Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 2: Bullsh*t Magical Robot Girl

veekie said:
32 hours is total. Check the bottom of each Goal for the time spent on the goal.
ok, I see it now. Problem is the way you wrote it makes it look like the 32 hours is just for pure costuming. Format is important!

But anyway, changing my vote.
Vote changed again.
Zechstein said:
I like your plan, veekie, but do you think that four hours will be enough to finish the costume? We don't have all that much practice with weaving yet and even though we have Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, our costume is too important to rush it. On the other hand, the drones aren't all that critical just yet...
Based it off working with Kid Win on his wingsuit, since we got it to work in just an hour, and that Gromweld said we already have some spidersilk cloth made in our spare time since the spiders can be set to weave and forget most of the day.
How cruel is it that Veekie's plan describes our father as 'The Past', and throws him into the same bucket as the Trio?

It also does nothing to prepare for our public reveal as a ward, when we know that made a massive difference to our first public engagement, and generally, as the other plans did as well, ignores the fact that we have several important events coming up we should focus on
veekie said:
If you have a catchier title that covers both, I'd be glad to swap. The goal titles are a bit of an afterthought.
They really should have nothing to do with each other - having them as part of the same goal means that seeing them and seeing him are both means to accomplishing the same overall purpose.

Generally, you're describing the Goals wrong. The Goal is what we want to achieve. The Stunts are how we want to achieve that. You're just putting in subvotes, which is not what these are mean to reflect.
Sinsystems said:
Only from a linear subjective point of view we can't
Well yeah, because no matter what frame of reference you're in, no two things can happen simultaneously. As a result, one had to be first, and the rules clearly state that only one is allowed for each person.
Alratan said:
They really should have nothing to do with each other - having them as part of the same goal means that seeing them and seeing him are both means to accomplishing the same overall purpose.

Generally, you're describing the Goals wrong. The Goal is what we want to achieve. The Stunts are how we want to achieve that. You're just putting in subvotes, which is not what these are mean to reflect.
I think you're underestimating Gromweld's ability to judge the intent of a vote.
An example Goal and stunt might be;

[ ] Goal: make sure that our father is in a good mental place for his day in court.
- [ ] Stunt: get up to date on what will be happening legally. Ask Dragon if she can tell you, without betraying any confidences, what the status is.
- [ ] Stunt: give him a ring every night
- [ ] Stunt: Try to arrange with the PRT to allow you to visit your father Sunday lunch time and bring him some home cooked food. If necessary, tell Piggot it will reassure you ahead of you going public, and volunteer the food for clearance before hand. Tell him that you're fitting in at school and how you've made some new friends. Oh, and been headhunted to join the cheerleading team.

You see how all the stunts are examples of how you accomplish the goal, not separate tasks in their own right?
NotAlwaysFanfic said:
I think you're underestimating Gromweld's ability to judge the intent of a vote.
No, I'm simply trying to follow his instructions. I also don't want to think of what he could reasonably think the goal if something called 'The Past' is that involves seeing the trio and our father. Probably putting them both begin us.

Why should he have to infer what our goal is from the context?
Eh might as well go for Plan veekie I guess

[X] Plan veekie

My main concern is that we really need to communicate with Autochthon. Maybe not now, but soon, as he can teach us a WHOLE boatload of things that will improve our capabilities. Also, as we need to get a feel for what kind of a being he is, what his goals are, and how we can help him.
Is it strange that whenever I read Autochthon's name I somehow end up reading it as Auto-chan and then imagining him as a loli robot girl
I don't see that getting in communication with Autocthon will help. Even with his modifications, Primordials are generally too big to communicate with individuals. They're worlds, not people.