Ad Astra ex Lutum

Well, looks like it's about that time.

[ ] Enforce Democracy
Its really not, the WP is probably heading the new government, we want to work to them to keep the boot down on the fascists, not coup them. The PSC is very likely to do something to warrant actually cracking down on them anyway, like assassinating a important politician or doing something like the Kapp Putsch or some such, that's when we bring out AID guns blazing.
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The big political win we got before the alien invasion was basically rallying an anti-fascist alliance with the current government. Our most important objective is to make sure it doesnt become a civilian vs military argument, and instead is the military and government stomping on fascists, together~
If it helps we suspect the PSC is being illegally funded by the wealthy in violation of our lobbying laws.

This might be true, or it might be Ricky coping with them having an actual broad base, we can't tell because almost everytime we've tried to spy on them it's rolled like shit
Its really not, the WP is probably heading the new government, we want to work to them to keep the boot down on the fascists, not coup them. The PSC is very likely to do something to warrant actually cracking down on them anyway, like assassinating a important politician or doing something like the Kapp Putsch or some such, that's when we bring out AID guns blazing.
PSC could well be leading the government depending on the exact numbers. PSC+BFP+PPP+PPM+Independents (the "Cursed Coalition") seems a lot more viable than WP+PDL+GP from those rolls. That's a pretty difficult ground to enact fascism from, but who knows, maybe they'll agree to make Ros dictator as a compromise.

This is also assuming PDL or GP don't pull a Hindenburg. You never know who's going to roll a 1...

The main danger I see is that a putsch would probably just succeed if the PSC decides to start one, as they have half the officer corps and by far the best paramilitaries. The extreme instability of this parliament regardless of who's in charge almost guarantees it'll happen this way.
PSC could well be leading the government depending on the exact numbers. PSC+BFP+PPP+PPM+Independents (the "Cursed Coalition") seems a lot more viable than WP+PDL+GP from those rolls. That's a pretty difficult ground to enact fascism from, but who knows, maybe they'll agree to make Ros dictator as a compromise.

This is also assuming PDL or GP don't pull a Hindenburg. You never know who's going to roll a 1...

The main danger I see is that a putsch would probably just succeed if the PSC decides to start one, as they have half the officer corps and by far the best paramilitaries. The extreme instability of this parliament regardless of who's in charge almost guarantees it'll happen this way.
The GP have no problems allying whoever they want, but the PSC would have to make some pretty hefty concessions to them that their oligarch funders would have a hard time swallowing, they're the least attractive coalition power to the Greens since they should be limited in what they can give them in that sense. The PDL is not going to ally with the PSC, what kind of concessions could they even get from them to make it worth it? I just don't see it. PPM is a possible coalition partner, but they are kind of weak, and independents should mostly be regionalists from the North who would hardly join arms with the people who hate them. The PPP is well, under Rós, and she is not going to play second fiddle to them as we've already seen, though she might be assassinated and then well, the way is open for that. They also ate shit this election. The BFP could get on with them I guess. But I don't think they're enough for a "militarist" coalition right now. I am more worried about fascist infiltration, violence and more long term electoral prospects.
Abbreviation - Color/Official Name - Platform in brief

WP - Reds aka Worker's Party - Solve the social crisis by using automation tech to do a post-scarcity and if all the immortal old monied interests with centuries of accumulated clout don't like it too bad

PDL - Pinks aka Party of Democratic Labor - Less radical socdems, solve the social crisis through reforms and welfare but not as extreme as WP's "fuck it just make everything free"

PPM - Whites aka Party of Popular Mobilization - STEMlords/technology will solve all problems if we just push it harder, got into hot water pre-war for suggesting mandatory eugenics and then suggesting that we surrender to the aliens to get sweet tech rewards.

GP - Greens aka Green Party - Pretty standard Greens, support decarbonization and ecological restoration efforts.

PPP - Purples aka People's Progressive Party - Conservative big tent full of old money, also lots of corruption/Ros's personal empire

IND - Blues aka Independents - Not a party, just random individuals who ran as independents and actually won a seat, ideologies too broad to classify just know that they're all fucking weirdoes who were too weird to get on a major party list for one reason or another.

BFP - Blacks aka Broad Front Party - Veterans' party, tends to be a natural ally of the military of course but it's not actually the "support the military all the time no questions asked" party, sometimes the vets have ideas we disagree with even if they're easy allies

PSC - Browns aka Party of Social Convergence - Fascists, enjoy fascist things like being racist and nuking hospitals. Probably gonna have to shoot these guys on account of doing too much fascism in the near to medium term future.
Now, I imagine the d100 results are normalized to expectations, so parties that were puny last election don't instantly mega-balloon without a good reason, nor do major parties just evaporate overnight without a good reason...

So, the Reds did very well, possibly as a reaction to the realization that "shit, we can just all go out and do stuff" mass mobilization of youth who were not alive at the time of the nuclear exchange and who have since formed that big disaffected youth underclass we stress out about.

The Independents had a decent showing, which suggests that more independents won various offices all over the planet, but not by a huge margin.

With rolls in the low '40s, the Greens and Whites did relatively better than a lot of other people. The Greens have some considerable credibility now that we need to rebuild planetary ecology from a SECOND nuclear winter. The Whites are probably rallying on a platform of "see, see, peaceful interaction with the aliens is possible now that we've kicked them around a bit down here!"

The PPP in particular rolled a 14, suggesting a quite bad showing. Maybe something happened involving Ros and scandals again.

Everyone else not mentioned had rolls in the '20s, so they probably lost a bunch of seats to the Reds and lost political initiative.

Well, looks like it's about that time.

[ ] Enforce Democracy
Let's actually get a look at what the situation is first. :p

This is also assuming PDL or GP don't pull a Hindenburg. You never know who's going to roll a 1...
The Hindenburg role would almost have to be played by someone who's actually a conservative, as Hindenburg was. Note that Hitler wasn't ushered into power by German conservatives until, importantly, German conservatives were actually in charge firmly.

Again, let's see how things look.
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Everyone else not mentioned had rolls in the '20s, so they probably lost a bunch of seats to the Reds and lost political initiative.
PSC and BFP definitely gained seats, both benefit from militarism suddenly becoming very attractive. Though the PSC is definitely the winner since it can appeal to the racists who got seemingly vindicated in their opinion of the former colonials all being traitors. Like, obviously this is preliminary, but they are set to be the second largest grouping in Parliament after this. The BFP probably did ok, but the PSC drowning them out in rhetoric and generally being better funded and organized limits their gains relative to them. So I don't expect many seats when paired with the bad roll.
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Okay, but a roll in the 20s probably does some significant amount to mitigate the fascist party's strong fundamentals.

Say, someone publicizing those hospital bombings. Or a lot of the younger generation actually turning against the "death to traitors" angle that the crusty old Seelie seem to have towards everyone who so much as served as a dogcatcher's assistant for the alien-backed regime.
The GP have no problems allying whoever they want, but the PSC would have to make some pretty hefty concessions to them that their oligarch funders would have a hard time swallowing, they're the least attractive coalition power to the Greens since they should be limited in what they can give them in that sense. The PDL is not going to ally with the PSC, what kind of concessions could they even get from them to make it worth it? I just don't see it. PPM is a possible coalition partner, but they are kind of weak, and independents should mostly be regionalists from the North who would hardly join arms with the people who hate them. The PPP is well, under Rós, and she is not going to play second fiddle to them as we've already seen, though she might be assassinated and then well, the way is open for that. They also ate shit this election. The BFP could get on with them I guess. But I don't think they're enough for a "militarist" coalition right now. I am more worried about fascist infiltration, violence and more long term electoral prospects.
Ros is capable of anything in my view. If they offer her enough power and reconciliation with their line, especially in face of the PPP as a sinking ship, I think she'd jump right on board.

I don't think the PDL would join PSC so much as refuse to coalition against them, or possibly offer parliamentary supply and/or increased powers in exchange for a "please don't kill us" pinky-promise. As I said, the potential result of a critfail.

All this being said, I don't see it being resolved peacefully regardless of what happens. The PSC's influence is self-sustaining at this point, and this society essentially determined to give fascism a try just to see how it tastes. Worse, we're certain to get invaded again once the galaxy is aware of the civil war.

Since clandestine attempts at dealing with the PSC are simply doomed to failure if all previous efforts are any indication, our best bet is simply to strike first.
If they offer her enough power and reconciliation with their line
That's exactly the issue, I don't think that's likely. They've tried before, Rós is an obstacle and probably one of the public figures with a higher likelyhood of assassination because of that (I think the former PDL minister wins it by far in that sense imo).
Worse, we're certain to get invaded again once the galaxy is aware of the civil war.
I don't think a civil war is in the cards. Civil strife, violence in the streets, political violence and attempted coups? Yes. But I don't think we are at risk of actual civil war after what we just went through anytime soon. We have a solid handle on the military, and our officers are not going to go along with one because they know what's out there.
Civil war is extremely unlikely. We've been cleaning house in the military while also making it much more unified and loyal to Ricky. Unless we massively fuck up something at worst its a coup + civil unrest.
Also don't see many aliens wanting to invade us after the show we gave and that our planet is not a very good one to want either after the first nuclear and biological war then using nuclear weapons again to make yet another nuclear winter.
Depends on how you define "civil war" I guess, it would be pretty unlikely for enough army units to go rogue that it turns into significant campaigns that take months or years of big pitched battles, yeah. But I'm expecting at least a Years of Lead and possibly even a coup scare or something, maybe enough defecting army units to cause one month of crisis even if it's not a whole WAR war. I'm not nearly as optimistic about the army being purged of fascists, we were doing a pretty bad job of it before the invasion and then the invasion itself involved drafting a bunch of fascist paramilitaries into the ranks and validating all of their brainworms. Junior officers and enlisted probably still have pretty significant pro-fascist factions even if Richy is relatively sure that high command isn't voting Brown.
Depends on how you define "civil war" I guess, it would be pretty unlikely for enough army units to go rogue that it turns into significant campaigns that take months or years of big pitched battles, yeah. But I'm expecting at least a Years of Lead and possibly even a coup scare or something, maybe enough defecting army units to cause one month of crisis even if it's not a whole WAR war. I'm not nearly as optimistic about the army being purged of fascists, we were doing a pretty bad job of it before the invasion and then the invasion itself involved drafting a bunch of fascist paramilitaries into the ranks and validating all of their brainworms. Junior officers and enlisted probably still have pretty significant pro-fascist factions even if Richy is relatively sure that high command isn't voting Brown.
The big thing is that we already got the number on the most problematic fascists in the army, and can now choose who stays in the army during a massive reshuffling. Anyone posting anything fashy on elf telegram is likely either demobilized or reshuffled somewhere they cant do harm.
Uhh, and when the PSC wins a majority next election? Sure, we can "avoid" civil war then, but only at a terminal cost. There's no reason to think this is their high-water mark when only the low roll screwed them out of a plurality government.
Well ideally the next 5 years can be the Reds taking the edge off the social crisis and thus neutralizing enough of the Browns' radical base to bump them back down the rankings. But we'll honestly just have to see how the next 5 years go, even this election/governing coalition isn't actually solidified yet.
We are also investigating the PSC for treason, suspicions of plotting to coup the government, infiltrating the army and what is almost certainly illegal funding from certain industrial interests. Like, preferably we crush the PSC over the fact that theyre doing highly illegal shit, not over the fact that we dislike their politics. The latter is uh, dubiously democratic even if we arent wrong.
That's a pretty difficult ground to enact fascism from, but who knows, maybe they'll agree to make Ros dictator as a compromise
Lmao, if they make Ros a dictator, her literal first act would be to kill all the fascists. The girl is putting bodies into the water as it is, remember, she is actually a republican idealist. It's just that she believes that the ideals of the republic mean that she personally gets to kill people who in her eyes are a threat to the republic.
Ros made mass graves of forces trying to overthrow the Republic last quest then when pressed said "Yes I did it and I'll fukken do it again" she would definitely drop the hammer
Yeah. The flip side of this is that if I were a fascist political leader, Ros would be very high on my list of people I want dead, because she's ruthless and has had a lot of time to prepare for any shit I'm trying to pull. I wouldn't trust her very far as an ally, because she could easily be trying to play the long game and further her own multi-decade political ambitions by betraying me to my enemies.

Let us not forget that deeply problematic people can nonetheless be high on the list of "thorns in the side" from the point of view of other deeply problematic people.
So think we going to use part of our budget to help rebuild the orbit infrastructure faster?
Yes, the good news is the launch ramp is intact, and like a third of our miners survived. Our Cethyrian industry and extraction is also intact and the CLP might have left some infrastructure in the moon. We definitely have quite a bit to catch up to, but its not a total wash.
Budget Turn 3 Allocations(46AE): Peace and Sovereignty

Budget Turn 3 Allocations(46AE): Peace and Sovereignty

The Previous Military Budget(46-51 AE): 12000B Or
60000B Or Government Contribution
-24000B Or = 24000k x 1.0M Or Personnel Costs
-24000B Or = 24000k x 1.0M Or Operational Costs
Government Support: Very High??


With the end of the war, the question of winning the peace has remained the largest one on the minds of the electorate. Current polling has shown the current WP-PDL-GP government tending positively with a different allocation of votes. Coalition negotiations have shown that the effective change is the transfer of two ministries away from the Green Party and to the Workers Party assuming the results follow the polls. In recognition of the war the current representatives stand ready to govern with a bit of an agenda expected for the next years with all expected to run on the topic of how to conduct an economic recovery. The government is on board with the current priorities even if the question of demobilization remains a major one across every party.

