Ammo in Violin Cases (Gunslinger Girl)

Its baaack!

I would prefer for us to be better safe then sorry , but i don't really mind if its not.

[X] Go straight to the docks
[X] Go straight to the docks

Hopefully it's not to late to vote. I'm personally in favor of not tipping our hand just yet.
[X] Hit the Padania Safehouse

Hm. Not sure what to pick here, but this seems like it could shake things up.
Mission 2 - Operation Active
After considering both options you eventually settle on continuing with the mission at your main destination. You could get benefits from the diversion but you would lose time, and the assault needs to remain your primary focus.

All this goes through your head without any indication to Fiorella. Ultimately the decision to go to the docks is the best one in your mind and she'd agree with that. Who knows, do this right and you'll be able to stop by the safehouse and collect everything at your leisure. One can certainly hope it turns out that way.

Before the docks, you stop by the place that the Agency arranged for you in Rimini. This isn't a long term mission so you won't be spending a lot of time there, but it does offer the opportunity to collect some gear that conventionally transporting across Italy might not be all that wise to do.

The small apartment is near a storage shed, where you can find the gear that they have put away for operatives to use. Considering the circumstances heavy weaponry might be a bit much so you won't be bringing that along. Once you have everything you need you can head on your way. There are no updates from the Agency waiting for you when you arrive so that means you can proceed as planned.

[ ] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[ ] Write in weaponry

[ ] Your weapon
[ ] Go unarmed

After a short trip you end up parking near the Rimini harbor, far enough away for your vehicle to be out of sight from your destination but still close enough to get where you need to go without a long walk. Off in the distance you can see fair beaches, white sand calling your name. It's a shame that you aren't here on vacation.

The meeting is taking place on the outer portion of the docks, rather than through the canal in the shipyards proper. It's presumably easier that way if something goes wrong because then they won't have to contend with an escape through the canal. Of course they won't be expecting you so who knows how good their precautions will be anyways.

Stepping out of the car, you move around to the trunk and crack it open so you can retrieve your gear from inside. Once you have your weapons the two of you head out, moving on to the docks and your rendezvous with the Padania arms deal. You do your best to avoid major thoroughfares and crowds, not wanting to draw attention should someone realize what you're carrying with you and also not wanting to run into any pickets Padania might have out to look for trouble.

It's an unnecessary precaution as it turns out. Still it does help build up good habits for later operations so that makes it worth it even if there's no danger. But soon enough you reach the meeting spot. There are a couple vehicles near the mtal dock that extends out a good distance in the water. It's big enough for several boats but only the far spot is occupied right now. The rest of them are empty, and judging the people present the docked boat is not the one they're waiting for.

You take cover behind a nearby building and pull out some binoculars to observe the scene. As predicted there are seven people dressed in nondescript clothing scattered about the area. At least a few of them are armed, but the others could have hidden weapons on them. A quick scan of the water beyond reveals a yacht some distance off and headed this way, probably the Serbian Mafia guys. You made it just in time.

Now there just remains to plan the assault. As mentioned there are a couple cars parked nearby, a van that's riding up onto the grass and a four door car a bit further away. A path runs up to the waterfront where the dock is, meeting rocks that descend to the water rather than the pleasant beach. There are a couple bushes and trees but no real substantial cover. The growing darkness should help though. The Padania men are currently scattered about, but they'll probably move towards the docks once the yacht arrives.

At the very least you have to wait until the Serbs show up, if only because the point of this operation is to intercept the weapons shipment. If they figure out something is going on before they actually dock then they'll break off and do it later, and you may not have as good a shot at intercepting it that time.

In terms of buildings there is the squat one that you're hiding behind right now, a currently unoccupied bathroom. A bit further off is a shed of some kind, one of those signs with a large map on it, and a bit further off is an apartment building.

Well then, time to get down to it. Doubtlessly you're being watched per the evaluation right now even if you try to not think about that. It wouldn't do to disappoint.

