Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 2: Bullsh*t Magical Robot Girl

Maybe, but he thought we were important and worthy enough for his attention. He exalted Taylor specifically. I'm pretty sure that he could spend some time helping us so that we can help him later with his robot cancer.
Cyanios said:

Dat mental image.
Yeah it is but for some reason I can see him pulling "Form you are comfortable with" thing when we try to communicate. Which he then picks something similar to the person we're most friendly with (Vista as far as I can tell), so in the end we get a robot version of Vista
Jack Folstam said:
I see no problem with a Robo-Vista. If we're really lucky, we could introduce them to each other, which is sure to not go wrong in any fashion whatsoever.
Well I can see Taylor deciding to draw how she saw Auto during the vision, Vista (Or another ward) walking in and asking her why she is drawing a Robo-Vista. Also if we ever do somehow end up turning one of the Wards into an Alchemical I can see Auto defaulting to the Robo-Vista form during communication which would generate several amusing reactions (especially if Vista was the one communicating)
Alratan said:
I don't see that getting in communication with Autocthon will help. Even with his modifications, Primordials are generally too big to communicate with individuals. They're worlds, not people.
He can.

He modified his fetich (for those of you unversed in Exalted, that's his soul-organ containing his self-image and by extension ego) to be a container for his full mind (most fetiches are people with their own personality and goals), meaning he has both a cosmic intellect and a human-scale one.

Barring that, we can at least get in contact with a Divine Minister. Maybe Ku, since he's our patron, or Kadmek, since he's the master of foresight and will be a nice adviser-our own Contessa.
... what the hell? I can't edit the story post anymore. "Your 30-minute window to edit your post has passed."

There are a bunch of edits that people have suggested at this point (typos, grammar, rolls, etc.) that'll go in as soon as I'm able to do such to the post, I guess.

Other things:
- Your guys' luck turned around this post - you succeeded every single roll you made. Case in point: Your roll to get help from Josie and Coach Sato for the reporters was 5 successes on 4 dice.
- Please keep the "Goal" lines describing your actual goal, not clever analogies or references (that's my job!)
- You've been working off of 6 hours of sleep a night for the past week, which is starting to add up: you need 8 to truly rest and recuperate, 6 just avoids gaining any penalties for sleep deprivation. If you get less than 6 hours of sleep on Saturday, you'll be hitting the -1 die penalty on Sunday for all actions (unless you rest 3 hours during the day, say with Meditation). It's probably a good idea to get 8 hours of sleep Sunday night.
- You'll be leaving school at halfway through Lunch period to get ready for your reveal. It's a public affair outside of the primary PRT office downtown at 5:00 PM.
DragonBard said:
Grom, was the second part of the revenge pranks between Glenn and Taylor worth any XP, or did you just not notice it?
I noticed it and included the +1 XP in the character sheet already.
Gromweld said:
... what the hell? I can't edit the story post anymore. "Your 30-minute window to edit your post has passed."

There are a bunch of edits that people have suggested at this point (typos, grammar, rolls, etc.) that'll go in as soon as I'm able to do such to the post, I guess.
I suggest PM'ing the mods to see what's up with that.
[X] Plan Veekie

[X] Total Time Budget :32 hours(Goal 1 16h, Goal 2 1-4h, Goal 3 8h, Goal 4 4h)
[X] Goal 1: Prepare equipment for our first week out
[X]- Send an email to Glenn regarding our plans for the costume. Whatever our plans, we should at least keep him informed so he can work that into his plans instead of finding out after the fact
[X]-- Go with a compromise between his most acceptable design and our proposed costume. In the miraculous event that he has an outfit that's more than a 50% match for our proposal, just use that design with minor tweaks.
[X]-- Get some opinions from Missy on the design. The boys are going to be completely no help here.

[X]- Get Kid Win, Dragon and Armsmaster's help if they can be spared. Kid Win should be available and more than glad to help, but to ensure availability, contact all three well ahead of time so they can schedule us some attention.

