Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 18: Ravaging Rapscallions Rapidly Regret Regular Rampages

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Okay, here's a quick note on Social combat.

Heroic mortals have an absolute max of Willpower 5, but we'll be generous and assume Willpower 5 for Jack.
He's described as good looking, but not exceptional, so Appearance 3.
Manipulation/Charisma 2-3 is reasonable, since he works fine on (some) villains and rogues but not on heroes, suggesting he's good but not preternaturally so, even with his power.
Integrity 3 + a 1- 2 dot specialty.
No Essence.
His MDDV would be 5-6.

Compare this to Taylor, who has Willpower 10, Integrity 4 + Essence 3 for a base MDDV of 8.
Before stunts.
Before the soulsteel anima.
Before the App difference penalizes any social defenses Jack has with a -2 DV penalty, while giving Taylor's social defenses a +2 DV bonus .
Before her Intimacies (Vista, Twins, Being a Hero) give her any additional boosts.
Before the fact she can spend Willpower to ignore the argument.

The idea that Jack Slash is going to social-fu Taylor is preposterous.
If anything, HE is in more danger, since unlike Bonesaw he can't turn off his ears, and she has maxed things like Perception and Investigation to supplement her mediocre Manipulation.
Eh, I'm fine with it as is.
Conviction 4, Clarity 1 after all.
No mechanical effect, but I would expect her focus on limiting the damage-capabilities of the Nine by taking away their mobility would reflect her state of mind.
I wonder who's ending up with Compassion 4 on our Assembly, though.
I understand our mechanically superior position. Narratively, shooting the overly talkative villain in the head as he starts to monologue is a good end. "No. We don't play your foolish game. *bang*", is the perfect response to villains like Jack and Joker.
great analysis, but there's one small problem with you numbers. Earth Bet still run's on OWoD(or was that NWoD) rules rather than Exalted rules.
I know.
Just pointing out that even if Jack got to run on Exalted rules he'd still be fucked.
Let alone WoD rules.
Heroic mortals are perfectly capable of having Willpower 10. It's ordinary mortals who are limited to 5.
Derp. Will fix.
Serves me right for doing that writing when sleepy.
I understand our mechanically superior position. Narratively, shooting the overly talkative villain in the head as he starts to monologue is a good end. "No. We don't play your foolish game. *bang*", is the perfect response to villains like Jack and Joker.
I am not particularly wedded to any choice.
It just happens to be narratively appropriate for a confrontation to happen.
And for a person who enjoys the sound of his own voice like Jacob? Getting beaten at his game would be particularly galling.

Not to mention that letting him talk opens tactical opportunities for Taylor, who can run a war or pilot a robot swarm while engaging in social combat with no loss in efficiency.
A standard mortal, OTOH? Distraction.

Remember, we have other aims here than killing Jack Slash.
Serious question now:
Do we want to kill Bakuda?
She is one of the two Niners who has a "Capture first" designation; the second being Bonesaw.
Given that we need to take her alive anyway, is there any reason to kill her?

I mean, there is a distinct possibility that her munitions can be useful against Endbringers, something that resonates with Taylor's Motivation.
This makes her potentially useful enough to be cut a plea deal for monitored confinement in a PRT lab somewhere.
Especially if we can lay our hands on the Happy Fun Spike tree for court-mandated therapy.

Is there a reasoned argument to kill her besides "mass-murdering member of the Nine?"
Is there a reasoned argument to kill her besides "mass-murdering member of the Nine?"
She may have gone full crazy/brainwashed/experimented by Mannequin/Bonesaw, thus installing/having installed a bomb inside herself?

... Of course, getting Weaver to watch her with her Special Eyes would make that obvious, thus making it at best a minor problem.
Serious question now:
Do we want to kill Bakuda?
She is one of the two Niners who has a "Capture first" designation; the second being Bonesaw.
Given that we need to take her alive anyway, is there any reason to kill her?

I mean, there is a distinct possibility that her munitions can be useful against Endbringers, something that resonates with Taylor's Motivation.
This makes her potentially useful enough to be cut a plea deal for monitored confinement in a PRT lab somewhere.
Especially if we can lay our hands on the Happy Fun Spike tree for court-mandated therapy.

Is there a reasoned argument to kill her besides "mass-murdering member of the Nine?"
No objection to your actual argument, Bakuda is likely beyond our ability to rehabilitate through mundane means, but can we please stop calling POS "Therapy"? That's not what it does, and it's kind of a tasteless euphemism. Call forced mental conditioning what it is.
No objection to your actual argument, Bakuda is likely beyond our ability to rehabilitate through mundane means, but can we please stop calling POS "Therapy"? That's not what it does, and it's kind of a tasteless euphemism. Call forced mental conditioning what it is.
"Therapy" is not a bad term for a mental treatment which makes someone no longer insane.
I just think it's disingenuous to use a tool that is explicitly for brainwashing on criminals and call it 'therapy'. That's degrading to the entire profession and kind of horrible, in my view.

If we're going to forcefully recondition criminals into our own soldiers, at least have the decency to own it.
Serious question now:
Do we want to kill Bakuda?
She is one of the two Niners who has a "Capture first" designation; the second being Bonesaw.
Given that we need to take her alive anyway, is there any reason to kill her?

I mean, there is a distinct possibility that her munitions can be useful against Endbringers, something that resonates with Taylor's Motivation.
This makes her potentially useful enough to be cut a plea deal for monitored confinement in a PRT lab somewhere.
Especially if we can lay our hands on the Happy Fun Spike tree for court-mandated therapy.

Is there a reasoned argument to kill her besides "mass-murdering member of the Nine?"