[ ] Silently eliminate as many as you can
[ ] Sudden assault
[ ] Wait and ambush the truck
[ ] Write in
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon
[X] Silently eliminate as many as you can

Fuuu- this was a hard choice. Either try to assassinate them all and risk alerting the truck if they have comms, or end up facing a big group in an ambush. Do we have silencers or something to pull of silent takedowns? I'd feel really dumb about voting for the both of us to use our guns in a silent takedown tactic only to alert everyone in the area with the first gunshot.
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon-Accuracy International AWM
-[X] Equip both with silencers
[X] Sidearms for both

[X] Silently eliminate as many as you can

I don't know much about guns but from a preliminary look, the AWM is a sniper rifle from the 90s chambered for .338 magnum rounds. Also, it's listed as equipment for the Italian army so that's a plus. I...assume that we can use a sniper, if not we can swap it out with either an assault rifle or shotgun. Finally, both Fiorella and us should have some kind of pistol as a sidearm. Glocks or some other kind of semi-auto pistol for Fiorella, she just doesn't strike me as a revolver kind of girl.
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon-Accuracy International AWM
-[X] Equip both with silencers
[X] Sidearms for both

[X] Silently eliminate as many as you can

I like it, my initial idea was to go with a P90 and go for an assault and crossfire but this might actually work out better.
Do silencers work like in movies, or like in real life? I ask because I know that silencers in real life aren't actually capable of silent killing (barring a hardcore redesign of the gun), but are used mostly just to muddle your location and suppress the flash and noise when indoors.

Re: The vote: I would be concerned about the enemies scattering the instant someone goes down. The lack of cover is a serious problem though. The goal is going to have to be to take out everyone who matters as fast as possible, then hope that anyone who escapes is a stooge who doesn't matter. The 4-door car and the van make me nervous, since they might have people inside with guns.

.338 Lapua Magnum is probably massive overkill for antipersonnel work, and the bolt action is going to limit firing rate. The PSG-1 is probably the stereotypical option and is the one I would choose, but the M110 SASS is probably a good choice too (if very tacticool). The trouble with all of these is that it doesn't stop cars from driving away, so maybe the M82 Barrett? Seems like horrible overkill though, and not very discrete, so might get us in trouble with the brass.

Regarding Fiorella, I can't help but feel like she needs something with reach. Ideally you'd hand her another PSG-1 or an SVD, but she probably doesn't have the training/practice to handle something that long yet. The MP7 feels like a little... I dunno. But on the other hand, she is very small.

At the end of the day, in my opinion, what needs to happen is that Fiorella needs to be in a position to hose down the Serbs and the Padania with bullets while we pick off targets at long range.

Can we pick up radios at the safehouse?

[X] Radios for comms between you and Fiorella
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon: Heckler and Koch PSG-1 [any semi-auto marksman's rifle will do]

[X] Deploy Fiorella behind the random parked cars so that she can shoot down the length of the dock
[X] Set up with the rifle and be prepared to shoot at people coming out of the 4-door or the van if needed
[X] Wait for the Serbs to land, get off the boat, and start chatting with the Padania. Once that begins, shoot everyone that looks like a leader and then pick off the stooges as needed.

(man I wrote a long post....)
.338 Lapua Magnum is probably massive overkill for antipersonnel work

That was actually one of my thoughts as well, but after thinking about it a bit I don't feel like that's the case. We are shooting to kill and playing support to Fiorella. I don't feel like we'll need to hit a lot and quickly, that's her job, ours should be overwatch and putting down key targets. And the .338 is good at that. Effective up to 1750 m, and capable of piercing military-standard body-armor at 1000 m. Actually looking at those details, it doesn't seem that overpowered. Well, not like using an anti-material on soft targets overpowered anyway.
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon-Accuracy International AWM
-[X] Equip both with silencers
[X] Sidearms for both

[X] Silently eliminate as many as you can
Yeah I was also under the impression that the Handler would do overwatch and Fio would be the main gun here. Still the PSG is probably the better gun for this situation so I'm swapping to it.
[X] Deploy Fiorella behind the random parked cars so that she can shoot down the length of the dock
[X] Set up with the rifle and be prepared to shoot at people coming out of the 4-door or the van if needed
[X] Wait for the Serbs to land, get off the boat, and start chatting with the Padania. Once that begins, shoot everyone that looks like a leader and then pick off the stooges as needed.
I like this plan a bit, it seems like it's basically the wait and ambush plan. Anyway I can see this idea working out quite well so I've also decided to adopt it.

