Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 24: Xenial Xenos Xerox Xanthous Xiphos

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Well, to get the Stunt engine going here's one.

[ ] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
-[ ] The woman's rib cracked beneath Saki's hands, a sharp snap of bone she could feel as a vibration running up her arm. Prayer, wreathed in her burning anima, wrestled down the other bomb strapped man. That was the last of them, right? At least in camden there shouldn't be anyone left who'd been affected by Mama Mather's shard. Then a cape rammed through the wall.

Scene: Saki is putting the basic first aid of medicine to use, while Prayer attempts to disarm someone who is a danger to themselves and others.

Challenge of the scene: Keeping the person alive, protecting these people who are controlled/having a psychotic break analogue after the Shard was imprisoned, a sudden attack/interference by another cape provides a more significant challenge.

Goals: Saki gets to show off her new skill. Prayer might be able to as well, depending on what the cape or people can do. Saki has found Prayer something useful to do without sending her to deal with the Fallen directly. Saki is placed in a situation where she must deal with triage, which might provide her a more nuanced look at Taylor's perspective.

The Stunt might be a bit long, not sure. If you cut out prayer then it still works and is a little more focused.
-[ ] The woman's rib cracked beneath Saki's hands, a sharp snap of bone she could feel as a vibration running up her arm. That was the last of them, right? At least in camden there shouldn't be anyone left who'd been affected by Mama Mather's shard. Then a cape rammed through the wall in a spray of dissolute red brick.
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Fine then. Since the votes are solidly swinging in favor of your desired 14 XP outlay, let's hope the complications are tolerable, eh?
Unfortunately Resources 5 still has less than 50% of the voters.
Needs more voters if its going to make the cut.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Feb 2, 2021 at 9:11 AM, finished with 90 posts and 22 votes.
Making my preliminary vote thus:

[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●

Will add stunts later. Have a preliminary stunt for "Waiting for Taylor" that involves FPoP training her new War skills while interviewing Accord.

-[X] "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."

I think it might be too long though. I'm trying to find the word limit for stunts, and figure out what to cut without making things sound stilted.
Making my preliminary vote thus:

[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●

Will add stunts later. Have a preliminary stunt for "Waiting for Taylor" that involves FPoP training her new War skills while interviewing Accord.

-[X] "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."

I think it might be too long though. I'm trying to find the word limit for stunts, and figure out what to cut without making things sound stilted.
Word limit is 60 iirc.
Preliminary vote:

[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup

[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●
-[ ] The woman's rib cracked beneath her hands, a sharp snap of bone she could feel as a vibration running up her arm. Prayer, wreathed in her burning anima, wrestled down the other bomb strapped man. That was the last of them, right? At least in camden there shouldn't be anyone left who'd been affected by Mama Mather's shard. Then a cape rammed through the wall.

Scene: Saki is putting the basic first aid of medicine to use, while Prayer attempts to disarm someone who is a danger to themselves and others.
Until you said this was a Saki scene, I wasn't sure if this was from Sirkalla's point of view (with a missing transition between the opening subdual and the next suicide bomber) or someone else's. Maybe replace the first "her" with "Saki's"?
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●
[X] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle
-[] "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."
This one's pretty good. Should be Camden, though, not Philadelphia, but I guess the GM will change it as necessary.
Adding it to my original vote with just a little edit:

[]STUNT: "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Feb 5, 2021 at 6:13 PM, finished with 99 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●
Trans-Chosen Emulator serves two real purposes:
- Allows an Alchemical to disguise themselves as another Caste. This is critical for any Adamant operating within populated areas.
- For an Alchemical to disguise themselves as another Exalted. This would have been used by any Alchemicals sneaking around Creation.

Yes, higher-level peripheral essence expenditures will disrupt IAT, but if the Alchemical is covered head-to-toe (cloak, armor, etc.) then that doesn't really matter. Anima banners go through all clothing/armor, so that's really what this is intended to help disguise. Note that the charm doesn't allow the Alchemical to copy the anima power, however, so there is still a way to notice the disguise beyond seeing the Alchemical's physical form.

