Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

Voting is open
[x] plan buyers and sellers
-[x] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
-[x] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[x] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist; gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 formulae)

-[x] Map of the Deep Veins (Learn the location of a vein of Siccanite in the White Lands, providing vast wealth if you can get to it and mine it)

-[x] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)

deep veins and court of gears work so well together the best buyer of Siccanite are the tinker fey and the best place to buy magic swag is from the tinker fey
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[x] plan buyers and sellers
[x] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
[x] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
[x] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist; gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 formulae)

[x] Map of the Deep Veins (Learn the location of a vein of Siccanite in the White Lands, providing vast wealth if you can get to it and mine it)

[x] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)

deep veins and court of gears work so well together the best buyer of Siccanite are the tinker fey and the best place to buy magic swag is from the tinker fey
You need to put "-" before your plan's items, e.g. like here:
Since we're plan voting on these, and @Artemis1992 and I disagree on one of the boons, I'll put one up, too.

[X] Equal Shares, Goldfish Edition
-[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
-[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
-[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
-[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[X] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)
Nice to see all the diversity of plans. :)

I think we will have to leave it at one update and the one info post for today though. I'll be going out for New Year's and I won't be back until late tonight so er... Happy New Year guys. See you tomorrow, probably not in the morning all things told, but I will try to get up at a reasonable hour. :V
Nice to see all the diversity of plans. :)

I think we will have to leave it at one update and the one info post for today though. I'll be going out for New Year's and I won't be back until late tonight so er... Happy New Year guys. See you tomorrow, probably not in the morning all things told, but I will try to get up at a reasonable hour. :V
Happy New Year, DP! 🥳

EDIT: BTW, @DragonParadox, could you go ahead and roll the number of bonus Formulate Zaia will get for 1st and 2nd level Extracts? I'm trying to put together a retraining vote plan for him and that would be helpful to know.
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He got 2 bonus level one and 3 bonus for level two. So not quite max, but he did get the 3 where it is stronger.

Speaking of Zaia's rebuild, due to the Alchemist class having much fewer skill points than what Rogues get, he is going to inevitably lose some stuff in the transition. Since this is basically a magical, godling-granted class respec, will Zaia be able to cast off the penalties to some of his Knowledge skills due to being in a new world?

For example, he currently has a +10 bonus to Knowledge (Local), but that's halved on this world due to unfamiliarity, for an effective +5. That skill will no longer be a Class skill for Alchemist!Zaia, but if he invests a single point into it, once his INT modifier is added it will be back up to +5. With the penalty removed, nothing really changes mechanically.

Just trying to preserve as much of his previous skills/knowledge as possible.
Would he get his favored class bonus of extra formulae?
Not yet. He can't learn extra Formulae from that until 4th level. For now I'm penning him in with +3 HP, to keep his current HP from dropping.
What does "bonus level" mean? :rolleyes:
He'll be getting 2 extra 1st level Extracts Formula, and 3 extra 2nd level (which he won't even be able to use yet, but they'll be waiting for when he reaches 4th level.

Speaking of Zaia's rebuild, due to the Alchemist class having much fewer skill points than what Rogues get, he is going to inevitably lose some stuff in the transition. Since this is basically a magical, godling-granted class respec, will Zaia be able to cast off the penalties to some of his Knowledge skills due to being in a new world?

For example, he currently has a +10 bonus to Knowledge (Local), but that's halved on this world due to unfamiliarity, for an effective +5. That skill will no longer be a Class skill for Alchemist!Zaia, but if he invests a single point into it, once his INT modifier is added it will be back up to +5. With the penalty removed, nothing really changes mechanically.

Just trying to preserve as much of his previous skills/knowledge as possible.

Yes, this gets rid of the knowledge issues as far as his new skills are concerned. A small note here, the class would not be granted in the way one would grant say a cleric's powers, there is no sponsorship involved. The spirit will just write some of what it knows about magical transmutation on a stone in a way Esha at least can read and then between her Zaia he will be able to pick up the skills from that the same way one would learn to be say a blacksmith.
One of the 1st level Extracts I'm penciling into the rebuild plan for Zaia is Tears to Wine, or as it could also be known, Sailor's Best Friend. Or if you're asking Antonio, possibly the Nectar of the Gods.

It doesn't create amazing booze, but it can turn undrinkable seawater into pretty decent mead or wine, and better yet, you get mentally sharper when you drink it rather than buzzed or drunk. How nice will it be for the sailors who go on watch duty to have a flask of this stuff to take a swig from every half hour or so?

Zaia will only be able to change 1 cubic foot into mead or wine at 3rd level, but that will increase to 2 cubic feet at 4th level. And a cubic foot of booze is actually a fucking lot, just short of 7.5 gallons or a bit more than 28 liters.

Marcella can now become the Party Boat when she isn't being the Danger Boat.
Marcella can now become the Party Boat when she isn't being the Danger Boat.
With Marcella joining the party itself? :)

He'll be getting 2 extra 1st level Extracts Formula, and 3 extra 2nd level (which he won't even be able to use yet, but they'll be waiting for when he reaches 4th level.
Sorry, I still do not understand. Now Zaia is 3-lvl Rogue. What will be after applying the bonus levels? What will happen with feats and traits?
With Marcella joining the party itself? :)

Sorry, I still do not understand. Now Zaia is 3-lvl Rogue. What will be after applying the bonus levels? What will happen with feats and traits?
Zaia could conceivably make enough magic booze to affect Marcella, but it would take some effort. Maybe for special occasions? :p

He is going to retrain from a 3rd level Rogue to a 3rd level Alchemist. It's what we've been aiming toward for most of the quest for him.

I'm putting together a rebuild plan for him now. Some of his feats and traits will change, along with his skills, but I'm trying to keep as much intact as possible. He was already built to be as much of an Alchemist as a 3rd level Rogue can really be, so some stuff won't change too much. Once I get it all put together, I'll post the plan and include my reasoning for various changes.
But with Roland we could change only one feat in a time. It would be a strange if Zaua awake as a different person.
This is a more thorough change, one we've been building toward for months IC. With Roland, he wasn't changing his class, merely retraining a feat. Much later, when time and special training becomes available, we'll probably retrain Roland into another class, too.

Zaia will be the same person, but with his magical abilities awakened. He'll still be an Alchemist (he's been one all along, just not the magical variety), he'll still be a healer (but even more effective because he can produce his own Cure spells and potions), he'll still be a skilled poisoner (but better, because his magic will make him resistant to poison), etc. Even his main method of attack, throwing Alchemical stuff at targets will remain, though now his magic will allow him to make Alchemical bombs with special effects.

It would be weird if he woke up and was suddenly a Cleric of Inoko or something, but him becoming a true Alchemist is very much just an upgrade of what he already is.
@DragonParadox, given that Marcella consumes life force of that which we feed her, if we give her Zaia's extracts which are essentially magic, would it speed up her development and/or influence her development's direction based on extract effects?
We also get our tin reward, and the end of the arc reward. Both awesome.

I wanna keep Roland going in the direction we took after facing the dragon. Iron will as a bonus feat maybe?
Voting is open