A Villain In A World Of Heroes

[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
[X] Wear the Chainmail
[X] Continue wandering
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[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
-[X] Put another animal into the pool if you can find one before reaching it, to make sure that it isn't acidic or cursed or something.
[X] Continue wandering

This is the Trial of Blood. It would be unsettling if we came back clean.

Also, that pond is BS and we shouldn't go near it.
[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] test the water to make sure it's safe
[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] Test the water to make sure it's safe
--[X] Use the pool as a mirror and inspect yourself for changes
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But is it BS if we end up facing a fish monster? I wanna know what happens when we eat it's heart. Control over water? Ability to swim better or breathe better/more stamina?
No, more like the 'Continue to drink until you drown yourself' or 'drink me and have magic assholes pull you under' kind of BS. It already has been noted to make us want to drink it.
. It is filled with crystal clear water, that looks very refreshing and you have the urge to drink.
You struggle to lift pebbles, what makes you think you can even come close to lifting yourself?

We can't lift ourself, I know this, but we could fail less badly.

Also, Vote changed because I just remembered something.

[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] test the water to make sure it's safe
--[X] Use the pool as a mirror and inspect yourself for changes
[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] Test the water to make sure it's safe
--[X] Use the pool as a mirror and inspect yourself for changes
[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] Test the water to make sure it's safe
--[X] Use the pool as a mirror and inspect yourself for changes

Judging by the way the vote going, I will probably pick your appearance soon, so this MAY be your last chance to voice your opinions. Remember, this is not a vote and you are free to suggest your own pictures.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
No. of votes: 2
solodark28, veekie

[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
[X] Wear the Chainmail
[X] Continue wandering
No. of votes: 1

[X] Continue wandering
No. of votes: 5
Arkatekt, devo342, ellipsis, Vanestus, Murderhobo of Nod

[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] test the water to make sure it's safe
No. of votes: 1

[X] Clean yourself
-[X] At the pond you found the unicorn
--[X] Test the water to make sure it's safe
--[X] Use the pool as a mirror and inspect yourself for changes
No. of votes: 4
Bondo, chocolote12, Hyp3rB14d3, lavanderjasmine
Looks like we are cleaning up at the pond.