Aes Sedai Quest [Wheel of Time]

[] You're literally sitting in a giant tower built with the One Power, in a city that was built with the One Power, learning how to make shit with the One Power. Learns some basic situational awareness, woman.
-[]I'm trying to see this from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my own ass.

Yeah, that seems good.
Wasn't it built by those ogre people i forgot existed until just now? I'm not sure how involved the Aes Sedai were...
The Tower was definitely built with the One Power, and I'm pretty sure parts of the city were as well (like the bridges?)

You're both right; Tar Valon, including the White Tower, was built by Ogier stonemasons and Aes Sedai working in tandem.

Yeah, i knew the Aes Sedai were involved to some degree, I just don't know how much. Like, did they shape the stone? Actually place any of it? Were they the architects that designed it? Were they equal partners in the effort or just enablers of the Ogiers' master craftsmanship?

Depending on how much they were involved, HeWhoAdds' original statement might be more or less impactful.

... And depending on how much of that is known by both characters too, though I imagine the Aes Sedai do well with recording and teaching history. They have s whole color dedicated to it after all.
Yeah, i knew the Aes Sedai were involved to some degree, I just don't know how much. Like, did they shape the stone? Actually place any of it? Were they the architects that designed it? Were they equal partners in the effort or just enablers of the Ogiers' master craftsmanship?

Depending on how much they were involved, HeWhoAdds' original statement might be more or less impactful.

... And depending on how much of that is known by both characters too, though I imagine the Aes Sedai do well with recording and teaching history. They have s whole color dedicated to it after all.
According to the wiki, which is really a godsend (I need to re-read these books but lol free time), it was the Ogier supported by the Aes Sedai who built it. Therefore, I'd say that the Ogier did the better part of the work.

The Aes Sedai do very well with recording history. With teaching the unvarnished truth, well, it depends on the topic. :V
Hmm. Less informative than I'd hoped, but it's a start and a decent opening.

Shift the blame onto men? They went mad and broke the world, not us. Probably push Ellyne into joining the reds.

Point out that the tower is all about learning to control the power, precisely so that that sort of destruction doesn't happen? Otherwise untrained wildlings would be running rampant doing who knows what.

Or we could take a more philosophical approach? We were born with this power that we can't help but to use, so we'd best learn to use it well. A sword is used for killing but can be used for justice; same with the one power. Even if we accept that it's inherently bad, it can still be used by good people for good reasons. Look at the yellows who heal.

Also should maybe point out the three oaths. Do no harm except in self defense or defense of another, do not lie, do not create weapons. Sounds like the oaths of a group that are aware of the potential devastation the one power can bring to bear, and desperately want to counter it.
Reposting this for visibility.

I'm gonna toss out a random vote, it may or may not gain support and bandwagon... But all i really want is to jumpstart some discussion.

Whether you agree or disagree with this vote, please articulate your thoughts! The best votes are community efforts :)

@Choo Choo I'm relying on our noble background to carry us though this conversation, things like hiding our emotions and being patient and stuff. Let me know I start straining Lucia's capabilities though.

[X] Plan Emotional Manipulation 101

[X] Briefly talk about our childhood. Emphasis on the fact that we're just a random (noble) girl, nothing particularly unusual or deviant.
-[X] One day, we found out we could channel. We didn't ask for it, we didn't particularly want it, but it happened.
--[X] And so here we are, away from our family and friends, learning to control our power so we don't hurt somebody by accident.
---[X] Are we evil, for being born with an ability we never wanted? Was it wrong to come to the tower to prevent ourself from becoming a danger to ourself and those around us?
----[X] If we're not doing something wrong, than neither is she.
-----[X] If she does call us evil, try to find out what we apparently did wrong, or if she just hates us for how the creator made reality.

I have a habit of speaking in first person plural when making votes. It's weird, but i can't not.
@Choo Choo I'm relying on our noble background to carry us though this conversation, things like hiding our emotions and being patient and stuff. Let me know I start straining Lucia's capabilities though.

Sure thing. I'll note that you're still at the point in the quest where you're not stretching her capabilities - you're informing me what they are and who she is (within reason).

*adds emotionally manipulative for the greater good to the list* :V
I like the idea of blaming men. It does not seem like an unreasonable strategy from what I remember of the books. It would not be so bad to drive her into the Reds after all. I just don't have a good write-in for it.

[X] Women can do plenty of good with the one power. We can heal, and build things to help people. It is men that can only destroy.
She makes a broken little noise, and you notice that she looks more than a little green around the gills. "You- you already know why. The- the One Power," she shudders, "it is the power of the Creator, not to be sullied by mortal hands. To touch it is to disrespect the Light itself." Her nails dig into her palms. "In mortal hands, the One Power destroys. In mortal hands, the One Power... it caused the Breaking of the World. Who, but for the mad or the truly degenerate and evil, would be willing to risk it?"
[X] I'mma just come in from the side and point out he made lava too, and lava sets people on fire. Is lava evil? Are people evil if they find a use for lava? What about owls? They're fun birds. They'll mess you up good if you manage to corner them, and actually getting them to be useful would be hard, but would you be degenerate and evil for taming owls?
-[X] People used the One power to do some bad things, yeah, sure. People used lots and lots of things to do bad things, that's kind of a recurring problem people have. Just because the One Power is more fancy than some other things created by the Creator doesn't change any of that. Slavery is evil, but free workers aren't. Either of them growing a peach or burning down a house doesn't change that. Sometimes the peaches are the fruits of oppression. Sometimes houses really just need to be burned down so that they can be reconstructed.
--[X] It's a tool like any other. If it wasn't meant for us, why can we touch it in the first place?
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I'mma just come in from the side and point out he made lava too, and lava sets people on fire. Is lava evil? Are people evil if they find a use for lava? What about owls? They're fun birds. They'll mess you up good if you manage to corner them, and actually getting them to be useful would be hard, but would you be degenerate and evil for taming owls?

