Do silencers work like in movies, or like in real life? I ask because I know that silencers in real life aren't actually capable of silent killing (barring a hardcore redesign of the gun), but are used mostly just to muddle your location and suppress the flash and noise when indoors.
Re: The vote: I would be concerned about the enemies scattering the instant someone goes down. The lack of cover is a serious problem though. The goal is going to have to be to take out everyone who matters as fast as possible, then hope that anyone who escapes is a stooge who doesn't matter. The 4-door car and the van make me nervous, since they might have people inside with guns.
.338 Lapua Magnum is probably massive overkill for antipersonnel work, and the bolt action is going to limit firing rate. The
PSG-1 is probably the stereotypical option and is the one I would choose, but the
M110 SASS is probably a good choice too (if very tacticool). The trouble with all of these is that it doesn't stop cars from driving away, so maybe the
M82 Barrett? Seems like horrible overkill though, and not very discrete, so might get us in trouble with the brass.
Regarding Fiorella, I can't help but feel like she needs something with reach. Ideally you'd hand her another PSG-1 or an SVD, but she probably doesn't have the training/practice to handle something that long yet. The MP7 feels like a little... I dunno. But on the other hand, she
is very small.
At the end of the day, in my opinion, what needs to happen is that Fiorella needs to be in a position to hose down the Serbs and the Padania with bullets while we pick off targets at long range.
Can we pick up radios at the safehouse?
[X] Radios for comms between you and Fiorella
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon: Heckler and Koch PSG-1 [any semi-auto marksman's rifle will do]
[X] Deploy Fiorella behind the random parked cars so that she can shoot down the length of the dock
[X] Set up with the rifle and be prepared to shoot at people coming out of the 4-door or the van if needed
[X] Wait for the Serbs to land, get off the boat, and start chatting with the Padania. Once that begins, shoot everyone that looks like a leader and then pick off the stooges as needed.
(man I wrote a long post....)