Having communication equipment should be standard enough though I don't think it needs to be stated.

[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon: Heckler and Koch PSG-1 [any semi-auto marksman's rifle will do]

[X] Deploy Fiorella behind the random parked cars so that she can shoot down the length of the dock
[X] Set up with the rifle and be prepared to shoot at people coming out of the 4-door or the van if needed
[X] Wait for the Serbs to land, get off the boat, and start chatting with the Padania. Once that begins, shoot everyone that looks like a leader and then pick off the stooges as needed.
Do silencers work like in movies, or like in real life?
Can we pick up radios at the safehouse?
I'm inclined to say that they work the same way they do in real life (since I can't recall how they portrayed it in my show so we'll go for realism one time)

Radios are available at the safehouse, yes.
I'm inclined to say that they work the same way they do in real life (since I can't recall how they portrayed it in my show so we'll go for realism one time)

Radios are available at the safehouse, yes.

Ah, thank you for the information. Should we explicitly pick up the radios, or is @WorldSlayer correct in that it doesn't need to be stated due to how standard they are as equipment?

That was actually one of my thoughts as well, but after thinking about it a bit I don't feel like that's the case. We are shooting to kill and playing support to Fiorella. I don't feel like we'll need to hit a lot and quickly, that's her job, ours should be overwatch and putting down key targets. And the .338 is good at that. Effective up to 1750 m, and capable of piercing military-standard body-armor at 1000 m. Actually looking at those details, it doesn't seem that overpowered. Well, not like using an anti-material on soft targets overpowered anyway.

Mmm, that's fair, but it's dangerous to make all your mission capability be dependent on one weapon system. Fiorella is very capable, but there's always room for unforeseen circumstances. After all, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Having a semi-auto rifle allows the fratello to be more adaptive and flexible. If things do go according to plan then the mission gets finished faster and more cleanly, which is always nice.
[X] Have Fiorella use the MP7
[X] Your weapon-Accuracy International AWM
-[X] Equip both with silencers
[X] Sidearms for both

[X] Silently eliminate as many as you can
Mission 2 - Launching the Ambush
With an assessment of the situation, it doesn't take a genius of military tactics to decide what needs to be done here. "Split up," you tell her in a lowered voice while keeping your gaze on the scene. "Flank left and quietly pick them off until you get my signal."

"Understood," she replies with a curt nod before moving away in the indicated direction. You have confidence in her skills and trust that she can get the job done as directed. In the meanwhile you'll just have to do your part to make sure this goes off without a hitch.

While she goes off to do that, you make your own move. For something like the AWM you're going to need a better vantage point than the one you have now, and with the time you have left you look into getting one. No one sees you as you dash over to the nearest apartment building and then around a corner, out of sight from the docks and the people there.

You jimmy the lock on the door and slip inside, making your way towards the roof. This place is run down, a victim of the shifting economic focus of the city. Wallpaper is tattered and paint is peeling, carpets stained and wood creaking with each step. There isn't much time to appreciate or reflect upon that, or how the flow of economic movement has left places like this to suffer. There is more important business to be concerned with.

Concrete steps pass by one after another as you ascend, continuing on a direct path. At least you don't have to stop to check a building map, and nobody bothers you along the way. The loud music says that some of these apartments are occupied, but they probably just don't care about your presence. The standards here aren't particularly high.

Soon enough you arrive at the door that you believe goes onto the roof, which you find to be unlocked when you test the handle. Actually the lock seems to be broken, though for the moment it works in your favor so you aren't going to complain as you exit the interior of the building.

The roof is about as dilapidated as the interior, with a small lip around the edge to prevent people simply walking off without realizing it, a few broken down benches, and some remnants of personal possessions like umbrellas. Presumably no one has been sunbathing up here in a while, though there are still plenty of stains with origins you don't particularly want to think about.

