Clarity 3 now?
She's leaning on it rather heavily.
Definitely higher Clarity.
Its also worth remembering that Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols is Exemplar 1 charm (not that horrible normally, but perhaps not the best for a social exalt). Unlike Prayer and Taylor, Saki just needs 2 dots of clarity to reach the first level where social rolls and such start to suffer, and she starts exhibiting more robotic and "inhuman" (if only very minor at this stage) behaviour patterns.
On the other hand, the ability to remove an intimacy via social attack that would not be Obvious and could be done at range (no spiking) is potentially a very potent power. Heck, I wonder if we could use that to help remove Saint as an issue by doing social attacks through Dragon (I think you have even suggested that?). Even if Taylor does not know everything, she might know enough to think theres no harm in trying.
So it'd hold Scion if we somehow sucked him into Saki. Might just count as avatar death though, he'd just reform once it disconnects.
Hmm. I can't be sure but I think Gromweld shot down the idea of imprisoning Endbringers. Scion probably has too much power for Saki to be able to trap him. Not to mention that he is likely strong enough to resist the imprisoning effect for quite a while (Prayer took 9 minutes), and we know from SoPA that it IS possible to damage the shard-charm. Capturing Scion in and initiating the imprisonment might well result in him blasting straight down with his golden-beam-of-death in an effort to destroy the shard entirely.
Huh, it's not resistable even to ISF?
Hmm. Presumably its not direct shaping effect on the person, but rather somekind of external force.
So she gets a viewport. We can use this as a spying utility for ANYWHERE she's been to before then. World tour, then invisible world tour.
And the effect is probably not detectable by parahuman thinkers due to being based on Essence and Elsewhere. I wonder if the shard-charm can spy on other dimensions too. If nothing else, being able to spy on Cauldrons meeting place would have potential value.
I did not realize how swole the shard originally was.
Might be a submodule.
Possibly. Though she was working together with Sakura at the time. The anima banners and the soulgem-compass make it pretty clear that the two can achieve their greatest effects when working together. And generally speaking, when Auto has converted shards, the resulting shard-charms have come off as superiour to the standard versions. Its a bit odd if Sakis is inferior to her standard Zion restricted one.
Ofcourse it could be a submodule. Gromweld said he had hinted on what those can do, so this might well be one. Heck, its even possible that its a submodule that requires E3 and say STR of 5 or something, allowing us to activate it sooner. Taylors submodules were all E4 minimum, but Prayer has an E3 submodule (Ranged Armament Manifestations (Essence 3, Strength 6, Dexterity 6). There might be a minor chance that Saki fills the essence requirement of her first submodule but not say strength requirement. Gromweld did say that size of viable targets was limited by STR, so its possible that was a subtle hint/warning at us.
Or not. I suppose we will know after Saki meditates.
I consider this a heartening reaction.
Yeah, being at medium clarity is probably not fun. Once you go high enough, you probably stop caring about this. Still, once she meditates she should go back to 1 clarity. Right in time to jump back up due to Bonesaw revelation I am sure.
Transcendental Imprisonment, indeed. I'm a little concerned that even the dedicated protection charm doesn't really help though. *shrugs*
I wonder if Taylor could have resisted. Due to being at E4, she gets stuff such as Environmental Dominance that Prayer lacks. Prayer is also pretty badass to have resisted for 9 minutes.
*raises eyebrows*
Iris or Riley?
Probably Riley; I don't expect Iris needs to be slapped away.
Apparently it was Iris. We should probably let him into the pocket dimension at some point to see what he makes of it.
I will say that this was a bit of a positive note. If Taylor is willing to slap Iris away (even if only gently), it might mean she is getting over the shock and fear of VoV. Maybe the first signs that this (Iris of Innovation (Keep His Terrifying Power Focused Or Risk Vengeance) [Emotion|Anxiety] ●●●○) intimacy is potentially changing? I would like to think so anyway.
Note the difference between a converted shard that was new to it's parahuman like Saki's, and that of Prayer, which had spent 10+ years with her.
Hmm. Does the portal change positions in the dimension, or is it always located in the same place? I recall that Gromweld said that Saki could use the charm as a perfect dodge, but it would (calibrated or not) spit her out at high speeds. However it occurs to me that we can take stuff to the dimension, and Saki can shape it. Is there anything stopping us from cushioning the area around the portal, and possibly installing a net of somekind to catch Saki when she uses PD (or others aswell, if calibration does not fix this issue)?