I would not want to have her in our Amalgam, neither rehabilitated nor "rehabilitated".
That said I am ok with letting her live, although after "rehabilitation" or, to be honest with terms, forced mental conditioning.
I would not want to have her in our Amalgam, neither rehabilitated nor "rehabilitated".
That said I am ok with letting her live, although after "rehabilitation" or, to be honest with terms, forced mental conditioning.
Assembly is the word you're looking for, and I agree that Bakuda isn't the best fit for our team.
I'd prefer if she actually just went to a conventional therapist. The PRT has some good ones, and if we can clear some of the frankly self-defeating parts of the bureaucracy out, that'd be way better in the long run than just spiking everyone. Sadly that feels like a pipe dream at this point, and we'll have to make do with reformating her brain until it suits us.
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I'd prefer if she actually just went to conventional therapy. The PRT has some good ones, and if we can clear some of the frankly self-defeating parts of the bureaucracy out, that'd be way better in the long run than just spiking everyone. Sadly that feels like a pipe dream at this point, and we'll have to make do with reformating her brain until it suits us.
A bit premature to adopt that stance.
I just think it's disingenuous to use a tool that is explicitly for brainwashing on criminals and call it 'therapy'. That's degrading to the entire profession and kind of horrible, in my view.

If we're going to forcefully recondition criminals into our own soldiers, at least have the decency to own it.
You seemed to be objecting to the whole trend of using it that way, which had mostly been talking about making Bonesaw's victims forget their trauma (which is totally therapy). If you meant purely the Bakuda-brainwashing, then yes, it's a bit euphemistic.

However, I object to the claim that POS is "a tool that is explicitly for brainwashing" when it can be used uncontested and has functions like "enhance target's permanent Willpower". It's certainly an effective tool for brainwashing, but it does have other uses that are not off-label.
It's not like the PRT doesn't have a history of offering captured villains a way out by going hero.
Granted, I don't think they're usually as unhinged as Bakuda. And I doubt anyone but Harbinger has ever left the Nine.
Granted... With Weaver's political capital, it might be possible to work something out. A "you make us Endbringer-killing bombs, we let you live" sort of deal. But you'd need Thinkers to keep an eye on her, so...
I'd prefer if she actually just went to conventional therapy. The PRT has some good ones, and if we can clear some of the frankly self-defeating parts of the bureaucracy out, that'd be way better in the long run than just spiking everyone. Sadly that feels like a pipe dream at this point, and we'll have to make do with reformating her brain until it suits us.
A bit premature to adopt that stance.

This said, we are not exactly in a position to decide what happens with her after we capture her.
We might, by burning a lot of political capital, influence the situation, and Triumvirate/Cauldron might silently back us, but we will have limited possibilities to interfere.

And were we to have a choice I would try to rehabilitate Riley.

Bakuda went into it more or less on her own, Riley literally did not have a choice, and while she arguably caused the most suffering among the nine she is a brainwashed child, raised since she was six by an absolute and persuasive monster, who slaughtered her parents, then molded her for his perverse pleasure.
No objection to your actual argument, Bakuda is likely beyond our ability to rehabilitate through mundane means, but can we please stop calling POS "Therapy"? That's not what it does, and it's kind of a tasteless euphemism. Call forced mental conditioning what it is.
I fail to see your point.
Many of the same methods used by psychiatrists for mental health intervention are used by brainwashers as well.
The method itself is not an issue; it's how it's used, and who it's used on.
I would not want to have her in our Amalgam, neither rehabilitated nor "rehabilitated".
Of course not.
If I have qualms about Accord, who is pretty stable, why would anyone consider Bakuda as an Exalt?
And were we to have a choice I would try to rehabilitate Riley.
Riley gives us a possible legsup on parahuman physiology, so I'd like to kepp her in arms reach.
The PRT can handle Bakuda; after all, they have some experience with Tinkers like String Theory.
This said, we are not exactly in a position to decide what happens with her after we capture her.
We might, by burning a lot of political capital, influence the situation, and Triumvirate/Cauldron might silently back us, but we will have limited possibilities to interfere.
This is true. Mostly this is just everyone talking about their fantasy scenario and debating the ethics of the Spike. In reality, burning political capital trying to save members of the S9 would almost certainly be letting our reach exceed our grasp.

Bakuda went into it more or less on her own, Riley literally did not have a choice, and while she arguably caused the most suffering among the nine she is a brainwashed child, raised since she was six by an absolute and persuasive monster, who slaughtered her parents, then molded her for his perverse pleasure.
To be (probably a little too) generous to Bakuda, we have no idea how much of her behavior is her and how much is her Shard. She might be like Burnscar (or, if we're using Grom's interpretation, Accord) and be unable to stop herself. It's hardly fair to hold her accountable for that when we're already indicating we're willing to excuse it in our allies.

On a related note, from a moral standpoint Burnscar really shouldn't have to be executed. The girl literally cannot stop herself, her shard and Jack have completely screwed her over. In a fantasy world where I got everything I wanted, we'd take her alive and rehabilitate her, or Spike her to help her resist the shard's influence if it became necessary. Sadly, again, this really isn't practical. She'll probably die in the course of the battle. Yet another victim.

I fail to see your point.
Many of the same methods used by psychiatrists for mental health intervention are used by brainwashers as well.
The method itself is not an issue; it's how it's used, and who it's used on.
I disagree that who it's used on is a factor. Conditioning someone like Bakuda to fight for us would be brainwashing. Even if she was fully restored to sanity, she still really hates the system as a whole. Making her okay with that goes well beyond the boundaries of therapy.
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We're going to have to be rather judicious in our expenditures of political capital. We're likely going to need most of it short term to weather the storm Exalting our preferred Jade and Moonsilver candidates (Missy and Aisha) will generate.