A Villain In A World Of Heroes

This is another bit where a base plan would be useful, but the current vote line tells us nothing in the tally.
Ah, sorry. I was not aware that you could vote on base plans. I thought that the rally was set up to ignore anything before/after (I can't remember which) them as well.

And now I see where it came from. Suggestion is clumsy, since you can't rely on the tally to give you complete and correct info.
So, how would you suggest it should be formatted? Maybe with an example?
So, how would you suggest it should be formatted? Maybe with an example?
If you want to keep it so you can just vote by name, I'd rewrite BBBence's as something like:

[X] Base Plan Travel Purchase Plan
-[X] Crossbow & bolts/ Bow & Arrows if unavailable
-[X] Quiver for bolts/arrows
-[X] A horse
-[X] A map
-[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
-[X] Sell Leather Vest
-[X] Make pelt into a cloak

You can then vote for it like:

[X] Travel Purchase Plan

And it would show up in the tally with all of the above items included.

The tally would then look like:
Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 122 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.26

[X] Crossbow & bolts/ Bow & Arrows if unavailable
[X] Quiver for bolts/arrows
[X] A horse
[X] A map
[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell Leather Vest
[X] Make pelt into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Travel Purchase Plan


Total No. of Voters: 1

(quoted so that the base plan remains as something people can vote on)
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Additional note: When partitioning by block (assuming you do so so that you can decide on which 'packages' won), the above base plan always remains as an entire block unto itself.
Trying something more elaborate, here.

[X] Base Plan: Survival Education
-[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical knowledge. You may pick three mundane options and two magical ones.
--[X] Mundane:
---[X] Tracking
---[X] Wilderness Survival
---[X] Hunting
--[X] Magical
---[X] Magical Creatures
---[X] Ice magic

[X] Base Plan: Travel Purchases
-[X] Buy:
--[X] A map
--[X] Supplies for the trip
--[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
--[X] A horse
--[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
-[X] Sell:
--[X] Shoddy Chainmail
--[X] Leather Vest
-[X] Wolf Pelt:
--[X] Make into leather armour

Note: I could finish it up like this:
[X] Base Plan: Basic Training
-[X] Git Strong, Scrub.

[X] Base Plan: Tunnel Time
-[X] Tunnel Time! Before you go, finish exploring those tunnels for da loots to satisfy your enlighted curiosity.

[X] Base Plan: Survival and Travel Prep Packages
-[X] Plan: Survival Education
-[X] Plan: Travel Purchases
-[X] Plan: Basic Training
-[X] Plan: Tunnel Time

My vote:
[X] Survival and Travel Prep Packages
Which is what the initial tally directly below this post used.

But I'll go with this instead:

My vote:
[X] Plan: Survival Education
[X] Plan: Travel Purchases
[X] Git Strong, Scrub.
[X] Tunnel Time!

Testing this vote to make sure it behaves like I think it will.
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OK, that works. This is the tally results of the above post, partitioned by block:

Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 122 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.26

[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical knowledge. You may pick three mundane options and two magical ones.
-[X] Mundane:
--[X] Tracking
--[X] Wilderness Survival
--[X] Hunting
-[X] Magical
--[X] Magical Creatures
--[X] Ice magic
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Survival Education
Plan: ◈Survival and Travel Prep Packages


[X] Buy:
-[X] Crossbow & bolts
-[X] Quiver for Bolts
-[X] A map
-[X] Supplies for the trip
-[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
-[X] A horse
-[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell:
-[X] Shoddy Chainmail
-[X] Leather Vest
[X] Wolf Pelt:
-[X] Make into leather armour
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Travel Purchases
Plan: ◈Survival and Travel Prep Packages


[X] Git Strong, Scrub.
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Basic Training
Plan: ◈Survival and Travel Prep Packages


[X] Tunnel Time! Before you go, finish exploring those tunnels for da loots to satisfy your enlighted curiosity.
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Tunnel Time
Plan: ◈Survival and Travel Prep Packages


Total No. of Voters: 1
And the shortened form, that doesn't try to make a base plan composed of other base plans, doesn't need to create one-line base plans for the last two package items.

