warp, though you have much more to learn. +10 to Psyker Checks.

Education: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Arcane Knowledge. The Warp has some logic to it, but there is a certain amount of mysticism as well. You suspect it's because most people attribute said mysticism to the psychically-reactive dimension. +10 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Patterns In The Soul. You will have to investigate further, but you believe you may have discovered something to do with why some people are psykers and some are not. +20 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Found The Pattern. Interesting, being a psyker does have something to do with one's DNA, but it also has to do with the makeup of one's soul. Of course, you have no idea how to go about making someone into a psyker, or the reverse, but identifying one is trivial. +40 to Psyker Checks. Additional +20 to Esoteric Checks. Either 40 or 60 Education: Esoteric Perk must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Force The Door. You think you've figured out how to widen the 'doorway' or close it a bit. You can't make someone who wasn't a psyker in the first place into one, but you can provide a small permanent boost to those with the control to remain uncorrupted, or the reverse to those who are at risk or corrupted. Huh, is this how Warp Horrors strengthen corrupted psykers? + 80 to Psyker Checks, and +10 to allied Psyker Checks. 2 of Education: Esoteric Perks 40, 60 or 80 must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 120 Perk. Smash It Open. You've done it! You figured out how to turn non-psykers into minor psykers (not even Zeta-level) or the reverse! Admittedly, this doesn't sound so impressive, but it's a major step. +100 to Psyker Checks. +25 to allied Psyker Checks. 3 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 140 Perk. Widen It. You've had a breakthrough again! Zeta-level and back is possible now! +150 to Psyker Checks. +50 to allied Psyker Checks. 4 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 160 Perk. Make It Bigger. Once again, you've had a breakthrough. Epsilon-level is possible now! +200 to Psyker Checks. +100 to allied Psyker Checks. 5 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 180 Perk. Jump the Gap. Even Delta-level psykers are possible for you to create or destroy at this point. +250 to Psyker Checks. +200 to allied Psyker Checks. 6 of preceding Perks must be taken.

[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Bridge the Gap. You can create or destroy Beta-level psykers now, but you doubt you'll accomplish anything more in this field. Any greater of a connection would risk simply destroying a soul which did not originally possess it. Besides, Beta-levels are already one in a million, for people that have the willpower to stay uncorrupted, so it's not like you'd be able to make a whole lot of Alpha-levels if you could.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Technomany. Technology can be controlled with psychic might directly, surprisingly enough. The more advanced the technology, the closer it is to possessing a mind like a sentient being, which in turn makes it vulnerable to mental domination. This is distinct from telekinesis. +10 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Elementalist. Controlling the elements can be a potent weapon. Lightning, water, air, earth, fire, ice, light, and darkness all have their uses. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk: Biomancer. Manipulating your and others biology is a powerful force multiplier... or reducer. +5 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of 5 to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Tech User. You possess a deep understanding of technology, gleaned from your control over it, which in turn allows you to control it more efficiently. +25 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technomancy.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Element User. Simply waving a hand and sending a similar wave of earth or fire at an enemy has a certain visceral satisfaction, but finer control, for small, delicate operations such as setting off explosives without destroying a ship, has it's uses. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elementalist.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk. Fleshcrafter. You have immense power over flesh, allowing your flesh and that of your allies to go far beyond it's limits, and causing the flesh of your enemies to rebel against them. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Technological Manipulation. You have a great understanding of technology, and an even greater control over it. You can steal control over nearby vessels and defenses, turning them against their former masters. +50 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Tech-user.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Elemental Manipulation. You have a very strong control over the elements, enough to take control from other psykers. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Element User.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Fleshchanger. Your powers over flesh have grown to allow you to restore lost limbs or cause cancerous growths, and similarly boost or weaken the flesh itself. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Technological Control. You have control over any and all technology that gets into range. +100 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must Technological Manipulation.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Elemental Control. You can reliably control elements under hostile control, even if there's an entire ritual or some of the strongest Warp Horrors backing it. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Manipulation.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 80 Perk. Flesh Manipulator. You can change people wholesale, if you wish. Even the brain, the most delicate organ, can be modified without too much difficulty. +50 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks. Must have Fleshchanger.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Technological Mastery. You can take control of multi-kilometer vessels in seconds, including all their defense turrets, weapons, and fighter/bomber complement. Not only that, but you can enhance their performance. The idea came to you not long after you realized that controlling technology was like dominating a mind. Maybe you could enhance them, like you could a person's biology. Of course, you haven't been able to do it until now. +250 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technological Control.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Elemental Mastery. You have control of the elements strong enough to cloak a continent in day or night, cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, create tsunamis, alter the weather from pleasant to a hurricane and reverse all of the above. +250 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Control.

[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 100 Perk. Flesh Mastery. You can alter dozens of people in any way you wish in an instant. You want to turn them into a monkey? You can do that. You want to cure their cancer? You can do that, and make it so none of their descendants get cancer, barring Warp Horror-intervention. +100 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Manipulator.

Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Technological Skill. You are very skilled in manipulating technology, both in assuming control, and in enhancing the tech. +300 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technological Mastery.

Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Elemental Skill. You are very skilled in manipulating the elements, from changing electrical charges, to changing the shape of a star ship's worth of metal. +300 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Mastery.

Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Flesh Skill. You are very skilled in manipulating flesh, from individual cells, to changing entire organisms. +150 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Mastery.

Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Technological Dexterity. Rather than attempting to increase the extremes at which you can manipulate pieces of technology, you instead work on the breadth you can affect them, altering their behavior and abilities. +350 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technological Skill.

Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Elemental Dexterity. Rather than attempting to increase the extremes at which you can manipulate the elements, you instead boost how finely you can affect them. Changing what isotope an element is, for example. +350 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Skill.

Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Flesh Dexterity. Rather than attempting to boost your limits, you instead make more and more fine alterations. Minor alterations such as different shades of hair color, or other slight tweaks to the subject's DNA. +200 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Skill.

Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Technological Familiarity. With more and more knowledge of the inner workings of various forms of technology, you can manipulate them with greater ease and dexterity over greater distances. +400 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technological Dexterity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Elemental Familiarity. The more you learn about the interactions between various materials and forms of energy, the greater your ability to manipulate the elements. +400 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Dexterity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Flesh Familiarity. As you discover more about genetics and biochemistry, your manipulation of such grows more fine. +300 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Dexterity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Technological Proficiency. You have power, but it means little without control. So you solve that problem where technology is involved. +450 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technological Familiarity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Elemental Proficiency. You have power, but that doesn't mean much without skill. You solve that problem when the elements are involved. +450 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Familiarity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Flesh Proficiency. You possess power, but it means little without control. You rid yourself of that weakness. +350 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Familiarity.

Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Technological Comprehension. You understand the inner workings of technology better than anyone in the sector, which aids you in manipulating it. +500 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks. Must have Technological Proficiency.

Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Elemental Comprehension. You understand the elements well enough to make them do things most would consider impossible. You laugh at the word. +500 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Must have Elemental Proficiency.

Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Flesh Comprehension. You understand genetics and biochemistry well enough to utterly rewrite most organisms. +400 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemies. Must have Flesh Proficiency.

Psyker: Willpower: 20. Strong-willed. Your will is like iron to the common man's bronze. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +5 to Psyker: Willpower Checks.

Psyker: Willpower: 40 Perk. Will of Steel. Your will is like steel. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 60 Perk. Will of Titanium. You will is like titanium. Gain Moderate Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 80 Perk. Will of Adamantium. Your will is beyond titanium. Gain Major Mental Resistance. +25 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have Will of Titanium.

[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 100 Perk. Unbreakable Will. Your will is in the realm of heroes. Gain Extreme Mental Resistance. +50 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have WoT and WoA.

Psyker: Willpower: 120 Perk. Solid Soul. While you aren't completely infallible where corruption is involved, you're pretty close. +100 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have ME.

Psyker: Willpower: 140 Perk. Presence. Your presence pushes back corrupting energies and Warp entities hostile to you. Nothing they can't get past, but it's not pleasant. +150 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have SS.

Psyker: Willpower: 160 Perk. Powerful Presence. Your presence forces corruption away. +200 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have Presence.

Psyker: Willpower: 180 Perk. Fortifying Presence. Your mere presence reduces corruption in your environs as your soul rejects the Warp's influence. +250 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have PP.

Psyker: Willpower: 200 Perk. Purifying Presence. Your presence fortifies those around you, as you yourself are a bastion against Warp Horrors. +500 to rolls/Checks against Daemons and the corrupted. Must have FP.

Psyker: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Diviner. You possess greater talents than normal in seeing the near-future, and can see both more accurately and further than most human diviners. +5 to Combat and Psyker Checks.

Psyker: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Rift Welder. You can force rifts any smaller than the planetary scale closed with some time and effort. Checks for closing rifts moderately reduced in difficulty.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Warp Whispers. You can hear whispers of things to come, or things long past. Gain Galactic Rumor Mill. Add visions of the distant past and future to RER table.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Warp Messages. You can project messages across the Warp if you are willing to risk it, and overhear messages from others. Adds Warp Messages action to Minor Actions options. This allows you to send messages across the galaxy similar to an astropath. (Currently you have no one to direct the message to.) Must have taken WW.

[Taken] Psyker: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Warp Chats. You can hold conversations with any psyker within a few sectors of you, though the greater the distance, the more likely someone will overhear. Changes Warp Messages action to allow for real-time conversations with nearby (by galactic standards) systems. Must have taken WM.

Psyker: Esoteric: 120 Perk. Rift Sealer. When you close a rift, you work to keep it closed. When a rift is sealed, +50 to difficulty of opening more, and +25 to closing more. Requires ME.

Psyker: Esoteric: 140 Perk. Rift Healer. When you close a rift, it stays closed. +200 to Checks to close Rifts.

Psyker: Esoteric: 160 Perk. Storm Calmer Warp Storms can be calmed if you have the power and know what you're doing. Warp storms around singular systems can be calmed. Requires RH.

Psyker: Esoteric: 180 Perk. Storm Queller. Warp Storms can be calmed if you have the power and know what you're doing. Warp storms around sub-sectors can be calmed. Requires SC.

Psyker: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Storm Ender. Warp Storms can be calmed if you have the power and know what you're doing. Warp storms around singular sectors can be calmed. Requires SQ.

[Taken] Psyker: All: 100 Perk. Murphy's Enforcer. Through use of divination, elemental manipulation, technomancy, and telekinesis/telepathy, you can foresee chains of events that lead to catastrophe befalling your enemy and set them into motion. -250 to enemy Checks. -100 to enemy rolls. Must have all other Psyker: 100 Perks. Unlocks further Pysker Perks.

Psyker All 200 Perk. Murphy's Biased Enforcer. Not only can you cause virtually impossible disasters to befall your enemies, unnatural 'good luck' occurs to your own force, for much the same reason. +250 to allied Checks. +100 to allied rolls. Requires Psyker 200 Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 20 Perk. Where Did You...? Pockets! You always have Crude Tools on hand, even if you don't have pockets. Don't think about it too hard. +5 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 40 Perk. Found It. You always have tools stashed nearby, or can make some of your own. You are always considered to have a Crude workshop, which provides a +10 bonus to Forging, Electronics, Explosives, and Invention Checks.

Invention: Necessity: 60 Perk. Toolkit. You can quickly assemble a toolkit for yourself, if not a great one. You are always considered to have a set of Simple Tools. +10 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks. Must have one of the preceding Perks.

Invention: Necessity: 80 Perk. Improvised Workshop. You can quickly set up a workshop, using your psyker powers to hash something together from your surrounding, or improve upon them. Workshop always considered one grade above it's actual level.

Invention: Necessity: 100 Perk. Hidden Pockets. Having a trick up your sleeve is rather literal in your case. +25 to all Checks from hidden weapons and tools. Additional 'slots' for accessory-type equipment.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 120 Perk. Assistant VIs. You have to check them over regularly, and you're not going to attempt anything more advanced until you can figure out the scrap-code problem, but you get more time out of the day with them, and you kind of need it. +2 Free Inventing actions.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 140 Perk. Efficient Space. You can use space very efficiently, cramming more into the same area without sacrificing performance. +200 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 160 Perk. Brainstorm. You can quickly come up with ideas for improvements that are at least somewhat feasible. +3 Free Invention actions. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 180 Perk. Compact. You can modify the parts of your devices to take up less space. +250 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

[Taken] Invention: Necessity: 200 Perk. Inspiration. You receive the flashes of genius that most people only obtain very rarely with startling regularity. +500 to Forging, Electronics, and Invention Checks. +4 Free Invention actions. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practicality: 20 Perk. Close Enough. Sometimes you have to make do with 'good enough' and you are decent at doing so. Crude materials are considered Simple for the purposes of crafting items.

