Turn 10 Results
- Location
- Peterborough, NH, USA
[X] Plan Innovation
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Much bigger Replicators
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Anti-Gravity vehicles
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Teaching Devices that allow the effective download of skills and knowledge into a mortal's brain
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Continue Conceptual Crystal research and development
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Crystal 2
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Crystal 3
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Continue Conceptual Crystal weapon research and development
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Continue the work with developing the burgeoning runic system, aiming for more complex wards and the beginnings of a phonetic alphabet, something which might serve as building blocks for the much more complex future system
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Runes 2
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Runes 3
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 2
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 3
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 4
-[X][MAJOR] Ship Building (Cruisers)
-[X][MAJOR] Ship Building (Escorts)
-[X][SHIP] Ship Building (Dreadnaught)
-[X][MINOR] Train: Perception People
-[X][MINOR] Train: Perception People 2
-[X][MINOR] SL: ??? Cazanus
-[X][MINOR] SL: Meera Yerala
-[X][MINOR] SL: Percy Clements
-[X][MINOR] SL: Isker ???
-[X][MINOR] SL: Captain Matt of the Defenders
-[X][MINOR] SL: Gerald Newton
-[X][MINOR] SL: General Richards
-[X][MINOR] SL: Herman Jerun
-[X][MINOR] Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
-[X][MINOR] Doubled Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
-[X][CRYSTAL] Power
-[X][INVENTION] Defensive energy fields
-[X][INVENTION] Stable Plasma Weaponry- Orks are known to be tough and some wear armor or ride in machines, having a portable weapon to pierce their hide or armor will help our troops and vehicles.
-[X][INVENTION] Develop gear to help Psykers train and control their powers.
-[X][INVENTION] Works- Improved Arms and Armor, Invention: Necessity (boost PDF)
-[X][INVENTION] Exoskeletons for Ground Troops
-[X][INVENTION] Works-Production (Increase System Productivity) Invention: Practicality
This year, you decided to focus on inventing, in order to strengthen the system, and to have more to offer any potential allies.
Bigger Replicators: The nano-assemblers have three main issues. They can't turn one element into another, they are large power drains, and they can't make anything above a certain size. Seeing as that last flaw also affects how quickly they can process raw material into usable blocks, you decide to tackle that one first.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging: Gear: 105+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=1310. Required: 500-200= 300. 40 Checks Passed. Massive Improvement!
Gained one Level. Gained 1 Perk point. 330/410 to Level 32.
While the task was more difficult than one might expect, you were more than up to the challenge. While a certain amount of rewiring was required as you scaled up, it was nothing you couldn't handle. You went from replicators that took up an area approximately the same as a small side-table, and which could handle roughly as much matter as you'd expect at such a size, to truck-sized replicators, which could handle creating tanks from the relevant material.
While you'd expect productivity to explode, as tanks, for example, could be assembled wholesale, the power requirements made it inefficient to do that with all tanks. Productivity received a large boost, to be sure, but it wasn't quadrupled or anything. Similarly, larger amounts of raw materials could be sorted through at once now, but the usual methods of sifting through materials were used in most places, as it was slower, but cheaper. It would seem you'd need to either design better fusion reactors, or improve on the efficiency of the design, if you wanted to get the most out of this redesign.
Reward: Resized Replicators. 25% increase in production and raw material extraction. AN: In order to get the most out of this, you need to either make the atomic rearrangement less of a power draw, make better reactors, or both. Word of warning, the former would have a higher threshold than the latter. The trekkies have been working on it for a long time. Eventually they decided better reactors was a lot more efficient.
Anti-grav Vehicles: While a limited form of artificial gravity is employed on your spaceships, anti-gravity is not as well explored. Partially because it's easier to mimic something you're familiar with, and partially because there hasn't been as much interest in it. You require a working understanding of it in order to create hovering vehicles, which can ignore bad terrain as long as their engine is working, among other things.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging: Gear: 105+ Education: General+Advanced: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)=1475. Required: 500-200+500(Anti-gravity Inexperience)= 800. 27 Checks Passed. Success! Improved Vehicles.
Gained 1 Level. Currently have 2 Perk points. 220/420 to Level 33.
Not only did you succeed in making hover vehicles, drastically accelerating travel times across the planet's surface and advancing the understanding of anti-gravity and gravity by decades, you made sending resources to or from the surface of a planet with gravity similar to Thernus (within 10% of Earth-norm) if not trivial, then much less of a hassle. This makes asteroid mining and sending resources mined from the planet up to shipyards much easier, not to mention how much easier it makes moving personnel.
Reward: Anti-grav Vehicles: Improved. Additional incentive for many systems to join you. Especially valuable in systems with heavy asteroid numbers or poor resources on the planet itself. Accelerates shipbuilding by 10% due to reduced resource constraints. Allows for far more efficient mining and exploitation of space-bound bound resources. Much greater understanding of Anti-gravity. Malus from limited understanding removed.
Accelerated Learning Devices: While you learn absurdly quickly, by definition very few other people have this ability. You imagine that it would be very useful to literally everyone if they did. Unfortunately, you can't simply transmit relevant knowledge into people's heads on anything resembling a global scale in a timely fashion with your powers, and you don't trust every psyker with telepathy to use it responsibly if you make some tech to facilitate such an effort. Therefore, you need an ALD that uses purely mundane technology.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging : Gear: 105+ Education: General+Advanced: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)=1475. Required: 750-200=550. 37 Checks passed. Large improvement.
Gained 1 Level. Currently have 3 Perk points. 200/430 to Level 34.
You considered something that allowed outright download of information too risky. It could be hijacked or used by a spy/cultist without much trouble. You attempt to find another method instead.
You manage to create a bio-adapter that allows for the accelerated perusing of files loaded into a machine similar to a digital reader. It's a closed system other than the information loaded into it, which is done by a person checked by the Witch Hunters daily. It doesn't so much increase the speed of learning as increase the time that can be devoted to it. While this has an upper limit, as it does little to help with mental exhaustion, it lets students study for much longer periods of time. A five-minute real-world session translates to almost an hour inside. This leads to a significant improvement in terms of general knowledge.
Reward: ALD. +10 to background project rolls. Lack of study time no longer considered a valid reason to fail.
Innovation: Conceptual Crystal Research. While you have crystals for Order, Fire/heat, Ice/cold, Electricity, and Darkness(which you don't use) you don't have any other types, or advanced ones besides the boosters. You decide to remedy that.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200=550. 76 Checks passed. Multiple new crystals discovered!
Gained 2 Levels. Currently have 6 Perk points. 150/450 to Level 36.
You start by working to expand your list of options for making talismans. You create a crystal for Speed, Penetration, Preservation, Defense, Protection, Healing, Earth, Water, Air, Magnetism, Gravity, Metal, Light, Sound, Space and Time.
While the elemental crystals are pretty straight forward, the others have much more esoteric qualities. The Speed crystal does what you'd expect, but surprisingly, no issues arise from the body outperforming it's usual speed. Penetration will partially ignore armor, and even certain shields will be bypassed. Void shields, for example, are completely ignored, likely due to their function of venting the force of attacks into the Warp. Preservation crystals cause wear and tear to slow their effects. Rust and the like takes far longer to appear, while roads take about twice as long to need repaving. Defense crystals reduce the damage caused by attacks, while Protection crystals provide a 'damage threshold' which means that attacks with a certain level of force are required to harm those with the crystals in any way. Healing crystals accelerate regeneration, without any cellular aging or risk of cancer. The Gravity crystal can amplify or reduce gravity fields, or even nullify them temporarily to cause localized zero-gravity. Space crystals allow for localized teleportation (a 5 meter radius, roughly speaking) and warping of spacial dimensions. Time crystals allow for the slowing or hastening of time, and even time-stops in small areas that allow the user to affect the objects in the zone of stopped time.