The only real point of this charm for us on Earth-Bet is the sub-mod that allows the Alchemical to customize their Totemic Anima to whatever they want for the scene, which could be really useful for a Social character in making their anima work for them (visually).
Not quite:
Cost: —
Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Internal, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier

This Charm enhances its prerequisite. While using the Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier, the Champion can reflexively alter her anima banner to resemble any other specific caste or aspect of Exalt she has personally witnessed and clearly remembers seeing. Even non-Alchemical animas may be copied this way. In effect, the character uses the appropriate anima banner table in lieu of her own, meaning she gains a caste mark and no longer leaks magical materials if disguised as a Celestial and radiates anima flux while copying a Terrestrial, et cetera. Caste- or aspect-specific physical features are also copied, such as Terrestrial aspect markings or the predominant magical material used in the construction of a visibly Alchemical body. The character's specific iconic anima at the 16-mote level and above remains distinctive to her soul, however, which could spoil the disguise depending on its appropriateness to her feigned anima type. The operation of Charms does not change, so a "Solar" whose body whips out a pneumatic cannon will certainly raise eyebrows from those who know that that is not how Lawgiver magic works.

Use of this Charm changes only anima display, not anima power.

Metatotemic Calibrator (Appearance 3, 2xp): With this submodule, the Exalt may choose how his iconic anima manifests each time it does so, as long as the display is thematically appropriate to the caste his anima is currently emulating. He may even use this power when not disguised in order to personalize the expressions of his own awesome might. This benefit also applies to Solars with Phantom-Conjuring Performance and Essence 4+.
Its a weapon as well. Shaker/Striker effect.
I quote:
The anima banner of the Dragon-Blooded is a raw, powerful effect. While those of the other Exalted can be intense, and even have lasting impact on their environment, that of the Terrestrials can be so powerful as to inflict considerable damage on their surroundings. The effects of the damage is different for each type of Terrestrial, but the source is always the raw power of the character's Essence.

If the Dragon-Blood's anima banner is at the 8–10-motes level of display, it inflicts one die of lethal damage for every minute of contact to everything within a number of feet equal to the character's permanent Essence. This damage is sufficient to destroy cloth and soft wood in a minute or two. It can eventually reduce even treated hardwoods to junk (within five minutes). At the 11–15-mote level, the banner inflicts one die of damage for every nine ticks of combat. At these two levels, characters who are able to soak lethal damage with Stamina (such as other Exalts) ignore the damage inflicted by Terrestrial anima banners. At the 16+ level, however, the banner generates a lethal die of damage every tick, and all beings and objects (except the Exalt's personal equipment, which is immune to the effect at all levels) suffers this damage.

This anima flux effect has had obvious impacts on their Terrestrials' fighting style and architecture (among other things). Most Dragon-Bloods do not ride animals into combat, for instance. Some Ride Charms (see pp. 180-182) can halt or delay the death of mounts, but they are not commonly used. Some Dragon-Bloods make use of artifact mounts or creatures (such as the simhata) that are specially bred to resist their anima banners, and specially designed chariots are used in some environments. Similarly, the homes of the Ter-restrials are usually made largely of stone and are more often fi lled with sculpture, mosaics and other sturdier artworks than paintings or tapestries, particularly in places such as workshops or dojos where the Exalted are likely to use Essence in quantity
At totemic, thats a two yard wide Shaker effect inflicting 1 die of damage/tick to the environment as well as anyone within a yard/grappling range and without Hardness.

Doesnt change your anima power, mind. Taylor's anima power will always be supernatural terror, for example.
And its very inconvenient if you're in a party with other people who lack magic armor or Hardness from charms.
But acting alone against a unit of people without magic armor? Useful.

/nitpicking 5 year old comments.:V
/nitpicking 5 year old comments.:V
You raise a good point, but my words were chosen deliberately: the charm has a very specific qualifier of "personally witnessed and clearly remembers seeing" for animas the user is able to mimic, and no Alchemical (including Taylor) has ever seen any Terrestrial Dragonblooded animas.
You raise a good point, but my words were chosen deliberately: the charm has a very specific qualifier of "personally witnessed and clearly remembers seeing" for animas the user is able to mimic, and no Alchemical (including Taylor) has ever seen any Terrestrial Dragonblooded animas.
Fair enough.