The right wing opposition is consumed with fighting itself as the PPP and its senior members are fighting a brutal holding action against the PSC with mudslinging and several questionable retirements and suicides coming from the conflict. Nothing has been pinned on the other but it is expected that the fight to consolidate the right wings under a single leadership head is starting to heat up in the aftermath of the war and the leadup to the current elections. What the PSC has achieved with a broader voting base the PPP is reducing through a targeted intimidation campaign of unreliable politicians and those that are too toxic to the republic to be allowed to exist. Confirmations of their operations exist in some ways but the general drive is too decentralized and implication-based to pinpoint exact culprits in the apparatus.

BFP internal conventions in the meantime continued its internal fighting with militarist factions pushed aside in favor of more developmental ones. The idea that the state needs to take direct responsibility for supporting and improving the economy while maintaining living standards is not too far from a general conscription system for a generation and the concept is not inherently a foreign one. Current fighting has seen several plenums won by the more friendly developmentalist faction unifying the party decisively towards economic interventionism and active labor policy instead of exclusive representation of veterans issues. With the election soon to come the new position is expected to bring in a vast amount of new voters, placing the party as a reasonable compromise between the PDL and PPP.

Reconstruction is the largest question on everyone's minds as a successful reconstruction and modernization is going to be key for winning the election after the next. The war itself has reached a satisfactory conclusion and assuming no one does anything particularly bright or stupid the expected result is the same coalition holding the government for another term. To that end, the main priority during reconstruction would be to continue the policy of full employment and direct the economy towards fulfilling some productive purpose. Outside of that messaging the Green party has taken the stance for decarbonization with a near unified line supporting geo-engineering with the current environmental situation.

[]Formally Resign: The constitutional thing to do after the successful completion of a war and the end of military authority is to resign and then appear in a vote before the civilian government. It is the constitutionally expected action and at least for the current coalition confidence is high that they will reaffirm the appointment as defense minister. This would provide an example for future leaders and more importantly, decouple the military from global leadership for the arduous task of reconstruction.

[]Hold Power: Avoiding a resignation and extending the period of emergency governance is necessary given the threats faced by the authority internally and externally. The massive geopolitical threats justify a temporary hold on absolute power until the next election at which point a formal resignation can be given. This would technically not breach any constitutional procedures but starting to interpret the document would only give credence to more radical interpretations.

[]Delay Elections: With the rising threat of the PSC and the likely disruption caused by alien contact, the 47AE election can be bypassed. The military will continue its administration for as long as it is needed to prepare the state for another invasion or hostile military action, prioritizing the development of new armaments. There is a concrete crisis that can be pointed to as the Xolotlan Sovereignty is a dominant power and could easily take over the planet if sufficiently mobilized.

The Xolotlan Sovereignty

Working through a combination of CLP contacts along with several databases retrieved through the work of the SAS Investigator, one of the larger geopolitical entities in local stellar volume has been identified. Economically severe distinctions exist between the worlds along with several formats of economic and military approaches. So far the state, through limited contacts with the CLP, has already offered to send an ambassador and a small technical aid team to improve conditions on the planet. This has been met with some alarm, but according to them, the presence of a built-up and developed world in what they call the dead zone is critical for further expeditions and represents an important port of call for vessels operating in the area. The closest colonies are at least a hundred fifty light years away, with expansion occurring in the last few hundred years.

Economically the entire Sovereignty can be divided into two distinct groups of planets with a vast gulf between them. In the core world, economics are close to what is expected from a space-faring species with several different economic methods. Planets are broadly given the distinction to determine their economic system with a light tax burden that goes directly towards maintaining the central government, marine forces, and the war fleet. These worlds form the bedrock of XS society with almost all of the productivity and a near-universal deployment of orbital rings for easier transportation. Automation in these worlds is lesser than would otherwise be expected, but not that much less with the current economy not suffering from anywhere near the same labor issues due to a hesitance towards the implementation of labor-saving technologies.

The other category of worlds is the majority of corporate worlds that are directly administered by several massive corporate interest groups. These are primarily simple extraction and production economies with little sophistication or local machinery production. Almost all of them are operated as self-sufficient internal economies that produce a large quantity of labor-heavy intermediary goods for consumption by the core. These range from clothing woven from natural fibers to several simpler electronics to reduce costs. For the end consumer this allows a garrison force of only a few divisions to seize the economic potential of hundreds of millions of dedicated workers. Worlds administered in such a way are depended upon to sustain themselves and focus all other energies on export production that is then moved off-world as a tax imposed by the corporation owning the planet.

All of this represents a massive political and economic system for slightly under a trillion sentients. Representation in the Senate is conducted through two appointments for each planet of adequate size that has at least half a million sentients on it. This has led to the near-total settlement of core space and a flight of workers out to construct new colonies on otherwise useless rocks. In practice the senate votes are explicitly bought and sold with sums in the trillions of XCU needed to force an agenda on the senate. Political commentators in the XS and several textbooks insist that because of this no one interest group can bribe legislators, as buying even a single vote out of the seventy-eight thousand requires billions of XCU in investment.

The military in effect operates on a two to three-tier system of capability with the top left in the direct control of the state government. This represents the majority of capital ship tonnage in the Sovereignty along with a marine force of sixty million soldiers across dedicated landing craft. This is something of the elite spearhead of the entire polity and is currently in a mixture of a recruiting and corruption crisis with several generals standing before the senate. The next tier lower of forces are the independent planetary forces, comprising the remainder of capital ship tonnage and generally filled out with light ships. Terrestrial forces tend to be massive and well built up more than the capabilities of the CLP but with little expeditionary capacity. Corporate and private forces tend to be the dregs of even planetary militaries with varied capability and capacity, the invasion that was attempted used in practice equipment more appropriate for poorer planetary forces, but it was very much on the obsolete end.

New Technologies:

Limited War: The invasion has demonstrated that wars can be fought for discrete political and economic goals that are subordinated to state policy without a long-term outlook of general competition. Subordinating war-making to staged political goals can enable the targets of war and war-making to shift towards one of primarily supporting internal or external political maneuvers instead of direct gains in the territory through security operations. To that end, the implementation of limited war can be used instead of conventional warfare, salami slicing towards concrete goals in lower commitment and lower risk operations. (Social Sciences) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

High-Density Electroactive Polymers: Manufacturing of specialized polymers that are significantly excited through electrical currents has been core to the operation of Sallie power armor systems. Relatively low electrical requirements for the strong movement in a single axis can be achieved with a synthetic fiber along with a degree of voltage-gated precise control well above previous generations of hydraulics. Viable powered armor can now be made along with several more theoretical if impractical proposals for specialized climates. (Material Sciences) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Superconducting MHD Systems: Applications of derived superconductor systems to MHD-charged particle generators have improved energy yields while lowering thermal ones. New systems can achieve efficiencies of up to ninety-five percent in ideal circumstances and ninety percent in non-ideal circumstances. These harvesting systems can operate at the same temperatures as previous ones with significant reductions in thermal load for the generation of electric power. (Energy Transmission) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Fusion Beam Thermal Management: Enhanced thermal confinement of high-energy magnetic fusion represents a major technical challenge but improvements have allowed higher energy confinements with lesser thermal loads. This does not make a high-energy drive directly viable but significantly improves the thermal efficiency of a magnetic drive towards one that can approach a 90% thrust efficiency with most of the waste left non-thermal through remass channeling. In power reactors, the thermal load has allowed for viable orbital fusion reactors with comparable thermal loads to fission cores. (Heat Management) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Metallic Hydrogen Laboratory Production: Testing of compression-based production of metallic hydrogen has allowed it to be made in small amounts in the laboratory. This proves several theories but does not bring the technology any closer to achieving any form of large-scale production. It is known that the Sallies achieve it through the use of a hybrid confinement pinch but this is not practical with current techniques. Direct compression methods are if anything a dead end with little practical result expected from them. (Production Techniques) (New 46 AE)

Automatic Technical Systems: Multivariable control of vehicles has already been pioneered but with alien coding implementations the systems can be taken a step further. Direct large neural network control of systems can be pushed beyond the comprehension of any individual Seelie at a higher data throughput with more complex conditions. This leads to the ability to control entire warships or major strategic directions with an ML-enabled second chair to provide command guidance. In practice, the systems are used as a second advisor for technical roles to provide a baseline of response in conventional circumstances. (Automation) (New 46 AE)

Flexible Diamondoid Composites: Ceramic-diamondoid composites are a regular part of alien aerospace systems and with help from online databases they can be produced as a unified composite. This provides nearly the durability of more conventional diamondoids but by layering them in sheets around typical materials the overall product can be shaped into several exotic shapes. Some elements of alien terrestrial armor use the technique but it is limited due to their issues in low-density HEA shaping. Flexible dual process or intermittent printing use is viable and can provide a lower cost basis for several diamondoid-exclusive applications. (Material Science) (New 46 AE)

High Volume CNT Production: Derivations from alien techniques along with engineered biological organisms have allowed the full-scale production and joining of long-strand CNT. These organisms are direct work from the starch program, allowing for carbon nanotubes of arbitrary size and density to be constructed by growing them out. This allows for terrestrial production at a large scale and makes the material viable for several specialized tasks without excessive cost. The aliens use a similar technique for production, though with lower yields than what would otherwise be expected. (Production Methods) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Multi-Gate GAA Transistors: Unifying electronics to alien standards has brought several gains at the newly developing node. Gate all-around transistors offer the ability to miniaturize transistors further along with increasing the number of individual gates that are possible on a set node of transistors. New foundries will incorporate the techniques involved, slowing production due to the increased number of layers but further increasing conventional computing power. Progress towards the 1.1nm node is likely to come from the technology directly but further gains are questionable. (Computing) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Nanoparticle Enhanced Phase Change Materials: Chemical thermal storage that can absorb a vast amount of heat has been trialed in several applications but through the introduction of diamondoid nanoparticles, it can be made as a hyperconductive substrate. Alien laser weapons use them as a viable thermal store that is then cooled down and freely cycled as a semi-liquid composite achieving significantly greater immediate cooling effect for short pulses. Applications are primarily for military purposes, offering a fast way to cool a weapon system with high transferability and in-material storage with minimal phase change. (Heat Management) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

High Entropy Ceramics: Techniques previously applied to HEA can be applied to the production of novel ceramic matrixes with a significant improvement in durability and thermal properties. These novel ceramics are far more expensive to produce and cannot be printed from feedstocks but represent far improved high-end thermal properties relative to conventional ceramics. The disruption to the lattice improves the ability to resist thermal stress and can be economically produced in the form of monolithic plates. (Material Science) (New 46 AE)

Magnetic Particle Beam Confinement: Alien SMES systems depend heavily on magnetic confinement and the precise control of the resulting fields with a massive amount of technical literature on the topic. Adapting those techniques for the confinement and acceleration of charged particles has brought immediate results. Reduction of dispersion from particle beams has been achieved to improve the range of fire from any theoretical weapon system. This is limited to linear accelerators, but they are expected to be the primary form of space combat weapon. (Particle Beams) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Integral Confinement of Particles: High energy integral confinement of initial particle beam streams can be achieved through a combining effect with a flexible allocation of smaller sub-accelerators to reduce thermal loads on a linear particle stream. These systems would allow for the production of a significantly stronger beam than with a unitary linear accelerator, serving as feeding reservoirs into the primary cavity. The technique allows for a steady flow of energy through the cavity at a lessened thermal load and in a more compact format, increasing charged particle incidence on target. (Particle Beams) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Composite Machine Learning Systems: Combination systems across several neural networks have been utilized by the aliens if at a far lesser scale than domestic programs. Applying these same techniques to larger neural networks capable of influencing each other allows for a layer cake approach for machine learning with complex systems with thousands of individual interlinked nodes. The capacity for these models to operate at scale is still untested but they represent a viable path towards even more complex automatic systems than any previously designed. (Automation) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Comprehensively Safe FTL: The development of safer drives that produce negligible internal stress has been a commonality of any alien drive. A far wider field is made to enable a much shallower jump, diverting the forces that would be placed onto the drive bubble post-initiation exterior to the craft instead of the interior to it. This significantly reduces the range of single jumps and likely worsens discontinuation syndrome due to longer discontinuity periods. Still, this eliminates the physiological and material consequences of jumps, making them entirely safe. (FTL) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Improved Polymer Capacitor Systems: Compared to alien-derived systems improved storage and discharge principles have brought power system improvements to the point that achieved power is approximately half of the obsolete Synod cells. This can achieve an energy release of 25MW/kg, allowing several viable laser weapon designs to be made with capacitor sections. This provides a capable alternative to far more expensive superconducting systems for some applications but is more specialized for very small and terrestrial systems. (Energy Storage) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Superconducting Linear RF Cavities: Using a superconducting holmium cavity with a strong field further improvements can be made to the generation of a charged particle beam. This is achieved through the use of novel superconductors and incredibly strong fields allowing for vast improvements in accuracy and energy on target. Efficiency for the systems is still not great but thermal release can be minimized internally with the general mechanism avoiding significant thermal gains and enabling internal placement of the cavity. (Particle Beams) (New 46 AE)

Budget Allocation:

Economic Demobilization: (Pick One)

[]Continue Mobilization: Continuing the large-scale allocation of funding is going to warp the civilian economy as significant areas will not be mobilized but there is a proven alien threat out there. Keeping the economy mobilized is going to bring strain and disrupt most sectors but more military production offers the promise of immediate security. Economists believe that committing a fifth of the total economy to arms can be sustained with the surpluses produced by automation, but it would severely limit growth. (20T Or Available) (Severe Political Support Cost)

[]Maintain Increased Readiness: Committing to something approximating a compromise between the militarists and the civilian government is not going to be popular for anyone but it would provide the funding to avoid injecting a flood of labor into a struggling economy. Maintaining approximately twelve percent of GDP into funding the army will not be technically optimal but it can ensure that most civilian-focused plants can be brought back to the civilians. This will not be great for the economy in the long run but far less damaging than the current mobilization. (14T Or Available) (Moderate Political Support Cost)