Invention: Practicality: 40 Perk. Just As Good. You are fully capable of making do with terrible materials, but you prefer to substitute for ones that perform similarly to what the blueprints ask for. Invention Check difficulty reduced by 20.

Invention: Practicality: 60 Perk. Maybe Better. You can sometimes provide materials even better than what was asked for. Simple Materials are considered Normal for crafting purposes.

Invention: Practical: 80 Perk. Definitely better. You can almost always provide better materials than what was asked for, or make them. All materials below Complex are considered one grade higher than they actually are.

Invention: Practical: 100 Perk. Much Better. You can always provide better materials than what was asked for, or make them. All materials below are considered one grade higher than they actually are.

Invention: Practical: 120 Perk. Economical. You can make things both well, and cheaply, not one or the other. All Invention/Forging actions cost 10% less.

Invention: Practical: 140 Perk. Mass Production. You can make inventions that can be mass-produced without sacrificing performance. Reduces resources required to mass-produce inventions. Requires one of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 160 Perk. Eyeballing. You can create a stopgap to solve problems in the factories or mining facilities while you work on a more permanent one. 10% boost to productivity for the world you are on. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 180 Perk. Rapid Assembly. Not only can you make good products cheaply, but you can do it fast. 10% boost to productivity for worlds under your control. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Practical: 200 Perk. Practical Inventing. You focus on what you can do with what you have to solve long-term problems, rather than what you absolutely need. +5 Free Invention actions. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 20 Perk. That Must Have Been Expensive. While investing more into a project makes it better, that doesn't mean you should be wasteful. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by 10%, or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.

Invention: Extravagance: 40 Perk. How Much Did You Pay!? Not as much as you'd expect. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by an additional 10% or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.

Invention: Extravagance: 60 Perk. That Should Have Been Destroyed! Not with how much I spent on it! Durability of Extravagant items is doubled, after extravagant bonus is applied.

Invention: Extravagance: 80 Perk. Over-Engineered. Extravagant items perform even better if you put more effort into them, rather than just more resources. 25% increase in boost to specs provided by Extravagance.

Invention: Extravagance: 100 Perk. Castle... On Top Of Your Castle. If it weren't so effective, you'd think it was stupid too. 50% increase in boost to specs provided by Extravagance.

Invention: Extravagance: 120 Perk. Not that Expensive. You wonder if making Extravagant items practical is against some sort of rule... Nah. Additional 10% reduction of Extravagant build costs.

Invention: Extravagance: 140 Perk. Worth It's Weight In Gold. While using actual gold would be stupid, painting it gold is fine, and helps denote how insanely expensive it was. +10% to Extravagant builds. Requires 1 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 160 Perk. Totally Worth It! Despite how incredibly expensive it was, the product is proving it's worth. +10% to Extravagant builds. Requires 2 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 180 Perk. Worth More Than Gold. This thing makes gold seem downright cheap. Let's hope it was worth it. +25% to Extravagant builds. Requires 3 of preceding Perks.

Invention: Extravagance: 200 Perk. Extravagant. While Extravagant items are expensive, they are also worth it for exceptional people, such as the Champions or yourself. +50% to Extravagant bonus. Requires 4 of preceding Perks.

[Taken 3/3] Level 5 Perk. Talented. You are a talented individual. This is reflected in the growth of your Skills. May tag an additional Skill. This Perk may be selected up to three times.

[Taken] Level 10 Perk. Experienced. While young, you have a surprisingly wide set of experiences to draw on. +25 to all Checks. +10 to all of your rolls.

[Taken] Level 15 Perk. Time Management. By virtue of judicious use of your time, you can get more done in less time. +3 Minor Actions.

[Taken] Level 20 Perk. Sleep Is No Longer Required. You've noticed that you seem to need less sleep as you age. Based on your analysis of your DNA, you suspect your body is adjusting to the all-nighters you pull with some regularity, as your growth has not slowed. +2 Major Actions.

[Taken] Level 25 Perk. Difficult... But I've Done It Before. You've accomplished things most would write-off as impossible. All Checks have their difficulty reduced by 50.

[Taken] Level 30 Perk. Seen It All. *As undead cucumbers assault your compound.* This reminds me of the time... +50 to all Checks. +10 to all rolls.

[Taken] Level 35 Perk. Timing Is Everything. By strict regimenting of your time, you can accomplish far more. +4 Minor Actions.

[Taken] Level 40 Perk. Sleep? Oh Yeah That Thing... Apparently you only need 4 hours of sleep per night to function at 100% now. More time for other things! +3 Major Actions.

[Taken] Level 45 Perk (Karma). Judge. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul. TIME TO PAY YOUR DEBT. Adds enemy Infamy to Checks.

Level 45 Perk (Infamy). Karma Houdini. Every wrongdoing leaves a stain on your soul... but you won't be paying anyone anything. Adds enemy Karma to Checks.

Level 50 Perk. Is That All? I've literally done that in my sleep. -100 to difficulty of all Checks.

AN: I think you guys should be able to decide by 8.

Also, I'm a fan of Negaverse Omakes, for anyone who wants to write one.
A Talk (Canon)(+10 to roll of your choice)
Omake? Omake.
There was a dim spartan room within a grand crystal spire on the planet Thernus. In its pentagonal walls sat two occupants, a young student and her mentor.

Motes of light gathered, forming strange shapes within the older man's palms. To Arenya's eyes, her teacher is like a deep tranquil pond, his entire being becoming still, just as the motes of light coalesce into a homogenous sphere. Mesmerized by the display, she committed every bit of her being into memorizing this experience.

"In order to actualize the concept of Balance into being, one must first achieve balance within their soul."

With a sudden twist, the sphere in her teacher's palms compressed down and crystallized into being. Reaching over with his hands, he dropped the contents from his palm into her own. Arenya stared in awe at the object now in her hands. Balance given form.

"Remember this feeling." Her teacher gave a sage nod. "Now you try."

