Because I can, and because we should attempt to stockpile more XP:
None of these are my pictures said:
NAME: Curator of Mirrored Possibilities
ALIASES: Sakura Kurosawa, Uzu, The Autochtonia Twin
EXALTATION: Alchemical
CASTE: Starmetal
ICONIC ANIMA: Brilliant, electrified, black-and-white filigree on a darkened sky, coalescing into a revolving spirograph that forms a lone yang symbol.
MOTIVATION: Hopebringer.
ESSENCE: ●●●●○ (4)
Dexterity ●●●○○ (3)
Manipulation ●●●●● ●● (5+2=7)
Intelligence ●●●●○ ○ (3+1=4)
Stamina ●●●●● ○○ (3+2=5)
Charisma ●●●●● ●● (5+2=7)
Perception ●●○○○ (2)
Strength ●●●●● ●● (5+2=7)
Appearance ●●●●● ●● (5+2=7)
Wits ●●●●●○○ (3+2=5)
Archery/Firearms ●○○○○ (Specialty: Heavy Metal ●●○)
Athletics ●●●○○ (Specialty: Backwards and In High Heels ●●○)
Awareness ●●●●● (Specialty: Peoplewatching ●●○, In Deaths Ground ●●●)
Craft (Earth,Wood) ●○○○○ (Specialty: Landscaping ●●○, Fashion ●●○)
Dodge ●○○○○ (Specialty: Unarmored ●●●)
Integrity ●●●○○ (Specialty: Torture ●○○)
Investigation ●●●○○ (Specialty: Body Language ●●●)
Larceny ●○○○○ (Specialty: Copying ●○○)
Linguistics (Old Realm (Native), Japanese, English, Autochthonian, Rocktongue) ●●●○○ (Specialty: Tawdry Romances ●○○) [Dialect: Cryptophasia]
Lore ●●●○○ (Specialty: Parahumans ●●○, Tawdry Romances ●●●, Spatial Memory ●●●, Autochthonian History ●●○)
Martial Arts ●●●●● (Specialty:Unarmored ●●○)
Medicine ●●○○○
Occult ●●●○○
Performance ●●●●○ (Specialty: Disney Montage ●●●, Dance ●●○, Keeping Up Appearances ●●●)
Presence ●●●●○ (Specialty: Subtle Hints ●○○, Yenta ●●○, Body Language ●●●)
Resistance ●●●○○ (Specialty: Enduring Torture ●○○)
Socialize ●●●●○ (Specialty: Quiet Observations ●●○)
Stealth ○○○○○ (Specialty: Completely Harmless ●○○)
War ●●○○○ (Specialty: Love Is A Battlefield ●●●)
Shard of Transcendental Imprisonment [3m][CANNOT BE REMOVED]
- Sub-Module: Eternal Interment Fail-Safes [ACTIVE]
- Sub-Module: Repurposed Armament Directives [ACTIVE]
- Sub-Module: Multi-Aperture Deployment [ACTIVE]
Perfected Lotus Matrix [2m] [CANNOT BE REMOVED]
- Sub-Module: Lotus Filament Conduction
4th Appearance Augmentation (x2) [1m]
4th Charisma Augmentation (x2) [1m]
4th Manipulation Augmentation (x2) [1m]
4th Intelligence Augmentation [1m]
4th Wits Augmentation (x2) [1m]
4th Strength Augmentation (x2)[1m]
4th Stamina Augmentation (x2) [1m]
Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh [0m]
- Sub-Module: Tireless Pneumatic Musculature
Industrial Survival Frame [1m]
- Sub-Module: Crystal
- Sub-Module: Lightning
- Sub-Module: Metal
- Sub-Module: Oil
- Sub-Module: Smoke
- Sub-Module: Steam
- Sub-Module: Sixfold Transcendence Synergy
- Sub-Module: Environmental Dominance
- Sub-Module: Attack Assimilation Mode
Unconditional Imperative Programming [1m]
- Sub-Module: Incarnate Law Speaker
- Sub-Module: Champion's Compelling Assertion
Perfected Union Patterning [1m]
Pattern Facilitation Module [1m]
Agenda Recalibration Protocols [1m]
Husk-Sculpting Apparatus [2m]
- Sub-Module: Self-Sculpt
- Sub-Module: Identity Distortion Mirage
- Sub-Module: Vocal Modulator Field
- Sub-Module: Essence-Warping Anatomy
- Sub-Module: Biochemical Synthesizers
