A quick walk brings the two of you back to the waiting car. You'll be taking it since it doesn't seem like Hirscher is going to be using it any time soon. If he needs a ride then you can always come back and get him, but otherwise the State Police should be able to help there. There's no point in sticking around if he's going to be here a while.
You slide into the front seat while Fiorella gets in next to you, and with the revving of the engine you head out into the city of Milan proper. The interior of the car is silent for some time as you join the others in commute, moving away from your starting location. The operation had gone well, and now you can handle the less sensitive aspects of the day.
The first stop you make is one that you've quickly decided on, pulling the car into the parking lot of a cafe near the inner parts of the city. After planning all night and the dawn operation you could use something nice to eat for breakfast, and you're sure that she could as well even if she doesn't complain about it.
The car stops and you take the keys with you as you get out of the car. "Leave the gun behind," you tell your partner. You don't think that she would if she had a choice, but it would be better to be clear and prevent any incidents if you can. That's the sort of problem the Agency doesn't need.
Fiorella nods before hopping out of the car as well. She walks around to stand besides you while looking at the city that currently encompasses her field of view. "What are we doing?" she asks in a curious tone. Just another of the new experiences to be added to her precious memories.
"I figured you deserved something to make up for that early mission," you explain as you start towards the cafe. This place was recommended to you by one of the people at the Agency, and it seems like a good place to start if you're going to be in Milan for a bit. There's nothing wrong with having some well prepared food, as opposed to instant dishes.
A bell rings as you step into the cafe and hold the door open for Fiorella to step through afterwards. The cafe is a comfortable and somewhat cozy structure; stone, brick, and wood greeting you as they make up the walls, the tables, the bar. You seem to have caught it at a bit of a low tide, and you're able to grab a seat for both you and Fiorella once past the entrance.
The sound of clattering dishes and the sizzle of food does not soothe your appetite, nor do the mouth watering scents that drift by. In fact it merely makes you that much happier that you stopped. This is going to be a lot better than the bland meal that you had before the operation.
Your order is swiftly delivered to the barista working behind the counter before you return to where Fiorella is seated. She's currently looking out the window with a calm expression, though you know that there's more than just that. With her conditioning she's probably already scanned the cafe for potential threats to either of you both and come up with various plans to deal with it.
"See anything interesting?" you ask as you sit down across from her, following her gaze to the street. People walk by, some in a hurry, some not, but none are any the wiser as to who is watching them at the same time.
Her attention swings back to you, leaving the window behind in the process. "Not really," she admits with some indifference. "I just like imagining where they're going and what they're doing." It's an interesting activity considering her relationship with strangers, but you can't really object to it.
You nod in understanding before moving on, focusing down on what you wanted to talk about with her specifically with the food details out of the way. "What did you think about the mission Fiorella?" It's about time you had some of the logistical stuff handled.
"I think it went well," Fiorella replies with a smile as you get down to discussing that particular business. She doesn't hesitate but instead gives you her full attention, sensing the seriousness of the topic. Given the outcome she isn't really wrong in her statement, albeit a bit less descriptive than what you had in mind for this.
You lean forward a little, hands clasped on the table as you continue trying to wring some information from her in this informal debriefing. "Was it difficult for you? Do you need to see the technicians when we get back for anything?"
Fiorella quickly shakes her head, trying to allay the concerns that she believes you have. "No, I'm alright," she reassures you eagerly. Good to know, though your main concern was her conditioning acting up since she didn't get injured in the fight.
"Good." That said you don't linger, instead pushing onwards. It is indeed good to know, but that isn't the only thing you want to talk about. She shouldn't have a problem with it so you don't pause. "I was thinking we could go over the mission so you can focus on improving. You did a good job, but there's still room to be better."
Fiorella waits attentively, accepting what you want to do without hesitation. So you move on to the new topic, the mission and your analysis of it for her. "Overall the mission was a success. We secured the warehouse, materials, and a prisoner. Though Fiorella, why didn't you go for the balcony first during the operation?"
"I didn't see any indication that hostiles were up there," she replies swiftly. "If there were, I had you to watch my back anyways." She seems to be certain in decision making, which you suppose is a good thing. It did end up working out, proving that it was the right call at the time.
However that does not stop you from pointing out potential hypotheticals. That is part of this whole thing too. "What if I hadn't been there?" you ask. "What if it had been a solo operation?" She won't always have backup to call on in the future, so she will need to be prepared for those kinds of situations.
To her credit Fiorella isn't thrown off by the question, since it means that she was considering all possibilities and thinking instead of just acting on instinct. "I would have swept the upper level and then proceeded on the ground," she replies with the same tone of voice she has held so far. "I would also have increased the tempo of the operation to keep them from escaping or from outflanking me."