Still, Autobot created the Exaltations.
Iris basically saw all the multiple permutations of Solaroids that showed up, and is likely to have a hand in any vats that show up on Earth Bet.
Its not really a limitation here in the case of any member of Taylor's Assembly.

Or indeed in the case of any Adamant Caste that was commissioned by the Divine Ministers, given how many Primordial War veterans remained in the ranks of their court and reserves. Like Lord Grasp.
[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle
[X] Saki Takes Most Credit For Cracking Fallen Defenses, Becomes Famous

Shaking up the tally a tad. Still really interested in where we go from here.
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Vote w/ stunt:

[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] STUNT: "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."

[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●
Worth noting that Saki not taking public credit for Valefor and the Fallen has one additional advantage:
It prevents the Youth Guard and public asking the PRT awkward questions about why the teenager who was just tortured by the Nine about two or three weeks ago is doing interrogation of Fallen capes.

Which is one additional favor that the PRT owe her.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Feb 9, 2021 at 5:59 PM, finished with 107 posts and 27 votes.
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Eventually she stopped outside one of the larger cells, one of the few with an enclosing wall - but of glass, not concrete or tile. Beyond the glass there was no floor, only a vast reservoir of water nearly one-hundred feet deep, and cold enough that the cell required a tinkertech-sodium mix to keep it from freezing over.

She floated, up and over the wall, book held properly as to prevent any unfortunate accidents. The water's surface was still enough that she could see her reflection clearly as she continued her slow flight. Once she was near the center of the great pool, she spoke slowly yet powerfully.

"I am here, Oracle."

Nothing. Or so it seemed.
She was already backing away and shielding the book before the first ripple had formed. Within seconds a truly massive creature burst forth from the depths. Tentacles speared up from the water, diamond ridges poking out at random sections of flesh.

More than a few made attempts to strike at the Triumvirate member, but she was too fast and too small for the meaty appendages. They couldn't hurt her, but it was annoying having to walk around the base with only scraps for clothing and reinforced underwear.

It took only a few more seconds of dodging before the Oracle herself appeared. A thin woman covered in glittering scales rose from beneath the thrashing waves, uncaring for the myriad of tentacles or the occasional wave that splashed down upon her.

Hairless and limbless, her body consisted of an upper torso that lead down, down, down into a mountain of deadly tentacles. In place of ears were two faces that were barely human in design, their fanged mouths open constantly and their beady black eyes darting to focus on sights unseen.
Her original face was downcast, lips drawn into a frown. Ashamed.
Stumbled across something that reminded me of that scene:
Untitled by Ian Su on Artstation said:
There you go: an Oracle reference.
I mean, if we're going to look into taking advantage of the Mantle of the Dread Gear's strength-enhancing bonuses, I can see arguments for putting effort into learning Martial Arts or Melee dots (not...good ones, given how she's working under a time crunch, has an effective combat niche, isn't a primary combat character, doesn't really have Charm support for it like Prayer does nor does she have the Strength bonuses to really lean into that style of combat), as I can see her making something like a Tinker-built pneumatic hammer that menaces with spikes that has the Marketing department drooling and the Legal department shrieking 'no!' as emphatically as mortal lungs can manage.

...I halfway want to see this now.
Honestly, Strength is Taylor's designated dump stat.
If she's making a Strength-based weapon, it would have a lot of integrated targeting bullshit to compensate.

Besides, the Mantle needs no further weapons. Its a self contained engine of death.
Seriously. Look at the statline for melee attacks; a Speed 5, 10L/4 set of gauntlets means she'se doing power mace/grand daiklave damage with the gauntlets even before the use of any additional charms.

If she made a melee weapon for whatever reason, it would be for her normal armor.
And there she'd have the justification of not wanting to disturb Iris by using the Mantle.
Having gone back to check, I have to cop to owing you an apology.