- Sub-Module: Metamorphic Physiology
Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier [1m]
- Sub-Module: Loom Server Migration
- Sub-Module: Essence-Muting Baffles
- Sub-Module: Deep Cover Mode
Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations[1m]
- Sub-Module: Synthetic Bliss Engrams
Emotive Aesthetics of the Body Electric [1m]
- Sub-Module: Dormancy Emotive Upgrade
Interpolative Syntax Emulator [1m]
- Sub-Module: Infallible Fluency Vocoder
Programmed Catechism Rebuttal [1m]
- Sub-Module: Guardian Interjection Node
Industrial Champion Icon [1m][Exemplar 1]
- Sub-Module: Counter-Dissonance Stabilizer
- Sub-Module: Heresy Declaration Beacon
Hydraulic Musculature Reinforcement[1m]
Motivational Vocoder[1m]
- Sub-Module: Noetic Signal Booster
Enshrined Divinity Apparatus [0m]
Radiant Iconography Array [0m]
- Sub-Module: Chromatic Lies
- Sub-Module: Intrinsic Evocation System
Unobtrusive Repartee Baffles [0m]
Hierarchical Dogma Lock [0m]
- Sub-Module: Multimodal Duty Integrator (x4)
- Sub-Module: Herald Infuser
Aura-Dampening Component [0m]
Synaptic Acceleration Node [0m]
- Sub-Module: Inarguable Confidence Booster
Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols [0m][Exemplar 1]
- Sub-Module: Instructive Fear Resonator
Patriotism-Provoking Display [1m]
- Sub-Module: Many Is One Node
- Sub-Module: One Is Many Node
Personality Override Spike [2m]
- Sub-Module: Identity Recalibration Signal
- Sub-Module: Mind-Ripping Probe
- Sub-Module: Memory Implantation Surge
- Sub-Module: Subsidiary Personality Implant
Multifunctional Hypodermic Apparatus [2m]
- Sub-Module: Anagathic
- Sub-Module: Antiseptic
- Sub-Module: Coagulant
- Sub-Module: Essence Infusion
- Sub-Module: Great Maker's Mercy
- Sub-Module: Metabolic Accelerator
- Sub-Module: Technoetic Infusion
- Sub-Module: Crystal Fly's Eye Potion
- Sub-Module: Exquisite Chef's Palette Potion
- Sub-Module: Munificent Antivenin
- Sub-Module: Philtre of Desire
- Sub-Module: Dutiful Militat Formula
- Sub-Module: Metal-Lightning Potion
- Sub-Module: Regulator-Issue Tranquilizer
- Sub-Module: Great Maker's Bane
Essence Abundance(Blight)x4: +40m[cap is one Essence pool expander charm or mutation per Essence level]
Dreaming Pearl Courtesan: All charms
Violet Bier of Sorrows: Secrets of Future Strife
Throne Shadow Style: Lotus Eye Tactics, Lion Mouse Stratagem, Sifu's Useful Fingers, Unobstructed Blow, Throne Shadow Form, Horrific Wreath
Ally (Isli the Brass Leviathan, E7 Lesser Elemental Dragon and former Western Arbiter of Storms of Creation's First Age)●●●○○
Ally (Siyas Ukka Ashjarem-Pless, E5 Enlightened Worker, Jadeborn Cyborg)●●○○○
Ally (Glori Bran Palas-Urvar, E5 Enlightened Warrior, Jadeborn Cyborg)●●○○○
Ally (Midnight Blue, E5 Artisan Jadeborn Cyborg Sorcerer. Fashionista)●●○○○
Artifact:●●●●● ●
- Artifact ●○○○○ (Essence-Scrying Visor.3m for a scene, or 3m committed. +2 Awareness. Pierces total darkness, fog,smoke,precipitation,thick underbrush and and any other non-solid barriers to vision. Sees immaterial beings, Essence-powered objects, and characters/objects under Charm influence.)