For the next hour, she attempted to replicate her mentor's achievement. Try as she might, she could not reach the tranquil state she felt from him; and with each failure, the peace she experienced slipped further and further away from her mind. His words of encouragement and instructions failed to bring peace to her, and feelings of shame and inadequacy has taken root within her heart.

"I sense you have many things on your mind. Perhaps one too many. I want you to try a self-reflection exercise. Find the source of the imbalance, and resolve them. This will be your homework until our next session."

Arenya exchanged pleasantries with her mentor before leaving the classroom in a brisk pace. Her mind bubbled like a bucket of unstirred paint. A slight tingle came from her headband, warning her to control her powers. Her brisk pace came to an abrupt stop. Grimacing, she rubbed a finger against the silver band, and moved strands of her hair away from her face.

Balance? How does one find balance when world-shattering changes occur in almost everyday of their lives?

Taking a few deep breaths, she tried to still her powers before resuming her walk at a more subdued pace. She stepped into the nearest transport booth, an invention that has nearly replaced all elevators on Thernus. With a ping to its psychoactive interface, the scenery instantly changed to that of the mass hall. A few years ago, such an invention would've been considered impossible.

Gloomy skies. Large panes of glass on the sides of the mass hall stained with rain. On the opposite side, tall white walls stood, with a large pentagram rune decorating the center of one wall, radiating Order from its form. She noted the few people hanging around, and nodded to the one person she's acquainted with. Moving towards a cuboid cavity to one side of the walls, she dictated clearly to the machine present.

"Recaf, Black."

A moment later, a steaming mug appeared within the recess. She was told that this machine can produce any and all foods imaginable. Another example of impossibility made manifest that did not exist until a couple years ago.

Less than a decade ago, she would've been wallowing in filthy slums, struggling to get enough food to feed her siblings. Struggling to not get eaten by things in the dark. Nowadays, things were moving in a blur, safety was a thing to be taken for granted, an excess of material goods were available at all times, yet people never seem satisfied. The hardship of yesteryear felt like a distant dream. All that struggle, meaningless.

Drink in hand, she stood in front of the panes of glass and peered out into the world. A sea of green as far as the eyes can see met her gaze. Beautiful even in the gloomy weather. The fields of junks and the slums of the past was nowhere to be found. A sense of bittersweet filled her heart.

Arenya knew that she should be thankful for her current station, but all she could feel were the uncertainty about her future. The constantly changing future brought about by a single being, Serras Salnus, The Goddess who fell from the skies. Honourable Daughter of The Bastion.

In the short decade Salnus touched Thernus, she brought sweeping change across its world and beyond. She granted the psykers of her world sanctuary, protecting them from Horrors beyond Materium. She gifted them Power. Ways of affecting the world that are safe. Ways to help others, and make Bastion prosper.

She has not told anyone else, but within the sanctity of her mind, Arenya often prayed to the Honourable Daughter. For what being could be so radiant if not a Goddess? Even now, she could feel her Light, a shining beacon that turned away Darkness. However, on this day Arenya was beset by doubt, and she hesitated to make any sort of request to her Goddess, even if it's only within her heart.

Stupid. Her food? Given. Her safety? Given. What has she done to deserve her prayers being answered? Nothing. Unable to fulfill her purpose. Useless. Incapable of paying back the kindness she has received. Too slow. Not good enough.

Something nudged at the edge of her consciousness, and she was taken out of her reverie. Staring down at her mug, her hands were shaking, and the agitated recaf made tiny waves against the walls of the mug. It was then that she noticed that a shadow had fallen over the protective cocoon that contained the crystal spire. The stains of rain twisted into a visage filled with too many eyes and too many teeth.


Her outburst caused her mug to be dropped from her hands, spilling black liquids over the floor. Looking around wildly, Arenya suddenly noticed there was no one else around. Where did everyone go?

With her back against the walls, she drew comfort from the sigil embedded overhead. Curling into a ball, she made herself as small as possible. Save me! Please, don't abandon me! I will try my best! She called out desperately within her mind.

As if in response to her cry for help, the clouds in the sky slowly parted, allowing a ray of sunlight to wash over the shadows cast over the windows, leaving behind thousands of crystal droplets shining against the protective walls of the spire. Eyes wide, Arenya grasped the rays of light, taking it as a sign that her plea was heard.

"In times of doubt, I shall keep faith..." Unnoticed by herself, words flowed from her lips in a low whisper.

Focusing on her Goddess, Arenya allowed all doubt to flow through herself; and in that moment, she knew peace.

"You're having trouble actualizing concepts and giving them form huh? I want you to try something..."
Turn 11 SLs
[55] Psyker: Willpower: 120 Perk. Solid Soul.
[55] Psyker: Willpower: 140 Perk. Presence.
[55] Psyker: Willpower: 160 Perk. Powerful Presence.
[55] Psyker: Willpower: 180 Perk. Fortifying Presence.
[55] Psyker: Willpower: 200 Perk. Purifying Presence.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Technological Skill.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Elemental Skill.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 120 Perk. Flesh Skill.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Technological Dexterity.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Elemental Dexterity.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 140 Perk. Flesh Dexterity.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Technological Familiarity.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Elemental Familiarity.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 160 Perk. Flesh Familiarity.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Technological Proficiency.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Elemental Proficiency.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 180 Perk. Flesh Proficiency.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Technological Comprehension.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Elemental Comprehension.
[54] Psyker: Manipulation: 200 Perk. Flesh Comprehension.
[54] Psyker: Esoteric: 120 Perk. Rift Sealer.
[54] Psyker: Esoteric: 160 Perk. Storm Calmer
[54] Psyker: Esoteric: 180 Perk. Storm Queller.
[54] Psyker: Esoteric: 200 Perk. Storm Ender.
[54] Psyker All 200 Perk. Murphy's Biased Enforcer.
[54] Forging: Gear: 200 Perk. Equipment Genius.
[54] Psyker: Esoteric: 140 Perk. Rift Healer.
[37] Invention: Practical: 120 Perk. Economical.
[37] Invention: Practical: 140 Perk. Mass Production.
[37] Invention: Practical: 160 Perk. Eyeballing.
[37] Invention: Practical: 180 Perk. Rapid Assembly.
[37] Invention: Practical: 200 Perk. Practical Inventing.
[33] Tag Speech Intimidation
[33] Tag Speech Diplomacy
[33] Tag Speech Persuasion
[33] Tag Combat Ranged
[21] Bank 20 perks

This year, you gain a massive amount of experience and skill with your psyker powers, in part due to your new 'friend' who, while somewhat racist, though more out of how she was raised than any malice or personal history, has quite a bit of knowledge of the Warp to draw upon. She seems pleased to have a fast-learner for a pupil, as she cannot demonstrate most of the abilities that require drawing deeply from the Warp, but you do not require that.

