Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

Voting is open
[] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
This is nice, but not high priority, not while Esha has Magic Weapon readied.
But it's definitly good.

[] Scales of the Twilight Realm (Roland Gains Elysian Bronze Champion Scale Mail)
This is by raw numbers worse than our current Banded Mail.
5 +1 is still less than 7.
It is neat with the special effects of Elysian Bronze and Champion, but that is situational.
[] Cloak of False Re-birth (Antonio Gains Cloak of Fiery Vanishing)
This is pretty great, but Antonio is rarely fighting, so not quite as valuable as a boon for the other partymembers.
[] Breath of the Healing Waters (Inge Gains Necklace of Adaptation)
Very useful in a few situation and against a few enemies. But all in all we won't want to send one person alone underwater in most cases.
[] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
Now that's just neat, particularly for an Arcanist with many spells but few prepared ones.
I want it.
[] Horn of Daemon's Bane (Produces 2 Doses of Abjurant Salt every season for a total of 6/year)
Meh. Maybe if we can sell the doses we don't use.
[] Eyes of the Eagle (Antonio Gains Eyes of the Eagle + Set bonus)
This is great, because two pieces of the set give Antonio Wild Empathy. Want it.
[] Flame Forged Messengers (Gain 3xMessenger birds identical to Silver Raven Figurines)
Definitly good, but not that much better than trained seabirds.
[] Precious Stones borne up from the depths of the world by the power of living flame (15.000 Gold worth of precious stones of extraordinary quality; may be worth even more to to collector or a mage specializing in earth magics)
Hmm, will need comparison.
[] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
Oh yes, that one for sure.
Is Fire Bomber an option?
[] Tome of the Whispering Flame (Esha Gains Lesser Tome of Extended Summoning)
Rather specific and she doesn't have summoning spells yet.
[] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
That's on the list. Boni are always great and a cauldron that needs no fire is perfect for our ship.
[] Map of the Deep Veins (Learn the location of a vein of Siccanite in the White Lands, providing vast wealth if you can get to it and mine it)
Plot hook, but not one we need right now.
[] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)
Fey are problematic, but Tinker Fey are something we get along with rather well I hope.
[] Soul Fire's Blessing (The spirit confers a one time blessing on a character allowing them to forge an item that costs up to 2000 XP without spending any of their own soul in the making. The crafter must still qualify to make the item otherwise)
-[] Wrtie in who gets it
To be honest, I would prefer if we didn't get crafting abilities for ourselves.
That is a road to many simple stat-enhancers that made the later game for Viserys and friends rather difficult.
I don't want us to have permanent PfE, as one example, because it cuts out many interesting options.
[X] Equal Shares
-[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
-[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
-[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
-[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[X] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)

One nice thing for each of us and a plothook with potential for more quality gear or profitable opportunities for the whole group and their future.
Oh yes, that one for sure.
Is Fire Bomber an option?
To be honest, I would prefer if we didn't get crafting abilities for ourselves.
That is a road to many simple stat-enhancers that made the later game for Viserys and friends rather difficult.
I don't want us to have permanent PfE, as one example, because it cuts out many interesting options.
  1. Fire Bomber is something he can take, it even fits with the fluff of what he has been doing so far.
  2. Permanent PfE is not an option, it feels too strong for an E6 world. I needed it in ASWAH so that the humans would not get mind controlled right and left by all the high power gribbles and random wizards.
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So many fantastic choices here for us to choose from, some more immediately useful than others, but all great. Here's my picks.

[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)

Not an exciting choice, but a very important one, IMO. Roland needs a magic sword more for its ability to pierce Damage Reduction and hit Incorporeal enemies than for the added damage, though the +1 damage bonus will be nice, too. The Keen special ability can't be ignored, either. Increasing his sword's Critical threat range from 19-20 to 17-20 basically doubles his likelihood of getting a Crit.

[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)

This staff might only have a couple first level spells, but they are fantastic choices, especially for Esha, who currently lacks defensive and offensive options. While she can eventually prepare these same spells, using the staff lets her instead prepare other spells in their place, which will be very helpful since low level Arcanists are quite limited in the number of spells they can have prepared at any given time. Also, unlike magic staves in D&D, those in Pathfinder can be easily recharged, so she can freely burn through its stored charges without fear of permanently depleting it.

