Get With The Pogrom (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Assembly Helps PRT Clean Up Fallen, Is Away From Philadelphia
[ ] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
So, as I understand it people are interested in going to help the prt clean up the fallen and that we should leave someone behind just in case to protect Bonesaw, accord and everything else.
So, would we be say stunting say Prayer and Aisha saying see you soon, and leaving in an impressive manner or something? I can see advantages for each staying to protect them, Prayer is the most mature (and the least likely to let emotions get in the way, Saki can protect anyone in the area (by taking them to her safe space), Aisha can remain perfectly hidden so that anyone who attacks forgets that she is even there (or for that matter make them forget their target exists. On the other hand, Prayer has the most experience, Saki can be very helpful when it comes to capturing people and again Aisha can capture people and even make them forget that a fallen member ever existed.
Of course Saki provides a very big advantage in that she can watch both… actually does narrative logic force an attack against the prt if we go with that sort of action
Does anyone have any form of good stunt for this action?
Cloudy With A Chance of Endbringers (Choose ONE, NO STUNT)
[ ] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[ ] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle
Don't Stare Into The Limelight (Choose UP TO TWO, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[ ] Saki Takes Most Credit For Cracking Fallen Defenses, Becomes Famous
What sort of stunt should we go for? I think an argument for prt takes the most credit is that it hides Saki's ability a bit, perhaps we can gain credit for this after we deal with the Butcher (imprisoning the shard in this way is probably the most effective way... I wonder if we can capture the main butcher shard after we capture the person)?
Wait... choose up to two for don't Stare into the limelight?
@Gromweld where are you going with this are, we for instance voting for one, but if there is a draw it becomes a shared credit?
Most of our conversations have been about, is it worth it to buy resource 5. My understanding is yes, we can afford it. On the other hand, there is the worry it is a trap. Although I feel it is probably more of a plot hook, I don't think Aisha would steal at this point in time without an explicit vote to do so and I don't feel an option to buy resource 5 counts especially since it is all at once. An advantage I see for resource 5 is potential funding for projects (tinker or otherwise, say as initial capital for funding Weaver's clothes)
I think Presence parenting 2 is useful for dealing with Aisha, Saki, Ciara and Riley… Given Taylor is skiing I'm surprised we aren't getting either a Skii speciality or progress to acrobatics, hm I wonder what she is doing when she isn't skiing perhaps reading up on things?
Hm does Prayer need more war? I guess it makes sense as a unit commander. Does Saki really need medicine, I mean part of what her charm can do is heal people inside it.
Get With The Pogrom (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Assembly Helps PRT Clean Up Fallen, Is Away From Philadelphia
[ ] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
So, as I understand it people are interested in going to help the prt clean up the fallen and that we should leave someone behind just in case to protect Bonesaw, accord and everything else.
So, would we be say stunting say Prayer and Aisha saying see you soon, and leaving in an impressive manner or something? I can see advantages for each staying to protect them, Prayer is the most mature (and the least likely to let emotions get in the way, Saki can protect anyone in the area (by taking them to her safe space), Aisha can remain perfectly hidden so that anyone who attacks forgets that she is even there (or for that matter make them forget their target exists. On the other hand, Prayer has the most experience, Saki can be very helpful when it comes to capturing people and again Aisha can capture people and even make them forget that a fallen member ever existed.
Of course Saki provides a very big advantage in that she can watch both… actually does narrative logic force an attack against the prt if we go with that sort of action
Does anyone have any form of good stunt for this action?
Cloudy With A Chance of Endbringers (Choose ONE, NO STUNT)
[ ] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[ ] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle
Don't Stare Into The Limelight (Choose UP TO TWO, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[ ] Saki Takes Most Credit For Cracking Fallen Defenses, Becomes Famous
What sort of stunt should we go for? I think an argument for prt takes the most credit is that it hides Saki's ability a bit, perhaps we can gain credit for this after we deal with the Butcher (imprisoning the shard in this way is probably the most effective way... I wonder if we can capture the main butcher shard after we capture the person)?
Wait... choose up to two for don't Stare into the limelight?
@Gromweld where are you going with this are, we for instance voting for one, but if there is a draw it becomes a shared credit?
Most of our conversations have been about, is it worth it to buy resource 5. My understanding is yes, we can afford it. On the other hand, there is the worry it is a trap. Although I feel it is probably more of a plot hook, I don't think Aisha would steal at this point in time without an explicit vote to do so and I don't feel an option to buy resource 5 counts especially since it is all at once. An advantage I see for resource 5 is potential funding for projects (tinker or otherwise, say as initial capital for funding Weaver's clothes)
I think Presence parenting 2 is useful for dealing with Aisha, Saki, Ciara and Riley… Given Taylor is skiing I'm surprised we aren't getting either a Skii speciality or progress to acrobatics, hm I wonder what she is doing when she isn't skiing perhaps reading up on things?
Hm does Prayer need more war? I guess it makes sense as a unit commander. Does Saki really need medicine, I mean part of what her charm can do is heal people inside it.
... Wait this is the source of resource 5... Aisha is going to somehow acquire that much money from some other villian group to top SakiSaki was clearly determined to get in even more trouble than Aisha, it seems! But don't worry, Aisha isn't going to be one-upped so easily!
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