[]Civilian Recommendations: Reductions to eight percent of the economy have been recommended by a mixture of WP and PDL economists as enough to let the economy recover. The increase in dedicated military supply chains means that any further cuts will start cutting into those rather than dual-purpose industries anyway and every job is needed in the short run. This would greatly reduce the budget and still negatively impact growth but it is unlikely to warp the economy around the army. A promise has further been made that the budget will be kept at the same level next cycle as the economy grows, building out room for the army and stabilizing matters. (10T Or Available)

Production Levels: (Pick One)

[]Hard Cutbacks: The massive pace of production is pouring out obsolete equipment at an unimaginable rate. Instead of focusing on maintaining production at as high of a rate as possible, immediate savings can be obtained by cutting back new funding and focusing on the modernization of already produced systems. Enough metal has been made to equip the forces involved and many more modern updates can be distributed as conversion kits. (-1000B Or) (Cannot Equip anything larger than Two Million Army)

[]Moderate Cutbacks: Some new production is going to be needed as updated systems are going to be necessary. This would close out several of the contracts involved and reduce production in a semi-gentle process to give the industry the time to spool down. The civilian plants will be directly shifted back to the civilian sector with military plants generally moved to a single shift instead of closing down. This would keep most military production capacity going inefficiently, but it would be ready for mobilization in case of war. (-4000B Or) (Cannot Equip anything larger than Four Million Army)

[]Stop Excessive Production: Stopping the further expansion of plants and continuing to fund production continuing at slightly reduced capability then wartime will be expensive in the extreme but necessary to build an army that can fight off a larger invasion. There will be issues in funding the program but it could still be done with cutbacks in other areas. As an added benefit of maintaining employment, some mild savings can be secured from maintaining equipment operation at an adequate pace. (-8000B Or)

Military Size: (Pick One)

[]Two Million Army: Returning to a peacetime force is going to involve harsh cutbacks in the total number of personnel in the military. This will cause a major glut of workers to hit the civilian sector in the next decade as twenty-two million Seelie are not retained in the military. The force itself would be consolidated into twenty armored corps, four amphibious corps, two dedicated orbital divisions, and a further twenty mechanized corps. Off-planet forces will take longer to build up but are expected to steadily increase mostly after this budgetary cycle.

[]Four Million Army: Retaining all thirty armored corps and raising another thirty mechanized corps would build out the army. New support units in the form of six amphibious/airmobile corps along with several space-capable units will bring the army into a leaner and more effective system for combating a possible second invasion. Infantry have been unable to adequately respond and they can be returned to civilian service. This will involve the injection of twenty million into the civilian economy with some disruptions.

[]Eight Million Army: Continuing with the maintenance of thirty armored corps but further raising ten corps of armor along with an accompanying eighty mechanized corps will build the army into a massive system capable of fighting off any invasion of equivalent size. This downsizing would be done gradually, steadily releasing only sixteen million soldiers back into the civilian economy. The necessary industrial commitments to keep up with the rate of equipment purchases will be significant, maintaining some aspects of military production for arguably obsolescent systems.

Wage Structures: (Pick One)

[]Stay on Reduced Benefits: Wartime reductions in benefits and the maintenance of normal wages were enough for soldiers to serve their nation and it will be enough in peacetime. The pay for soldiers will not be great and several of the volunteers involved are likely to avoid volunteering again if pay does not increase. The coverage of living expenses and new systems with the civilian government will compensate somewhat but keeping wartime pay standards is going to lose some personnel. (1M Or Cost per Soldier) (Current Policy)

[]Return Pre-War Standards: The pre-war standard of moderate benefits with moderate direct wages will avoid any disruption to the economy and return soldiers to peacetime standards of capability. This would come at a cost as some more trained personnel are headhunted by a combination of the civilian sector and the steadily expanding orbital industry. Offering some additional pay for technical specialists will keep the field healthy and avoid excessive losses to the civilian sector. (1.5M Or Cost per Soldier)

[]Improve Benefits: Expanding the benefits for soldiers is a reward for a victory in the war and partially a significant improvement in morale. Volunteer numbers are looking healthy, especially in the aftermath of the war but several are going to be tempted to avoid signing on with the army again. This is going to take expanded payouts but it would avoid reductions in the amount of available trained manpower. (2M Or Cost per Soldier)

Readiness Rates: (Pick One)

[]Peacetime Army: Cutting down training and exercises while the army recovers from the war and has a glut of veteran personnel is an option for this budget cycle. Large-scale exercises can be put off in favor of smaller-scale operations for lower-level training. The space forces will still be trained to as good of a standard as available but they will comparatively be far cheaper than the entire groundforce. (0.3M Operational Cost per Soldier)

[]Exercising Army: Maintaining annual large-scale exercises to keep staff work sharp will be essential for having a military that can take the fight to the alien enemy. This would involve a significant increase in costs compared to normal training and sustainment as units will be moving around at scale. The spaceforce is expected to be trained even harder ensuring that while quality will likely degrade it will not massively degrade. (0.7M Operational Cost per Soldier)

[]Maintain Combat Readiness: Keeping units ready for combat is going to come at a significant cost but the entire military being capable and ready for combat operations is a massive asset. Regular training rotations and advanced training can be implemented on a unit scale along with mobilization exercises. This would come at a cost but would ensure that any lessons from foreign trainers are immediately incorporated and the wartime experience stays fresh. (1.0M Operational Cost per Soldier)

Combined Government Programs:

(Take up to Two)

[]Education and Technologies Programs: The government is willing to allocate a sufficient reward for funding for increasing the acquisition of important education assets to rapidly modernize the domestic sector. The massive access to information is going to be essential for any modernization to occur as we are still so far behind anything. These commitments would move the majority of foreign exchange assets to the purchase of technologies but that would allow for a massive leap in domestic technologies. (+400B Or) (Requires Refined Material Sales, Cryptographic Currency Program, Foreign Student Funding, Hire Technical Professionals, Hire Professors, and Textbook and Database Contracts)

[]Establishment of LDO Infrastructure: Funding for getting back into LDO in a staged approach has been authorized though less than for doing anything else as it is not expected to employ many workers. The program itself calls for getting back into a lower orbit and setting up the infrastructure needed to sustain operations without much technical ambition. Manufacturing and improving launch capacity is treated as a goal in itself, but the limitations of launch ramp tonnage would mean that defenses will be under-built. (+500B Or) (Requires Orbital Launch Ring, Re-Establishment of Orbital Shuttles, Restart Orbital Cleaning Efforts, and Establishment of Orbital Manufacturing)

[]Domestic Competitiveness Programs: Turning the recent developments across a vast number of technical fields to the civilian sector is a high priority of the government. Developments through the war ranging from improved circuitry to superconductors need to be brought to all aspects of the civilian sector. Development is likely to accelerate as a result of the transfer of technologies core towards securing significant improvements. Increased funding for the factories involved will start improving the supply of advanced technologies, solving major issues in power grid production and novel technical applications. (+950B Or) (Requires Civilian-Military Partnerships, Expanded Military Scholarships, Formalized Tech Transfers, Superconductor Plants, and Inertial Fusion Test Facility)

[]Technical Jobs Programs: Continued development of new jobs is going to be needed but more conventional efforts can target the majority of the population. Highly educated workers have been increasingly automated out of several industries with current government plans calling for the aggressive expansion of heavy technical industries. These would provide at least two million high-paying technical jobs across the economy and form a baseline for the implementation of new technologies. (+800B Or) (Requires Optical Computing Programs, Dedicated Military-Electronics Plants, Next Generation HEA Plants, High Throughput CNT Production)

[]Redevelopment of Terrestrial Infrastructure: With the damage done to the planet and the massive demands placed on orbital transportation and landing building up the spaceports and orbital trade infrastructure will be critical. These conversions would provide immediate capacity for moving workers to orbit and setting up new trade deals with the Xolotlan Sovereignty. Increasing the buildup of modular components for orbital infrastructure at the same time will provide for cost reductions in construction as high throughput launch systems are developed. (+600B Or) (Requires OFAC to AFCC Yard Conversions, Expanding Trade Infrastructure, Pre-Construction of Orbital Components, and Expansion of Inventory Management Systems)

Foreign Exchange:

The buildup of new technologies and vast programs of technical transfer is going to be necessary to make good the nearly two-hundred-year gap in development between the Authority and the rest of the galaxy. Every method of technical production on the planet is obsolete outside of some aspects of automation and electronics development. Current programs on analyzing the information publicly available are starting to work towards improving the situation but they are unlikely to be enough on their own to close the gap in any reasonable timeframe. Through direct contract work with the CLP and their resources, a wide variety of industrial plants and experts can be transferred from the Xolotlan Sovereignty. Compromises in their communication networks have found that the rest of the company is at least partially genuine, with the expectation that nothing will be developed quickly. The CLP terminal left has given a limited channel to access state communication, bringing the planet into a cornucopia of state contacts. (60M XCU Available(Disregarded for Irrelevancy)) (Take As many As Desired)

[]Refined Material Sales: Increasing the production of rare earth metals along with several refined terrestrial products. Expanded mining operations will be funded in collaboration with the civilian government focusing on heavy refining and chemical processing industries. An export of high-grade plastics along with several rare earth elements in their refined format will come at some ecological cost but the gains in technology are likely to be worth it. (-200B Or) (-100B Maintenance) (+40B XCU per budget)

[]Expansive Material Sales: Extractive industries are the only way to secure a massive wealth of technologies for rapid modernization. Funding at a large scale will be necessary to establish hundreds of heavy plants for the production of engineering plastics. This will be accompanied by large-scale industrialization and the expansion of seafloor mining into a viable industry, greatly improving local production and ensuring a steady stream of exports. The representatives across the South of the planet are the strongest advocates as the program alone offers more than a million jobs. (-500B Or) (-200B Maintenance) (+80B XCU per budget)

[]Cryptographic Currency Program: The already constructed arrays of quantum computers can be expanded and turned towards the algorithmic solving of thousands of cryptographic coins. This would involve significant stakes in the internal Xolotlan cryptocurrency market along with a large commitment of energy but they represent a means of securing currency that is well beyond any other. Several prospective alternative coins with breachable security and hashing mechanisms have been identified and producing them in the millions can provide a ready conversion towards usable foreign exchange without CLP taxes. (-100B Or) (+50B XCU per budget) (Dependant On Crypto Markets)

[]Mass Media Sales: Sales of a massive number of films along with aligning current algorithmic generation for the production of targeted films can be initiated for a negligible cost. Propaganda programs from the war only need to be continued with some connections made in the Xolotlan Sovereignty to sell the films. In practice, this would be a massive program of making connections in the film industry through which tens of thousands of films can be laundered. (-50B Or) (+??B XCU per budget) (Dependant On Roll)

[]Foreign Student Funding: Providing fifty thousand prospective students with full scholarships to study abroad at Xolotlan universities will be essential for narrowing the technical gap. The students sent will be primarily a mixture of already experienced professors with several publications along with several intelligence agents with some talent for technical espionage. These would be sent off across the next three to six years with explicit orders to establish themselves in research and to maintain good records of any information involved in the exchange. (-15B XCU)

[]Hire Technical Professionals: Bringing engineers to the planet along with several further technical professions can be arranged for comparatively little money as experienced technicians are both cheap and common. Many of them will be more focused on the maintenance and technical aspects of the technologies involved but for comparatively little funding several concepts can be originally explained. These would be brought into development teams on new warships, tanks, and several novel concepts for airframes, serving as technical advisors to bridge the gap between manuals and the actual operation of hardware. (-5B XCU)

[]Hire Professors: Domestic instruction is going to require a massive number of personnel but smaller-scale classes can be started in essential areas for state security. Approximately two thousand professors can be hired for a significant price to come over to the Dannan with their families and teach for the next five years. The fees requested are significant but establishing four modern universities can be massive for a new graduating class taught in the latest methods. This would give a glut of students taught modern concepts and capable of navigating a new technical environment that would immediately help in general modernization. (-20B XCU)

[]Hire Military Experts: Hiring a dozen retired military experts from both the general Xolotlan marine forces and several from smaller planetary militaries can provide an immediate basis of expertise. These would partially go towards lecturing at current military academies while several will work closely with design teams on new concepts. Some back-transfer of technologies and techniques is expected but by having talented officers available doctrinal mistakes can be avoided. Operation of new warships is going to be a key factor as the domestic industry has little idea of common approaches or doctrine. (-10B XCU)

[]Textbook and Database Contracts: Getting a full-sized database delivered will be a major expense due to the licensing fees for planetary access but it represents a wealth of knowledge previously unrivaled. A planetary database of scientific papers, textbooks, and a general slice of the internet will be invaluable for large-scale analysis and far greater than anything on the investigator. Negotiating all of the licenses will take time and a hefty amount of money but having the basic information on the world will be critical for improving local industries. (-25B XCU)

[]Itzli Class Merchantmen: Purchasing four fusion-driven merchantmen capable of hauling up to 300 kt of cargo at a sustained acceleration of 0.1g to most common jump points. The ships themselves are obsolete by Sallie standards but they represent a capability that is well over any domestically developed ship. Drives onboard are considered obsolete and their FTL rings are explicitly not to military standards but the hulls are functional with the option to buy them with manuals and personnel even if the latter will be only temporary. (-40B XCU)

[]Ehecatl Class Light Cruisers: A pair of three-generation old light cruisers that have refurbished drives and updated electronic systems but are hulls that have entirely been stripped of weaponry. As test platforms, these massive and capable ships offer a significantly improved capacity for maneuver than domestic systems and can easily be loaded down with several locally made weapon systems to become capable combat craft. The hulls and the manuals involved would provide a wealth of information on naval vessel operation along with ready-made test platforms. (-50B XCU)

[]Itzcuih Class Courier Craft: A two-generation old high-speed shuttle used for the transport of high-priority information with an overturned FTL drive and fusion drive system that is rumored to have formed the basis of a seventeenth-generation combat craft. Manuals for the over-tuned systems onboard come with a series of designs for the spare parts involved and several elements of the drive system that would be conventionally unavailable. The vessel is in a single example but can maintain accelerations over what has even been observed by CLP combat craft. (-25B XCU)