It results in this tally:

Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 122 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.26

[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical knowledge. You may pick three mundane options and two magical ones.
-[X] Mundane:
--[X] Tracking
--[X] Wilderness Survival
--[X] Hunting
-[X] Magical
--[X] Magical Creatures
--[X] Ice magic
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Survival Education


[X] Buy:
-[X] Crossbow & bolts
-[X] Quiver for Bolts
-[X] A map
-[X] Supplies for the trip
-[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
-[X] A horse
-[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell:
-[X] Shoddy Chainmail
-[X] Leather Vest
[X] Wolf Pelt:
-[X] Make into leather armour
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Travel Purchases


[X] Git Strong, Scrub.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Tunnel Time!
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 1
Well, I am happy it worked.

Not sure if the voters want to modify their votes to be base plans, and then vote for said plans, though.
A Horse is not something we would have, people would think we stole it/jack up their prices for the rich girl.
We wouldn't have the horse for long in any case. (stolen, eaten by wolves, sold at a fraction of the price we paid)
It would get us noticed, because the common folk don't tend to ride horses.

(And the fact that it alone would be a large portion of all the money we have would make it risky even IF we didn't have the previously mentioned potential problems)
At this stage, a horse is likely a waste of money.
So crossbow ruling.

Cost: 7 gold
Description: Two Handed Crossbow
Think this:

Comes with bolts.

Why does it cost so much? A few reasons. 1. It is a curiousity, and is expected to be sold to some idiot noble. Thus, price inflation. 2. It is foreign, thus it had to be taken all the way here, thus, it costs more. 3. There simply are not any crossbows around. The purpose of crossbows was to equip large armies with minimal training. That doesn't really apply to you. The only "army" the city has is the town guard, who mostly use swords anyways. The only people who consistently who use ranged projectiles that aren't magic are hunters, who either can't afford a crossbow, have already been trained in a bow, which is superior, or both.

Also, you can't replace the bolts, because no one around here makes them.
That really depends on the scale of crossbow, a heavier one would probably hit pretty hard.
and there is a fairly big difference between a long bow and a hunting bow,
Stop arguing in favor of the crossbow as a good weapon/tool.
Reasons it is 100 Quest years too soon for it to be good:
1. It is a curiosity, and is expected to be sold to some idiot noble/(is more noticeable). 2. It is foreign, thus it had to be taken all the way here, thus, it costs more/(is more noticeable.) 3. There simply are not any crossbows around/(so is more noticeable.) The purpose of crossbows was to equip large armies with minimal training. That doesn't really apply to you. The only "army" the city has is the town guard, who mostly use swords anyways. The only people who consistently who use ranged projectiles that aren't magic are hunters, who either can't afford a crossbow, have already been trained in a bow, which is superior, or both.

So a crossbow is 1. A sign of someone with more money than sense 2. Rare and noteworthy 3. Incredibly Obvious, and Bringing up the final (and biggest point) 4:

Also, you can't replace the bolts, because no one around here makes them.
Added bits in for emphasis.

This isn't Skyrim where NPC'S are stupid as hell and you can go years without sleep/food/etc,

This is the Magical Middle Ages.
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I changed my vote a bit, in case anyone cares.

[] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical knowledge. You may pick 3 mundane options and two magical ones.
-[] Tracking
-[] Wilderness Survival
-[] Hunting
-[] Magical Creatures
-[] Ice magic

[] Git Strong, Scrub. Okay, you are already pretty strong, but you don't know how to leverage that strength in combat. Practice your sword skills, and get used to your new physical capabilities.

[] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[] Finance Plan Ark
Short Bow & Arrows
Quiver for Arrows
A map
Supplies for the trip
If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
A Pack Mule
Shoddy Chainmail
Leather Vest
-[] Make into leather armour

[] Tunnel Time! Before you go, finish exploring those tunnels for da loots to satisfy your enlighted curiosity.

Specific changes were: horse and saddle were removed and replaced with a pack mule. Crossbow and bolts changed to Short Bow and Arrows.

aside: Should I just change my vote align with base plan voting, or leave it as is?
This doesn't actually do anything. If someone wants to vote for your plan, they just vote for your name. And if you're trying to make the plan itself something someone can vote for, it needs to be a Base Plan (though if you do so, I'd hope for a more descriptive plan name).

So that's how the tally program works! I've never used and I saw some people making plans with their name on top, so I just used that,

You managed to spread this vote line over multiple text lines. Only the bit up to "pretty strong," will be counted.

I didn't catch that on my phone. It likes to change the formatting of stuff that I copy-paste, and I tought I fixed it.

Is that relevant to the magic system used in this quest? If that's from some other game or system, then such an assertion is meaningless.
It was just examples from other Ice users. Notice, that i said that it'd be nice IF it was possible to learn, and that it's something we may be able to do with ice later.

Changed a few things in my plan, and now it should be like the one you made.
A note for @BBBence1111 and @Arkatekt - Voting for a plan only works after the base plan has been defined. Editing earlier posts takes some extra wrangling.

Here's the tally, after a bit of fiddling. Merging the handling of the pelt in with the purchase plans ends up diluting the votes for each of those actions, though. There are 5 votes for buying/selling stuff, but being spread out, they don't reach the top 4 packages.

Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 120 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.27

[X] Tunnel Time!
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Git Strong, Scrub.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical knowledge. You may pick three mundane options and two magical ones.
-[X] Mundane:
--[X] Tracking
--[X] Wilderness Survival
--[X] Hunting
-[X] Magical
--[X] Magical Creatures
--[X] Ice magic
No. of Votes: 5

[x] Head to Taras and apprentice to a mage
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Buy:
-[X] A map
-[X] Supplies for the trip
-[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
-[X] A horse
-[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell:
-[X] Shoddy Chainmail
-[X] Leather Vest
[X] Wolf Pelt:
-[X] Make into leather armour
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[X] Buy:
--[X] A map
--[X] Supplies for the trip
--[X] Bow & Arrows
--[X] Quiver for arrows
--[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
--[X] A horse
--[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
-[X] Sell:
--[X] Leather Vest
-[X] Wolf Pelt:
--[X] Make into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Tunnel Time! x2
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Spell Investigation
-[x] While testing note which spells might cause us 'legal' or other problems.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[X] Finance Plan G
-[X] Make into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical
-[X] Tracking
-[X] First Aid
-[X] Wilderness Survival skills
-[X] Magical Creatures
-[X] Magical Reagents
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[X] Make into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Finance Plan: The Essentials
-[X] Sell: Shoddy Chainmail, Leather Vest
-[X] Buy: Food for travel, bedroll, small tent, map, and a knife
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Spell Investigation (you can only pick this option once). You are going to test every spell that you have learned so far, including the summoning spells, except maybe the golem spell.
-[X] Summon the golem
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Crossbow & bolts/ Bow & Arrows if unavailable
[X] Quiver for bolts/arrows
[X] A horse
[X] A map
[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell Leather Vest
[X] Make pelt into a cloak
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 7
@Kinematics, that tally doesn't seem to have @Arkatekt 's changed plan, which has a different finance section.

I'm not going to try and change my plan when I only have my phone (and it's almost 0:30). It works, and I think we wouldn't get closer to anything if I changed it.

So we agreed on education, training and exploration, with almost everyone voting for these. Now everything depends on how we look at the votes on the finical plan.

If we look at every item without checking anything else:
So, most people voted to get a map and a horse, with Arkatekt voting for a mule instead. If we get one it looks like it will be a horse. I see two people voting for a (short)bow, but no mention from others so getting a bow is not a winner.