[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)

We've been working toward Zaia becoming an Alchemist for most of the quest, so this is a no-brainer to me. Not only will he be able to retrain, he'll also be getting bonus Formulae, which in other circumstances would be difficult to come by, involving research time and resource investment.

[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)

The Necklace of Adaptation would be really neat for Inge or anyone she loaned it to, but she will eventually be learning the Water Breathing spell, and there are other ways to achieve this as well. The Cauldron gives a great bonus to Alchemy checks, though it will mainly be good for Inge, since Zaia gets a built-in Competence bonus with his class. Zaia's bonus won't reach +5 until he makes it to 5th level, however, so he will still benefit from that for some time to come. Bonus aside, the ability to heat itself without need for fuel will be a huge advantage when Marcella is at sea.

[X] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)

Antonio would certainly appreciate the gems or magic items, but this is specifically what he asked for, not to mention being both a fantastic plot hook that can open new adventure routes up for us, but also a way for us to set ourselves up suppliers to and customers of an exclusive sect of crafters. The Fey are generally problematic, but Tinker Fey are among the least objectionable and most easily worked with. We can buy neat stuff from them to sell elsewhere, we can sell them stuff, commission stuff, etc. All around, a great set of contacts we can milk far into the future if we're careful about it.
This is nice, but not high priority, not while Esha has Magic Weapon readied.
But it's definitly good.

This is by raw numbers worse than our current Banded Mail.
5 +1 is still less than 7.
It is neat with the special effects of Elysian Bronze and Champion, but that is situational.

This is pretty great, but Antonio is rarely fighting, so not quite as valuable as a boon for the other partymembers.

Very useful in a few situation and against a few enemies. But all in all we won't want to send one person alone underwater in most cases.

Now that's just neat, particularly for an Arcanist with many spells but few prepared ones.
I want it.

Meh. Maybe if we can sell the doses we don't use.

This is great, because two pieces of the set give Antonio Wild Empathy. Want it.

Definitly good, but not that much better than trained seabirds.

Hmm, will need comparison.

Oh yes, that one for sure.
Is Fire Bomber an option?

Rather specific and she doesn't have summoning spells yet.

That's on the list. Boni are always great and a cauldron that needs no fire is perfect for our ship.

Plot hook, but not one we need right now.

Fey are problematic, but Tinker Fey are something we get along with rather well I hope.

To be honest, I would prefer if we didn't get crafting abilities for ourselves.
That is a road to many simple stat-enhancers that made the later game for Viserys and friends rather difficult.
I don't want us to have permanent PfE, as one example, because it cuts out many interesting options.

[X] Equal Shares
-[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)

-[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
-[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
-[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[X] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)

One nice thing for each of us and a plothook with potential for more quality gear or profitable opportunities for the whole group and their future.
Haha, I see that our reasoning matched up pretty well here. :cool2:
[X] Equal Shares

I can totally get behind all this, though hope Antonio doesn't feel burned he isn't directly getting something.
@Goldfish & @Artemis1992 So admittedly you both know the system much better than I but why not the below option?

[] Eyes of the Eagle (Antonio Gains Eyes of the Eagle + Set bonus)

It seems to me it would be better than the introduction to fey seeing as we already know where to find some and thus can replicate that elsewhere. (Not that it'd be easy only doable.)

Also Antonio needs a present to doesn't he? You guys are picking on the poor merchant you bullies! :p
@Goldfish & @Artemis1992 So admittedly you both know the system much better than I but why not the below option?

[] Eyes of the Eagle (Antonio Gains Eyes of the Eagle + Set bonus)

It seems to me it would be better than the introduction to fey seeing as we already know where to find some and thus can replicate that elsewhere. (Not that it'd be easy only doable.)

Also Antonio needs a present to doesn't he? You guys are picking on the poor merchant you bullies! :p
That would most definitly be my sixth choice if we had one.
Particularly since it is part of a set Antonio already have one of...

Know what, I agree.

[X] More Equal Shares
-[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
-[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
-[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
-[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[X] Eyes of the Eagle (Antonio Gains
Eyes of the Eagle + Set bonus)

With the set bonus he gets Wild Empathy, that can be very valuable.
And he can sometimes lend it to Inge if she wants to talk to non-sea animals.
@Goldfish & @Artemis1992 So admittedly you both know the system much better than I but why not the below option?

