Ammo in Violin Cases (Gunslinger Girl)

[] I don't know

I'd be fine with I don't know, a partner or even just not answering the question (although that last choice seems a little rude). But sister and daughter seem like really creepy answers for a brainwashed cyborg assassin programmed to be dependent on you (I mean creepy in a way that's above even the creepiness of brainwashing someone and turning them into a assassin).

I'd prefer something like "We're just getting to know each other, it's not like you can tell what your future relationship with someone is going to be right after you just met them right?" but that honestly just seems like "I don't know" but said in a longer way. Although maybe as a subvote it'd be fine to the extra detailed description.

[X] I don't know
-[X] We're just getting to know each other, not like you can tell what you're future relationship is with someone after you just met them right?
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[X] I don't know
-[X] We're just getting to know each other, not like you can tell what you're future relationship is with someone after you just met them right?

Pretty good. Not one mission in yet, so we'll have to figure out any quirks as we go.
Vote called, update incoming.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] I don't know
No. of votes: 2
Diomedon, Skarmory

[X] A tool
No. of votes: 1

[X] A sister
No. of votes: 2
MagusBlack, Aqulize

[X] Don't answer
No. of votes: 7
Murderhobo of Nod, Salbazier, Hannz, Broken25, veekie, Erehwon, No-one of Importance

[X] A Partner
No. of votes: 2
dryskim, Monotony

[X] A daughter.
No. of votes: 1


[X] I don't know
-[X] We're just getting to know each other, not like you can tell what you're future relationship is with someone after you just met them right?
No. of votes: 2
WorldSlayer, meganeshounen
Girl 1: Gun Range 1
You think on the question at hand, the various options there are to pick from. Some of the things you think up are closer, drawing on the nature of the fratello that you're supposed to be. Others are more clinical, more standoffish. They keep her at an arms length, with her true nature in mind.

But to pick something, to make up your mind and commit to that when you haven't even known Fiorella's new self for even a day? That's a bit much to be asked of you, in your opinion. Sure, you'll make up your mind eventually, but right now it would be an unwise decision to pick one option at the moment.

So you don't say anything, merely keeping your silence and letting Marco take what he wants from that. It does occur to you that whatever you say to him doesn't actually need to be a commitment to a particular mode of interaction, but it changes nothing. When you decide, you want to be sure that it's the right choice.

He waits for a minute or so before nodding, getting a slight smile. "Alright then, if that's how you feel." He doesn't push on it, for which you can be grateful. That would just make things awkward.

Still, while he doesn't push, he does provide some advice for you. "I guess I was a bit presumptuous. You don't have to do that right now, just get to know her and then decide. But you should make a choice eventually."

"Got it," you reply calmly, less worried now that your mind has been made up. You'll do it, but in your own time. That's what she deserves after all, for everything that she's been through. And you aren't going to waste this time.

So you turn back to watch as the girls keep up with their game of catch, proving quite adept at it. Though you do get the feeling that they might be trying to show off for the both of you, at least subconsciously. Well, you won't fault them for wanting to impress their handlers, especially with the effects of the conditioning in place.

At last you glance at the clock, noting the time. It isn't too late, but you really should move on, so that you can get to everything that needs to be done today. If all works out then there will be plenty more opportunities for her to play catch with Angelica in the future.

"Good job Fiorella," you call out, gesturing to her with an open hand. "Time for us to get going." Much as you don't want to interrupt her game, in the end it has to be done.

Fortunately, or perhaps more to be expected, she provides no complaints. Instead she merely throws the ball one last time before hurrying over to you. Of course, she also gives you a warm look, whether it be simple happiness of gratitude for the compliment that you gave her, you aren't sure.

"Ready to go sir," she tells you with a firm nod, hands clasped in front of her. It's cute, but you can't let such things distract you, no matter how much they tug on your heart strings. It seems that that is one of the less mentioned dangers of the job.

"See you later," you say then to Marco, who in turn nods. Undoubtedly you will, whether it be at a meeting or simply in the course of passing. In a place like this, it would be impossible to avoid him. So as Angelica continues exercising, the two of you head off together.

Fiorella is silent as you walk on, not asking where you're taking her, or anything like that. Instead she is, like before, looking around and examining her surroundings. Not that much has changed, but you suppose that for her, being able to do this still hadn't worn off it's novelty, even if she doesn't realize it.

Once more you cut between buildings, headed from the gym to the gun range. That is the next major step after all, since she'll need a weapon if she's to do the job she has been made for in any really effective manner. Hopefully this won't be too difficult.

At last you arrive at your destination. It's a gray concrete building, unassuming and giving no indication as to it's true nature, at least from the outside. But you've been there before, so you know for certain that this is indeed the gun range. Now things can get interesting.

With a gesture to her, you swing the door open and wave her inside, allowing her to slip in ahead of you before you follow after her. The inside is fairly simple really, with a man working inside as he cares for the weapons and various equipment in here. Those weapons were on display, allowing people to take them from racks as needed. There was also a poster about gun safety, some chairs and tables scattered about, and in the back was a set of stairs that led down to the actual gun range.

"Hey Gregorio," the man says as he hears the sound of your entrance and turns to face the new arrivals, noticing you before he notices the other girl. Once he does, though, he perks up at the sight of your companion. "Oh, hello there. I didn't realize that you were awake."

There is an initial shyness, before Fiorella nods. "Yes, I am," she confirms, somewhat redundantly. It's nice to see her getting off on the right foot, even with the nervousness. It's hard to tell how the conditioning factored into that though. It has to be very important factor in that outcome.

You let the door swing shut as you walk over to him then, coming to a stop near the table he stands at. "She woke up a couple hours ago. Now I'm just showing her around for her first day." You doubt that the explanation was needed, but it comes out regardless.