Reward: Massively expanded number of options for creation of talismans.
Innovation: Conceptual Crystal Research: Continued. Seeing as you have a much larger number of options now, you work on increasing the number of talismans for people to use, as well as their overall quality.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Multiple new talismans discovered!
Gained 2 Levels. Currently have 8 Perks. 80/470 to Level 38.
With the sheer number of new options you have, you vastly expand the library of talismans, as well as their effectiveness, which in turn, boosts every aspect of society further. The more basic talismans have their production streamlined, making them downright trivial to make, while the new talismans slot into the original talismans' slot. This vastly accelerates the rate at which people are equipped with talismans of some kind.
Speaking of which, there are talismans which serve in roles in everything from reinforcing trench-works, to first-aid, to electricity-independent lights for when the PDF clears out the sewers, so having them be at all difficult to make would be a problem. Of course, all but the most minor are still not something that can be mass-produced on anything resembling a global scale.
Reward: Crystal Talismans has advanced to Improved Crystal Talismans. +25 to PDF rolls. +25% to production. +25 to morale rolls.
Crystal Research 3 and 4:
You continue to work on making higher grade crystals and talismans, both more powerful and more efficient, rather than trying to make new types, though you do make a few of those.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Higher tier crystals available! Second-tier crystals can now be mass-produced by regular psykers!
Gained 1 Level. Currently have 9 Perk points. 450/480 to Level 39.
While you mostly focus on making the second tier of crystals easily mass-produced, you do make a few more. One for Guidance, Purity, Accuracy, Detection, Organization and Balance. Guidance aids in navigation, both in the mundane world, and in the job of Navigators. It still requires that a person be working towards the goal of going somewhere, but it makes it a lot easier, and reduces the effectiveness of manipulation of space to confound the holder, or simple things like changing road signs. Purity crystals remove toxins, as well as the toxic residue from the presence of Warp Horrors, potentially allowing those least tainted by them to be restored, and reducing the number of PDF that require culling from the Witch Hunters' platoons. Accuracy crystals have effects similar to spacial-bending, moving the path of the projectile to be more likely to hit a vital area, or at least hit if the target is particularly agile, or the shot particularly bad. Detection crystals glow brightly if an ambush is imminent, or someone is trying to avoid notice/hide something. Needless to say, they are very useful in rooting out cultists, particularly those that follow the mollusk-like Warp Horrors. Organization crystals help make systems run more smoothly, from squads to computerized ones. The bureaucracy is helped less than one might expect, as each administrator does a lot of work mostly alone, but it is helped. The Balance crystals don't do much on their own, but they excel at making different crystals work together, which unlocks a lot of possibilities.
Reward: Moderate number of new crystals available. Large decrease in effort needed to create crystals, and therefore talismans.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Multiple new talismans discovered!
Gained 2 Levels. Currently 12 Perk points. 320/500 to Level 41.
With the creation of Balance crystals, creating talismans that combine different crystals is now possible, and you put your all into it. For instance, while Preservation and Healing are good on their own, together even minor talismans can slow degradation to the sort of crawl decades pass in. Another example is the use of Purity and Detection crystals in conjunction to detect corruption. While manually checking everyone with any regularity is impossible, suspects can be checked nigh-instantly. You've also managed to create a single talisman with three elements. A Ring of Balance, which reduces damage from flames, ice, and electricity by 10%, which while less impressive than any of the originals in their specialty, provides more protection overall, and more broadly. The only reason you were able to combine three was the experience you had with the original three types of crystals.
You suspect people will sell their limbs and/or firstborn children for these. Not even metaphorically. The Eldar will probably offer something resembling an even deal for the knowledge of how to create these.
Reward: More advanced talismans unlocked due to large library of crystals, and Balance crystals allowing for combinations. Large number of new trade goods from four Crystal research actions, which most planets without strong psyker traditions will have no hope of reproducing. Improved Crystal Talismans has advanced to Enhanced Crystal Talismans. +50 to PDF rolls. +50% to production. +50 to morale rolls.
Runes: While you have a single rune, you don't have much in the way of a language to use for them. Regular written language won't cut it. You've checked. The only thing that seems to work is a language specifically created for the purpose of expressing the concept behind the runes, such as Order for the Null rune. As such, you first work on expanding said language to encompass each of the types of crystals you've created thus far.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.
Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 13 Perk points. 150/510 to Level 42.
You succeed in creating enough of a language from the whispers of the Warp and the concepts involved to inscribe Runes with them. You keep the pentagram shape, to make corrupting the runes more difficult. Turning a pentagram into a symmetrical eight-pointed star is exceedingly difficult. Now that you have a language for them, the runes themselves shouldn't be too difficult.
Reward: Basic runic language created. New runes will automatically have proper runic inscriptions. Runes and Talismans of similar natures can be combined to reinforce each other at full effectiveness.
Runes 2 and 3: With the 'grammar' portion of the problem taken care of, you continued your work, attempting to create more runes to complement the talismans (or crystals if you're in a real bind and don't have time for something involving relative finesse) already in use.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.
Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 14 Perk points. 260/520 to Level 43.
With the amount of time you put in, even with 20 runes in need of creation, you succeed in crafting them all. Runes are far easier to make than talismans, though generally immobile. As such, buildings are covered in Healing, Defense, Protection, and Preservation Runes, along with Detection and Purity runes, mostly in public places and state-owned artifices. This will greatly restrict cult development, by all but actively stripping corruption from those who leave their homes. Of course, a fully manifested Warp Horror will be merely weakened by such runes unless in direct contact.
Hospitals are filled with Healing and Preservation Runes, as the walls and other military-minded buildings around the cities are covered in the same runes as the residential buildings, but to a far greater degree. They won't do anything insane like ignoring a city-killer bomb, but anyone who tries to take them by storm is going to have a very unpleasant time of it. Armor groups have Speed Runes added to compensate for their relative lack of mobility, etc.
Reward: Basic Rune Library. You possess a number of large number of low-level runes, which allows for a large number of applications. +50 to PDF rolls. +50% to industrial production. +50 to morale rolls. AN: Your buildings have a healing factor now. As do the roads. Pretty much all your infrastructure really. Cults in worlds under your control are going to have trouble taking root without basically having taken over the planet (or at least the city) anyway. Planets with severe cult problems will practically hand themselves over for access to this stuff.
Ship Building Dreadnaught, Cruisers, and Escorts: You decide to build the skeletons of this year's batch of Cruisers and Escorts at the beginning of the year, while setting up the skeleton of the Dreadnaught being begun next year, following the completion of this year's.
Dreadnaught Roll: 94 +20(Level Perks)= 114. Critical Success.
Critical Success Roll: 19+ 20(Level Perks)+ 14(Overflow)= 53. Success.
Cruiser Roll: 75 +20(Level Perks)= 95. Success.
Escort Roll: 38 +20(Level Perks)= 58. Success.
While the Cruisers and Escorts go pretty well, the Dreadnaught's building goes wonderfully. You manage to shave off a year of it's build-time, though you don't think it's going to be a regular thing, meaning that you'll have 2 Dreadnaughts by the end of next year, a ship considered respectable for any one system to have a single one of. Two are more than enough to defend a system from most threats.