People used the One power to do some bad things, yeah, sure. People used lots and lots of things to do bad things, that's kind of a recurring problem people have. Just because the One Power is more fancy than some other things created by the Creator doesn't change any of that. Slavery is evil, but free workers aren't. Either of them growing a peach or burning down a house doesn't change that. Sometimes the peaches are the fruits of oppression. Sometimes houses really just need to be burned down so that they can be reconstructed.

It's a tool like any other. If it wasn't meant for us, why can we touch it in the first place?
Counterpoint: Theology debate with a zealot with someone whose primary association with the Light is probably cussing.
I'mma just come in from the side and point out he made lava too, and lava sets people on fire. Is lava evil? Are people evil if they find a use for lava? What about owls? They're fun birds. They'll mess you up good if you manage to corner them, and actually getting them to be useful would be hard, but would you be degenerate and evil for taming owls?

People used the One power to do some bad things, yeah, sure. People used lots and lots of things to do bad things, that's kind of a recurring problem people have. Just because the One Power is more fancy than some other things created by the Creator doesn't change any of that. Slavery is evil, but free workers aren't. Either of them growing a peach or burning down a house doesn't change that. Sometimes the peaches are the fruits of oppression. Sometimes houses really just need to be burned down so that they can be reconstructed.

It's a tool like any other. If it wasn't meant for us, why can we touch it in the first place?
Disclaimer: the views of the characters may not necessarily reflect the views of the author. :V Make it a vote!
[X] I'mma just come in from the side and point out he made lava too, and lava sets people on fire. Is lava evil? Are people evil if they find a use for lava? What about owls? They're fun birds. They'll mess you up good if you manage to corner them, and actually getting them to be useful would be hard, but would you be degenerate and evil for taming owls?

People used the One power to do some bad things, yeah, sure. People used lots and lots of things to do bad things, that's kind of a recurring problem people have. Just because the One Power is more fancy than some other things created by the Creator doesn't change any of that. Slavery is evil, but free workers aren't. Either of them growing a peach or burning down a house doesn't change that. Sometimes the peaches are the fruits of oppression. Sometimes houses really just need to be burned down so that they can be reconstructed.

It's a tool like any other. If it wasn't meant for us, why can we touch it in the first place?
I put an [X] on it.
So... Kinda looks like we're doing my thing then?

Anybody have suggestions? Things you want to see added or modified?
Magosophobia, 4
You hum to acknowledge that you heard her, thinking over your answer. Her answer is unsurprising, considering where she is from and the lies she was taught growing up. How best to turn that around on her...

"I do no think I be evil," you say after a short pause, smiling at her. "And I do no think I be insane. Ellyne, the One Power, it did choose me. I did be a noble girl in Illian like any other - except more amazing, of course. I did no think I was going to be leave my home to become Aes Sedai... and then, my younger brother did break his arm one day. Mama and Papa, they did be fighting, and I did no wish to disturb them." You tilt your head, watching her reaction. "And so, without thinking of how, without thinking at all, I did heal his arm. The very next day I did leave for Tar Valon."

Ellyne remains silent, looking away from you, and so you continue on. "I do be here," you say, "away from my family and my friends. I do miss them terribly, but I be needing to learn to control saidar, so that I do no hurt someone by accident. Do that be wrong of me? Do you think I do be evil, born with an ability I never did ask for?"

" should have walked into the sea," she whispers. "The moment you found out, you- you should have taken poison. Stabbed yourself, jumped off a balcony. It is the only way to be sure that you will cause no harm, the only way to be certain that there will never be another Breaking of the World." She swallows, and her hands twitch in her lap. "It is not your- our- fault, that we were born abominations, our very existence spitting in the eye of the Creator. It is not fair, but the world rarely is, and so all that is left for us is to make the best of it. The world would be safer without us." She meets your eyes. "I... I'm sorry."


[] Write-in


Post delayed by math class, apologies!

Explains the suicide watch a bit better. More than merely feeling depressed or unclean or whatever, she actually feels like she, and everybody like her, has a moral obligation to die.

Hmm. Could go for some "human nature is to survive" type junk, then explain how, given that most people want to be alive, Aes Sedai are a necessary institution to minimize the destructive potential. Point out that sometimes ideals have to take a back seat to reality. (In this case, her ideals are terrible garbage, but that's beside the point.)

From there we could insist that her life as an Aes Sedai (or anonymous death as a novice) makes no difference to the world at large, but makes a world of difference to her? But that might be taken negatively as a 'go ahead and die' statement if we're not careful.

Hmmmmmmm. Anybody else got ideas?
Point out that simply Killing herself won't in of itself wash away the sin of channeling.
After all the moral thing is that she must use her powers to hunt down and Kill her kind prevent them from spreading more Misery into the world and stop them from snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory like most Aes Sedai plots (might be a touch Meta)

My point is simply dying isn't enough for redemption., it also requires Effort and Sacrifice and a willingness to change.
[X] Grab hold of her, ask if you have caused harm. If any of the Aes Sedai, Accepted and Novices she has seen so far been known to cause harm. If she had caused harm.
-[X] While steadily getting louder, ask her what harm had she seen or done with her own eyes and ears.

Time to get loud enough to call the authorities onto us then.
[X] Give her a hug, she looks like she needs it.
-[X] "The Power do no be a sword, used only to destroy. It do be to heal and make whole."