[X]- Get to work on the idea that Kid Win mooted, to create mini attack drones incorporating his stunning weaponry and anti-grav that can be operated through insect pilots. Try to make at least four as proof of concept, but more is naturally better.
[X]-- Each drone is to have three basic weapons, a high intensity flashlight, one of Kid Win's electric charge-packet stun guns and a dart launcher, to be loaded with PRT approved tranquilizers afterwards.
[X]-- Prepare each drone with mounts for detachable decorative panels for the outer casing. We'd go with highly visible polished metal panels for PR reasons, but have the drone underneath be in camouflage friendly colors in case of emergencies.

[X]- Duplicate Kid Win's wingsuit design with spidersilk, customized to our costume design. If Kid Win hadn't managed to get his suit approved yet, leave out the antigrav for now but keep a socket for the unit. We'd need a bit of practice if we want to avoid plowing into a wall like he did anyway.
[X]-- Incorporate a support frame for pocket-space drone docks. Remember to test the interactions of pocket-space storage with the Technomorphic Integration Engine to avoid potentially embarassing interactions. Build it so that the fabric can be easily replaced for when we get the new spiders.

[X]- Get armed personally with a stun rifle, stun pistol, tazer and a foam dispenser
[X]-- Check out the PRT approved armory for any useful grenades(like smoke or flashbangs) and put some into storage.

[X]- Use up to four hours of overtime if it's necessary to fit the other Tinkers' schedules or finish working before the end of Saturday so that we have more time for approval to process.

[X]- Submit all the items for verification, with documentation of the underlying technology used. Since pretty much everything is based off already proven tech, approval should be fairly fast.

[X]- Check back in on Glenn after everything else, to get any final advice for presenting ourselves.

[X]- Get some work done on spidersilk cheerleading outfits in any time spent waiting. They won't take much attention after all.

[X]- Familiarize with the new equipment, at least so we aren't going embarass ourselves.

[X]- Needless to say use Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade liberally to fit it all in the time available

[X]- Spend any leftover time duplicating drones and making the cheerleading outfits.

[X]- War Specialty(Swarm) 2XP
[X]- Craft +1 4XP if we get enough training on it during the weekend

Projected time consumption: 8 hours(drones) + 4 hours(costume and weaponry) + 4 hours(practice and approval) = 16 hours

[X] Goal 2: Checking out Danny's case
[X]- Get in touch with Danny, get him up to speed on what's going on, and his opinion on things. Find out how his case is doing. The PRT Backing should help here with people to facilitate the necessary paperwork.
[X]- If Danny's business goes smoothly, see about tracking down the Trio. Don't attempt to meet them in private yet, it could complicate Danny's case further.
Projected time consumption: 1-4 hours.

[X] Goal 3: Socializing with Wards
[X]- Go have some fun with Missy, just a weekend out to relax and talk.(this is in addition to the next)
[X]- Get to know the other Wards better, we hadn't really spent any time around them aside from Kid Win and Vista.
[X]-- Going out for food together would be good, but if that's not possible(due to identity concerns) a shared training session could help too. All we'll need to do is promise to do the cooking after the training.
Projected time consumption: 8 hours

[X] Goal 4: Make contact with our favorite cosmic nerd
[X]- Meditate to try and reach Autochton and clear our head.
[X]-- Check out how Essence works while we meditate if possible. There might be a similar connection between us and the Maker as we do with the bugs.
Projected time consumption: 4 hours
Hey Veekie.

Could you consider adding something about rehearsing our introduction to the Wards with a PR minion?

It worked very well last time, and it should only take an hour.
Hey Gromweld: given that most/all the wards are our friends, couldn't we get a simple Wards(Friendship) intimacy instead of all the separated ones we have currently?
Giygas said:
Hey Gromweld: given that most/all the wards are our friends, couldn't we get a simple Wards(Friendship) intimacy instead of all the separated ones we have currently?
That would be great, yeah. We could still have separate intimacies for those Wards we hang out with particularly often.
XenonPrime said:
Seriously, holy crap. We could now tear this city to pieces via assassination and nobody save possibly Miss Militia and Lung is safe from us now. Everyone else either needs to sleep and/or can't recover from a nanothorn knife carving through their brain.

We can see through anything, our bugs can find what our eyes can't and there's nothing in all the world that can detect us and now there's no door, lock or armour that can keep us out.