Invention: Defensive energy fields: Seeing as the armor and weaponry used by the PDF have been improved, you decide to see about giving them something to further improve their survivability. While anything like the shield around a ship wouldn't be possible, something a lot weaker would be helpful. Simply stopping two or three shots would increase survival rates through the roof.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 105+Adavnced: 210+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1520. Required: 750: Passed. 1500-200=1300. Check Passed. Secondary Invention!
310/520 to Level 43.
Not only do you succeed in creating a personal shield capable of handling a round from conventional lasguns, but a version that can be used for vehicles, such as fighters and bombers. This massively improves their performance by dint of making them much, much harder to kill. The infantry shield is easily worn down, but it's not meant to turn them into tanks. Instead, the shield recharges quickly when not under direct fire, letting soldiers with broken shields simply duck into cover to recover. The vehicle shields function more like their larger brethren, taking significant amounts of time to recharge once depleted. However, the PDF and navy appreciate their vehicles having greater protection, and what little anti-air fire the native Orks can manage is now completely ineffective.
Reward: Ground forces gain Personal Shields. +25 to PDF rolls. Void forces gain Shielded Fightercraft. +25 to fightercraft (fighters, bombers, etc., both in space and in the atmosphere) rolls.
Invention: Stable Plasma Weaponry- Orks are known to be tough and some wear armor or ride in machines, having a portable weapon to pierce their hide or armor will help our troops and vehicles. While laser weapons are standard issue, they are less effective on the tough hide of the Orks than most foes, but then most things are. Orks will regenerate from wounds that would be fatal to a human, so anything short of killing them or removing a limb will do nothing permanent. However, flamethrowers will significantly slow their regeneration, as will several acids. The former quickly runs out of fuel, while the latter is dangerous to handle, and difficult to produce in large enough quantities to matter, and risks ecological damage.
So instead, you take inspiration from the plasma cell from the xenos lasgun, in hopes of making a plasma weapon to combine the anti-regeneration properties of flamethrowers, and the relative ease of use and production of lasguns.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 90+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1135. Required: 750: Passed. 750-200=550. Check Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. All lasgun types given equivalent plasma types.
360/520 to Level 43.
You succeed in making a plasma weapon, which possesses the wide settings of the relatively new lasgun, allowing for wide-spread fire as a pseudoe-flamethrower, or pinpoint fire for a welding torch or plasma cutter. Of course, the plasma weapon lacks the stun setting of the lasgun, so the policing sections of the armed forces still use them, as do medics and similar vocations. The burns from plasma are much less easily healed than purely physical trauma, not to mention the larger and more potent versions that are roughly equal to the las-rifle and blaster.
Reward: Plasma Guns. +25 to PDF rolls, in addition to bonus from Improved Lasers.
Invention: Develop gear to help Psykers train and control their powers. While the crystals are bringing people's control over their psyker powers up to a standard considered acceptable, they take a relatively long time, and have a hard limit, so you think something to help with controlling their powers would be very useful. Both as a stopgap while they wait until they can safely process crystals that boost control, and in the long-term to enhance their control past the hard limit the crystals possess.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 90+ Psyker: Esoteric+Seer: 210+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 2465. Required: 750: Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. 1500-200=1300. Check Passed. 2000-200= 1800. 2500-200= 2300. Gear developed.
410/520 to Level 43.
You create four pieces of gear. First, an Inhibitor Ring, which, contrary to the name, focuses the power the psyker is using rather than reducing it. It discourages large or uncontrolled bursts of power, while making delicate operations significantly easier. Of course, it's more of a hindrance in a fight, which is where the name cam from. The second type is called the Kill-Switch, which is a headband that knocks out a psyker's powers if they start losing control. The downside is that it also causes a debilitating migraine and temporary paralysis, and multiple uses in a short period risks permanent damage to the brain. Of course, low levels of brain damage can be treated with the medical technology you possess, but the more and older the damage it is, the more likely at least some of it will be permanent. Hence only a psyker of Beta level or higher takes it unless there's no alternative. You yourself keep a spare on your person, just in case. The third piece of equipment has come to be known as the Control Rod. It's a staff that requires a certain minimum level of control to use, but allows for much more delicate use of one's powers. It's essentially a version of the Inhibitor Ring that doesn't brute-force the increase in control, in terms of function. Finally, there's the Psy-blaster, which allows psykers without the powerset to fire concentrated blasts of Warp-energy to do so without overdrawing form the Warp, letting them defend themselves without the temptation to draw deeper than they should.
Reward: Pyshic Control Gear. +25 to allied Psyker Checks/rolls. AN: The psy-blaster is basically a proto-force weapon. A lot of psyker have powersets with little direct use in combat, Diviners(You can't punch someone with future visions, and you can't take advantage if you lack the ability to prevent the future you see.), Technomancer(More or less useless against Orks.), etc. They can fire off blasts by drawing deeper from the Warp, but that's like asking to be possessed.
Invention: Exoskeletons for Ground Troops: While your troops have been enhanced somewhat, with talismans and better technology at their disposal and better bodies from altered DNA, they could still be better. Hence your decision to provide exoskeletons, which will increase their apparent strength and speed, though the second is somewhat a product of the first. Of course, you have to make them supportive rather than added weight, and not too difficult to use or put on/take off.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging: Armor: 90+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1135. Required: 750: Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. 1250-200=1050. Check Passed. Light, Medium, and Heavy exoskeletons completed.
470/520 to Level 43.
You create three versions of the Mechanical Assistant Skeletal Systems. The Light version, which is the cheapest, is available to the public (not the design itself obviously) and provides the smallest boost. It's standard issue for scouts, medics, etc. because it is the quietest to move in. While you did your best, you can only make metal so quiet, and medics should avoid drawing the attention of enemies that won't differentiate between medics and regulars. Cough*Orks*Cough.
The Medium is standard issue for the military, and while more expensive than the Light version, provides a 50 kilogram boost the weight the soldier can lift, rather than 20. The harness crosses over vital areas such as the heart and lungs, providing protection by virtue of the fact that enemy fire will have to disable the system first, and is somewhat larger than it's lesser counterpart.
The Heavy version is the most expensive, and wanders at the edge of being powered armor. While it doesn't cover the person entirely by itself, it increases their lift capacity by 100 kilograms, and covers the majority of their body, helping to protect it. As such, a few people equipped with these can right an overturned vehicle, or accomplish similar feats. However, their expense means that only the Champions, those given a recommendation (Combat Hero units), the Defenders, and yourself use them. Although you get less out of it than most, as you can already lift over a hundred kilograms, without biomancy.
Reward: Exoskeletons. +25 to PDF rolls.
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Invention: Works-Production (Increase System Productivity) Invention: Practicality
Seeing as you need to start gearing up for the incoming Waagh, you decide to begin improving the system's industry.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction= 200.
Invention: Practicality Check: 130+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)= 815. Required= -150. 38 Checks Passed. However, 130/5=26. 26 Checks passed per action with 5 actions. AN: Seeing as Serras isn't an idiot, I'll count the excess Practical Checks towards Necessity, which I expected you to work on next. 38*5=190. 190-130=60. 130 to Practical. 60 to Necessity.
4 Levels gained. Currently possess 19 Perk points. 380/560 to Level 47.
You make improvements at every stage. More efficient drills, more efficient smelters, better automation, more efficient power draws. Redesigning products to perform the same or better with less work and/or resources required. Every aspect of industry, from mining and processing, to building and transportation, has been more than doubled in efficiency. For now, however, you've hit your limit on making improvements to industry with a lot of small innovations.