You have, by copying the stilling effect caused by the Null Runes, managed to calm the nearby Warp, allowing you to quell Warp storms. Your influence only extends to the edge of the sector, but multiple systems, previously blocked, have been opened. AN: Survey actions gain +20 to discovering something interesting. +10 systems available for survey actions. Nearby polities may gain access to resources they otherwise wouldn't have, or become available for diplomacy/integration.

Additionally, you've put some focus on your ability to improve the efficiency of your industry. The worlds under your control enjoy another boost to their efficiency, especially Thernus itself, though that's more because it's where you spend most of your time than any favoritism, as a few officials on the worlds you have developed a strong hold of suspect.

Albert Salnus SL 6->7.

Your father and yourself are inspecting a factory, which has recently been retooled with your latest round of advances. He's concerned that the frequent changes may be introducing problems, so he's taking a tour of a few factories, and you came along as you were the one who created the innovations that the factory is using, to the point that the various minor alterations total more of an improvement than the nano-assemblers and improved reactors combined.

Intrigue Check: 3 Checks passed. -250 to Check difficulty.

Perception: Objects Check: 65+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=435. Required: 50. Passed.

435. Required: 75. Passed.

435. Required: 100. Passed.

435. Required: 125. Passed.

3490/6100 to Level 52. Currently possess 20 Perk points.

You do find a few minor flaws, though they seem to be in the implementation of your designs rather than a problem with the designs themselves. You were careful to keep them from interfering with each other, and since you have yet to forget anything since your awakening in that pod (which you should probably examine at some point), you knew exactly what specs your original designs had, and how to fit your new ones in.

"Very nice. You do us all proud." Your father says, looking over a report comparing productivity before and after the changes were made. "Although, I have to ask, do you think you're moving too fast? You aren't even an adult yet, and you've basically taken over the sub-sector." he asked.

Karma Check: 780. Required: 300. Passed. +60 Karma.

You're about to wave him off, as between your teleportation and ability to contact psykers so close as the rest of the sub-sector through the Warp, you aren't having trouble managing things, when it occurs to you that he might be referring to how you're managing everything yourself. While that's working fine for now, you doubt you could manage more than a sub-sector's worth of territory before it started to seriously cut into your time. Not to mention it indicates a lack of faith in regular humans if you micro-manage your empire personally.

"I might be overdoing it with the personal visits. Did you have something in mind?" you ask. He hands over a file. A list of candidates for various positions and a framework for an organization to handle the oversight you'd been giving the worlds under your control. The Planetary Oversight Commission wouldn't have a whole lot of power to directly cause change, mainly to prevent abuse of power, but they'd report to yourself and your father, who do. While you will need to set up organizations to handle things like the fleet of your combined forces, the ground-side armies, their logistics, the psykers who are discovered on allied worlds, standardized law enforcement, a diplomatic corps to handle new entries and prevent friction among existing members, a watchdog organization to keep an eye out for Chaos corruption among the general populace, a watchdog organization for the government officials specifically since they had more individual ability to cause problems, and a watchdog organization for the watchdog organizations since infiltrating them is what you'd do, this is a good a start.

"Thank you father. I keep forgetting to rely on other people since I'm so used to being able to do everything myself." You admit. You're simply not used to not having the ability to take care of everything yourself in day-to-day life. Between your powers and your general competency, you can do a better job than almost anyone else at anything outside their specialty, and even then, usually that too. Seeing someone do a job you could do better frustrates you to no end, but you have to accept that you simply can't be everywhere at once. Well, based on the shattered fragments of one of the Eldar gods, you could, it would just leave you all but impotent, assuming you survived, which would bring it's own set of problems.

"We all need to be reminded of that every once in a while. I myself have overworked myself into exhaustion more than a few times over the years." Your father admits.

"Do you have any ideas for the other organizations we'll need?" you ask.

"You'll need to be more specific, but I think so." He nodded with a smile.

"I think this list should be good enough that we can plug any gaps that pop up." You hand him a notepad you'd been keeping in your pocket.

"I see you've been giving this some thought." He noted dryly at your list, which barely fit on the piece of paper.

"Actually I used my powers to write it in the 15 or so seconds between your question and my answer." You admit.

"Well, I think we should finish up here before continuing this conversation." He puts the notepad in one of his pockets and moves off. You nod your agreement, and follow him, examining the factory for any more flaws, though you're pretty sure you caught them all.

Reward: SL has advanced from 6->7. Basic framework for organizations. Actions to set them up available next Turn Options post. Karma now 840. +20 to Speech categories. AN: POC is basically the same as the Sector Governor, but with more direct influence over the worlds under their 'domain' in terms of making sure they follow edicts, except they're currently designed to run on the sub-sector level.

Speech: Persuasion: 115. You can convince even the most fanatical of people of your viewpoint with great ease. Even the greatest fanatics can be persuaded of your views being correct pretty easily.

Speech: Persuasion: 120. You can convince even the most fanatical of people of your viewpoint with impressive ease. Even the greatest fanatics can be persuaded of your views being correct very easily.

Speech: Persuasion: 135. You can convince even the most fanatical of people of your viewpoint with amazing ease. Even the greatest fanatics can be persuaded of your views being correct really easily.

Speech: Diplomacy: 115. Compromising between two groups of howling fanatics is pretty easy for you. Compromises you broker will stick even if the governing body is entirely replaced, even after mass public executions carried out at your order.

Speech: Diplomacy: 120. Compromising between two groups of howling fanatics is very easy for you. Compromises you broker will stick even if the governing body is entirely replaced, even after mass public executions carried out at your order, followed by an unpopular edict.

Speech: Diplomacy: 135. Compromising between two groups of howling fanatics is really easy for you. Compromises you broker will stick even if the governing body is entirely replaced, even after mass public executions carried out at your order, followed by multiple unpopular edicts.