Scary thought, every time we went to exalt someone we have been attacked. So I do wonder what sort of preparation we will need for the next exaltation.
Well, one obvious solution would be to keep the timetable top secret, and then go to the Cradle with everyone under cloak via Hidden Assembly Conclave. We know that even shards cant penetrate its effects, so Simurgh for example would get his first warning that somethins happening when (from her POV) Taylor and the next candidate just appeared out of nowhere right next to the cradle. After that, stick the head in, absorb body into TIE, and recloak. Heck, the only reason we can't push our next candidate while still hidden, is because it might mean Auto won't be able to vacuum the disconnected shard.
A bigger concern might be endbringers attacking when the new exalt comes out. Though Saki makes even that pretty easy to deal with (hide both under cloak/HAC, and then instantly flee to pocket dimension when the new exalt appears.
Not really feasible any time soon.
It only works on someone lower essence than us, and it injects stuff into the person that needs to be able to reach their brain. That also involves getting up close and personal to an endbringer which is a bad idea.
I dunno. Gromweld has hinted that shard POS submodule is possible, and shards sure as heck don't have ordinary brains. Granted, I don't believe that ordinary (or even custom built) spike could deal with endbringers (too alien), but a entity-focused POS-submodule might. I doubt the standard POS could do anything. It presumably works on spirits and dragon kings and so on, because Auto KNOWS about all of those, and so the charm contains the proper instructions on dealing with the target.
I figure beings that are basically completely unique to Earth with no equivalents are beyond POS. So spiking Dragon would not work, because there are no AI like Dragon. Spiking Scion or Endbringers won't work, because they don't exist on Autochtonia or Creation. Spiking shards is not possible, since none exist. Why would anyone have added the information on how to spike things that don't exist? However that does not mean that we can't do it ourself.
Spiking soulless humans probably only works because Auto has had a good chance to study soulless humans and make comparisons to humans in Autochtonia, and even then we can't really be sure that its completely safe. I mean increasing virtues for example is supposed to increase Exalted-physics type virtues. Doing it to a soulless earth-bet human might work great? Or it might be a "goddamnit Auto!" moment.
Gromweld and I were kinda surprised (okay, I was probably more surprised) to discover that the tail has the exact same Strength and Dexterity as Saki does. So she can use it to lift cars. Much fun to be had.
If we ever get the chance, we should arrange for Prayer to get some extra appendages.
Uh huh. None of those have the properties of Endbringer cores, so I still don't understand how you can believe that the nanites can penetrate them.
Eh, its possible that penetrating the core might not be necessary to mess with endbringers. And even if it was, we do have the Mantle Of The Dread Gear. Presumably Taylor could imbue the scorpion tail with the "Entity Bane" effect, causing it to do aggravated damage. I figure that could well allow Saki to pierce the core. And since Saki does not surround herself with a huge construct of shard-made matter, theres not much of a risk (unlike say Prayer).
Though truthfully, trying to spike an endbringer would be absurdly risky. Not something I would be likely to vote for without a
really good justification and plan.
If she gets her powers carried over, she would be very useful. She is very strong (she lifts around 1 million tons at one point), and she isn't exactly slow.
Assuming she keeps all those. Saki cant teleport buildings anymore (though its possible that was due to cooperation).
The thing is that she is probably going to overshadow the other members of the group (As a tangent would this mean she is Orichalum caste?).
She would probably end up being a better leader than taylor as well.
And this is the reason why Alexandria would never get my vote (and yes, she has been suggested as Ori candidate). She would almost certainly try to take over the Assembly. And frankly, I am not sure if I agree that she would make a better leader than Taylor, but at the very least she would BELIEVE that herself, and act accordingly.
Won't happen without external intervention.
Dragon makes him Important; she's his cash cow, his raison d'etre.
He isn't going to give that up lightly.
External intervention such as the arrival of an alien machine god and his infiltrators that are constantly growing in power and influence perhaps? Heck, he might try to just get rid of us but still keep Dragon a secret, so he could wreck us while still keeping Dragon as his slave.
Ultimately though, its pretty clear we arent going to convince each other. We will just have to disagree. I truly do hope you are right and that we won't regret the assumption that Saint is harmless.
