Ad Astra ex Lutum

Would think there is a second hand spaceship market that could have some interesting stuff, or at the least a ship that we can use to help out the owls better.
It's more that the Seelie definition of "treason" is um...literally anyone who worked for the collaborator government getting shot. Worked for being broadly defined as anyone who fulfilled a useful function that benefitted the state, however vaguely or loosely, including just schoolteachers and sanitation workers.

I think estimates were that we would have executed something like a million or so people on Curach if we'd won militarily. The CLP commander instead insisted on letting the majority of the rank and file go and lifelong prison sentences for the leadership. Which was partially done to convince the collaborator government to stand down without a fight, since they know what treatment they can expect from the Seelie government normally.
YIKES. OK I'll have to hand it to the Coalition of Liberated Planets in this case to stop us from treating their collabs like we are the mongols putting down rebels. First sign of how our cultural trauma will scare the shit out of the rest of the galaxy huh.
YIKES. OK I'll have to hand it to the Coalition of Liberated Planets in this case to stop us from treating their collabs like we are the mongols putting down rebels. First sign of how our cultural trauma will scare the shit out of the rest of the galaxy huh.

Admittedly that was also from the time Ricky was freaking the fuck out. Right now he's much more chill, hence why he's only mildly annoyed about not getting to shoot the leadership and doesnt bat an eye about most everyone else who previously was on the 'shoot' list.
Can imagine that they won't be treated any better though, getting solitary confinement vibes from the way Ricky said it.
They are a bunch of immortals shoved into what is described as a "compound" for the rest of their lives or until society changes enough to no longer care they are alive. As Ricky noted, this is almost more cruel than killing them.
Simon it feels you are being a little bit doomy about our tech situation our guys don't have the best but it's fucking a lot better than Japan had it is not a comparison that works at all for our guys.
Japan actually came out doing great. They were not conquered by foreigners, and they were able to build up an industrialized military that was amply capable of defending themselves against the European powers.

The only really bad outcomes for them came about as a direct result of their political system voluntarily taking a fascist turn and starting to chainsaw the neighbors, then getting into fights they couldn't possibly win. But that wasn't a necessary or inevitable outcome of their modernization in the 1800s.

Japan is THE definitive example of a success story in the world we know, for a nation that started out with a technological and development disadvantage and managed to gain the benefits of modern technology without being conquered or subjugated by foreign powers. I very sincerely hope we do as well as Japan- because if we do, at least all our troubles will be ones of our own choosing, which is the best anyone can really hope for in this world.

It's probably gone to buy some military equipment both for scavenging more tech dice from it and also so we can design our next generation of vehicles against it. Otherwise we should use the forex for the most noble goal of all:

Taking advantage of our complete infiltration of the clps comms to do hella fukken insider trading with the goal of buying them out and making the executives watch as we dismantle it
The bad news is that once the CLP military expedition leaves, we probably won't be able to keep reading their mail indefinitely. Sooner or later, they'll update their encryption when we don't have immediate access to a computer on which someone is stupid enough to discuss the new encryption using the old encryption we've penetrated.
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Well it's not like we will forget how easy it was and not go close to one of there places to see if we can't ease drop yet again?
Unfortunately for us with the Japan analogy, the number one threat we now face are our own fascists who have just been vindicated in all their rhetoric.
Unfortunately for us with the Japan analogy, the number one threat we now face are our own fascists who have just been vindicated in all their rhetoric.
I mean we expended quite a few in suicide attacks along with drumming up support for anti-fascist legislation because no one likes the guys triggering car bombs in the post-war restructuring. If our intelligence section can stop stepping on rakes for ten minutes I am confident we can kick the fascist movement in the neck.
Unfortunately for us with the Japan analogy, the number one threat we now face are our own fascists who have just been vindicated in all their rhetoric.
A lot of people are going to see them as nothing more as terrorists with the nuclear shell they used for a assassination of a health minister of all things, also our soldiers did mostly handle themselves well and with the only person actually fixing the economy has been Ricky the blunt boatman.
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Vote called for
[X]Sign the Treaty

