Ad Astra ex Lutum

[X] Sign the Treaty

There is their transport ship resting under the waves off the Kurac island. IIRC it is not in one piece and it's unknown how much knowledge could be squeezed out of it, if any, but then again - it is not likely that an alien spaceship defeated by OFAC would be in a better shape.
Also, I kind of doubt that the aliens are going to be that enthusiastic about negotiating salvage rights. That wreck will probably still be there whether we sign the treaty or not.
Regrettably, we've already rolled for the spaceship and failed to get anything. In this post, Blackstar threw 10d100 to extract techs from "Alien Ship/Bio(DC75)", with only one roll succeeding, and even then that was a Sallie biology tech, not a ship tech, as denoted by the "Bio Triplet" label on the tech roll (and to add insult to injury, we rolled a 20 on applicability, which resulted in the tech being ignored due to wartime stress [1]). Presumably the combined stresses of getting nuked and falling into the ocean from orbit damaged the ship sufficiently that we were unable to learn anything from examining it.

[1] See below:
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In the long term, access to galactic markets and databases will be far more valuable to our research than salvage. Much easier to simply buy the information we need, or even see if any alien scientists are interested in lecturing at some of our universities.

[X] Sign the Treaty
Kiriuq has enough people to farm another couple Senators, but I think the value of just +2 pet Senators is insufficient to be worth conquering a whole planet for a company as large and established as the CLP which already controls hundreds-to-thousands of pet Senators. There has to be something else going for the planet to turn a profit since the marginal value of 2 Senators isn't enough to this corporation. Some young money getter or wannabe god-king might still think that knocking over a random Lirrir world is worth it though, so we must be ever vigilant in our protection of the blorbos.
Alright so, to start writing things, especially as you are almost certain to sign the treaty at this point, not going to call the vote yet, just going to roll the pile of reverse engineering for the next year along with the technical department that's being done in the background/end of the war. (this is not a vote call, but I'll be surprised if the vote suddenly flips) This is going to be a lot lot lot of tech rolls, rolling in sets of 12 for reverse engineering organically without tech transfer to see what you get but holy shit is it a lot.

alien body armor(improved) 3 dice
alien laser rifle 3 dice
alien fusion reactor 3 dice
alien metalic hydrogen plant 3 dice

alien VTOL 10 dice
alien crashed ship 2 dice

alien IFV 8 dice
sallie textbooks 4 dice

alien tank 10 dice
alien internet 14 dice
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech 1(DC 60) Total: 574
56 56 37 37 75 75 83 83 3 3 11 11 79 79 63 63 20 20 87 87 15 15 45 45
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech 2(DC 60) Total: 472
65 65 64 64 83 83 32 32 31 31 19 19 21 21 1 1 56 56 60 60 7 7 33 33
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech 3(DC 60) Total: 569
32 32 9 9 72 72 75 75 44 44 38 38 64 64 34 34 100 100 54 54 27 27 20 20
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech 4(DC 60) Total: 611
38 38 36 36 60 60 41 41 83 83 48 48 36 36 47 47 83 83 35 35 73 73 31 31
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech 5(DC 60) Total: 453
4 4 43 43 26 26 73 73 9 9 67 67 12 12 56 56 12 12 74 74 56 56 21 21
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Techs Follow-ons Total: 718
94 94 92 92 98 98 58 58 57 57 18 18 8 8 46 46 74 74 50 50 40 40 83 83
Blackstar threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Catagory Re-roll Total: 327
98 98 76 76 57 57 10 10 3 3 83 83
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Triplets 2 Total: 618
17 17 11 11 27 27 34 34 64 64 81 81 53 53 72 72 95 95 55 55 99 99 10 10
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Triplets 3 Total: 809
81 81 93 93 89 89 77 77 33 33 97 97 62 62 100 100 41 41 88 88 42 42 6 6
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Triplets 4 Total: 517
29 29 76 76 48 48 34 34 19 19 14 14 47 47 86 86 40 40 46 46 17 17 61 61
Blackstar threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Triplets 5 Total: 483
81 81 2 2 59 59 25 25 99 99 6 6 66 66 56 56 27 27 52 52 9 9 1 1
Blackstar threw 9 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Triplets 6 Total: 409
50 50 52 52 40 40 3 3 80 80 2 2 25 25 87 87 70 70
In terms of successful rolls (what the re-rolls applied to acquired from Discord.) Strikethroughs indicate ones with too low Applicability:
First Row
1 Body Armor (94, 92, 98)
1 Laser Rifle (58, 57, 18)
2 Fusion Reactor (8, 46, 74) (50, 98, 83)
1 Metallic Hydrogen Plant (17, 76, 27)
Second Row
4 VTOL (34, 3, 81) (53, 72, 95) (55, 99, 10) (81, 93, 89)
Third Row
3 IFV (77, 33, 97) (62, 100, 41) (88, 42, 6)
1 Textbook (29, 76, 48)
Fourth/Fifth Rows
3 Tank (34, 19, 14) (47, 86, 40) (46, 83, 61)
4 Internet (81, 2, 59) (25, 99, 6) (66, 56, 27) (52, 9, 1)
Conventional Tech Rolls
(50, 52, 40) (3, 80, 2) (25, 87, 70)
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While it's sad to see 7 inapplicables, let's look on the bright side: half our techs have high to extremely high applicability (70+).