I wonder - since we have favors to ask of Cauldron, I wonder if we ought to shoot for the moon and try and get some of our policy preferences implemented. This is going to be a harder sell, since we have very little Backing and thus less influence, but I think that doing so could be crucial towards our C53 efforts. Equally important is that if we can demonstrate positive change - or at least show we tried - we'll have a bulwark against losing Prayer's trust when we inform her of our alliance with Cauldron.
Personally I feel that we should try to acquire atleast one vial for Iris. And if Gromweld allows it, perhaps try to keep the other favors in the bank for the later future in order to see if Iris can get anything out of the vial. That way, we would be better informed on whats best (and give Saki time to get used to her powers and new existence, and hopefully calm down post Bonesaw-revelation).
Heck, ultimately Cauldron would presumably support any goal that would prevent the creation of more C53s. They might not do it for a moral reason, but it would still benefit their ultimate goals if they could give people stronger powers from Edens corpse without horrible mutations. In that sense, if Iris could actually come up with something concrete with a reward vial, we could potentially present that research to Cauldron and argue that a "research treaty" between our two sides would be mutually beneficial to everyone involved. Them (stronger and stabler parahumans to fight against Scion), us (We did the right thing, and can use this as a defense upon exposure) and C53s (hopefully this would help us to develop a cure or a way to fix the C53 shards).
This is especially true since Legend is apparently unaware that Cauldron is behind C53s (or is he aware in this fic? He might have realised if Prayer revealed her restored memories? I can't remember), and thought Manton was doing it. Manton is out of the picture now, so it would be in Cauldrons best interest to stop producing C53s if possible. If Iris could come up with something that would atleast suggest that working together on the vials would help, Cauldron would frankly be stupid not to accept.
This is especially true if we get dot(s) of backing for Taylor to get our foot in the door.
We're already in deep enough that people could tar us by association. Much better that we could turn around and say, "yeah, and we noticed that what they were doing with C53s was completely unacceptable and thus immediately began working to correct that problem." This more than adequately covers our behind since it puts us as the outsider seeking reforms plus has the added benefit of, y'know, doing right by our teammates and the C53 community.
I support this goal.
Which is another thing. It's not really a mechanical benefit or anything, but I really like the story it tells that Taylor wants (and takes action) to correct obvious wrongs. That she cares about the things her teammates care about, and that she's willing to miss out on immediate material benefit or favors or whatever in order to do right by them (and also, conveniently, do the right thing).
And this. Taylor is compassion 3, and generally a good person. Yeah, things like conviction 4 and clarity means that if she had to, she could make necessary choices for the greater good, but whenever possible, she should also try to improve things.
Helping the Case53s and stopping Cauldrons abuses would be something I would expect Taylor to want to do. And therse a good chance she is in a position to do so. We KNOW Auto atleast has the means to deal with broken Eden shards. Its quite possible that Iris could do the same, and we should atleast try to help them. Until and unless Iris tells Taylor that theres nothing he can do, continued brutal human experimentation is not necessary. Not when we could (possibly?) offer a better, kinder and more moral alternative.
Long forgetten in the whole argument: Taylor does not know this!
Taylor's total knowledge of Saint at present:
-He knows some of Dragon's vulnerabilities and is exploiting them.
Yeah, fair enough that Taylor IC does not know this. Though Dragon is both a close ally and a friend, so I would think Taylor would be motivated to stop him for this reason alone.
This is broadly correct. After Colin's modifications to release, Ascalon paralyzed her rapidly, but she put up more resistance than you would have expected from a tool specifically engineered to kill her quickly.
On the other hand, Ascalon itself is a dedicated cyberwarfare AI designed to kill Dragon, if it fails, it will adapt until it works.
Generally speaking, it'd always beat her. She's a housekeeper AI, an extremely elaborate general purpose waifu/maid built by a socially inept Tinker. Ascalon is built solely to wage cyberwar.
Presumably Ascalon would work far more effectively here, since Dragons chains are fully intact. Can you remember how Ascalon exactly does what it does? Does it (potentially?) destroy her beyond recovery, or basically just put her into a coma? Was her recovery in canon possible due to Ascalon not being designed to destroy her utterly, or because the changes Colin had made prevented Ascalon from finishing the job fully?
Also, is it canon that Ascalon is actually a complex cyberwarfare AI, or is that just your deduction? I mean if it works by exploiting Dragons inbuilt blind-spots as Gromweld said, it does not need to be somekind of super-advanced adaptive AI. I mean if Dragon does not fight back, basic intelligence might well be enough. Is it possible that Ascalon is actually a very crude program (atleast in comparison to Dragon as she is now), that works simply because Dragon just stands there and does nothing to fight back while Ascalon is whacking her to bits with a large stone?