We're goddamned horrifying in our lethality.
Eh, wait until we get Aim-Calibrating Sensors and Dedicated Harmonic Targeting. Combine that with a powerful sniper-rifle, and we can do things like shooting Coil in his underground bunker from the opposite end of the city.
Giygas said:
Hey Gromweld: given that most/all the wards are our friends, couldn't we get a simple Wards(Friendship) intimacy instead of all the separated ones we have currently?
I was planning on doing something that on Monday, actually, since Taylor will actually be an official Ward and thus feel a bond to the group as a whole instead of individuals.

The reason I have them fluctuating so much right now is that Taylor is still so new to interpersonal relationships that she's latching on more than normal. This should stabilize in the coming week.
Well, that worked out well. Really, really well. Trust in the Glenn. He can be an ass, but he's good at his job and knows what he's doing.

I'm currently making my way through the thread, so hopefully I'll have a plan by tonight but right now I want to say that I like where [ ] Alratan Plan 2: Slow Burn is going.

My own loose set of goals is:

Establish a local collaborative workshop for Tinkers. My initial idea is for us, Kid Win, Armsmaster, and Dragon to hang out and work together. However, I'd like to lay the groundwork to expand it as being neutral ground where any Tinker can freely discuss ideas with other Tinkers. The way we sell it to the PRT brass is that it serves as an indirect recruitment tool (presents PRT in positive light so Rogues/Villains might want to switch sides and allows us to dangle carrots), allows for positive PR spin (the best minds working towards the betterment of mankind!), lets us keep tabs on rogue/villain Tinkers, and allows the PRT to get their hands on rogue/villain Tinker-tech through our tech-comprehension abilities.

Institutional backing. See if we can get any more Backing (PRT) and level up our Bureaucracy. The more the PRT and its subordinate organizations like us, the easier it is for us to accomplish our goals and the harder it is for others to move against us. This is where we make the play to get an industrial scale spider silk production facility set up that is under our control our new responsibility. Getting the background up to three dots means we might (probably will) start getting subordinates related to our manufacturing duties.

Our debut as a cape. We'll want to work with the other Tinkers to finalize a suit that integrates flight and long-range stun weaponry/containment foam. If we can get it up and running fast enough, we use our Backing (PRT) and bureaucracy to try and fast-track approval. If that isn't feasible, we work with Glenn to pick the one that is both PR friendly and will allow us to smoothly transition to our armored suit. Combat protocols: either serve as long range support (stun sniper) or as infiltration specialist (cloak, move in, suddenly CONTAINMENT FOAM EVERYWHERE followed by fist pumping and preening for the cameras). In all cases use bugs to discretely gather intel.

Solidify intimacies with select individuals. Kid Win, Armsmaster, Dragon are the big three, Miss Militia would be good to have as well. The Wards as a social group is another good one to have, plus Vista as a separate friendship. Solidifying the intimacies makes them harder to errode and less likely to slip off when we sleep because we spent an hour talking to Joe Blow at the hardware store.

Oh, and something I just thought of for the press conference debut - ask the people you've been hanging out with, the cheerleading squad, and Coach Sato if they'd like to be there to lend some emotional support. This way we get to pack the audience with allies and it looks good from a PR angle by showing community support.
Also, I'd like to suggest that we avoid doing anything with or about the Trio that isn't related to the anti-bullying campaign. They are only as important as we make them out to be - let them be doomed to irrelevancy forevermore.
Jinnt said:
I dunno closure isn't a bad thing guys and that's probably what this would be unless Emma just cracks at seeing us.
Best case scenario is that Taylor gets some warm fuzzies and it doesn't blow up in our faces. That's...not a whole lot of benefit for something that could easily go horribly wrong.

As was brought up almost immediately, Witness Tampering is a thing. That alone is reason enough not to seek out the Trio. If their Defensive Council is at all competent, they will try to spin it this way and we will come out looking like a manipulative bitch that came to gloat at her former torments, maybe even exact some subtle revenge because just look at us! We look like the Simurgh!

There are just too many ways this could end badly.