Rolling politics
Blackstar threw 8 100-faced dice. Reason: Politics Total: 318
85 85 28 28 41 41 42 42 14 14 64 64 21 21 23 23
The only really bad outcomes for them came about as a direct result of their political system voluntarily taking a fascist turn and starting to chainsaw the neighbors, then getting into fights they couldn't possibly win. But that wasn't a necessary or inevitable outcome of their modernization in the 1800s.
Eh..It was pretty much already doomed and in many ways was outright already a proto-fascist state already. When Japan adopted a cabinet system of government in the mid 1880's, the offices of Navy Minister and Army Minister were made part of it...but was directly written almost certainly on purpose to be answerable only to the Emperor. Almost from the start, Japan would have a de facto policy of only appointing active-duty officers to both positions. They made it de jure in 1900. Oh, and both branches could refuse to let an officer take a political office...which was to say that from 1900 until 1913 when the law in question was repealed, the IJN and IJA had de facto de jure veto power over forming a cabinet. Expect it was even worse than that as while the diet could set laws determining who was valid to be appointed as Navy or Army was the Emperor while advised by the privy council who got to appoint them. And the Emperors even after this point would continue to only appoint active duty officers. Which meant that the IJN and IJA could veto any prime minister they didn't like. And throughout all of this, they were pushing propaganda to strengthen the armed forces heavily. Like....straight up, by 1890, I honestly think Japan is basically the Beta test version of Fascism. For those wondering, Mussolini was only born in 1883 and would have been a little brat at the time.
WP: 85
PDL: 28
PPM: 41
GP: 42
PPP: 14
Ind: 64
BFP: 21
PSC: 23
So either the fascists threw a giant fit or the fascists took a giant trip. Lets hope its a trip.
The key thing to remember is that the elves are lunatics. It's why we love 'em, but it's always important to keep a bit of objectivity separate from their perspective.

Blackstar is, if not the reigning queen of unreliable narrator quests on SV, at least a duchess or something.
Can never remember what partys each of those things go too.

Abbreviation - Color/Official Name - Platform in brief

WP - Reds aka Worker's Party - Solve the social crisis by using automation tech to do a post-scarcity and if all the immortal old monied interests with centuries of accumulated clout don't like it too bad

PDL - Pinks aka Party of Democratic Labor - Less radical socdems, solve the social crisis through reforms and welfare but not as extreme as WP's "fuck it just make everything free"

PPM - Whites aka Party of Popular Mobilization - STEMlords/technology will solve all problems if we just push it harder, got into hot water pre-war for suggesting mandatory eugenics and then suggesting that we surrender to the aliens to get sweet tech rewards.

GP - Greens aka Green Party - Pretty standard Greens, support decarbonization and ecological restoration efforts.

PPP - Purples aka People's Progressive Party - Conservative big tent full of old money, also lots of corruption/Ros's personal empire

IND - Blues aka Independents - Not a party, just random individuals who ran as independents and actually won a seat, ideologies too broad to classify just know that they're all fucking weirdoes who were too weird to get on a major party list for one reason or another.

BFP - Blacks aka Broad Front Party - Veterans' party, tends to be a natural ally of the military of course but it's not actually the "support the military all the time no questions asked" party, sometimes the vets have ideas we disagree with even if they're easy allies

PSC - Browns aka Party of Social Convergence - Fascists, enjoy fascist things like being racist and nuking hospitals. Probably gonna have to shoot these guys on account of doing too much fascism in the near to medium term future.
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Socialists and fascists actually - these rolls modify how well they did but aren't the only factor.
Also yeah important to remember this as well, the dice rolls are a modifier for how well that party campaigned this election cycle but it's not a 1:1 translation into how many seats each party won. There's more hidden numbers in the background based on social conditions that modify it, so yeah as an example despite rolling pretty badly the PSC is apparently going to be the second-largest party in Parliament because the triple stacked social crisis + alien invasion + the colonials they've been fearmongering against for 50 years starting a collaboration government with the aliens has given them a massive boost to their baseline. So even with a poorly run campaign they're still a major party, if they'd rolled high for campaigning they could have been THE largest party.