Selling the Leather Vest seems to be voted, along with selling the chainmail.
And I think cloak won!

And we can't really look by plan, because I don't think any full finical plan has more than one vote. (Well, the tally does have one, but Arkatekt's post above it says otherwise so I'm not counting that.)
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A note for @BBBence1111 and @Arkatekt - Voting for a plan only works after the base plan has been defined. Editing earlier posts takes some extra wrangling.

Here's the tally, after a bit of fiddling. Merging the handling of the pelt in with the purchase plans ends up diluting the votes for each of those actions, though. There are 5 votes for buying/selling stuff, but being spread out, they don't reach the top 4 packages.

Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 120 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.27

[X] Tunnel Time!
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Git Strong, Scrub.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical knowledge. You may pick three mundane options and two magical ones.
-[X] Mundane:
--[X] Tracking
--[X] Wilderness Survival
--[X] Hunting
-[X] Magical
--[X] Magical Creatures
--[X] Ice magic
No. of Votes: 5

[x] Head to Taras and apprentice to a mage
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Buy:
-[X] A map
-[X] Supplies for the trip
-[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
-[X] A horse
-[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell:
-[X] Shoddy Chainmail
-[X] Leather Vest
[X] Wolf Pelt:
-[X] Make into leather armour
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[X] Buy:
--[X] A map
--[X] Supplies for the trip
--[X] Bow & Arrows
--[X] Quiver for arrows
--[X] If we have enough after everything else, purchase:
--[X] A horse
--[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
-[X] Sell:
--[X] Leather Vest
-[X] Wolf Pelt:
--[X] Make into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Tunnel Time! x2
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Spell Investigation
-[x] While testing note which spells might cause us 'legal' or other problems.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[X] Finance Plan G
-[X] Make into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Educate yourself in both mundane and magical
-[X] Tracking
-[X] First Aid
-[X] Wilderness Survival skills
-[X] Magical Creatures
-[X] Magical Reagents
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Buy, Sell, and what about that pelt?
-[X] Make into a cloak
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Finance Plan: The Essentials
-[X] Sell: Shoddy Chainmail, Leather Vest
-[X] Buy: Food for travel, bedroll, small tent, map, and a knife
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Spell Investigation (you can only pick this option once). You are going to test every spell that you have learned so far, including the summoning spells, except maybe the golem spell.
-[X] Summon the golem
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Crossbow & bolts/ Bow & Arrows if unavailable
[X] Quiver for bolts/arrows
[X] A horse
[X] A map
[X] Saddle and Saddlebags
[X] Sell Leather Vest
[X] Make pelt into a cloak
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 7
Actually, the packages are counted individually. So even if everyone votes for a different buy plan, it can still make the top four
Actually, the packages are counted individually. So even if everyone votes for a different buy plan, it can still make the top four
Yeah, kinda figured it would be that way. Was speaking more from the perspective of the tally itself — it'll still take a manual review or rearrangement to group together votes to show how much support each package type had. Normally I like to be able to do that via merges and task assignments to group things together, but this one is a little more complicated, and I was a bit distracted from doing a manual arrangement.
Yeah, kinda figured it would be that way. Was speaking more from the perspective of the tally itself — it'll still take a manual review or rearrangement to group together votes to show how much support each package type had. Normally I like to be able to do that via merges and task assignments to group things together, but this one is a little more complicated, and I was a bit distracted from doing a manual arrangement.
It is okay.

Also, for the next update. Once you get to the city, the most in character thing to do is to ask about the Hero, but I don't want to take away player agency, so I am not sure. Thoughts?
It is okay.

Also, for the next update. Once you get to the city, the most in character thing to do is to ask about the Hero, but I don't want to take away player agency, so I am not sure. Thoughts?

We will have to find some place to stay, and we could just ask someone there if they know any heroes in the city.