- Artifact ●○○○○ (Fivefold Harmonic Adapter. No attunement)** Damaged, nonfunctional.
- Artifact ●○○○○ (Collar of Dawns Cleansing Light. 1m attunement. Keeps wearer clean. Negates all penalties to Social rolls due to character being dirty or unkempt. +2 dice to Sta + Res rolls made against disease or poison.)
- Artifact ●●○○○ (Dragon Tear Tiara. 2m attunement. +1 Perception. OR +3 Occult to tasks that require occult sensitivity like astrology, detecting spirits and geomancy. Rolls for sorcery specifically excluded. Fluff as hair ornament)
- Artifact ●●○○○ (Heaven Thunder Leaves, matched pair.1 dot per leaf, 2m attunement each, 4m for pair.Starmetal MM bonus.Broad fan(s) reinforced with a magical material and painted with various scenes. Each set tells a classic legend or fable. Mundane warfan stats
erfect equipment + starmetal MM melee bonus = Speed 4, Accuracy +3, Damage +4L, Defense +4, Rate 3, Tags: M. Attracts attention of local Terrestrial gods on Dexterity/Charisma + Performance dance roll of at least 3 successes. Every success above 3 adds +1 to first subsequent social roll towards those gods, dice maximum +6. Fluff as being able to show Earth Bet stories)
- Artifact ●●○○○ (Transformative Armor.6L/4B, 2/2 Hardness.2m attunement. Set as fashionable dress(es))
- Artifact ●●○○○ (Warding Eye. Starmetal Thunderbolt Shield. Def+5. 5m attunement. Starmetal MM bonus: Allows the user to apply their shield-derived DV against one unexpected attack per scene)**
- Artifact ●●●○○ (Gauntlets of Distant Touch(WoTLA pg 76). 4m attunement, 3m activation. Range Essence*3 yards. Starmetal MM melee bonus: Acc +1, Dmg +3. All attacks are compatible with all Martial Arts. In close combat, add magical material bonus to unarmed punches, and parry both melee and ranged attacks. When activated, can perform hand tasks at range, deliver ranged MA hand strikes and clinches, parry attacks aimed at anyone within range, and impose -1 PDV to enemy PDV because of invisibility of force. Fluff as elaborate ladies' gloves which adjust appearance to complement the current outfit setting.)
- Artifact ●●●○○ (Smithers. Clockwork Efficacy Servitor. WoTLA pg 107). No attunement. Household/protocol/utility servitor robot. Potential to grow in value, or switch roles to Ally.
- Artifact ●●●○○ (Edge of No Other Purpose. Grand Daiklave. 8m attunement. Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +11L/4, Defense +0, Rate 1, Tags: 2, O, R. Hearthstone sockets 3. Jade MM bonus: -1 Speed, +1 Damage.Starmetal MM bonus:+1 Accuracy, +3 Damage)** Damaged, nonfunctional.
- *Supplemented by copies from SoTI.
- **Not customarily attuned. Acquired by plot events, and not repaired for sentiment.
Backing (PRT) ●○○○○
Backing (Veterans of the Twilight Wars) ●●●●○
Command(Automatons) ●●○○○
Connections ●●●○○ (Jadeborn Conclave)
Connections ●●●○○ (Autochtonian Spirit Courts)
Connections ●●●○○ (Ten Nations)
Connections ●●●●○ (Ministerial Retinues)
Connections ●●●●● (Alchemical Community)
Connections ●●●●● (Estasia)
Eidolon/Past Lives ●●●○○
Familiar (Crushing Grasp, Spirit of the Mk III Siege Pagoda) ●●●●●
Influence(Autochtonia) ●●●●●
Mentor (Autochthon) ●●●●●
SoTI Arsenal (Autochtonian Artifacts) ●●●○○ (Artifact ratings 3 dots and below)
SoTI Arsenal (Autochtonian Equipment) ●●●●● (Non-artifact Autochtonian equipment)
SoTI Prisoner (Oberashti War, Palladium Worm Incident) N/A
Reputation (Ward) ●○○○○ "Oh, right, didn't Philly have those two Wards that can teleport? The Twister Sisters or something?"