Reward: Practical Industry. Productivity increased by 130%.
Invention: Works- Improved Arms and Armor, Invention: Necessity (boost PDF)
With the system's industry improved immensely improved, you turn your attention to the armed forces.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction= 200.
Invention: Necessity Check: 130+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)= 815. Required= -150. 38 Checks Passed.
One Level gained. Currently possess 20 Perk points. 230/570 to Level 48.
While you make fewer strides than you do with industry, you do manage to provide a large boost to the effectiveness of their arms, armor, and vehicles. They appreciate the tweaks you made to their MREs to improve the taste while still providing the necessary calories and nutrients, for instance.
Reward: Efficient Military. +98 to PDF rolls.
Power: 5 automatic successes, and +1 from Powerful Psyker. Power is now 51. Crystals cannot be used to further increase Power.
Power 50 Perk. Warp Lighthouse. Your overwhelming psychic might can be used as a lighthouse for allied forces, though it also attracts Warp Horrors. Luckily you can handle that. Allied ships will have a reroll to having a Warp disaster due to your 'landmark' provided they are within the same sector.
+85 to tagged Skills from Levels.
Perception: People: 70. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 50 meters away. Large boost to detection rolls. Moderate boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 80. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 100 meters away. Very large boost to detection rolls. Medium boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 90. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 150 meters away. Extremely large boost to detection rolls. Large boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 100. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 200 meters away. Huge boost to detection rolls. Very large boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 110. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 250 meters away. Enormous boost to detection rolls. Extremely large boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 120. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 500 meters away. Immense boost to detection rolls. Huge boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 130. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 750 meters away. Incredible boost to detection rolls. Enormous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 140. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 1000 meters away. Ridiculous boost to detection rolls. Immense boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 155. You can read people better than even the best analysts. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Incredible boost to Speech Checks.
As you are planning on beginning diplomacy with other systems soon, you work on understanding people better, and recognizing not only that they're hiding things, but what they're hiding.
Perception: People: 165. You can all but fake reading people's minds. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ridiculous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 175. You can fake reading people's minds with some reliabilty. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ludicrous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 185. You can reliably fake reading people's minds. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ludicrous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 195. You might as well be reading people's minds. You can do that too, but every little bit helps. Insane boost to detection rolls. Insane boost to Speech Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 90. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of incredible complexity. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 100. You have achieved conventional mastery of forging weapons. Enormous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 110. You are officially beyond conventional mastery of forging weapons. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 120. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity. Incredible decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 130. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity. Ridiculous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 140. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 150. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of incredible complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 160. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 175. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 90. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces much larger than your current size without losing any of their quality, or extremely complex in comparison to the body armor used by Captain Matt, though not both at once. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 100. You have achieved conventional mastery of armor forging. Enormous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 110. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces much larger than your current size without losing any of their quality, or extremely complex in comparison to the body armor used by Captain Matt, or even both at once. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 120. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly. Incredible decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 130. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly. Ridiculous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 140. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing most of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 150. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a lot of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 160. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing much of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 175. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 130. You can create gadgets significantly beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Huge reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 140. You can create gadgets pretty far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Immense reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 150. You can create gadgets far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Incredible reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 160. You can create gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ridiculous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 170. You can create rather impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 180. You can create pretty impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 190. You can create very impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 200. You can create extremely impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 130. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with incredibly poor materials. Huge reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 140. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with incredibly poor materials. Immense reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 150. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with garbage. Incredible reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 160. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with things worse than garbage. Ridiculous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 170. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something significantly better with materials worse than garbage. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 180. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something much better with materials worse than garbage. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 190. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something far better with materials worse than garbage. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 200. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something immensely better with materials worse than garbage. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Extravagance: 130. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 2 times the cost, or quadruple them for 10 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 140. You can improve products with little extra investment with unbelievable efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.75 times the cost, or quadruple them for 9.5 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 150. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.5 times the cost, or quadruple them for 9 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 160. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.25 times the cost, or quadruple them for 8.5 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 170. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 8.25 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 180. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 8 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 190. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.75 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 200. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.5 times the cost.
Forging All 100 Perk. Master Smith. You have achieved the level of skill where you are considered qualified to teach students of your own. +100 to Forging Checks.
330/570 to Level 48.
Invention All 150 Perk. Industrial Revolutionary. You can create a gadget to solve the current problem in minutes. +150 to Invention Checks.
480/570 to Level 48.
Invention All 200 Perk. One-Woman Renaissance. You can create a gizmo to solve the current problem in seconds. +200 to Invention Checks.
Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 21 Perk points. 110/580 to Level 49.
+5 to tagged skills.
Perception: People: 195. You might as well be reading people's minds. You can do that too, but every little bit helps. Insane boost to detection rolls. Insane boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 200. While reading people's minds allows you to learn things that they know, reading their body language lets you predict what they'll do before they know, taking advantage of their instincts and emotions. +100 to detection rolls. Large boost to Speech Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 175. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 180. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 175. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 180. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a tiny bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Perception: People has advanced to Perception: Image.
Perception: Image: 0. People have 'images' they present to others, but you have started to see past them, to who they really are. You are also learning to guard against this yourself.
Invention: Necessity has advanced to Invention: Military.
Invention: Military: 0. You can make a weapon or defense against one from pretty much anything, and impressive ones at that.
Invention: Practicality has advanced to Invention: Industry.
Invention: Practicality: 0. You have a reputation for making them look like idiots among industrial leaders.
Invention: Extravagance has advanced to Invention: Luxury.
Invention: Luxury: 0. You can make a luxury item for cheap, which sort of makes it NOT a luxury item, you suppose.
60 points to be assigned to one or more tagged Skills.
AN: Don't expect another glut of Levels like this. Firstly because 50 is a soft-cap, and a 0 is added to the end of the required Exp from that point on, and partially because the Runes required 5 Checks per Rune unlocked, and both they and the talismans had a lot of ground work they needed done, which won't be needed in amounts to give Exp any more. Also, I'm changing the mechanic to work differently, as seen in the later Invention actions. A threshold for the invention itself, and a later threshold for a better version or related invention. This version is too generous with Exp, which will actually hurt in the long run. I would be willing to take suggestions for further crystal and rune types, but make sure it doesn't already have it's job being done. Also, they'll be their own projects which give maybe 50 Exp a piece.
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Much bigger Replicators
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Anti-Gravity vehicles
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Teaching Devices that allow the effective download of skills and knowledge into a mortal's brain
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Continue Conceptual Crystal research and development
-[X][MAJOR] Innovation: Crystal 2
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Crystal 3
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Continue Conceptual Crystal weapon research and development
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Continue the work with developing the burgeoning runic system, aiming for more complex wards and the beginnings of a phonetic alphabet, something which might serve as building blocks for the much more complex future system
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Runes 2
-[X][MAJOR] Doubled Innovation: Runes 3
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 2
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 3
-[X][MAJOR] Train: Power 4
-[X][MAJOR] Ship Building (Cruisers)
-[X][MAJOR] Ship Building (Escorts)
-[X][SHIP] Ship Building (Dreadnaught)
-[X][MINOR] Train: Perception People
-[X][MINOR] Train: Perception People 2
-[X][MINOR] SL: ??? Cazanus
-[X][MINOR] SL: Meera Yerala
-[X][MINOR] SL: Percy Clements
-[X][MINOR] SL: Isker ???
