"Let's go to the gym," you tell Fiorella with a tone of certainty. Getting into training would be for the best, but maybe not skipping straight to the guns. There will be time enough for that later, and it would be best for her to see what her body can do, in addition to the theoretically knowledge implanted by her conditioning. There's a big difference between the two after all.
Of course Fiorella voices no objections, instead giving a firm nod. "Alright," she agrees as she swings her legs out. You'll admit to a sudden surge of nervousness as she rises, but it's unfounded as she stands with nary a problem. Well, that's one irrational fear gone.
You smile as you look down at her, Fiorella meeting your gaze with a happy look on her face. There are so many things that could be said about this moment in relation to her old life, but they go unsaid. Instead you redirect your eyes forward as you step to the door, opening it and allowing her to move through it before you follow.
The halls of the medical wing are clean, quiet, empty. Not that many people work here anyway, and doubtlessly the researchers are busy analyzing their data. Either that or they're Fiorella some space for the moment. Whatever reason, it means that the walk is quick and uninterrupted.
Not that you mind as you lead the way, Fiorella firmly at your side. Quick glances confirm that she's walking with an avid gaze, surveying the surroundings intently. It's cute, even though you're fairly certain that she has a map of the facility in her head. But there's nothing wrong with what she's doing.
"Nice day, isn't it," you note as you step out of the medical wing and onto the outdoor campus of the Agency. It's sunny, and not too hot with a breeze coming in off the coast. Not bad for the Roman countryside in May, you suppose. Certainly the weather could be worse.
"It is," Fiorella affirms without hesitation, her attention turning from the surroundings to you. Even then it doesn't seem like she will tire of these new experiences any time soon.
You have to resist the urge to pat her head or do something otherwise patronizing to her, because of how cute she seemed at that moment. "Well that's good," you reply instead, giving no inclination as to how you view her enthusiasm. "We'll be seeing a lot of places in he future."
That earns a nod on her part, still giving you her full attention. "That's because we have to travel for the assignments the Agency gives us, right?"
"Yes, but I'm sure we could work in some time for sight seeing if we aren't too busy," you tell her. You aren't sure if you can hold to that, but at this moment you resolve to do your best to keep your promise.
It certainly gets the reaction you want as she lights up once more, glowing with happiness and anticipation. Okay, so maybe you're setting her up for a potential letdown, but at this moment it's worth it. "Really? Thank you!"
"Don't go thanking me so soon," you protest with a chuckle. "We haven't even gotten the chance to do anything yet."
She cedes to your direction, and you can feel her eagerness diminish slightly. Still she wears a warm smile and a slight glow, as remaining happiness at your words. Expectations much?
Otherwise, this walk is relatively calm as well. It takes a moment of wondering why before you remember that the other cyborgs are probably in classes right now, and everyone else is probably working. As a covert agency they aren't exactly swarming with people here.
After a short walk you arrive at the gym, in a building placed near the firing range and the training courses. It was smaller, but it didn't exactly need to be that large anyway. And at the moment no one is inside as the two of you enter.
Stepping inside the main gym, Fiorella comes to a stop as she looks at you, waiting for your instructions now that you're at where you wanted to go. You have the feeling that you're going to have to get used to that, sooner rather than later.
"Alright then, go ahead and exercise a bit," you instruct her with a pushing gesture towards the various equipment present. "I want to see what you can do."
"Yes sir," Fiorella replies without question or argument. You'll provide guidance if need be, but for the moment she seems to know what to do, and you won't get in the way of that. This is for her after all, not for you.
With that she moves off, and you follow along as she heads to the weights and weight lifting equipment that has been set up near the back. You take up a position as spotter to watch, while she goes about collecting some dumbbells to use. That is followed by doing some stretches, revealing how flexible she is in the process. And that is...basically the same as a normal girl. Maybe a bit further, since you aren't sure how extensive they've tried to reproduce a nervous system for pain.
With that done she rises, sitting down on a bench as she picks up some weights. She starts at fifty, before switching to one hundred after a few minutes, and then one fifty afterwards in each hand. You find yourself becoming impressed with the apparent lack of effort, though it's hard to tell whether that's simply because of the cyborg limbs or not. So you ask, lest your uncertainty persist. "How are you doing?"
"I'm alright," she replies without stopping, though her head tilts towards you for a few moments before going back to normal. "I can do more."
You nod, still watching carefully, though all indications are that she's telling the truth. "Okay, but don't overtax yourself. You just got out of the hospital after all." You have no desire to subject her to all that surgery without a good cause again, though she'll never have to go through something so extensive, or so you hope.
Still, she doesn't complain, going on for some time longer before she decides to stop that for now. The dumbbells are carried back over to the racks as she cleans up after herself, before moving on with her exercise. She heads to the track, beginning to run laps as you stand by and watch. She starts at a walk before speeding up into a jog, moving at a consistent speed in laps around the room.
As far as you can tell she's doing just fine, growing used to her speed and stamina after nearly tripping a few times. Well, by appearances anyway. But you let he go on longer, so she can get more into it and prove it to you. She's not as fast as a car, but at least she's consistent.
The door slamming shut distracts you some time after you've begun, with little care given to your clock. Looking over reveals
Marco and
Angelica having just entered the gym, with the two of them walking over to join you.
"Go ahead," Marco says to Angelica, bringing an end to whatever conversation was going as she nods before running off to join Fiorella on the track. For her part though the already present girl keeps running, but Angelica merely falls into place. Meanwhile Marco comes to a stop near you, still watching his cyborg.
You hadn't thought that anyone else would show up, but you aren't going to complain about it either. He's probably just here on his own business. Still, might as well be cordial. "Hey."
"Hey," Marco replies calmly, exuding a sense of ease in this situation. Then again, he is one of the first handlers so it's hardly unexpected. He's the one here with the most experience at this sort of thing. "How's it going with her?"
"Fine so far," you answer as calmly as you watch the two cyborgs exercise. "We're both getting used to this, I think. It's just going to take a bit of time."
Marco nods in understanding, presumably grown from what he had to go through with Angelica when she was first made. "If you need any help, feel free to ask," he offers then.
"Thanks, I will," you affirm with a grateful look. You'd have no reason not to, especially in this line of work. Difficulties are the sort of thing you can't really afford.
That said you turn back to the exercise at hand, Angelica still doggedly on Fiorella's heels as the cyborgs move around the track. From here it's easy to make some comparisons besides the hair color. The two are similar in height, and it seems as though Angelica is a bit more muscular, though with the augmentations it makes that sort of thing deceptive anyway.
At last you wave while she's on the return pass, and she slows down as she makes her way over to you. "I think that's good enough," you tell her with a smile. We don't need you tiring yourself out just yet."
"Okay," she replies before moving on, heading over to one of the pull up bars. Next. It's another easy challenge as she brings her chin up over the bar before dropping once more, quiet huffs escaping at the same time.
Watching, once again you can confirm her strength, the lack of shaking her muscles or any sign of fatigue. At this point it's really just a matter of running her through an obstacle course, but you don't have one of those in here. Outside, sure, but not here.
As she works though, you consider what to do next. You can certainly do more testing here, or move on to somewhere else. Alternatively, you can just let her do what she wants while you talk to Marco. It isn't like Fiorella isn't plenty busy right now. Ultimately, it's always up to you.
[ ] Talk with Marco
-[ ] The Agency
-[ ] Angelica
-[ ] Padania Movement
-[ ] The other handlers
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Do more tests
-[ ] Speed
-[ ] Strength
-[ ] Stamina
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Go to the gun range
[ ] Take her to the dorm