There IS an argument for giving Taylor more Strength.
Specifically, +2 dots of Strength. Essence Irradiation Corona, the charm that allows you to essentially deal at least 1 automatic level of HP damage per attack, has a requirement of Strength 2 for the charm and Strength 3 for an essential submod.
Essence Irradiation Corona
Mins:Strength 2,
Essence 3;
Keywords:Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms:Any Physical Attribute Augmentation
Source:[?, p. 124]

Four collapsible prongs are housed in one of the Exalt's limbs. When activated, they rise up and arc forward, bathing his attacking limb or weapon in an unstable Essence field that explodes upon contact with an enemy. Any attack enhanced by this Charm converts one die of its post-soak damage into an automatic success and counts each 10 on the roll as two successes.

Optimized Trauma Upgrade(Strength 3, 3xp): A red jade coating applied to the Charm's emitter arrays render its Essence field especially volatile. An attack enhanced by this submodule adds one die to its post-soak damage.

Field Stabilization Fins(Strength 4, 3xp): Retractable white jade fins adorn the Charm's emitter prongs, stabilizing its Essence field.An attack enhanced by this submodule adds three dice to its rawdamage.

Motonic Reactor Discharge(Strength 4, Essence 4): The Alchemical's Essence Irradiation Corona gains the Stackable keyword, and can be activated up to (Essence 2) times to enhance a single attack.[?,p. 137]
That Strength 3 would then qualify her for hefting the largest artifact-tier weapons like grand daiklaves and grand goremauls.
Not that she'd have the Melee dots for it, of course.

But it might be worth considering when Taylor goes into the vats to rebuild her body.
Having gone back to check, I have to cop to owing you an apology.

There IS an argument for giving Taylor more Strength.
Specifically, +2 dots of Strength. Essence Irradiation Corona, the charm that allows you to essentially deal at least 1 automatic level of HP damage per attack, has a requirement of Strength 2 for the charm and Strength 3 for an essential submod.
Essence Irradiation Corona
Mins:Strength 2,
Essence 3;
Keywords:Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms:Any Physical Attribute Augmentation
Source:[?, p. 124]

Four collapsible prongs are housed in one of the Exalt's limbs. When activated, they rise up and arc forward, bathing his attacking limb or weapon in an unstable Essence field that explodes upon contact with an enemy. Any attack enhanced by this Charm converts one die of its post-soak damage into an automatic success and counts each 10 on the roll as two successes.

Optimized Trauma Upgrade(Strength 3, 3xp): A red jade coating applied to the Charm's emitter arrays render its Essence field especially volatile. An attack enhanced by this submodule adds one die to its post-soak damage.

Field Stabilization Fins(Strength 4, 3xp): Retractable white jade fins adorn the Charm's emitter prongs, stabilizing its Essence field.An attack enhanced by this submodule adds three dice to its rawdamage.

Motonic Reactor Discharge(Strength 4, Essence 4): The Alchemical's Essence Irradiation Corona gains the Stackable keyword, and can be activated up to (Essence 2) times to enhance a single attack.[?,p. 137]
That Strength 3 would then qualify her for hefting the largest artifact-tier weapons like grand daiklaves and grand goremauls.
Not that she'd have the Melee dots for it, of course.

But it might be worth considering when Taylor goes into the vats to rebuild her body.
hmm- it says weapon or limb-
would this be a melee only, or would it also affect ranged combat?
regardless, specialising in support/using the mantle or not, having something to give her extra punch when inevitibly -something- nasty blows through the lines when she cant maneuver/reposition/Armour up would be an extremely good idea, even if its primarily used as a holdout weapon- especially given that she's ended up in melee range of an Endbringer at least ONCE....and a "gurantied fixed damage attack" could offer some pretty interesting counterplay potential to high def/high dodge equivalent "metal slime"-type attackers-

.... looking back, im trying to remember- did we ever get word on what exactly happened when Ziz headbutted the portal/tear to autocthonia within the cradle-
was it a massively adverse reaction to extreme essence exposure,an early reference to how bad Autocthon's illness was getting (perhaps contaminated essence/material getting dumped into a hostile attacker?)or did the bastard actively get smited by the literal wrath of an enraged primordial god?
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hmm- it says weapon or limb-
would this be a melee only, or would it also affect ranged combat?
regardless, specialising in support/using the mantle or not, having something to give her extra punch when inevitibly -something- nasty blows through the lines when she cant maneuver/reposition/Armour up would be an extremely good idea, even if its primarily used as a holdout weapon- especially given that she's ended up in melee range of an Endbringer at least ONCE....and a "gurantied fixed damage attack" could offer some pretty interesting counterplay potential to high def/high dodge equivalent "metal slime"-type attackers-

