Herald's Way
Eighteenth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
"We are but messengers here Ancient One..."
And do not wish to be tangled in the affairs of shore or wood, you add inwardly. "Though we will be glad to bear your word back to Ohun Greenbelt and then carry it hither, by safer roads I hope." There is enough of a jesting air in the last words to play them off as such at need, but in truth you would prefer a path that does not make the most rutted brigand haunted path in Normandy seem like the
Via Regia.
Lone Branch tilts his leaf crowned head to the side and you think you seek in his strange eye an glint of understanding, like a silver coin cast into the depths of a well, but all he says is. "Good fences make good neighbors..." you wait for some explanation but the tree giant is obviously not minded to assuage your curiosity. Instead he continues. "Tell Ohun that the hunt will ride to his purpose, in peace and in war, but the treasure of the Old King must be returned to us before the year is done."
Your returning nod is a touch unsure, accompanied by a glance at Uhumbi that asks without words, 'is he mighty enough to make requests of the king by his own will?'
A furtive manner is not among the boar man's skills, perhaps to his credit. He looks at first surprised that you would even wonder at then replies. "The Ancients of th' wood dina like ta gather all together but the trees carry their words from far off."
"Thus we shall bear them gladly beyond the bounds of the forest," you cut in quickly, hoping you had not given offense.
Thankfully it seems that you had not for the giant returns to contemplating some memory far off, or perhaps some present sight which eyes of flesh alone cannot contemplate. "It is good then, fare thee well Roland of Normandy and may your next meeting with the folk of the lonely dells be more pleasing to the heart."
"I shall be glad to be away from this unchancy place altogether," Silver says none too quietly, drawing surprised laughter form John and Henri.
Your way out of the woods is swift as though the very trees conspire to see you out and on your way swift as can be, the path if no longer shrouded in grey and though evening overtakes you before you are back on the main roads the stars are clear enough overhead to lead you on yet having reached again the safety of the road there is another decision you must make, do you ride out altogether back to the city to carry the word of the fey to Ohun or do you send but one or a couple of your men to bear the message while you remain with Zaia as he searches for arcane reagents across the fields of Lirman.
What do you do?
[] Return to Apuku together with the news, likely to be drawn into the affairs of the court for a few days and thus have less time to hunt for reagents
[] Send a messenger while the rest of you help Zaia scour the outskirts for reagents
-[] Write in who to send
[] Write in
OOC: Middling rolls this turn, neither high enough to get an extra reward not low enough for a faux pas. Not yet edited.