[]Huitzilin Class Tanker: A modern newly constructed tanker ship that offers flexible mountings for cargo, personnel, or fuel bays onto the main truss structure. Arguably a magnetic mirror fusion drive around which a ship is constructed, it is high-performance and modular. She is newly constructed and that comes at a premium but can easily burn out to the jump point at 0.17g with a full cargo load of almost 400kt of mixed cargo. Sold in a tanker configuration making new modules is expected to be simple, necessitating some minimal manufacturing. (-50B XCU)

[]Mictlantecuhtli Class Heavy Cruiser: A generation old and recently released from an overhaul the cruiser is practically a modern warship. The drives are refurbished and she is practically ready for service. There is a slight premium from the state yard willing to sell her as the hull comes integral with a light point defense armament. Doctrinally she was built to be something of a battlecruiser, trading off armor weight and secondary systems for the mounting of a massive particle beam. This particle beam is not available and has been stripped from the hull but all other systems are worn but fully functional. (-90B XCU)

[]Metallic Hydrogen Plants: The import of a large metallic hydrogen plant with the explicit understanding that the techniques involved are part of an explicit tech transfer arrangement. The pinch used for mass production is a derivation of fusion techniques with the opportunity likely massive for the further development of a kind of hybrid z-pinch along with several new industrial methodologies. Massive power requirements are endemic to the system but a plan has been made for a three-year construction period followed by a two-year training and handover period. (-35B XCU) (Moderate Chance of Tech Transfer)

[]Civilian Power Fusors: Modern magnetic proton boron fusion represents a clean reaction that eliminates many of the issues of conventional fusion reactions. These are the types used across the Sovereignty with far improved containment compared to any domestic fusion reactors. Buying a set of two along with a deal to transfer the reactors to local control will provide an experience base in higher power reactions and achieving more efficient fusion. These would almost certainly not provide any clues for making new fusion reactors of the same model, but lessons in operation can likely be learned. (-20B XCU) (Negligible Chance of Tech Transfer)

[]Terrestrial Diamondoid Plants: Through what could best be defined as strange abilities to reformat and flexibly grow large crystals several techniques enable the terrestrial production of diamondoids. The sellers involved have cautioned that the yields are lower than for orbital systems but a forty percent lower yield rate is fully acceptable when hardened diamondoids can be produced straight out. The sellers of the plant are offering the system in full along with a full technical team to improve the deal as the equipment is obsolete given the fusion drive to orbit and has only been established for the sake of military production. (-45B XCU) (Moderate Chance of Tech Transfer)

[]Electrified Polymer Plants: Large-scale production of feedstocks for power armor and powered assistance devices are understandable, are a mild leap forward in technology, and most importantly are well understood by local experts. Purchasing a plant can be done for comparatively little with labor trained on the technique immediately applying it to bridge the gap in efficiency and capability to galactic standard. Production is going to be insufficient for large-scale equipment but the learning capacity can ensure that future plants are built locally. (-25B XCU) (High Chance of Tech Transfer)

[]Type 003 Tank Plant: Sold off as obsolete machinery, a full-scale tank plant for the standard armor used in the CLP invasion is available for purchase for a comparatively discounted price. The model of armor has recently been retired from primary production but a fully modernized variant is already tooled and ready for production. The manuals and tooling can be directly purchased for some funding allowing the Type 003 tanks G variant to be produced locally and in significant numbers. These would be the modernized variants of the tanks used in the invasion, featuring several sensor and armor improvements but requiring diamondoid feedstocks for the hull. (-50B XCU) (High Chance of Some Tech Transfer)

[]VTOL Fusor Plant: A deeply obsolescent plant that has so far been focused on the production of fusion engines for several models of VTOL craft. These smaller-scale fusion reactors would be a massive boon to technical development and are alone likely to drive innovation forward on domestic fusion. The plant itself is obsolete but that is fine for the sake of producing more compact reactors for any number of platforms. Establishment and movement can be done in a year with production using domestic labor expected by the end of the budget cycle. (-40B XCU) (High Chance of Some Tech Transfer)

[]Next Generation HEA Powder Mills: Several prospective new designs have been proposed for next-generation HEAs with significantly disrupted lattices but have had several issues in production that local scientists believe can be solved with modern printing techniques. The technology is not going to be cheap as a prospective purchase but the theory is believed to be technically sound. Novel processing methods for the material ensure a more uniform disrupted material lattice, providing further improved mechanical properties and shifting away from the primary use of yttrium in favor of composite lattices. (-20B XCU) (Chance of Not Working)

Space Infrastructure(Limited to 1500B Or):

[]Orbital Launch Ring: The development of a massive launch ring around the planet and the construction of two stations at equatorial points can begin without much issue. The structure is expected to keep itself aloft on its weight with few issues in construction. This would represent an immeasurable increase in the ability to launch payloads to orbit at a low cost and would entirely obsolete the launch ramp for civilian purposes. Cheap fusion power at the base of the elevators will provide easy launch capability while the long tracts around the planet serve to maintain their positions and accelerate payloads. (500B Or) (Halves all Space Infrastructure Costs Next Budget) (Eliminates Orbital Capacity Limits)

[]Re-Establishment of Orbital Shuttles: Light shuttles with small liquid core fission drives have been used heavily for general-purpose work around the orbit and they can be reconstructed for the same goal. Compact modular systems in the old design can be built by the hundreds to move crews around low orbit and the moon without excessive issues. More efficient and larger fusion-driven craft would be better but the sheer number of small craft available will be key for maintenance and a return to normal operations. (100B Or)

[]Restart Orbital Cleaning Efforts: The orbits are once again filled with copious amounts of small debris that needs to be cleaned up and dropped back into the atmosphere. Current efforts are likely to take much of the remaining decade as the intensive combat for the orbits has left large amounts of damage in its wake. Proposals mostly involve steady sweeps with terrestrial lasers cooperating with efforts by smaller shuttlecraft, chipping away at the debris fields, and maintaining the safety of orbit. (150B Or)

[]Recolonization of the Inner Moon: Getting workers back onto the moon will be essential for resuming the flow of cheap light materials for orbital manufacturing and would help to start the broader establishment of infrastructure. The aliens have left behind several structures that can likely be adapted to domestic use without issue, immediately resuming mining using the launch ramp and several incomplete constructions. This would provide aluminum, titanium, and several key metals for cheap orbital manufacturing allowing it to resume at a reduced pace. (200B Or)

[]Establishment of Orbital Manufacturing: Building a series of new cylinders capable of manufacturing large parts for spacecraft would save on costs and allow for new ships to be built cheaply. This would involve dedicated high throughput HEA printers being placed into orbit along with crews of several thousand to operate them at full capacity. The older equipment has at this point been exposed to vacuum and is not expected to significantly help with new construction. (400B Or) (Reduces all LDO Costs by Half Next Budget)

[]Renovations of Destroyed Cylinders: Orbital work crews in LDO comprised forty thousand workers before the war and they need to be reconstructed to a sufficient scale to keep the industry comfortably supplied with workers. This is not technically required as crews before the exchange proved that they could make even the most confined of quarters work. Still, reconstructing the damaged shells of cylinders and sweeping them for radiation will improve the ability to increase the amount of personnel in orbit without much further cost. (250B Or)

[]Diamondoid Plants: If we are to produce large amounts of diamondoids then pilot plants need to be established in orbit for large-scale production. These would be built along a fairly standardized model with some improvements that have been gleaned from available information. Actual production of quality material in good quantity will be challenging but reduced format composites will be comparatively easy to make in large amounts. This will enhance the construction material prevalence for all military and some civilian matters, replacing HEA-Y as mainline ship structural elements. (300B Or) (High Chance of One Matsci Tech Roll, Moderate Chance of Two)

[]Dockyards and Trade Stations: Establishing several zero gravity clearinghouses for trade and formal exchanges along with embassies will be a significant challenge. The gravity requirements of other species in space will require novel engineering solutions, but they can be done without that much excessive cost. Effectively formatted as a large spinning orbital ring with dedicated decks and docking areas on the central spire, the station would form the diplomatic and commercial center of low-orbit commerce. Actual use is not expected to be significant but a Lirrir and Sallie Ambassador is expected at some point in the next decade. (200B Or)

[]Dedicated Small Shipyards: Building out a yard attached to a dormitory capable of constructing hull plating and general structural elements for ships up to two hundred and fifty meters in pressurized inflatable environments can be done without excessive issues. Four berths will be built for the program, providing a series of small slipways that can immediately go towards the construction of new mining ships or several other programs, allowing something of an orbital buildup in the form of dedicated frigates. (600B Or)

[]Restoration of Satellite Networks: With the massive losses in communication and navigation infrastructure there is little left to do but start a restoration program. The continuous launch of payloads to orbit with a new series of GPS satellites and high bandwidth systems will be critical for maintaining terrestrial connections. The amount of launched tonnage is expected to be minimal with heavier platforms preferred for most purposes due to the ease of construction, redundant components, and durability. (150B Or) (+50B Or Revenue)

Groundside Infrastructure(Pick as many as desired):

[]OFAC to AFCC Yard Conversions: Building the remaining twelve planned for but not funded OFAC yards as larger systems for the production of atmospheric fusion cargo craft has been proposed and developed. Using the fusion drive as a basis for a cargo craft, a purely civilian aerospace system can be constructed that can easily carry up to two thousand tons of compact cargo to orbit or up to one and a half thousand passengers a flight. These would be built at scale, offering organic surface-to-space capability from any ultra-high capacity runway. (400B Or) (Reduction to Space Infrastructure Costs) (Space Infrastructure Limit Increases by 500B Or)

[]CLP Standard Spaceports: Landing pads and cargo transport capacity for standardized surface-to-orbit craft are massive installations and necessitate several novel concerns. Until the orbital ring is constructed, building a few dozen spaceports capable of sustained launches of OFACs, AFCCs, and standard CLP craft will be important for establishing good trade ties. The facilities will all be extensively monitored to reduce the chance of untoward activities and in a small part will start the processes of opening up the planet. (250B Or)

[]Expanding Trade Infrastructure: Setting up the political and technical infrastructure for trade will be essential for galactic integration. Maintaining monitored zones for trade and establishing several state-owned enterprises for import and export while working alongside the civilian government will reduce the chance of technical leaks and improve the reliability of commerce. Allowing any private enterprise to trade with the wider galaxy cannot be allowed but state ones can partially be used as intermediaries for technical acquisitions. (150B Or)

[]Reorganization of Disaster Relief: The army's expectation to continue providing disaster relief took a short break during the war with the department organized more towards evacuating refugees. Now that the war is over and the environment is only expected to worsen it once again comes down to the army to fund the service. Expanding the ranks further and bringing several servicemembers into it will keep trained personnel in the military, but there is little other benefit to being responsible for disaster recovery. (50B Or) (-150B Or Maintenance) (Severe Political Cost if not Taken) (Will Lose Responsibility for Disaster Relief if not Taken)

[]Redundant Anti-Orbital Batteries: Tripling the scale of current anti-orbital heavy laser batteries can be done for far less of a cost than the first or second wave. The systems in each battery can be replaced by capacitors, practically an order of magnitude more compact. At the same time, the power system can be replaced by superconductors, reducing all system cooling demands to something nearly acceptable. Recharge issues will still be a problem but a new series of batteries can be built cheaper, more capable, and more precise. (250B Or)

[]Curach Garrison Program: Deploying bases onto Curach represents a massive step in improving security and re-establishing a permanent presence. Local partisans are a partial threat and several denounced paramilitaries have only radicalized into new and esoteric ideologies. Committing forces to the island will be a regular part of operations but reconstruction of key ports, logistical links, and in-land bases will be key to a peaceful re-integration. (100B Or)

[]Department 4 Consolidation: Alien intelligence operations need to be intensified and organized as there is a current lack of foreign intelligence capability. The department itself was originally organized for this eventuality and by providing funding operations can begin in short order. The opportunities for current operations are vast with personnel transferred over from the AID to stiffen the ranks. Current plans involve large-scale technical and informational theft along with programs to insert agents through educational connections. (150B Or) (-100B Or Maintenance) (Gain Two External Espionage Rolls(Base Zero Dice))

[]Department 6 Expansion: PSC agents have infiltrated several parts of the general apparatus and with the previous penetrations into their social media something of a new web of lies has been found. The transfer of experienced counter-espionage assets from Department Four has already started along with its senior leadership, providing a capable cadre for internal operations. By providing enough funding for current operations, it will be possible to strike against the heart of the fascist threat and avoid alien infiltrators. (100B Or) (-100B Or Maintenance) (Gain Two Internal Espionage Rolls(Base One Dice))

[]Weaponry Development Department(Department 10): Prototyping new weapons is going to be critical to remain competitive on the general galactic scene. Current platforms have been proven to be obsolescent and without a scientific advantage, the gap will remain massive. The first steps towards bridging the gap will be the focused development of new systems more capable of acting on an infantry and vehicle scale, finally producing effective systems. (400B Or) (-100B Or Maintenance) (Changes Tech Allocations) (Additional Tech Roll)

[]Civilian-Military Partnerships: Working directly with civilian industries from the private to the state sector to bring in dual-use technologies from abroad is going to be essential. There are currently more theoretical techniques available to the military than the actual ability to pursue many of them and directly partnering with companies can reduce some costs. Implementation will focus on new superconductor devices and several aspects of electronics and materials, bringing in much of the civilian sector. (250B Or) (Moderate Political Gains) (Increased Chance of Technical Leaks)

