Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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Two piece outfits.
Something like this:

As long as your shirt isn't tucked in, said tail can slither in and out without issue.
Or she could just have Taylor custom-mod her clothes
... It emerges from the base of her tailbone, doesn't it? Pants won't work.
-Saki's disappointment at being less swole suggests that Strength Augs and charms are in her future.
And that the bonus BP might go here, instead of Perception.
Possible. I'm not against swolebot, considering the benefits with her power.
I wonder if it's the lower Valor or lower Conviction that makes body issues so stressful for her.
Taylor didn't seem to manifest any of these issues when she was tested; didn't even manifest Clarity until the Behemoth fight.

Or maybe it's due to our OOC decisions: Taylor wholeheartedly embraced her new condition.
Saki is more ambivalent.
Body issues become obvious when you consider that she just had her organs taken out and replaced with mechanical parts a week ago, with little to no anesthetic from her PoV.

You would have body issues too if you were just broken down into a tool.
The high Compassion twin got the heavy duty charms that require consideration and forethought before using.
The high Conviction twin got the less sinister feel-good charms.
Displays significantly more forethought and planning than people tend to assign to Auto.
And also the high Conviction twin got Autochtonia...which requires a somewhat more rugged personality to deal with. High Compassion would suffer there.

Autochton: "How thoughtful to provide me with perfectly complementary candidates."
Looks: check.
Surprising strength: check.
Tail: check.
Potential cat ears(HSA): check.

I will not be surprised to find that Autobot drew on Japanese cultural imagery when customizing the Twins powers.
Especially since a lot of the Japanese manga and anime history predate 1999; Dragonball Z was finished by 1996, for example, and Japanese media have showcased nekomimi since 1924.
Catgirl - Wikipedia

As long as Saki doesn't start saying Nyaa.....
Well, she doesn't seem to have the self confidence to do that in public yet.
Cooperation rules apply? That was an alarmingly potent shard power.
Wonder what it would have been like with IEU applications on both Saki and Sakura.....

I'm beginning to think that the movie theater attack was for them; Bobbie and Missy were just bonuses.
Which suggests that a submod will likely unlock that feature again.
Or allow them to teleport entire areas.
Entire cities mmm~
Two piece outfits.
Something like this:

As long as your shirt isn't tucked in, said tail can slither in and out without issue.
Or she could just have Taylor custom-mod her clothes
Naw, the tail is prehensile, it could just wriggle out from around any clothing she has on, out of a sleeve, pants legs, peeking out from the neck etc, even with her average dexterity. That it's ripping holes in her clothing is an element of poor calibration, and may lead to pulling a Taylor when used thoughtlessly(as Saki seems likely to).
Scary thought, every time we went to exalt someone we have been attacked. So I do wonder what sort of preparation we will need for the next exaltation.
Obviously, by the time we hit our final Exaltation, all three Endbringers will show up. They won't actually attack, though; at that point, they'll just be sitting there, watching. Resigned to their fate.
... It emerges from the base of her tailbone, doesn't it? Pants won't work.
Prehensile tail.
It can curl up on her spine; it only requires an inch or two.
Body issues become obvious when you consider that she just had her organs taken out and replaced with mechanical parts a week ago, with little to no anesthetic from her PoV.
You would have body issues too if you were just broken down into a tool.
We'll see I guess.

And also the high Conviction twin got Autochtonia...which requires a somewhat more rugged personality to deal with. High Compassion would suffer there.

Autochton: "How thoughtful to provide me with perfectly complementary candidates."
Well, she doesn't seem to have the self confidence to do that in public yet.
With Grasp as her fam, it's a matter of time.


Naw, the tail is prehensile, it could just wriggle out from around any clothing she has on, out of a sleeve, pants legs, peeking out from the neck etc, even with her average dexterity. That it's ripping holes in her clothing is an element of poor calibration, and may lead to pulling a Taylor when used thoughtlessly(as Saki seems likely to).
Probably, yeah.
Though, given her MA5, the tail adds new dimensions to unarmed combat.
It can curl up on her spine; it only requires an inch or two.
That... Okay. I'll admit, I'm making the assumption that it's actually attached in a way that mimics bipedal spines, but that doesn't work. Even assuming it can fold perfectly flat against itself and still maintain a proper range of motion (dubious, at best), any pants that are tight enough to stay around someone's waist wouldn't allow for that.
"When he first awoke, he complained about having a metal pole stuffed inside of him, and an upgrade from 'Debok Moom.'"

There is a snort of amusement to your side, causing you turn and look at First Prayer of Perfection. The massive cerulean-crystal juggernaut has not moved, but… yes, that sounded like her, though she isn't reacting to your stare. Turning back, you notice that Taylor is having an animated, silent discussion off the side of her hologram-camera.

"Did he say 'Pole of Metal', Tatsu?" she asks, humor being overridden with concern as she casts her eyes (all of them) in your direction.
This is compulsory:

It would be kind of cool if we could stick the super happy fun spike into the Zizz. Give it the motivation protect and help humanity. Or serve the great maker. Or do that to all the end bringers turn them into the friend bringers.
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It would be kind of cool if we could stick the super happy fun spike into the Zizz. Give it the motivation protect and help humanity. Or serve the great maker. Or do that to all the end bringers turn them into the friend bringers.
Not really feasible any time soon.
It only works on someone lower essence than us, and it injects stuff into the person that needs to be able to reach their brain. That also involves getting up close and personal to an endbringer which is a bad idea.
A Scorpion tail, noice.. though I expected something even classier:

I am not on QQ. not on QQ. not on QQ. not on QQ.