You move over to the edge facing the docks before placing your instrument case on the ground where you can easily open it up. Inside is your weapon of choice for this mission, an AWM provided by the Agency. The next few minutes are spent assembling the gun and making sure that it has not been affected by the trip in any way.

Nothing has been changed that cannot be fixed with an easy adjustment, and you are very quickly ready to go. Placing the AWM on the edge of the roof, you peer through the scope at the scene below. The Serbian vessel is just pulling up to the dock, with the Padania men ready to receive a line. A keen eye lets you catch on to where Fiorella is, the cyborg also looking on the scene from her chosen hiding spot. She can see you as well though right now she isn't looking in your direction, and the slumped body near her indicates that she has been busy.

At that point you settle in to wait for things to start happening and for your opportunity to strike. It shouldn't be too much longer.

Once the boat is secured to the dock several men hop off, while some of the Padania men step forward. You can't hear what they're saying but it seems to be an amicable meeting, and they chat for a few minutes before heading onto the boat and down into the ships hold.

Your radio crackles. "Orders?"

Leaving the gun where it is, you snag your radio and respond as you keep an eye on the situation. "Hold position. We want to wait until the guns are off the boat." It'll be easier to grab them then, when they can't just dart back into international waters.


So you wait. Soon enough they re-emerge, seemingly satisfied with their discussion below decks. At a gesture the crew spring into motion, beginning the transfer of crates off the boat to the waiting truck. Undoubtedly those are full of weapons that Padania will use in their campaign against the government.

You don't make a move just yet, allowing them to unload the goods onto the truck like the plan says. It isn't a particularly quick process but you are perfectly willing to give them all the time they need to make it happen. Once they do you can snap the jaws shut and sweep it all up.

Sweeping the scene, you catch motion out of the corner of the scope and quickly refocus on one of the guards walking towards where Fiorella is hidden. "One headed your way," you mutter to her over the radio. She can make short work out of one guard, sure, but since they haven't been going this way before then either he's going on a bathroom break, or they've finally noticed their missing man.

Quietly you shift your aim for one of the men helping transport crates. There isn't going to be time to let them finish loading, because even if she takes out this guard quietly, they're just going to be get more suspicious. Might as well just bite the bullet now and face it head on.

All it needs is one final instruction. "Go loud."

Although you aren't down there yourself, you can guess the surprise on the man's face when Fiorella steps out of her hiding spot and opens fire. He quickly goes down, and the noise causes everyone to scramble for their weapons as they look for the source. That gives Fiorella time to advance towards them, intent on using the surprise as much ad she can.

The surprise doesn't last very long as they move towards her and begin to return fire, but that's where you come in. You don't hesitate as you take the shot from your vantage point, aiming for the guy that you had previously targeted. That sends them scattering as they try to find you while avoiding Fiorella at the same time. It isn't a great place to be in.

Oversight provided, Fiorella quickly advances without much trouble beyond what you would expect. The real problem is their numbers. Aware that they've been caught in a trap, some guys are moving for the truck while the Serbs are headed back for the boat. It looks like they're getting ready to leave, hoping to escape this situation by splitting up.

Fiorella will do her best of course, but in this situation she may not be able to stop them all from getting away. You'll have to choose what to focus on, whether it be preventing the shipment or stopping the Serbs from getting away so you can get more information on their ties to Padania. It might not be necessary but it can't hurt to have your priorities ready.

For now though Fiorella is on the move, and while she does though you'll keep watch over her. It's working out so far, and you just have to make sure nothing goes wrong.

[] Focus on the truck
[]Focus on the boat
[]Take out as many people as possible
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[X] Focus on the truck

Serbians will come and go, but those weapons are already in Italy. I don't know how much info we'll get out of the guns, but at least they won't be used against us.
settle into wit for things to start

those ware full of weapons

[X] Focus on the truck

Let's stick with the more realistic goal for now, we have a number of options for disabling the truck including taking out any driver who dares to get in and taking out the engine. The boat's a much harder catch for us, best to call in the coast guard for them.

Besides we really don't want those weapons getting into the country.