[]Expanded Military Scholarships: Providing the funding for millions to study engineering disciplines and work closely with military scientists on the weapons of the future will in a decade provide a reliable base of talented engineers. Current efforts have focused on the promotion of a few talented graduates but through widening the pool and pushing millions towards research and development the general talent pool can be widened. Contracts to get them to work on applicable dual-use technologies are unlikely to pose problems, generating a variety of novel approaches at the lowest level. (200B Or) (100B Or Maintenance)

[]Formalized Tech Transfers: Working with medium-sized businesses and local patenting offices to the point that more general techniques are handed out to the civilian sector has several detractors, but it cannot be understated how much it will improve production. The war has brought electronic technologies forward by at least two decades with further gains across all sectors. Working with every business under the sun and partially underwriting modernization will build up the economy rapidly and expand innovation capacity for all newly discovered processes. (300B Or) (Moderate Political Gains) (Greatly Increased Chance of Technical Leaks)

[]Superconductor Plants: Massive dedicated facilities for the production of new superconductors remain a promising experimental field. Pilot plants focused on military supply have been established with the techniques starting to be improved for the next generation of civilian industries. These plants would focus principally on ensuring that most of the civilian sector can access superconductors. Production is not going to be enough for this budget cycle but the next one may see something of a stabilization in demand. (600B Or) (+300B Or Profits per Budget)

[]Inertial Fusion Test Facility: The fact that design teams were able to cobble together high-gain Z-pinch cores capable of high-power operation in the equivalent of a bunker is outstanding, but is a poor basis for fusion research. A variety of terrestrial large throughput units will be constructed to evaluate new techniques in maintaining the pinch along with several theoretical methods. There is little alien documentation on the process with domestic development stuck working on its own to enhance performance and power throughput. (300B Or) (50B Or Maintenance) (Expands Fusion Tech Category) (1 Guaranteed Fusion Tech Roll, Possibly More)

[]Optical Computing Programs: Current optical computing is a niche field but it offers several promises towards improving the situation on the ground and an entirely new area of computing. Experts believe that it represents a vast promise for breaking the limitations of silicon, overcoming several limitations in capability and tunneling. Profits are not expected to be significant until the technology further develops but taking a bold gamble may produce further technical results. (450B Or) (+100B Or Profits per Budget) (Expands Computing Tech Category) (1 Guaranteed Computing Tech Roll, Possibly More)

[]Dedicated Military-Electronics Plants: Shifting away from using the same circuitry as the civilian sector will improve yields for their plants and with the new developments seize the 2.5 and 1.8nm nodes for military production. They are likely to become the lagging nodes throughout the next budget cycle but the machinery is mature and would represent a massive upgrade over typical 10 and 7nm systems that remain in use. Starting these deep modernizations would grow the electronics industry and represent a generational leap in capability. (300B Or) (+50B Or Profits per Budget)

[]Next Generation HEA Plants: Large-scale production of a new generation of HEA composites that go beyond modifying older scandium powders to use Yttrium is going to be necessary for more modern bulk material feedstocks. These would incorporate the lessons learned from alien high entropy alloys and bring local production to a comparatively modern standard. Implementation will see mild gains in performance across most printed materials along with improvements in the production of new high entropy ceramics enabling their use at scale. (250B Or) (+50B Or Profits per Budget)

[]Pre-Construction of Orbital Components: Building a large series of new industrial plants at the launch ramp and several sites of likely connection to the orbital ring will be an involved but necessary process. These will focus on the direct production of new reactor systems, several new technical systems, and the bulk parts of in-space habitats. The new production will continue to lower costs and ensure that the rapid colonization of orbit along with new spacefaring industries can continue unabated. (200B Or) (Space Infrastructure Cost Reductions)

[]High Throughput CNT Production: With new CNT production requiring little more than a basic facility that can sustain high-speed bacterial growth a world of possibilities has opened up for the material. Long homogeneous strands are no longer a problem in any way and strands can easily be built up into massive combined structures capable of transferring their micro properties to bulk ones. The buildup of dedicated facilities will immediately greatly expand the capacity for the army and civilian sector to make use of it, incorporating it across several platforms. (200B Or) (+100B Or Profits per Budget)

[]Expansion of Inventory Management Systems: In wartime, the ML-directed economic system proved capable of managing large quantities of inventories and general assets across the economy. Its implementation at a larger scale has already partially started but through providing the funding and increasing the reach of the general system through previous proposals a true unitary economic system can be constructed. Licensing towards enterprises will allow for improvements in general planning especially in the areas of military development and production. (100B Or) (Possible Automation Tech Roll)

[]Consolidation of Weapons Plants: The dispersal of major factories for the production of weapons has served to avoid bombardment, but it has significantly reduced production efficiency. Consolidating back the largest factories and design teams will improve domestic production capacity and increase employment for when the economy and military budget can recover. The main goal of the program is in effect an urban jobs program with improvement in weapon and ammunition production as a secondary goal. (500B Or) (Mild Procurement Cost Reductions)

[]Soldier-Genetic Modification Program: A low-intensity genetic modification program can be started for those going through the army to provide a better baseline for soldiers. Modifications will avoid any significant brain or gamete changes, focusing instead on a more consistent battlefield performance. Primary modifications will be built around sixth-generation packages making muscle density universal and consistent, improving clotting, mildly increasing bone density, and several changes to improve reaction speed. (150B Or) (Moderate Political Cost)

[]Reserve Preservation Program: Mass preservation and modernization of older equipment is still going to be necessary no matter the scale of demobilization. Older Type 36 B's and C's can be brought up to modern electronic standards with a partial up-armoring for B models incorporated into the design. Retaining the vehicles could allow for manufacturing capacity to still be reduced without a massive loss of capability, keeping the hulls in army service without introducing excessive obsolescence. (750B Or)

Infantry-Equipment Set:
Type 43 Combined Orbital Equipment: A set of systems built around a unified display helmet and standardized rebreather and pressure management system that has effectively transformed into five discrete systems. This has come with some compromises but all five share universal parts and the program offers an unquestionable improvement in every aspect over the Type 06 suit. Most models in use are expected to be the basic suit with few modifications, as it is adequate for light orbital combat and can be flexibly worn inside spacecraft that are depressurized. Combat variations incorporate new dynamic plastic-ceramic armor, allowing the abatement of alien laser blows to an extent, with the heaviest versions preferring conventional ceramics due to size constraints. Capable of up to two twelve hours of endurance in space, the suit itself is a revolutionary improvement both in reliability and duration of viable orbital work.

Type 45B Combined Equipment Set: Continuing the general modernizations made in the Type 45 equipment set and incorporating lessons learned from previous combat, improved networking capabilities have come on the infantry level. Standardized 360-degree visuals with triple redundancy across the 120-degree arc along with 180-degree thermal capacity have been pushed as standard with improvements in detection systems enabled by onboarding them to an accompanying 45B or 36D. Standard rifles have been consolidated onto the 12mm platform with newer units incorporating the capacity for automatic fire, to be used in heavy urban engagements only. Each squad has been improved with the inclusion of a designated bipod carrying an automatic rifle, allowing the suppressive fire to once again become a major factor. Armor for the infantry has been improved with major joints reinforced and tourniquet straps built over the anti-fragmentation and chemical armor to allow for rapid triage of casualties.
AT Weaponry:
Type 45 Kinetic Anti-Tank: A more advanced system loosely based on the Type 35 ATGM with an updated guidance package and far heavier kinetic dart. The missile itself is a one-hundred-and-six-kilogram system with a fifteen-kilogram launch and storage tube to achieve an adequate performance at launch. The missile is nearly two meters long with the first stage forming the primary booster to get the assembly to five hundred meters per second. The second stage boost maintains the speed for the five-kilometer flight path as the approach to the target is maintained. The final stage with the 1.6m dart and remaining booster is used in the final four hundred meter approach, boosting the ordinance to nearly one and a half kilometers per second to make the terminal attack. The system can guide in on visual, contrast, or direct command approaches with the capacity for independent target acquisition. (Lunos Industries)

Type 45 Anti-Tank Incendiary: Rocket-propelled 3 kg system containing an 800g incendiary warhead that is mounted in a reinforced polymer tube with a light boost charge for adequate ranged performance. Optic systems with rangefinding and lead calculation are issued to troops carrying several tubes with only the ordinance and the tube is kept as disposable with the optic re-used. Payload is composed of ClF3 to degrade the capability of enemy armor to engage targets by destroying optics and external equipment. Performance as a rocket-launched flamethrower is worse but allows for some theoretical capacity for bunker-clearing work.
Wheeled Vehicles:
Type 38 8x8: Developed as an all-field improvement over the original Type 14 truck the Type 38 mostly delivers on several improvements. Moving to a reinforced frame made of more advanced materials along with improvements in development has allowed the new truck to carry eight tons offroad and seventeen tons on the road. Hill traversal capacity is limited and the engine is notably underpowered but the truck does incorporate several lessons learned for safety design compared to all that came before it. Variations capable of carrying artillery pieces and operating as a basic bed for the mounting of anti-aircraft systems have already been proposed. The entire truck only has armor along the cabin against small arms, but that has been judged as sufficient. (Milta Automotive Works)

Type 41C Light Truck: Modernized variation on a standard Type 41 chassis with built-in electronic systems to support Type 45B Infantry Equipment. Onboard systems have been consolidated to allow for driving through helmet displays, armoring the front aspect against laser carbine fire. The frame itself has been increased in weight to almost three tons between addon armor and electronics but is still adequate and maneuverable for most tactical purposes. Standard armament is a 12mm machine gun mounted in an RWS with remote aim and auto tracking as integral features. ATGM carrying variants remove the rear bench and consolidate the fighting compartment, moving two soldiers outside the vehicle to load ordinance and engage targets. (Sygner Automotive Group)
Type 36D APC: Further improvements to the general platform have come with the integration of electronic systems to enhance troop support capacity and improve the durability of the APC to enemy fire. Engine systems provide nearly 200 kw of power onto each of eight wheels, with an integral battery system and an 800 kw diesel electric generator. Consolidation of the missile armament to the floor of the vehicle with computing power mounted into the newly freed ninth seat has allowed for vulnerability areas to be narrowed. In case of penetration by heavy fire, only the lower part of the vehicle remains vulnerable with any difficulty in reloading considered acceptable to reduce explosion risk. Onboard electronic systems have included a proper 12mm RWS on the turret to provide fire support independent of the 30mm. Further, automatic spotting systems have been moved over from heavier vehicles, providing each APC with the ability to automatically track and engage infantry targets. Battlefield sensor fusion will require new infantry armor and the next generation of equipment to get to wide issue. (Milta Automotive Works)

Type 45B "Nuadu" IFV: To address the significant issues present in the Nuadu several internal relocations along with rationalizations have been prioritized. The turret ammunition storage has been placed lower in a linear rack to reduce the frontal area to laser engagements. Further work towards improving the vehicle has entirely focused on the improvement of its power and mobility systems, with the same expanded tracks and hardened frontal drive wheels carried over from the tank program. Rear passenger compartments have been integrated with several analytical computers and supporting software with some ECCM systems incorporated into command vehicles. Spotting systems have been augmented with the primary rangefinding optic replaced with a passive coincidence system, using the laser as a backup. Gunner optics are the same 120-degree wide view block but with a mounted three-dimensional map tablet synchronized to the ATGM for enhanced NLOS shots. Automatic view systems with a simple rotating thermal imager have come as standard along with the analytic software to use it as a spotting and engagement system for the 12mm RWS. (UNISA)
Support Assets:
Type 36DT Light Tank Destroyer: Modernization programs for the CAT have proceeded along the same guidelines as previous designs with a focus on improving the reliability and accuracy of the 152mm L75 LGG. The gun itself has been given a velocity sensor along with a new targeting system, allowing velocity and trajectory to be independently calculated to improve the precision of fire. Gas systems themselves have received dehumidification and desiccant to keep moisture in the compartment manageable and avoid the buildup of condensation on the pressurized tanks. The largest improvements have if anything come in the form of visibility systems as the last generation of armored combat systems have started to be mounted on otherwise secondary tank destroyer systems. Full battlefield visibility along with an improved constant sweep continuous analysis system have been mounted as standard. A 12mm RWS has also been added to provide some defense against close-in infantry, to augment direct fire capability, and reduced pressure firing modes for smoke and explosive shells are integrated, bringing them back for specialized tactical use. (Milta Automotive Works)

Type 45B "Duban" SPLAAG: The forty original production models of the Duban have been rendered obsolete before production can be raised to any significant numbers. New superconducting energy cells and rail-gun guides have massively improved the performance of the platform while the chassis has effectively been redesigned to be built around two 3MW generation systems with motors borrowed from Milta armored platforms and a common drive system. Limited numbers of superconductors have been used to form a massive fifteen-ton energy cell under the main turret, providing battery power to onboard systems along with onboard weapon systems. Constant power use by the massive chillers to keep the system drowned in ethane has proven necessary to maintain superconductivity in and around the ten-ton CNT contained SMES. This all serves to power the newest designed weapon system, supplying one and a half TW to the main weapon system for one millisecond bursts to fire a six-kilogram armature at twelve kilometers a second. Secondary weapon systems are four pulse lasers, capable of achieving 50MJ pulse trains with 40cm lenses, sufficient to penetrate if not kill current VTOL systems. (Avalon Industrial Trust)