-[X][MINOR] SL: Captain Matt of the Defenders
-[X][MINOR] SL: Gerald Newton
-[X][MINOR] SL: General Richards
-[X][MINOR] SL: Herman Jerun
-[X][MINOR] Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
-[X][MINOR] Doubled Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
-[X][CRYSTAL] Power
-[X][INVENTION] Defensive energy fields
-[X][INVENTION] Stable Plasma Weaponry- Orks are known to be tough and some wear armor or ride in machines, having a portable weapon to pierce their hide or armor will help our troops and vehicles.
-[X][INVENTION] Develop gear to help Psykers train and control their powers.
-[X][INVENTION] Works- Improved Arms and Armor, Invention: Necessity (boost PDF)
-[X][INVENTION] Exoskeletons for Ground Troops
-[X][INVENTION] Works-Production (Increase System Productivity) Invention: Practicality
This year, you decided to focus on inventing, in order to strengthen the system, and to have more to offer any potential allies.
Bigger Replicators: The nano-assemblers have three main issues. They can't turn one element into another, they are large power drains, and they can't make anything above a certain size. Seeing as that last flaw also affects how quickly they can process raw material into usable blocks, you decide to tackle that one first.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging: Gear: 105+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)=1310. Required: 500-200= 300. 40 Checks Passed. Massive Improvement!
Gained one Level. Gained 1 Perk point. 330/410 to Level 32.
While the task was more difficult than one might expect, you were more than up to the challenge. While a certain amount of rewiring was required as you scaled up, it was nothing you couldn't handle. You went from replicators that took up an area approximately the same as a small side-table, and which could handle roughly as much matter as you'd expect at such a size, to truck-sized replicators, which could handle creating tanks from the relevant material.
While you'd expect productivity to explode, as tanks, for example, could be assembled wholesale, the power requirements made it inefficient to do that with all tanks. Productivity received a large boost, to be sure, but it wasn't quadrupled or anything. Similarly, larger amounts of raw materials could be sorted through at once now, but the usual methods of sifting through materials were used in most places, as it was slower, but cheaper. It would seem you'd need to either design better fusion reactors, or improve on the efficiency of the design, if you wanted to get the most out of this redesign.
Reward: Resized Replicators. 25% increase in production and raw material extraction. AN: In order to get the most out of this, you need to either make the atomic rearrangement less of a power draw, make better reactors, or both. Word of warning, the former would have a higher threshold than the latter. The trekkies have been working on it for a long time. Eventually they decided better reactors was a lot more efficient.
Anti-grav Vehicles: While a limited form of artificial gravity is employed on your spaceships, anti-gravity is not as well explored. Partially because it's easier to mimic something you're familiar with, and partially because there hasn't been as much interest in it. You require a working understanding of it in order to create hovering vehicles, which can ignore bad terrain as long as their engine is working, among other things.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging: Gear: 105+ Education: General+Advanced: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)=1475. Required: 500-200+500(Anti-gravity Inexperience)= 800. 27 Checks Passed. Success! Improved Vehicles.
Gained 1 Level. Currently have 2 Perk points. 220/420 to Level 33.
Not only did you succeed in making hover vehicles, drastically accelerating travel times across the planet's surface and advancing the understanding of anti-gravity and gravity by decades, you made sending resources to or from the surface of a planet with gravity similar to Thernus (within 10% of Earth-norm) if not trivial, then much less of a hassle. This makes asteroid mining and sending resources mined from the planet up to shipyards much easier, not to mention how much easier it makes moving personnel.
Reward: Anti-grav Vehicles: Improved. Additional incentive for many systems to join you. Especially valuable in systems with heavy asteroid numbers or poor resources on the planet itself. Accelerates shipbuilding by 10% due to reduced resource constraints. Allows for far more efficient mining and exploitation of space-bound bound resources. Much greater understanding of Anti-gravity. Malus from limited understanding removed.
Accelerated Learning Devices: While you learn absurdly quickly, by definition very few other people have this ability. You imagine that it would be very useful to literally everyone if they did. Unfortunately, you can't simply transmit relevant knowledge into people's heads on anything resembling a global scale in a timely fashion with your powers, and you don't trust every psyker with telepathy to use it responsibly if you make some tech to facilitate such an effort. Therefore, you need an ALD that uses purely mundane technology.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction to Check difficulty of 200.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130+ Forging : Gear: 105+ Education: General+Advanced: 210+ 110(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)=1475. Required: 750-200=550. 37 Checks passed. Large improvement.
Gained 1 Level. Currently have 3 Perk points. 200/430 to Level 34.
You considered something that allowed outright download of information too risky. It could be hijacked or used by a spy/cultist without much trouble. You attempt to find another method instead.
You manage to create a bio-adapter that allows for the accelerated perusing of files loaded into a machine similar to a digital reader. It's a closed system other than the information loaded into it, which is done by a person checked by the Witch Hunters daily. It doesn't so much increase the speed of learning as increase the time that can be devoted to it. While this has an upper limit, as it does little to help with mental exhaustion, it lets students study for much longer periods of time. A five-minute real-world session translates to almost an hour inside. This leads to a significant improvement in terms of general knowledge.
Reward: ALD. +10 to background project rolls. Lack of study time no longer considered a valid reason to fail.
Innovation: Conceptual Crystal Research. While you have crystals for Order, Fire/heat, Ice/cold, Electricity, and Darkness(which you don't use) you don't have any other types, or advanced ones besides the boosters. You decide to remedy that.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200=550. 76 Checks passed. Multiple new crystals discovered!
Gained 2 Levels. Currently have 6 Perk points. 150/450 to Level 36.
You start by working to expand your list of options for making talismans. You create a crystal for Speed, Penetration, Preservation, Defense, Protection, Healing, Earth, Water, Air, Magnetism, Gravity, Metal, Light, Sound, Space and Time.
While the elemental crystals are pretty straight forward, the others have much more esoteric qualities. The Speed crystal does what you'd expect, but surprisingly, no issues arise from the body outperforming it's usual speed. Penetration will partially ignore armor, and even certain shields will be bypassed. Void shields, for example, are completely ignored, likely due to their function of venting the force of attacks into the Warp. Preservation crystals cause wear and tear to slow their effects. Rust and the like takes far longer to appear, while roads take about twice as long to need repaving. Defense crystals reduce the damage caused by attacks, while Protection crystals provide a 'damage threshold' which means that attacks with a certain level of force are required to harm those with the crystals in any way. Healing crystals accelerate regeneration, without any cellular aging or risk of cancer. The Gravity crystal can amplify or reduce gravity fields, or even nullify them temporarily to cause localized zero-gravity. Space crystals allow for localized teleportation (a 5 meter radius, roughly speaking) and warping of spacial dimensions. Time crystals allow for the slowing or hastening of time, and even time-stops in small areas that allow the user to affect the objects in the zone of stopped time.
Reward: Massively expanded number of options for creation of talismans.
Innovation: Conceptual Crystal Research: Continued. Seeing as you have a much larger number of options now, you work on increasing the number of talismans for people to use, as well as their overall quality.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Multiple new talismans discovered!
Gained 2 Levels. Currently have 8 Perks. 80/470 to Level 38.
With the sheer number of new options you have, you vastly expand the library of talismans, as well as their effectiveness, which in turn, boosts every aspect of society further. The more basic talismans have their production streamlined, making them downright trivial to make, while the new talismans slot into the original talismans' slot. This vastly accelerates the rate at which people are equipped with talismans of some kind.
