Since getting at least ONE Twin seems to have some momentum, it's worth considering something: the Twins are are in a bad place physically, mentally, and emotionally. Yes, Wyld (and to a lesser degree, Taylor) can help get the metal bits out of their brainmeats, but that's about it. What are we going to do with them? It is quite possible that the Twins, Tranfusion, and Vista have died more than once and suffered some catastrophic brain damage as a result of Bonesaw's poorly-equipped revival techniques.
Between Wyld, Taylor and Marrow's BRW, brain damage is fixable.
Especially since they have only been in Bonesaw's hands for ~12-18 hours; that puts a hard limit on how much physical damage we are talking about.
The emotional and mental trauma OTOH is going to take more time.
I forsee medevac as soon as they're physically ready, to NY for the Twins, where Gloria lives; getting them out of the Nine's reach will be a PRT priority, and she is the only adult non-combatant they have left.
I mean, they would probably be willing to go back for Vista if they could, but the PRT won't countenance it.
We may or may not lose Kid Win for a while as well, since probably he has to accompany them to NY to keep the teleport blocker running until their dimension has been...sanitized.
Sticking drones and traps in there is a no-brainer for the Nine, which means that any initial entry is likely to require Marrow/Chevalier/Narhwal; people armored enough to take an initial hit, and keep trucking.
Ditto Transfusion; I assume his foster parents would have been evacced by now, assuming they survived Shatterbird's scream.
This is another of those occasions where the Happy Fun Spike would have come in useful*grumble*
Vista though?
Is likely to remain in Nine hands till the endgame; the cost of finding her individually is too high(12 points = 3 dead Niners).
Which means her damage levels are likely to be higher.
Especially if we take away the healers and/or capture Bonesaw.
The Update itself will likely end if we secure them (fulfilling the "STOP SCENE" vote from 8.1) so this is mostly a question for 8.4, but it's worth considering whether what rescuing them means for them and us beyond the simple denial of S9 resources.
They are alternates for Starmetal(about old enough for Thousand Courtesans in two years), but they aren't primaries, so we can't just chuck them into the Cradle.
Especially since we have yet to figure out IC what happens if you put Twins in the oven to cook.
Until Taylor talks to Iris about it, even considering it is irresponsible.
Transfusion is not a candidate for Exaltation though; too young.
And we know nothing about Feelgood OOC.
So their fates post-recovery are up to you.
I suspect post-trauma therapy will go better for everyone if Jack's head is mounted on a pole on TV.
While I believe that it's against normal evidentiary rules to put the bodies of the dead on display, I suspect the PRT might make an exception for the Nine if/when they get killed.
Which probably means reporters and video footage, like happened with Saddam.
Check out the top and bottom of the page - listed next to the thread page list - for pertinent posts. Sadly, it won't be as useful for us because of my ever-burning desire to make new threads with alliterative titles, but it should still help for checking back to the Voting Options posts.