Ad Astra ex Lutum

The spaceship mercenaries do not want to slowly die of radiation poisoning which we have shown we will gladly give them.

I distinctly rember that one of the three reaming frigates rampaging around our system shooting abandoned orbital infrastructure out of pure spite. If anyone is going to respond to a peace treaty is a saturation bombardment. It would be them.
I distinctly rember that one of the three reaming frigates rampaging around our system shooting abandoned orbital infrastructure out of pure spite. If anyone is going to respond to a peace treaty is a saturation bombardment. It would be them.
That wasn't the frigate crew IIRC, that was the corporates on the Yacht wanting payback for us costing them an expensive Frigate.
They likely also used up more money blowing up the stuff then we used in building it because most of the space infrastructure was made by teenagers we took off the street so they would stop having political fights.
We've pretty much maxed out what we can gain from this war in terms of captured enemy tech,
There's the possibility of seizing space techs from their ships and stations once the OFACs launch and fry some Sallie ships, but it's slim because all those X-rays would probably wreck anything of value. Rejecting the treaty to do so would likely be vastly more costly than just buying the techs off the market to which the treaty will allow access.

EDIT: Moratorium's over,

[X]Sign the Treaty
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There's the possibility of seizing space techs from their ships

There is their transport ship resting under the waves off the Kurac island. IIRC it is not in one piece and it's unknown how much knowledge could be squeezed out of it, if any, but then again - it is not likely that an alien spaceship defeated by OFAC would be in a better shape.
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The ability to well, access the interstellar community without being total pariahs and our main industrial belt devastated from fighting is definitely more valuable than whatever scraps of technology we get in combat with the CLP.

We've had some good luck, but most of what they are fielding is just outdated military equipment, there is just not much we can get out of it tbh. Capturing one of their ships is a pipe dream as well.

The peace treaty will allow us to reconstruct mostly unbothered, and reach out for the stars. We can send our tens of thousands of PhD holders to foreign universities, hire Sallie technical experts, import machinery, license technology and all that good stuff much sooner and more easily than if we continue the war.

Furthermore, it is worth noting we have access to their corporate communications. We can probably set up listening posts to spy on them, and have a pretty good picture on CLP office politics and make sure we are on top of whatever they try to pull.
Do we have any indication that the guys invading us know the owls exist, and if we think they do, can we carve out a "and leave the owls the hell alone" clause in our peace treaty? Because no way in hell are we signing a peace treaty with them only for them to just cart literally this same expeditionary force over to Owl Planet and try and conquer them.
I know Blackstar has answered this, but expanding on it, remember that Kuriuq is a pretty shitty world. There are no precursor artifacts there to make a profit on, their world was hit by a rock, has no hydrocarbons and is barely industrialized (like 50% of their population is peasant farmers). Worlds like it are a dime a dozen, and don't have much value unless you want to unproductively play God-King, and even then there are much easier targets.
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[X] Do not Sign the Treaty:

Richie should maintain control. There are more social techs we can get out of him I bet...
Immediately begin reconstruction well before main industrial areas see fighting
Immediate point of contact with a wealthier, more technologically advanced power thus allowing us to play catch up without having to steal everything
Terms are basically the bare minimum not to be a surrender, the payment is below our notice and the favored trading status is easy enough to work around without affecting our ability to trade with our precious owls, and we get a nice bit of FOREX to start requiring tech samples.
Faster return to space, thus preventing this from becoming like the prequel

fascist are an issue, but they'd be an issue regardless
Could get better terms by crushing the 3rd wave
Probably won't have the juice to start being space north korea and leading a peoples war against the $$overienty
No more company a fights in discord

Yeah as fun as company a was I'm gonna have to vote
[X]Sign the Treaty
[X]Sign the Treaty

The spaceship mercenaries do not want to slowly die of radiation poisoning which we have shown we will gladly give them.
I'm pretty sure that the aliens have answers to the radiation poisoning issue that these particular frigates did not have.

It's not like bomb-pumped lasers and high energy particle beams are a truly outside context problem for them, I'm sure. I'm pretty sure the bozos who invaded us just cheaped out and bought the frigates that weren't designed to laugh that kind of shit off, because they weren't expecting us to be this well equipped or this nuke-happy and ready to defend ourselves something like 80-90 years after we'd practically wiped ourselves out fighting a nuclear war.

Why do you think their starting propaganda was so tone-deaf? They didn't know what they were getting into. That doesn't mean they technologically couldn't have prepared for it, given sufficient resources and assuming they knew.

There is their transport ship resting under the waves off the Kurac island. IIRC it is not in one piece and it's unknown how much knowledge could be squeezed out of it, if any, but then again - it is not likely that an alien spaceship defeated by OFAC would be in a better shape.
Also, I kind of doubt that the aliens are going to be that enthusiastic about negotiating salvage rights. That wreck will probably still be there whether we sign the treaty or not.

I know Blackstar has answered this, but expanding on it, remember that Kuriuq is a pretty shitty world. There are no precursor artifacts there to make a profit on, their world was hit by a rock, has no hydrocarbons and is barely industrialized (like 50% of their population is peasant farmers). Worlds like it are a dime a dozen, and don't have much value unless you want to unproductively play God-King, and even then there are much easier targets.
Well, my understanding is that the Salamanders, specifically, or at least this bunch of them, have a political structure that strongly incentivizes private interest groups to go invade vaguely habitable plants, conquer a chunk of them, smash up the local governments, and found a settler colony so they can then control the "senators" or whatever from that planet.

So Kuriuq might be valuable to them purely as a place to found a settler colony, for all I knew/know. Even if it's just not profitable.