Speaking of which, there are talismans which serve in roles in everything from reinforcing trench-works, to first-aid, to electricity-independent lights for when the PDF clears out the sewers, so having them be at all difficult to make would be a problem. Of course, all but the most minor are still not something that can be mass-produced on anything resembling a global scale.
Reward: Crystal Talismans has advanced to Improved Crystal Talismans. +25 to PDF rolls. +25% to production. +25 to morale rolls.
Crystal Research 3 and 4:
You continue to work on making higher grade crystals and talismans, both more powerful and more efficient, rather than trying to make new types, though you do make a few of those.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Higher tier crystals available! Second-tier crystals can now be mass-produced by regular psykers!
Gained 1 Level. Currently have 9 Perk points. 450/480 to Level 39.
While you mostly focus on making the second tier of crystals easily mass-produced, you do make a few more. One for Guidance, Purity, Accuracy, Detection, Organization and Balance. Guidance aids in navigation, both in the mundane world, and in the job of Navigators. It still requires that a person be working towards the goal of going somewhere, but it makes it a lot easier, and reduces the effectiveness of manipulation of space to confound the holder, or simple things like changing road signs. Purity crystals remove toxins, as well as the toxic residue from the presence of Warp Horrors, potentially allowing those least tainted by them to be restored, and reducing the number of PDF that require culling from the Witch Hunters' platoons. Accuracy crystals have effects similar to spacial-bending, moving the path of the projectile to be more likely to hit a vital area, or at least hit if the target is particularly agile, or the shot particularly bad. Detection crystals glow brightly if an ambush is imminent, or someone is trying to avoid notice/hide something. Needless to say, they are very useful in rooting out cultists, particularly those that follow the mollusk-like Warp Horrors. Organization crystals help make systems run more smoothly, from squads to computerized ones. The bureaucracy is helped less than one might expect, as each administrator does a lot of work mostly alone, but it is helped. The Balance crystals don't do much on their own, but they excel at making different crystals work together, which unlocks a lot of possibilities.
Reward: Moderate number of new crystals available. Large decrease in effort needed to create crystals, and therefore talismans.
Learning Check: 3 Passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Invention: Practical: 130+ Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ Forging: Gear: 105+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2470. Required: 750-200-120(Number of Crystals)=430. 81 Checks passed. Multiple new talismans discovered!
Gained 2 Levels. Currently 12 Perk points. 320/500 to Level 41.
With the creation of Balance crystals, creating talismans that combine different crystals is now possible, and you put your all into it. For instance, while Preservation and Healing are good on their own, together even minor talismans can slow degradation to the sort of crawl decades pass in. Another example is the use of Purity and Detection crystals in conjunction to detect corruption. While manually checking everyone with any regularity is impossible, suspects can be checked nigh-instantly. You've also managed to create a single talisman with three elements. A Ring of Balance, which reduces damage from flames, ice, and electricity by 10%, which while less impressive than any of the originals in their specialty, provides more protection overall, and more broadly. The only reason you were able to combine three was the experience you had with the original three types of crystals.
You suspect people will sell their limbs and/or firstborn children for these. Not even metaphorically. The Eldar will probably offer something resembling an even deal for the knowledge of how to create these.
Reward: More advanced talismans unlocked due to large library of crystals, and Balance crystals allowing for combinations. Large number of new trade goods from four Crystal research actions, which most planets without strong psyker traditions will have no hope of reproducing. Improved Crystal Talismans has advanced to Enhanced Crystal Talismans. +50 to PDF rolls. +50% to production. +50 to morale rolls.
Runes: While you have a single rune, you don't have much in the way of a language to use for them. Regular written language won't cut it. You've checked. The only thing that seems to work is a language specifically created for the purpose of expressing the concept behind the runes, such as Order for the Null rune. As such, you first work on expanding said language to encompass each of the types of crystals you've created thus far.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.
Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 13 Perk points. 150/510 to Level 42.
You succeed in creating enough of a language from the whispers of the Warp and the concepts involved to inscribe Runes with them. You keep the pentagram shape, to make corrupting the runes more difficult. Turning a pentagram into a symmetrical eight-pointed star is exceedingly difficult. Now that you have a language for them, the runes themselves shouldn't be too difficult.
Reward: Basic runic language created. New runes will automatically have proper runic inscriptions. Runes and Talismans of similar natures can be combined to reinforce each other at full effectiveness.
Runes 2 and 3: With the 'grammar' portion of the problem taken care of, you continued your work, attempting to create more runes to complement the talismans (or crystals if you're in a real bind and don't have time for something involving relative finesse) already in use.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 to Check difficulty.
Innovation Check: Invention: Practical: 130 +Education: Esoteric+Seer: 210 +Psyker: Esoteric: 200+ 220(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)= 2500. Required: 2000-200=1800. 28 Checks passed.
Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 14 Perk points. 260/520 to Level 43.
With the amount of time you put in, even with 20 runes in need of creation, you succeed in crafting them all. Runes are far easier to make than talismans, though generally immobile. As such, buildings are covered in Healing, Defense, Protection, and Preservation Runes, along with Detection and Purity runes, mostly in public places and state-owned artifices. This will greatly restrict cult development, by all but actively stripping corruption from those who leave their homes. Of course, a fully manifested Warp Horror will be merely weakened by such runes unless in direct contact.
Hospitals are filled with Healing and Preservation Runes, as the walls and other military-minded buildings around the cities are covered in the same runes as the residential buildings, but to a far greater degree. They won't do anything insane like ignoring a city-killer bomb, but anyone who tries to take them by storm is going to have a very unpleasant time of it. Armor groups have Speed Runes added to compensate for their relative lack of mobility, etc.
Reward: Basic Rune Library. You possess a number of large number of low-level runes, which allows for a large number of applications. +50 to PDF rolls. +50% to industrial production. +50 to morale rolls. AN: Your buildings have a healing factor now. As do the roads. Pretty much all your infrastructure really. Cults in worlds under your control are going to have trouble taking root without basically having taken over the planet (or at least the city) anyway. Planets with severe cult problems will practically hand themselves over for access to this stuff.
Ship Building Dreadnaught, Cruisers, and Escorts: You decide to build the skeletons of this year's batch of Cruisers and Escorts at the beginning of the year, while setting up the skeleton of the Dreadnaught being begun next year, following the completion of this year's.
Dreadnaught Roll: 94 +20(Level Perks)= 114. Critical Success.
Critical Success Roll: 19+ 20(Level Perks)+ 14(Overflow)= 53. Success.
Cruiser Roll: 75 +20(Level Perks)= 95. Success.
Escort Roll: 38 +20(Level Perks)= 58. Success.
While the Cruisers and Escorts go pretty well, the Dreadnaught's building goes wonderfully. You manage to shave off a year of it's build-time, though you don't think it's going to be a regular thing, meaning that you'll have 2 Dreadnaughts by the end of next year, a ship considered respectable for any one system to have a single one of. Two are more than enough to defend a system from most threats.
Invention: Defensive energy fields: Seeing as the armor and weaponry used by the PDF have been improved, you decide to see about giving them something to further improve their survivability. While anything like the shield around a ship wouldn't be possible, something a lot weaker would be helpful. Simply stopping two or three shots would increase survival rates through the roof.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 105+Adavnced: 210+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1520. Required: 750: Passed. 1500-200=1300. Check Passed. Secondary Invention!
310/520 to Level 43.
