Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 24: Xenial Xenos Xerox Xanthous Xiphos

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Get With The Pogrom
(Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)

[ ] Assembly Helps PRT Clean Up Fallen, Is Away From Philadelphia
[ ] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
So, as I understand it people are interested in going to help the prt clean up the fallen and that we should leave someone behind just in case to protect Bonesaw, accord and everything else.
So, would we be say stunting say Prayer and Aisha saying see you soon, and leaving in an impressive manner or something? I can see advantages for each staying to protect them, Prayer is the most mature (and the least likely to let emotions get in the way, Saki can protect anyone in the area (by taking them to her safe space), Aisha can remain perfectly hidden so that anyone who attacks forgets that she is even there (or for that matter make them forget their target exists. On the other hand, Prayer has the most experience, Saki can be very helpful when it comes to capturing people and again Aisha can capture people and even make them forget that a fallen member ever existed.
Of course Saki provides a very big advantage in that she can watch both… actually does narrative logic force an attack against the prt if we go with that sort of action

Does anyone have any form of good stunt for this action?

Cloudy With A Chance of Endbringers (Choose ONE, NO STUNT)
[ ] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[ ] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle

Don't Stare Into The Limelight (Choose UP TO TWO, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[ ] Saki Takes Most Credit For Cracking Fallen Defenses, Becomes Famous

What sort of stunt should we go for? I think an argument for prt takes the most credit is that it hides Saki's ability a bit, perhaps we can gain credit for this after we deal with the Butcher (imprisoning the shard in this way is probably the most effective way... I wonder if we can capture the main butcher shard after we capture the person)?

Wait... choose up to two for don't Stare into the limelight?

@Gromweld where are you going with this are, we for instance voting for one, but if there is a draw it becomes a shared credit?
Most of our conversations have been about, is it worth it to buy resource 5. My understanding is yes, we can afford it. On the other hand, there is the worry it is a trap. Although I feel it is probably more of a plot hook, I don't think Aisha would steal at this point in time without an explicit vote to do so and I don't feel an option to buy resource 5 counts especially since it is all at once. An advantage I see for resource 5 is potential funding for projects (tinker or otherwise, say as initial capital for funding Weaver's clothes)

I think Presence parenting 2 is useful for dealing with Aisha, Saki, Ciara and Riley… Given Taylor is skiing I'm surprised we aren't getting either a Skii speciality or progress to acrobatics, hm I wonder what she is doing when she isn't skiing perhaps reading up on things?

Hm does Prayer need more war? I guess it makes sense as a unit commander. Does Saki really need medicine, I mean part of what her charm can do is heal people inside it.

Saki was clearly determined to get in even more trouble than Aisha, it seems! But don't worry, Aisha isn't going to be one-upped so easily!
... Wait this is the source of resource 5... Aisha is going to somehow acquire that much money from some other villian group to top Saki
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Most of our conversations have been about, is it worth it to buy resource 5. My understanding is yes, we can afford it. On the other hand, there is the worry it is a trap. Although I feel it is probably more of a plot hook, I don't think Aisha would steal at this point in time without an explicit vote to do so and I don't feel an option to buy resource 5 counts especially since it is all at once. An advantage I see for resource 5 is potential funding for projects (tinker or otherwise, say as initial capital for funding Weaver's clothes)
Not a trap.
As has been pointed out, you dont pay 14XP for a trap. Gromweld wouldnt play us like that.
Plot hook? YES.

I mean, having done some checking, this is what the Mechanics page has to say about Resources 5:
Resources are valuable goods whose disposition your character controls. These assets may be actual cash, but as this Background increases, they're more likely to be investments, property, or earning capital of some sort — land, industrial assets, stocks and bonds, commercial inventories, criminal infrastructure, contraband, even taxes or tithes.
Remember that vampires don't need to arrange for any food except blood and their actual needs (as opposed to wants) for shelter are very easily accommodated. Resources for vampires go mostly to pay for luxuries and the associated expenses of developing and maintaining Status, Influence, and other Backgrounds. A character with no dots in Resources may have enough clothing and supplies to get by, or she may be destitute and squatting in a refrigerator box under an overpass.

You receive a basic allowance each month based on your rating, so be certain to detail exactly where this money comes from, be it a job, trust fund or dividends. (Storytellers, decide for your locality and any relevant time period what an appropriate amount of cash this monthly allowance is.) After all, a Kindred's fortune may well run out over the course of the chronicle, depending on how well he maintains it. You can also sell your less liquid resources if you need the cash, but this can take weeks or even months, depending on what exactly you're trying to sell. Art buyers don't just pop out of the woodwork, after all.