Reputation (Alchemical) ●●●●● (Primordial Intervention)
RED Intimacies have not been fully-established yet, and are not used for bonuses/negatives.
GREY Intimacies yield the normal bonuses/negatives until fully eroded.
Warden of Reflected Infinities (My Sister Is My Life) [Servitude] ●●●
My Mortal Existence (I Believe I Am Sakura) [Illusion] ●●●
Enduring Order Administrator (Savior Of The Broken) [Servitude] ●●●
Enduring Order Administrator (Friends Can Tell The Difference) [Illusion] ●●●
Enduring Order Administrator (Blinded By The Big Picture) [Emotion|Concern] ●●●
Gloria Sato (Parental Support When I Need It) [Emotion|Affection] ●●●
Philadelphia Wards (Friends In An Empty World) [Illusion] ●●●
PRT (Convoluted, Slow, Necessary) [Illusion] ●●●
Smutty Fiction (Our Secret With Mom) [Emotion|Affection] ●●●
Smutty Fiction (It's ART!) [Illusion] ●●●
Chevalier (I Bet Saki I Can Kiss Him Before She Kisses Armsmaster) [Illusion] ●●●
Enslavement (I Will Never Be Someone's Tool) [Emotion|Fury] ●●●
Lord Crushing Grasp (Delightfully Learned, Loquacious, Lewd) [Servitude] ●●●
Miss Militia|Hannah (So Cool She Forgot How To Be Normal) [Illusion] ●●●
Legend (A Hero, But Human) [Illusion] ●●●
Erlik, Apostate Metropolis (Wants Me For My Body)[Emotion|Fear] ●●●
Brasla Reyan Palas-Lutar, E5 Enlightened Jadeborn Warrior (Died So I Might Live) [Emotion|Grief] ●●●
Siyas Ukka Ashjarem-Pless, E5 Enlightened Jadeborn Cyborg, Shadow Finger (Going To Get Her Killed) [Emotion|Guilt] ●●●
Glori Bran Palas-Urvar, E5 Enlightened Jadeborn Cyborg, Shadow Finger (Going To Get Her Killed) [Emotion|Guilt] ●●●
Midnight Blue, E5 Artisan Jadeborn Cyborg, Shadow Finger(Childlike But Not Childish) [Emotion|Bemusement]●●●
Isli the Brass Leviathan,E7 Lesser Elemental Dragon, former Western Arbiter of Storms, Shadow Finger(My Responsibility)[Servitude]●●●
Smithers, Clockwork Efficiency Servitor, Shadow Finger (Nature is healing) [Emotion|Affection] ●●●
Herald of The Black Engine, Apostate Adamant (Making A List And Checking It Twice) [Emotion|Fury] ●●●
Jadeborn Society (What Brasla Would Have Wanted) [Servitude] ●●●
Estasia (No, You Move) [Illusion] ●●●
Estasia (A Place To Stand And A Lever) [Illusion] ●●●
Estasia (For It's Flaws, Still A Lot To Like) [Illusion] ●●●
Autochtonia (Cancelling The Apocalypse) [Illusion] ●●●
Junior Apprentice Surgeon Idina/Senior Surgeon Penthus (Cute Couple/Workplace Romance) [Illusion] ●●●
Tribute to Comrades Lost, Orichalcum Caste Champion of Estasia (Tricky)[Emotion|Reluctant Admiration] ●●●
Weld/EOA (CLANG CLANG CLANG) [Illusion] ●●○
Chevalier/EOA (Dark Chest of Wonders) [Illusion] ●○○
Kid Win/EOA (Awkward Artificers) [Illusion] ●○○
Gallant/EOA (White Knight Takes Black Queen) [Illusion] ●○○
Broadcast/Kid Win (Checking Structural Integrity Of This Ship) [Illusion] ●○○
Gallant/Vista (Love Can Find A Way Through Any Obstacle) [Illusion] ●○○
Transfusion/Vista (The Healing Hypercube) [Illusion] ●○○
Geode/Anyone But Xylophone (Don't Let Penny Know) [Illusion] ●○○
EOA/Dragon (Workshop Waifus) [Illusion] ●●○
Valor: ●●○○○
Compassion: ●●●○○
Conviction: ●●●○○
Temperance: ●●○○○
Temporary: ●●○○○ ○○○○○
Permanent: ●○○○○ ○○○○○
Temporary: ●●●●● ○○○○○
Permanent: ●●●●● ●●●●●
Respiration: Normal (4/hour active, 8/hour resting)
Personal: 0/22 [Charm Installations(22)]
Peripheral: 67/96[+Essence Abundance blight[10m]x4][-29m committed to artifacts]
Sleep: Tired (-1 Internal Penalty)
Mental Integrity: Freaking Out
Wounds: None
Derangement (PTSD)
Mutation (Twin Souls) [Always know direction and health of other Twin; share Essence, Willpower pools and Charms when physically touching; death of one Twin kills other],
Mutation (Overclocked Frame) [+1 Essence Rating; +2 to Intimidation attempts; -2 to non-Intimidation social interactions; mundane stealth and attempts to disguise Alchemical nature automatically fail]
