Oh yes, you can imagine how beautiful Tar Valon must be at night, with the light from the city below and the light from the moon and stars above. You smile up at Rielin before you, too, turn back to look at the view. It is truly wonderful, but not so wonderful as having made a friend on your very first day here. "Perhaps you can show me, sometime," you say. In the corner of your eye, you see her smile widen as she nods.
The two of you stay there for a little while longer before the loud, resonant ringing of a bell pulls you out of your reverie. "Oh!" Rielin exclaims, her eyes widening as she turns to leave, dashing down the stairs even as she continues to speak; you have to hurry to keep up with her longer legs. "That would be the bell calling us to supper. Mealtime is quite brief, we don't want to be late for that or we'll go hungry."
Your stomach rumbles, audible even over the slapping noise of your feet against the steps, and she flashes a grin over her shoulder at you. "That's what I thought," she says, her own stomach grumbling as if in reply to yours. "Don't worry, it isn't far."
The two of you make your way back down to the ground floor. The halls that were mostly deserted earlier are now teeming with white-dressed girls as Accepted and novices alike all make their way to the mess hall. There are a lot of them, but... less than you thought there would be. Though maybe these aren't all of the Tower's initiates?
"Oh Rielin, there you are!" a voice calls, sweet and light, and Rielin stiffens in alarm, shoulders tensing. "Where have you
been all day, Addrie and I have looked everywhere for you! Haven't we, Addrie?"
"...w-we've looked everywhere for you," another voice says, quiet and timid.
You and Rielin turn to see two girls a few years older than you approaching, both of them in novice's dresses. One is tall and pretty, with dark curls framing a beatifically smiling face. Her blue eyes widen in delight when she sees you. The other is short and slender, even frail, with olive skin and dark eyes. She's not a great beauty by any measure, but her hair is a silky black veil nearly reaching her hips.
"A new girl!" the pretty one says and claps her hands together, beaming at you. "How wonderful! Welcome to the White Tower. My name is Ninea Moenelle; I do hope we'll be friends."
"I-I'm Addrie," the other girl says, glancing up at you and meeting your eyes for only a few seconds before looking away. "Addrie Sasami."
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