"It's alright, she just needs some time to get to know you, that's all," you tell Fiorella, flashing her a comforting smile at the same time. "Besides, there are plenty of other girls here. I'm sure at least one of them will be your friend." You're confident that will be the case, even if she can't muster the courage to do so herself at first.
Fiorella looks up at you, the hint of uncertainty on her visage, yet assuaged by what you've said. "Right," she agrees with an emphatic nod, a smile blossoming across her features at the same time. It seems she isn't going to let Elsa's cold reception deter her. You just hope that it lasts.
With that said a quick look confirms that Elsa is basically still ignoring the two of you, probably in the hope that you'll go away. Well you have no problem with leaving, but less because you've been given the cold shoulder and more because there isn't that much left to do in this room. Not at the moment, anyway.
Taking a step back, you gesture to your cyborg at the same time. "Come on Fiorella, how about I show you around the rest of this place?"
For a moment she hesitates to cast a glance over at the indifferent Elsa before following, allowing you to leave the way. "Alright." With that you leave Elsa to brood and clean her rifle or whatever, and move back into the halls. That's an issue you can confront later if you want.
The door closed behind you, you lead Fiorella through the building once more, the girl following along close behind you in the process. You pass by the rest of the dorm rooms and move on, showing her more of the sights there are to offer. There's still a lot to see, even if this place might not be particularly big.
You move by the smaller workout rooms in the dorms themselves, places where people can get some exercise without moving too far from their dwellings. At the moment they are mostly inhabited by support staff rather than the girls in the Agency. Nonetheless, they can see heavy usage sometimes. It isn't just the girls who go in the field after all.
Stopping to peek inside, you nod to those of your fellow employees who are inside at the moment. A look down confirms Fiorella waving as well, which is returned by those paying attention. "Feel free to use this place whenever you aren't on the job," you tell her while pulling back, letting the door swing shut.
"Okay," Fiorella replies calmly. With that said you continue leading her on, angling towards your next destination.
The next stop is one of the big libraries, sizably larger than what you would find in one of the smaller studies scattered about the building. It's a two story room, the second floor overlooking the first. The middle of the first room is made by tables and places to sit and read or study. To the sides, along the walls and on the second floor were shelves of books circling the entire room. There was plenty available to read, from fiction to dry manuals. Assuming Fiorella has any interest, it wouldn't be wrong to expect to be here more than once in the future.
There are a few people in there right now, including a
girl with dark hair and glasses. She glances at you before looking back to the bookshelf in front of you, head tilted upwards to look at the titles written on book spines. Meanwhile you lead Fiorella through the library itself, circling the upper level and letting her assess it with an avid gaze.
It's when you draw close to the girl that she turns to look at you both, expression calm and not betraying any real emotion. "Good morning Mister Montagna," she says in a distant, yet respectful manner.
"Hello," you say as you look between the two girls present. "Fiorella, this is Claes. Claes, Fiorella." You gesture from one to the other, as if that were needed at this point.
The same nervousness that Fiorella had around Elsa returns as she looks at the other cyborg. "H-Hello Claes. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Claes answers, reaching up to adjust her glasses at the same time. "Are you settling in well at the Agency?"
Conversation brought a slow shift in the mood, as Fiorella began to open up. "Yeah, I am."
Claes has her attention focused, even if she continues to stay away from everything else. "I see. If you require any assistance, don't hesitate to ask one of us." 'Us' being the cyborgs, you assume.
It's a better reaction than the one Elsa gave by far, and just like with Angelica you can tell that your cyborg is warming up to this new comrade of hers. "I will." Her smile grows, even as it clashes against stoic aloofness.
Well that's good to see. But you can't just linger around here. There is still some stuff left to see after all. "We should be going," you note as you shift backwards slightly. "Nice to see you Claes."
"Goodbye," Claes replies as she turns back to perusing the shelves. You don't waste time wondering what she's looking for though, instead focusing on what you have left for this particular tour.
Once more you head out, showing Fiorella the sights. Fortunately some of it is easy to move past, meaning you cover more ground overall as you pass by storage closets, small lobby-type rooms, and the like. In spite of that Fiorella takes it all in with firmly held attention, following your steps without once wavering.
Just as she should, really. That is the whole point of the conditioning, to keep her loyal to the Agency. Even if you didn't take it as far as you could have, but it's good to see that that wasn't necessary.
At last you arrive at your final destination, the cafeteria. It's actually fairly nice, with a top line kitchen in the back up to an expansive front for dining. Illumination is provided by large windows to the outside, and is tastefully decorated with potted plants, a tile floor, pictures on the wall, and a mixture of round and straight tables as well as booths.