And here, in making the wrong guess about where Siberian was this battle. It was anomalous and outside of her normal operating schedule, since Siberian is normally paired with Bonesaw or operates solo.
Whats problematic is that there was no need for her to act the way she did. Crawler was not going anywhere. She could have just waited for Taylor to get into range with the super-eye charm that Alexandria knew Taylor had, and lost nothing. It was not so much stupidity, but rather arrogance and pride that ended up with her half-dead and everything wrecked.
However this was ultimately a symptom of a larger issue. Alexandria believed she knew best and far better than some ward (exalted or not), and she is used to knowing best and always being in charge (of PRT, of protectorate, and partially Cauldron). If she is exalted and enhanced even further, that will just strenghten that belief. I figure that she would almost certainly either challenge Taylor for the leadership position, and if she failed to acquire that (if the rest of the Assembly supported Taylor for example), go rogue and defect back to Cauldron.
I don't trust her frankly. There are other potential reasons ofcourse, but thats the biggest one.
Given his known crimes, he's going to go to a standard correctional facility and is expected to escape soon enough. This would also be unwise, given that he's most likely had a dead man switch to wipe out Dragon if he goes out of contact.
Given Dragons importance, fame and close friendship with Taylor, I could see Saki being willing to use the memory reading function (and her social skills) to find out any such dead man switches and how to disable them. And possibly remove the memory that Dragon is an AI (or otherwise block Saint from blabbing). Assuming that our decision to save and work with Bonesaw won't result in the friendship between us going down in flames anyway.
And thats assuming we would not use Sakis prison to put him into stasis (for a time atleast). Dragon plays a major role of critical importance in keeping the worst of the worst locked up, coordinating during endbringer battles, helping PRT manage things and so many other things. Dragon being destroyed or even just exposed as an AI would be a major blow not just to Taylor personally and the Assembly, but to the whole world frankly. And Taylors motivation is to "save the world".
If it really became a binary choice, I have no doubt Taylor would be willing to kill Saint (legally or not) to save Dragon.
IIRC Alchemials don't have any way to bypass Soak or hardness.
Well, the Mantle is specifically designed to be extremely effective against endbringers (and other shard manifestations). We have yet to see it in action, but it does Aggravated damage to entities with every hit (and can imbue other weapons to do agg damage also):
Entity Bane: The gauntlets on the Mantle have been fitted with specially-tuned Essence projectors. If the wearer spends three motes of Essence, she can charge all of the weapons that are part of this armor and that she is carrying with an aura of Essence that allows the weapons to deal Aggravated damage to Entities, Shards, and physical manifestations created by them. These weapons remain charged with Essence and capable of inflicting such harm for one scene.
We'd need Charms for that to be used for though, and currently we're not looking like we'll have that sort of flexibility without a fair bit of investment (i.e. currently, about all we could swap out would be arrays and potentially 2nd Per Aug really - arraying what we've currently got (and potentially swapping 2nd Per to a 4th) gives 2 personal motes, but then there's only 1 Charm 'floating' to swap).
However if it would be quick and easy to swap, we could even do so with arrays. For example, in some situations stealth would not be necessary. If we are going into combat with an endbringer, being able to put "Subtlety Protocols Array" into storage, and replace it with something focused more on being a better and stronger fighter would be handy. Likewise, temporarily replacing "Tactical Supremacy Array" with something else might be handy, if we planned to tinker for example. Or replacing it with social charms, if we were planning to go out to somekind of social event (so we would not be utterly reliant on Saki).
Finally, we could potentially install MAN-MACHINE WEAVING ENGINE, and use VAT SURROGATE REWEAVING TECHNIQUE to replace our charms at will as the situations change. Yeah, MMW is Exemplar 1, but its not the end of the world. And its very possible that its going to be a long time until anyone else gets to E4, and there is lots of other usefull stuff in there.
2nd Per or Aura Dampening Component are pretty much it. And of the 2, the first is I think both far more feasible to drop, and frees another personal mote for any Charm we want to pick up instead.
We probably need to drop 2nd per to get room for IAT. It probably won't be a big loss, since Gromweld apparently does not like charms that are just dice(or success) adders.