Filling out the paperwork for firearms requisition, you take the moment to think over what you actually want. It's a pretty easy guess that Fiorella will have a preference for whatever guns you pick out for her, even if it might be to the detriment of the situation at hand. Of course, she'll listen to you if you say to use something else, but it might end up in specialization, which won't be helpful.
That, really, only leaves one option. You'll just have to let her pick some weapons for herself to use. That doesn't mean you won't provide some assistance to her in that process, but ultimately the decision will be up to her and what she prefers. Another choice that she'll get to make for herself.
So you frown as you write, devoting your attention to figuring out what weapons you'd like to recommend to her. There are certainly a lot of options, and it isn't as if you have to pay for any of it, so why not? The only problem is that you have to fill out the paperwork for all of those guns.
That you do, the sound of pen scratching on paper as you work. Fiorella stands nearby patiently, though she does glance about, while Emilio works at the job he has to do. There's no way to avoid it, and so you boulder through it, until you're done.
"Here," you grumble, shaking your wrist as you pass over the veritable pile of paper to Emilio. With that done you step away from the table, looking around in anticipation. This is going to be interesting, as far as you're concerned.
Emilio snorts then, flipping through the paperwork and giving it a glance to make sure that you've filled it out. "Well then, why don't you just check out the entire armory while you're at it," he says with a grin as he takes the papers and puts them off with some other official looking documents, for later processing.
"Don't tempt me," you shoot back, looking towards him at the same time. "Are we good to go?"
Emilio sighs, waving his hand dismissively. "Yes yes, I suppose I will overlook the undoubtedly numerous errors to allow you to get to work. Mostly because of this beautiful girl here." He grins at Fiorella, as you roll your eyes once more.
But, as for the usual, Fiorella brightens up just a bit more, nodding gratefully. "Thank you sir." Well, at least someone appreciates it.
With that worked out, you nod to Fiorella. "Come on, let's get some guns." There's hardly any objection on her part as you lead her about, collecting several weapons from the various racks as you pick out what caught your eye before. There are plenty of options to pick from, and what you choose can only help in the end, as far as you're concerned.
Once you're done with that, both of you holding several weapons, you lead Fiorella to the range outside, a better place to shoot from and do this sort of testing than the range in the basement. "Thanks," you call to Emilio as you exit, letting the door swing shut behind you before he can answer.
The range outside isn't too impressive, all told. The ground is dirt, well trod and beaten down. Some distance away are a bunch of wooden posts, on which various targets and objects can be stations to be shot. Other than that it's pretty much empty, removing potential distractions and the like. But all in all, it serves it's purpose well.
You place the guns down on a nearby table, directing Fiorella to do the same, before you begin. "Now then, I know the conditioning put a lot of gun knowledge in your head, but we may as well begin from the basics. Specifically, gun safety."
"Right," she nods firmly in agreement, hands clasped in front of her as she steps away from the table. It's almost cute how intently she listens to you, hanging on your every word. That or creepy, really. But you leave that to the side as you begin your lesson.
Picking up the H&K P2000 handgun, you check to make sure that it's loaded as you begin to speak. "Now then. The first, and most important, rule is to keep the muzzle pointed in safe direction. Never point it at something you don't plan on shooting or don't want to shoot on accident, and that includes ricochets. We don't need any friendly fire, or to accidentally shoot civilians."
"Okay," Fiorella replies calmly, intently listening to everything you say and taking it all in. You aren't sure what the other handlers have done in this situation, but you have the feeling that she'll be quite avid and meticulous in doing what you tell her.
With that said, you go onwards. "Next, you should be careful not to rely on your guns safety. It's a piece of machinery like everything else, and it can fail just like anything else. Don't touch the trigger until you intend to shoot, and don't assume that the safety will work. We keep this stuff maintained, but you can never be too careful."
Another nod on her part as you proceed with your explanations, running through awareness of the target, proper handling, care, the use of ammunition, and everything you recall from your own lessons in this particular subject. The only thing you skip is related to knowing the characteristics of your weapon, since she has all that information already, a result of the conditioning that she was given.
At last you come to an end, wrapping up as one of your hands rests atop the gun laying on the table. "And that's everything. Any questions?"
Fiorella shakes her head, hands clasped in front of her at the same time. "Nope." Well, that's good. More likely than not she's committed what you said to memory, though whether she actually remembers remains to be seen. But you will, sooner or later.
"Alright. If you do then feel free to ask," you tell her. You want to encourage that sort of behavior if you can, to make her more self sufficient and able to act on your own. It will be useful for future operations, most likely.