For the moment the place is sparsely populated, but that could begin to change very shortly. You give the cafeteria a once over before looking back to Fiorella. "Hey, let's have some food," you suggest, voicing what is currently on your mind. "I bet you're starving." Anyone would be after recovering from all that surgery.
"Okay," she replies, obedience tinted with enthusiasm. Yep, it seems that you've called it right this time.
With that decision made you lead Fiorella into the cafeteria and through the food line near the kitchen. Pasta, vegetables, meatballs and sausage, garlic bread, everything the two of you might need for balanced meals. With both of you having plates of food that were readily available (as opposed to making something from scratch) you head out to enjoy your meal.
Moving through the cafeteria to try and find the best place to sit, your plans are overturned by one of the groups you spot. That in turn prompts you to take a seat by the viewed trio, with Fiorella sitting across from you. "
Rico," you say with a nod.
"Gregorio," Jose replies with a slight nod of his head. "Done for the day?"
"Yeah," you confirm, snagging a thread of pasta with your fork. "We made sure to do all the tests the guys in the lab wanted, and now it's just the logistics stuff. Speaking of which, girls, this is Fiorella." This will ideally be the last set of introductions that you need to do, at least until Hirscher and Triela get back.
"Hey Fiorella, it's nice to meet you," Henrietta says then, shifting to face your cyborg, with Rico (who had been sitting beside her) doing the same.
Fiorella smiles, looking over at the two. "Hello Henrietta, Rico," she says in turn, the warm attitude a welcome change from those cold experiences she had before. These two are more like Angelica, which you can only take for a good thing.
"Enjoying your time at the Agency?" Rico asks then, having more time to spend since Jean is off doing business at the moment, or so you would assume. They have a different relationship than many of the other girls and their handlers here. But it seems to work for them, so why complain about it?
At that point Fiorella begins to eat, taking a bite of cooked carrot with a hum of approval before answering that particular question. "Yeah," she replied with a happy expression. "there's so much to see here, and Gregorio has been really nice to me." The less pleasant encounters aren't mentioned, but you doubt it would really be a surprise to the girls anyway.
"That's good." The two girls are eating as well, with Henrietta having some cacciucco and Rico eating Ciceri e Trai. Not bad, if you had to take a guess. They fall silent for a few moments before Rico perks up once more. "Hey, once Triela gets back we should have a welcoming party. What do you think?"
Henrietta seems to latch on to that idea, giving it her approval. "That sounds like fun." Before launching into any plans though, she instead focuses on her handler. "Can we?"
Jose pauses for a moment in his dining to look between the two girls at his table, considering their request for a moment. "Sure," he says at last. "If that's what you girls want to do then I don't see why not."
Leaving aside the discussion of whether or not the cyborgs will have a party when Triela gets back, which gives them plenty of time to plan, you enjoy the taste of your lasagna. Not quite the best you've ever had, but it will do. "So, anything interesting happening?"
Jose shakes his head, fork held motionless in his hand. "Besides the mission Hirscher is on, not at the moment. Looks like Padania is laying low for the moment." That was what Marco had said as well, and it's a relief to hear that that is most likely the truth, as far as any of he handlers are aware anyway.
"That's good," you sigh as your fork clinks on the white plate in front of you, making sure to address whatever concerns Fiorella might have. "Still, I'm sure we'll get the chance to get out in the field eventually."
"I'd be surprised if you didn't," Jose points out, not that you need the confirmation. It's going to be a long road to defeating Padania, whether you like it or not. And until they are beaten there will be plenty for everyone to do.
That said you turn back to your meal, talking, eating, and allowing Fiorella to enjoy herself. After everything she's had to do today, coming off of the surgery and recovery from that, she could use the break. Besides, it seems like she's finally found some people she can become friends with, so that's worth it regardless.
With the meal eventually over, it isn't long before you dismiss Fiorella for the day, allowing her to go do her own thing. In turn you return to your small apartment, so you can get done the things that you need to do before the business day is completely over.
After the paperwork and the reports, you turn to the business of planning. You need some sort of idea for what you're going to be doing with Fiorella in the next few days, in order to prepare her for eventual combat operations in the field. That and the boys in the lab will probably want you to put her through her paces, to make sure the augments are working perfectly.
A sigh escapes as you lean back in your chair, eying the paper that rests on top of your desk. Your apartment is relatively small, a bed, a desk, a kitchen, laundry room. Not the most luxurious, even with the salary you have, but you don't really need more. You won't be spending much time in it anyway.
But that is a distraction from the main event, and you put your mind to work in developing a plan. The Agency isn't going to wait forever, after all.
[ ] General training routine
[ ] Active training routine
-[ ] Focus on athletics
-[ ] Focus on weapons usage
-[ ] Write in area to give devote particular attention to
[ ] Take it easy
[ ] Work solo
[ ] Try to coordinate with one of the fratello
-[ ] Which one?