The instantiation of Curator of Mirrored Possibilities hit Autochtonian society like a wrecking ball, and the ripples are still reverberating.
Arriving in the manner she did, and with the timing she did, with multiple witnesses including elder Alchemicals to the Godhead of Autochton has marked her across Autochtonian society as an instrument of the Maker's Will, and news of her origins have touched all of the Ten Nations and beyond. It gives her actions, and her opinions a weight unseen in a fresh Exalt since Autochton Exalted the First Eight.
Savants marvel at the speed at which she has acquired proficiency in a range of skills, and the unprecedented capabilities of her shard-charm.
Behind closed doors, there are more quiet mutterings about the ramifications of a situation that makes the Maker personally intervene in the process of Exaltation for the first time in several thousand years, and the implications of the society from which she claims origins.
The weight of expectations lie heavy.
Estasian citizens and Alchemicals at all levels are publicly and demonstrably proud of being Autochton's choice of society for her rebirth, and the logistical implications of her power have had significant impact on Estasian abilities to support remote outposts and expeditions, as well as access to rare deposits in the Reaches. The tone of her relationship with the Estasian public was set with her pivotal role in saving the Sutek Expedition from the Palladium Worm, and while her flat refusal to support offensive military operations do not sit well with the Estasian mindset, her actions in the Oberashti War and its aftermath saved the lives of millions across all Ten Nations.
Less publicly, tensions remain.
Coercive pressures to get her to commit to Estasian foreign policy precepts, while discussed at the highest levels, were abandoned with the arrival of her first Jadeborn bodyguard and her custom panoply, but more subtle pressures have remained. Her flat refusal to allow her power to be utilized as a bargaining chip or military threat against the other Nine Nations, while key to opening international doors and enabling cooperation on a range of issues, grates on high ranking Militate strategoi and Olgotary diplomats alike, as does her stated refusal to provide logistical support to any operations prosecuting warfare against other legitimate Autochtonian govts.
Her consistent, public opposition to the theory and practice of the doctrine of Estasian Manifest Destiny and her less public criticisms of Estasian military policy have brought her into repeated rhetorical conflict with powerful factions of Estasian governing orthodoxy, including Lux himself, who bestirred himself for a memorably fiery disagreement.
And certain factions and officials are increasingly unhappy about the increased Ministerial scrutiny her presence attracts to their fiefdoms.
But the recalcitrance and opposition of entrenched ideological factions and interests are far from Sakura's only concerns.
Multiple Apostates and gremlin lords, emboldened by the events of the Oberashti War, have made largely unsuccessful runs at her, from crude assassination attempts to more subtle attempts via striking at her through the arcane link of her banked charms.
In the last week, she and her entourage were attacked by what turned out to be operatives in service of an assassination-abduction plot by Erlik of Ten Thousand Blasphemies, acting overtly for the first time in millenia. It failed, but in the process left her with a captured and imprisoned E5 Erlikean Avatar-Body, a captive representing a priceless intelligence windfall on millenia of Apostate activity.