(I am pretty sure it was Iris that Taylor was batting away, I am guessing he really wants to stretch his craft skills in a proper environment xD )

I thought the end bringers have no essence at all?
Apart from mechanics I see the main problem in charms fluff, which is "nanobots bore into the targets brain".

mmh on our wiki it's nanobots while in other places it reads microfilaments.
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I thought the end bringers have no essence at all?
Correct. No one in Earth-Bet besides us has Essence.
Essence dots (basically character level), not the essence mote pool.
I don't know what gromweld's ruling for this game is, but in exalted itself there are monsters that have a high essence score and no mote pool (like mount mostath who has essence 6).
See above. It's been mentioned several times in-story that there is no Essence in Earth-Bet besides the alchemical, Iris, Lord Grasp, and the very small amount leaking from the Cradle.
That... Okay. I'll admit, I'm making the assumption that it's actually attached in a way that mimics bipedal spines, but that doesn't work. Even assuming it can fold perfectly flat against itself and still maintain a proper range of motion (dubious, at best), any pants that are tight enough to stay around someone's waist wouldn't allow for that.
I don't agree.
We're talking about a magical appendage that is about as strong as her arm despite having no leverage and only being ~3 inches thick max.
It'll work fine.

Of course, I'm making the assumption that it actually is attached to the tailbone, as opposed to starting somewhere on the surface of the sacrum, or even the end of the lumbar vertebra.
Both of which would obviate the argument altogether.
The main problem is essentially the charms fluff, which is "nanobots bore into the targets brain".
Not really an issue.
See when Ziz reprogrammed Leviathan to give him nanothorn arms; she used a physical delivery system.
Idly, during the writing of part (uh, 6, right?) both @Gromweld and I were kinda surprised (okay, I was probably more surprised) to discover that the tail has the exact same Strength and Dexterity as Saki does. So she can use it to lift cars. Much fun to be had.

It is also a viable appendage to use for things like making tossing someone into their prison charm.

Also yes, Taylor is talking to Iris and swatting at his enthusiasm. While I admit I would have no issues with Taylor swatting Bonesaw away, I suspect the someone they had to dig up from...somewhere that is actually vaguely sympathetic to Bonesaw would object to Taylor physically accosting her.
Should doesn't mean won't. Assuming that POS might work fine on them (let alone being able to pierce their defenses without a specially designed submod) is not smart.
Do you expect POS to work on Nowhereverse humans as well as Essenceverse humans? Then I don't see the issue.
In Autochtonia, POS works on baseline humans, mutants, spirits and sapient automata.
None of whom share anything like the same biology.

I don't see any reason why it would differ here.
The actual problem would be getting ahold of the Endbringer in the first place, which is much easier said than done.
POS actions also take real world time, so it's entirely possible to be stuck in and have someone interrupt you.

Idly, during the writing of part (uh, 6, right?) both @Gromweld and I were kinda surprised (okay, I was probably more surprised) to discover that the tail has the exact same Strength and Dexterity as Saki does. So she can use it to lift cars. Much fun to be had.
It is also a viable appendage to use for things like making tossing someone into their prison charm.
Might consider buying the Prehensile Hair Mutation for her and her sister, depending on the details of her charm's submods.
The more people she can touch, the better.
Also yes, Taylor is talking to Iris and swatting at his enthusiasm. While I admit I would have no issues with Taylor swatting Bonesaw away, I suspect the someone they had to dig up from...somewhere that is actually vaguely sympathetic to Bonesaw would object to Taylor physically accosting her.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Do you expect POS to work on Nowhereverse humans as well as Essenceverse humans? Then I don't see the issue.
In Autochtonia, POS works on baseline humans, mutants, spirits and sapient automata.
None of whom share anything like the same biology.
Uh huh. None of those have the properties of Endbringer cores, so I still don't understand how you can believe that the nanites can penetrate them.
Uh huh. None of those have the properties of Endbringer cores, so I still don't understand how you can believe that the nanites can penetrate them.
Human biology does not have the same properties as spirits, and yet it works fine.
I don't expect to have to build a new POS submod to affect Jadeborn, for example; I wouldn't expect to do so for constructs like EBs.

This is not like shards, which are in a different dimension altogether, and connect to people's brains remotely.
Those are probably modeled like spirit sanctums, and you'd need a special submod to affect those, just like you'd need special submods to enter a spirit's sanctum.

Endbringer cores OTOH?
Are physically in the same dimension their bodies are, and can be physically interfaced with.
Ziz proved this in Cockroaches 28.5 or 28.6, when she stabbed Leviathan with a tinkertech sword to upgrade his body and knowledge.
Oh shit the extra dot of Strength totally slipped my mind as a possibility. When I was doing her build I dropped Str 5 to make room for more charms IIR, using that extra BP to boost it back up would have been perfect. I think I got distracted by people arguing and simply not remembering how the build worked. :cry:
Endbringer cores OTOH?
Are physically in the same dimension their bodies are, and can be physically interfaced with.
Ziz proved this in Cockroaches 28.5 or 28.6, when she stabbed Leviathan with a tinkertech sword to upgrade his body and knowledge.
And? The argument that POS nanites have the same penetration capabilities is ludicrous imo. I suspect we'll have to disagree on yet another topic.