Type 46 "Fragarach'' Tank Destroyer: A fixed gun tank destroyer weighing almost eighty tons with a massive onboard battery system and a light generator system made to slowly trickle charge the general vehicle. The onboard 6 MW generator is made to power the four 1MW drive motors along with recharging the main gun over five minutes when necessary with a massive use of diesel fuel oil. The tank is not expected to use the feature outside of emergencies, but the dual drive system allows for it to be used outside support assets. Frontal armor protection is sufficient to resist tank firepower on the upper plate when emplaced and dug in, but the lower plate remains vulnerable to IFV fire. All-around protection from rifle fire has been achieved through the use of applique armor kits, with the goal of the program being the firing of a 12kg armature at 10 km/s. Railgun operation is highly dangerous and the systems onboard are unreliable but the Type 46 is the first machine to offer a genuine threat to enemy armor. (Milta Automotive Works)
Type 45B "Morvran" Tank: Bringing the complaints of frontline units to the fore, several modifications have been made to the Morvran, reducing reliability issues and improving accuracy. The tank has gained a further two tons of weight with the systems integrated onboard, but this has come with radical improvements to the drive train and several new electronic systems. The front drive has been extensively reinforced to deal with hostile terrain while the tracks have been expanded to provide a better ground pressure profile for the vehicle. Improvements to the 152mm L75 LGG have come in the form of a barrel velocity sensor and dedicated dehumidifiers and desiccants to keep the gas system dry. The sensor allows the next shot to be based on the velocity of the previous one with re-calculation done on the fly, allowing for improved accuracy out to four kilometers, if still worse accuracy than conventional systems. Optic modernization has involved the increase of magnification of the primary block sight, and passive range finding using a coincidence system with a laser backup. Backup gunner optics and a rudimentary analyzed automatic-rotating optic for infantry detection have been made standard, improving spotting ability. (UNISA)
Fixed Wing Aircraft:
Type 39 Aircraft: The General Aerospace entrant that has been delivered to specification, if universally derided by pilots as the equivalent of operating a garbage truck. The plane is powered by two high-power 240kN turbofans with a capacity for climb-outs in most cargo regimes with only a single engine if necessary. Automatic landing has been incorporated into the plane and a significant degree of redundancy has been incorporated as hundreds of the lessons learned in the old passenger industry are relearned. Over a thousand units are expected to be purchased for the army with variations designed for transportation, low-intensity missile transportation, and several further roles as general-purpose airframes. Even the civilian sector has started work on adapting a copy for the rapid transportation of mail, allowing GA to recoup its costs. Poor surface takeoffs limit the ability of the airframe to operate in a safe mode with increased cargo allocation but even that has been judged as sufficient. (General Aerospace)

Type 46 Interceptor: Wholesale modernization of the entire Type 46 system has been advanced instead of an entirely new aircraft. The plane uses the same turbofan and general airframe as a standard Type 45 but makes several major changes. The entire lower frontal bay is replaced with an air-cooled heavy pulse laser mounted on the belly to allow for the accurate engagement of enemy VTOLs. This is accompanied by the replacement of the vertical lift fan with a generator complex and one of three SMES cells to power the laser system with enough power for continuous fire. Superconducting lines run the external length and are submerged in a bath of ethane to minimize internal thermal stress. Delivery of fifty pulse train short bolts of 100 MJ can be achieved by the system with a 50cm lens and targeting array allowing for flexible engagement of targets. Automated systems for their use as drones have been co-developed with the majority of airframes little more than simple engagement platforms directed into combat by pilots. (General Aerospace)
Medium Drones:
Type 43 Surveillance Drone: The AIT drone system is a simple straight-wing airframe powered by a conventional propeller engine, giving it adequate range for fast response to several conflicts and something of a technical base. The drone is neither stealthy, fast, or durable but it is incredibly cheap to manufacture and operate. Initial production lots of thousands have rapidly increased in scale with even lower manufacturing costs expected as production continues to increase. Onboard AI hardware is enough for independent missions in low-saturation areas with no communication needed from ground bases. Narrowband transmission of images along with astral guidance packages allow for limited functionality in a hostile orbital environment, providing adequate intelligence and support to troops in the field. (Avalon Industrial Trust)
Light Drones:
Type 45 Strike Drone: Designed around a small entirely printed duration HEA-Y turbine and an airframe that is sheet plastic placed on a basic HEA frame the Type 45 is an entirely disposable mass production capable system. It can deliver a 3kg explosive charge to a range of eighty kilometers in a compact platform capable of independently finding targets. Independent launch from a ramp can be achieved through the use of a minimal mechanical booster or the use of a field for takeoff. During operational deployment the drones will form basic swarms of up to a few thousand units, focusing on low-altitude penetration to a designated area of operations before commencing independent hunting operations. Attacks by the system will be conducted continuously with a focus on ensuring that similar heat signatures are not oversaturated to improve field efficiency.
Naval Combat Ships:
19xType 37 LCS(Pre War): The older generation of lighter littoral combat ships utilizing gas turbines instead of more complex nuclear power plants. Most were built primarily for patrol and anti-piracy duties rather than complex operational requirements in wartime leaving most of them intact in the aftermath. The hulls themselves are equipped with a universal VLS system containing one hundred and twenty tubes rated for anti-shipping missiles along with a series of radar systems and a dual electrochemical canon setup for closer range support duties. Radar integration is considered acceptable even if anti-stealth tracking leaves much to be desired as a platform. Carrying capacities of marines and personnel are the primary purpose of the ship, with the current remaining stocks of the class effectively serving as oversized police cutters.

82(150)xType 45 "Kelpie'' Corvette: After a bit of debate the primary power system has been chosen to be a direct feed gas turbine drive. The operational speed of the craft is only going to get to forty-two knots at full power with significant reductions in range at the speed but with a 3500 km range under cruise speeds. The lower hull is to be equipped with a hundred-ton capacitor system with an actively cooled power delivery mechanism along with a two-stage seawater cooler to keep lasing media at combat temperatures. Deck armament is eight Type 45 HSSGM to supplement laser capacity and provide a limited ability to deliver tactical support. The main system onboard is a pulse laser capable of rapid fire directly cloned from lighter tactical batteries and using new media and capacitors to enhance performance in the pulse laser role. Enough power to down a VTOL every eight seconds is to be provided, but the ship is fundamentally unsafe due to the massive capacitor banks. (Emire Boat Company)
19(64)xType 44 SSAON: Designed as a series of highly ambitious technical programs the final product has come in over budget but as a functional boat that more than performs its task. The boats can operate sustainably at a depth of more than 1.5km underwater, making them immune to all but the heaviest orbital fire. In return, each ship has seventy-two nuclear-tipped missiles capable of ensuring that at least one can punch through point defense fire to deliver a killing blow. Crews have found the boats significantly more comfortable than previous submarines and orbital service but that reputation is unlikely to last as nine-month patrols are normalized to reduce vulnerability in the dock and keep the boats at the station for as long as possible. Anti-submarine armament has been found lacking, with sonar struggling to detect other Type 44 boats, but that is expected given the design priorities. (Bun Naval Group)
Orbital Fast Attack Craft:
6(48)xType 46 "Arawn" Atmospheric Corvette: Built around or more technically in front of a 600GW Z-Pinch capable of both an atmospheric scramjet mode and a more conventional hydrogen injection system the craft is to a large extent a fusion reactor attached to a series of missiles and a small crew. The frontal section is a block of high-resistance carbon armor with some areas covered in lower-density polymer built onto a nearly monolithic HEA-Y frame. Slush Deuterium makes up the majority of the fuel with superconducting systems run on ethylene coolant set to run the length of the design to efficiently transmit nearly 2 GW to the confinement mechanism to maintain the reaction. The accompanying 300MW of thermal load required for full-scale operations is rejected through fuel pre-heating and composite CNT radiators in space. Radiation management for those around the craft is questionable and a primary armament is a large number of conventional forward launch angled VLS cells with armored covers, delivering seventy-six BPL-tipped missiles to the enemy.
Exploration Craft:
SAS Investigator
Orbital Frigates:
Spaceborne Auxiliary Ships:

Improved AI Market Models: Beating out a capable Seelie at modeling in the stock market has already been done but current ML models can take behaviors a step further. By optimizing direct data streams and using a model of learned behavior and information analysis, correct market decisions can be made well in advance by the general public and most investment agents. The actual deployment of the technology has been limited to financial firms focused on optimizing the market with significant gains expected for the early adopters. At this point, people have mostly been removed from market activity with high data algorithms trained off interpreting behavior taking precedence.

Enhanced Population-Facing Algorithms: Advancing population-facing machine learning models has only intensified with the state operation of social media interactions. It is still impossible to make a model that cannot be distinguished from a Seelie in all circumstances, but that is almost within reach. Basic chatbots have been refined so that one can be used with a focused set of goals and a solid general comprehension of information. Further advances in ensuring that models that fail can indicate a low-confidence answer, allowing for an improved user perspective. (30 AE)

Automatic Technical Systems: Multivariable control of vehicles has already been pioneered but with alien coding implementations the systems can be taken a step further. Direct large neural network control of systems can be pushed beyond the comprehension of any individual Seelie at a higher data throughput with more complex conditions. This leads to the ability to control entire warships or major strategic directions with an ML-enabled second chair to provide command guidance. In practice, the systems are used as a second advisor for technical roles to provide a baseline of response in conventional circumstances. (Automation) (New 46 AE)

Total Line Automation: Previous efforts at predictive logistics and advanced ordering programs have only developed further with improvements made to the autonomous operation of entire facilities. Current algorithms are insufficient to replace all staff but something as simple as balancing and troubleshooting basic parameter deviation has already been demonstrated with further gains expected on the direct testing level. There is little need for first-line employees when logistics can be conducted in an automated manner with a further simplification of most industries that require sterile standards. Continuous improvements are only expected to continue as more advanced algorithms can further reduce necessary labor. (35AE)

Technical Generative AI: Continued improvement in machine learning along with engineering-specific developments have continued to enhance the automation of industries. Previous generations of generative AI have been limited to non-technical low-risk applications but it has steadily gone towards a capability to act as an immediate reference and design optimization tool. Training datasets are still limited and the machines are nowhere near perfect but as a first-line tool for rapid prototyping and a second-line tool for assessing projects it is invaluable. Automation can now replace most positions that produce novel intellectual labor for conventional design work, with just a few needed to check the AI and ensure consistency in training datasets. (35AE)

Automatic Logistical Management: Complex logistical management problems involving dispersed supplies have been solved with new systems derived from initial improvements towards the economy done in the aftermath of the war. Logistics can now be adequately managed by semi-smart systems with a degree of predictive capability as an extension of older inventory management systems. JIT logistics can be further optimized with semi-predictive factors for transportation along with inventories, solving the economic problems of allocation at least partially. (New 45 AE)

Composite Machine Learning Systems: Combination systems across several neural networks have been utilized by the aliens if at a far lesser scale than domestic programs. Applying these same techniques to larger neural networks capable of influencing each other allows for a layer cake approach for machine learning with complex systems with thousands of individual interlinked nodes. The capacity for these models to operate at scale is still untested but they represent a viable path towards even more complex automatic systems than any previously designed. (Automation) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)
Bomb Pumped X-ray Lasers: Utilizing the fission fragments of a warhead to pump a laser has historically been attempted to consistent yet mediocre results, but with the integration of better lensing material and a slightly more coherent media far better results have been produced. The lasers are still hard to focus and carry forward a minuscule amount of power even compared to a shaped nuclear charge, but they have a far longer range and exist outside of conventional atmospheric limitations. Fissile material use for each laser-specialized warhead is expected to be heavy due to the negligible impact a second stage has on device design, limiting any approach to use a dirty single stage.

Superconducting Linear RF Cavities: Using a superconducting holmium cavity with a strong field further improvements can be made to the generation of a charged particle beam. This is achieved through the use of novel superconductors and incredibly strong fields allowing for vast improvements in accuracy and energy on target. Efficiency for the systems is still not great but thermal release can be minimized internally with the general mechanism avoiding significant thermal gains and enabling internal placement of the cavity. (Particle Beams) (New 46 AE)

Magnetic Particle Beam Confinement: Alien SMES systems depend heavily on magnetic confinement and the precise control of the resulting fields with a massive amount of technical literature on the topic. Adapting those techniques for the confinement and acceleration of charged particles has brought immediate results. Reduction of dispersion from particle beams has been achieved to improve the range of fire from any theoretical weapon system. This is limited to linear accelerators, but they are expected to be the primary form of space combat weapon. (Particle Beams) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Integral Confinement of Particles: High energy integral confinement of initial particle beam streams can be achieved through a combining effect with a flexible allocation of smaller sub-accelerators to reduce thermal loads on a linear particle stream. These systems would allow for the production of a significantly stronger beam than with a unitary linear accelerator, serving as feeding reservoirs into the primary cavity. The technique allows for a steady flow of energy through the cavity at a lessened thermal load and in a more compact format, increasing charged particle incidence on target. (Particle Beams) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Second Generation Fiber Lasers: More a mild adaptation towards pulse lasers than a true radical replacement of old fiber systems, modern lasing media can be adapted for q-switching natively. This allows for lower thermal loads from fiber lasers in terrestrial applications and offers some minor if significant improvements for shorter and more effective pulse trains if enough power is available. Thermal limitations are still predominant over continuous lasers with approximately a twenty percent loss in efficiency, but that avoids the necessary use of liquid nitrogen for "barrel" cooling. (New 45 AE)
Social Sciences
Societal Level Work Balancing: A core element of the social contract for society is to provide meaning to the people there, whatever that meaning is defined as. To that end, eliminating all work for the sake of optimization is beneficial but not all are benefiting from having infinite free time. Continued developments in automation combined with lifespan have led to passive state policies locking young people entirely out of positions. With the drive to make the state take an active hand in ensuring full employment to the end of the active policy, technological unemployment can be a solved matter. (New 45 AE)

Limited War: The invasion has demonstrated that wars can be fought for discrete political and economic goals that are subordinated to state policy without a long-term outlook of general competition. Subordinating war-making to staged political goals can enable the targets of war and war-making to shift towards one of primarily internal or external political maneuvers instead of direct gains in territory through security operations. To that end, the implementation of limited war can be used instead of conventional warfare, salami slicing towards concrete goals in lower commitment and lower risk operations. (Social Sciences) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)
X-Ray Lithography Techniques: Next-generation lithography was judged as necessary to make the jump to 3nm gate widths, but even that has proven insufficient. New machines with X-ray light have been demonstrated on a laboratory scale, capable of making feature sizes smaller than previously considered possible with a lower number of errors from simplifications in the beam source. Effectively new machinery is now capable of making circuits on a previously thought-to-be impossible scale, eliminating lithographic challenges. The limitations of electron probability distributions are still notable, but they too can eventually be overcome.