Speech: Intimidation: 115. You are an unholy terror when you want to be, despite seeming like a peaceful giant under most circumstances.. Only die-hard fanatics, rallying around some kind of champion, will avoid a horrendous morale debuff when fighting you and will probably break immediately upon losing their champion.

Speech: Intimidation: 120. You are an unholy terror when you want to be, despite seeming like a peaceful giant under most circumstances.. Only die-hard fanatics, rallying around some kind of champion, will avoid a horrendous morale debuff when fighting you and will break immediately upon losing their champion.

Speech: Intimidation: 135. You are an unholy terror when you want to be, despite seeming like a peaceful giant under most circumstances.. Only die-hard fanatics, rallying around some kind of champion, will avoid an absolutely horrendous morale debuff when fighting you and will break immediately upon losing their champion.

General Richards SL 6->7.

"Okay, today we're going to do something a little different. Rather than having you rewrite the book on tactics, again, we'll be playing handicap chess." General Richards proclaims.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds aggravating." You admit.

"Yes. It's like regular chess, but you have some kind of handicap, whether that be a lack of access to some of your pieces, having multiple 'keystone' pieces that will cost you the game if you lose them besides your King, or something as horrible as your opponent moving twice for each time you do. It's meant to simulate opponents that hold major advantages, such as more advanced technology, which is usually our purview since Orks tend to be fairly limited, and most xenos races are either the Eldar, or have only gained space travel fairly recently. Other than that, it's more or less regular chess. So, which handicap do you want to try out first?" he asks.

"What about you?"

He raises an eyebrow. "I think we both know you're a better tactician than me. However, fighting an opponent who outperforms you in other ways is something you don't have a lot of experience with." He argues. It's true. The Orks certainly don't have technological superiority, and Warp Horrors, or Daemons as the Eldar call them, are individually powerful, but have the slight disadvantage of requiring active sustainment to remain in the material plane for any length of time, which means they tend to have one or a few major points of failure before they'll start to weaken and fade away. The shadows were a one-time thing (you think) and they were mindless as far as you could tell, so you really don't have a lot of experience fighting opponents who outmatch you in a way besides being able to throw sheer numbers at you, or who lack an easily-exploited weakness.

Karma Check: 840. Required: 300. +60 Karma.

You pick not having Pawns first.

Martial Check: 2 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty total.

Tactics Combined Check: 330 +110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks) +2480(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 75(Tactics Perks)=3280 Required: 700. Passed.

3280 Required: 725. Passed.

3280 Required: 750. Passed.

3280 Required: 775. Passed.

3550/6100 to Level 52.

While it's certainly not as easy as regular chess would have been, your increase in skill has completely outstripped the increase in difficulty. At this point, you'd have to be facing an opponent against whom winning would be physically impossible, like trying to take a planet with a single grunt soldier.

"I think I'm going to need to up the ante if I want to make you any better." The general admits as you destroy him again. Even with a major disadvantage for your side, the gap is insurmountable. "Say, do you suppose you could take a look at the combat simulators in your latest round of inventions that any one of which would earn you a place in the history books, but you toss out like candy? I'm going to need something a little more complex and perhaps with less fixed rules if I want to make a scenario you can't beat me at easily, without going straight for an unwinnable one." He asks.

"Not to mention, there's a limit to how much training the soldiers can do without risking deaths, which limits the number of scenarios they can prepare for." You concur. "I'll look into it. How about all of my non-Pawn pieces are keystones next round?" you ask, knocking over his King.

"Maybe if I move twice for each time you do, have to keep it challenging after all." He joked.

Reward: SL has advanced to 7. Karma has increased to 900. +20 to all Tactics categories.

Tactics: Preparation: 110. You've exceeded the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even extremely unlikely scenarios. Huge chance of traps being successful. Even extremely competent commanders will fall for them.

Tactics: Preparation: 120. You've exceeded the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even the most improbable scenarios. Immense chance of traps being successful. Even prodigy commanders will fall for them.

Tactics: Preparation: 130. You've exceeded the pinnacle of preparation for most humans, having plans in place for even effectively impossible scenarios. Immense chance of traps being successful. Even prodigy commanders will fall for them.

Tactics: Cleverness: 110. You've surpassed the peak of 'winging it' among most humans. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced hugely from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 120. You've far surpassed the peak of 'winging it' among most humans. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced immensely from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Cleverness: 130. You've very much surpassed the peak of 'winging it' among most humans. Difficulty of Tactics Checks reduced immensely from being able to plan on the fly.

Tactics: Trickery: 110. You can outsmart 95% of the population with ease. Difficulty of Tactics Checks hugely reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 120. You can trick people by tricking them into thinking they've been tricked but figured the trick to the trick out when they actually haven't. Difficulty of Tactics Checks immensely reduced.

Tactics: Trickery: 130. You can even do it without giving yourself a headache now. Difficulty of Tactics Checks immensely reduced.

Roger Cazanus SL 5->6.

Intrigue Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Evasion: Trickery: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(SL Perks)=465. Required: 50. Passed.

465. Required: 75. Passed.

465. Required: 100. Passed.

465. Required: 125. Passed.

3620/6100 to Level 52.

This time, you aid in every major investigation simultaneously. While the cult cells have been operating on the assumption you'll come charging in (metaphorically in most cases) and grab a few of them at a time while the rest dig in, you instead have a hand everywhere, but not too much influence in any one spot or investigation. A few of the harder targets receive your direct intervention, but that's less intrigue than it is chewing through Warp Horrors like a buzz-saw through wood.

This is what Cazanus usually does, and he wanted you to handle things here, while he got the internal surveillance organizations in better shape across your fledgling empire. It also served as a test for your skills, but he was confident you'd pass, and you did.

Reward: SL has advanced to 6. Preliminary work done to secure worlds brought into the fold from Chaos cultists, will continue automatically. Karma is now 950. +15 to Evasion categories.

Evasion: Lying: 45. You can tell lies with the ability to make anyone who isn't a master themselves fall for it. Similarly, you are better at discerning the lies of others, as you know what to look for. Small bonus to Intrigue actions.

Evasion: Lying: 50. You are a conventional master of lying and discerning lies. Minor bonus to Intrigue actions.

Evasion: Lying: 60. You can tell lies better than most who have been trained for it. Similarly, you are excellent at discerning the lies of others, as you know what to look for. Medium bonus to Intrigue actions.