Players may purchase Resources for their characters with pooled Background points.
Trait Effects:
○○○○○ (None) - Destitute/Dependent - You are either either destitute and every day is a new struggle to find food and shelter, or you rely entirely on resources that you do not have direct control over.
●○○○○ - Sufficient. You can maintain a typical residence in the style of the working class with stability, even if spending sprees come seldom.
●●○○○ - Moderate. You can display yourself as a member in good standing of the middle class, with the occasional gift and indulgence seemly for a person of even higher station. You can maintain a servant or hire specific help as necessary. A fraction of your resources are available in cash, readily portable property (like jewelry or furniture), and other valuables (such as a car or modest home) that let you maintain a standard of living at the one-dot level wherever you happen to be, for up to six months.
●●●○○ - Comfortable. You are a prominent and established member of your community, with land and an owned dwelling, and you have a reputation that lets you draw on credit at very generous terms. You likely have more tied up in equity and property than you do in ready cash. You can maintain a one-dot quality of existence wherever you are without difficulty, for as long as you choose.
●●●●○ - Wealthy. You rarely touch cash, as most of your assets exist in tangible forms that are themselves more valuable and stable than paper money. You hold more wealth than many of your local peers (if they can be called such a thing). When earning your Resources doesn't enjoy your usual degree of attention, you can maintain a three-dot existence for up to a year, and a two-dot existence indefinitely.
●●●●● - Extremely Wealthy. You are the model to which others strive to achieve, at least in the popular mind. Television shows, magazine spreads, and gossip websites speculate about your clothing, the appointments of your numerous homes, and the luxury of your modes of transportation. You have vast and widely distributed assets, perhaps tied to the fates of nations, each with huge staffs and connections to every level of society through a region. You travel with a minimum of three-dot comforts, more with a little effort. Corporations and governments sometimes come to you to buy into stocks or bond programs.
Changes For This Quest:
Taylor isn't a Vampire, so that clearly doesn't apply, and we don't have Pooled Backgrounds (a Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition mechanic). For our purposes, the PRT-provided salary, living spaces, and Tinker resources are covered by the Backing background, so Resources covers any financials and materials outside of what the PRT provides... which means this represents assets/funds the PRT does not control or oversee.

Then remember what Aisha's Motivation is, the thing that kicks her up into Essence 4:
MOTIVATION: Be Remembered
Thats right, its a plot hook. A MAJOR plot hook.
Which might help explain why Gromweld is being so coy; the details undoubtedly involve spoilers.

Anyway, Resources 5 should help with feeding the multi-ton spirit cat currently tagging along with Aisha.
Without relying on the PRT, that is.
I think Presence parenting 2 is useful for dealing with Aisha, Saki, Ciara and Riley… Given Taylor is skiing I'm surprised we aren't getting either a Skii speciality or progress to acrobatics, hm I wonder what she is doing when she isn't skiing perhaps reading up on things?
Shes being offered Performance(Teaching) not Presence.

Performance being what she can use in teaching other people. Given as she's the local expert on Autochtonian lore, and in explaining it in Earth paradigms to a lot of important people, it makes it easier for her to explain stuff to PRT bureaucrats, scientists and the like. And in training assistants to help her work on Essence stuff, normal Tinker stuff and so on.

Hm does Prayer need more war? I guess it makes sense as a unit commander. Does Saki really need medicine, I mean part of what her charm can do is heal people inside it.

Prayer's currently War 2(+1 Parahumans).
That puts her at Human Average for commanding normal troops, and Professional for commanding parahumans.
War 3 (+1 Parahumans) would make her Professional at commanding normal troops, and Reputable at commanding Parahumans.

If she's going after the Fallen, being able to command PRT troopers well is essential.

2) Yes, Saki does.
She needs Medicine to diagnose people as requiring medical attention before she puts them into her shard-charm. Doesnt matter that she can heal you of brain damage if she thinks a person in a coma due to intracranial bleeding is just asleep. Medicine 1 is literally Novice; basic of basics.

Furthermore, one of her Quiet Gauge charms requires a successful Wits + Medicine roll to poison people nonlethally.