And temptingly, an arcane link for backtracking the body back to its parent city.
A priceless opportunity to remove a major threat to the Maker's wellbeing, should she throw her weight behind organizing a multinational force.
Or a cunningly laid trap.
Sakura's panoply was manufactured by the Jadeborn Conclave to custom specifications.
She wears a suit of Artifact 2 Transformative Armor, set as clothes(alternate option is Artifact 4 moonsilver/starmetal Infinite Resplendence Amulet). In a deliberate contrast to the robes and unisex trouser suits that dominate human Autochtonian society, it's programmed with an everchanging permutation of colorful flowing dresses from Earth Bet fashions and fictions, and accessorized with a variety of props, including hair ribbons, sashes, shawls, parasols and fans.
These are invariably paired with a collar of dawns cleansing light around her neck, a stylised dragons tear tiara in her hair, and a set of gauntlets of distant touch, with or without an essence-scrying visor. All of which have been observed to adjust themselves to suit the sartorial tone of her current outfit without apparently impeding their function or being any less recognizable.
Heaven thunder leaves may make an appearance on formal occasions or during visits to spirit areas, along with a clockwork efficacy servitor.
In the immediate aftermath of her first bodyguard's death she carried the starmetal thunderbolt shield and grand daiklave they left behind; a curious choice for a master martial artist, but one that served her well enough.
The shield still makes an occasional appearance, the sword does not.
Her Arsenal rating represents access to shard-emulated copies of every non-unique Artifact rated (Essence-1) or lower and examples of portable Equipment that have passed through the custody of her Shard-charm. At Essence 4, this includes access to Artifact 3 Brass Legionnaire-class military automatons and construction drones, which has materially increased her ability to apply military force or excess labor to a given task, and accounts for her current Command rating.
She is publicly known to be a master of the Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style of Celestial Martial Arts, and a student of Throne Shadow Style.
Less publicly known is the fact that she is an initiate of the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style, but has chosen not to pursue it further, allegedly because she doesnt like the way that it makes her feel.
Autobot wouldnt make Saki a Scorpion/Cat Girl with a tail and not give her sister the same functionality.
Symmetry demands it. So Doomspike + Drug Factory Tail + Penance Stare are in her panoply, even though she doesnt use them as much due to a difference in approach.
Panoply also has five charms like her sister.
We have WoG that indicates that in her time in Autochtonia, Sakura has already been involved in at least two S-class incidents.
This points at an accelerated rate of XP gain compared to other members of the Assembly, especially since she gets to hog the XP alone. Combined with the access to pre-existing infrastructure, that justifies her significantly beefier loadout.
Smithers is an old, old Clockwork Efficiency Servitor looted by Sakura during a visit to Wisant in Nurad which survived one of their historical purges of advanced automatons. Protocol/household robot with high Craft and socials from age; forgot original given name due to damage. May still grow up to fully sapient lifeform. Think a much more competent C3PO.
Name options were either Smithers from The Simpsons or Geoffrey from Fresh Prince, and I didnt think an Autochtonian servitor would be programmed with Geoffreyan snark.
+1 Wits, +1 Strength and +1 Dexterity at E4.
Wits because Wits 5 is a SoTI submodule prereq, Strength to increase her ability to lift stuff, and Dexterity just because she lives in a warzone, and the death of her previous bodyguard inspired a little more militancy. She really should get Stamina 5+2, but Im leaving that for her E5.
Strength 7, Essence 4, Athletics 3(+2 Unarmored), with Hydraulic Muscular Reinforcement making Strength count twice for the purpose of feats of strength. SoTI FoS Score is [(Essence 4*<Str 7*Hydraulic Muscle Reinforcement 2>) + Athletics 3 + Specialty 2] = 56+3+2 = 61.
FoS 61 = 705 tons carry weight. Enough to move a bunch of Colossi or Warstriders at a time. Or Artifact 4/5 vehicles. Or heavy industrial equipment.
Burn a WP to add half permanent WP to the roll, and FoS becomes 66, which is 1355 tons.