Multi-Gate GAA Transistors: Unifying electronics to alien standards has brought several gains at the newly developing node. Gate all-around transistors offer the ability to miniaturize transistors further along with increasing the number of individual gates that are possible on a set node of transistors. New foundries will incorporate the techniques involved, slowing production due to the increased number of layers but further increasing conventional computing power. Progress towards the 1.1nm node is likely to come from the technology directly but further gains are questionable. (Computing) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Mixed Die Formats: Most alien electronic systems are nothing exceptional with little that can be learned from their production, but some lessons are still absolutely critical and can be applied now. Current generations of single-node monolithic dies have high bin rates even before the war but are moving to a mixed-die with individual cores. Optical transistor integration serves the same purpose well allowing mixed-die CPUs with central tasking to offer immediately improved performance by integrating both technologies. Next node development has practically stepped ahead by a half node, allowing the use of feature sizes that would normally have monolithic reject rates of over 50%. (New 45 AE) (Alien Derived)

Basic Optical Computing: Previous limitations in conventional silicon have been nearly impossible to overcome as the technical challenges when dealing with electrons have yet to entirely be solved. Breaking with that and moving to more cube-derived optical transistors has produced immediate results with several immediately viable derivatives made in the lab. Individual systems with a hundredth of the instructions per clock but clock rates in the THz have been made. Applications are limited for using the techniques as a primary computing technology but several proposals have started for its use as a prospective specialized processing unit. Most hopefully the new techniques have opened the electron limit with far-expanded scaling, faster speeds, and all without radically overhauling programming. (Alien Technology) (New 45 AE)

Basic Quantum Computing: Further achievements in computing have not come from shortening gate lengths or improving the density of conventional circuits but through the creation of dedicated quantum computing units. These processors can hold almost ten thousand qubits with some capacity for calculation, even if they are not relevant for most tasks that are better suited for conventional computing. Most of the units are useless outside of discrete applications in small data problems and low-level particle modeling. Still, the application alone is sufficient to drive investment in the field and push for improved models.

Laser-Quartz Storage: Parts of the black box present in the alien craft use a novel form of very high-density storage media, offering a significant capacity for memory capacity above domestic approaches. This is a slow-read integrated format written using a series of ultra-short laser pulses into a quartz disk. Even a single standard format drive can store close to five hundred terabytes with several applications considered for deep data storage. Further, the format is broadly resistant to the rigors of space and age, avoiding data loss and improving storage density. (New 45 AE) (Alien Derived)
Basic Cybernetics: Continued advancements in both genetics and neural interfacing have brought forward a practical new era of implantation and dual-way linkages between neurons and computers. Using basic genetic modification to designate several metals as non-invasive to prevent an immune response along with advanced coatings, safe implants can be produced with few issues of rejection and minimal follow-on treatment. Direct neural control along with the direct splicing of nerves represents a further improvement in old techniques allowing theoretical direct control of larger machinery from a direct linkage. (35 AE)

Downband Neural Interfacing: Basic developments for the transmission of tactile feelings on a neural down-band have been a logical outreach of previous cybernetic programs. Sensation transmitted is limited to basic feelings that can be localized to any specific limb but it can still be transmitted down without otherwise functional nerves. Some have advocated for its use as an improved higher tactility DNI interface but the technology is a dead end until far finer-grained control and interfacing is available. (New 45 AE)

Neural Control Systems: Direct improvements on neural control mechanisms from derived helmet-mounted systems in alien armor and heads have immediately offered several routes for improvement of current armor. Linkages to the motor complex can be done on the same scheme as down-band sensory links with arguably some easier implementation. Surface level signals can be interpreted externally without major issues, allowing for movements to be synchronized if only in the roughest sense. This makes powered armor more viable and far more flexible if the issues of locomotion can be solved. (New 45 AE) (Alien Derived)
Terahertz Networking: Taking advantage of previously untapped bands of electromagnetic propagation has defined the last generations of networking but it can be taken a step even further. Consolidating work and increasing transmitter power can only go so far in improving penetration, but for most environments, a simple receiver can be used. Propagation of signals in the range can allow for the transmission of data in gigabytes per second over the air, simplifying significant areas of infrastructure. Signal doublers and lesser bands are still needed for the penetration of obstacles, but the improvements from moving into higher ranges hold immense promise.

CNT Filament Radiators: The use of carbon nanotubes as radiator surfaces has been proposed several times but issues exist in inner-tube connections along with the intensive thermal environment. If long chain tubes can be synthesized and placed on large rollers, centrifugal forces can keep the radiator array extended without much issue all while radiating a massive amount of heat. Even in an optimized configuration, new systems are expected to be heavier than contemporary liquid metal droplet radiators but they can be operated at theoretically hotter temperatures while being far more resistant to damage. (New 40 AE)

High Flexibility Heat Pipes: The advanced high-efficiency heat pipes made of a diamondoid composite offer massive improvements in conductivity and thermal resistance. In alien use the material has been extensively mounted onto powered armor for comfort applications but its high working temperature and comparatively simple structure have allowed for rapid copying. The novel application of thin-layer diamondoids in flexible packaging offers unparalleled thermal conductivity away from reactors, for the use of radiators, and to make the next generation of space suits. Applications for it are still dependent on poor local production methods but it can revolutionize several fields and designs with ease. (New 44 AE) (Reverse Engineered)

Improved Curie Point Radiators: Magnetic dispersal of hot cobalt can be done in a compact radiator system with temperature elevation systems. These are expected to be localized in small modules offering significant improvements in durability for spacecraft and a massive reduction in size from less efficient crew radiators. Practical mass reductions are not that big for small craft but the use of magnetic radiators with a high efficiency can practically revolutionize the construction of new orbital structures. (New 45 AE)

Flexible Diamondoid Radiators: Moving past using CNT for more heat-transferable diamondoid radiator heat rejection techniques can be further revolutionized. Old standards for CNT radiators are practically obsolete due to the poor heat transmission of CNT tubes compared to diamondoids. Moving to a flexible diamond surface on the radiator strips with a primary composition of CNTs allows for a greater degree of heat loading onto the coils with little need for modernization. Better transmissibility of the surface plating is a minor increase in consistency but it still enables tighter engineering margins. (New 45 AE)
Energy Storage
MgLiS Batteries: A new revolution in the development of battery power has come from fundamental work on the development of next-generation battery chemistry. Combining the density of single-use aluminum-air cells with the rechargeability of lithium batteries, new magnesium-sulfur batteries with some lithium additives have been brought to commercial production. Voltage limitations and the need for finer electronics to take advantage of the lower voltage plateau have limited most implementations outside storage use to only 1000Wh/kg, but even that represents a massive improvement over previous chemistries. Current production costs are slightly greater than equivalent lithium ions, but as mass production takes off a cheap rechargeable battery capable of a massive number of cycles can be brought to every electronic device.

Improved Polymer Capacitor Systems: Compared to alien-derived systems improved storage and discharge principles have brought power system improvements to the point that achieved power is approximately half of the obsolete Synod cells. This can achieve an energy release of 25MW/kg, allowing several viable laser weapon designs to be made with capacitor sections. This provides a capable alternative to far more expensive superconducting systems for some applications but is more specialized for very small and terrestrial systems. (Energy Storage) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

SMES Storage(Basic): High energy storage using superconducting energy loops has been proposed and tested but with breakthroughs in material science, diamondoids, and several other techniques systems, even batteries have become possible. Power storage capacities in the order of 4 MJ/kg along with specific power capacities of 100 MW/kg exceeding every capacitor, battery, and other system that has so far been invented or conceived of. These represent an absolute leap in performance over any technology and only present the issue that superconductors need to be sourced. With current superconductors, it is expected that these cells will be filled with liquid ethane to provide coolant, ensuring steady-state operation. (New 45AE) (Alien Derived)

Efficient Methanol Fuel Cells: Fuel cells are capable of producing energy to almost the same density as conventional diesel-electric designs. These can almost reach 100W/kg of power providing some stability to systems that cannot use more conventional engines. While the alien techniques and structuring are beyond any local technologies they can still be adapted to more useful techniques. These reach efficiencies of almost sixty percent, well more than combustion engines, and allow for significant improvements in light space vehicles. The technologies involved also use liquid fuel rather than gasses, improving space-based vehicle durability and capability. (New 45AE) (Alien Derived)
Gas Core Reactors: In terrestrial applications, the maximum efficiency for a nuclear core operating in a conventional cycle has always been constrained by the Carnot equation. Working instead with a gaseous core and a partial system of harvesting using an MHD both thermodynamic efficiency and energy conversion efficiency can be nearly doubled. Electrical conversion efficiencies of nearly seventy percent have been achieved in theoretical test cases bringing orbital reactor core performance to larger-scale ground-side cores.

Superconducting MHD Systems: Applications of derived superconductor systems to MHD-charged particle generators have improved energy yields while lowering thermal ones. New systems can achieve efficiencies of up to ninety-five percent in ideal circumstances and ninety percent in non-ideal circumstances. These harvesting systems can operate at the same temperatures as previous ones with significant reductions in thermal load for the generation of electric power. (Energy Transmission) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Non-Propulsive Dusty Plasma Reactor: Continued drives towards gaining efficiency and the modification of thrust systems have demonstrated significant further improvements to efficiency. By taking an ultra-light fissioning uranium plasma and confining it in a pinch between a dual-end MHD harvester an efficient method of power generation can be designed with few downsides. The power system will explicitly not be suitable for off-drive harvesting like previous generation gas-core MHD couplings but the gains from the new method will be massive. Thermal efficiencies in the order of eighty-five percent can be achieved with a hotter operating cycle, only limited by internal chamber materials, leading to more efficient radiative hot loops. (35AE)

Liquid Core Fission Breeding: Using a fully liquid fissioning core with several ceramic chelating agents can allow for high yields of plutonium products along with side product filtering. This yields high fractions of usable products on a fast neutron spectrum with few issues in production. Power yields are not expected to be much more efficient than even a solid core but the reduction in reprocessing stages will be notable for the easy production of plutonium. Facilities will be challenging to scale down, but use in space solves many of the inherent issues of centrifugal containment. (New 45 AE)
FTL Tachyons: Combining a specialized method of particle physics, the interaction of W bosons in a strong magnetic and electrostatic field has managed to reliably produce several tachyons. These particles have managed to do a previously impossible interaction in conventional models of physics and effectively send a signal out instantaneously. Receiver infrastructure has only been built in another lab, but a basic signal was transmitted along with a narrow band data stream through a Morse-like system. Theoretically, larger and more capable systems have already been commissioned, but they are not expected to be smaller than dedicated buildings and will almost certainly be limited in data transmission. (An unscientific carve-out of relativity in the sense of a privileged special frame that is nonetheless for writing what I want to instead of the more speculative science approach I am taking with everything else.)

Compact FTL Tachyon Systems: Alien improvements in antenna and focusing design along with innovations in the generation chamber are replicable without significant issues, allowing communication systems of greater specificity. The bandwidth is reduced to independent pulses of data at a rate of at best ten kb, but that is not a significant degradation compared to larger systems. The technology is miniturizable and current theoretical uses for it primarily rest in sensor networks and dedicated terrestrial communication vehicles, allowing a diplomatic or planetary team to talk back to Dannan in case of emergency. Further improvements are questionable as the techniques or why the specific tachyon generator geometry works so well are still poorly understood. (New 42AE) (Alien Derived)

FTL Jump Point Theory: The discrete detection of pockets of so-called jump-optimal space has proceeded logically from previous theories with the refit of a daring class destroyer to assessing pods. Initial guesses that the points would exist outside the orbit of the fifth planet and limitations of gravity have been confirmed though there is a curious phenomenon involved with most jump points in that some are significantly "deeper" dimensionally than others. It is believed that a jump conducted from a deeper point would both be easier and less intensive, leaving other areas of the system as more secondary. Confirmation of further points in the outer system will take time, but current mathematical understandings of jump space do indicate that there should be a few around the gas giant. (35AE)

Comprehensively Safe FTL: The development of safer drives that produce negligible internal stress has been a commonality of any alien drive. A far wider field is made to enable a much shallower jump, diverting the forces that would be placed onto the drive bubble post-initiation exterior to the craft instead of the interior to it. This significantly reduces the range of single jumps and likely worsens discontinuation syndrome due to longer discontinuity periods. Still, this eliminates the physiological and material consequences of jumps, making them entirely safe. (FTL) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)
Optimal Band DT: Further improvements on the conventional fusion fuel cycle and a sustained temperature of 8 KeV can now be attained and maintained without a significant technical burden for reactors of the old scale. This effectively optimizes interaction cross-sections of the fuel, raising the reaction rate while maintaining a similar degree of plasma density. Improvements in the magnets involved have trickled down to smaller-scale reactors with the expectation that a positive 1 GWe reactor could be constructed. The largest improvements however come in the larger cores as once the optimal plasma temperatures are reached the reaction rate increases by almost five-fold making the largest cores economical for truly mass power-production applications. (35AE)

Toroidal DT Drives: The development of fusion drives has come as a logical progression from terrestrial fusion reactors, lightening the entire assembly and introducing several thermal and neutron management concepts through the use of lighter plasma blankets. The gain factor of the system is expected to be just short of a hundred, allowing large-scale fusion drives to be designed. The inherent limitations of the DT reaction limit what can be done sustainably and without irradiating the crew but for everything but maximum thrust it effectively obsoletes fissile propulsion. Current drives are at the smallest 10GW of effective fusion power, but efficiency gains are expected as systems grow in size even if cooling plasma jackets will become more complex. (New 40AE)