Not only do you succeed in creating a personal shield capable of handling a round from conventional lasguns, but a version that can be used for vehicles, such as fighters and bombers. This massively improves their performance by dint of making them much, much harder to kill. The infantry shield is easily worn down, but it's not meant to turn them into tanks. Instead, the shield recharges quickly when not under direct fire, letting soldiers with broken shields simply duck into cover to recover. The vehicle shields function more like their larger brethren, taking significant amounts of time to recharge once depleted. However, the PDF and navy appreciate their vehicles having greater protection, and what little anti-air fire the native Orks can manage is now completely ineffective.
Reward: Ground forces gain Personal Shields. +25 to PDF rolls. Void forces gain Shielded Fightercraft. +25 to fightercraft (fighters, bombers, etc., both in space and in the atmosphere) rolls.
Invention: Stable Plasma Weaponry- Orks are known to be tough and some wear armor or ride in machines, having a portable weapon to pierce their hide or armor will help our troops and vehicles. While laser weapons are standard issue, they are less effective on the tough hide of the Orks than most foes, but then most things are. Orks will regenerate from wounds that would be fatal to a human, so anything short of killing them or removing a limb will do nothing permanent. However, flamethrowers will significantly slow their regeneration, as will several acids. The former quickly runs out of fuel, while the latter is dangerous to handle, and difficult to produce in large enough quantities to matter, and risks ecological damage.
So instead, you take inspiration from the plasma cell from the xenos lasgun, in hopes of making a plasma weapon to combine the anti-regeneration properties of flamethrowers, and the relative ease of use and production of lasguns.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 90+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1135. Required: 750: Passed. 750-200=550. Check Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. All lasgun types given equivalent plasma types.
360/520 to Level 43.
You succeed in making a plasma weapon, which possesses the wide settings of the relatively new lasgun, allowing for wide-spread fire as a pseudoe-flamethrower, or pinpoint fire for a welding torch or plasma cutter. Of course, the plasma weapon lacks the stun setting of the lasgun, so the policing sections of the armed forces still use them, as do medics and similar vocations. The burns from plasma are much less easily healed than purely physical trauma, not to mention the larger and more potent versions that are roughly equal to the las-rifle and blaster.
Reward: Plasma Guns. +25 to PDF rolls, in addition to bonus from Improved Lasers.
Invention: Develop gear to help Psykers train and control their powers. While the crystals are bringing people's control over their psyker powers up to a standard considered acceptable, they take a relatively long time, and have a hard limit, so you think something to help with controlling their powers would be very useful. Both as a stopgap while they wait until they can safely process crystals that boost control, and in the long-term to enhance their control past the hard limit the crystals possess.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging:Gear: 90+ Psyker: Esoteric+Seer: 210+ 220(Education bonus)+ 210(Education Perks)+ 1305(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 2465. Required: 750: Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. 1500-200=1300. Check Passed. 2000-200= 1800. 2500-200= 2300. Gear developed.
410/520 to Level 43.
You create four pieces of gear. First, an Inhibitor Ring, which, contrary to the name, focuses the power the psyker is using rather than reducing it. It discourages large or uncontrolled bursts of power, while making delicate operations significantly easier. Of course, it's more of a hindrance in a fight, which is where the name cam from. The second type is called the Kill-Switch, which is a headband that knocks out a psyker's powers if they start losing control. The downside is that it also causes a debilitating migraine and temporary paralysis, and multiple uses in a short period risks permanent damage to the brain. Of course, low levels of brain damage can be treated with the medical technology you possess, but the more and older the damage it is, the more likely at least some of it will be permanent. Hence only a psyker of Beta level or higher takes it unless there's no alternative. You yourself keep a spare on your person, just in case. The third piece of equipment has come to be known as the Control Rod. It's a staff that requires a certain minimum level of control to use, but allows for much more delicate use of one's powers. It's essentially a version of the Inhibitor Ring that doesn't brute-force the increase in control, in terms of function. Finally, there's the Psy-blaster, which allows psykers without the powerset to fire concentrated blasts of Warp-energy to do so without overdrawing form the Warp, letting them defend themselves without the temptation to draw deeper than they should.
Reward: Pyshic Control Gear. +25 to allied Psyker Checks/rolls. AN: The psy-blaster is basically a proto-force weapon. A lot of psyker have powersets with little direct use in combat, Diviners(You can't punch someone with future visions, and you can't take advantage if you lack the ability to prevent the future you see.), Technomancer(More or less useless against Orks.), etc. They can fire off blasts by drawing deeper from the Warp, but that's like asking to be possessed.
Invention: Exoskeletons for Ground Troops: While your troops have been enhanced somewhat, with talismans and better technology at their disposal and better bodies from altered DNA, they could still be better. Hence your decision to provide exoskeletons, which will increase their apparent strength and speed, though the second is somewhat a product of the first. Of course, you have to make them supportive rather than added weight, and not too difficult to use or put on/take off.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. -200 Check difficulty.
Invention: Necessity: 130+ Forging: Armor: 90+ Electronics: Wiring: 45+ 110(Education bonus)+ 185(Education Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 25 (Blacksmith SL Perk)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 50(Journeyman Smith)= 1135. Required: 750: Passed. 1000-200=800. Check Passed. 1250-200=1050. Check Passed. Light, Medium, and Heavy exoskeletons completed.
470/520 to Level 43.
You create three versions of the Mechanical Assistant Skeletal Systems. The Light version, which is the cheapest, is available to the public (not the design itself obviously) and provides the smallest boost. It's standard issue for scouts, medics, etc. because it is the quietest to move in. While you did your best, you can only make metal so quiet, and medics should avoid drawing the attention of enemies that won't differentiate between medics and regulars. Cough*Orks*Cough.
The Medium is standard issue for the military, and while more expensive than the Light version, provides a 50 kilogram boost the weight the soldier can lift, rather than 20. The harness crosses over vital areas such as the heart and lungs, providing protection by virtue of the fact that enemy fire will have to disable the system first, and is somewhat larger than it's lesser counterpart.
The Heavy version is the most expensive, and wanders at the edge of being powered armor. While it doesn't cover the person entirely by itself, it increases their lift capacity by 100 kilograms, and covers the majority of their body, helping to protect it. As such, a few people equipped with these can right an overturned vehicle, or accomplish similar feats. However, their expense means that only the Champions, those given a recommendation (Combat Hero units), the Defenders, and yourself use them. Although you get less out of it than most, as you can already lift over a hundred kilograms, without biomancy.
Reward: Exoskeletons. +25 to PDF rolls.
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Innovation: Minor Works - Practicality
Invention: Works-Production (Increase System Productivity) Invention: Practicality
Seeing as you need to start gearing up for the incoming Waagh, you decide to begin improving the system's industry.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction= 200.
Invention: Practicality Check: 130+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)= 815. Required= -150. 38 Checks Passed. However, 130/5=26. 26 Checks passed per action with 5 actions. AN: Seeing as Serras isn't an idiot, I'll count the excess Practical Checks towards Necessity, which I expected you to work on next. 38*5=190. 190-130=60. 130 to Practical. 60 to Necessity.
4 Levels gained. Currently possess 19 Perk points. 380/560 to Level 47.
You make improvements at every stage. More efficient drills, more efficient smelters, better automation, more efficient power draws. Redesigning products to perform the same or better with less work and/or resources required. Every aspect of industry, from mining and processing, to building and transportation, has been more than doubled in efficiency. For now, however, you've hit your limit on making improvements to industry with a lot of small innovations.