Hydraulic Muscle Reinforcement should damn well allow her wield a grand daiklave one-handed as well. If not, a thunderbolt shield is no encumbrance. If the shield is not allowed, use a fan.Both blade and shield belonged to her first, dead bodyguard.
Besides, frankly, someone with Mentor 5 Autochton in Autochtonia is not going to be short on access to artifacts. Especially if they only need to borrow them.
High App DPC stylist and social expert wearing long flowing outfits in Autochtonia.Looks are in theme. So a Collar of Dawns Cleansing Light is necessary.
Light implosion bows, concussive Essence cannon variants up to Medium and lightning ballista are all Artifact 3 or smaller, which makes them all duplicable by Essence 4 SoTI, but since only Sakura can use it, she(or automatons under her control) need to be involved in the firing.
Which is where her Archery/Firearms rating comes from.
Bigger artillery like medium implosion bows(Art 4), Large(Art 4) and Very Large(Art 5) concussive Essence cannon, and stormhammers(Art 5) cant yet be duplicated by SoTI, but they can be maintained and reloaded(for those that can use alchemical fuels). Which means in the event of gremlin hunting in blight zones, reconnaissance by artillery fire becomes a viable tactic without worrying about logistical concerns or wasting Essence.
Presence(Yenta) and War(Love Is a Battlefield) are both specialties.
She is based out of a nationstate that enjoys its conflict between love and duty stories, and there's noone to restrain her shipping impulses. So....
VBoS form weapons are sword(all types), staff and knife and artifact versions thereof, which allows her to use a grand daiklave with MA instead of having to buy Melee, and justifies buying VBoS charms instead of dots of Melee. Thats the OOC reason. IC, multiple brushes with death and gremlins resulted in a somewhat more militant outlook than her sister at first, before backtracking into something less brutally lethal.
Two replacement bodyguards instead of one. One each from Warrior and Worker Jadeborn castes.
Artisans remain too scarce to be spared.
A full shard(100) of Enlightened Jadeborn was originally in the works after the Oberashti War both as a not-so-subtle hint to the Estasia and a reinforcing unit that Sakura could draw on for both martial and manufacturing aid. However, a certain someone murdered a whole bunch of high-Essence Jadeborn doing important manufacturing work, and the majority were diverted to help staff the replacement crews.
Whether that was a deliberate move to limit the hard power options of a chaotic agent by a longtime skeptic of organizational change or just a happy coincidence for the Divine Minister of Dogma in the course of his duties is left to your speculation.
-Sakura holds the Palladium Worm and its pilot Idriandiot in detention.
SoTI stripped the subroutine of it's automaton-body as per standard weapon protocols, but Divine Minister Domadamod has so far declined to come retrieve and reformat his erstwhile subordinate, presumably because it would require walking
into the Shard of Transcendent Imprisonment. And Sakura has declined to release the pilot back out because of standing Shard protocols regarding Gremlin Disease-infected inmates, which would require the assistance of her sister or Autochton's direct mandate to alter.
-Isli the Brass Leviathan was looted by the Viator during their raid on Creation.
Turns out that when you've been turned into a programmed death machine by a mad Solar, you're eligible for Vision's Total Control charms against destroyer spirits.
Used during the Twilight Incursion to help loot a bunch of sites and fight off hostile objectors.
Chucked into storage when it was brought back to Autochtonia since there was no need for a war machine of that potency.
Broken out in a hurry during the Oberashti War and placed under Alchemical command to combat the gremlin hordes; as a non-Autochtonian, it wasnt bound by any geases against Autochtonian-originated entities.
Fixed by Sakura and SoTI after it received battlefield damage during that campaign;the shard de-equipped the vessel-automaton, and it and Sakura directly deprogrammed and healed the lesser elemental dragon Isli. Sakura, much like her sister, takes a very dim view of slavery. Gained her an Ally 3 lesser elemental dragon of water/air that lived through the First Age and most of the history of Creation.
And the irritation/amusement of various Divine Ministers in turn, depending on their temperament.
They still have regular tea parties every week.
-Influence 5 because after the manner of her Exaltation, and her work in the Oberashti War, they HAVE heard of her.