[] Eyes of the Eagle (Antonio Gains Eyes of the Eagle + Set bonus)

It seems to me it would be better than the introduction to fey seeing as we already know where to find some and thus can replicate that elsewhere. (Not that it'd be easy only doable.)

Also Antonio needs a present to doesn't he? You guys are picking on the poor merchant you bullies! :p
That would most definitly be my sixth choice if we had one.
Particularly since it is part of a set Antonio already have one of...

Know what, I agree.

[X] More Equal Shares
-[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
-[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)

-[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
-[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[X] Eyes of the Eagle (Antonio Gains
Eyes of the Eagle + Set bonus)

With the set bonus he gets Wild Empathy, that can be very valuable.
And he can sometimes lend it to Inge if she wants to talk to non-sea animals.
I admit I was tempted by the Eyes and the Wild Empathy (it could be really useful), but the introduction to the Tinker Fey is something Antonio specifically asked for. It's also a way for us to do some neat adventuring and exploring that doesn't necessarily involve the Anwa or potentially hostile human powers in this part of the world. To put it simply, special people with a special ship should be doing special stuff, and this is an opportunity to really lean into that.

Also, we're not merely getting info of where to find the Tinker Fey, we're getting an introduction to them from what might as well be a demigod, especially to the Tinkers themselves, given the Onkushu's stated interest in and power over forging and crafting. We can't ask for a better starting point with them than that. That's the difference between being an average dude showing up at a really hot club and having to wait in line for an hour before you even get a chance to be vetted by a doorman, and showing up with a supermodel on one arm and your buddy <insert famous rich dude here>.
Since we're plan voting on these, and @Artemis1992 and I disagree on one of the boons, I'll put one up, too.

[X] Equal Shares, Goldfish Edition
-[X] Sword of the Severing Flame (Roland's Sword gains magic and the Keen Special Ability)
-[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
-[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 Formulae)
-[X] Cauldron of Living Bronze (Zaia and Inge Gain Cauldron of Brewing)
-[X] An Introduction to the Court of Gears (Tinker Fey and makers of extraordinary inventions present throughout the known world)
@DragonParadox on a random note since cauldron can heat up water without a flame source does that mean it can be used for general cooking of things like soup and stew? I am sure the sailors will love that since safer than more historical methods, if they cooked at all and just didn't eat preserved/food that didn't spoil. Can even boil stuff in gathered salt water to cook/preserve it like fish and meat.
@DragonParadox on a random note since cauldron can heat up water without a flame source does that mean it can be used for general cooking of things like soup and stew? I am sure the sailors will love that since safer than more historical methods, if they cooked at all and just didn't eat preserved/food that didn't spoil. Can even boil stuff in gathered salt water to cook/preserve it like fish and meat.

You could if you could somehow convince people to agree to have their food made in the magic cauldron. All things considered as long as there was any other alternative most of the sailors would prefer their food not be made in the cauldron with the newt's eyes
*Zaia mode on*
@DragonParadox , we are on the edge of civilization. But does our hosts know if there are other inhabitants which dwell on the ice sheet itself?
*Zaia mode off*
Nice choices. I'm going to ones that provide long-term expansions of capabilities. The one I'm most unsure of is the 5th one (magic armor). A magic sword is nice, but keen is bleh. The armor provides DR against dangerous foes, as well as bonuses to hit.

The other picks take care of Inge, give Esha more spells, finally let Zaia become an alchemist, and give us a long-range communication option for when we split the party or need to conduct long-distance diplomacy.

[X] Breath of the Healing Waters (Inge Gains Necklace of Adaptation)
[X] Staff of Warding Flame (Esha gains Staff of Minor Arcana)
[X] Stelle of Alchemical Formulae (Zaia may retrain as an alchemist; gains 1d2+1 bonus level 1 and 2 formulae)
[X] Flame Forged Messengers (Gain 3x Messenger Birds identical to Silver Raven Figurines)
[X] Scales of the Twilight Realm (Roland Gains Elysian Bronze Champion Scale Mail)
Voting is open