"Alright," you reply with a nod as you take in her answer. There is no perfect solution of course, merely one that is optimal for the accomplishment of the Agency's goals. "And what about the two in back if I hadn't been there to cover you?" Her handling of that hadn't been particularly bad, but you needed to make sure she can handle herself without you.
That is another line of query she is seemingly prepared for. "Eliminate the armed opponent before moving after the escaping target," she answers smoothly. "The unarmed man was not a threat even if his loss would have been regrettable."
Fair enough, and you fall silent as your food arrives. Best not to discuss this sort of thing with employees standing right next to you. "Thank you," you say to him as your meal is placed on the table. For you a cappuccino to go with a croissant and cream. Fiorella eschews the coffee but has a fairly light breakfast that is well suited for being on the move. You don't need to be falling asleep when you're going to be playing tourist.
The waiter is quick to take his leave so you can give your attention to your food. The tantalizing aroma wafts across your senses and you do not hesitate in heeding that siren call as you take a sip of your cappuccino. After a moment you notice Fiorella still sitting there, presumably waiting for you to continue the debriefing before she eats. "Go ahead," you insist with a gesture towards her food. You aren't going to starve her, regardless of the circumstances.
With your permission she digs in as well. The first few tentative bites bring a bright smile and a hum of delight, leaving you to think that she was perhaps a bit hungrier than she was willing to admit. Which you expected, honestly. "It's delicious," she informs you happily. To that you can only agree based on your own meal.
The rest of the debriefing goes pretty well. Most of your attention is on more minor details, poking at her decision making process and theoretical possibilities. You also put some attention on her style and form of combat, the subconscious habits that she might be picking up along the way. Those things are best handled now, before they can really set in and become potentially dangerous to her. There is a lot of back and forth, but it is ultimately productive in the end. She's an active listener with a keen eye for detail, not that you'd expect anything less from a cyborg.
Once finished the two of you leave, paying out of pocket rather than billing it to the Agency. Following on that another short drive takes you to your next destination, though parking is a bit more difficult this time around. But it's a small price to pay considering where you're going.
You end up in front of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, one of the world's oldest shopping malls in the middle of Milan. If there's something you want to buy you'll probably find it here. They have a lot of luxury retailers after all so there is no shortage of options for the willing customer that has money to spend.
"Wow, where are we?" Fiorella asks as she follows you towards the build. Her gaze is mostly on your destination and the grand architecture, when not casing the crowd to make sure you aren't under threat from a sudden attack.
For now you lead the way ahead, though you do spare the occasional glance to make sure that she isn't about to attack someone. "A mall. We're here to get you a gift for your performance this morning," you explain. You can save the real surprises for some other time.
Her eyes light up with an avid enthusiasm and her step picks up as well. "Really? Thank you!" Her reaction is exactly what you were hoping for, leaving your own mood uplifted as you enter the mall proper.
It is bustling with people for this time of day, the temperature hovering at a comfortable warm spot without being too stuffy or humid. Music plays through speakers tactically placed throughout the main arcades that enclose all the buildings inside, letting you listen to current Italian popular music. The stores are all open and waiting for business, with some busier than others at the moment. You won't lack for shopping options here.
You take on a slower pace as you shift to the side of the main thoroughfare so you can begin window shopping. Now what would be good for Fiorella to have as a gift? You don't want something too practical, since this is is supposed to be a memento for her. On the other hand you want her to actually use it, so she remembers the purpose of the gift. Then again there probably isn't anything that she won't accept, because of both the conditioning as well as her previous history. You expect she isn't used to getting many gifts.
There's no need to rush though, so for now you follow along with an amused look as Fiorella gets to experience a whole other side of life that she has missed. "There's so much stuff," she says to you in a kind of awe, her eyes sparkling. It's a lot more impressive in that regard than the Agency is. You don't have to worry about keeping her attention in the slightest.
Ah, you can just play it loose and see if anything in particular catches her eye. That seems like the easiest way to approach this whole issue. The two of you go with the flow of people, passing by each store one after the other. There are a lot of things to look at, clothes, shoes, handbags, and you have the feeling that they aren't cheap either. That's the cost of being high class.
Of course every once in a while you come across a place that seems particularly interesting, and the two of you head inside for a bit of a closer inspection. Each seems like a good spot for potential gifts, and you keep an eye out whilst following her around as she moved with unfailing energy.