And Sakura is the naturally more forward of the Twins.
-Command 2 represents control over a reinforced platoon of 125 soldiers, with Command 1 being 25 soldiers and Command 5 representing 5000-10000 soldiers.
It is canon that Autochtonia has no lack of automatons, or the ability to build them, even though they rather use human labor because of the way prayer-mechanics work( Creation figured out how to make automation work with that back in the First Age, but that's an argument for another time).
What rather changes the whole picture is Sakura's access to a personally loyal force that can't be subverted by hostile magic due to the way SoTI replicates and repairs automatons. On the one hand it makes her a lot less worried about her bodyguards, since she can give them meatshields, and gives SoTI additional armaments.
On the other hand, it makes serious people in quiet rooms draw up contingency plans for the future.
Courtesy TVTropes:
Malfeas is twisted and agonized and full of hatred for both himself and everything else in existence. And yet... sometimes, when demons play music, a man made of brass appears in their midst. This is Malfeas himself. And what does he do in a demon's party? He dances. That's all. And he dances beautifully, and without a care. Most demons believe that, in these brief moments between his fits of rage, Malfeas is at peace.
This could also be a reflection of the nature of this universe; music is what brings everything and everyone together. The Primordials loved music. The Fair Folk love music. Mortals love music. The dead love music. Demons love music. Song and dance are a fundamental part of Creation; the fact that its imprisoned makers haven't twisted this into something horrible says a lot about them.
This represents the surviving combatants of the Twilight Incursion, Autochtonian and Creation-born.
Some of them did go into Minister-mandated stasis for one reason or the other, but the vast majority, Alchemicals, spirits and behemoths, went into genpop and have worked their way into various positions of influence.
Most of them have maintained a loose information and influence network since then.
All of them saw a universe die at the hands of the Breakers, which was a singularly traumatizing event. Had to turn down requests for help, turn a deaf ear to bitter curses.
They have collated and tracked reports on the health of the Maker with concern, and have worriedly noted the silence on the part of the Ministers to even the most oblique inquiries about future plans. And are some of the most relieved when news of the Earth Bet Assembly made it into the public domain after Sakura's Exaltation.
They remain some of Sakura's quietest but most solid supporters.
This represents access to mass combat-relevant numbers of automatons rated Artifact 3 or less due to SoTI replication.
Examples include utility bots like the Folding Servant (Art 2, WoTLA 99) and Clockwork Efficacy Servitor(Art 3 for secondgen, Art 5 for firstgen which can self-replicate) to heavy construction models like the Hand of the Mountain (Art 2, WoTLA 99) to the military-spec Brass Legionnaire(Art 3, WoTLA 103-104).
When the enabling submod activated at Essence 4, it came as quite the surprise to her. To the other assorted watchers as well, from the Divine Ministers down.
The post-exodus Jadeborn Conclave, upon settling down in new settlements, received Ministerial dispensation to access some of the miracles of the Machine God in order to help Mountain Folk society adapt to life in the belly of their god. At E5+, Enlightened Jadeborn with access to a vat and the prerequisite personnel may install (Essence*2) Alchemical charms like an E3 Alchemical.
Exceptions are made for the Weaving Engines and Perfected Lotus Matrix. Some examples of common configurations include:
Aegis-Pattern Augmentation Core:
4th Stamina Augmentation x2: +2 Sta [1m]
4th Dexterity Augmentation x2: +2 Dex[1m]
Subcutaneous Armor Plating x3: 6L/9B [1m]
Pain-Suppression Nodes:-Essence/2 wound penalties[1m]
Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh: Prevents incapacitation Essence times in a scene[0m]
Arete-Pattern Augmentation Core:
Multiphase Divinity Regulator: Enter spirit sanctums, permakill spirits: [1m]
Thermionic Orthodoxy Array: Reformatting shadowland/blight/Wyld zone. [1m].
Imprinted Data Cluster: Free reprogrammable specialties.[1m]
Light-Etched Interceptor Barrier: Cover DV, perfect parry each scene, mote regen against energy attacks [1m]
Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit: Extra motes [1m].
Man-Machine Weaving Engine: Tier 1 workings [1m]