Evasion: Dodging: 45. You can dodge projectiles and/or strikes, and it's more planned than instinctive. You're even starting to combine your conscious actions and reflexes into a seamless whole. Small bonus to Combat Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 50. You have achieved conventional mastery of evading strikes, rather than tricking the enemy into missing or other means of avoiding harm. Minor bonus to Combat Checks.

Evasion: Dodging: 60. You can dodge projectiles and/or strikes, and it's more planned than instinctive. You're even making progress in combining your conscious actions and reflexes into a seamless whole. Medium bonus to Combat Checks.

Evasion: Trickery: 45. You can manipulate the vast majority of people into harming themselves or their causes without them realizing, as well as hide small objects on your person, though someone who's really looking will see through your efforts. Similarly, your disguises are somewhat inferior compared to the experts in the Witch Hunters. Small bonus to attempts to hide small objects and disguising your intentions.

Evasion: Trickery: 50. You can manipulate the vast majority of people into harming themselves or their causes without them realizing, as well as hide small objects on your person, though someone who's really looking will see through your efforts. Similarly, your disguises are somewhat inferior compared to the experts in the Witch Hunters. Minor bonus to attempts to hide small objects and disguising your intentions.

Evasion: Trickery: 60. You can manipulate the vast majority of people into harming themselves or their causes without them realizing, as well as hide small objects on your person, though someone who's really looking will see through your efforts. Similarly, your disguises are somewhat inferior compared to the experts in the Witch Hunters. Medium bonus to attempts to hide small objects and disguising your intentions. Slight bonus to attempts to hide medium-sized objects.

Evasion All 50 Perk. Informant. While no spymaster, you are part of the network. +50 to Evasion Checks.

3670/6100 to Level 52.

Isker ??? SL 3->5.

This time, he's having you build a number of different bombs in quick succession, to make sure you don't make mistakes when rushed between different models. Obviously, there isn't actually any explosive material in these bombs, as that would be courting disaster. You could contain the explosion, and you aren't exactly fragile to begin with, but you doubt Isker would be unharmed. Still, some of these are complicated bombs when not on a time limit, so it's more of a challenge than usual.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -225 total.

Explosives: Preparation: 30+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 2480(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=2880. Required: -75. Passed.

2880. Required: -50. Passed.

2880. Required: -25. Passed.

2880. Required: 0. Passed.

3740/6100 to Level 52.

You pass with flying colors regardless. With how strong your powers are, you could literally assemble an army's worth of grenades with your eyes closed. They'd function perfectly and everything. Your main bottleneck is a lack of experience at this point, as well as all the little tricks of the trade that aren't talked about when the chemistry books tell you what not to mix if you don't want to explode. Of course, Isker Vagahen officially trusts you enough to teach them to you now, so the point is rather moot.

Reward: SL has advanced to 5. Karma is now 980. +15 to Explosives.

Isker Vagahen SL 5. Bomb Maker. You know a great deal about the making of bombs. +25 to Explosives, Tactics, Medicine Checks.

Explosives: General: 30. You know more about using explosives than most career soldiers. Of course, you cheat a little bit with your psyker powers, but who wouldn't use their powers to prevent premature detonations? Slight bonus to use of explosives and prevention of their going off when you don't want them to.

Explosives: General: 45. You know more about using explosives than anyone who hasn't made a career out of their production and use. Of course, you cheat a little bit with your psyker powers, but who wouldn't use their powers to prevent premature detonations? Small bonus to use of explosives and prevention of their going off when you don't want them to.

Explosives: Extravagant: 30. You know more than the average person about dealing with pressure plates, timers, and explosives which open vortexes to the Immaterium. Slight bonus to use and dealing with Void munitions, landmines, explosives on a timer, etc.

Explosives: Extravagant: 45. You know much more than the average person about dealing with pressure plates, timers, and explosives which open vortexes to the Immaterium. Small bonus to use and dealing with Void munitions, landmines, explosives on a timer, etc.

Explosives: Preparation: 30. You know how to safely make grenades, provided you have the proper materials, or safely create a makeshift one if you have no other option. Small bonus to creation of small explosives. Slight bonus to creation of large or complicated explosives. Makeshift small explosives won't explode as you make them.

Explosives: Preparation: 45. You know how to safely make grenades, provided you have the proper materials, or safely create a makeshift one if you have no other option. Similarly, you can make somewhat larger explosives even without all the proper materials, though not necessarily with utter certainty of their safety. Small bonus to creation of small explosives. Slight bonus to creation of large or complicated explosives. Makeshift small explosives won't explode as you make them. Makeshift medium explosives probably won't go off at an inopportune moment.

Meera Yerala SL 3->5.

While one would expect Meera's work to either become unnecessary or be delayed by the necessity of incorporating the improvements made by dozens of generations of farmers, there was a very simple reason few changes needed to be made. Ored didn't have very pronounced seasons. 'Winter' is only about 10 degrees colder than 'summer' on that planet. This meant that they hadn't made any of the improvements that Meera was after, as they had little in the way of context for the conditions of winter. There wasn't really an ice cap at either pole, though there were exceptions on the coldest years on record.

She did have a few delays because the number of 'hardy' crops was expanded because the farmers considered growing in terrible soil an upside. The apple, potato and onion no longer had an effective monopoly on being really hard to kill without actively destroying them. She wasn't going to touch Corvinian-plant DNA after the first few mishaps with Seeker plants (Think Venus Flytrap, only it spits acid when you trigger a 'sensor' then swallows you while you're writhing in agony and/or reduce to goo.) so there weren't any other problems.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -225 total.

Medicine: Narcotics: 30+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 1240(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(SL Perk)= 1690. Required: -75. Passed.

1690. Required: -50. Passed.

1690. Required: -25. Passed.

1690. Required: 0. Passed.

3810/6100 to Level 52.

Meera is overjoyed when a set of plants survive three weeks in -40 degree conditions, growing almost as if it were the optimal temperature. You enjoy making people happy, though you suppose helping them accomplish their dreams has it's own allure. Not to mention, this should make colonizing icy worlds a lot easier, and increase the sustainable population of worlds with actual winters.

Reward: SL has advanced to 5. Karma is now 1010. +15 to Medicine skills. Gained Cold-Resistant Crops. Meera Yerala has (with some help from you) developed crops that will grow in incredibly low temperatures compared to their relatives. +25% to sustainable population of worlds with pronounced seasons. +100% to sustainable population of ice-worlds.