: 2m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisite Charms: Quiet Gauge Form

Constant vigilance is required in Autochthonia, for all it takes is a simple valve failure to cause an entire district to be filled with odorless, colorless toxin. So, too, must Citizens be mindful of their own health, as it is not unheard of for even the most popular Sodalites to suffer from a sudden stroke or heart failure. Manifesting this reality, the character focuses Essence on the tip of her finger or in her concealed needle. She imbues the needle with the corrosive understanding of the true fragility of the living body, then injects the unsuspecting target and waits for this knowledge to be absorbed. This taint affects whomever the character successfully attacks next, as long as she does so before the Charm ends. Single Point of Failure creates a poison with the following traits: Damage (Essence x 4)B/minute, Toxicity (Essence)L, Tolerance –/–, Penalty -0. As a supernatural poison, it has a few additional qualities. It does not take effect immediately, and the player of someone subjected to it makes no immediate Resistance roll. Instead, it settles into the target's body and waits an unknown period of time (at least one week, no more than three) before it causes either a heart attack, stroke, or other major organ failure. Until then, it is undetectable without supernatural means. It also never begins to kill until the victim is asleep in bed. Most never feel it and never wake up. Characters using this Charm can influence the poison's timing and deadliness. A (Wits + Medicine) roll, difficulty 2, allows the character to choose exactly when (from one to three weeks) the poison activates. Alternatively, a similar roll makes sure that it will not kill. Instead, the poison becomes dormant once the victim suffers his first wound in the Incapacitated level. It then kicks back in any time that health level heals, trying to keep the victim unconscious through repeated organ failure. The Quiet Gauge Stylist can inflict both these effects with a difficulty 3 roll.
To reliably make a Difficulty 2 Wits + Medicine roll without spending WP she needs 4 dice; to do so for Difficulty 3, she needs 6 dice.
She has Wits 2, Medicine 0 at the moment. 2 dice.
So yeah, she needs at least Medicine 2. Human Average. Preferably Medicine 2 + 2 specialty dots or Medicine 3 + 1 specialty dot.

... Wait this is the source of resource 5... Aisha is going to somehow acquire that much money from some other villian group to top Saki
Unlikely. Taylor would make her give it back.
It just means that she will make a splash. Look at the details of Resources 5 that I posted upthread.
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Just going to agree with Uju that there's been plenty of explanation why it's definitely not a trap option. It will involve complications, but is, by no means, a trap. That's not how exp spending works.
I'm still uncertain the purchase is worth it, we have a number of complications hanging around already. On a side note, have we/Taylor ever been offered a chance to get Resources 5? I can't remember.
I'm still uncertain the purchase is worth it, we have a number of complications hanging around already. On a side note, have we/Taylor ever been offered a chance to get Resources 5? I can't remember.
Noone else has been offered Resources 5 to the best of my knowledge.
I think Prayer only got her Resources 4 because chargen.
Taylor is on Resources 2.
My RTX 3090 died and took the motherboard with it. Motherboard was easy enough to replace - still within Amazon return window, so popped it in the nearby Amazon Locker and then just hopped over to Best Buy to pick up a new one. But RMA on the video card is 5-35 business days. Sigh.

Serves me right for gifting all my old PC parts to my nieces and nephews for Christmas, now I don't even have a spare to hobble along with. Anyway, I'll figure something out in the next few days so I at least have something to work on. In the meantime, might as well get voting started a little early - it seems people wait until the voting actually starts to do anything regarding Stunts:



My RTX 3090 died and took the motherboard with it. Motherboard was easy enough to replace - still within Amazon return window, so popped it in the nearby Amazon Locker and then just hopped over to Best Buy to pick up a new one. But RMA on the video card is 5-35 business days. Sigh.
Oof. My sympathies.
Hope there's 3090s in stock.
In the meantime, might as well get voting started a little early - it seems people wait until the voting actually starts to do anything regarding Stunts:
Is there an option for a writein?
Because I dont see a unified slate of options for the Assembly here.
The Assembly's Motivations and duties pull them in different directions in this scenario.

Saki may have inadvertently kicked off this particular episode of the Alchemical Times, but her Motivation is Fix Philadelphia.
Even with her high Compassion, her duties draw her here. Especially when you add the fact she'd have to go against Youth Guard disapproval and disrupt her other social projects. The most would b

Prayer on the other hand, has a Motivation of Prove Worthy of My New Life, and shes currently the new head of a Protectorate intervention group.
Created specifically for emergencies like this.
There's NO way she's not going.