And also, fuck them. They don't matter.
Jinnt said:
I'd highly recommend adding the expected timeframes that veekie had back in. While I'm at it, I went ahead and made some corrections and formatting changes to your plan:
Jinnt said:
[ ] Plan: Veekie + Jinnt

[ ] Goal 1: Prepare equipment for our first week out

-[ ] Send an email to Glenn regarding our plans for the costume. Whatever our plans, we should at least keep him informed so he can work that into his plans instead of finding out after the fact
--[ ] Go with a compromise between his most acceptable design and our proposed costume. In the miraculous event that he has an outfit that's more than a 50% match for our proposal, just use that design with minor tweaks.
--[ ] Get some opinions from Missy on the design. The boys are going to be completely no help here.

-[ ] Get Kid Win, Dragon and Armsmaster's help if they can be spared. Kid Win should be available and more than glad to help, but to ensure availability, contact all three well ahead of time so they can schedule us some attention.

-[ ] Duplicate Kid Win's wingsuit design with spidersilk, customized to our costume design. If Kid Win hadn't managed to get his suit approved yet, leave out the antigrav for now but keep a socket for the unit. We'd need a bit of practice if we want to avoid plowing into a wall like he did anyway.

-[ ] Get armed personally with a stun rifle, stun pistol, tazer and a foam dispenser
--[ ] Check out the PRT approved armory for any useful grenades(like smoke or flashbangs) and put some into storage.

-[ ] Use up to four hours of overtime if it's necessary to fit the other Tinkers' schedules or finish working before the end of Saturday so that we have more time for approval to process.

-[ ] Submit all the items for verification, with documentation of the underlying technology used. Since pretty much everything is based off already proven tech, approval should be fairly fast.

-[ ] Check back in on Glenn after everything else, to get any final advice for presenting ourselves.

-[ ] Get some work done on spidersilk cheerleading outfits in any time spent waiting. They won't take much attention after all.

-[ ] Familiarize with the new equipment, at least so we aren't going embarass ourselves.

-[ ] Needless to say use Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade liberally to fit it all in the time available

-[ ] Spend any leftover time making the cheerleading outfits and rehearsing for Monday.

[ ] Goal 2: Checking out Danny's case

-[ ] Get in touch with Danny, get him up to speed on what's going on, and his opinion on things. Find out how his case is doing. The PRT Backing should help here with people to facilitate the necessary paperwork.

-[ ]Check in with Sally
--[ ] It shouldn't be that hard to to find her home phone number via a phone book or the internet
--[ ] Check in to see how she's doing and let her know you don't blame her for what happened with the locker.

[ ] Goal 3: Socializing with Wards

-[ ]-Hang out with Ms. Militia
--[ ] Ask Ms. Militia if she wouldn't be willing to help you test the limits of the skill with ranged weapons your transformation gave you. Maybe you could even leave base and go to a range nearby?
--[ ] Discuss the various villains and factions present in Brockton Bay, from the perspective of a superhero. Maybe we'll get a clue who Lisa's boss is.
--[ ] Get to know the other Wards better, we hadn't really spent any time around them aside from Kid Win and Vista.
--[ ] Going out for food together would be good, but if that's not possible(due to identity concerns) a shared training session could help too.

[ ] Goal: Get in touch with Panacea?

-[ ] Armsmaster's plan has you considering other biological tinker projects, obviously Panacea's time is extremely valuable, but maybe you could offer to build New Wave some tinker equipment in exchange. You could also speed up her healing with your efficiency charm.

-[ ] Even if they are broken up at the moment maybe Dean could pass your offer along through Glory Girl.

[ ] Goal 4: Make contact with our favorite cosmic nerd

-[ ] Meditate to try and reach Autochton and clear our head.
--[ ] Check out how Essence works while we meditate if possible. There might be a similar connection between us and the Maker as we do with the bugs.

[ ] War +1 4XP
[ ] Craft +1 4XP if we get enough training on it during the weekend
Nothing substantial has been altered from your latest revision (besides removing the x's to keep the script from reading my post as a vote).
OH FUCK we have no dodge, no MA, and no melee. We are definitely going to want to get some dots in dodge ASAP.

Survival plan until then: abuse the fuck out of our cloak, never expose ourselves to danger, always attack with intent to immediately incapacitate (containment foam, flashbangs, stunguns), and use bugs and magic eyes to maintain maximum situational awareness. Never attack except from a position of overwhelming superiority. If there is even a doubt as to if we'll need backup, err on the side of caution and call it in. If we attack but can't take everything out in the surprise round reactivate cloak and reposition.