Aes Sedai Quest [Wheel of Time]

[X] Go to your parents, take their hands, and comfort them. Why didn't you know about this before? Was this truly so sudden?
[X] Ask the yellow Ajah if they'll be okay.
[X] Go to your parents, take their hands, and comfort them. Why didn't you know about this before? Was this truly so sudden?
[X] Ask the yellow Ajah if they'll be okay.
[X] Go to your parents, take their hands, and comfort them. Why didn't you know about this before? Was this truly so sudden?
[X] Ask the yellow Ajah if they'll be okay.
[X] Go to your parents, take their hands, and comfort them. Why didn't you know about this before? Was this truly so sudden?
[X] Ask the yellow Ajah if they'll be okay.
The Arches, 4
[X] Go to your parents, take their hands, and comfort them. Why didn't you know about this before? Was this truly so sudden?
[X] Ask the yellow Ajah if they'll be okay.

It never occurs to you that getting close to your parents might be dangerous, that whatever disease they have might pass on to you. Your father is calling for you; you can do nothing but hurry up to your parents' bedside and take one of their hands into yours. Father manages to smile at you, however weak that smile might be, and his eyes are tired but his. Your mother doesn't react at all. If not for her thready breathing and the feverish heat of her skin you would have thought her to be gone already. You swallow around the lump in your throat.

"I- I be here," you say, with a few false starts. Your voice won't work properly. "Mother, Father, I do be here."

"Lucia, sweet girl." Where your voice is shaking, your father's voice is nothing but a whisper. "How do you be feeling?"

"I be fine, I be just fine," you say, squeezing his thin hand in yours. "Father, how did I no know of this sickness? The estate, it do be in mourning, but it could no have been so sudden-"

Your father frowns in worry, now for you rather than himself. "How could you no? Ryma Sedai, do she be sick also? Lucia, you... you do be all that is left, you- your siblings, they do be-" The rest of that sentence disappears in a nasty coughing fit that has Ryma Sedai dart to the bed, but you don't need to hear the rest to understand. Your little brothers and sisters, all of them dead - dead like this, weak and sick and in pain. Light, Noran had been only ten- six, he'd only been six years old, bright-eyed and too energetic. You try to picture him like this, and you just can't. You can't.

The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.

You flinch away from Ryma Sedai's cool hand suddenly touching your forehead, as she nods to herself. "No fever," she says. "And you look well. No, Lord Morricone, she does not have the plague; it is likely that her mind refuses to process the events, seeing the two of you like this."

"I- I do understand." Your father's coughing has subsided, for now. "Lucia, listen very carefully to me. You will be the only Morricone left, and you will carry the family name." He clutches at your hand, but his grip is as weak as a child's. "I do trust you with this, my eldest, my heir. I do no fear death." He attempts a reassuring smile. "Your mother and I, we will rest in peace. We do know that, as High Seat, you will carry House Morricone to greatness."

At the edge of your vision, you see a shimmering arch appear in the far corner of the room.


[] Write-in


And we're back!

I'm sorry about the long break for this one; this semester was absolute murder (I made the not-so-smart decision of taking three tough classes at the same time, on top of getting a job) and the period between finals and Christmas was also very busy. The period between Christmas and now, though... uh, well, I got a Steam gift card for Christmas and I bought Stardew Valley with it. My life has been reduced to obsessively taking care of 16-bit chickens.

I did promise myself that I'd get this update out before the year was over, and would you look at that, it's 11:31PM on New Year's Eve, California time. :V

I really will do my best to make updates a bit more frequent from here on out. Next semester looks to be less murder.

Happy new year, everyone!
[x]This feels like...a bad-RUN FOR THE GATE-A bad dream. maybe-RUN FOR THE GATE-maybe the gate will help you wake up. Or at least answer some questions.
I mean, yeah that's what I'd like to do, but I kinda want to play it in character a little more.

[X] Nod to your parents, and say goodbye. You have to be strong for them. Thank Ryma.
[X] You seem to remember that arch being important. What is it? You feel like you should walk through.
[X] Go through the arch.
[X] Nod to your parents, and say goodbye. You have to be strong for them. Thank Ryma.
[X] You seem to remember that arch being important. What is it? You feel like you should walk through.
[X] Go through the arch.
We're gonna go for the arch. We all know we're gonna do it.

But let's make this a character defining moment anyways. Do we wail and rage and refuse to go quietly into the night gate? Do we greet this half-remembered absurdity with skepticism? Composure? Reverence? Do we cry for our fallen family, or look towards the future? Do we take the time to say goodbye, or rush into the unknown at once?

Those are the questions this vote seeks to answer.
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Here's one I hope is interesting.

[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch.

I unno. Repression is a super-power, let's get ranks in it.
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch.
[X] Nod to your parents, and say goodbye. You have to be strong for them. Thank Ryma.
[X] You seem to remember that arch being important. What is it? You feel like you should walk through.
[X] Go through the arch.
Hey, that's got a little more personality to it. Healthy it is not, but I like it.

[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch.
You have to wonder at the Tower testing the ability to forsake all loyalties to achieve their goals for their initiation using an artifact they had no idea the purpose of.
Not the brightest idea, but Traditional.
[X] Nod to your parents, and say goodbye. You have to be strong for them. Thank Ryma.
[X] You seem to remember that arch being important. What is it? You feel like you should walk through.
[X] Go through the arch.
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch
[X] Nod to your parents, and say goodbye. You have to be strong for them. Thank Ryma.
[X] You seem to remember that arch being important. What is it? You feel like you should walk through.
[X] Go through the arch.
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch.
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch.
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch
[X] "Be Steadfast"
-[X] You know you must go through the arch, but to do so feels like a betrayal of your family. You can't explain why, all you know is deep grief and terrible conflict in your heart.
--[X] You take the messy emotions and lock them away inside yourself to be dealt with later. You will do what must be done, the pain is a distraction. You barely stop long enough to say goodbye, and then you step through the Arch

Also, post needs a threadmark.