Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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I'm hoping Silver has a good opportunity to do some Horse-Fu and kick one of the little fuckers' heads right off their shoulders.

We kinda only have one attack between him and us when we are riding him, but we could charge, then jump off the horse and go full two-on-one on someone.

We should practice that trick. There might even be a feat or a skill trick that lets us dismount quickly.
We kinda only have one attack between him and us when we are riding him, but we could charge, then jump off the horse and go full two-on-one on someone.

We should practice that trick. There might even be a feat or a skill trick that lets us dismount quickly.
Nothing says Silver can't kick a target while we're riding him. He also has a decent Bite attack.

How fucking metal would it be if Silver just reaches out, clenches the Fey's head between his teeth, and tears it off with a twist of his neck?

/is now on Team Murderhorse
Heavy Horse (Combat Trained, Bodyguard Archetype)
N Large Magical Beast (Augmented Animal)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +12 (+14 w/Alertness)

AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 Dex, -1 size, +4 natural, +4 chain shirt)
HP 61 (6d8+30)
Fort +10, Ref +10 (+2 vs Falling), Will +5 (+2 vs Fear, +4 on subsequent rounds if allowed)

Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +8 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +8 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 21, Dex 20, Con 21, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
Feats: Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes, Light Armor Proficiency (B), Run (B), Sure-Footed Stride
Skills: +13 Acrobatics, +12 Perception (+14 w/Alertness), +11 Swim (+9 w/Armor Check Penalty)

  • Shared Vigilance (Ex): You and your designated companion gain Alertness as a bonus feat whenever you are adjacent.
  • Evasion (Ex): If you are subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, you take no damage if you make a successful saving throw.
  • Tenacious Guardian (Ex): You can always act in a surprise round (though you remain flat-footed until you act). As long as your ward is adjacent, you remain conscious (though you become staggered) when your hit points fall below 0. While below 0 hit points, you lose 1 hit point per round but gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, dying only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to your Constitution score plus your total hit dice.
Speaking of Silver, @DragonParadox, here's his updated character sheet for after he was Awakened. I added a pic, too.
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Arc 4 Post 18: Neath Elder Eyes
Neath Elder Eyes

Eighteenth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)

Ignoring the pain shooting up your leg you cast aside the lance. Clean Norman steel flashes in your hand and before the crow-foot can do more than open his mouth you cleave in one blow his head from his shoulders, leaving behind a face vastly surprised. Yet the cry of victory dies upon your own lips as you turn to see Tom tumble from his horse, his chest sparking as though struck by lightning.

You take 2 Damage

Tom Takes 8 Damage
Tom is staggered (0 HP)

Whether by skill o simple good fortune John manages to avoid the same fate, kicking out just in time to send his own foe reeling, magic flickering like dying embers in his palm... and then it flees ducking aside from your man's own hurried jab with the spear to run into the cover of the ash-shrouded woods, though he does not quite make it to the line of trees before two more arrows spring from Nico and Henri's bows, one misses, vanishing into the grey air... one pins the foe by the temple, sending him tumbling to the forest floor. Though Inge is not so fortunate in her spellweaving, the streak of ice flying above the head of the last remaining foe even as he tries desperately to dance out of Pete's way it is clear his breaths too are numbered

John takes 1 Damage

Thus you could not have been more surprised to hear the fey calls in loud and brazen voice: "Invaders, slayers, hewers of trees and poisoners of waters! Come swift and see the blood upon the path!"

Where the devil is your guide? you think as the fire in your leg grows stronger still, as you ride swift as you are able to end the battle despite the pain growing unbearable, the horrid smell of sizzling flesh reaching your nostrils. You spot Uhumbi not far ahead of all of you running and rolling about as though he had taken leave of his senses and become a beast in truth.

You take 7 damage

"Take off your armor!" you shout, thanking God and the Virgin's Mercy for Zaia's quick thinking as he rushes first to Tom, pouring healing cordial down his throat swift as he can manage it, even as Pete pulls the red hot boot from his foot with scalded fingers.