Aisha, is squarely in the (Clean up things so Taylor doesnt have to) camp that we voted for a couple turns ago.
And this qualifies.
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[X] EOA - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - Medicine ●○○○○

[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
-[] Stunt goes here
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
-[] Stunt goes here
My RTX 3090 died and took the motherboard with it.

Ouch. As someone who had been trying every day since release until the week of Dec 20th to get a 3080, but 'settled' for the most expensive, not scalped, 3070... I feel I can say you have my deepest sympathies. I am so happy that they didn't try to claim the fault was with something else to wiggle out of RMAing the card given how scarce they still are, but I still wish you good fortune on a speedy replacement window.

Was it a card fault, a issue with the 8-pin cables or did it originate with the PCI-E interface (NZXT H1 riser cable short issue for example)?
Hope there's 3090s in stock.
Any video card made in the last ~4 years is either out of stock or scalped to high heaven for double or triple the price.
Was it a card fault, a issue with the 8-pin cables or did it originate with the PCI-E interface (NZXT H1 riser cable short issue for example)?
Looks to be a card fault. Swapped motherboards, power supplies (tried different rail configs for each PSU), and RAM but no change. Monitor turns on for a split-second, then loses signal and the card spins its fans down and powers off. Motherboard on-board BIOS lights show VGA Card Error, so looks pretty conclusively the card's fault. Especially sucks because it just up and died suddenly, no warning or errors before-hand.

Is there an option for a writein?
Because I dont see a unified slate of options for the Assembly here.
The Assembly's Motivations and duties pull them in different directions in this scenario.
No Write-Ins. The conflict is intentional - someone's going to be unhappy no matter what we choose!

There's a lot of tweaks I need to do to Chapter 10.6 to address some grammar and plot holes, gonna get to them tomorrow evening hopefully.
Saki may have inadvertently kicked off this particular episode of the Alchemical Times, but her Motivation is Fix Philadelphia.
Even with her high Compassion, her duties draw her here. Especially when you add the fact she'd have to go against Youth Guard disapproval and disrupt her other social projects. The most would b
You appear to have cut something off.
Looks to be a card fault
Hrm. Only other things i can think of is check the PSU rating (intelligent psus have been known to trip current protection when the card spikes even if they are at or slightly above the recommended wattage), making sure each 8 pin is a separate rail and not just another connector off of the same cable and finally if the card has an alternate VBIOS config (usually a small switch on the card for performance and silent operation).

Anything else is something that would require knowledge or experience in electronic assembly/repair to try yourself, but could void the warranty and risk your RMA. At this point, with confirmation of an RMA, I wouldn't even disassemble the shroud to check the thermal pads or repaste the interface material on the GPU.
[X] Assembly Helps PRT Clean Up Fallen, Is Away From Philadelphia
[X] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○

Thought is that:
-Cleaning up Fallen is effectively cleaning up the mess we accidentally made. Should be done.
-If we delay and we aren't at Philadelphia for the time period, 100% the fight will be hot and hard at Philly right when things throw down.
-The Endbringers are also making their own preparations no doubt, I prefer a fight that goes off earlier than later, as they cannot predict us perfectly yet, but time is making up for any initial deficiencies.
-I'm so out of practice with stunts I'm drawing a blank now >.>
-Saving Assembly XP for the new exalt is important, the omake floodgates have stalled with the hiatus. We have:
--EOA 2 XP
--FPoP 3 XP
--WoRI 3 XP
--WMS 1 XP
--Assembly(this is the exaltation goodies piggy bank) 36.5
[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame

[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●
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[X] WMS - Resources ●●●●●

Never voted here before, how much xp do I have to put in for this? It won't win, don't care, Aishas wild shenanigans are what moves me most. I must know.
Hrm. Only other things i can think of is check the PSU rating (intelligent psus have been known to trip current protection when the card spikes even if they are at or slightly above the recommended wattage), making sure each 8 pin is a separate rail and not just another connector off of the same cable and finally if the card has an alternate VBIOS config (usually a small switch on the card for performance and silent operation).
Sadly, both PSUs I tried showed no difference (making sure I was using two individual rails each attempt) and the card sadly doesn't have an alternate VBIOS toggle. I'd have to flash it manually to update/change the VBIOS, and since I can't even get visuals from the thing that's a fool's errand AND a quick way to voiding the warranty.