"Is that so?" The black haired man steps away from the table as he turns to face your companion, before bowing, with a flourish, for Fiorella. "Well then, if there is anything you need, feel free to ask. I, the great Emilio, would be glad to assist you."

You roll your eyes, dismissing the Sicilian's theatrics. He's playing for his audience, though it hardly impresses you in particular. But your opinion isn't what he's aiming to sway. He probably cares less about what you think of him, so it's a mutual feeling.

"I'm sure you will," you reply in her stead, moving on to your actual business even as Fiorella begins to move away from you, seeming to warm up to Emilio. But it's better to get on rather than get dragged down in pleasantries. "We're here to have her try out some weapons."

Of course, of course," Emilio replies, moving over to one of the other tables as he does his job, wearing a grin still. "What are you looking for then? Longswords, slingshots, perhaps even a polearm?"

Leaving aside your wonder towards if he even has those kinds of weapons lying around here, you find your irritation growing slightly. He has to know what you're here for, since it's what he's been assigned to do. It doesn't seem he's going to change though.

But it earns a giggle from Fiorella, and so you allow it to pass. Though it won't save him from a bit of ire, for sanity's sake. "Much as I appreciate your desire for medieval weaponry, I'm sure Fiorella would appreciate something a bit more modern."

Emilio shrugs, producing a form and sliding it over, along with a pen. "Fair enough. Just let me know what you want, and then fill this out to check it out. Bureaucracy, you know." It is a hassle.

"Got it," you reply as you look over the form. It's just the usual, to be honest, so it shouldn't be too much trouble. That done, you then look over to Fiorella, who looks around at the various weapons and such. There was a lot to choose from, and you'll admit to some worry that she may not know what to pick. After all, the conditioning put a lot of information in her head on a variety of guns. She may have some trouble finding something suited for her.

Still, this shouldn't be too hard. You'll just have to keep trying until you succeed.

[ ] Write in weapons
[ ] Let her choose


Write in as many as you'd like, feel free to be specific. Preferably Italian guns or NATO standard, if you would though. Alternatively, just put in a type.
Weapons. Eheheheh.

What's this setting's year, again?
Oh right, that'd probably be helpful >_>

It's 2001.

Drat. Just a few years short of some very nice weapons that come out in 2004, like the Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle and the HK416.

I'm going to put together a short-list of my preferences in light of that, since apparently most of my favorites (that I can just rattle off the top of my head) are too modern.
First, this is just my musings on her final weapon load-out. In the series, the girls are mostly working covertly, so I'll start with concealable weapons.

Main weapon:
Heckler & Koch MP7 - designed as a submachine gun able to defeat body armour, this neatly combines the compactness of a submachine gun with some serious firepower. The collapsible stock allows it to be shortened to 16.3 inches (415mm), which is shorter than the FN P90 that Henrietta uses.

Side arm:
Heckler & Koch P2000 - this is basically the ergonomic upgrade to the compact version of the HK USP. Considering our girl, despite her cyborg strength, still has small hands, the added ergonomics are great. Most handguns before this, in my opinion, have terrible grips for small handed people, though compact and subcompact handguns tend to be a bit more manageable. It also comes in a sub-compact variant (P2000k), for greater concealability in exchange for a small loss in maximum round capacity (in 9mm, P2000 has 10 or 13 round magazines, the P2000k only has a 10 round magazine).

For operations that we can be a little louder in:

Assault Rifle:
Heckler & Koch G36k - a solid, modern assault rifle, in a carbine configuration to reflect how most agency engagements occur in urban settings. It has a either a 30 round box magazine, or a 100 round drum magazine (which I'm assuming we'd be using). It's superior to most of the other existing assault rifle options for the type of urban combat we'd be engaging in, but I recommend it only because we're stuck in 2001. It has an overheating problem in prolonged firefights, dropping it's accuracy. I'd prefer the HK416, or the M4 Carbine with the magazine jamming fix, but those are not available until 2004 and 2009 respectively.

Sniper Rifle:
PGM Hécate II - the french heavy sniper rifle firing a 12.7mm round (.50 equivalent), I selected it because I want our girl to have an option that can handle cyborg opponents, but not be too much for her to handle. The rifle is designed to severely drop recoil to that of a normal rifle, so it should be manageable for her.

Benelli M4 Super 90 - A very nice, semi-automatic shotgun. The pistol grip variant with the collapsible stock is ideal for urban environments, and lets us fill in for Triela if she's somewhere else. Also, it's actually Italian. :V

For my actual vote, I think it'd be easiest to train her on the shotgun first, to drill in good gun safety and whatnot, before moving on to other weapons. It's much harder for her to shoot herself in the face with than a handgun, isn't automatic, and isn't the anti-material rifle.

[X] Benelli M4 Super 90
-[X] Focus on gun safety and gun range etiquette
[x] Diomedon

I defer to the poster with actual gun knowledge. It's just testing anyway.

Hmm, wait. the vote says 'weapons'. Would it not better to have her try several type of guns?
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Oh-ho-ho, now you're speakin' my language!

[X] Let her choose

HS Product HS2000
Browning Hi-Power
FN Five-seveN
SIG-Sauer P228
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
Glock 19
CZ P-01
Walther P99

I'm personally leaning towards the Glock myself despite it's reputation as 'that generic gun', just because it's relatively small - thus reasonably concealable - and packs a good amount of rounds.


Had that one in mind myself, great minds must think alike!

Heckler & Koch P2000

I could second this, since for all intents and purposes it's just a USP Compact with different ergos.
[X] dryskim

So many guns... I want them all.
Oh wait, this isn't a mecha story.

Just the ones mentioned then. :D
[X] Let her choose

Want to put something in about assisting as needed or some such but it feels superfluous really.