.... looking back, im trying to remember- did we ever get word on what exactly happened when Ziz headbutted the portal/tear to autocthonia within the cradle-
was it a massively adverse reaction to extreme essence exposure,an early reference to how bad Autocthon's illness was getting (perhaps contaminated essence/material getting dumped into a hostile attacker?)or did the bastard actively get smited by the literal wrath of an enraged primordial god?
Stuff from the Pole of Smoke is extremely toxic/hazardous.

As for EIC for Taylor, hm. I'll admit post Soak damage dice is tempting, but it clashes with our vision for her as a Commander/ranged attacker/tinkerer concept.
Stuff from the Pole of Smoke is extremely toxic/hazardous.

As for EIC for Taylor, hm. I'll admit post Soak damage dice is tempting, but it clashes with our vision for her as a Commander/ranged attacker/tinkerer concept.
oh, that i fully understand,no worries-
i just feel it might be worth considering some form of integrated/innate additional holdout weapon for when she gets caught with her metaphorical pants down, and without time to fully gear up-was thinking of it as a one-off investment unless it turned out to heavily synergise with something else in her equipment/charm loadout in an unexpected manner anyways.

or against an sudden collapse/penetration of the lines when the assembly/she is pinned (in the chess/tactical sense)in front of a more vulnerable target-plus the extra strength required for the mod would increase her pool of options in similar scenarios-and something that potentially dodges defenses beside would be as suited for such a role as as a general damage amplifier.
after all, if it existed, our social combat expert WOULD probably like to be trained/equipped in suitable techniques to allow her to defend herself/utilise her skillset in direct-ish combat when no other alternatives were available- a shame that such a set of techniques are merely theoretical...
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Having gone back to check, I have to cop to owing you an apology.

There IS an argument for giving Taylor more Strength.
Specifically, +2 dots of Strength. Essence Irradiation Corona, the charm that allows you to essentially deal at least 1 automatic level of HP damage per attack, has a requirement of Strength 2 for the charm and Strength 3 for an essential submod.

But it might be worth considering when Taylor goes into the vats to rebuild her body.
I really dislike the concept of dump stats (I acknowledge the concept for min maxing for video games… even if I prefer to have stats and then boost the main stats). If you are below average at something work at improving to at least average (i.e. 2 dots in this` style, with 3 being upper end of average). Also yeah agree with Essence Irradiation Corona being worth strength increases.

Another big reason to increase strength to 2 or 3 it allows us to make heaver equipment i.e. I'm pretty sure our tinker armour uses a quality bonus to reduce strength requirements, and that our crossbow was probably the same, so increasing our strength would allow us to boost our equipment in other ways.

Still the idea of increasing Taylor's strength to an absurd degree sound entertaining for part of an omake.

As a concept what do you think of the idea of firearms and martial arts drones as something to one day develop? We are working towards better craft for drones and we were looking at re-making some of Bezalel's combat drones (plus our doombot drone that Dragon, Riley and Armsmaster are working on). Narratively it would make sense to know how the drones should be used to fight even if we are using inbuilt functions of the drones (such as their computers, sensors and programming). Given the nature of some of the drones, we won't always be able to get enough to "swarm" an enemy

Also had the same thought at @Gantradies when I read the Essence Irradiation Corona I don't see any explicit mention of only enhancing melee/martial arts (or otherwise close combat) attacks and don't see why it wouldn't enhance a ranged attack. (PISTON-DRIVEN MEGATON HAMMER explicitly states it only affects close combat attacks and there are a few other charms which are the same)

Another charm to consider PAIN SUPPRESSION NODES, since Emergency Damage Compensators basically gives bonus die for non-reflexive physical actions, without costing anything, (and then take into account the essence five submodule and the fifth stamina augmentation)

I wonder if we will update the TUNNEL-FIGHTING TACTICAL OMNIBUS IMPLANT for more Earth Bet themed urban and other local environments at some point... Or perhaps develop a dedicated drone controller war charm (that uses SoPA as a starting point)