Anyway, this is a derail so back to Quest Stuff.
Just going to agree with Uju that there's been plenty of explanation why it's definitely not a trap option. It will involve complications, but is, by no means, a trap. That's not how exp spending works.
Clarifying the thoughts here: Resources 5 isn't a "trap" in the sense of "this is a net negative" kind of way. It will certainly have complications, however, just as how Fame causes both positive and negative reactions in people, or how Allies are both helpful and come with obligations to help them.

Think of this more as the question: "Do I want Aisha to have fuck-off levels of cash-on-hand at her disposal?" It will certainly change her approach to lots of things, and will definitely impact her overall mindset; she is a child of poverty, so there's no doubt that attaining ridiculous amounts of wealth so quickly will alter her behavior. So it's a question of whether we want her character to develop along that path or whether we think she doesn't need that kind of tool in her toolbox (just yet, at least) given that she's already got so many other options available to her right now.
I absolutely want Aisha to have fuck-off levels of cash, but was my vote sufficient earlier? Do I need to add xp to it, and how much?
[X] Assembly Helps PRT Clean Up Fallen, Is Away From Philadelphia
[X] Exalt Candidate Early, Bigger Fight At The Cradle
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●

[X] STUNT: "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."
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[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○

[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame

While the resources may be useful, it's a high XP cost for something I'm not convinced would be worth the complications. We have enough complications to deal with as it is!

I'm currently leaning towards just holding down the fort while Taylor finishes her vacation. Impact is good, but I don't want to spread us even thinner than we already are, and while we would help with dealing with the Fallen fallout, we aren't necessary. Now is a time to consolidate and recover while we prep for the next big thing.

I certainly wouldn't be opposed to Prayer making some strike runs to help with particular strongpoints and difficulties in the Fallen cleanup. I just don't want us picking up and abandoning Philadelphia entirely.
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●

Thank you, I didn't know how much it costs. Be adventurous y'all!
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○

[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame

Will choose other actions later.


[X] STUNT: "There is room for another killzone here," Prayer's clipped tones rang out as she pointed to a spot on the latest plans for Philadelphia's reconstruction. "Indeed," replied Accord, tapping his can on the meeting room's marble floor, "but that would reduce the area for the manufacturing centers." His mask formed an expression that hybridized a smile and grimace. "It seems that we've reached the point where true improvement is impossible, merely making tradeoff's between Philadelphia's functions as a deathtrap for Endbringers, and for being an actual city."
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[X] Assembly Helps PRT Clean Up Fallen, Is Away From Philadelphia
-[] Stunt goes here
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
-[] Stunt goes here
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●
Edited in other votes.

[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 14 XP - Resources ●●●●●

I want to see where this goes.
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-Saving Assembly XP for the new exalt is important, the omake floodgates have stalled with the hiatus. We have:
--EOA 2 XP
--FPoP 3 XP
--WoRI 3 XP
--WMS 1 XP
--Assembly(this is the exaltation goodies piggy bank) 36.5
Those totals are out of date - the XP log on the front page only covers through the purchases at the start of 10.4. I calculated our available XP in an earlier post:
The spreadsheet covers spending through 10.5 and lists the current totals as 1 Taylor XP, 1 Sirkalla XP, 1 Saki XP, 2 Aisha XP, and 42.5 Assembly XP.

At the start of 10.6, 8 XP was spent on Taylor, 8 XP on Sirkalla, 6 XP on Saki, and 6XP on Aisha.

Every chapter, each Assembly member earns 1 XP and the Assembly earns [number of Assembly members divided by 2] XP.

This means the end-of-10.6 totals should be 1 Taylor XP, 1 Sirkalla XP, 1 Saki XP, 1 Aisha XP, and 21.5 Assembly XP (unless I've missed some new art/omake/holiday bonus XP).
We have enough to get everything, but doing so would leave us with very little XP available when we exalt a new Alchemical in a chapter or two. Unless people start pumping out tons of art and omakes, it'd be wise to save up.

Anyway, voting for the only things I have a strong opinion on:
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] Assembly Stays In Philadelphia, Lets PRT Handle Fallen Cleanup
[X] Wait For Taylor, Risk Leviathan Coming To Philadelphia
[X] Saki Lets PRT Take Most Credit For Fallen Defeat, Gains Minimal Fame

[X] EOA - 2 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (Specialty: Teaching ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - War ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○

As of right now, I do not think Resources 5 for Aisha is a good idea.