Pete takes 5 Damage

Tom Heals 9 Damage

Just as Silver gets you close enough to end the last foe, by sword or well placed hoof that you do not doubt he is readying there comes from the trees to the right of the path a sound like onto a great horn and at the same time like the voice of a storm in many branches, a first loud enough to ring in your ears than falling again to near a whisper then rising.

Hoom Hoom Hoooum

And indeed it seems as though some wind unfelt by you is moving the trees is moving the trees fit to cast them over... no. The sight before you can only be some conjuring of the agony that is upon you, for it is as though the tree is walking on great roots and limbs too thick around for a man to grasp them and yet bending like willow reeds, a giant crowned in leaves of green, his beard like the fine clinging vines of grapes and in his eyes an uncanny stillness.

"What is the meaning of this!" the giant's voice booms like thunder underground. "Who has poisoned the Child of Boar? Who has brought blood and death to the paths of the wood?"

You feel Inge's hand on your chest, blessed coolness flowing from it, giving you the moment of clarity you need to cast aside the burning boot, though not before it burns your fingers. There is a part of you that wishes you could look back to see how John is doing, to see if Zaia's ministrations can ward away the curse of flame, but you dare not. Instead you reply clearly. "I know not of any poison and if there is evil done in these woods than it is the doing of that one and his kin now dead." Sword still in hand you point to the last remaining crow footed spirit.

You heal 11 Damage
You take 6 Damage

"Ho... hum... huum... indeed that seems to be their wont for they are trickily ones and quick to make trouble for the Children of Man and those of the Boar also."

"They bring killing frost into the woods..." your enemy begins, but the giant cuts him off, not with words but with the sweep of one great club like arm that bats him aside dead or unconscious on the ground. In spite of that fact he continues gravely. "You brought fire from metal."

Now... only now can you turn to see Zaia pour one last mouthful of the potion into John's mouth even as the armor begins to cool at last. You watch bemused as the giant chases down the ailing Uhumbi with long deceptively swift strides and then with delicate twig-like fingers plucks something from among his branches to feed him. "Aaah... it seems your errand must be a notable one indeed for someone to have taken so much effort to stir the forest against you."

John Takes 10 Damage
John Heals 8 Damage

"My apologies Ancient One," your guide begins as he takes again a man's shape. "I was..."

"Poisoned," the tree giant finishes. "That is no fault of yours. Let it be now that the malice of your foes be turned to your benefit, for as I was called so close to the fading lands you may now take counsel with me of whatever sort might serve you best."

"Are you one among the Walking Wood?" you ask, still wondering at his nature as you had not done to any other strange creature you had met in this land. There is something about a tree which is a byword for stability uprooting itself and walking that is at once unsettling and wondrous. "We were sent by Ohun Greenbelt with urgent news and a request in the name of old alliances..."

The giant raises one verdant hand. "A moment, a moment, do you want aught from this?" he points to the three enemies, two dead and one still barely alive.

Choose one:

[] The service of the last reaming Hedon for a year and a day enforced by the will of the elders of the forest (He will not be compelled to reveal secrets he might have from before the contract)

[] Loot the slain for whatever they might posses ( Likely single use or alchemical items)

[] Take one of the skulls of the slain to be interrogated by a more experienced priest of Ikomi that you might discover who was behind the efforts to frame you

OOC: So yeah you guys were wondering why the Hedons were not being more tactical, it's because this was a set-up from the start, though they were not planning to die to sell it. Not yet edited.
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[X] Take one of the skulls of the slain to be interrogated by a more experienced priest of Ikomi that you might discover who was behind the efforts to frame you
[X] The service of the last reaming Hedon for a year and a day enforced by the will of the elders of the forest (he will not be compelled to reveal secrets he might have from before the contract)