Sheared Flow Zeta Pinch Containment: Using inspiration from the fusion systems present in the cube, old developments have been brought back to function with several improvements integrated. The use of Sheared flows allows for a stabilized Lorentz pinch in a compact form factor, offering higher containment strength than comparative magnetic systems at a far smaller form factor than expected. Current techniques are insufficient for the stabilization of adequate energy plasma inside of a small pinch with limited downsizing possible. The largest gains have conversely come from the miniaturization aspects of the reactor as even high-energy reactions can now be contained to a compact and low-thermal retention system. (Alien Technology) (Fusion) (New 45 AE)

Helium Catalyzed Deuterium Fusion: Rejection of tritium from high throughput DD fusion reactions can be achieved at high mass flow rates through a pinch or magnetic mirror. This technique allows for reactions to be optimized towards high-efficiency confinement with a far lower neutron burden, effectively locally breeding Helium 3 before immediately reacting it with another deuterium atom to produce the majority of reaction power. Implementation of this in a lower-power reactor is impractical due to the benefits of the square-cube law for fusion confinement. Reactors of at least 100 GW of power are required even with a more compact FS-Z-Pinch for any reasonable scale implementation. Amplification factor scales rapidly with increasing size, but so do material and cooling requirements rendering the current systems impractical for anything but warship drives. (Fusion) (New 45 AE)

Fusion Beam Thermal Management: Enhanced thermal confinement of high-energy magnetic fusion represents a major technical challenge but improvements have allowed higher energy confinements with lesser thermal loads. This does not make a high-energy drive directly viable but significantly improves the thermal efficiency of a magnetic drive towards one that can approach a 90% thrust efficiency with most of the waste left non-thermal through remass channeling. In power reactors, the thermal load has allowed for viable orbital fusion reactors with comparable thermal loads to fission cores. (Heat Management) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)
Genome Engineering: Taking a second look at the genome outside of the initial clumsy attempts by the old regime has yielded massive and rapid gains as transgenic applications have only grown in extent. Work towards tailoring physiological processes along with the specific location of genes responsible for appearance has effectively allowed an unlimited degree of modification. The forefront of the current breakthrough is a co-opting of internal systems of self-correction, allowing a specialized viral payload to infect large parts of the body along with the systems themselves with any remaining cells fixed to the new genetic package. Modifications ranging from more than tripling muscle mass set points to effective morphological control can be conducted, but most depend significantly on the degree of laws passed around them.

Self Healing Concrete: Targeted genetic engineering work on previous programs has come to the fore with the integration of organisms in conventional concrete pours. These engineered organisms are built to produce calcite to fill any hole left in the concrete from micro-fractures or thermal stress. While the material itself will still steadily get weaker due to the limitations of biological systems, the ability to fix most micro-fractures will massively extend all lifespans. Further, as the integration of organisms is practically a cheap step of end-state processing, it can be done for almost nothing, allowing all modern grades of concrete to have limited self-repair for no real loss in initial durability.

Hibernation Systems: Induction of a hibernation adjacent sleep-like state for long-duration orbital journeys has always been desirable but limitations in life support equipment have rendered it problematic. Rather than a total freezing of biological processes a sorta long duration low-calorie use sleep can be induced on a crew for long journeys performed by automated systems. Some degradation and risk are still expected from the process as it is refined but such sleepers can be kept at a minimal life support burden. Retrofits of the system onto ships have been delayed by the lack of automated systems capable of managing complex reactor parameters but several proposals have already been made for dual-setup craft. (30 AE)

Targeted Neuroprotective Vectors: Using specialized signaling factors to protect old neural tissue while forcing new neural tissue to use improved genetic standards has been a major historical challenge but it is now solved. Genetic modification can be fully applied to adult Seelie without any restriction for neural damage from error-checking mechanisms by targeting stem cell reserves instead of only the error-correction system. With these comes an entirely new generation of engineering proposals as design children and neural modifications can now be consented to and slowly implemented. (New 45 AE)

Lirrir Biology: The vast gulf between the Lirrir and Seelie biologically was thought to be vast but the current understanding has brought them into stark contrast. The Lirrir genome is a confusing inter-linked mess with thousands of sequences that lead nowhere and coding areas distributed over every end of the genome. It is currently believed that the Seelie are an abandoned colony of one of a species that invested far more deeply into genetic engineering. This has stumped modern science for developing new genetic engineering packages, but it has also enabled several proteins to be considered low-hanging fruit. (New 45 AE)
Materials Science
High Entropy Alloys: The alien craft's armor is still beyond us but the majority of its frame is made of near-monolithic high entropy alloys. These manage to exceed domestic ones significantly in durability with a more heterogeneous matrix allowing for their formation without advanced sintering technologies. If using them with high diffraction matrices and heat treatments they offer unparalleled durability from a mixed frame matrix along with significantly improved bulk properties that nearly reach the film-properties of the last generation. Theoretical high-strength alloys still depend on scandium but some can be substituted for Yttrium with only moderate compromises in strength. Primary gains are still in light rather than heavy materials but at this point, conventional steels are being displaced in favor of more advanced amorphous lattice alloy mixes. (New 45 AE) (Alien Derived)

High-Density Electroactive Polymers: Manufacturing of specialized polymers that are significantly excited through electrical currents has been core to the operation of Sallie power armor systems. Relatively low electrical requirements for the strong movement in a single axis can be achieved with a synthetic fiber along with a degree of voltage-gated precise control well over previous generations of hydraulics. Viable powered armor can now be made along with several more theoretical if impractical proposals for specialized climates. (Material Sciences) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

Hardened Diamondoids: High-density diamondoids with an expanded crystalline structure can be produced without excessive difficulty. They need orbital manufacturing and a slower process of crystal growth and pressure during production, but they can be produced as bulk material. Shaping poses an active problem with only the simplest of shapes being able to be made, but they still represent a massive leap in maximum hardness. Whatever techniques the aliens use to work their diamondoids into shape is practically entirely unavailable but something approximating a monolithic plate can still be produced in orbit. (New 45AE) (Alien Derived)

Dopant-Ordered HTSC: Using a series of innovations in lithography machinery along with developments in molecular ordering from high-quality print heads the alien superconducting material can be directly reverse-engineered. This allows for the production of new high-temperature superconducting material that is capable of functioning at 350 K without significant degradation. Mild imperfections in the lithographic process limit performance at temperatures above 200K, but a near-negligible resistance with minor cooling is practically insignificant through multi-channel designs. Materials are too sensitive to use for railguns or any physical application, but they represent a total revolution in wiring, superconductivity, and every aspect of energy transmission. (New 45AE)

Flexible Diamondoid Composites: Ceramic-diamondoid composites are a regular part of alien aerospace systems and with help from online databases they can be produced as a unified composite. This provides nearly the durability of more conventional diamondoids but by layering them in sheets around typical materials the overall product can be shaped into several exotic shapes. Some elements of alien terrestrial armor use the technique but it is limited due to their issues in low-density HEA shaping. Flexible dual process or intermittent printing use is viable and can provide a lower cost basis for several diamondoid-exclusive applications. (Material Science) (New 46 AE)

Nanoparticle Enhanced Phase Change Materials: Chemical thermal storage that can absorb a vast amount of heat has been trialed in several applications but through the introduction of diamondoid nanoparticles, it can be made as a hyperconductive substrate. Alien laser weapons use them as a viable thermal store that is then cooled down and freely cycled as a semi-liquid composite achieving significantly greater immediate cooling effect for short pulses. Applications are primarily for military purposes, offering a fast way to cool a weapon system with high transferability and in-material storage with minimal phase change. (Heat Management) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

High Entropy Ceramics: Techniques previously applied to HEA can be applied to the production of novel ceramic matrixes with a significant improvement in durability and thermal properties. These novel ceramics are far more expensive to produce and cannot be printed from feedstocks but represent far improved high-end thermal properties relative to conventional ceramics. The disruption to the lattice improves the ability to resist thermal stress and can be economically produced in the form of monolithic plates. (Material Science) (New 46 AE)
Autonomous Drone Warfare: New theories of automation have not failed to reach the battlefield with concepts around a general increase in semi-automatic and automatic combat platforms favored. ECCM has only improved over time with many asking why it is necessary to risk Seelie's life in warfare when a single soldier can manage a dozen autonomous platforms. Development of doctrinal and technical concepts will involve committed testing of new platforms and new procurement goals limiting what can be done, but several visionary manuals have been written on the topic. (30 AE)

Trans-Interface Warfare: The Alien manuals on the conducting of warfare across interfaces have focused on the utility of fast attack craft for mixed military policing actions and the use of dedicated exo-atmospheric FAC to defend planets. Most of the doctrine centers around how to conduct attacks on terrestrial targets and minimize insertion fire, something notably that many of the forces did not follow in the battles of Curach. Still, domestic work has started on a cohesive approach, favoring multirole craft and one thousand-ton sub-warships for close planetary defense. (New 45 AE) (Alien Derived)
Missiles/Small Craft
Fission Drive Miniaturization: Technical work towards miniaturizing a liquid core fission drive has been possible if consistently problematic. Ensuring that effectively spinning fission fuel can have enough room for operation and adequate separation from the propellant is still a major technical challenge. Theoretical work towards slightly lowering temperatures and increasing mass flow while accepting emissions has been pushed forward but even that is theoretical. Effective launch profiles for rockets less than fifty tons can be made even if current costs make it prohibitive for anything disposable.
Orbital Industry
Early Spaceship ISRU: Procedures for the in-space refinement of metals have rapidly been developed to further exportation and increase yields. Next-generation mining techniques in the form of total asteroid capture followed by pulverization and liquefaction under mild centrifugal forces have yielded significant gains in refinement and on-site processing. The next generation of mining ships is expected to entirely incorporate new methods, effectively breaking off chunks of asteroids before capturing them and refining them internally. Water off-gas can be directly utilized for propulsion and life support while more solid elements are left for further refinement, allowing lighter nuclear drives to easily provide sufficient transit reserve.

Diamondoid Production(Early): The operational manual for VTOL operation has a guide for the treatment and annealing of the plating across the craft with several lessons on local manufacturing directly derived from it. Current techniques for the production of diamondoids have been radically refined with the few lessons that could be gleaned from the manual with large flexible sheets now producible under zero gravity. Growth of crystal in a gravity well remains a challenging possibility, but small-scale examples have been demonstrated. This is nowhere near an equivalent for even the skin of the VTOL craft but represents an important step in armor composition.

Graphene Sheet Weaving: The production of microscale carbon structures has posed a significant challenge in gravity and the production of thin flexible sheets that can be disrupted by minute loads will be impossible in gravity. Orbital production of the material has been prototyped and designed with terrestrial examples achieving low yields with little results. The material is flexible thanks to the inter-layered polymer effectively allowing it to be used as an ultra-high strength backer, but it cannot be printed and would greatly increase costs. Several applications have been designed but the material itself is impossible to produce in bulk under current circumstances. (New 45AE) (Alien Derived)
Production Methods
Advanced Additive Manufacturing: The largest gains in additive manufacturing techniques have not come from the methodologies themselves but from the materials fed into them and their integration into general industries. The manufacturing of specific specialty parts and the ability to rapidly prototype has remained from previous generations of manufacturing, what has changed however has been improvements in feedstock and deposition methods. Utilization of mixed powders has been a near-universal factor with finer grinding and materials that maintain hardness with a minimum degree of hardening prioritized. Using mixed powder high entropy alloy parts can be made to a higher standard than possible with other methods, integrating techniques as mainstream manufacturing methods on a previously unheard-of scale.

Biological-Epoxies: Complete production chains for biosynthetic epoxies and resins have been developed with only some requirements remaining for molding. The material is not as cheap as conventional regenerative cement construction but it is better insulating and far more portable for logistically challenging areas. Molding is still necessary making the process not truly automated but some proponents of prefabricated resin paneling made in a factory as a light alternative to prefabricated panels especially for external insulation applications. (35 AE)

Macro-Structural Polymers: Biological mechanisms for twisting the exact localization of structures along with the pre-production of dead tissue have long been coded for. Taking advantage of the more primitive systems left to us by nature most trees can be brought to productive ends. The production of ultrahard wooden items competitive with some lighter plastics can be made without too much issue. Better yet ultrahard microstructures can be built into them allowing materials to be grown that significantly outperform their contemporaries on a similar weight allotment. The use cases for such ultralight materials are limited by their flammability and the limits of biological systems but they still offer a useful capability. (40 AE)

Micron Manipulation: Automating the manufacture of high-precision systems has been done as a directly derived process from alien techniques. Theirs are orders of magnitude more flexible and more importantly miniturizable to the micro-scale, but large surfaces with micro-manipulators can now be made. Combined with automated electronic systems these can serve to replace all high-precision work to any reasonable standard a Seelie can accomplish. Further, the use of automatic surfaces in their nanomachines has shown the concept to be viable. Current work will continue on more advanced printing developments, with the holy grail in a truly self-replicating printing system. (New 44 AE)

Metallic Hydrogen Laboratory Production: Testing of compression-based production of metallic hydrogen has allowed it to be made in small amounts in the laboratory. This proves several theories but does not bring the technology any closer to achieving any form of large-scale production. It is known that the Sallies achieve it through the use of a hybrid confinement pinch but this is not practical with current techniques. Direct compression methods are if anything a dead end with little practical result expected from them. (Production Techniques) (New 46 AE)

High Volume CNT Production: Derivations from alien techniques along with engineered biological organisms have allowed the full-scale production and joining of long-strand CNT. These organisms are direct work from the starch program, allowing for carbon nanotubes of arbitrary size and density to be constructed by growing them out. This allows for terrestrial production at a large scale and makes the material viable for several specialized tasks without excessive cost. The aliens use a similar technique for production, though with lower yields than what would otherwise be expected. (Production Methods) (New 46 AE) (Alien Derived)

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