Medicine: Surgery: 45. You can now perform most surgeries (removing medium-sized organs such as the kidney, implanting replacement organs) on your fellow man. Slight bonus to extrication and/or implantation of pre-existing organs removed. Unlikely to cause damage in the process.

Medicine: Surgery: 50. You have an official surgeon's license. Small bonus to extrication and/or implantation of pre-existing organs removed. Very unlikely to cause damage in the process.

Medicine: Surgery: 60. You can now perform almost all surgeries (removing almost any organ save the brain, implanting replacement organs, c-sections, etc.) on your fellow man. Minor bonus to extrication and/or implantation of pre-existing organs removed. Unlikely to cause damage in the process.

Medicine: Narcotics: 30. You know most of the uncommon poisons on the planet, and the best ways to deal with them. Chance of misdiagnosing an obscure poison or drug reduced. Greatly increased effectiveness of attempts to cure common poisons.

Medicine: Narcotics: 45. You know most of the uncommon poisons in the sub-sector, and the best ways to deal with them. Chance of misdiagnosing an obscure poison or drug much reduced. Largely increased effectiveness of attempts to cure common poisons.

Medicine: First-Aid: 30. You know the official medical practices for those with injuries, both external and internal. Can stabilize those with injuries both internal and external, barring extreme maiming, such as loss of entire limbs or total failure of organs.

Medicine: First-Aid: 45. You know the official medical practices for those with injuries, both external and internal, almost as well as a trained doctor. Can usually stabilize those with injuries both internal and external, barring extreme maiming, such as loss of entire limbs or total failure of organs.

Percy Clements SL 6->7.

Diplomacy: 2 Checks passed. -175 to Check difficulty.

Speech: Persuasion: 130+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 6565(Speech Perks)= 7090. Required: 125. Passed.

7090. Required: 150. Passed.

7090. Required: 175. Passed.

7090. Required: 200. Passed.

3870/6100 to Level 52.

Karma Check: 1010. Required: 300. Passed. +60 Karma.

While Percy would like to get his new personal computer up to snuff, you convince him to wait until you get the transistors up to snuff. You're certain you can do better, and it would be best to get them out of the way so he doesn't have to deal with the latest generation becoming obsolete every year or so.

Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.

Electronics: Wiring Check: 60+ 3795(Bonuses)= 3855. Required: 500. Passed. Required: 1000. Passed. Required: 2500. Passed.

3930/6100 to Level 52.

Sure enough, you once again make a huge leap in computing technology, though any further improvements are likely to require a major investment of time and energy. Another octupling of overall efficiency compared to your previous model is more than enough to cause another major boom to computing technology. Hackers abruptly find computers to have security too strong for their old programs to work, though that's not likely to last long. As you've officially pushed computers 30 years ahead of their projected advancement, you suspect a number of projects are going to see major advances, with personal computers making old supercomputers look downright slow and clunky.

Percy appreciates the focus you're putting on his field of expertise, though he's starting to think maybe you should let things settle a bit between massive leaps forward, otherwise people are going to start expecting you to solve all their problems for them, which is never a healthy mindset to have. Put like that, you can agree.

Reward: SL has advanced to 7. Karma is now 1070. Improved Transistors has improved to Hugely Improved Transistors. With the advent of immensely improved transistors, computers are incredibly more efficient, both in space and power, allowing for much more advanced designs. +50% to efficiency of industry. +25 to rolls for point defenses and missile launches due to improved targeting. +10 to hacking rolls, both resisting and attempting, due to immense processing power.

Electronics: Security: 45. You have learned how to defend against hacking attempts by any besides masters, and can even attempt it yourself, though only a somewhat below-average defender will fall to you. Slight reduction of difficulty of hacking, both offensively and defensively.

Electronics: Security: 50. You have achieved conventional mastery of hacking, both offensively and defensively. Minor reduction of difficulty of hacking, both offensively and defensively.

Electronics: Security: 60. You have learned how to defend against hacking attempts by any besides true masters, and can even attempt it yourself, though only the average defender will fall to you. Medium reduction of difficulty of hacking, both offensively and defensively.

Electronics: Wiring: 60. You can identify almost any problem, aren't stumped if fixing the primary, secondary, and tertiary problems doesn't work, and you know their weak points inside and out. Medium decrease in difficulty of Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Wiring: 75. You can identify almost any problem, aren't stumped if fixing the primary, secondary, and tertiary problems in different orders doesn't work, and you know their weak points inside and out. Moderate decrease in difficulty of Electronics Checks.

Electronics: Programming: 45. You are approaching the level of the average degree holder, but you are certainly not at your teacher's level. Small reduction in difficulty of building or destroying digital infrastructure.

Electronics: Programming: 50. You are at the level of the average degree holder, but you are certainly not at your teacher's level. Minor reduction in difficulty of building or destroying digital infrastructure.

Electronics: Programming: 60. You are beyond the level of the average degree holder, but you are certainly not at your teacher's level. Medium reduction in difficulty of building or destroying digital infrastructure.

Electronics All 50. Computer Repairwoman. You know everything you need to to fix most computers that haven't been turned to slag, though you aren't capable of apparent miracles or ridiculous feats like turning a tin can and a paper clip into a computer. +50 to Electronics Checks.

3980/6100 to Level 52.

RER: 77+ 10(FBTW)+ 20(Level Perks)=107. Critical Success!

Critical RER: 51+ 10(FBTW)+ 20(Level Perks)+ 7(Overflow)=88. Good crit result.

Shortly after your return from negotiations with the Eldar, a rogue planet appeared on the edge of the system. While the world was dead, as one might expect of a world that spent millennia at minimum traversing the emptiness of interstellar space, preliminary surveys indicated it was mineral rich, and currently lacking in Orks or other problematic features. It was also completely incapable of supporting life without a long-term dedicated terraforming project, so there really wasn't any reason to preserve it. You could rip out hunks of material for ship hulls more or less as you pleased, as the world was geologically dead as well. It's core had long since solidified, so there was little chance of causing the planet to split apart, and it was currently too far out for it to pose a major threat even if it did.

Gained Mineral-Rich Dead World. +100 Shipbuilding actions available for next 20 years.

AN: Sorry this took so long. I'll see about having Turn 12 Options out by noon.
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