With her confirmation of that, you turn to the other pressing business at hand. Specifically, picking out what her primary weapon loadout will be. You've gotten all the guns you'd care to suggest to her, and now it's just a matter of assisting her in picking out some that she prefers to use.
"Go ahead and pick which one you want to try first," you tell her, gesturing towards the guns laid out on the table. There are Italian guns, American guns, NATO guns, plenty of nations represented unknowingly in the Social Welfare Agency's armory. The contribution to the cause of fighting terrorism is most definitely welcome.
She nods, intently examining the guns before settling on the Heckler & Koch P.2000 that you handled before. It doesn't seem like there's anything to be read into it besides simplicity, so you have no problem in picking the gun up and handing it over to her, making sure to be careful in the process.
"How does it feel," you ask her as she hefts the gun. For a few moments she is silent, aiming down the sights, testing the grip and the weight of the gun. You keep your silence as well, allowing her to take as long as she needs to until she is certain about what she wants to say.
Fiorella quickly runs through it, testing the hammer, the magazine release, before looking back to you. She knows what she's doing, that much is obvious. "It's good," she informs you happily, indicating that she obviously likes it in some fashion.
"Why don't you try it out," you offer, gesturing down the range to the waiting targets. It's a simple set up with wooden posts set up for shooters to aim at, paper targets fixed over them, but it works.
With a nod on her part, Fiorella steps away from the table and moves towards the range. The proper distance is marked, and you follow her in order to guide her into the proper stance for shooting. With the H&K then aimed downrange, you take a step back to allow her to get to it, while watching carefully nonetheless.
Safety gear on, gun held at the ready with legs spread, Fiorella glances back at you before she gets to work. Dull cracks fill the air as the gun fires downrange, shell casings ejected with each shot. You watch with a keen eye, the cyborg handling the recoil quite well, shots fired in measured succession, until there are no more bullets left in the magazine.
Once she has finished Fiorella looks back to you, seeking your opinion. You take a moment to answer though, first looking to see how well she did. Overall, the result doesn't look too bad. Admittedly it isn't perfect accuracy right off the bat, but she at least managed to hit the target ever time. It'll just be a matter of training to raise her accuracy and incorporate that knowledge with practical experience.
"Not bad," you tell her with a nod. "We'll have to work on it, but it's a good start. For now why don't you give another gun a try?" That's really the best way you can handle it, not giving false compliments but also not being unduly harsh. There's always time to change your approach if need be.
"Alright," she agrees, going back to the table for another of the weapons there, producing the Walther P99 for testing next. There's nothing to do but watch as she proceeds to run through her checks of it, just like she did with the gun before it.
That initial pattern repeats itself as Fiorella moves methodically through the pistols present, looking over each in turn and making sure that she has a good impression of each, what they can do, and how they fire. Each time you add your own opinion, commenting on her performance and correcting any mistakes she makes before they can perpetuate into bad habits.
Once the pistols are done Fiorella moves into the next weapons, from assault rifles to carbines to shotguns. Every weapon that you brought out here is used at least once, with Fiorella evaluating them and comparing each of them, just as you expected that she would do. You run through quite a few more target sheets in the process, but that's hardly something to be concerned about.
As she places the C8SFW Carbine back on the table, the last gun in the stack, you wrap things up here. "So Fiorella, which of them did you like the most," you ask, curious to hear what she'll say. Considering all the guns she's used, she has to have an opinion on this.
Fiorella steps over to you then, radiating an aura of happiness and satisfaction with the activity that she just finished, the hard work and exercise that went into it. "Well, I like this one," she says, gesturing towards the MP7. "But there are some other good ones in here too." Not entirely a surprise there, but it also isn't as if she's beholden to this choice. There are plenty of other guns, and other guns that she knows, so she's not lacking for options.
"Alright, I'll make sure to let the guys working at the armory know," you tell her, fully intending to do so. That way they'll know to pay more attention with that particular gun, since it should be seeing heavier use. Well, once you get to the point of undertaking field ops like the rest of the fratello.
For now though, you face the rest of the day. The sun has continued its movement through the sky, with classes and the like proceeding on as normal. There's still some time left, and it'd be a pity to waste it. You'll just have to decide what you want to do next.
[ ] Return to physical training
[ ] Have her do more firearm training
[ ] Go explore
-[ ] The dorms
-[ ] The labs
[ ] Dismiss her for the day
[ ] Write in