@DragonParadox question; would this service be enforced by a magical compulsion to ensure that he won't fuck us over asshole genie style, or would we have to be exceedingly literal in all of our commands while he's in our service?
[] The service of the last reaming Hedon for a year and a day enforced by the will of the elders of the forest (He will not be compelled to reveal secrets he might have from before the contract)

*Vietnam flashbacks*

No, no evil fey in our team unless we have a reliable way to change its alignment

[] Loot the slain for whatever they might posses ( Likely single use or alchemical items)


[] Take one of the skulls of the slain to be interrogated by a more experienced priest of Ikomi that you might discover who was behind the efforts to frame you

This is relevant, and Ohum will likely want this. Also compensates our fight with that other clan.

OOC: So yeah you guys were wondering why the Hedons were not being more tactical, it's because this was a set-up from the start, though they were not planning to die to sell it. Not yet edited.

Well, they all died except for one. Pretty moronic on their part.

Can we make sure the remaining one dies? I would hate him going back.
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[X] The service of the last reaming Hedon for a year and a day enforced by the will of the elders of the forest (he will not be compelled to reveal secrets he might have from before the contract)

@DragonParadox question; would this service be enforced by a magical compulsion to ensure that he won't fuck us over asshole genie style, or would we have to be exceedingly literal in all of our commands while he's in our service?

He would have some leeway to mess with you in that way, but not like memetic literal genie, since you can ask that he serve loyally in word and in spirit of your commands.
Hey there, Mr. Treant!

Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to deal with another enslaved Chaotic Evil Fey.

I don't suppose we could instead keep it to use as an ingredient in a magic item, eh, @DragonParadox?
Hey there, Mr. Treant!

Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to deal with another enslaved Chaotic Evil Fey.

I don't suppose we could instead keep it to use as an ingredient in a magic item, eh, @DragonParadox?

The Elder if fine with giving you a year and a day's service, but not the indefinite service that turning the lat hedon into an enchanted object would involve. Also you do not know any enchanters.
The Elder if fine with giving you a year and a day's service, but not the indefinite service that turning the lat hedon into an enchanted object would involve. Also you do not know any enchanters.
They tried to burn us alive as part of some stupid Fey scheme, not to mention one of them tried to curse us to become a raven. So could we ask for some sort of fitting punishment, like it being cursed until it learns the error of its ways? That seems like something that might get a nod of approval from the other Fey.
I don't want to wear apparel that once wanted to murder you.
Sounds like a perfect reagent for an enchanted chamber pot to me. :p

Good point, though.
They tried to burn us alive as part of some stupid Fey scheme, not to mention one of them tried to curse us to become a raven. So could we ask for some sort of fitting punishment, like it being cursed until it learns the error of its ways? That seems like something that might get a nod of approval from the other Fey.

You could ask for him to be cursed for up to a year and a day.
You know, with a fey that is forced to serve us loyally; it could probably teach us fey speak, right? Alongside teaching the more erudite members of the crew like Zaia stuff like the different types of fey and their abilities and such (basically the equivalent of boosted knowledge: arcana?) Not sure how viable this us, but if so that could be just as useful as its combat potential.
Moron tried to lie his ass off to get us into conflict and he gets to keeps his life.

Tempted to take him as a slave so that we can send him off to die.
Honestly I think we should leave him for the Treant to deal with. What we need now is information on who ever is dicking with us.
Moron tried to lie his ass off to get us into conflict and he gets to keeps his life.

Tempted to take him as a slave so that we can send him off to die.
that's a good question to bring up actually. @DragonParadox if we take him into our service, what happens if he dies through no fault of our own? Like we get ambushed or something and we tell him to fight to help us without the intention of him dying but he does anyways?
that's a good question to bring up actually. @DragonParadox if we take him into our service, what happens if he dies through no fault of our own? Like we get ambushed or something and we tell him to fight to help us without the intention of him dying but he does anyways?

If he dies though no fault of your own and you took what precautions you could to prevent if you are fine. He will not be obliged to follow blatantly suicidal orders though.
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