You're going through a clothing store, Fiorella checking out how some of the suits would look on her through the 'hold up sleeve against your arm' method, when you find yourself approached by one of the staff. "Can I help you?"
Your gaze shifts to the attendant with the question, one that you actually don't mind all that much at this point. "Actually yes. I'm looking for a gift for her, something more on the practical side. Would you have any suggestions?"
The attendant frowns in thought before nodding. "I can think of a few things," he assures you. That leaves the two of you to follow after him, to see what he may have in mind. Hopefully this puts an end to your dilemma. For her part Fiorella is mostly following along because you're going, and she probably wants to keep you safe. Just in case.
Your first stop is a display case, one that has no clothes in it. "Well, we have these lovely wristwatches, though I understand most kids prefer to use their phones these days," the attendant says as he gestures to the watches that are laid out for view. Most of them are old fashioned analog, but there are a few digital ones. Some are normal, while some have extra features like synchronized clocks and counting milliseconds in addition to shining in the light with chrome and other metals.
It is a good idea as far as gifts go, but after a moment you dismiss it. That's something she can get from the Agency, so spending extra on another watch is a bit excessive. "Anything else?" you ask, shaking your head.
The attendant takes that in stride, and shortly he presents you with the next option. "There's always something more decorative, if that's in line with what you want. We have these nice paperweights which can also serve as bookends. In this case the symbolic weight would be much greater." There are various kinds, shaped like Italian landmarks and statues, with differing sizes all around.
However that ends with another rejection. "We don't really need these," you tell him. Fiorella doesn't have that many books or papers at this point, so it would just sit around and not serve a purpose. Even if she does enjoy looking at them when you check to see what she's doing.
Once again you are led through the store, to the next idea that the attendant has. "How about this? Everyone needs a good hat," he offers. Which isn't necessarily wrong aside from being a simplification.
Presented with the possibility, you decide to test the waters. "Fiorella, what do you t-" Turning around, you find that she is thoroughly engrossed in trying out different hats, spinning and showing off for a nearby mirror like she's a runway model than a secret government assassin. That answers that question fairly well, and you grin as you return to talking with the attendant. "Thanks for your help."
"My pleasure." The attendant bows before making himself scarce, off to go help some other customer. You return your attention to Fiorella, letting her amuse herself for the moment. You might need something to go with the hat, but it will work as a gift. Overall, today has been pretty productive.
The train back to Rome is fairly crowded for the afternoon, but you and Fiorella managed to grab seats for the trip. She has the window, letting her watch the countryside as it rolls past yet again, this time in the opposite direction as you move down Italy.
In her lap she holds her gifts, the hat that you had bought her and a light blue diary with plenty of blank pages for her to write in. That way she'll be able to chronicle her experiences in the Agency. You'd heard the other Handlers had done that, apparently it helped the girls to be more stable. If it works, then you might as well do the same thing. It probably can't hurt.
The day went pretty well. Fiorella seems to have adjusted fairly well to dealing with crowds, aside from the issues that all Agency girls have when it comes to security. At the very least it doesn't seem to be as overwhelming to her anymore. In all likelihood you won't have to worry about that cropping up again.
"So did you enjoy your time in Milan?" you ask her, leaving aside the mission to focus mainly on your recreation. You've talked enough about the mission after all.
"Yep!" she replies with a happy nod. "It was a lot of fun!" You can't ask for more than that, and to see her so happy in an experience she never got to have before, that's even better. Hopefully you will get to do so again sometime.
Looking forward once again, you do not drop the conversation just yet. "Keep up the good work and we can do more stuff like this," you tell her. You'll have to wait for another mission to come along, but until then it will motivate her to do her best when going forward, even beyond the prerogatives of her programming.
"Okay. I'll do my best." She confirms what you were expecting, leaving no surprise there. Though it does occur to you that perhaps it would be better to have her actively focusing on something to improve on, for her general benefit. It will be more useful than letting her just do what she would normally do, at last in theory.
"I'm glad to hear that. In the meanwhile, why don't you..."
[ ] Spend time with the other girls
[ ] Find a hobby
[ ] Work on your fighting
[ ] Improve your infiltration skills
[ ] Write-in
If she is taken off guard by the suggestion, she is quick to nod in approval. "Okay." You're sure that she will do her best to fulfill your request, and you're looking forward to the results. Hopefully it will come in handy for the next mission.
As for yourself, well, you have some things to do when you get back. You'll have to see Fiorella to her examination by the technicians (she may have said that she doesn't need it but you want to be sure. And it's protocol), fill out paperwork, and go debrief after this mission. Needless to say your afternoon will be pretty busy once you get back. There's always more work to be done at the Agency.