Possibilities are many:
-Dragon frozen caused a backup to begin rebooting(probably not, since her backups have a wait time of about half an hour IIRC.
-Dragon frozen along with her backups.
-Dragon frozen along with her backups and all her subsidiary programs
Eh, most likely Dragon was not happy that Iris was able to basically "hack" (which it would have been from her POV) into her systems with so little effort.
Yeah, but VoV did it through open working connection inside Jack. I doubt it is the same without dimension being already semi-open, else Iris would've already at least tried poking dimensions.
After all, he knows Autobot is big and would make problems if he were to appear near the inhabited Earth, so solution of "stuff Auto-kun into empty-ish dimension" would probably appear in his mind if it was that easy.
True, but every parahuman has such a connection. There are other twisted parahumans with kill orders that do nothing but harm others. Heck, I think Prayer and Crawler took one down offscreen recently? Even if the process of poking at the shard was fatal (and its possible its not), we could basically go after one like that, take Iris with us, and then have Iris study said parahumans shard-connection to its dimension the way VoV did with Jack. This would also have the added benefit of having Iris be able to observe an entity shard directly, which would help with stuff such as figuring out Shard-POS submodule or cures for C53s.
Beyond that, there are other options too. We could for example get Iris permission to study the portal to Earth!Aleph. And odds are he was observing when the door opened near him in recent chapter. And ofcourse, if we go for higher backing, we will presumably be in occasional contact with Cauldron, and its only natural that Iris would accompany us, scanning the portal with everything he has each time he passes through.
Beyond that, it also occurs to me that this, like the potential for mutual vial research, might be something we might be able to bargain with? Note that Cauldron does NOT have access to all dimensions. Cauldrons Clairvoyant sees a lot, but he does
not see in every dimension. Scion has locked some away or somesuch. This was actually brought up in the story:
"Is this Voidboy's tech? It looks similar to what the PRT uses with their displacement turrets on Protectorate Island, but cleaner."
"Yes," she replies smoothly, though there's a trace of disappointment in her voice. "And before you ask, we didn't have anything to do with his disappearance, nor have we ever been able to find where he and his lab went. He was able to access some worlds we could not, which we hoped meant he might have a way to strike at Scion's true body."
You work your jaw and nod absently, finishing your cursory mental review of the device's designs and components. "The teleportation part separates, triggering the plasma warhead that's left behind. Everything looks like it checks out, and it does actually look like something I'd put together, but have these actually been tested? And who put them together?"
Gromweld also mentioned in a WoG how Cauldron did infact want this guy bad, so they were not lying there. Presumably he either died, or escaped into a dimension beyond Cauldrons ability to reach. Reaching Scions (or perhaps I should say Zions) body is basically the "holy grail" for Cauldron.
I am pretty sure that shard-dimensions were also locked away? However VoV was able to break into the dimension with the Broadcast shard without major effort. Something which Cauldron would certainly have noticed.
Which might suggest that Iris has the potential to breach into dimensions that Cauldron cannot, and which the entities blocked. Bringing up the possibility of Iris being able to figure out a way to breach into the dimension with Scions real body might be something that would make Cauldron salivate, and possibly agree to let Iris study Doormakers portals in exchange for the research results. That would again be something that would benefit both parties (we might gain a way to dimensional travel via tech/artifacts, they might reach dimensions and places they now cannot, such as shard-worlds and Scions body).
3 Credit picks that may be useful:
-Glaistig Uaine - Regardless of whether we Exalt her, she needs to be turned into an asset. Since these favors can be doled out at a later date, this would be one of Saki's Big Missions.
-Sleeper - We don't actually know anything about Sleeper, but I believe Industrial Survival Frame may be useful for turning him from a hazard to an asset.
-Nilbog - Useful skills for providing stuff for us to control or Riley to work on. But normally getting to him would involve a military campaign which leaves him less than happy once you killed enough of his goblins. Cauldron could abduct him without much fuss to talk to.
Blasto is also someone potentially usefull, since he could presumably create non-sapient critters for us. Ofcourse, if we were willing to go POS on people, there would be others such as the Blue Empress or the shard-boosters in the Yang Ban. It might be interesting if the guy called One could boost shard-charms for example. It would also disrupt the C.U.I, which might give us opportunities there.
Citrine/Butcher for POS&Soul treatment is also a possibility.
Hmmm. I wonder if access to GU would be 3 credits or 5? Also thinking about either 2 Medium quality or 1 High and 1 Low quality vials, though a couple convincing arguments are around for the alt Earth access choice.
Presumably 3, since she is on Earth!Bet. Though I seem to recall Khepri had trouble entering Birdcage directly, so dunno? We would also have to get Dragons cooperation in keeping silent. Though technically, if Saki was willing, we could implant an alternative personality on some major criminal being sent to birdcage, designed to send GU a message and avoid the need for using Cauldron entirely (One option Gromweld brought up way back, was sending Bonesaw to birdcage, and have her deliver a message to GU from us). Not sure Saki would cooperate with that though.
I want to peer over Armsmaster's shoulders, find out what he is thinking.
We did vote for Prayer to have a talk with him. I would like to see how that went.
No real opinion on these. If I see something I like, I'll vote for it.
Personally, since the soulgem injector won, and since we have something like a hundred souls, we should have atleast one of the free actions be an offer to give a soul to someone. Accord is the obvious one, but Armsmaster is also a possibility.
That's kind of a good point. Even if they are inured to hardship, kids aren't going to be able to handle the moral grey areas that come with saving the world in Worm.
We should look into exalting more adults. Plus Grom has said Miss Militia will be OP as an Alchemical, and she qualifies for Jade pretty hard.
Chevalier also qualifies as jade I believe. He is another interesting choice. Though Miss Militia potentially being able to start pulling out artifacts would be pretty cool too.
Resources are needed to invest into rebuilding Philadelphia. If they can buy us, say, several honest mercenary teams to keep things down, or buy food, clothes, medicine and other stuff in bulk to distribute, it is very strong PR option which aligns with Assembly being, in fact, good guys (or magical girls).
The problem here would be explaining where the money comes from. Since we have all minors, whose money (including bounties apparently) all goes to trust as members of PRT, except for Prayer (who as a C53 would not have hidden riches), having Taylor suddenly throw millions at fixing Philadelphia would be pretty damn suspicious. We could certainly make it an anonymous donation, or work through someone (Taylor gives it to Accord, who does what she says), but its unlikely we could get PR from this without drawing suspicion we don't really want. Also, not sure if a single 5 resouces is sufficient to make a big difference, since we are talking about a major city.