Reward: Practical Industry. Productivity increased by 130%.
Invention: Works- Improved Arms and Armor, Invention: Necessity (boost PDF)
With the system's industry improved immensely improved, you turn your attention to the armed forces.
Learning Check: 3 Checks passed. Total reduction= 200.
Invention: Necessity Check: 130+ 150(Invention Perks)+ 435(Psyker Perks)+ 75(Level Perks)+ 25(Blacksmith SL Perk)= 815. Required= -150. 38 Checks Passed.
One Level gained. Currently possess 20 Perk points. 230/570 to Level 48.
While you make fewer strides than you do with industry, you do manage to provide a large boost to the effectiveness of their arms, armor, and vehicles. They appreciate the tweaks you made to their MREs to improve the taste while still providing the necessary calories and nutrients, for instance.
Reward: Efficient Military. +98 to PDF rolls.
Power: 5 automatic successes, and +1 from Powerful Psyker. Power is now 51. Crystals cannot be used to further increase Power.
Power 50 Perk. Warp Lighthouse. Your overwhelming psychic might can be used as a lighthouse for allied forces, though it also attracts Warp Horrors. Luckily you can handle that. Allied ships will have a reroll to having a Warp disaster due to your 'landmark' provided they are within the same sector.
+85 to tagged Skills from Levels.
Perception: People: 70. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 50 meters away. Large boost to detection rolls. Moderate boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 80. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 100 meters away. Very large boost to detection rolls. Medium boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 90. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 150 meters away. Extremely large boost to detection rolls. Large boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 100. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 200 meters away. Huge boost to detection rolls. Very large boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 110. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 250 meters away. Enormous boost to detection rolls. Extremely large boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 120. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 500 meters away. Immense boost to detection rolls. Huge boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 130. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 750 meters away. Incredible boost to detection rolls. Enormous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 140. You can identify people at a distance more significant than 1000 meters away. Ridiculous boost to detection rolls. Immense boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 155. You can read people better than even the best analysts. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Incredible boost to Speech Checks.
As you are planning on beginning diplomacy with other systems soon, you work on understanding people better, and recognizing not only that they're hiding things, but what they're hiding.
Perception: People: 165. You can all but fake reading people's minds. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ridiculous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 175. You can fake reading people's minds with some reliabilty. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ludicrous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 185. You can reliably fake reading people's minds. Ludicrous boost to detection rolls. Ludicrous boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 195. You might as well be reading people's minds. You can do that too, but every little bit helps. Insane boost to detection rolls. Insane boost to Speech Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 90. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of incredible complexity. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 100. You have achieved conventional mastery of forging weapons. Enormous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 110. You are officially beyond conventional mastery of forging weapons. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 120. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity. Incredible decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 130. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity. Ridiculous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 140. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 150. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of incredible complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 160. You know how to make weapons that you would need a truck to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 175. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 90. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces much larger than your current size without losing any of their quality, or extremely complex in comparison to the body armor used by Captain Matt, though not both at once. Massive decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 100. You have achieved conventional mastery of armor forging. Enormous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 110. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces much larger than your current size without losing any of their quality, or extremely complex in comparison to the body armor used by Captain Matt, or even both at once. Immense decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 120. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly. Incredible decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 130. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly. Ridiculous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 140. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing most of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 150. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a lot of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 160. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing much of it's quality. Ludicrous decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 175. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 130. You can create gadgets significantly beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Huge reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 140. You can create gadgets pretty far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Immense reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 150. You can create gadgets far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Incredible reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 160. You can create gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ridiculous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 170. You can create rather impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 180. You can create pretty impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 190. You can create very impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Necessity: 200. You can create extremely impressive gadgets incredibly far beyond the most advanced technology from garbage. Literal garbage. It's amazing what people throw away without thinking about it. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 130. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with incredibly poor materials. Huge reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 140. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with incredibly poor materials. Immense reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 150. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with garbage. Incredible reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 160. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something better with things worse than garbage. Ridiculous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 170. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something significantly better with materials worse than garbage. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 180. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something much better with materials worse than garbage. Ludicrous reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 190. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something far better with materials worse than garbage. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 200. When faced with a project you lack the materials, you can redraw the blueprints to create something immensely better with materials worse than garbage. Insane reduction in difficulty of Invention Checks.
Invention: Extravagance: 130. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 2 times the cost, or quadruple them for 10 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 140. You can improve products with little extra investment with unbelievable efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.75 times the cost, or quadruple them for 9.5 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 150. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.5 times the cost, or quadruple them for 9 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 160. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for 1.25 times the cost, or quadruple them for 8.5 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 170. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 8.25 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 180. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 8 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 190. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.75 times the cost.
Invention: Extravagance: 200. You can improve products with little extra investment with incredible efficiency now. You may double a creation's specs for free, triple them for free, or quadruple them for 7.5 times the cost.
Forging All 100 Perk. Master Smith. You have achieved the level of skill where you are considered qualified to teach students of your own. +100 to Forging Checks.
330/570 to Level 48.
Invention All 150 Perk. Industrial Revolutionary. You can create a gadget to solve the current problem in minutes. +150 to Invention Checks.
480/570 to Level 48.
Invention All 200 Perk. One-Woman Renaissance. You can create a gizmo to solve the current problem in seconds. +200 to Invention Checks.
Gained 1 Level. Currently possess 21 Perk points. 110/580 to Level 49.
+5 to tagged skills.
Perception: People: 195. You might as well be reading people's minds. You can do that too, but every little bit helps. Insane boost to detection rolls. Insane boost to Speech Checks.
Perception: People: 200. While reading people's minds allows you to learn things that they know, reading their body language lets you predict what they'll do before they know, taking advantage of their instincts and emotions. +100 to detection rolls. Large boost to Speech Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 175. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ridiculous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Weapons: 180. You know how to make weapons that you would need a dedicated transport to haul around, and often of ludicrous complexity, very quickly without sacrificing quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 175. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 180. You can craft any piece of armor, even pieces that would be used on buildings, without losing quality, though you can't do so quickly without losing a tiny bit of it's quality. Insane decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Perception: People has advanced to Perception: Image.
Perception: Image: 0. People have 'images' they present to others, but you have started to see past them, to who they really are. You are also learning to guard against this yourself.
Invention: Necessity has advanced to Invention: Military.
Invention: Military: 0. You can make a weapon or defense against one from pretty much anything, and impressive ones at that.
Invention: Practicality has advanced to Invention: Industry.
Invention: Practicality: 0. You have a reputation for making them look like idiots among industrial leaders.
Invention: Extravagance has advanced to Invention: Luxury.
Invention: Luxury: 0. You can make a luxury item for cheap, which sort of makes it NOT a luxury item, you suppose.
60 points to be assigned to one or more tagged Skills.
AN: Don't expect another glut of Levels like this. Firstly because 50 is a soft-cap, and a 0 is added to the end of the required Exp from that point on, and partially because the Runes required 5 Checks per Rune unlocked, and both they and the talismans had a lot of ground work they needed done, which won't be needed in amounts to give Exp any more. Also, I'm changing the mechanic to work differently, as seen in the later Invention actions. A threshold for the invention itself, and a later threshold for a better version or related invention. This version is too generous with Exp, which will actually hurt in the long run. I would be willing to take suggestions for further crystal and rune types, but make sure it doesn't already have it's job being done. Also, they'll be their own projects which give maybe 50 Exp a piece.
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